' THE bALEM CAPITAL JOTTRNAL.' 8AXEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1015. THREE GRAND OPERA HOUSE Monday, March 1 ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN PRESENTS Otto Hnuerbnch anil Rudolf Friral's BRILLIANT MUSICAL JOLLITY HIGH JINKS with STELLA MAYHEW Ami the original Now York cumminy of 70 including: Philip Rylev, Eugene O'Rourko, Adelc Ardsley, Paul Porcnsi, Dorothy Wade, Bill'ie Taylor, Ada Mcude, Cecelia Hoffman, Bernard Corcey, Irene Duke, Em ma Francis, Dot Allen, Augustus Hchultz. AND A SINGING AND DANCING CHORUS OF 50 Prices, 75c, $1.50, $2.00 Mail Orders Now Seats Saturday, . i SOCIETY . (Continued from Page Two.) ; afternoon by eight luutcsses, Mrs. Paul I II. I'auser, -Mrs. Frank .1. Miller, Mrs. (Waldo Mills, Mrs. Anna I'aliner, Mrs. ,J. A. I'ooler, Mrs. ClmrloH II. Robert on, Mrs. Paul 11. Stone ami Mrs. Page, ruiiriiM'iititijj the Ladies' Aid society of the First 1'resbytoi inn church. Fink", shields ti ml patriotic insignia, 'combined beautifully with crimson tu , lips and masses of terns in iiorfectino; a isUKBestive and effective netting for the I sixty guests. The dining-room was par- UimUuly lovely witii the tea tabid graced with fu.ir handsome gold and1 silver candelabra inid-splendid appoint-' incuts. I ( Each hostess niCnroi! in a charm :ing coouiul gown, powdered and pool ing colonial gown, powdered nnd pom , Waldo .Mills und Mrs. Jlauser receiv ing 'he guests at the door. An interesting and appropriate con vtest was the entertainment furnished, Mrs. S. P. Harlow securing the award. Mrs. llanser also favored with delight i l'ul readings. The guests were pleased tii have with them again one of their I number, Mrs. 0. 0. Smith, who had re cently recovered from u serious illness. I " A gnestbook with quill' pen was tor jnish"d, in keeping with tho beautiful jold L'ustom, the following names being recorded: Mrs. S. P. Kimball, M'.rs. Jila Lewis Nile, Mrs. A, V. Veaih, Mrs. T. (1. liineliart, Mrs. A. L. Codfrev. ;Aliss Dorothy the future. Late in the evening a rummage sale was held. Lunch was served at midnight. Prizes wero given for the most antiquated costumes. Miss Dorothy Durdsall, a student at Monmouth college, is passing the week end nt her home in Suleni. She has with her as her guest Miss liess Warner, of Oregon City, who is nisi attending Monmouth. Miss Helen Hall, of Port land, and Miss Florence Porter, of Iowa, other Monmouth students, are being entertained for the week-end with Miss Adelti N'yo and Miss Marie Ho-linger. MUSIC THE First M. E. church choir un der the direction of Dean Men denhall, regarded us Olio of the leading musical organizations of the Northwest, has been asked by the manngeis of the Rose Festival of Port land, to participate in tho festival music which is being prepared for that week. It is expected that the choir will give one entire progrnm complete, besides lending their services in other directions. Locally speaking, Mr. Mendenhall is now rohenrsing a beautiful contata which will be given by the choir Sun day evening one week before Easter. It is not an Easter cantata, but one dealing with the events of Passion week, beinir entitled "Olivet to Cal- (lodfrey, Mis. Elizabeth vnrv". bv .1. II. Maunder, one of our .anib, Mrs. L. K, (lodfrev. Mrs. C. S.I best and' nmst remitnhle modem com- .Vollnr, Mrs. Frnnk Howersux. Mrs. L.i nosers Tim contents, ucncrnllv sneak- (I. Altinan, Mrs. F. A. Erixon. Mrs. S. imr. will imlirntn tho scone of the work 1. Harlan, Mrs. E. -. Reynolds, .Mrs,and arc as follows: ', 'I A. W. Chapman, .Mrs. IJ, M. ('rouse, Fart I. Mrs. (leorge J. Pearce, Mrs. li. C. His'u- 1. On the way to Jerusalem. J op, Mis. (1. L. Adams, .Mrs. 0. (i. SniiTh.l 2. Hefore Jerusalem, I , Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs. J. A. Mills, Mrs. ! 