Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1915, Image 4

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    ditorial Page of "
vuakw:s h. FlStW
-ur ana Manager
. ... "
.Mar.b 4, 1IH.V
H BMB Vft HQ IB H n la O W jV 1ft rtfl IM A. 111 Vt Otm W -
h mm m a.rabwuIiJ. -r i .
a w jt ;
Capital journal Ptg. Go., Inc
Bee. and 1 reus
niAS n. F1SIILR.
Daily by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year..
Weekly by man, per yi-ur
j When General Sherman said that "war is hell" he
j spoke a grim truth that applies not only to his own time.
The worm has been regarding uie uevasiauun uj.
and Poland as horrible in extreme, but it begins to ap-
xi... ai. 45ol ffco , Qirncratinns ilT mfi KUSSianS IS Laia xiuo
- IJCill tliat UlC UVV -
w,r '.S! sia are the worst the war has yet produced. Horror ac
Marxl.fi.-M li r.l: fnl "'right has
n bale of cotton from Dixit-( but 1m- liu
.. i .. :. i.,- .nntntion fur all
"'lear that the devastations of the Russians is East Pru - - ,
Hease. li ml if a mimuture sample or a
liiiliiil bait- ring" hi steamer is load
; ,,;r :,t tliat jirt for Hmni'. Germany..
lin.se writes tliat the X-llay I'"'
eaeli bale to forestall tlie sampling in
it of . upper for the Teutons.
Me'li'oiil .Mail I'riinit'e: The army nf
the never-.vuik will have to exoetite u
wide flank inovenient, or inalu- a veil- :
ter drive through M-lford in the future
or go to work This is the pi.liey likely
to bo u. looted at the meeting of the city
council tomorrow night, .spring is here,
an. I the annual agitation for a elcna-up
is on, so the rily fathers will let the
wanderers 'lo the i leaning up. All trail
Meats lifter :M hours will be put to
work sweeping the streets- and alley;-. ,
plffii r j I.
mm y
cumulates upon nunm . .
ranltal Jountal carrier boys are Instructed to put the paper, cm the f(,ated troops LAID WASTE the COUntry as they retired.
90Jhtutr:X doytb.s, Zn72nlteZXZZ The Kaiser has stated that the destruction was beyond
'iperyakwK anything hitherto known, that the whole East Prussian
JltoM Main si. ' country was utterly ravaged. -
. " rn,.T nrnoc rrlo wnrfl nf hvn American corresDoncients
; who have personally seen and photographed "the most ter
rible and disgusting devastations Known iu wi.
I 1 U11U UlOjj,WJWiJJ, .
. , -l fall, u'inp Goldap, they say, the Russians did not leave a house, store,
The department of agriculture issued the following Jhu standing. In Lyck and all the siuround-
;atement on February 17 : ,, , inir towns there were similar excesses, every residence be-
The 15)11 wheat crop ol the united Dime. . ing plundered; and the women, it is positively staieu, vwn
tn bo 8')1 000 000 bushels. The estimated surplus car- spai-cd by the soldiers.
u ml o.i., 7(1 0(!() 000 bushels. r,.Le fVl rwmnno Vijivp bnd brniiP-ht borne to then
able supply oi unw- w1lt Belgium has suliered at tneir nanus, tnougn uie.v
al per capita coiisunm-;wjn not aimt that the cases are parallel, since they insisc
L-s is about 5.:: bushels, ,iat tj:ey octroyed only when assailed by the civilian pop
ur normal domestic re- nintion.
r L m c'r f rom the cro) was about 70,000,000 bushels. Tnug the Germans have had brought home to them
C ." l ! , :, total available supply of 7,000,-'what Be,dum has saffered at their hands, though they
. 4 .. . ' i nnmi.il i.i.i' i-.Mn.tn f-ftvisunm-: ...:n o,l,mf fhof iVa nocos m-p nnrallp sinpp t.hev HISISC
(100 bushe s. AS me mu iniu auniM. t- . V i, i ,
il ; ,vhMt in the United States is about 5.:! bushels
. ...... ..i i.i ,..f mil- riiivmnl i omestic re-
'vll () 1(1 I IU h! SlU'lS Milium uuuiuii. , , i
rnCents for food; in addition, 0,000,000 bushels are re- 0n the other side it can be said that Russia devastated
1 . i .11..' .....ll.tr t'J -v- lm 111 1 t't( 1 :iiul tfn niiUuin (u ti....;tAi.u nf n V.f.llio-iM-;int while Oennanv in Lelcium
I iwh.!" therefhte should supply the normal domestic de- (ie?.troyed a country that was fighting for nothing but the
o wl ' 'This would leave a surplus of :. 57.000,000 bushel'-. right t() )0 et alone. But in either case common humanity
Of this nir'pli'9 about 210,000,000 bushels were exported Tabids that helpless women and children and the aged
bv J-Vinrv V.O 'This left 147,000,000 bushels, or 40,000.000 ,houl( )0 treated as belligerants.
