TWO THI BALEH CAPITAL JOimT. MEM" "AI. H S octal andPersonal By UOLLIB nVWOORt EVKKYONK in the oily who in in terested in really good pictures rhould hiado an effort to nee the splendid photographs on display this week at tiie public library, corner ol' State and Winter streets. The exhibit is the first to be made by the Oregon Photo Art association, and while not largo comprising but fifteen photo graph every one is a gem a sample uf artistic perfection. This club is composed of well-known young business men, the artistic ability and activities of each in most instances being practically unknown Graham aa his representative at the April concert, and it has been suggest ed that a forthcoming concert be given in Snlem, and should this plan material ize ;ho young people woild undoubtedly be given a most enthusiastic reception. , Mrs. Molly Burger and Mis. Alta Schneider were hostess for tho P. K, ic K. Trolly club Saturday evening at the homo of the former, 408 Statesmun street. They were assisted by Miss Marie Burger. Tho rooms were beauti fully decorated in honor of Washing ton s birthday, using the natminl color, SMARTLY DEVEOPED BEDFORD CORD COAT IN BISCUIT COLOR The display is mndc in tho children 's j hatchets and clusters of red ('hurries in corner of tho library, which, owing to its eaccllent lighting, will prutiaiiiy lie the location of future exhibits wnich ara planned to be iniido each quarter with several special displays between timet. Tha pictures of the present exhibit are " Wiodland," near Santa Barbara, t'al.; "Maid o' th' Mist," Vernal falls of tin, Yosemite, ami "Lover's l.nne," Hope ranch of Z'fitM acres, near Santa Harbara, (.'al., by Jlerinan W. Burr; "Jw Tide,"' Salmon liver bay, Ore.; "Moonlight," sunset on Nye Beach, Ore., and "Sunlight and Mist," near Devil' Punch Howl, Nyo Hem h, Ore., by Horace Sykes; "The Herd, 1 Va hats, near ( ape Pcrpctiin, Ore.; "tliaj Day," near Kaiser, imrth of Salem, and "The Kiid of a Perfect Day,' seen.) on Willamette, near Salem, by Kobcrt 0. I'hiiIuh; "Maintain Majes ty," Mt. Jefferson, "Alone," h ic on lVillimetlo near Hnlcm, and "In the Paris, " by. August Naugenliaiierj " Kast l'ortul," Oregon enpitol building, "Hummer Lake, nortu or ruilom, at Mission Bottom, and "Cliristmiis Hoses," by A. C. Burlier. Tho work throughout is representa tive of all that in best in pluitcraphic art, the modern school being demon atrated in each picture. The old-fash-ioned, clearly defined, minutely detailed and technically nice picture is given no place, the group instead speaking eloquently of the biantilul results to be obtained by adhering to tho solier, broader and more amalgamated metlud. Tha work of Mr. Bair is particularly commendable. Although but a recent disciple to the latter style, his work would lie well deserving of praise iu any exhibit. His picture, entitled "Woodland," is J "deed one of the most exquisite cxumplcs of pantograph ic art ever seen locally. Holt, haiuion ioui and charming it is. Simple in ar rangement ami treatment, it depicts a most commonplace scene, made ucauti Jul by the clever and artistic concep tion of the artist. "Sunlight and Mist," by Mr. Sykcs, ia a very remarkable picture, realistical ly ropioduoing sunlight on the vuporj mists. An cqnuliy notable picture is til "Moonlight," which Isn't mum light at all, but iii'teud is the setting un leflected in a very wiindeifiil man ner upon the wet sands of Nye llcacii. To any but one versed iu the technical Hie of camera-craft the picture seeiui an unusually effective moonlight inn Tina. Of made by Mr. Paulim "Tha Kud of a Portort Day" will prob ably prov the most generally pleasing, profusiou. Cards and music, both instrumental uiul vocal, wore enjoyed during the evening. Hofrcahincnts