Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 01, 1915, STREET EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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Snort News
Court House News -
t -
each from a distance of -) yard with table to open court here thin morning,
tlii- following results: Tin- juil huh unable to say when he
W.bnn, L'tt: i;iiyniil, Siddell, would he able to return to Saleni but
22; Tobinfl!'; Moore, IT. thought that he would lie here tomor-
row or next Iav unless something un
expected h:iiieued in Portland to de
. tain hiiu in that eitv.
Judge dulloway did not finish hi)
court business in Portland Ia.it Satur
Prizes Are Given To Winners
In Grand Prix Race Lasl
Sun Francisco, Murdi 1. With the
Crnnd I'rix automobile race of 1W1"
no a matter of history, intercut cen
tered today in the postpone.! nmier-
hilt 'in race, which in to la
the Panama-Pacific exposition course
hero next Saturday. As the Vnnder-
hilt race is I miles shorter than the j,IM
(Iran. I I'rix, Chairman W. f,. Ilughson, ing
nl' the race ( imittcc, niinouilced 10
lav thai the hoar for the start ir
nlilv will he fixe, lor to
San Francisco, March 1. Prider the
mn.st rnii-erablo condition in the his
tory ol the classes, I. lie-tu, driving a
Pcuoeot cur, Saturday afternoon won
I the 'drainl I'rix race, 1 1 - blue ribbiei
'event of America, over the course laid
out on the grounds of the Panuma-Puei-lit-
International exposition.
Hi official time was 7 hours, 7
minute i, urul ;i7 seconds tie lowest in
.the 'ilstory of the event. His average
speed tlirougout the 402.20 miles cover
ed by the race was ft" 'a miles, 7 -j
miles per hour slower than the slowest
pri vioos Grand I'rix.
Howard Wilcox, in n Stilt,, was see-
run over olid, lime 7:14:1111, average "jo'i miles.
Iliiglne Hughes, in an lino, liuisheil
third. Time 7:21:1(1. I.nuis Disbrow
was fourth. He drove a Simplex, His
was 7::il:li'l. Oil Anderson, pilot
St tit z, finished fifth. Ilis time
was t :.ii:ol.
) , Atlc r Anderson has crossed the line
It was:"" '' ""' oilier coiiiesiiiiiis were nag
suit to collect monev alleged dm
on u promissory note was filed today
by .1. K. Pettycretv against Wililum ( .
Hice, lna May Rice mid Thomas A.
Wililums. It is alleged that the note
fur i'.''5 is still tinpuid urid the plaintiff
seeks in addition $100 for attorney's
fees. The t'.lleged note is secured by a
mortgage on real estate in this city and
in default of payment the pluintiff
seeks a decree foreclosing the mort
gage. I'liruh and Maey are attorneys
for the plaintiff.
JHogan Takes His Ball Team
To San Diego Stadium
calculated thai this would give nitto-, K" " '"' '"""
mobile enthusiasts an opportunity to ''inllv ended.
.. ...-l Ci ..IV 1
use llieir i-suiuruuy hi i ci n.iuu mi
better advaiitnge.
The five Olivers who figured in the
monev in the (iiiind I'rix race will re-,
ceive' their awards Tliursday. Darius.
Itesta, the Knglbh driver, who finished j
first, will r ive the .HMO (irandi
I'rix gold cup and tl.OiKI; Howard Wil
cox, who finished second 2,000, and.
Ilnghie Hughes, third, l.ooo. bonis;
Disbrow, who finished fourth, will be'
paid (11,(11111, and 'il Anderson, fifth,!
."ii)0. I
Despite their nerve wracking con-;
lest, the drivers were in excellent con-!
dltion today. I'mcticlilly u 1 1 the. (Iiiind
I'rix drivers arc entered in Hie Vauder-j
bilt nice.
Hid'errine- to Saturday 'a race, Chair
man lliighson snid today:
"I doubt If ever before lias such
wonderful driving been seen, The
puce, the rain and the. mud were a
great lax mi Hie endurance of the
eoiiteslnnls, A Hill mile nu n is b ter
rible strain under any conditions, but
when contrary circumstances ure met,
il is many times worse."
