Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 01, 1915, STREET EDITION, Image 2

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QOLflNCi as a, surprise to many of
their friends was the announce
ment of the marriage of Olive N.
Vetcidf to Hollister Chamberlain,
which took place at the First Methodist
church in (Seattle, February 25, Sr.
Leonard oli'iciutin,:. Mrs. Chamber
lain is the laughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Georrre K. Metvalf, of 1203 Court
strait. Hoe is a very beautiful girl
and has a host of friends here who are
regretting that the young people am
to make their home in Seattle. Both
are former students ot Willamette uui
'rcruty, Mrs. Chamberlain also being ac
t:'elv identified witii the local Woung
Woman's Christian association. Mr.
: Chamberlain is a graduate of the law
department of Willamette, lie is a
number of one of Hulem 'a oldest famil
ies nod is at present associated with
promineut 'law firm in the Hodge
block, tkattlc.
Mrs. A. M. LuFolletto, of Court
street, assisted by Mrs. S. J. Dorsey,
opened her homo to the Woman's Home
Missionary society ot the United Evan
gelical church last Wednesday after
on, when they gave a silver tea for
the benefit of the piuuo fund uf the
church. "The Child in the Home"
was the Interesting subject of study,
tine gathering being on the occasion or
the regular monthly meeting.
Tho society's cuius, yellow and
whito, were carried out in the ices und
decorations, daffodil.; with greenery be
ing used.
Mrs. Horsey and Miss Antono pre
sided at the serving table, the following
being present:
Mrs. n. H. Mummy, Mrs. 1'. J. I.uron,
attend the wodding of Miss Gertrude
Lesser, to Harry 1. Mendelsohn, which
is to be a most conspicuous event of
Wednesday. It will take place at
seven o'clock Wednesday evening at
the vote) Benton, over four hundred
guests to witness the ceremony. both
Mr. Mendelsohn and his fiancee art
known here, during tho holidays being,
complimented with an elaborate ban
quet at the hotel Marion, given by Pr
and Mrs. Mendelsohn. Another son
l'hil N. Mendelsohn, of Ban Francisco,
a prominent jewelry importer and
wnoirsitic merchants oc that city, ur
rived in Halcm this morning, and this
evening will leave for Portland to be
present at the wedding. Dr. and Mrs.
Mendelsohn, with their daughter,
Huth, will go down tomorrow morning,
returning Thursday morning,
Mrs, C, H. Cannon was pleasantly
surprised Friday, February 20th, on her
birthday, by the ladies of the "i'nii
gle and Pleasant Point Social Club."
In answer to roll call ench member
responded with an appropriate proverb
and presented the hostess with a gift.
A most enjoyable afternoon was spent
utter winch a picnic iiir.cn whs served,
Tho guests present were: Mrs, K 8,
Coats, Mrs. 1). Vanderbilt, Mrs. Will
Robins, Mrs. J. N. Robertson, Mrs. W.
Coburn, Mrs. I. W. Potter, Mrs,
Wyn Hobins, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. ('. C,
llest, Mrs. C. Jones, Miss Edna Can
non, and Miss Laura Yates.
Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Holer nnd suiull
sons, Hubert and Kruest, oie in Hnu
Francisco attending the expiation
They left for that plnce Friday, Mrs.
Mrs. Isabella White, Mrs. James Ifcni- Hofnr and children to be awny a month
ingtou, Mrs. Mary (,'uscbere, Miss Nul
lie Casebnre, Mrs. Charles Htegs, Mrs.
William Dyers, Miss M. M. Hunt, Mrs.
Catherine Pugh, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Inn
Cole, Mrs. IS. J. Horsey, Mrs. 0. N.
Thompson, Mis. O, ('. Thompson und
Yale, Ke.v. A. A. Winter, Prnl'essor A.
h. Hchmulle, Mrs. A. h. Hchmulle and
Miss Winnie Antone.