were served, carrying out tbo docorutions in unique form. Those prcsont were: Mcsdanies Maude MeConiicll, Mabel Taylor, (Jenc vn Kavanaiigh, Kvolyn Hawthorne, Be'n Heely, Iva Hall, Addie Becker, Myrtle Athcrton, Marian Snover, Janie Beaeh, Alta Sc hneider, Molly Burger and Miss Mario Burger, Beiln and Burdcttu Huw th nc, Alice and ('neater, Jr., Beach, Heutiico ami Casper Becker, Raymond and ( lif ford Hall, Argel Stautoii and Byle Sproul. Dr. Vinton F.llis left this morning fir Seattle, where tomorrow he will sail on tho Alaskan steam; hip Alameda for Juneau, Alaska, where iie has a position as official physician tor the Treaihvell (luld Mine eoinpnny. With .Mrs. F.llis he has I ecu spending the winter in Salem with his parents, Or, and Mrs. (I. V. Kliiu. Mrs. Kllis and little daughter, Amy Annabel, will re main tor another month in Salem, Mary Antin, who is booked for an ap pearance ut tho Wliito Temple, Port- lanil, at nearby uate, is also to be secured fcir a lecture at Monmouth col lege. Many Salem folk, interested in I he message which she brings of tiie immiginutn' struggles, hardship and iiccouiplishmonts, hnvn been planning on homing her, even if a 1'ortlaiid trip was necessitated, ami these will be pleased to learn of the possibility of an opportunity of hearing the noted lecturer closer at Inline. It hus been rumored that a special delegation of Siilem Women expected to attend in a body, and that tho members of the Salem Woman's club were to send a like body, but tiie authenticity of the report has not been verified. This evening in the armory will take place the annual inspection ball uf Com pany M, Thud regiment of the Oregon Nati'iiul (liiuid, tlu aflair to bo the first i.f a series n military dancing parties uml entertainments. The iilficiius and members will an pear iu full di em uniform, the program milliners to bo prooncdru by the grand .1 ui, 11. When the I'ortlnad Symphony orchis tin i nines to the (Irund opern house next Mindiiy iillcrnoon they will pre sent u piii'.nini of unusual merit, which' niiimiMs to in every wav please every individual 'who has an inclination to the r' M . , .... I I 1 p':: .:-',.'.: ::':'; .? ; CITY OF EUGENE IS I: HURCH CO-OPERATION Citizens of Jeferson Must Over Sixty Delegates From Pay Street Assessments Says Supreme Court In sustaining the order of Judge L. T? Harris, of the circuit court tor Lane county, and granting a new trial to tne city of Eugene in the suit for damages brt.jght by Josie I'ullen, for personal injuries sustained by reason of a fall caused by a defective board in a side walk and for which she was awarded a verdict for 2(inn in tho original suit, tho supreme court this morning held. Different Churches Met at Leonard TV, mal nf the delegates from the different churches at the hold; Leonard last night marked the begin- j ning of a closer unity between the city and the upbuilding of an effort to bolster up the attendance at the Sun- day schools, mid week services andj evening services in the churches. About 60 delegates were present at the meeting i and the enthusiasm and sincere .min ims niur.....,; !---" ,-,.. ,1,.,, tu ,ven,ent that, under section 48 of the . har cr o j . u.,... , . fFjODISH WRAP) Kueeue. the citv in personal damages in excess of $1 "0 and that damages in a greater amount than $1(10 are recoverable only from the public officers of Kugene whose duty it is to seo that tho streets and sidewalks of the city are kept in good repair. The decision of the trial court is up held, however, upon the question of its right to grunt a new trial upon the showing o discover.'' of new evidence in the case which might be of benefit to the defendant in the assessment of damages. Must Pay Street Assessments. Holding that in all