EIGHT 1HE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALEM. ORSGOV R'ATHITmit t-t-rt-t-f tt- Cull mm COURT I :t.75 .8.00 3.30 25.3; Roads nnd Highways. Road District No. 1. Keil, Monty .1., supervisor etc .... Kcil, 1 1 nno., ilrusj' "'Jt. ditching Seibeil, Louis, cleaning out bridge " Hoad District No. 2. Daniels, S. T., super ising etc. 50.0d (Iriinps, Km nk, hauling gruvel 60,00 Bovoi.s, John, hauling gravel ... 75.01) Barrett, Frnnli, liiiuliiij gravel .. 44.00 Ti-oml(, I.. I., hauling gravel ., !. :t 7 Troudt, Win., hauling gravel ' ""00 Krith, Harvey, hauling gravel ... 5.62 I'liitz, Nili'ii, hauling gravel .... 75.00 Stuufl'or, .lull n, hauling gravel Hull, K. W., hauling gruvel I'ltitt'd, Allii'rt, shoveling urn vol Htuhl, Clyde, shoveling gruvel..'.. Mov-ma, ('. P., shoveling (travel JOvnns, Joe, shoveling gravel .... Jonluii, Julin, shoveling gravel .. Nelson, M it ill, shoveling gravel Neibruk, A. A., ditching ami shoveling Mall, K. li., ditching nml shovel- iK Palmer, l''ifl, hauling gravel .... Junes, Clyde, hauling gravel etc. I''iiliry, Vletor, shoveling Ktuvul Alcl.uughlin, K., hauling gravel Miller, Kims., hauling gruvel .... Andrews, L. I!., shoveling (trav el :.. .limes, Edgar, shiivoling itruvvl etc Jones, (limit, hauling (ravel .... Iliiniiiirk, (ieo., hauling gravel llosli'ltler, S. :., hauling (travel Salem Sand 4i Gravel Co., gravel 010.00 Rond District No. 3. Jnek'on, ,1. II., supervising, ete. Moore, I). T., grading, ditching, utc Hughs, (Hen, ditching Mauley, Julin, repairing eulverts Kiuiiiiit iii(t, Hen, dumping scrap- ! Howen, Frank, grubbing ' Lee, Frank, grubbing Dickens, William, grubbing Hicks, Mrs. E. M., linger, ax filer, ete Road District No. 14, llollownv, li. J., crushed roek ... Road District No. 15. Jackson, (I. L., dragging, ete. ... - Road District No. 10. Vinton, lleorgo, Jragging Jefferson, W, J., dragging Tuv, K. T., (litelnn Hiiugliinuii, W. II,, illteliinit Road District No. 17, ' Lander, W. W.. suiiervisini' 00.00 j i-'ruit. Merle, shoveling gravel.... IK. 75 j Harris, Clyde, shoveling gravel.. 31.50 Miiisan, Charley, spremling gravel 33.251 Hawkins, Win., shoveling gravel 34.12 j Nosnin, It. M., ditching 1.75, Lander, Arthur, dragging rond.. 32.37 2.S.87 22.50 20.25 10.2.', 2. 1 2 40.S7 i 7.00 11.02' 31.87 , 2M.I2! M.I 5 50.00 j 52.50 20.00 2.00 13.50 13.50 1 1.00 4.20 25.00 24.73 12.00 15.25 .80! 1.00 1 11.25! 1.75 j 1.75; 1.'5! 1.75! 8.75 1 10.50 8.73 1 5.25 j 4.3S 3.50 ; 3.50 ( 3.50 1 2.00, 10.001 Frank, grading Ch as., blasting Kiicn-Jing, Kiionsting, HtlllllpH Marshy, Win., grading, ete Olson, Lawrence, ditching, grad ing etc. .' Kensc, Jake, dragging, grubbing, . etc JuckMin, Knlph, dragging, plow ing Witt, Augmt, grubbing, blunting Miller Bros., powder, caps mid fun' Moure, J. ('., bridge rods Road Ristrlct No. 4. Larkia l'rinee Hardware Co., ifltach bar MeDiinubl, M., sharpening plow Road District No. S, Coyle, Walter, ditching und grabbing Hich, A, ,1., dragging and grub bing Williams, F.d,, grubbing Krnininer, Joseph,' grubbing DeLor, Fred, grubbing ,... F.tcr, William, ditching Davidson, W. F., grubbing, tic. Davidson, W, F., powder, fuse and caps Road District No. 0. .Smith, E. II., grubbing, burning Luvgren, J, lb, ditching .'. Cntsfiirtii, John 11., hauling gravel, ete Mills, John Jr., shoveling gravel I'hoipictU', I'ix, driving team Culslurlli, John, hauling gravel Maul, Newlon, hauling gravel .. Salem Hand iH (navel Co., grav el Road DiHtrlet No. 8. Harper, H. W., supervising Hariicr, H. W-, hauling gravel .. Durnul, L. V hauling gravel Woinls, J. L hauling gravel .... I'lioley, Hex, hauling gravel .... Aicher, S., hauling gravel Miller, II y, hauling gravel Miller, George, hauling gravel Hunting iV Hun, II-, hauling gravel Ilcullv, W, I,., hauling gravel .. Kahaut, I 'etc, hauling gravel .... Roberts, L, l) hauling gruvol Kiiiriul, Jee, hauling grind ... plin, Fred, hauling gravel Iloiidri'lrks, M. I.., hauling gravel Wallers, Arthur, hauling gravel Whitney, (iilberl, hauling gravel Bivnhnff, Harry, hauling gravel Whitney, F.llis, hauling gravel Kid, incite, Arthur, hauling grav el Kels"l, Milo, shoveling gravel ... Fng'd, Floyd, shoveling gravel... Wilbuia, V shoveling gravel .... Thcis, Mulh, shoveling gravel ... Will. iid, Austin, spreading gtuv-el shoveling dirt .... I'., shoveling dirt S. v, sniveling 4.00 8.00 2.50 10.00 21.00 20.50 15.50 37.13 5.50 .05 .50 11.0(1 10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 1 .00 10.00 30.00 25.00 9.00 15.00 tl.OO 10. tut 12.75 7.oo 10.00 :il.2i 152.00 70.00 03.00 02.00 50.00 43.00 40.00 110.00 51.00 50,00 31.00 52,00 40.00 41.00 40,00 31.00 20.00 21.00 1 1.00 31.00 3.00 35,00 31.00 Carpenter, F., mnuigiir, A, llurdnistlc, gi n el . Hardcastle, Frank, shoveling I gravel 11.00 Ford, II. I'., shoveling dirt 21.00 Gilliam, W. I.., shoveling gravel 21.00 Haveuey, Jehu, shoveling gravel 8.00 Hnidiiiger, I.., shoveling gravel .13.00 Will'oid, Joe, hauling gruvel 8.00 Kunu, I'liillip, shoveling gravel 10.00, Honiiey, llob't, shoveling giavel lOtm F.nglo, lleo., shoveling gravel .... 5.00 Itonilnger, A, F., shoveling grin el 4.00' Kuukle, Harry, shoveling giavel 3.00 lliilines, Dick, shoveling giael., 3.30 Hlllott, A, II., huuling gravel 3.00 Hrager, I), (I,, advanced for 1 freight 37.30 Lnnduii lldw. Co,, mould board 3 30 .liilem Hand & tlruvel Co., gravel 810.00 3,25 De.lardiu, John, ilra.tging road.. lerrell, (Ieorge, hauling gravel.. Kanip, (Ieorge, dragging road .... Moisnn, (I. T., hniiling gravel.... Iluiiluvy John, hauling gruvel... . Hanip, Malchon, hauling gravel N'owak, Frank, repairing grader Hali'in Sand & (Iravel ( o., gravel Road District No. 19. Claggett, AreliiOj supervising, etc. 17.50' Claggett, Archie, grading, etc .1.00' Hoss, T. I... grading, etc 30.00 j Claggett, Thus., grading 30.00 Springstiihe, Frank, hauling gravel, etc 28.00 Hpringstubo, Earnest, shoveling nnd spreading 12.00 Mniitli, Frnnk, liauling gravel .... 20.00 Keefer, Harry, liaiiling grnvel .... 21.00 Crlpps, ,1. Hr,, hauling gravel .... 24.00 Cripps, J. Jr., hauling gruvel 24.00 White, W, II.. hauling gruvel .... 24.00 Mason, J. II,, hauling gravel .... 24.00 Harold, Olaf, hauling gravel .... 21.00 Salem Construction Co., gravel.... 134.40 Shields, Dov l', grading gravel 1.05 Road Dirtrlct No. 20. Jefferson, J. A., sup't work 21.00 Jefferson, .1, A., hauling gravel 85.00 Olson, N. I1., hauling gravel 4.00 Dawson, Win., spredaing gravel, etc., 10.50 Ankron, J, F., spremling gravel, etc., 2.00 Coffey, J. J., spreading gravel, etc 0.00 f'oofey, A., ditching 12.50 Jefferson, .1. A., on roud grader 12.00 I Jefferson, J. A., hauling dirt.... 00.00 ! Habington, V. I.., ditching, etc. 0.50 Halungton, O K., ditching, etc,, 5.50 Xeugcr, John, shoveling dirt .... 0.50 Hean, C, shoveling dirt 0.50 Van Cleave, H. A., shoveling dirt 3.50 Seainsler, W, II., shoveling dirt 5.50 Horning, O., shoveling dirt 5.50 McKee, S. L., shoveling dirt 0.50 Voightritter, (1., shoveling dirt.. 6.50 Road District No. 20, Cont. Brown, J. J., shoveling dirt,... 0.50 Steward, W. 11., shoveling dirt. . 0.50 Vnubiibber, N. V'., shoveling dirt 3.50 Morgon, l M., shoveling dirt .... 1.00 Savage, L., shoveling dirt 0.51) Ankrom, .1, T., shoveling dirt..' 12.75 Havis, 1. 1,., ilitehing 0.00 Fitch, ('has., shoveling dirt '5.50 Smith, W, J., ditching 5.50 Colscn, I', II, , draging 4.00 Salem Sand and (Iravel Co., gravel , 45.00 Road District No, 20 1-2. Wacken, II,, dragging ......... 17.50 Van Cleave, 1.. Al drugging ... 10.50 Neptune, Vi. V., huuling gravel.. 2.00 Dudley, L. K., hauling grave.. 4.00 Road District No. 21 Ashby, Claude C dinging 8.00 Road District No. 22 llntnsdon, C. J., dragging 5.25 Clyiuer, C. W., dragging 5.25 Road District No. 23 Brewer, John II., lumber lor rock bii 32,01 Dicdrich, I'cter, rubber packing, ete 1,40 Hodsiiii-Feeniiughty Co., repairs for ei usher 3.90 Road District No. 24 Klutz, John, opening up ditches 7.50 llildesheim, Hill, dragging 0.53 Kint., Myli'M, running road jointer , K-.'llv, t D., lumber ' Road District No 25 l.ewi:i, John, supervising 4.37 l.euis, Claud, dragging road..,. 1.1.(10 llaliu, Frank, shoveling gravel, ! ete T 9.30 Van Nays, Willis, helping load 1 roller k 2.00 jColven, Charles, hauling gravel. 7.00 Fusoti, Hoy, hauling gravel 7.00 'Trunk, Harry, hauling gravel.. 