1). A. Hodge, Mrs. 0. P. ff. Mrs. M. tinuc to increase as the year craws nearer to its close. Tuere will be Horn three to four graduatos this year from tho school ami several final recitals are being planned for the altter part of the year.. The Olee Club and Ladies' Club are busy as usual with their rehearsals and plans for public appearances. The first public appearance this year of the Ladies' Club will be Friday evening, March 5, in tho lluiversity Chapel, the occasion being the awarding of ath letic honors. The Ladies' Club is preparing ' for its annual spring trip. The exact route has not yet been decided en. Mr. Mac Caddam, the manager, is now on the road arranging a schedule, which will bo announced later. . . . Owing to the numerous follow-up meetings being held as an aftermath of the Tabernaolo revival, tho Com munity . Sing planned. for a recent date will not be held until later ns in order to make the event successful it is im perative that all the members of the various church choirs assist, Pupils in the public schools and a host of friends outside learned with sincere regret of the resignation of Miss .Cora Small, for nearlv two veins, musical supervisor in the public schools. .Miss Hinnll resigned February nine teenth, owing to nervous break-down and left shortly afterwards for Battle Creek, M icliionh. Her place as vet has not been filled. it Piano pupils of Miss Elnia Weller presented tt delightful program Satur day afternoon at their regular month ly recital, much consistent- study being displayed on tho part of the young musicians. A number- of particular interest was the double composition played by Fern I.nvnlleur, who had hail. but three months study, her execu tion being excellent throughout. - I he program follows: Song Dnnre Farics Dance... ('radio Song : Adams Priscilla Frv (a) Toll the Bell Adams (b) Hoses Are lied . Helen Welle Quadruple Measure Class Song of the Sen Shell Adams Rovena Lyre (a) See Saw (b) Catch Me (c) Church Bell (d) Triplets (Little Sludy).. Elizabeth FuirchiM (a) Dance of the Dryads (b) Birds in the Woods Fern Lnvalleur Duott. Mario Rostein, Dorothy Tlrive Around the Lake Marie Rostein Spinning Wheel Ruth Page Hunting Song Dorothy Esch Loving Soul and Pure Heart Clay Lead Through Life a Pleasant Way ..; Mabel Marcus Song of the Wind , Florence Young A Lullaby Harriet Criffith Pussy Willow Song Helen Pettyjohn SCROFULA AND ALL HUMORSJGIVE WAY There are many things learned from experience and, observation that the older generation should impress upon the younger. Among; them is the fact that Gcrof ula and other humors, which produce eczema, boils, pimples and other eruptions, can be most succqss fnlly treated iwitb. Hood's Sursapa rilla. This great medicine is a peculiar combination of remarkably effective blood-purifying and health-giving roots, barks and herbs, which are gathered especially for it. Hood's Sarsaparilla lias stood the test of forty years. Get a bottle .today now from your nearest drug store. Always keep it on hand. ; E Employment Bureau For Benefit of Hop Growers Established Here 1.. Tipple, Mrs. II. Dayton, Mrs. J. W Lewis, Mrs. C. O. Constable, Mis. W. Jl. Steusloff, Mrs. A. L. Drown, Mrs. A. S. Marcus, Miss Marjorie .Marcus, Mrs. ;J. R. Mills, Mrs. (I. W. Shund, Mrs. J. S. Stockton, Mrs. Paul Stege, Mrs. IX 0. Howard, Mrs. W. II. Bums, Mrs. P. H. Raymond, Mrs. Carl 11. Elliott, Mrs, .llirwer, Mis. Iliuck, Mrs. M. A. Thompson, Mrs. II, C. Marvin, .Miss Lillian Applegate, .Mrs. Ida N. Hub-i cock, .Miss Mabel I'uge and Mrs. Ueorg Coolidgc, of Liveslev. ' i Mr. nnd -Mrs. S, P. Kimball enter-! tnincd the members of the Sweet Briar club and their husband at tiieir beauti ful country home last Momlav evening 3. In tho Temple 4. The Mount of Olives, Part II. 5. A new cninmandment. fl. (letliscmane. 7. Betrayed nnd Forsaken. 8. Before Pilate. 11. The March to Calvary. 10. Culvury. The work contains ninny choruses of dramatic .beauty and effect, ns well as many fine solos nnd quartets. Mr. Mendenhall considers the work one of the most musically effective he has yet given, Mcntlebsohn 's griwt oration, the "Elijah," is now in the initinl rehears als under Mr. Mcnilcnhnll. This is not onfincd to his choir or any other or al a hard-times party. Each member 1 gHiihntions with which he is ulentitied, was given tho privilege of Inviting an-, but is open to any ami all who under other couple, with the result that there: stand und appreciate good music, and was about fifty present.