respects the pro ceedings leading up to the making of permanent improvements upon certain streets in the city of Jefferson were regular and in accordance with the au thority vested in the city council by the charter of said city, the supreme court this ni"iiing affirmed the decree of Judge William Galloway, of the circuit, court for Marion county, in the case Dr. E. F. Reames, presided as toast- master and was chosen temporary chairman of the organization, Professor Elliott was selected a vice chairman, and R. w' Walton was selected as secretary and ' treasurer. The recom mendations of the committee on organ ization were accepted and adopted by the meeting. The first one was that two members should be named from the committee to visit each church in i the city once each month to talk on: the evening service. The various pas-1 tors will give each of the speakers five minutes time for short addresses. See-j ond, that a committee ot 1(1 from the original committee he appointed to look after the Sunday schools of the city and tn make special effort to briiirr the heads of the families to Sunday school I as well as the younger members of the family. Third a committee will be up ponited to bolster up the mid-week services and to make these meetings of such importance that tho people can- One, member Illustrated Lecture LUTHER BURBANK: The Man and His Methods WEXFORD THEATRE Wednesday, March 3, At 2:30 P. M. Admission Free nf C. M. Smith. .Ins. Kuntniiie, and not afford to miss them other property owners against the city from each church was appointed ou the 0i ,iciierson, ana ornercu inn 1 . m.,mi.,, v, sessments against their properties arc NEW LUMBER OUTLETS ' ARE IN UNITED STATES The coat shown today is a very mod- goal and must be paid. The decision I cooperation and the relation between ish garment, the snilent style features is written by Justice Harris and is con- the church and the layman, He brought of which is tho snort waist nnu inciourr.-Mi in by thief Justice .Moore and "in me iihi mai uie iiukiucss ui cum- Rev. Carl Elliott gavY a short talk on' Must Bo Developed On Tarms and In limilinir lieplum, Tho material is bis cnit colored Bedford cord and with it is worn a trim biscuit colored felt hat. PERSONALS Mrs. L. X. Honey, of Eugene, is vis iting friends ill this city. L. L. Cribble, of Aurora, was in the city today on business. .jft. W. ('. Miller, of McMinuuilo, wub in tho city yeteiibiy on business. i ducting it church is not a one-man J proposition. Eev. James Klvin gave a In nn .minion cuched ill scarcely' l'" ' M ' " vo.""'iuec cm mr ; (Ml wr.l. which is a model do- Mr' blvi" hH been thrnugh n Justices Burnett and Bean Writes Modol Opinion. for brevity apd getting at the essence of nil issue in a case without devoting several typewritten pages of cxplnn atcry nmttcr lending up to the issue, Justice Benson, of the supreme court, this morning held tiiat the option held by W. J. Patterson for the purchase of the property and business of the Ha masc'is creamery of I'orllnnd, from its ownerB, Andreas and Peter Vctsch, was merely an agreement to buy the prop erty at n stipulated sum (t."iP.(MI(l) and R. E. Mason, of Aibany, made a visit tha"t the iid down upon the Salem yesterday on business. I securing of the option did not the atmospheric ellect being particular- very lu st iu tho musical line ly gouJ. His work is quite welt known, The introductory number is I'lie'ilre, and ia always representative of a dis tinctly original style. Mr. Naugebauor's picture of Mt. Jef ferson ia we'd worthy or consideration. Jo it he has hown to u very large de grce the bigness and majesty ol this notable peak, om thing which few por tions with a camera seldom acciunplisn, "Christmas liases" and "The Kast l'crtal" are