7.00 Tucker, Alvin, hauling gravel.. 7.00 Henderson, Hob, spreading grav el 3.30 ! Arthur, T. J.: repairing tool,i ,., 2.05 ;imiil Fusoii, Hoy, wooil for roller ... 5.02 :i'"0O 1 I .twi, J. M., freight on gravel,. 10.00 1,1,1 Miller Speer l.br. Co., lumber,. J 1.52 jSnlem Sand S (Iruvel Co., gravel 10.00 1 1 Wheiittuan, Joe, wood for roller 7.50 I Road District No. 20 Wilel, H. II., supervising 5 00 I 5.25 i 1.80 I Sown, J'nul, repairing grader Road District No, B 4. Si-ollnrd, Win., ditching, etc Whltucv, (), ('., ditching I'ollaid, W, K ,lit. hiug McCutrhuu, J. Houglas, ditching Wnrd, James, dragging, etc Scnllnrd, ,, C ditching Hoshlas & lifSnrt, drain tiles . Rond District No. 10, Schwnb, John, ditching, etc ' 7,50 Hinchol., Joe, ilrnggitig Hud ditching 12.00 Schwab, 1 J., dragging und ditching ., 12.00 Rond District No. 13. Miller, I. V., supervising, etc., 22,50 Miller, Karl, ditching und grub Hates, ('. O., culvert work I'enger, N. F driving team.. Little, Chits., culvert work, ete,., WiUol. II. O., move drift Road District No, 20 Cont. Mcllugli, Heruard, slicker Osborne, Han, ditching Itobertson, H, II., driving team, etc Road District No. 27 Stark, V. H., filling wash out.., Fabrv, John, hauling rock Rond District No. 27 12. Oregon Statesinaa. punllsliin notice to Con Rond District No. 2H 1 2. Trueblood, F. K., supervising, etc Trueblooil, ,1. I it no u'l g 111 i-l 7001 Lewis, N. W.( 0.OO 7.00 4 00 ' hauling dirt hauling dirt and 0.00 gravel Lewis, Fred, shoveling dirt .... Doyle, W, l' Khovellng dirt..., Trueblood, Adolphus, ditching.. Salem Hand A (Iravel Co., grav el Spauldiag l.oging Co., lumber,, Road Dlatrlct No. 30 Doiiohue, Dan, hauling gravel, ete Denohue, D,, team work Kencl, Frank, shoveling gruvel., Mooie. ,f, II,, putting in tiling.. bing 0.30 Miller, F. M., gruvel Miller, Hen, grubbing 12.00' Road District No. SI Smith, (lifford, grubbing 12.00, ttue1l. S, II,, miiiervising .... iiiimermnn, Churles, grubbing, ll'uniuctt, (', A., huuling tiling, kIc. ; lJ.OOj 'ti! 3.73 ' y.25, 4.25 I 1 1 .00 j 2.00 ' 2.00 , 3.00 j 1 2.50 4.00 3.00 23.75 53.00 40 00 15.73 14 17 2.02 13.31 0.73 7.30 0.50 4.00 1.00 1.40 32.30 50.00 Cook, Hugh, hauling tiling, etc.. 44.00 (Sentry, John, hauling tiling, etc. 40.00 liusscil, S. H., hauling tiling, etc. (team work) 2G.00 Russell, Koy, wheel scraper.... 20.00 Ruswll, Chester, wheel scraper. 20.00 Stephens, drover, wheel scrupor 24.00 (lentrv, Tony, wheel scraper... 20.00 Wilsjjn, J. ('., w heel wruper 18.00 Hoat wright, M. J., wheel scraper 14.00 Tkotnus, Ira F,., dragging road.. 7.00 Road District No. 32 Lambert, L. S., supervising, etc. 15.75 Heiger, A., hauling blinker, etc... 10.00 Muck, A. L., shoveling rock .... 4.00 Toelle, (lerhurd, dragging 1.00 Cremer, Chris, drugging 3.50 Forette, E., (list, coiuuiittet', go ing over , 2.00 Keech, (Ieo., dist. coniinitteo go- - iug over .2.00 Ware, T. J., dist. committee go ing over 2.00 Nottinger, ('has., dist. committee g.i'ng over ' 2.00 Brewer, C. II. , dist. committeo going over 2.00 Brown Fetel Lumber Co., lum ber : 3.30 Road District No. 3 Dike Bros., powder, handles, ets Continued Schroeder, John, bridge plutiks. Continued Road District No. 30 Outerson, John, oils, nails, rope, etc 4.91 Road District No. 41. Swcgle, (Ieo., dragging 8.00 Road District No. 42. Clark, J. I)., fixing wash out, et' , 10.50 Curtis, II. ii., decking bridge .87 Spnulding Lugging Co.. lumber 11.00 Road District No. 43. AineSj S., powder, fuse und caps 21.55 Road District No. 45. Hamilton, J. .M., cutting brush 5.00 Lal'ore, X. H., cutting brush .... 4.00 Fowler, W. N., cutting brush .... 4.01) Road District No. 48. Clements, Clint, huuling gravel 2,00 llahn, Fdwin W., draining and ditching, etc 3.12 Miller, ltert., gravel 2.35 'Smith Hi Fontaine, shovel 1.25 Road District No. 52. Diiuigiin, Fdw. Sr., supervising, etc 5.00 Diinigan, Kdw., Sr., dragging .... 0.00 Lauderbach, Jim., dragging 12.00 Vatse, Sam, dragging 0.00 Lichty, Henry, drugging 13.00 Lichty, Alix, drugging 13.08 Diinigan, .Maurice, ditching and shoveling 4.00 Diinigan, Eddie, Jr., hauling dirt 4.00 Armstrong 41 Co., (.'