bushels 'more t'h'tn our average annual exports for the pa.4 Whatever the excuses, the world is getting on all sides
five vear for export between February 1 and the ;ip- ;, picture of just how bestially wicked war is. None has
reanire of the new crop, or for carrying over into the (1V(,r iJeen fought without heartless excesses, without
itexUrop year. The amount is sufficient to permit the w;inton destruction, without the degradation of women
cxnort of nearly 1,000,000 bushels a day until July 1, be- ;)!1d the murder of children.
fore which time" the new crop will begin to be available. And yet war fanatics in this country and abroad will
This is about the average recent exportation. ' doubtless continue to affirm that war makes only for
The "large demand for bin ' wheat arises from the fact maniy virtues.
.. i. ,.;. r..,i,i wv1r Khnrtaffo ol over, iu.nr Vmnvuri Inno- donvivp us nf such lTianlv virtues as
mat mete vaif iio i.TLini.iiv" 4i iuuj nlu,v.......h.vr....
400,000,000 bushels outside of the United States, from the an? developing in this war !
fact that the Russian exportable surplus o J 1 00.000.000 ; . ;
bushels is not available generally, and from the iact that g00d many persons are inquiring nowadays oi the
the bellicerent nations are eager to secure food supplies. m.NVspapers about the use of flags of other countries by ;
It it were not lor these inings, we suoum m- uiotu.-v-uiij, mercnanc vessels anu warsmpa. uhc auuium- uu uu.
ways and means of disposing of our tremendous surplus subjects asserts that international law and agreements be
of food products. . . . twe'en nations have disposed of that subject, as believed,
Spi-iucfieM News: The reeent pass
aye of a town oiiliiii'.iu e le.piiiini.' that.
,ir, be kept off the streets on aeeemit
of"the possible .lancer, of rubies, re
oiin.led Thui'iiKin llius of a ni,ol-t,.ue
he now hi;s. i.eeiv.'.l from his ino'.lier.
When the stone is applb-'l to the woniul,
it i-linci firmly to the flesh until it is"
siitiiriitcl with' the .i an. I tVn it ..
,lrops off. If pi: eeil in sweet milk the.
t,.m e:i n be use.l ugtiin. A ''"'i 11
i!i,s on.-e ro.!.' M hours to n-aei. .Mis.
!,'iLs i.fler he lm.l been l.iti. ti by w S
:o.l .1..;;. The stone ttas a i'lie.! five
vine" lief 0- all the p. ison was ren.ove.l.
i. ';:
I now am bent an. I uhl an. I uruy, ami'
Imvi ue u iloleful way. A son of
sorrow I have been, sin.-e first 1
reailied this wuil.l of sin. Vo.nr after.
year, an. I then re-1
peat, all kimls of
troubles tlouued my
feet; they iiiihk'.1
me when I wishe.l
to sleep nil. I niil'le
me walk the floor'
iin.l weep. I hail all!
troubles mail cau
find iin.l most of!
them were in my
iniii. I When 1 :
woul.l iiiiiubei- all
the earns whielii
nave mo worry nn-l
3 em cent
s f mi In ling U;c Food am I Ret; u(a
Promcfes Di JestionChcetfiJ
ness and ReslCcntalns nciuier
Opiura.Morpliuic uorMiicral
Kot Narcotic.
At,Sl Jb'iiLmui.'Siii
A'lprftff Remedy foi-pmsSt
. ir s-.oiu- Strtr,iarli.Dbfl'lwa
ra:S'uuilc Signature or
For Infants and tiWu..