perhaps Mr. Umber's best. The latter is a particularly attractive and graceful study of a very stilf mid uncompromising subject. None of the pioturis are merely plot ty, nor are they exhibited to ul tract by Massenet, tho most piyulnr modern eonriofcr of French oporn. His fecun dity seems well nigh inexhaustible. Ili opera lire many hi number. Among ti.e .iiost successful have been "l.u Hoi de Bah , e," "Mauon, I'hais," "Sappho" mid "La Jongleur do Notre uaine. The overturn (o Kacine's tragedy,' "l'h"ilie," ultlinugli an early work, having been written in ISitl, is one of the ! est in ideas nnd the most effective of nny uf the Massenet's coinpusitions. The utory of I'hedre runs as folh.vs: riiodro, daughter of the Cretan king, Fiank L. Mcdiitee, of Portland rcgisteied nt the Bligh. ' W. It. Kirkwood, of McMinnville, was fin the citv yesterday. J. I), Zurelier jvns n business visitor in tho city yesterday, Miss Buffo, of the French Shop, lins returned from Portland where "ho was arranging fur the shipment of her now millinery stock. Dr. A. C. Caldwell was in Albany venteidny nfternoon. W. It. Reynolds, of tho Hilvertou Lumber Co., was in the city yesterday uu Susiness, N.'ls Langsev, 11 farmer living nenr Silvrton, was in the city yesterday apply upon tiie purchase price until the actual transfer of the property took place, He also hnMs that there is noth ing to show in the evidi'iioo that Vctsch brothers had ever accepted tho offer of I'attersni anil that an unaccepted offer of sale is not susceptible of re formation, la giving this opinion which is eoneunod ill by Justices Bur nett, Bean and Harris, the campaign of this kind in The Dalles and gave a practical talk on the sub ject. Rev. Hammond of Willamette ('Diversity cave a talk from the stand point of the layman and mude a report tor the committee on arrangements, All who attended the meeting pro nounced it a success and the ultimate good of the movement is assured. Homes, George M. Cornwall Tells U. of 0. Students. 1IE-1 11 In 1008 I was taken very sick Common Sense Advice by a Distin guished Specialist. Arid" stomachs are rlancorniis be- decree ot cause e.cid irritates nnd intlames the Jml-,'e Median, of the circuit court for delicate lining of the stomach, thus Multnomah, county, who (t dcrci( a re- hindering nnd preventing the proper formation of the option, is reversed and action of the stomach, and leading to the puit is dismissed. probably nine-tenths of the cases nf Otner cases handed down by the su- noniacli trouble from which people suf prelim court this morning follow: for. Ordinary medicines nnd medical ' Inniber trade." Ml r.,:,.u,, nf rirniinn Kiieenc. A arch i """"j wvuu.i "uu uciiiL' airaid. Tho most nromisinn ty.o ways of!wo,,t ,0 prominent I'bysician a! Lit stimulating lumber consumption tliHt i rtJ' vOle, Iown. After ductoring fcr are seen by (ieorge M. Cornwall, of somo time without euro or relief I be Portland, publisher ot the 1 imliei'iiiun, Ran the use of Swamp-Hoot anil foam were told hv him to a Mute cimersny , immediate relict. Alter imint mm: class in commerce this week, bottles which T bought of Jerkin'. The first is retail solicitation. Drug storo of Fairfield, Iowa, I becm The second is the carrying of luni-1 rt well man and can honestly say ttn her by stores to sell in siniill lots forjl have never hnd any signa of I rtl minor domestic uses. of any Kidney trouble, I am to gratr Mr. Cornwall did not suggest these. if ui towurd your medicine that I new Iwo methods as mere minor helps; ho hesitate to recommend it to iirun I emphasized them as the salvution of.kiinw who is suffering with Kidxi the half dorniiint lumber industry. trouble. He believes farmers would be much ! Yours very truly, more extensive users of