. . . n n TT 1 101-1. 'THE SALEM CAPITAL JOUEWAL. SALEM. OBEGOK THOHSDAY. u. , Er-sMnannnaraaTOBc ' ' SJ n i 'm' m f Tf fc! ' S 11 j G Smith, the Jeweler, located at 372 State Street, going out of business, having leased his I I v w ' - - ax i ii ii it m - , arX nilf 2 - 8 ! if J , i i , V ( hi, tl U n n E! M II II M El tl II a II El tl II 11 n ii u ti n S3 n n ii ri EN 1 IKL. STOCK reeardlessofcost,aslamgoingtor.movetoSilvertonto look after other business matters. Mfstore is now in charge of R. M. HARDING & CO., the well-known auctioneers and appraisers, r AlirTlflN lirxrinninf for final disposal, and through mem win oe soia ai ruput ..v.-, and to continue daily thereafter until every article contained in this store is disposed of. -We mean business and do not handle anything dm mgn-grdiu: m, Saiom th?it wp intend selling every dsa- II IV Dei a u u i wi aim Lull csaauit; tins jjupi . . ; (i r - Rmnyp I mhra as. in tact, everv mono set niece OTjewe ry, vvaiui, onvei, vi.a, v-.i, . - . . , , - Se in ffs magnificent store, for just what it will bring, regardless of cost or ong.na value. We intend makini this the greatest closing-out sale ever held in Salem and .t will mean the op portunity of a lifetime to secure bargains on high-class goods :-: ZwTAZ t to attend these sales and we will extend every courtesy to them. :-: Don t tail to attend the opening sale, as several oeauuiui prm nwi Siyi uttu7 b a a s i B ! B B B B B B B B B I I I I I I I I I I I B I I I B I I I Don't Forget the Opening Sale, 2 p.m. Saturday. R.M. Harding &Co. in Charge II ' . Mnr,r --liWP!IIWIW!HinBf WBW SociahndPersonal n inii r r;vnr)HV wjr It lim l)i't' miid Unit i!iiiitul I'itii'a rn to tlum(Hti'iit'il hy mlitii'M lliat llicy da nut uiM'iiili uoml imiuli', but tim keen iiilcicnt in tlic H.vinpliiin.V Or ilutia eoui'i'it diMplay liy HiiIohi pi'o pie hIiowii thiM utiilniifut tu lio incur ri't ia thin innluiii-i'. ThB M'liM-tiun nf HhIimii iik tln only filaca outride ol I'mtliiihl lur foil ArBHi h. Wnnl Willi', (Iroiuii llt'clt, Knrl lltvlrii U, . V illuvtl Hull, Km nk Zinn Kmm Hiiwlaml ami ltiiili:lifft. Tho OriilionH Mill" ('lionm, onii of tin- new iiumii-nl m'Kiiiii.nliiinii iif (no i-ily, Hiivi' n Huririnu Tiu'miuy i(lit in lion i r u f ono of it" ini'inl ith, t'url Hi-IiwhIi, hIiii i-M U lu li-nvii tlio I'llV IM'Xl i-ort ii unotlior tribute to tin' iMiltnre j TIiuikiIh.v In mihh mrt of tlio wimmtir wjv-, (lf lli(,)t lltll l,xtru . , ,,U, Vi'h : li' Uri'Con ( the Cuiiitol itv. mill it Ih itmuiyniM on mn niiiui'mi-au nn-in "h"-;,,,,, nui-iit I v ri'iiii'ntiil tu lie 1'rwnit, n ' ri '. i milenmize.l lust nij4.it lit tl.e now home we.5 it li.Mirjte W. Thomp)n l.n;l of tlio Voiiiik people, corner of Court j Mitm l.ueille l in ker, Mihb Tuekrr ill- uiul l'ront Htreel, Mr. nml Mm. K. L.lreetiiiK tne vai iouh juvi-niiii giiim-ii 1""" Kniiiinliuu, tlio former n lirullier ol' tlio ; tieipuu'ii in. Pri.l.'Ui-oom, with tt few elmo friends i A pretty luncheon