The sheriff's office toiluy roeci'od
n photograph of the 0. .1. Hose alius
0:.eur Hussell, wanted in Si. doseph,
Missouri, on u charge of defaulting
with tl.ODO. The photograph dispell,
all doubt as to the identity of the man
now in the custody of the .sheriff. The
officer from that city to take Rose
back for trial will arrive nere Wed
nesday or Thursday of this week.
Mrs. Winnifred Clark, of this city,
spent the week in Jefferson as a guest
at the liione of Mr. urid Mrs. ,Jo:ieph A.
Fontaine in that eitv.
T.ns Angeles, Col., March 1. Accom
panied by IS baseball players nud
Trainer "Shine" Scott, Manager Ilnp
lingua of the Venice Pacific league,
club, left Los Angeles on II Santa Fe
train for Han Diego at II : 10 o'clock
this morning. The team, which re-
i turned to l.os Angeles on Saturday
night from President Kil Maiers San
.III Siisana ranch, where one week's
j preliminary work was done, is due to
! arrive in San Diego early ihis after-
noon. President Maiers did not lie
I company the teum but will go south
later In the week.
The Tigers will train nl the Exposi
tion stadium and exhibition games
have been Hcheduli'd with the Chicngo
While Sox nud the Indianapolis club
of the American Association. The In
dianapolis teum will reach Los An
geles on March 4 und will then proceed
to San Diego.
Shoot Yesterdav Was Bis
Success-Manv High Scores Says Jack Johnson Will Be
i n i . i i it rt
brought back to U. 5.
Arvill Wilson won the Dupniit trophy
vestonlnv bv breaking Till birds witlunt
it miss and winning nut over Mark Sid1
dull, who broke 4M out of 311. When
the snooting lor tie! trophy was fin
ished it was found that Wilson and Sid
dull were lied with a score of Hill out
of u possible I "ill. They shot tiniie
to nettle Hie lie. In the shoot-on Mil
Chicago, March l.-PInt declaration
that Jack .lohnsou, negro heavyweight
I world's champion, would return to the
I'nited Sin tea and "take his medicine"
I was minle today by I'nited Slates Dis.
1 1 iii t Attorney Clyne here. .Io.iiimiii
nt n ii Is. convicted here on a vliite slav
ery charge, and when he left Chicago
more Ihiin a year ago he jumped bail
dull broke 24 out of S.'i and Wilson
i i... !.,.:,, I, t vvituiii, ln inn dr.
uets voslenlnv ninl broke ml of them, i i""hU. Wc1"!', pending action on mi
of this iiiunber 71 were broken wilhifit WV'l n''licut ma to higher court.
I ".l.ihiisiin is n fugitive from ju-lici
The eight men who finished the en
lire shoot for lie Dii t trophy yesler
In V totaled the following scores out of
a possible
Wilson ....
Si, Mull
I in 1 1 in ilc
Ii, llaiiser
t .17
.Tiildn i:n
Klder I;H
P, llanser s I"
The next shout will be for the Prod
Hllheit trophy and in. this contest the
sliding handicap will be used Instead
of he method used in the I'upoiil shoot.
The men will be handicapped ncconling
to, distance, i-limit ititi I'fi"" 1,1 yards, the
regulation distance, to '.Ml yards. To
tosl out the strength of the iiandieap
five lit the shooters shoot !!" targets
and I will not I real with Ilia
dure. I the federal prinecutor. "I have
been leccivlng persons representing him
nliiiint daily, however."
Clyne would mil say when lie ex
I !cd ilo'ousou to reach Chicago.
Biff Ball Teams Will" '
Meet at Y. M. Tonight
Institute Big Success
Held Last Saturday
I'll i teachers and farmers institute
held in Stnytoii on Saturday, February
-11, was u marked success in eei'v respect.