Tho Hnmcdi club nut at their, most
recent session with Miss Iversun at
the home of Mrs, Vacs, fourteen mem
bers answeriug to rollcnH with epiotn
tions from Longfellow, All deeurutions
were patriotic in horns' of Washing
ton's birthday, and several intei-enting!
i'acts about Washington und Longfel
low were given. At a lute hour tlic
guests wero invited to the dining-room,
whero a dainty lunch was served, the
club adjourning to meet next with Mrs.
i'ntuam on Chcnickuta street,
A Urge number of voices of high
sellout boys have been tried out by Miss
Magers, recently appointed director ot
the bigii school glo.i clubs, ami she Is
delighted with the results, predicting
that with such excellent muteriul that
the cirls organization will of necessity
need to do some especially excellent
work to eclipse that done by the boys.
Large number uf the students hirve hud
prrvijjs musical instructions, making
it possible to begin serious glee work.
The personnel uf the club to date, is:
Mr. Ilofer to return in a fortnight, Dur
ing their stay tnoy will lie entertained
by the Hollister McOuircs (Miss Tessa
Flowers and massages of felicitation
are finding their way to Mr. nnd Mrs
Frank H. Hpenrs, 'MO North Thirteenth
street, upon tho birth of a son, bom
Huturilny, February 27. The little new
arrival has bcon iiuined Frank Herreu,
Mrs. Spears was befiive her 'iniirringo
Miss (Sophia at 1 i it, one of the most
popular und attractive girls of the
younger set.
Mrs. ,1 nun's K. Godfrey ami Miss Cod
frey, of -Portland, who have been puss-
ing :-ome time in Hulem with Mrs. L. K.
I'lige, are at preseut house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Godfrey.
Tim marriage of Miss Verda Viulet
Zurl tu Elmer Peter Peltier tuuk pluee
yett.'iilny afternoon at ,1 o clock at
the i utue of tho bride's parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Theodore Zosel, L'lll Mission
rtroet, in the presence of about fifty
five lelutives and friends,
Minn Vera Xosel attended as bride's
maid and Kdgur Dougherty was best
man. Miss Pearl Kiiin played Men
delssohn's wedding music before und
during the ceremony. The bridul gown
was fnihidiod on simple lines of white
silk crepe, ornamented with pearl gur-
Kirrl tenors Earl lleiidrick, Hoy mum, und her bouquet was of white
llarker. Harrv Mills, Victor Heed, Till-I' liiniiiiuns. Tlie limit's maid wore a
man l erruo, Frank .inn, 1 Inn y Leg
Rett; second tenors Lylo Hurtholoincw,
Kd 'jlsri, Doyle Unyder, Mertou Hriggs;
first bais Victor lliadesun, Fiauk
Ihirtoin, Claude Hadcliff, Alou.o Patch,
in, KmucU .Lebold, Huiold Hoborts,
Fraaois Waltii; aecond br Ward
Wloll, Max Alford, Frank Prince, Wil
liam riherwood, Theodore liwin, Ivan
Friday evening the residents of Morn
ingiiue gave one ( theii delightful sur
prise parties, this time the event be
ing lor Mr. mid Mis. Needy, in honor
of Mrs. Keedy'e birthday anniversary.
The lime was passed with musie and In
iornml diversions. Later iu the even
ing an organization was perfected with
constitution, by-laws and other proper
regulations. The oryaiuiation Is tu be
frock of light blue silk erepe de chine
and carried an armful of pink esrnn
tion.i. Pink Carnations and fern decorated
the rooms. Assistants at the wedding
were Mrs. .1. W. Ruble, Mrs. William
A. Zosel nnd Mrs. William Perry.
Huth young people lire well known
and are puuiiar members of the .Mnccu
heo lodge. They will bo at home to
their friends at 11)00 North Twenty
firct street in a new buiiulow.