wuk, of eourfe, a wilii-HHiiiir the eereinonv. Ili-v. Kii'li-, inoft inipiirtiint feiiture, the hirlhiluy I nnl V TiHi-hei', of the I'nitnnun church, ! enke with itN ten cniiilles rltmetinn iol'liciuteil. The weil,in(r trip wuh post-1 much lit tout ion. The tul.ln ei'iiterpiece 1 pouud until n month Inter, when tlio!n niiiimtuie pond, outlined with I'nnnnm l'lu-itie expoi-itiun will bo viH-lwere Mm. c(loi(;i W. Thonipsou nnd tiny ducks flouted nbout, thuce neuiR Mra. Knppiiliiin hns been with the Kiven to the (jueHts afterwurda n 1 1 .... .1 VI.,..; a n,lnr ui'Verill . BOUVOtlirS. V(,ur ' j Those present were: Nellie und llulh I Tucker. .IcHsie KiHmiiiIh, I'cnrl nod lliii- The T, K. i K. Trollv club will meet i d UiH. Violence unit Edith Hardy, .Ion at to i home of Mrs. I,'. A. Ila thunie ; nie Thonipson, Hiid nnd Mori Tucker, t'riduv iifternouM, March 1, out of eon- ''''H 'nr,entcr, Dwight Hill, und siilei'ii'tiou for the members who live . Donald lliiicje. loo far away, allowing them to enliven-1 ,,.., . ieull.v atlend the eveniiiK nieetiuns. The! K''t, lonneny hi ..iit,c .;i nuoe coilliliny b sinre to now en ":i cod in business in si: PERSONALS A REMARKABLE MEDICINE; ( has. A. Park on luiMiicss. in CorvHllit) today o ler Hint humouuiIihK cities win nenr i.eiiu. ' f,,n i.troni th eoncert. Thosi InhliiR pint In Hn ""' 'i'"1 Mll., Thn faciiltv nt IWullis iiuvo eiiHUK- ineuiliers of the oiKiiinntinn were: A. ri thrw boxes, and inanv oilier out-of-,1.. Wulluce, manuttert I'an I. ".annen town ri'neivntioini are beiuu nindo. ibeirf, ilirector, nnd rietcher Mclnliirl t. Huiem in (tlad to share its blessing (lliver Myern, fhester I ruwire, I uul with iU iieiHlibors. The eoucint will , Walker, Tlioiuns Cuiupbell ,lr.; Wellei lie lit 8 oVIock next Huiuliiy nfloiuoiiii t'lunnbeiliiin, H. I''. liiorflir, tl. K. nt thai (Iminl opera bouse. Ilosidos the Hewitt, l.eland While und (ii'oine n-ara-eiit ion of boxen I'V tlio nie-, i,recn lueiubi'i.iiiip utleiiiUiuce i do- l'ortliiiul. sncnt the dnv here vestcrday I JmImi II ilrunlK in the citv todnv t'roni Silverton. Mr. Henry It. Thiclsen and Miss Ml-1 (i- Horsefall, who bus been man lea Thielscu went to I'mtbind this W "'K1'' Ki'WinR Machine ,.,ri,, ,,, .,.u ...vernl dnt the e'li.'KtH fiKeuev here, will leave for his home to- of friends. Mi-w Thiel.-eu will be en- terlaiui'd bv Miss Helen Whitney. 'day at Norton, lie will be succeeded by W. M. III. illicit us UKont. nlty of tlio Oiegou A n i i 1 1 1 1 1 ii i u 1 li. thn fin lilt V of Mo until is In eelebi'iit ion ol' the truth birtluiav 'ol ' iinniversaiv of linv lluinini'l, his ninth- 1,1- The Sweet llrier club, eomiosed ol',.. M,. ii.,,,,,,,,, li,,ud. eater- booked for lihu sents, the reniaiiiiiiK residents of the Wnllaco roail ilistnci, (aillll wj,, tl.diijl't ful chihlien's bonus til lie tukeii by lucul aoeioly were entertained yostenluy itllei noun , ,ln l v j-,.t i-nhiy iiltein.ioii, nt their folk. Jndependeiice, .Monmouth. Wood j by