I he meeting w as held under the aus
pices of the Marion Cuiinty Principal's
assiiriMtiiin, directed bv Superintendent
W. M. Smith.
The morning session was given over
to discussions by teachers of subjects
of prid'essiuiiul interest. Tlie keynote
of all the discussions was "practicabil
ity." Pach speaker emphasized the
need of connecting the school work
with the home. A very important truth
win biought out in the discussions
the great need of vitalizing all school
subjects. The child isTntcrested in life
therefore the best way to reach him is
to put him in close touch with the
things n i "ii ml him,
Jn the uftemooti session Superintend
cut Smith instituted the ipiestion box.
Many interesting ipicstious were nsked
and answered. Among the most import
ant ones were the new high shcool fund
luw and playground eipiipnient. All
present were very much interested in
playground equipment so that otgani.
ed play might be possible.
Prof. P. I.. (Irifl'in then discussed at
length the work the agricultural college
is lining in iiiguniying hoys' and birls"'
clubs. He told inaay interesting stories
of what boys and girls lire doing in Ore
gon und other states to improve farm
ami Inline lite, fins teutiire ol the pro
gram was listened to by a large number
of fannerii, who live near Ktayton, and
inn riy eitiens of the town.
The meeting was voted a success by
all. mid everyone expressed a desire to
hold another and larger one at an early
date. Stiivton Mail.
Germany Delivers Reply To Old Army Navy Officials
note from limtea aiaiey Ke0ice uver New Society
(By Karl H. VonWiegand.)
Berlin, via The rfcguc March
1. Germany delivered her re
ply todsy to the last American
note to Arawicin Ambassador
Gerard here. It was learned up
on the hlghe authority that
the note was of the most friend
ly nature.
New York, March 1. Former army
and navy men throughout the nation,
according to reports received here to
day, are jubilant over last night 'a an
nouncement of the formation of an or
ganization of first reserves, to be
known as American Legion, to he com
no.l .if retired army nnd navy men.
XiThe plan is intended to better insure
. . ' . i : ,.ouu nf wnr
AlU'Tiea S prepureum-ss in ' v. ......
The plan was announced by Captain
(iordon Johnston, aide de camp to Ma
jor ijeneral Leonard Wood, command
ing the department of the east. It is
nronosed. according to Captain ,1011118011,
i to establish a first reserve of between
. ! li"0,0'jU and UOMjiOO former army and
Xew Vork, March I. -Mm. Richard ! navy men and militia men for instant
Stegler, whose husband has confessed I call' in ' ase of emergency,
conspiracy with Cnptain rSoy-ed. Her-i addition to lieneral Wor.l and ex
ilian naval attache, to get a fraudulent.! president Kosevelt, numerous otner pub
American passport for use by Stegler! men are said to have endorsed the
as a German snv, was released today j movement. In a letter to the organiz-
in the West Sid enuri heir and the ers of the plan, Colonel Kosevelt saul:
charge of felonious assault lu'lgeil
Mrs. Stegler Is Released
Today by New York Court
used. She was
spent the night
against her was disini
arrniuned after having
in .tail.
Mrs. Stegler declared s'.e had been
inveigle,) into the f!reiiuhle hotel,
where she was arrested last nignt. by
a Clerman newspaper reporier, and con
fronted with the alternative of re
pudiating her hiisbniiil or sacrificing
her reputation. She chose the latter,
she declared, rather ihan sign " state
ment that her husl ninl had lied when
he' asserted German diplomatic agents
had conspired to gel pa sports for
StCL'ler. Guslnve Cm!, :n..l Ili'harrl
Madden were indicted bv the fed1
L'rand in rv on charee nf coiisi inicv to
obtain fraudulent passports. Thee will
be arraigned later in the. .lav. Stegler
is charged with having signed Mad
den's ii n til o to papers asserting that he
wa-i a citizen of the I'nited States.
I und inv four sons will gladly be
come members. 1 very earnestly hope
and pray that there will be no war.
Hut the surest way to avoid war is to
be prepared for it; and the only way
to avert disaster and disgrace ill war is
by preparation both military nnd naval,
in advance.