. W., repair- - ing 3.00 Fair (iroiiads .Sliups, grader blado sharpened 5.00 SJIvertoti Lumber Co., lumber .. 9.00 Road District No. 53. Olson, Louie, posting S. T. no tices 3.00 Road District No. 54, Coplernd, John C, supervising, etc 10,00 Moo, Melvin, dragging roads .... 9.75 Moo, John, drugging roads 9.75 Burr, (I. L, repunmg Continued Road District No. 58. Olson, X. 1'., hauling tilo, etc .. 13.00 Olson, F.ltner, diteiijing LOO Olson, Walter O., unloading tilo ' 1.00 Snlem Sand & (Iravel Co., gavel 20.00 Suletii Sewer l'ipo Co., tilo 7.M0 Road District No. 59. Skofstnd, O. L., foreman 11.25 Salver, H. l, grubbing stumps' 8.00 Smith, W, J., griibbiiib stumps 8.00 Smith, liilcy, grubbing stumps H.00 Fisher, John A., grubbing stumps 7.00 Thii'-nian, ('. W., grubbinb stumps O.OO Fetcsh, ( has., grubbing stumps 0.00 (losser, T. ('., hauling tool box 1.00 Heevis, 0. M., superviaiir 8.75 Voris, (I. M., dingging 2.00 llen leran, J. S., grubbing 6.00 Heynolds, K. 1! grubbing 7.00 llauser iiros.; powder, fiiso and enps ,. 0.00 Fi'iircc & Son, Lot L., slip scrop- pcra 28.00 ' Road District No. 00. Miller, D. J., hauling roek, etc 1.75 Kuiser, II. II., diuggiug 5.25 Martin, 11. K., dragging 5.25 Tuvloi, II. 0 dragging 7.37 Road District No. 02. Ileek.ier, C. L., dragging 0.00 Bunnell, A. J., ditching 1.00 Bruus, II. ,A., ditching 2.00 Roadinaator. Culver, V. J., salary and ex pense . 198.50 MiDccllaiioouS. Ames, S., fuse 15 Bufl'.ilo Steam Holler Co., ac count county roller 21.05 Bushing & Co., supervisor's timo books 52.50 Carey, Asa, wmk on county tool house 20.75 Drager, D, C advanced for fr.'ight 515.00 Drager, D, C, advanced for freight 511.50 Dinger, D. ('., advnneed for freight '109.00 Mehl, Hert, work on road plats 30.50 Moore, Don II., ehalnmun 5.00 Swart, II, S., levelniun 40.00 Whitney, O. ('., liverv hire .. 4.50 INud District No. 37. Iloyscr, Herbert, work on plank load , 1.50 lloyser, (Ieo. M,, work 11a plunk road 1.73 Road District No. f.0. ; Opedal, Tom, drugging and scrap- ...er : 7.00 Tweed, A., teamster 2.00 Larson, L. M., dragging 2.00 I'eterson, A., ditching 1.50 Peterson, Win., ditcinng 1,50 Nelson, l ditching 1.50 llia)l, Chris,, ditching 4.35 Rond District No, 34 Cou't. Chamberliu, M. I',, supervising 8.75 Chaniberliii, M. W. work on bridge, ete .' 0.00 ( haiuberliu, J. V work on bridge 9.00 Chainbeillii, B. II., wti.k oil bridge 9.00 Poor Account Coutlituod. Adams, Mrs. W. IV, relief 10.00 Circuit Court Coutluued. YeniK, II. ,L. juror 9.00 Poor Account Contluuod. " Petermaii, Mrs. Maggie, relief .... 13.00 Zoller, Mrs, Theresa, relief 12,00 Circuit Court Continued. Owing, (Ieo., juror 2.00 Smith, D. W juror 3.20 Oookiiighum, J, W., jutor 3.00 Oilsou, W. It., juror 3.20 Agricultural Account. Board of Kegenu of Agricultur al College, (griciiltoriil, etc 700.00 . Poor Account Continued. Henry, Mrs. Olive f., relief :.. 10.00 Insane Account Bellinger, O. C", insane examina tion 5.00 .Smith, W. Carlton, insane exam ination , 5.00 dntfith, L. F., insane examina tion 5.00 Miles, O. B., insane examination 5.00 Thompson, F. II.. insane exam ination . 5.00 Smith, J. P., insane examination 5.00 : Circuit Court Continued. Soely, K. R., juror 22.20 Short, Roy, juror 19.40 Hirons, O. W., juror 18.20 Pnrrish, J. W., juror 22.00 Wilford, Louis, juror 21.00 Eastbiirn, D. F., juror 20.00 McCiilcbrist, Jumes, juror 18.20 Seely, E. Ii., juror 18.00 Short, Roy, juror , 18.00 Hirons, O. W., juror 18.00 I'nrrish, ,T. W., juror 18.00 Wolford, Louis, juror 18.00 Kastburii, D. F., juror 18.00 Mcdilchrist, James, juror 18.00 Bell, F. A., juror 4.70 Morris, Ceo., juror 3.20 Itobertson, Ben, juror 4.00 Wain, A. T., juror 3.20 Keeio, Ed, juror 3.20 Garland, Frank, juror 3.20 Vaatis, Dave, juror 3.20 Siegmund, Win., juror 3.20 Kurz, P., juror : 3.20 Prime, W. F., juror 3.20 Cleveland, II. P., juror 3.20 Snook, H juror 3.20 Little, Thos., juror 3.20 Armstrong, E. C juror 3.50 McKenrv, P., juror 3.20 Chestnut, T. d.. juror 3.50 j Indigent Soldiers. , Holt, Thomas, relief for Ulrs. Whitenmn : 10.00 Insane Account Continued. Byrd, W. 1L, insane examination 5.00 .Smith, J. X., insane examination 5.00 