Mrs, Jumes linlaii. Jioiue, '".'I ID laurel nvciiue. Aitsislants linn und oilier vnlle.v cilien will send, 1 i:, , vein or mill Mrs. it iveoniiie win City Ownership wins ai aeauie y i'. HecoMa Ii pi'nden, e, delenlioos, nnd it is Inlly expecieii! tlmt tiio uuib e will be mui of the1 luot reprenentative noted nt the tlrnud iper liuiiso fur nome time. Mi'. II. M. Caiev, MM'i lilvision street, will enteilmii Hie lioatJ of missions be .'ninoiod Kiiests thin uuiiuin nt a K "-".vvvvv.vvi.vwaaav loc.'plion to be he'd from "-g Quickest, SuiKSt tW)h g '' .. .... . . a i .. ... i i iiu Remcdti is Hcma- ?J iiiii iiui. ix nun uvi'ii ipi itiiiiuj room will follow. the HIiiiiiiih lii'ii with Mm. 1' I hi ist tan women 'ors will bo seveiul ineuiliers ot tie- f) 1'iiibiv nl'ternooii ' leei.tlnluio und their wives. ( T. Toiler, Iciu'er. . Sontliwick, 'I'ho leceidion wus I'linned liv tne Wiinrn'n t hrinlian Teinpernuce I'niun Mr. nud Mm. V. II. Sontliwuk, ol and by lepresenlnllven of other or 107H Mm ion stieel, have with them uiinii-atiou inleieMtod in proliiliilioii. their Inline (!U'"t Mm. hinthwiek ' Mis, .leiiino M. Kemp, piesident ol lnolher, Anuuiii'i Kmitli, of Vinupiu, , the ulal" Women 's Clnisliuu Temper Win., who miived l-'ridiiy, and will n' aa,e I aioii, will be to.istuiislress, who main liiilel'initclv. eouteniidutiiiit local-! i,oke at I'll' recent 1'olk and Marina Dmillj- lrnnreil in IVw Mln utrn. Ckenp liut tneiiunlcU ln hero iieiuiiiui nlly Sunday Mi, uud Mrs. Knulhwick eu teilniiied witii a dinner in coniplimeiil to Hon. iid Mrs, l'liiuh Hniy, their Kiirslii, Im-hiiIpi Mr. Huiith, beiiitf Miss itulh Hpoor mid Albeit Houthwii-k. W. '. T. I', couvenlioii held In Nileui. The piiiieipul nddiesn nt the lunch eon will l delivered by tloveruir Wltliveonibe. Au.oin; the speakers will im Ilenutois tins Milker, Knlhryii t'liniie, K. H. l-'anell, Arthur l.anit enlli, Hepreseul:ilivei I.. V. I.itllefield, Snine people ure mnxtuiitlr nni.oved f i "in one yenr'n end to the other with a Pemihlent bieiieliial ii'ii(;h, which in whol ly liuiiiii'snii y. Heie m n home made lemidv tlmt nets i mht at the eue mi l will tiinkti you uoiidi-r what Ix'eunie oi it. Hot iiinncs I'niex i .Ml will nortlil fiuiii any di uuui-t, pour into u pint bottle nnd till the lumle w ith luiu uiauulalcl it at Se.iltle. Wu.;i Miii'eli ;i.-la ji hotly eoiite.leil i-l.-i-t inn. the three cuu ilntcii for Hie city enuit.-il, Will 11. llauiin, A I'. Hams l.il.l Tin,-ns II, H, I1 oil, in lorn d by tin' iiiiini, i pal uwuomliip u l ocates, won out estfrdiiy by hand Koine inn iim II ii 1. .I.minli I olliiis. who iinnnitiMiuR liidoisctmnt of ii'iiin v oi'kiauu.aliois mi, I lu-w.papers, wns , I, 'tented de, it:' elv. Collins iiiii Huh in a field uf m, thoiuli lit the piiiunry electinn two weelm npi he inn liiit In field of A few years iijo I suffered from Kid- I ney trouble to such nn extent 1 thoiinht j I wus dove.lopint; serious Kidney! trouble. 