"In the event of war 1 should nsk
permission of congress to raise a divis
ion ol cavalry; that is, nine regiment
such as the regiment I ciiianinnded in
Cuba: mid iiiupieatiohably the ranks of
these regiments would largely be tilled
; I inn the men of the Legion."
'"'i Output of Gasoline Is
To Be Greatly Increased
Many Prominent Salemites
Attend Ceremonial of Shrine
The Semi-annual i ercinonial session
of the Order of the Mystic Shrine, held
in Portland last Saturday was largely
attended bv the Shiiners of this city.
The ceremonial work was in charge of
the officers of
the tender feet of the ill! novitiates
who aspired to membership in the
journey over tho hot and burning
Order of tho Mystic Shrine were prop
erly grilled nnd blistered in their
sun. Is.
Among the Slirincrs attending from
this city were; Walter Smith, Dr. T.
C. Smith, Lot h. Pciirce, ,1. C. Morn
land, Itluitio Hubbard, Dr, Kciiwnrrhv,
doe Hornnrdi, Sr., K. M. La Pore, W. T.
Davis, A. .1. Andetaoii, W. C. Knighton,
George Dunsford, Percy Cotter, Dr.
Olinger, Prank Turner, I'red Erixon,
Howard liamp, Dr. W. II. Ilyrd, Dr.
Ileyaobls, J. T, Cliinunok, und Judge
ltyan. I 1 ,
Washington, March I. That the new
priic;-s of treating crude oil whereby j
the 'iio'liiction (if gasoline will be enor-
minis ly increased and by which the pro-:
iluctiun of toluol und benzol, bases for j
dyes and high explosives, ulso will be!
enhanced, will be of great benefit to j
the oil producers of California was the;
j dec la rati ua today of mi official of ?
I interior department. j
1 The discoveries were annonnced by j
Secretary of the Interior Lane Sunday
I us hiving been made by Dr. Walter P.:
b'ittmaun, 'A- years old, a chemical eu-J
in the federal bureau of mines.
t I 1.'.. I..- 'I' I . s"""
ll IMUICI iciii "C in". , ,
his discoveries with the intention of
giving them to the service of the Amer
ican people.
One discovery is expected to revolu
tionize the refining of gasoline, increas
ing its production! 200 per cent. The
other will etinble the federal govern
ment to obtain toluol and benzol from
crude petroleum. Heretofore the I'nited
States has been dependent upon tier
inniiv fur these products, making the
couiury in a measure dependent on Ger
many for its best explmives,
Dr. liittmanu snid today that his
process would Hot chenpen the produc
tion of these two bases but thnt it
would permit their production from the
cheapest oils.
'Utterly Different" cigarette
We KNOW it is "Utterly
Different" and wonderfully
YOU will know it as soon as you
pass your dime over the counter for
the oval package of 20.
"Utterly Different," not merely
in one or two points, but in every
way that counts. That's why smokers
have given NEBO plain end such a
royal welcome. 1
That's why it is rapidly becoming
more popular than any 20 -for -10
cents cigarette ever made because
it is "Utterly Different."
GUARANTEE If after smoking
half the package of NEBO plain end you a re
not delighted, return balance of package
to P. Lorillard Co., New York (Esfaft
lished 1760) and receive your money back.
New Councilman To Be
Elected at Meeting Tonight! Steamship Co.s Officials
lharged With fraud today
The Husiness Men's class of the V.
M. C, A. will meet tonight for the pre
liminary games f biff and vullev ball
before starting the March series on
Wednesday night. No points made to
night will count in final averages, The
class held its regular monthly bainpiet
last In. lay nlgiit at which tlie winners
w ere the guests of I he losing teum.