District Court Continued. Long, Amos, juror 1,8.20 Humphreys, J. F., juror 19.50 Freres, P. C, juror 20.70 (iantenbein, John, juror 18.20 Bowden, Ben, juror 18.70 Harriett, II. N.j juror 19.00 Johnson, C. L., juror 18.20 Potter, A., juror 18.20 Indigent Soldier, Continued. Asscln, W. O., relief for Win. D. Morrill ., 10.00 Circuit Court, Continued. Potter, P. W., juror 48.00 Johnson, II. A., Jr., juror 39.40 Schwab, Fred, juror 72.10 Boutin,1 Alfouee, juror 72.40 Lee, L. W., juror 70.80 Hobson, O. W., juror 60.40 Apple, ,T, W., juror : 73.00 Fresh, B. P., juror 72.00 Trover, H. D., juror 60.40 Huckesteiu, A. E,, juror 51.20 Mnpes, Frank, juror 06.40 Reigelman, ,T. O., juror 00.40 Snlberg, M. P., juror 72.00 Bunting, Harry, juror 66.60 Webb, Dan, jiiror ;, 69.60 Clark, II. L., juror 39.40 Acheson, Lee, juror 42.20 C'orneliua, Tlios., juror 39.40 Eidson, J. L., juror 72.00 Indigent Soldier. Continued. Ocarhurt, II. M., relief 10.00 Circuit Court, Continued. Litchfield, deo, P., bnliff 90.00 Poor Account Sunders, Fred, relief 10.00 Ingram, Elizabeth, relief 9.00 Mosher, Klva It., relief 30.00 Wright, D. B., relief 10.00 Spray, Catherine, relief 10.00 Itiggs, Ililleary, relief 10.00 Itemick, W. M., relief 12.00 Smolden, Mrs. Nettie, relief ... 5.00 Boor, John, relief 10.00 Foster, Mrs., relief 10.00 Hurtel, Mrs. Julia 1)., relief 8.00 Smith, A. II., relict) 15.00 Weidmnrk, Mrs. V. A., relief .. 10.00 Pederson, Mrs. Oltf A., relief ... 10.00 Downing, John, relief for chil dren 10.00 Selileunser, Daisy, relief 15.00 Branan, Emma K relief 15.00 Ettlin, Mrs., relief 10.00 Barnes, Mrs. F. 10., relief 20.00 Vredenburg, Mrs. Catherine, re lief 0.00 Oraybill, Mrs. M. M relief ... 10.00 Bullis, Mrs. II. X., relief 10.00 Liicier, Stephen, Sr., relief 5.00 Krebs, Jacob, relief 0.00 Freemun, H. ('., relief 10.00 Knott, Mrs. Cary, relief 10.00 Rankin, Mrs. Mary, relief 10.00 (Iroshong, Mrs. J. N., relief for Mrs. Mary Mayher 10.00 Skoog, Mrs.'Albert, relief 10.00 Marvin, Ida, relief for Charles Durno 10.00 drnee, Mrs. Alice, relief 10.00 Wullace, Hcbeeea l. relief .... 10.00 Mesarvev, Mrs,, relief 15.00 Schinitz, Mrs. Theodore, relief .. 12.00 Rogers, Joseph, relief 9.001 Park, Mrs., relief 10.00 I Buster, draco E relief 10.00 Strand, Severt, relief 10.00: I.antz, Cutherine, relief 5.00 1 Coy, Milton, relief 5,00 Burnett, Lizzie, relief 8.00 l.ucier, Steve Jr., relief 8.00 1 dreen, 11. A., relief 20.00 Mar'in. Mrs. Knte H., relief 10.00' Bunnell, Nellie, relief 10.00 i JohiiMMi, Mrs., relief 5.00 , stripiing, llulda, relief 8,00 j Summer, l.ncinda J relief 10.00 1 Browu, . lames, relief 8.00 LnC'i.ippelie, Mrs. A relief 10.001 Dowd, Addie relief for X, B. Dewd 20.00 Hallictt. S., relief 5.00' Sio'nie, Mrs., relief 15.00 1 Goblin, Liette, relief 10.00, Mueller, Mrs. and Mr. Win., re- lici' 12.00 Hoy St (lirls Aid Society, relief 10.00 J Snodderly, Flora, roller 30.00 ' Harton, Mrs, M relief 10.00' Adams, Mrs. W. P., relief -10.00 1 Petermaii, Mrs. Maggie, relief .. 15.00! Zoller, Mrs, Theresa, relief 12.00 j Hoii'v, Mrs. Olive K relief 10.00' Johnson, Cha., relief 7.50 Indigeut Soldier. Smith, Mrs. L. V relief 10.00, Salary Sheriff '1 Offlco. Needhain, W, L, deputy sheriff 100.00 Singer, I.. L deputy siu'riff .... 70.00 Bower, (). P.. deputv sheriff .... 75.00 ClerYi Office. Hover, I', ()., deputv clerk 100.00 Bovinglon, M, ()., ileputv clerk 7O.00 Clarke, W. It., deputy clerk 75.00 Albers, E. M., bookkivper 00.00 Recorder's Office. Mil-box, ('. O., reputy recorder 73.00 BUiMerby, V. I.,, deputy record er 07.77 Svge, Helen, deputy recorder 50.W 2.00 110.00 110.00 60.00 Trasurer's Office. Richardson, V. - Y, deputy treasurer Assessor's Office. Benedict, Edith E.. clerk 15.00 Paulus, Geo., extending tax roll 90.00 Hoxie, C. S., extending tax roll 87.00 Wendern'.h, d. J., clerK 47.50 Steelhammcr, Oscar, deputy as sessor 100.00 Court House. Morgan, Cal, janitor 50.00 K. P. Kirby, janitor 173.00 dreminels, John, janitor 50.00 School Superintendent. Smith, J110. W. L., school super visor Cornelius, Elizabeth, school aup- ....ervisiir Reid, Cora E., clerk Poor Account. Smith, W. Carlton, county phys ician