1 tried l.ihtin Water nnd Tub-. l..tu ulttin,, r.tlifif tlti-11 T tl-iorl MOVenil Wm. Tnw, of Silverlon, is here today ()m,tHrB wit,lllut Hny llBp t-rom ,),, j,i j on biiMiu'fS. : the least. My kidneys beeume so bud i II. M. Lmif and wife, of AIm-ii, tire t hit t 1 niiide the remurk lit the time. in the city today. that I would not live until Christninn. j Fred H. Hynon is in Albany toduy on I sniv Swamp-Hoot iidvertised in a pn- , real estate biminesii. " j per nnd hiivinu tried everything else I L). H. Snyder, of Kola, Ore., is in Sa-' without relief, I resolved to tj-y it und j lorn today 'on business. . johtnin a bottle beforo tnkitiR Hie en-! ,1. II. Hrooks, of hilverlon, is u vis-i'ire eontentn I was entirely cured und teel as it I hud obtuined u new lease ol i life. ! I nm very thankful for whut Dr. Kil- , mer's Swump-Koot bna done for me und consider it a wonderful medicine. ! Yours very trulv, i (1K0IU1K f. lN(iHA.r, i Upelika, Alabamn. Subscribed und sworn to bcl'oro mo, this Hith day of .1 til v, Minn. , j()K H. h.MlTII, I Notary I'ublie. !.so County, Alu. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BltiRhamton, N. Y. in Wash., is ii-Kistend at the provo What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hiiichnmton, N. Y., for u' sample size bottle. Jt will convince unyone. You will ulso receive n booklet of valuable inf ilor 'ii the city today. If. M. Harding, of Silverton, is a visitor in the city today. C. Ii. Whitney, of Ashland, is u busi ness visitor in Sulem loday. tiovemor Withyemnbe left this morn iiiR on the electric tor rortland. II, S. Uile wits u pnssenui'r this nioiii- Up for rortland on the electiic Mr. and Mrs. 1!. S. McClure. of The :Iiall"s, are re(!ltorcd at the .Marion. T"d Hrayinan, of l'ort land, is here toil, iv attendiuK to business mutters, Julius .lohnsini, of Silverton, is nt .tending to business matters in Salem i todav. Mrs. M. St. M ii 1 1 in. ei' St. Martin Huie Wing San Co. Big lino of Waisln, House Dtw cs, Silk (ioods, Mcn'i and Boyi' SuilK, I'unts mui Overall!, -u.lies', (.louts' nail Ckililw'i Underwear, Overshirts, SiveXe" und shoes, l.u.lies auil Chil dren 'a Fancy Dresses, Xci'kweat, Ladieg Hud iii-'itu Uoiitr?, Oloven, Coniforler", BlaaVtH, Embroideries, l.aces unil S Vripf' tings. We make up Kimonns and Whim I'nta AU goods ncUliig at lower pn 291 N. Com'l St W soiiie inn iim i ? r i-cd the ti n'l 'he nnct I'ariner living near lu iu the city todav on buMne-s mutter. Ii. A. Ihiynaid went to Newport In day t become iiiiiuii:er of 1'red Huw nn' ill nc nt mo, Hi Ciiiirlcs II. Cnv iH iillemlini! otio ial business in Snlem- Medltnd i Ttiluinc, Ii. lliilcin, vis'ti'm hi' at the nlf links is ii. ... . . , jicv. Nieb.ll. "'"'ill, ii.. .,l.l house next SUII'tl'J of rianhlin, bt'othe,, l l 11,V(1 TOR ROUtllt, WRINKLED. FRECKLED, PIMPLED BKIN t't. i ii ; :)t to Mi' ,1. 