lumber, for ex- MACE CLINKI.N'BBARD, ample, if lumber agents would visit Fairfield, Jou inem, snow mein wnere a siuuii unt-si- Mute or Iowa, nient. in lumber would give them a shed , Jefferson County, ss. I to lessen wear and tear of wenther on, Subscribed mid sworn to Woit mv stock or implements; or a feeding rick hy the said Mace Cliakcnbcarlitiitki that would save wuste from scattering ! signature acknowledged to be Retail' hay; or, sny, chicken houses that would i,y njm this 12th day of July, IMS. ' make possiblo winter laying.' "Tho CHA11LKS IS. CB.ML, sewing machine agent, tho automobile Notary Pnblie. agent, the lightning rod agent, nro eon- t Hmi for said County and State, stunt, visitors, yet no one suggests lum-' ' ber to the farmer,"' said Mr. Cornwall.1! Letter to "Hspcoiully in the middle west would j ur, Kilmer & Co., this p'an of solicitation by experienced Bmghaniton, N. Y. lumber agents greatly stimulate the1 . A. I'. Sandstrom vs. Oregon-Wash-1 treatments ure usclcrs in such eases, Similar increased use would result in Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do fii You. Judge C. A. Schlbrede, of Marsh- iiiijton Ruilroad k Navimitioi comiinuv. for they leave the source of the trouble I '"' Hn'l villngn homes if at stores par- u,..! ,,, .,. t0 Dr, Kilmer t W. field, was in the city today, having appeMr.nt, appcnlcl from Multnomah the acid in the stomach, a dangerous hs P'1'1 f ll"'",,'i lni,r ''"nld be bought, rjinglmmton, N. Y., for a unill " stopjied off to visit friends and rein- county, action for damages, opinion bv ever. The m id must be neutrali'ed ' for window boxes, for wood boxes, hottle. It will cotivinco (inyoie. Toi lives on his wav to IVtlnnd. Burnett. Circuit .luHim Mcdinn's ,1,'.. land its formation nn.vent,.,) ;,i n, I flower boxes, picture frames, nnd any I ,;ii ui ,..,ive a hnoklct of vilmN' attention through tins quality, lint each , Miiiiib, beeniuo the wile of Theseus, is given n place beeii'ise of is educn- j .i,(er slu liecamo enamoured f Hip tiounl and endurin( iuulities. Some , pulyius, sun of Thes - us, but wit :,ut nuv may lie ilna pointed in the size of the enc Kinneeineiit ou his part. Thereupon Linn W. Nesmith returned to this , eision iu favor nf nlnintiff uffnirmed city today from a short visit in Polk Meier & Frank company vs. Albert county. M. Mitlehnor, appollunt. aiiiiesled from H'ii lloffstettcr, one of Silvortou s Multnoinnh countv. suit to recccer for (intrnetors, is in Salem on business. j goods sold, opinion bv Chief Justice 'est thing for this purpose 'is a (,.n. I "f n hiindied other small dnmcstie uMc.inforniatjnn telling about tlic WT ,t,.,.,r.r..l nr U: I''nrirlu itrnvu linltnhnllitr iu nnu. nn. . .. -, !,!,. tu mh I' ' "isuroieii magnesia, u Sim- . ' " " "",nnt tiliulder. vtnen in " .pie nntacid, taken in n little warm or ,nK without useful or ornnmental wood llmi monljm, the Snlem Daily Cap, cold witter offer eating, which not only i,tl'vi''''" ,h'" would ho made at nnco i ,1 otii-nitl. Regular fifty-cent ni f ncutriilized the acid, huf nr. .,, I the householder did not have to go ' i.,n :., i,,,i. fr sule at all m v. ii. hihiiiiiiii u 111 illinium .!- niiiore, i iii'iiii .iinigo (iatens decision i lornioiiuiunn rrom winch acidity is '.' h """"""H pni-i-,iun . stores, lerday, tiuying a car loan or grain ieii;iii ravor of plnintitf affirmed. inevernperi. Foods which iirriinarilv 1 v lulnnor yarn; peisunue steers. ; W. F. Hedges vs. E. I). Riddle, et ul, ! ''au '"stress mnv be eaten with ini-'""1 'V"r'' n"'" "'ng'o board; L. J. Adnms, an attorney of Silver- aiue.'llants. nmnvdcl fmm ttnuidsa .-..