Til" guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Albeit Herder, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Neu
mann, of Amity; Mr. and Mrs. William
A. Zosel, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. W. Ruble,
Mr. end Mrs. vVlllinm McOaniols, Mr.
snd Mrs, William F. Xosel, Mr. and
Mis. Claude Stevenson, Mr. und Mrs
D. It. Ruble, Mr. und Mrs. William
Perry, Mrs. R. Pratt, Mrs. Cortes Case
tailed "The Morniugside (Imdfellow- bore, of Port'und; Mis.es Vera Xosel,
hip rami. Oltioors elected were:! I earl Ann, Pearl Neumann, hva and
President, Mrs. K. M. Law; vice pi-esi-! Martha Merger, Maude, Veda, .lean nnd
tleut, K. I). Ilnlsev; see ret a r v. .1. H. I Vera MrDaniuls, Klsie, Luuellu, Mar-
Hen tenon. Those siguiug ti.e cunsti-1 tha end Mildred Xosel, Grace, llessie
lution and thus beeoining members ana (psl 1'ratt, .i liua Perry, Messrs.
KdS'ir Douglieity, rhniuol and Fred
Merger, Robert Neumann, Walter nnd
llniuld Xoi-el, William Htovensim, Tlioie
t nsetiere, ut Poitland; Krnest, Perry
.luhn, liursol and Julius. Ruble.
fill' &eP''
i .- U;
J w
WJ-" i
, J. E. Lillard of Albany is registered
at the Bligh.
J. E. Hill of MeMinnville spent Sun
dsv in the eitv.
E. H. Edgar of Albany was in the
city yesterday.
Win. Wood of Albany was in the eity
Saturday on bosiness, .
V, It, Moses of (iervois was a busi
ness risitor in th citv today.
Mrs. E. II. Lloyd of Hpokanc is in
the city visiting relatives.
Ray Smith of Albany was a business
visitor in Knlem Saturday.
Wm. P. Dawson of Portland spent
Sunday in the city with friendB.
Robert Annaa spent Sunday ot Clov
erdale visiting with lis brother.
0. E. Peterson, of Salem, is at the
Nortonia. Oregonian.
A. T. Moffitt, of Halrm, was in the
city today (Saturday.) Albany Demo
crat. Chirlos Stewart returned to Halem od
the (Saturday) morning train. Albany
Mrs. Geo. M. Brown, wife of tho at
torney general, is visiting her parents
in Roseburg.
D. H. Upjohn, a Salem newspaper
man, was in Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. A. L. Conner, erode teacher in
the Tualatin schools, spent Sunduy in
the city.
It. K. Peeta of Cloverdsle was in tne
city over Hunday, visiting with his
H. H. Carter and wife upent Sunday
nt Sidney, visiting with Mrs. Carter's
Mrs. Fred 8. Bynon returned today
from a week 's visit with her ruronts
in Portland.
Chss. W. McKinney snd family arc
moving to Silverton todsy to mako that
city their future home.
Miss 8va Peots is in C'loverdalo this
week, visiting at tho home of her
uncle, H. R. Feet.
C. L. Ogle, William Hcollnrd and J.
,W. Crosby of Woodburn wero in the
city Saturday.
Ed Hubbard of Denver returned to
his home in Denver after an extended
visit with I. 0. Curtis.
. Jack Darr and wife returned todoy
from Newport where they have been
visiting for the past few weeks.
C. C. Graham and ifo went to Cor
vnllis Saturday evening on the
Orahumona, returning this morning.
C. If. Picket, of Salem, spent Friday
in Medford looking after business mat
ters. Medford Tribune,
C, 8. Bliss, of Solent, is omnng the
out-of-town visitors in tho city this
week. Medford Sun.
B. N. Pixley left this afternoon for
Portland where he will take the steam
er Bear for San Francisco, for an ex
pended visit.
Miss Winnifred MrHridc is home
from Willamette university, Kalem, for
a week-end visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. McHiidc Corvallis Re
publican. A. E. Latlar and wife of Albany
were In the city yesterday visiting at
l.n I . f 1 . linn o..L
..... , . , ' lMW j.niim muni-, mnilll 1.11'eriT
siuieu tor tne supenntemlency ,r the ,trw. M, ,,'
This simple but chic nnd youthful
afternoon gown is distinctly upon the
Kiissinn blouse order. The hem of the
blouse tunic is not strnight uround, but
is longer upon the right side. The skirt
pleasingly closes ut the right side un
der a semicircle row of buttons. The
blouse is belted with an embroidered
belt and is uniquely closed upou the
right shoulder and tinder the arm. But
tons effect the cuff closing.