'lore v "' '"; "i nie couiui v nenr Milein. ' il Hniii, of Albany, ns in the city la-t ive'iini;, coming u uttend u sj.e ml ,.ieetni(! at the M.isonic temple. Ah Mmion, of Albuny, was in the itv 'ii'l inlit. .iiiiiini; op eipeeinlly t" utti ml a scsvieu of the Masonic ll also receive n booklet ot valiiuble f!,7,;::l,ii"!: ";"viR. '.'.''"" 'Rlmfl M211 to Have tyc . Sight Restored by upcrau U II I nnd mention the Snlem Duily Capital lournul. Heuiilur fifty-eent und one dolliir size bottled for sale lit till drug N. '' Is stores, . I',iil(,in, LIYESLEY NOTES . , ,.';,lnW ....... .1.,.,,. veins of tet' " ,, ' , eve, i ,,lno to n eatniaci " ! f Crescent t it,'', ' '- ",, ir M possession l ' jtj, Mr. Him IIII1LF HI ll"- ' -. t Bl' ! K.ibmilt.'.l .0 .l.eoi.. '..''" - - , !,he.'luruct.nnd l.'a 1... in ed. rcii"'" , ; Will 10 i.-.....mliell "PT ' j l.o, lis l.ai'liiiiiiiiil mid wife, of Salem, i 'ire ' nv.iiii; 11 lew ,h;vs in the citv look. and :i""' 'ii'-iaess mutters.- IJosebui;! Ill vi, w. Tom K. Juaa Walem wca the limpiration firi. Huslon, Mnrien II. Towne, t on- merry fuip.lse puitv Kiven by ;rad 1', ulsoii. .1, II. Collins, of iiliinier, Kroiitl of bin vouuo, fiieuiU nt the boine and C. Hi-hncbel, of tlremm t it v. of hia iwreuts, Mr. nud Mm. Albert lVrlich, Center street, reeeiitly. Thoao priweut were: Misses MiiiRnret llibbill, lietn Waters, Katie 1'erlnli, Frnia Hiiininrilaiid, Muude Morton, Ve in Urown, I'hoche II, nth, Venlu Smith, . BEAD TAOB THREE vrrzn. rioht hand CORNER 4i4iii(44iiti4i Vs Mai.ll ;,l, flv'n,,? dn.l suuiir 'r''l'- .-im-l liiKliitf.il at one... ilnt, Hre an to in hue miv eomo'.vion 1 , 111,1 1111 11 v not , rt' ' oo iv, i,i.,, 1 ,., ,1.:. . . r..,.. T' ii-:i ... , , ..I I (hi., ..,, Ill, ',. .1, . .. 1 iiiioiiiuiiiiMi will lie of special ,il : " " ", iniiiH'iiy nooKUeeper l-cether. thn. ..iid.i.it n 1'o.mh tLt v"ii "" "V',' v" nv" ' ''""" ', ,"' ',;",,,'n,;i".v' l" ""'"d l.id.lin never tl.uuitlit would . nd, It nlsn loosi'im blcniish, ,l't ,,. aint. powder j " '"""is Rondby,. todnv, before leav- the drv, liiwuse or tiolit eoniih nnd he lis "r anvtliiiiji eK(. t cover il up. Toe j1"' '''" 1'i'fllainl toinoi row. the inlbimu.iition in a piiiiifiil eouith with often thi enK iniiphasizen the defect S"" s'i'ilh, foimeilv f r,U K - " ' ". ("1.H.II..I I ' O,,.-. , .. ,r ,,, , , ,, . O V ,'SI ) I I 1, wn, Aiiplied nichtlv. Hie wax w.l!.;"' "'"I estate vnliie, ,,'f .1,,, i I Ins I'liiex uud Suear Smiiii .oivlore Kruil iHlly icinov,, frekle. niniidin I ll" section. o I Iho bill In the hoiim', and other ' ' ' , " 7 . i . "i r? V """". n'd or yellow '- Linker, n ...tuine.it bnsines, , . , ' ... ... Iiiiiiily I. lon tune-:it u rust ot onlv 51 blolihcs or nnv ,fu r,.il., tl u n ol ,..., ,,,. .1.1. . . mill I'm. .x. ,en. n ,lm, imMI the clear, soft, youthful ; Harm r hns been here fr some ti,e. I'UM'K Is a prwia nnd hlphlv conoeri. " " -"i.i oeiieuta in nnmnlit i ,, 1. inner iiohlc arrived on Mm. Mutlie Hlee.li will lirinu Kreet nis I ruin the Alaltnomnn t omit v .Notlnui! Is lter tor bn iiclutis, winter iiuiniii', .1. s, rii., 0. 