I lie teams w ill lineup
series as follows:
Dallas May Purchase
Water Plant of Gates
The election of n couiiciltnnii from
the Third Ward to take the plnce of
C, W. Drown whose resignation was
handed in and incepted nt the last
meeting of the city council will be one
of the piim-ipiil items of interest at
tonight's council meeting The mat
ter of a luiicliusiiit? li'eut inr the eitv t .l,,r.v
will come up for the third and final
vote tonight nnd "rhe ouliuaaco pro-!
posing tu regulate the ne of roller
skates in the city will also be re-;
ported out of committee. The ordi
i h i w. n i
A 1
t IB
Xow York, March 1. The Hamburg
American Steamship company, one of
its directors, its superintendent nud
three of its employes were indicted
this afternoon by the federal grand
here on charge of entering a con
spiracy to defraud the government.
It is alleged that false manifests of
cargoes were made, enabling the com
pany to take supplies from American
ports fur use by llermany warships off
Harney County To Have Range For Goats On
Railroad Soon Says Editor The National Forests
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, dr., March l.At the regular
meeting, of the. city council this even
ing an ordinance to propose and sub
mit to tne legal voters ol the city an
aineiidiueut to the
1 for and authorizing he purchase of all
tie rigiit, title aiot interest ol II. ,
for the Muich '"ites in the water plant and coiiipnicnt
and for the termination of the lease
5-i'oom houso, 2 blocks
to car line, 5 blocks to
Hchool. Has bath, lav
atory, hot ami cohl
water. Lot 50x1 some
yountf fruit trees.
You Pay l's
$10 Down
$10.00 and interest each
month thereafter. You
cannot buy easier or
275 State St.
Wilson, II. I,., captain; SluJe, lieu-1 to Mr. (lates nnd to nnthorlzn the eitv
tenant; llishop, Doerflor, Scott, Dr.,1 to Issue bonds for the purpose of rais
I'ver, I'ugh, Slnlev, Ho liar. Ken, cross, iug funds to ucuuiic the said plant and
Head, Young, Spears, Know html. Wal
lace, Wilder, Hunt, I'lifuh, A brums,
Allen, Siiunietal, II. W S'ew'by,
Hinges, Walls, IIuiIiImiii, Hatch,
Myers, I'liiiik.
I'licc, 11, I!., euplalii; Albln, lieuten
ant; (labrielsou, Sihriiuiui, Hamilton,
I'll ri ii f, Collins, Kniiiis, llmlwcll, Man,
tluel'froy, Oregg Turner, Walton, Id
gin, Asscln, Comptnu, I,, N., denks,
I'ricke, lleinhnrl, Slineral, C, C. Klvln,
Kable. Klee, Vty, Trindle, Dubuis.
Chicago, Muich I .lames A. nil
more, president of lue Kedetal league,
announced here today that Walter
.lohnsou, star twlrler of the Wa-Oiing
lna Ameiiea'is. was eeitaiu to pitch tor
the Chicago Ce.lciai league club this
eiioii. He refused, however, to go in
to letuils,
At the close of the lull seiMii John
son, ui curding to lepolts, signed a l ed
nance piopnsed at the last meeting of "ouin .vmeiica,
the eitv co il t regulate the use of j 'fhl' i"'li"ted were;
roller skates was referred to the ordi- 'iul Huase. director of the company;
nance committee. It Is probable that i Ocnrge Kotler, siiperiutetnb'tit; .1. Tap
the bill in its final form will prohibit i I'inghiius, Adolph llachmeister and
the use of toiler skates only in the I'"''1' Sel'feaer, employes.
I luisiuess distiict of the eitv, The ciunplaiut. on which the men
I no ' it-., i'., ii,.i;..t...i .. ..u ';i.. i i... us i .