Harry P. Minto Slated for
Job at Pen Is Assertion
As evidence that Hum- P. Minto
Oregon penitentiary is the fact that ho
departed in company with Sheriff Eseh
on the trip to Brooklyn, New York,
where the bitter goes for the purpose
of bringing A. B. Cook, the alleged
cheek swindler, back to face the Sulem
merchant whom to duped into cashing
worthless checks to the aggregato
amount of $1200. Mr. Mluto will not
go all the way with Sheriff KbcIi but
will stop over at the seats of govern
ment of several states to maku a spe
cial study of prison management and
expects to be gone for several weeks.
recommending them.'
ply ask
i rK-n our, ai an ueuieis. ion I Sim- . frtS
r ... I. ; l .. . . , - "
were: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Law, Mr.
nd Mrs. F. K. Robiuson, Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Peek,
Mr. snd Mrs. 0. M. Reeves, Mr. nuil
Mrs. II. W. Holuiaii, Mr. und Mrs. J.
t). Henderson, Mr, and Mrs (I, A. Tliarp,
Mr. und Mrs. T. A. RutclilY, Mr. and! Thi asi-emblv hall of the Highland
Mrs. K. I). Ilulsev, Mr. and Mrs. M. nhool was tilled to cnpinitv Friiluv
Keedy, Misses Ella Bennett. Alice evenine when the seeoud of a series of
ltcinta. Vera Reeves, llirdetta Bennett, ! community siugs took place, between 1 Moan 'a Kidney Pills the same that Mr,
iiuiq noninson, mmy iienuett, Messrs. iwo nmidreii anil tinee Hundred lielug
Trvbrrt Henderson, Loyal Henderson, pres'lit.
CUvul Kobimon, Ernest W tt, Walter i Mrs. l.uMoine R. t lurk, piincipnl of
noiman, r. ii, iteiicii, , I In sci.itil, wlin introduced the com
The Indies of the paitv served a buf -; muoitv sines in Sa'e ii, bad i harue
in iimm ii i ue close oi me inisiness me Himir, .Miss uiniiys reuinertoii o
cu'o'ing. sitting her as pianist, the latter, bv Itir
way, being pointei! to fill this posi-
Nn'lAL 'ties inning the remainder of the season.
Mr. K. I.. Drnry and baby of Sun' V'ctrola nmsie from a splendid cab-
tranrisro are the guests for the tit 'net furnished ly Mr. IVteir, of th
few months nf her m.inlhi.r Mri I r Witw. It AIIm litk... M.iiu,..v ,Hd I .. ...... , ..
.' .. - - - r" - e1".'! "" i ' I'm piuiie inuieiia lor llir en! hnniiiK,
Olobo theatre at Albany,
Mrs. A. C, Forrington went to Snlem
yesterday in response to a message tell
ing her of the serious illness of her
father, Henry Workman. Eugene Reg
ister. Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, nf Salem,
is in Eugene at tho homo of Mr. and
Mra. Armitagc. She is expected to re
main until the middle of the week.
Eugene Uunrd.
Early March Best Time
For Spraying Fruit Trees
As the early days in March are the
must important days in the year from
. I the spraying standpoint, C. 0. Constable
Such Evldonc Our Readers Cannot1 fou!'ty f T' j"""0'. M-
n. u .lowing valuable suggestions:
D1,pul4- rtret Application.