1110 prouiiiiiiou voiii-i.n 11.111 111.111-11 1..1 us, num. K. Aiidemuii, who inlro .1. party 1 Dr. .1. will sp.uk for tne on!aiiirtioiis they repr.feiit. Ur. t . II hapnian will re spend .0 the teast "The I'reaa." Hhurl tnlks will be nlven by Mm. Holu.rt II. late, Mm. Helen Milior Menu, Mr. M. l Kusncll mui Mm. M. I.. T. Hidden. In the receiving line will be the )tove nor, Mia. Withycoiol.e and ' etal piiiinlueiit women of I'or.laud, Moii.nifi tlremiiau. The inarriige of Minn Ijiura (iif(terv to J:.u.e A. happnhao wan the !..,.- ro,,..H,o...i 1,1 K'.-ioiiiie -vt.rwnv i.iin. 1 .- -, a.r inn iiriiLi:!.. tor '"""m' 110011 .rain im, s. , 1. N.'rwnv dim : "" H' view ...,.. ,,..1. .. ...... I ....1 .. 1......... nn. n,,.d 1 . . ..L . , ... ii : ii '',"""""' ".'. - .ii.rii.inen wax and ur ''as men iiMiil' a enurse in l,L the world over lor Its ae, errtamtv and , tht like UM, , . . . rr hmnv. k,v p ul- she .. ill . l. prt.mntnesn in over.-oin.i.g bad eoUKha, i niornn,tf ,.K .1 . ' 1 " , 7, 1 1?., , . 1 "I' w",k 1,1 '''' c t and throat eiild. wh h. e ,! . 1 " , ' T"'' Mn' I r''""" '.v-- -cbanon ( riterion i.rl lis tn'milne, Ask vour drnwint " , """ narnnew. e:ui 11. nnoten l.i hniue from i-i e imiieen 1 iiH'X, ani. 1.11 no. ,hs.ii i . , "'"' i"nininn rmiiim. ui ni. nie wi.ent ran, Il in M T,rr, 1. Krn..i.-r .n ii.wi'iiini 1 -- w.ui wr.iinienor rurrnws, .', 1 Miisinc.ii.ti. or wonev rroniptlv n.futi.le.1, a unsn lotiou nin,,. 1, dismilv (Cnpitiil .lonrnul Special Service.) Mrs. Mary Armslrnn(, nf Eiini'"'. I" isitini; nt Hie llennitiKseii home. Ilullis Kdwur.ls him been spending a .. uiis nt mn inriii nenr aiiiiis.hii-. - - . ... ,.B m(, t- ti. 11 , h..i... 1 s:.,... ifn-ni-d by I'rssi. day wild Mrs. Joe Dressier, ' gajjajt0MSI ...1. lino ...rs. liny r.tjw'ilius .IMU'll In Snlem Suiidnv, Mr. Hliss Kidler, who him been on the sick lint for mine lime, has fully recovered. Miss .Mabel Albee spent the week end at Aumsville. A "Church Sneinl" was held nt the homo of ,lne Dressier Kridnv eveuintf. A lui(!o cinwd wnn in altendnnee and all reported a pleasant time.. i Mr. Duchunuii and t'nmily, who are i recently fmin Michinnu, hate moved tu the Dull place. 1 The l'iner orchestra practiced at ' the Jack Wutsou home Tues.iav even-! ill.!. ' ! Henry Kuufmnnii made nn over! Siiiiduy visit with relatives lit Snlem. I HBht. ThisiHHic Cold Storage Snace For Re' I I Claud Sln.ro .,,,( .Kn fir., unit of Vlit lust week lit .lunetinn Citv vinililia' .i row conn-' .1 ..... . ' ! i.i;,i , " minor .urwiitiur nome. iiilf I or . I look there he.uu. f the to, ent I,.,. . ,:'M,P. "n ,in,t,rinB lfture on the; ' ''ttllf 1 'eitl.liiiM ' t. .... ul tHA 1 " ur 1 prove wonderfully effective. I. amine steadilv f, " u. ... "'" " h""1 noiise Suiidnv eveninif, fur Apartments bolter, in'" ,1. mail Jioasen"" " quotW' cgus, vegetable'. d seufon rate slertf fruit' tkl' All partis 2li8 S. Cotnaii' inteiontfJ srcitl in fill r.11fClY SALEM ASSOCiAH"" rr.j NpvorHt interesting gun.oi took rccj coia st m