Jackson, Hattie M., special' of ficer , Stock Inspector. Morehouse, W. G., county vet-crinarv County Court and Commissioners. Bushey, W. M., traveling expens es No claim Beckwith, J. T., county com- linsisoner doulet, W. H., county commis sioner Expense Sheriff's Office, liechtel & Bynon, premium on bond .: The Cupitnl Journal, publish ing delinquent tax list , Continued Commercial Book Store, fasten ers, pencils, etc Each, Win., livery hire and rail road fare nuiluml, Frank, livery hire .Moores & Co., Ross E., legal blanks Oreg in Statesman, publishing delinquent tax Continued Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., telephone nnd calls Puton Bros., paste and pencils .. Clerk's Office. Bushong & Co., tax blanks Capital City Transfer Co., drnyago : Commercial Book Store, .fasten ers, ctblets, ete (Iciilhar, Max, advanced for stamps and express 20.54 Moorcs & (.'0., Hoss E., legal Oregon Messenger, The, state ment, ete. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., telephone nnd calls 5.20 Patton Bros., carbon paper, ink, etc 5.40 Rn.lgcrs Taper Co., blank books 198.80 Recorder's Office. Beaver State Printers, letter- lisads, etc rt . Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., telephone and calls 2.75 Patton Bios., pasters, erasers, etc. t Hodgers Paper Co., blank books : Treasurer's Office, Heaver State rifltcrs, letter heads Commercial Book Store, pencils, ink, pens, etc. Commercial Printing Co., state ment blanks, ote Drnger, D. G., advanced for stumps, etc Moores & Co., Ross E,, tax state ments, etc Patton Bros., paper und pens .... Rodgcrs Paper Co., tax receipts 218.00 Sims, Paul M., rubber stamp .. l.lAI Smith, Bonier H premium on bonds 350.00 Thielsen & Roland, premium ou bond Surveyor's Office. Herrick, II. IL, Jr., advanced for stumps No. L. Distunee Tel. Co., call.... The P. T. & T. Co., telephone nnd culls Patton Bros., carbon paper, pads, ete , Assessor's Office, Elliott, X. D., dup. tax receipts, etc ..; X. L. Distunee Tel. Co., cull Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone anil calls Patton Bros,, erasers Rodgers Paper Co., blanks Snyder Printing Co., assessment blanks West, Ben l', ndvaneeed for stamps 1,00 County Court and Commissioners. ( npitnl Journal, The, pub. claim docket Oregou Statesman, pub. claim docket Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone and culls Patton Bros., diary Court House. Ashliman, Louis Repairing Chillis, Leo X., garbage re moved 1.25 Croisan, 13. M., 50 cords woods.... 172.00 (luff, W donning nttie llauser Bros., making keys, etc... LaFore, E, N,, 10 cords wood Meyers, II, W, & M. L toweling lVttingell, George, electrical fix tures (Continued.) Co., lighting 106.07 laundry 73 Co., water 50.00 40.00 33.60 42.30 39.70 50.00 2.30 7.65 1.00 52.00 9.95 1.00 3.00 6.70 15.40 19.75 1.00 383.00 4.00 8,60 33.25 53.00 8.75 .35 50.00 1.00 3.50 0.50 8.50 4.45 .30 14.00 20.00 43.20 40.28 0.15 1.00 31.40 4.00! 7.05 ! 37.50 4.75 I ( hurehill, E. C, witness 4.20 Koyes, W.' E., witness 2.20 Welch, Jack, witness 2.20 Van Doren, Zanna, witness 2.20 Johnston, Wm., witness 6.00 Hecker, Annie, witness 5.70 Lnflar, O. W., witness 2.20 Esch, Wm., witness 2.20 Blue, Ernest, witness '.. 2.20 Williamson, John X., witness .... 4.20 Devoe, A. C, witness 2.20 Mohammer, Frank, witness 2,80 Wolford, Bernold, witness 5.00 Burtness, Knut, witsess 5.00 Sloper, Mrs. L. L., witness 2.20 Huckesteiu, Mrs. A. E., witness 2.20 Robertson, L., witness 3.60 Esch, Wm., witness 2.20 Thomason, P. E., witness 4.20 Thomson, Mrs. P. E., witness .... 4.20 Thomason, Jmogene, witness 4.20 Cannon, J. T., witness 3.60 Miller, Tom, witness 3.60 Welch, Jack, witness 2.20 Welch. Jack, witness 2.20 Hargrove, Luby, witness 14.00 Clausse, A. F., witness 14.00 Souder, den. A., witness 4.20 Irvin, E. L., witness 14.00 Radcliffe, Joseph, witness 4.20 Canfield, Lee, witness 2.20 Esch, Wm., witness 4.20 Needhain, W. 1., witness 2.20 Bacon, Alva, witness 5.20 Robertson, Dr. C. H., witness .... 