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Iffy V Vl
u m oik r"" '
t,25 feavaixlccTiiiiiicrtne Fooilnr
Exsct Copy of Wrapper.
the BT.tf
J For Over
Thirty Yaars
i it k lit in :u rLr9 m c rm r m
mm i mm
food products I ween nations have disposed ot that subject, as benevea,; JSXMm w huits. i .a.rt
As has been stated, the new American crop will begin dennitcly, and it has only been recently that any question i ; u m
aimear before July. The Argentine cro)) is now coming ias bt.en raised as to the correctness ot the theory uncler- llini imMnK ki , s,;Vi .., ,,,,
Uieniarket. It is estimated that from that so,., w there lving the law and international stipuhations Not only, why . ;;y. yo,,,
. . . i i i 1... . .1. . .1 .. A omnium ni i : (MM) . .1 4- .r. J.i rlin 1 n r o Ycl li n'OVDnr rv nont rn tm(T . . ...
lill uiv imii - -
will lit nv.'iilable lOO.OOO.OOO bushelf
000 bushels or more from India w
A surplus 01 i.),ouu,- Inay merchant vessels display a oeiugerem or neuuai nag ,,,.,, ;,..,;, W,1S K,.M! , u.(lllll
be available in May
to escape capture or attack but it has also been regardedjwhy i -inin't yip with kindness ere i
1 4. i.l' , t . .4 4.! 1 1 -(Vl. l.nT-flrvclllc f,:blt MIV HI U? My whole lltO lOlllf 1 VO
cures lived but
that kept me
litis that neer
- V-hVawc VJ i LU uiiin IK.C41 nwufc" " i.. oi... T ie ,-n.i's that iniowe.
invu'v of winter wheat shows an increase of from :! to is required that battleships in such cases display their own .-he.-k and i.,ow iok 1, iik,- hop
r,emmt. , . , flag before firing a shot. What changes may be recorded i;;;:1!:;1;;!;;;-,:1:,;;;:!
lU4t suppose a shortage in wheat should develop in the as a vesult of the European war relative to use of flags is j. t, s, i,m,.,w on .-r....ke,i stiek,
next three months. whatVould be the situation? There problematical, but the usage has heretofore been as stated "'' wl"" lu',uls ,uo
i:i a great surplus of other food crops in the United States, ami no nation engaged in war has ever before objected to ', :
.!' number of which can be used as substitutes. Wheat uses of flags in that manner. i&XV.'Jl, 6..u3h.
12 ner cent ol the normal
000 bushels or more from India win oe avaiiana- in m.ij i0 escape capture or attach out u nus aiau ul-l-u ii-gauicuj o, , ....... . w..u
and June. The increase in the fall-sown wheat acreage of as legitimate in international law for even battleships to iii.rin7';-iii;V.."' i'
the United States in 15)1 1 was 11.1 per cent, or over 4,000,-, fly either belligerent or neutral flags as a ruse either to . in my mimi. ti. Kriefs
(100 acres; in the Northern Hemisphere generally the ,,scal,e 0r to draw near enough for sudden attack; but it JZJn'"
p ...!....... ,..t,.,., 4 ,,l,.,,i.o . .1 iiuipii'ici 111' ll'Dlll !! Ill !',! I I., i.imiiiviiil tVl.it ll'lf tli.clllt in Sllob P.'lSCSl llistlll.'lV thl-il' flWn .heel mnl b.inv look li
....4. I.l,, 4,, 111'. n 1' 111
(Hies IHH I'lllltililtm- ni.'ii w.uu i-v , , . , ,, , . ,
diet, about the same as poultry and eggs. Bleat ami dairy if the (iermans have captured an the prisoners tney
nroducts constitute IS per cent; vegetables. 11 per cent; sav they have and the Russians have as many captives as That
j....t4.. ..,,4., .....v.ii. r.oli mnl irli.f lh-msi I hi' ivmamini!' 1:' P..t fmnvul i-.nm-rsv Ihi'ii the war wirri'snnni pnrs must ho 1 ""if
1 1 itiiif , rMi,L-,.u , x i.-ii 1. 1. 1 1 .. v - - - . i -. - - i
per cent. There are larger supplies of corn ami other Keeping up that alleged war over on the Kastern front.
grains, meal animals, dairy products, potatoes, and fruit' "
at the opening of 15)13 than for many years. The most iin-! The value of all the gold produced in the United States
portaut competing products are corn and potatoes. This r,mi 17!)'- to January 1, 15)11. is estimated by the United
i shown by the fact that while the normal consumption of Slates Geological Survey at $:5.315),7!)!),-100; the value of
wheat is 5.:. bushels, in Maine it is only 1.7 bushels and in ! the silver at $l,70!),517.r00.