-, I purity if the men'l i i'll,,v-..,i ,. i.i. .. ! hunt the board; hire it drily to cnrr.v1 ton, was in the city.vesterdny. ty, motii.i to relax costs disallowed : ' l',,l' t'isurnted magnesia, which enn be ,0 ll0nu'i P.V h drayman; work'a l'nvid Aline, of Woiiilbuin, is in the .,r euriem. obtained from nnv druoeist nnd ' out m "w" measurements for the re- exhibit, but for sevcuil reasons th smaller din lay was decided upon as lie ing the most successful. Anyway, the fd lection should Ii seen, luviius, lor either the piote-sloual or ainuteiir ho the eiefly I'licdre cuntiixcd to niul.e Tlic-eus jealous i," hiH own sun. Iu thiu rhe Miieei.bcl so well that Theseus i inn in. 1 1 r,l llippolytus to the veugciiuce of Acpti'iie who ti'irilii'd his horses 1ogr.iphor ur those who just admire j with a sea monster, while driving in piotiiroequc loveliness there iiwuils it : his chariot, Although killed in thin en- -ery pleasant surnrise. Uouuter, llippolytus wns restored to life " " by t!u ,kill of Aesculapius, nnd then Miss I.Biiita l.yiuh, youngest daugli ioiic,veil by Diuno tu Italy, where he ter of Mr, mid Mrs. Isaac Lviich, was liM'd happily ever lifter, under the married to Lester Ml ill lor at n iinplo : piutei lion nt the ceremony Sundav nlteruoun at live rucnu, citv on business. . ,', M Slnith , , Hp.,(,,ln,M j always be kept hand v. I 1) lf,,liili oti.l u,,,i I.iKrmin uiti'it . ,. . . ' . ,.. . , . n ...... . . , . ..h .. , ,IV r ,,.i,,rnn S,.Ri,.,i f,oni Mar-1 in mucin ou nusiness Aioniiuy. r.ugcne :,. .,.,.. ;, ,, .,' .., ..n...... Hegist cptacle; cut tho board and probably spoil it,'1 said Mr. Cornwall, ion county, suit to prevent collection oil VrmeiKot.ol Tl M I ! ' K"'" "iveuising ami ediiciilioniil ,.,i., ... i i iciiOiiiiuiiui ukii isi n;imipn ciumaien s ion ,t 11 V III .1,u ..III .... t. U -'""" --run S I II T rill-l'l Illl'tOVe- -...wi IH1IUVU , ' " iiccompany the estab' leui today (Tuesday i tu represent the county in the West I. inn road tax case that is to be argued before the supreme cnurt. Oregon City Enterprise, Miss Thcresn (imninin returned from Snlem the first of the week. Morning Astoriiin, A. J. Yick, who was operated on three weeks ngo tndiiy, has sn far re iiivercil that he is again at his desk ehaiiuiiiL' nvmnh ' " " H"""!'' ' ".""I"'.; ... 'n,: , l,. 1,.,., ,. nieiit, opinion bv Justice Hams. Cir cuit Judge (ialloHay's decision (or de-1 teinlant uftinnnl. ' ! Hannah M, On vs. Slnte ' Oregon, I Les appellant, npi-ealed from ( lin kiiiuas ! r a county, suit i t! it laair the validity of a , nil I) p i .. ! Iishtiient nf small lumber parcels in MJ VRUiail miUIIieVS ",rrp" ,np tturer said. This earn- v - paign would point out inithouglit of Angeles, i d., ,.,.1. , 'r wood, tell the householder what ., .. .. ' .. sizes to use and how tn fit the nieces ',' ,' " 'icieiise in navid ( ap- store he could find Iheso staiiilaiil pieces neatly wrapped, ready foi delivery by the next store wagon. : nd M. A. Schmidt ,.i,,,,i ... i. 1 h,'r' ""P"'"" n'i him that ut liMirce deciec. oi ininu by .lioilice lion- eei'li r iu ennne i i,.n . !:i. .i... i . "cincst , ' . . ' "" uie in nil son, tornicr upiinni of siipieme court i .nttiug ol the Lou Anjelcs Tinien bi'ibl-' Mwtiiiin'il no I i'n in n. .,.,),.,. I It.'heaiing was denied in Ion i Coo.! "'.' by II. II. Appol. council , ' I ,. I i ' .'" 'H'r 01 ""' A"",r,,," , ic -, men '""'""I lm the lumber cut goes abroad, and 1 .doubt. ; Ai . I averted tha, ,.,e "''''ll'" the export lnde can be mater. witin'M-i v ,, i.i i,, ,ii. , . ' ' ' "oreaseii, vt e must t lieretiire Cold Storage Space For Rent eggs, Aiinrtiucnts for storage 1 . . J butter, meats, fruiw vegetiiblcs. Reasonable nw'. uiul season rates qm'tol. All liarties intcrwlcii tV 2ilS S. Coiumcrcinl street. SALEM BREWE0 ASSOCIATION Cold Storage Dcpwlw"11 o'clock, Rev. IIiiiiv I'.. Maibiill or tne- I he nurture l.egii s with a massive , '. " ". wtwitw?ev) itH .... . siiuiulnl.' the business at home, The J First Itaptist church otlicla.iiie, i the and s,n e intioductiMi, which is I ol-1 ' !'