4.20 Plank, Mrs. Arthur, witness 5.30 DeWitt, Mrs., witness 5.00 Lafl ir, (1.. W., witness 4.20 Devoe, A.'C, witness 4.20 Schiudler, Ralph, witness 4.20 Blue, Ernest, witness 2.20 Blue, Mrs. Ernest, witness 2.40 Via, Benjamin S., witness 4.20 Lamport, F. S., witness 4.20 Iretuii, ()., witness 2.20 Justice Court. Edna, reported L., drawing jury list.. B., druwing jury list .l"iy J'"'y jo-iy ,l"0' jury ,iiry I 19.18 .10 35 P. Hy. Light & P for December .... Salem Lnundrv Co Salem W, Light & I for Januarv Spnulding Logging Co., 2 pieces fillet Spe'icer Hardware Co., flue cleaner, etc Standard OH Co., floor dress ing Wanbcrg, (., repairing doors.... Watt Shipp ('0., making keys... Circuit Court. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone and onll 5.20 (Jniinhv, L, P. ., witness Willaiuetto Transfer Co., haul ing jurymen Mc rhamnier, Henry, witness Anderson, Hilda, witness Ileyden, (lust, witness Mire, 8. A., witness 2.48 2.50 .50 14.00 I 6.00 ' 6.00 5.201 5.00 , 5.301 Zielke, Louis, witness 5.00; Ball, W, J., witness 4.0 , Crninnn. E. M., witness 4.20 j Ringwnld. M., witness 5.00 Heltr.el, J. (I., witness 2.20! Itobertson, Dr. C. IL, witness .... 8.20 1 Plauk, Arthur, wituess 5.30 Mire, Mrs., witness 3.30 Anderson, Knute, witness .......... 8.20 Muller, I,., witness 6.20 Irvin, Otto, witnes . 4.20 Garfield, Karl, 11. drier, J. Downing, John, drawing list Cornish, W. 1)., drawing list :. Knigltt, M. ()., drawing list Mulliev, Win. P., dinwiug list Mulkev, C. li., druwing list Mulkev, (I. E., drawing list Riches, C. IL, drawing jury list Wngpinan, J, C, drawing jury list Dnnlap, d. W., drawing jury list Hayes, T. P., drawing jury list Stato vs. Domagolla et al. Webster, D., justice Cooper, E. E., constable State vs. Fleming. Webster, D., justice Cooper, E. E., constable ..- State vs. Grasser. Webster, D., justice Esch, Wm., acting constable .... State vs. Griffith. Webster, D., justice Cooper, E. E., constable Btate vs Hall. Websier, I)., justice Conner, E. E., constable ; State vs, Hecker. llay-s, T. P., justice Beach, Amos, constable State vs. Miller. Brown,.' J. M., justice '.. Simeral, A, P., constable State vs, Mounce, Webster, D., justice , Cooper, E. E., constable Bnediglieiuier, B. O., witness .. Boedighcimer, II. , witness Mounce, Mr. J. P., witness linns, ( lyde, witness 1,70 State vs. Robblns. Webster, D., justice 2.85 Coper, E. E., constable 2.50 State vs. Silver and Irvin. Wclnter, 1)., justice Cooper, E. E., constable Blue, Ernest, witness Welch, Jnck, witness Lnflar, G. W witness Sander, den., witness State vs. Williams. Woluter, HI, jmdice Coouor, E. E., constable Stato vs. Brown. Breniann, Jno. p. T. B., justice Grant, Win., acting cunstablo .. Coroner's Account. Clouh, A. M., investigation Clough, A. M., investigation .... Lehman, U. J., juror I'm i k, I'. J., juror Low. W. S., juror Welch, F. A., juror Bryant, W, L., juror (lilson, W. 11,, juror Mize, 8. A., witness Mi.e, Mrs. S. A., witness Kohler, Auto, witness Anderson, Knute, witness -Miller, Lewis, witness Bacon, Alvn, witness Esch, William, witness Robertson, Dr. (.'. IL, medical service School Superintendent. Buret & Hamilton, rent for tables Bushong & Co., indexes, etc .... Coniniercial Printing Co., envel opes, ete Elliott, X. I) leterhcads, etc .... The Gervnis, Weekly Stnr, ad vertising teaciieis' examiiia tious Oregon Stutesiniiii, advertising teacher's examination , 14, 0C Pacific Telegt-nph & Teleliiiono Co., telephone ami calls Patton Bros., files, ink, paste, etc I'itmi.n, M. H., attending insti tute Heid, Cora E., truancy Rodger Paper Co., mimeograph, etc Smith, W. M traveling expens es, etc Willamette Hardware Co., paper Health Officer Miles, Dr. O. B., salary and ex pense Fruit Inspector. Constable, C. O., salary and ex- pease Poor. Albin, C. R auto hire convey ing patient 2.50 Avenue Grocery Co., groceries .. 10.00 Barnes' Cash More, shoes for Mrs. Lee Richards 6.50 Capital Drug Store, medical supplied 2.00 Campbell, J, C, slashing Jirush 20.00 Club Stables. The, liverv hire... 18.00 (tS.OO disallowed,) 6.25 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.93 2.90 4.45 1.90 5.95 3.70 5.45 8.10 4.70 2.40 4.45 1.70 1.50 1.70 9.00 4.50 1.70 1.70 1.70 10.50 0.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 2.60 1.25 5.45 3.10 17.80 30.