- ) who are anxious for some permanent The lioiso was beautifully ilcforotcd i musical organization on n largo scale with fir boughs, bunting uud hatchets 1 for tlio musicnl growth and benefit of Hpproriate to the occasion. ISulcm. Mr. Mcnilcnhnll is lending his A youthful George Washington met ' services and bending his efforts in too guests at tho door and escorted that direction. The " Elijah " no doubt them to the dressing room, the differ-1 is known by tho majority of people, if cut costumes causing much comment ' not intimately, lit least by reputation; und merriment. When all guests hndiund n largo chorus for its production nssemlilcd n brief prcgiam was render- and that of similar works should be ed, consisting of songs, readings and come an established factor In Salem's charades. In one corner of the den musicnl life. was an attractive booth in which was tatiouci a oviisv lorti'iie-teller, Pre-1 Dean Mendenhall reports that the pared to respond tu inquiries concerning activ ities of the school of music eon Pupils of Mrs. W. A. Denton ap peared in piano recital last Thursday evening, at her studio, on iL'th street. The numbers were excellently ren dered to un appreciative audience who expressed delight nnd surprise at the marked improvement- since the pupils last appeurnace. The. work of the advanced students especially brought forth ninny . com ments ol praise. ; " lhese young students show ability and through their own efforts and tli'e careful training of their teacher are developing into splendid musicians. Between now it ml the close of the year's work .Mrs. Denton will present somo of these ndvanced students in in dividual recitals. The following' was the program ren dered Thursday oveiiinir; Overturo--Znmpu Mclnotte-llciold Mildred Drunk-Mrs. Denton. That the Oregon Dnp Growers asso ciution has bceii established upon a per mnnent basis and is rapidly becoming tho clearing house for nil information , . ; niici noons ot its memherstiip is evi uenceil ny the tact that u free em- Class 1'loyment und real estate agency, the newest thing to have been establish!-! in connection with itie Sulom head quarters, is already in a flourishing condition and has proven of gre.it v.ilue to the members of the orguniimon. Numerous needy people have been pro vided with employment upoir the hop en as well ns a permanent manager for i lew days am! tnere nru sevemi apph Oavnor cations for help and for positions on the ...J i 'board, us well us hop ranches f ir sale, I ranches of tho valley within the oast Beyers I fent and applications-for rent nnd pur chase, .Manager k.,.v, D. Paul states that this feature, which was only inane-united lust week is hiohlv uiutre- eiuted by the members and much ben- ' tion are being threshed out thoroughly, pf it hns' lilrendv linen reimerl fmm It illrlmlinL' finances, etc., und there will operation. This is only one of the be n regular meeting of the directors many beneficial fcuturcs of the associ- called for March 20 when a complete j ;ation that have been adopted and in 1 set or porniiinciiT uirecvors w in m- emm-. .Klenierich' prospect for the very near future. 'Secretary Ralph Moores Wired Parties Among the most importunt matters the ensuing nscai your nnu nu n which are up for consideration before outivc committee to transact all of the ; the board of directors of the Oregon i business of the association. j Hop Growers' association, which is be-1 -Uost emphatic denial was made of ing held in the eomnioiitial club rooms the. report, said to have come from the i this afternoon, is the dividing of the ll0P dealers of the North Yakima dis- ; state into uboiit M.ilistiicts to embrace I trift, to the effect that the Washing-i Jenkins ': every hop. producing section und the ap- to" nocintiou and tho California as . . liiointnicnt of a jwrinimeut director to 'socintion were going by the board and ..Knllok represent the growers of each district; I "'"t the Oregon nssnoiation was hung-' ithe niiiiiiiiitineiit nf ndditinniil atnek nnd I i"K i the balance. The officers of the membership deputies in each Imp grow- i Oregon nssociaiiou oeciare iiiat me ur-. ing section and to adopt permanent by i ,,lil'9 nml prospects of the association laws for the government of the nsso-tlre ril'"t class condition; tliey deny Let Nature Be Your Physician With My Modernized Chiropractic Adjustments, I make it possible for Nature to perform a permanent cure in 95 per cent of the cases of chronic ailments by locating the cause of the disease and removing it, thereby allow ing Nature to perform her functions properly. . Sore, inflamed nerves respond at once to the gentle manipulation of skilled fingers; sleeplessness gives way to calm slumber; nervous headache and neuralgia yield to reinstated circulation; nervous indigestion vanishes- is overcome and vanquished for good and all, as are a large majority of other ills, by my Modernized