As we take up the Journal we arc 1' is recommended by tho agrirul
struck by the hearty, unmistakable way l tural college to spiny with Bordeaux
in which witness after witness speaks j mixture five pounds Blue Stone, five
out as Mr. Hill does here. If these pco-j pounds lime to fifty gullon water, or
pie wero strangers living miles awny,! lime sulphur solution one gallon solu
wo might take little notice of them.jtion to thirty of vuter when the bloi
But they are not. They are our neigh-som buds have the duster and separnt
bora, living among us, Their word is ed iu show pink. If leaf rating in
too easily oroven to admit of any doubt. I sects or green fruit worms ore pic-est
They speak out in the hope that their; add nrscnute lead, two pounds to fifty
experience may be a guide to others. I gallon diluted spray
C. W. Hill, wagon maker, N.l Second Application,
rrout st reel. Salem, says: "1 hadj After petals f:,ll anu before rr.lv.
moro or Ions backache and my kidneys, close, spray with lime sulphur one gal
were disordered. Dean's Kidney Pillion solution , ihi,tyfi' gallon fi
have ala,vs relieved me in . short'plus two pounds aisennte l".d "post. "
wnrhaVe iZl"? K i I',! ! "f,.V ''. I1""' Ty.
inira Appucsuon.
Bad Mo!,-tbat is, blood that is j
impure or impoverished, thin and
pale, is responsible for more ail
ments than anything else.
It affects every organ and function.
In some cases it causes catarrh; in j
others, dyspepsia; in others, rheuma-
S :il tl,or -ireal-. ttred. I
Tism,. ana in em viw-., 1 -- .
languid feelings and worse troubles.
It is responsible for run-down
conditions, and is the most common
cause of disease.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the greatest
purifier and enrieher of the blood the
world has ever known. U has been
wonderfully successful m removing
scrofula and other humors, increasing
the red-blood corpuscles, and building
up the whole system. Get it today.
Several Valuable Employees Will Be
Without Work April 1 Following
Reduction In Appropriation.
Feeling the necessity of cutting!
down expenses immediately in order,
to meet tho reduction of $20,000 in the!
amount of its biennial appropriation,
which was made by the last session of j
the legislature, the railroad commis-j
sion Saturday afternoon aunotinced ,
that threo members nf its staff, Chief I
Electrical Engineer R. It. Dearborn;!
Assistant Secretary Carl Smith, and
Auditor 0. B. Christie would be rc-;
leased on April 1 and it was intimated;
that it would be necessary to cut down
the force still further as soon as a,
number of important hearings, sehed-j
nled for the near future, had been dis
posed of. '
-Mr. Dearborn has been receiving a1
snlary of $1800 per vcar from thci
railroad commission and an additional
salary from the Oregon agricultural J
college as head of the electrical en-i
gineering department of that institu
tion. Mr. Smith and Mr. Christie have
both received $1800 from the commis
sion. Both are valunblc men and have
rendered valuable service and tho com
mission deplores tho necessitv of hnv-
ing to dispense with their services but,
under the circumstances, have to cut
lown to their appropriation. Tt is al
so the intention of the commission to
release one of the engineers in charge
of tho Portland office and one of the
staff stenographers in the very near
future, and, as a further means of cut-1
ting down travelling expenses, piacti-j
cnlly all of the hearings of the future:
will he held either in Portland or at!
Salem, and there ill be few if nnv'
hearings held in other parts of the
Hearings have been set bv the com
mission for this month as follows:
March S Application for establish
ment of depot facilities ut Orleans,
Linn county.
March fl Application for railroad
crossing at Monroe, on Portland, Eu
gene & Eastern.
Mun-h 10 At Ashland, relative to1
application of city of Ashland for es-l
tahlishmcnt of three railroad crossings.
March 1L' At Ilrnin, relative to the:
complaint of the citv of Drain against
the rity water works. !
New Spring Millinery
We have opened the season with a nice select as
sortraent of Ladies' and Girls' hats. Everything
new, right up to date. Prices are lower this year
than formerly. Quality has not been sacrificed, to
obtain a low price. Come and see for yourself.
Nice dainty hats and such reasonable prices.
240-246 Commercial Street
Praise meu and flatter women, and
you will have many fair weather
frien is.
who have taken lVnn 'a Kidney Pills
na gooa results, tou may continue: Ten dnvs after i;...;.
nublishiua the statement 1 ,..v. h..fnr..! r "nd application
.. - Mr, miup n i.nnr iir, In i rtr.l m.