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.10 2.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.70 5.20 6.00 33,40 12.00 8.75 1.00 4.95 0.05 3.50 0.00 6.44 21.60 2.00 113.03 ... 101.30 Irvin, Merle, witness 4.20 I Wharton, Geo. E., witness ........ 12.00 Cook, A. J., house rent , for January 1 5.00 Cottage Uut'g Parlors, burial services 47.50 Drager, D. G., advance for rail rood faro t0 Woodbum 50 Englewood Grocery, groceries.... 3.90 Eppley, C, M., groceries 38.70 Fisher, Dr. E. E., Dr. services i for K. D. Whitenmn 21.50 ' Galbraith & Ownbey, groceries.. 8.95 Harlan, P. P., groceries 32.25 Heidecke, J. A. W., for bringing G. E. Cox to hospital 17.61 Highland Grocery, groceries...... 5.20 Hunt's Markot, meat for Mrs. P. E. Barnes 2.00 Ivie, Jlrs. Mae, room rent 7.00 Johnson & Co., G. W., clothing 9.85 Lehman & ( lough Co., burial . services, ($39.00 disullowed), allowed 15.00 Men's Club, board of patients 12.25 MfJir Grocery, The, groceries .... 7.00 . Overton, Dr. O. P., assisting county physician 10.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone 1.50 Penny, J. li., slashing and grub bing on poor farm 50.00 Plant, James, digging graves.... 10.10 Prime, W. P., auto hiro 1.30 (Juinaby, Cash Store, groceries 9.45 Heinoehl, Geo., groceries 2.95 Huberts, C. M., groceries 13.45 Roth Grocery Co., groceries 10.05 Snlem Hospital, care of patients 154.00 Salem W., L. & P, Co., water for . Mrs. Brudage 2.60 Seward, Mrs., nursing Mrs,. Hughes ; 10.01) Smith, Jos. X., agent rental of residence 12.00 Spanieling Logging Co., wood .... 13.00 Slate Street Market, meat for Mrs. Spreague 2.75 Hteeves &, Findley, Drs. profes sional services', (11.15 diH allowed), allowed 13.85 Taylor, Knrl E., poor farm 416.71 Weiss, Johu, burial services 27.00 Willnmetto Sanatorium, cure of Mrs. Kolbe (Continued.) Young, W. ('., room rent 3.00 Jail. Esch, Win., boanl of prisoners.... 111.11 Bridge. Colvin, f. H., horse injured (Dis allowed.) ! Portland Hy. L, & P. Co., aro light 6.00 Yamhill Electric Co., light on bridge 8,23 Rebate of Foes. Wallace & Co., Guy L., rebate of fees O.OO State Fair. Salem Laundry Co., laundry .... 1.25 Auditing Account. Arthur Bcrridge a Co,, nuditing county books (Continued.) Advertising. Snlem Commercial Club, ndver- , tising no.00 Indemnity. Cannon, C. H indemnity for slaughtered cuttle 37.30 Circuit Court, Continued. Cheshire, T. J., juror 36.40 Election Account. Moore, G, A. O., sec'y, rent o polling placo . . 5.00 Poor Account, Continued. Fiiirmount Dairy, milk 1.9.5 . - i Three Warships Reported As Coaling Off Lower Calif. San Francisco. Feb. 27. Passengers on the steamship San Jose which ar rived here today reported sighting; three warships two British and one French being coaled bv three col liers at the Port of s'a Bartholmo, Lower California. They were tumble lo identity the men of war. San Bartholme bay is the srene of; the recent wreck of the Japanese cruiser Asnnm. She was accompanied by the British collier Boyne whou she lb went 1111 the rocks. It is supposed the British nnd French ships coaled from her. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. February 24, 1915. Alaxner, C. M. Audersun, W. II. Anderson, Mrs. W. H, Andrews, Mr. X. C. Burger, Miss Mary. Bohle, Mrs. Xora.' Burke, Mrs. Louise K. 4 Clark, Mr. Maxwell, Davis, Miss W, M. Detrow, Mr. G. A. (2) Forrester, A. C. Freiberg, Mrs, Tom Cilhrcth, MiNS Kva dittens, C. A. Gorbet, X'orman. I Manly, Mrs. Lottie llinwallia Hair & .-tcnlp Food Co care T. E, Barnes. ldlenian, Mr II. L, .lessee, Mis, Muudio Jnrgins, Ilnrry I). Kwong Sing Louie V" I.urnree, Mrs. Emma I.indipiist, Mr. George Macmlele, .Mr, Archie Murray, Mr. Bnniev Xuttcr, Mr. E. J, ' I'liens, Mr. Sum Phernetlon, Mr. Hide Plnkerton, Mr. Harry Ha rev, Mrs. E. Reynolds, Mc John Hothchalk, Mr. Geo, Sosiunn, Mrs. M. A, Smith, Miss Edna Muv Smith, Mrs. Viola Springer, Dr, (Dentist) I Stewart, Mrs, Hosa W Strnwii, fciumor Whitehead, Mr. Phil Willioliu, Mr. (Ieo. Wilson, Mr. Frank Young. Mr. Guy Zielesch, Mrs, 'A, Al'd. lll'CKESTEIX, P. M. UNLUCKY LOSERS AND LUCKY FINDERS meet to their mutual advantage IN THE WANT ADS OF THIS PAPER