'hai'ler piovidingl .",., ",,' " '". ,. , , .k 1 ... " .1 :
I 1 - -1 ' "ii .miiiii iiu Birecr 1 me ' " ,-...-,.1 m-.i-
ullcy of bio, k I of l'arrish addition 11 ' ulh'g''d that the company has
will also come up. This is a spur1'"'1'" yiolating American neutiaiity
truck of the Southern l'aeific eompanv , """'" '"st August
to '1 1 II.-v
the remain. ler of the available time of
; the eoum ilineii tonight. For the Ml
leant position of councilinnn the tiame
I of Frank Wm l bus been most proiuia-
M'nll.y menti ,1. Several other names
I have also I a promised but the men
I mentioned wcie Limbic to net for vnri
; oua reasons.
a spur
wood vnrd. A grist of
unsiiicss win prolinlily occupy
etal league
sideied and
coiiliiict, but later le
decided to plav with
which was introduced at an ud.jouriicd
meeliiig of the council last Friday
night will come up for number of im
portant changes upon the reading of
Itic same. Hie ordiiiailce provides that
if the voters of the city see fit to pur
chase the plant when the cnum il, after
the amendment becomes effective, shall
elect three persons to i-outposii a water
commission, one of which commission
eis shall hold office for the term of
two years, one for four years and one
for six years utter the dale of such
election, ami that every two years after
such fust election a competent person
shall be elected by the city council
as u member of sin h beard, the tern
01 each commissioner to lie six years, county
It is the purpose ol tlie commission to
have complete control and manage
inent of the water system, employ help,
fi the rates, etc. The proposed amend
ti n" 11 1 give the council power to issue
bonds in the sum necessaiy to purchase
lliy water plant without submit 1 iug the
question of isMiing siiih bonds to the
legal ohms of the city .
President Still Undecided
As to Time of Western Tour
I Washington, March 1. Whether
1 rresident Wilson will be ublc to leave
for Sun Francisco in time to reach
j there March 21 us originally intended,
1 w ill be decided soon,
I It as stilted today that the time of
idepnitiire depends largely on the in-
A ly f nil n.ii ternatiomil situation. If this clears, the
Are unfranchised by bill president pmbabiy in i 1,1,. t g,.t
iiway between March In ami IL'. He
probably Hill go by nay of St, Louis
and Chicago, making a number of set
speeches en route.
450 Marion County Voters
Feeling sure that the prospects of an
extension of the line of the Oregon
Central railroad into the Harney val
ley during the coming yenr are very
promising the inhabitants of that sec
tion of the state are making ready for
the wave of prosperity that is bound to
follow the ndvent of the trail of the
locomotive, 1'. J. (iiillngher, editor and
proprietor of the .lunturn, of Juntiirn,
Malheur county, who is in iSalem today
oa business of u legal nature, is very
optimistic of the future for the Hnr
ney valley country, which has in im
mediate prospect the reclnmution of
over Iflti.iitii) acres of rich semi-nrid
land in what is known as the Bully
creek project, ns well ns other equnlly
important and extensive irrigation ven
tures which will flourish us a result of
the recent decision of the supreme
eourt which cleared up all of the dis
putes, over the distribution of water
rights nlong Willow creek, in Malheur
county, und, with the extension of the
Oregon Central from Itiverside into the
heart of the Ilurney vnlley, it spells
unlimited prosperity for that vastly
wealthy section of the state hitherto
undeveloped on ncoiint of the lack of
transportation facilities.
Washington Legislature
Concurs in Action Taken
Seiielaiv of Stale Olcott is in re
ceipt of advice from the chief clerk ol
the ' iishington senate thai Oiogou sen-
ati 11 m i'ii t lesolutioii No. IJ had
pns..', both Ititiuchcs of the Washing
ton legislature, and abo fiom the g.iver
i"e ..I V'Mitsua, to the elle.t that the
Molilalia legislature would in t upon
the ic-obition Immediately, and from
the .owrnor of W Miming slating that
the ligislatne ns.embli of thai slate
lui. I a. (.loomed belore receipt of (he
lesol'ilion. Tiiis resolution pin Ides tor
the ippoltituieut of live delegutes from
l a. Il of the states of the northwest to
et'cii i lonfeience to be held in Fort
land during the current year lor the
potpoae of declaring in specific detail
the pnm iples which water power and
luitdic bind slates nf the west deem a
lost nnd e.tiltalde li'isis for developing
'Iheir ttfsourees,
( ,f allii-, Muith I. Toweling above
all other with the "vcptiou of C. .1.