... 1 1.. It 1.....4 ....,i'!i,n.Li.llMC wlllli'll W'll.l'll is:'
JlllClllgaU, i). 10 Uie wiiviii-j;! u iiifc pinw iim
abundant, such as Minnesota, the average is 7.2, whereas
in the South, where corn is much used, the average is 1
bushels. Normally about :'. per cent of the corn crop is con
Fumed as food. Of our total crop about 80.000.000 bushels
would be used for food, the remainder for other purposes.
The remainder could be used for foods and substitutes
used for animals. The potato production in the United
States averages :?.8 pushels per capita. This year the avail
able tupply is 1.1 bushels. The average price of meat an
imals was7 per cent cheaper in January than a year ago.
butter 2 per cent lower, the price of chickens slightly low
or, of potatoes :!,3 per cent lower, anil of apples it was :!7
per cent lower.
It would seem that the United States is not likely to
threatened with a shortage of foodstuffs.
If the allies persist in starving Germany into sub
mission what, in the meantime, will become of the 1.000,
000 prisoners that the Germans claim to have in their
Glean-up day in North Salem next Friday. The women
ure back of the movement and that means there will be
something doing on that occasion.
Two years from today there will be a new president
in the white house if Wilson fails to convince a majority
the voters that he has made good.
1 1 ii 1 n LI daily piibhcnf nm, Hue!
ionul lie. 'or. I. H.berlv . lints:
whatever is sent in, ami sometimes
flips over soniethin worth while, Com-1
iressiioiu Humphrey of 'ashiiu;teii 1
rose in his ph.ee on the floor ol' the
house the other day ami asked uiiaiii
lii.uis e.uiseiit lo iiielu.le ill sone- re
marks he was making "u pieee" writ
ten by Tom Dillon of Senltle. Sineo
nob. i.lv knew what he was tnlkinc about
iiud eu-iyho.ly always nets iinniiinious
eon-tent nuywiiy, his request was al
io!, o. I. When it appealed in the K.-eord
it proved to lie a player to " My Moth
er. " We ulii.lly assume uininiin.ms eon.
sent to repio.lin e it: and thus it runs:
" l'or the body you puo me. the
i bone and the sinew, the heart ami the
brain that are yours, my mother. I
thank you. 1 thank y..ii for the lie,ht ill
my eyes, the blood in my veins, tor mv
speeeh, for my life, for mv l.eini;. Ail
.tluit 1 am is from you who bore me.
"l'or nil the love that yon (;ave me,
unmeiisiire.l from the beuinninc, mv
mother. 1 thank you. 1 iluink you for
the hnii.l t tin t led me, the voice that di
re, ted me, the lap that rested me. All
I hat I am is bv von. who inns,.!
k delightful prepuration for tlw ;
hJx, loiBntlf lcally o(ntpftiiri4ed Jrj
Lri by . well known yrenoh oolallit. lr
fc; Cablrla Tonia preventa the hair
p-1" irom falling out, removee dan- p,
6"' druff , and cleanses the soalp t
Hi thoroughly. Its odor is pleaei B;
tt-i ant and unobtrualre, and frequent i
k delightful preparation for Urn
ha It, soientlf lcally otmpouridcd
hy a. well known yrenoh epeolalist.
Cablrla Tonia prevents the- hair
irom fallins out, removes dan
druff, and cleanses the soalp
thoroughly. Its odor is pleas
ant and unobtrusive, and frequent
applications impart. a soft fluffi
no 3 a to the hair. Cablrla Is
the choioe of discriminating men
.?! Mid ocen in the United fltates
fcfl and abroad.
California ought to be happy this year, with an exposi
tion on' ami Americans with money to spend for travel
looking that way because there's too iniich cappening in
looking that way because there's too much happening in
Kuropo to make globe-trotting safe and inviting. Still
west down that way next year. It will have swinging doors
instead of turnstiles like the regulation exposition always
Congress quit at noon today. One thing the members
never filibuster against a motion to adjourn for the
Seems as if those Russians are at
their determination not to stay licked.
list persistent in
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SC8
Capital $300,000.00
Transact a general banking business
Safety deposit Hotcs
Sawmill Near Enugne
Resumes Cutting Again
Kuitene, Or., Maieh (.--The reopen..!
i.tit of the t'.uist limine Lumber t'oin
tut ii ' mill at Mabel nn.t the reemplov
meat of -'0 men this mouth wan mi
iiiMineed by U, T. Oatke, . lunnaij.-r of
Oinl plant, who wn In Vanjene jester
In v on Ills way Inline from I'm tlaml.
lie nKi niiuoun.'ed new order obtained
l.v thin mill, one of whivli, lie avn,
IoIuIm 1,1.1,000 feet uf lumber to loeal
biokeis. Tim lumber situation appears
to be better, lie nay.