. "-"""g-.Normng As.onun. ' ' i ;-;, as th,. men peti,io f cement and steel is en- 1 presence of the a ildcl rehOives of! lowed b, tho uppeaiunoo of an in,,,,,,-1 ' '".'iM "'1 ' : '' , "'" I TTl I Silibborn CougJtS Q! ' V, '"""I. al., coaching upon the former standard I the twn voong people. The wedding siouod theme lor the clarinet, whici Sin" 1,1 M 1 ''r'th I'-ugel, Both g V'flfjish Itl a ffclTU V " I ivll I-"..-' ' , , "i"'" in huge qmintilies. It is now! took place Iu Uioir Lew I g w Phedie's I , over her un- ;' ". "l "'! I " .,ke S LTZ9. Z ?'! '? 1 J of UmZ- 1 timber and Mrs. Frank Mapea aasial-j. her impaisi e,l ouH.uist sugge-ts I ''v "l' h"';, ,;- Al " lZZll ,,, j -'""'alr iM4 Cou,.h r,np g1,',,, ;,. 'I',"' '' 'I1 "Hl1 States,' ' Mr. ,lW II IlllllllalW1' iiK. the 'lepniteiv uf the ei.rne.ed Theseus1 A. Holilnns ,ut to Sal, m this , lh , ,. , '""" tu tu.ike th, ily , - - ..... .. - .. ' . iiMiuiibtvl t i ui! on liosinoNN. Al. 5C . v ditv ,.t v ,,.., ,.. ..: i . ., , - - mmtm . 11,1,1 tne wiata ol the aveo'ring .Nop . ,, ., " jv JuiUe al llnnao ..,,. "' I"" "i tne de- MaaaawaaanBaaBws .ttr toinv 11,-ioni. vi n ..."i. mi'. ..... . . . . niTi' 1 ssmssm$smsmmw&?& .u,,,,,,,,-'. .,.-.... '-"tttt' ' ",i,ii- ",- v Mius Marv Siliult', wan s puilicipiiiit Iiiiio, The sombre theine that oiicucd in the lust public c inc. nt given In tne n cilute now tu nigs it t.t a close. Portland I'lst Moliduy cveuiug by the Portland Aniiteur Oiehestiiil ns-oeu, lion, Miss l',i uie nil WiuuucKdu, f, a Salem people mo ilelitliled with th opportunity offered, and it is expected that 1 e iiii-iii-'tru will plnv b'lore one i'i leu linllimt Joiinii 1 'oil 'and iolinmle, who of the lui;est houses lined nt any sun is quite We I I n, nn here, licing tin' Mar i euts this winter, alley citi," oliiint for Vtilliiini Wnlliiee tiialiuiu, l:,-i ic-pouded enthus in-iti, ally, large who ia director. jdcle;ittitui fiom each to le in Salem 'The orchestra, iiogniented by u few on 'lie dste of the eouceit. profnfsionul musicians, ' ii hundav'i Oregon Jvuimil, 'ui prised even the The chain entertainments l un so suspicion under the un- uieu's club, fui- which be Tii" ,h. lii-al.,! it some one in voiir Is mi y hn un nh. , Phil'i: inve- !l i''ort 1-i tv Unit (ieoru,. 1.. stinate ,sh or a bud throat or client : I rnvd ,'r ' ,', ,i L , "!,,',l1''''111 '!' 'iiiiiu. .i i, iu. . 'M , cenMiler,,! lnv ,,.,., ,.. ,; ,' , ""V ' he Is p,llet.. ilv some little lime ngo , '.' 11 hanumg on and rcliiM's ices ,.' the leiu Wo- . ' "' , " ,r,'",n" ,l1' "''l ,lom n,v '!' tn, Wo ,,-,. jj,- ,,,,( x ami make ,t ii' mo iienent ui tne into a uiul .,t ...,,,.,1. ....... ....! ..r lv th i. . .'" I""" ho'aiship loan tinid. nnd which also that couch miiuJ, ''"'"' 'l"ntil.v Ihi finnneiiil 1, inn, lt inn lor the I'.nif ii. 01 i.-. ' m: . .. . 1 "'nntiiit tuid boil ling fund of the "oninn s emu, run into a ,i,Mt hottlc nnd till hclic.l tn I,,., i .1. I li nd wiiicl, were unpen, led, owing tu ,"" "i'i piiiiii giKiiiilatcl sucnr l,,,i.k n i Tim eiiteilainmeiil uleen nl the IM. h ; . i... .1 1 ., ....1 7. 1.. rup. , lie t,,l ,r bimi ;.J " I eerie I tin- ,,,-ii,wi,i ,. tiici- 1..111 n 1 ten 1 mil ill ,..l . , .. -- -. moat critical, for it was iei,licd that . uiond school Fiiday evening under the'eibrr ilircctii '"n hoc, M-n 1 sili,, .. 1... e cxp.o-ive upon th' . and who might have I'll id t t have f ,1 have J llllid.. ... l.u... . . tim,.. .ill be icxiv t...ri. " "V- 11 '' . I'ini-a . i,,milv : " '"cuiiiiiaiioii, is th rk ,l,,..iii hn.hUkI .i.iil.l.'r,.l.l.. nosi,i,es f il.,i l'u. -i. i T......I,.,. . ...i ; ...... , .. . ui'i'ii oi iiiont ellcetlNe reiiKitv. si a "iss pea IC'1. 