oiniv'. of liee.t college, who won first
plan' in the state pence oi nloti.'iil eon
test held at diegon Agio iiltuial college
I'riduv night, IV td t lockett, leprcsent
iug (lie liuwisitv ol Oregon, coveted
liiui'clf with g!oiy, cnptiiied second
plan' and w.i unaided n "nl cash pri'e,
lie. In It upolie on "An llltiiical
Stat' I oncept " and presented a stiong
argument si.piubly. There wcte eight
cootc-tHiils, and when it is known that
S. W. (irnthwell, who represented I'aci
tie uiiivers'ty, has won four lali eon
tests but cuiil I land oiil third place
Fiidn.v, the superior woik ol the top
nohhers nuv be butter appreciated,
tt. I.. Movers uf tlie F.ueiie lliblo (ini
ver-ity won ttfth place, speaking on
"Aaieiicn and the World's tlreat
War." - It i conceded, eousidering the
Ike passage f u. sennte bill No.
212 which makes it the duty of the
county clerk- to icinove the nuiiies of
aliens dom tlie ivgistratiou tolls will
.l....:. . ..i . . ...
n.i..c aiiii.o i.io voters in .Marion
I the ticlit of the ballot. Out
ol the i;,i io oicis in Marlon county
'I'tnoei! Ii id .-.iio of them have bceii
voting ninlcr the provisions of (he old
law winch utnut ,., them the right of
the ballot utter t!,, ,- had taken out their
lir-t papers a ml made their initial dec
laration to be, mm. American citizen-.
The lull ic, .-litis pnssed provides that
the nuiiity ilnk -hall notify each of
the oton , m,' ,eeh n,.
nunc. I I'l,. in the r. IU of the ncli.... rk.
en. In
tioa ha
and in tin
a chance
clctk and
1 1 1 i r nam
roll., 1'
lllnre.l to be
Icgi-lcriii:: t
prm i-uoi nt
ler the pas.
curried an ,
iniid'' it in cl'i
b the g .vern
1'he I k,
ca-cs the Voters in ipics
en out their final paper
i i-cs they will be given
make proof before the
their proof Is accepted
"ill be restored to the
Rural Credits Legislation
Will Be Put Through at Once
Washington, March 1, The ndniinis
t'.'1'ion lea. lets decided tmlnv t p,,
hrongh the proposed rinul credits
b'gis.atioa be'oie final adjournment
I hursilay,
They will support the ltollis bill pro
posing ,t.,!e "farm laud banks". The
ho'i-o took up at :i o'clock this attei-
1 ,l"' ''ill fur allien. Iinents with the
pto-p,.., f car, vino on the fight un
til late tonight and getting vote
I llcs.iHV,
of rcgistintiou are re
for the purpose of
who come under the
law within lo dav uf
i t the act. The bill
rgeney rlnue which
upon its being signed
Fall of Forts Affects
Portland Wheat Market
' that
por t
wheal bid
ihange lodav
Sl.lte ll.mk
till InolllMli;
new H, ppne-
lleppner. Ore
tv. Ti,
'pvdiileiident Sargent
isi oil a yhartei to the
l.oii'i'l Savings bank, of
io iransaet (uisiness in
' cnpilal slock of the,
given at lri,0Hi) and
March I.- ie' to to
Dcrdaiiiiele. I...:...
1 ','V the I',,.,,, , ll,i(., ,1,,,.,
' M"ti hiiiit.' K.
I"'' lined t'loin to ... I-
' ' .UOl-iaV m
'lMie grcate-t d.vlii.
re.l lit,
va. .Ii,,. ;.,
nnd the Minlt... i.. ..i. i.
n i . . , 1 in l Mil..
l i e bid price. t,1(V ,.,. ,iV f.
... , Ollll-.,,.!,.. ,ol; fr)v
'on', re.l Itii.,,,,,.
' t.V.t,
tl I.i,
ubibtv of contestant, this wo. II... .. . smplus Is ai.HM. M.
nutal.U. ur-t.,.0,.1 en...,. .... ni"!",'
;t.hw(.t l tece.it vo,.. UZ J' V;hI,,'"--v yU'.,n'
as president of th Liverpool. M,... i . . .