If rains continue in enilv June give
f..,...l. ......I:...: . . . v. v
ki.inu ........i.. .i " r 'iii-nuon ten or nuvin flnvs
kidney remedy-get I ,ftl.r . ,irJ
s th same Hint Mr i
Buffalo N.;,,,r MilbUm l'ru 'f"NB GROWERS ENTHUSIASTIC.
Au enthusiastic, meeting of prune
mf sin. "Aineiica" to American music. 'ihZSZ,
of ; lie present ai us Is generally known; ur.lny at the office ,f the Salem V, ,
.-luii u u i.nir nieioiiies sucn opened At the ,..ri .l.
as "Suawnee Hiier." "Mv did Ken-1 noets . f i J; 1 " " th,Jros
... l. it . . ..ii J .. . , lMH' a ig prune crop sie biltei
"'I ' ' T' m """. ':- ninn.v y'ea,, ,d ,,11 the grow
1 .., himi nt mir-. om fii m.it.. ..1 1 - , .
ous others of the same das., furnishing able rendition.'
1 ! 11 1 in nut in l.t ii... I... i I r.. .1 k.
tin.fr- -1 'ITU I1..I i. .. .1. - - .L. . ' . l-'i'i "' '. iin uii-iit.s- I IH prune I'oo n f r nrenr,i...l Ir.
,""'i ' rin-i-!, .nr. i-iii- vi ion e i-iiini.-, inr pun nasiiig tic patrons. ' nun .-...
lr,.rr i. a.l.t manager of the hotel of a. instrument of this dis-rip.ion he- The next son, feM will occur in two1 he ihuiI Lad XTx lW?
Ur. and Mrs. I,, M. Mendelsohn ami M:s. Clark also de i -iiled the and I i ', ," '""' f""" 'h nn"-' of
sou of Kre-no, t ulifoinia, who, last irtiee with nhistlinir solos. I ,r nd Mrs It H ll,.ton ere . ,? , Up "'" ,Idjp ,h bo",,,,
eek were the guests of Dr. and Mr..' Th, tii.t eflort. rf Kridav evening s,Xd gilts ,f r , M- K ( L T"' ' " nilvh (! i"
M. P. Mendelsohn, are iu Portland to even, were concentrated in leniningto ZlV! " " 'S 1, $ZVXL A.nV
Baldy Breezer's
rire i
I Represent
The Phoenix of London
Alliance of Philadelphia
Nothwestern Fire and Marine
Security of New Haven
A Policy in any one of these Companies
is absolute protection against fire losses.
275 State St.
Phone 16
The nrme ".nleni Laundry"
is becoming n hni,fohnd word
when spciikiig of the right kind
of l.nurdry work.
We have ut a si.indrrd bv
whifh good Immdrv work is
nviisnrcd. If the work vnu now
get is ts good as ours it'i, 0. K
Heme of Hnldv It
Salem Laundry Co
Sulem, Oregon.
Pendleton High School Girl
parents and without their knowWfi
il,iss Lois Curl, a senior in the !
t'larenea Tubhs, a jn otessor intke
Peadleton, Ore., March 1. Iespitc ' " "
the reported opposition of tho bride's SUBSCBIBE TOH THE WW
, Making the small merchant
a profitable customer
" I have a list of merchants in 500
towns that are too small to send
salesmen to. Once or twice a
week I send each of these buyers
a Western Union Night Letter or
Day Letter quoting a list of espe
cially attractive buys.- This sales
scheme is developing one of the
most profitable markets we enjoy."
lasagnnBflcnDnaBHBHBcacanBBBgHD iBBaBaaBBBaHBnBHBHgBgBaEBnBBPHaa CKaaaBBBgsflaaaHBaBEBacnaaflCHa MBBBBnsinBfl
-a -naanBEEaaanaoiaa iBaEaaaaBnsnnaESEaaaasasss-'