1 - - -. .......... 1 ,v, n miniin-r wi niiaus nw ine inner sttviuir ,t a ,lnv'a iim. ill u 11 ' l 1 , t familiarity not only with the various elation, was attended bv alxmt mi hun-. t.,,.,t ,,-iiirv having aluadv been plan- ovc.,m. m,l eouiili Fasili' prl'i a t'.l ','"ri'"' f""neilv chief ol' instruments enipliived but nlni exin-r- mid seveaty-five patrons and Th. numri will !.' 1., .1,1.1 r .11 in ,'1 iiiin,ites-(n .1, u in. i.. ... '''". '"'"''''t!'. ue. iarc I thi. ,.,'.., kaeo ia ensi'inble woik. Tuken all in,riiei,ls ' the school. Iiumiov isincd mt the next meetnm nf IV)'? I'erb.H'tlv t,d has a ileouiit taste! ' """ '"' denbted lite tiiill, ,.f ,, . 1 -, - - . , . 1,1,.,,,. 1,1.. . '.Itlll -H.. .t tiy Lie as , the Woman's club, and although the . "., 1 vt, ; t 7 s rooms of the ,, th klH,wu , ,t m,t ,tisisctory, ... i "'mikable W rr mptly ' M"' ''tirer agi II, tho concert was a success that will ark an important step iu the right direction towairts the development of aitiii, al culture in this city." Mr. Uiaham, who has a local claw in vielia, and who has been pioinlncat ly Ueatified with Salem's uiuaical bte for many jears, attempted, at one time, Seven pictme.i punhu ccliUion for the xarions TTjr'iy u tk' '? "oujijaVin; a'"- -.. more sunsinniiai ueioto mo report is nrsim, to iu,,,,!,,! ...u ami .-..iiv i .: .u. , r.""1 ?: r. ; u, ,. ; in" 'lyiamit tlmt Oitie M,.. tot the . nn. I, r an as iumc.1 To tho Horticultural Fire Relief Association pati' I which companv is now in the hands of a ,w- I You are requested to call on mouth to the room having the liaiK-sit .utili-nlly submitted. n-nrrsriu,m I orvut-1 rscner nieei- ing. Tha pictures are: "The Little Hiawatha," " tlorarwaiil th W'earv to iirataai such a rorictv iu Halem, I Pluighmau We,l His Wav," "The tMit - or anne reasoa bis efforts were not w hist ling "or, "t)nK n, ,,,.,. , .. e. A,c area said that McM,,, ".! the lormat,,,,, , ph,n ' , ! ",' r:'' t,. W- "II 'M'll (It tk. anermaiful, The idea ia to si semble tir Camp," "t inderella aid Joha Alden, freqwut practict as many uug an-1" Hxidiug froia homer," "Toe t harlot iruas aa ar genuinely lutrwtej la I Race. " furtaor rt-lttire, n rominirnt pupil of laHqna .toaobrra aptoariag as soloist Mi. K. K. Water is rMiiiff several Ur U- Bxwuir eouceits. land l, V"; '"' Her friends here were saddened at ,'' ".T A aplrnUid nwilj ",,. p,,,,,,,, , wonl reeeivel in Salem ,hi. ,u,,ig i,BW; '.'"i'' W"rfc'' ?'""f ""vmbo, M. , , " n that Mr. J.v i. KuiitK h..l .......5 . ..m "ml '' W'K"' that no had then Uu . r. . . ' ' I..!... .. u.. v.. ' . ' ,B." a mwinl and Th i,,,ir,n ... : ".'" I'" ""it m ww uiMiiT- iu im u r niiriirii. iraii.1 . , cv -- s""i in in rn mi.ii ii .. ' ... ivmnt nil n iwhtlln nnMm k.l aa o.M . . "'"""i W. A. LISTON Mio. Fred M Mi Shcllev and uuKaier. rxirsei. ih-'i ... ainrioa, who had been entertained bealint,' to the mrmbrsne.' .sir tejTiM and cap. "inn row, At 4?4 COURT STREET ...... it- i " "i s. the house Racst. of Mrs. Williau. C,H di..p,win,m., bv aJtinc !;"-f""","v '-v "reni,or, KoigMoa, and oho rkarelied oeverul Jfi lor ounces of I'inea " ! uv 1,1 Pio-ciution 1.... ff .k..:. .. L . . l i d,l Mil .M nul I . .... .1 bmh I .. ... v. 1.,-u Bprr w reoaa sirs. .n.irnnir ciw, r"aranTeei ,...- 1 1 .).... t....i.....i . l . . . . ik. l.-i : Mi.kk. i..j.: j .... of aimtilute bttiaf...!.- M...k i I . .wait,n J. .. I msmii, uiiii. .... i. i.Hi.,1,1 m inn i'i i inm ruin I bwu mrma CIS IlllKSnn.,,,. K . ' . . . "'.' k"nern pll.M.niH'1- Mian ttchuita iikl leea tiamej by Mr. JR. aad Frank W. Water! fan.lliei and j wv.nU dsv. U-for XCiau Kau.tkl death. J WCo,TiT(J- X"' "he The rftcS And have your insurance rewritten. surprise you. T