- mk alter an uneventful ,-,,,,.,
As inentioned in a'lirevious issue of
the Knterprise the territory to the
west and north of IluTdinrd wna Bootit
to be given n more direct route to
Hubbard through o proposed cutoff
winch woiihi leave tlif eitv mints Ht
the Adventisf chiiri'h corner nnd go
north to the Houne's Ferry rond nt tho.
Caiothers home,
In the past week the eourse nna I'oen
given a definite beginning nnd end
ing as required by the county eourt
and all things are now ready to have
the matter brought to the official no
lice of the county court. The rond
will not have smooth sailing, however,
the people are n unit ns to the need
of the road, as is evidenced bv the
readiness with which tho petition for
the roud i being signed.
The way Hubbard is tnkinjj hold of
this road proposition it looks like an
ntlet to the west Is now only a matter
of time, The route spoken' of as the
upper route is the one most bitterly
opposed by Mr, llovenden. He was
down from his homo in I'ortlniid over
Sun. lav to get n Hue on the situation
and said he would fight the proposi
tion with all hit miuht. Hut notwith
'mailing thi the proposed eourse was
agnin, Hubbard Knterprise,
Fii.fes.or A. K. Caswell of the Uni
versity of Oregon gives the next library
lecture with "Weather l'redlctions ami
Weather Lore" for his subject. The
lecture will be illustrated with lantern
lidos and will be uiven Friday evening.
March 5. nt the usual time, 8 o'clock,
in the public library auditorium. The
lecture is free.
Tortlaiid, Or., March 1. The Ml
trict Forester at Portland, Oregon,
noiinees that there is ava'lnble on tha
National Forests located on the iffi
slopes of the 'ascades, range that will
take care of from 2().UU0 to L'.l,!11 k""
of uonts.
It has been felt for some time, hy
the grazing men of the Forest rervirl,
thnt the range on the west kwi '
the Cascades, which Is eovored quit
extensively with brush ami heavy !
dergrowth, is better adapted to pull
than to sheep nnd cattle. Futhermore,
it is thouuht that the browsing of M
brush would be of great henefit to tk
forest, as it would remove what now
constitutes a serious fire menace. Be
ports have been received from all
supervisors, of the west sale forestt,
and it Is now estimated that f"
20,(100 to 25,01111 goats ran be w
enre of on the available range. If
goat men are inclined to avail H
selves of this range, ami the eiK"'
nient proves n success, it i probi"
that either area may be fount! tbif"
suitable for -goats,
The program at the A.lventist chit
Siindnv evening was very
especially the scenes from t!",,(l""J
Mission 'hospital, the girls o' "J
i i.e.... it -,...v vciilistu', lfler
UIIU lllltlMUX li " .- I Uf
ibv .Mr. T. I. Thornton wns on.)0.
Ifhornton having tU
tone voice, ine cnuum.
i The receipts, amounting to l, '
!.. ,' ..!,., ,,iion. In the
ition was" our storek, e,r. Kre.1
...i I. bit crested, U"!.
nnu n p mi" (
ilntigl.ter who is a ini-sinnjir.v I a
It Is rumorode that a U jn
started in Monitoi M'011.-""1""1 .
I depeiulent,
He's a busy man who p'" W
. Hreoirt
this week at a ''"'.',' boarinf
large lots, B";'
trees, bam, cliiekeii W. I(tr
Price or this week onb f'
Beautiful 6 Art " b,rnT
close I"! house. :tfr
deep rich Mack ' ' i(.
. . l.,l, l i s 11'. ' '
j ll-lllll, '.'.
,l,t"' cnoicaVacntto
200 and up! b'rm'-
The best 1 Pt
Howell Prairie. I'"1' , it
with crop. in'l'n'nl'!
Ye write lns """'"
?nil"- H0U56. v"1
in all par" ot
,ru oi
L. BechteU.
347 8tata Strt