The Ida plant at Mabel, on the Mo
linwk Uivor. SO mile from Kuitoiio, nan
elose.l .in wit on the first of the vein,
with the aunotiii.-ement Hint it would
nut reopen until the lumber market
mitleiinlly Improved. The planing mill
im not utoppe.l, Imt sou men were
n .... -i.i . . . . .....
j "in oe no.e ,o iri iiru
on .Mai. a i.i, in uie neiier
of Mr. fliiike.
While the mill ,a been elosed. ex
tensive iinproien.eiiM have been made.
I he l'ii l.er Lumber Couipaiiv, with
mill at MuiYohi. on the Molunik
liner, only n few mil,. f,om the
nai.ei nun. .1,
" ' ' I" Ml. in ,1 ill. I ..11-
tia.-t to funii.l, ;iii,ii,m feet of lumber
for the Salt l.ak,, basebnll park, to lie
ronstniet,.,! at tune for the now leauue
t:T Civ,., . k...-,, . , t
Iff a.v r -t to-.'...r er ...t'oii-eaii't fa ,
Kj l'ie an m Mf ui;lcr, H
E Black SS'ASiova Polish I ;
1 .,r..,.?,V,!.a1,.V-Tj'-r,'.:'. 1,1 M :" I Ci
H i.-.nf,..,..',,J,'.,;:,.,';'"' u a
three ?
'l'or your smile in the niurniiifr tiad
your kiss at nid'nt, uiy inother, I thank
you. I thank you for the tears you nhod
over me, the sunn that you xiing to
me, the pruyersi ymi MiidVfur me, for
your vigils and iniiiii"teriii(r.
"l'or the faith you had in mo, the
hope you had for me, for your trust mid
your pii.le, my mother, 1 thank you. I
thank y.ui for your praise timl your
i hiding, tor the jui-tiee you bred into
me and the honor you inaile mini'. All
that t am you taught me.
"l'or the sore travail that I caused
you, for the visions un.l despairs, my
mother, forgive me. Forgive me the
peril 1 l.iiuuht you to. the sobs mnl the
moans 1 winno, from you, and the
Mrenytli I took from you, mother, for
Kive me.
"l'or the fenrs I yave you, fur the
aluini.4 and the dreads my 'mother, for
give me, Korgive tne the joys I de
prived you, the toils 1 made for you,
for the hours, the days, and the years
I .-laimed fr.un you. mother, forgive me.
"For the times thut I hurt you, the
times I had no smile for you, uiy moth
er, forgive me, Forgive nie for by an
gers and remits, for my deceits" and
evasions, for all the pangs and sorrows
I br. iight to y, .ii. mother, forgive mo.
i "For youT lessens I did not leant,
tor your Hihn I did not heed, for the
rounsels I did not obey, my mother,
forgive me. Forgive me tny pride, lit
my youth nn. my glory in my strength
that forgot the h diness of your eurs
and the veneration of your wenkness.
for all the great depth's of your Inv"
that 1 have not paid, mother, sweet
mother, forgive me. . .
"And iniiv the pen.e iui.1 tli"3! '
passeth all uinlerstiiieling he yours. ;i
mother, forever and ever. Ant.
"TTZ" nmkrt sore, hurnin?, ti'J '
fairly dance witli deliijlit. Awsr P
chei and pain., the conn, ca
LlinU-rs Bad buniuui. , ,rlfl
noiioM t IT
up your !
to )',U
veil reniiif "
TIZ" i .!3
dorful (or W
sehlnp. swollen. iiwl nl t
ju.t tingle for joy I ho."""
seem tight. T,r. ,r Ir
Get a 2. cent box of I" " &
.,. t urti.re forevor-ivef . v..?t.
L.. vour feet U
' 7 Xk
tnMscia i'itih. iii mm. hiimmii umiiiys nilliU 'f r aVlTit1''
buying their linrtiens and cauimint for the . Log"1"'
...II .1... . , ...:... 1.. Iha wnv OI .,IH
r.t, V.II Mil 11I1II IL IlirilllT UUI'119 111 ' , . . . , fl.r. -
lire and fen, lug materitils.
body else etui sell them for.
All good as new nn.
Incubators, i "
I at !.' I'"1''
H. Steinbock Junk Co;
233 State StrecSaJcnn
-n eiil of Hie nun nn.l tut of the
Phone Main 22-1.