Chiropractic treatments. My Chiropractic method of conquering disease is a mechanical one, purely. No drugs of any description are used. I work entirely with my hands, remov ing nerve pressure and free the circulation, thereby reconstructing the broken down tissues. The cause is located and removed. The effect is HEALTH. Manj very successful cures of nervousness, stomach and bowel troubles, kid ney and bladder disease, rheumatism, lumbago and other ailments have been accomplished in the natural, logical way. i - ; ", :"" ' : , " S ' i K ' ' Glfl;... i r-';' ; DR. W. II. REYNOLDS Lady Attendant Phone 461 Consultation and examination free . ' 402-:-4 Hubbard Building Office hours 1:00 to 5:00. Other hours by appointment Esch ...Newton ciution. - The majority of the 3-1 dii tors of j tho association are in attendance at ' the meeting, including K. F.. Morrison, j iof SiiriiiL'I'ield, nnd the whole situation' involving the interests of the ussooia-1 . ,,,,, h 1000 BUSHELS OF FLAX 1 SEED BEING HELD Moores, secretary of, Owning Seed In Michigan to Hold It For Few Days. seed, slum I , I communicate with the Coinmeicinl club. This applies especial ly to those farmers who hud lieir wheat frozen iui, will have to replant. M'CREDIE 13 OPTIMISTIC. ...Kullnk Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 27. That tho Portland Heavers will win the Pacific .Const league pennant is the confident About. 1000 bushels of high grade', prediction here today of Walter Me. flax seed have been locuted in Mich-, Credie, manager of lust year's cham buy this seed, as the government of the pionsliipr the Commercial Club, has wired t li e , "We have foundation for u winning parties owning the seed to hold for a teuiii,'1 said McCredio, "und although few days awaiting further instruc- it is not a practice with we to muke lions. It is hoped that the state will prophecies, 1 feel pretty safe in saving buy this seed, ns tro government of the that the elbivers will nguiii finish in Netherlands has placed an embargo on first place this coming season. " all flax seed and flux fiber. As a rcl 1 ' r ., suit of this embargo, .there is, but little. After n woninii hns been -married for flax seed for sale either in this conn- about 4(1 years, she 'reaches the point iry or in r.urope. j no American con- wuere sue isn 't jealous or her 'ills- sul ut Kotterdain wired tho Coinnieriinl band's funuer sweethearts. Club that on account, of the embargo, it WilS illinossihlo to H no I'lnv seetl1 Brio-lit lieiinln loot, iti.nn t l,,i l.,-;l,l ti,.,. .1,.. f'..i;f,.,-:., .;,.!;,,,, !,,, i . ',.''. ".. 1 1 ... .b.. . ...... anvwnere. riirmers who wanr tiaxiiie or lite. Baptist i ponded, notion, having received iissui'- : ' us late lis rebni- 1 entertainment nt tho First chur-li, which, by special request Irnm unco to the contrary many Salem people, will be repeated, 1 nry 20. and Hint, even if the Washing wit'u mnuy aiblitioiial niimbors, near ton and California organizations did the cud of April. , suspend, the Oregon association would The " A 1 1 in u )i 1 1 un " wishes all of the go uhoud and there mis abundant prom- I'iros being started in Salem the bestiise of success, of results, for the Camp Piro has a Miles Holim THE GLOBE SUNDAY Matinee 2:15 p. m. Night 7:00 p. m. Special Added Attraction. Return of the Favorite Entertainer BARNUM America's Greatest Hypnotist. 1,000 Laughs. Not a Tear. Everything New. and 6 Reels Feature Photo Plays Including the Big Dramatic Feature, "Battle of Love." Three Hours of Fun ; Three The Biggest Show Ever Offered at the Price Adults 25 cents Children 15 cents Dancing Leaves Margaret (liiffeth The Song of the Swallow . . . Helen Moore Chapel in the Mountains . . . Margaret (loodin Woodland Chimes Karl Wengcr Twilight lvchoB Clara Brciteiistein The Mill Wheel Jennotte Meridith Angel of Night Bnrgmiillcr (irnee McCull Harp I'.olionne Sidney Smith Angus I'mser Carnival of Venice Oesten Beatrice Walton The Whispeiing Wind ... Wolh nliuupt Mildred H, link Croud Polkn lie Concert Bartlett Venitii McKinney (aj Kiiyawiuk (Second Mazurka) .. Wieninwski (b) Valse in 1) Plat Chopin liurbara Stoiner benu'iful wit k to do in making tho home h;ipiici" and'dii- woi'ld boiler.' Mrs. li. H, IliiL'uius was nt home to her inforninl club Thursday afternoon at her home on Fourteenth street, Mrs. Savage being asked to assist. Mis. W. O. Assi'ln and Mrs, F. K. Wollcr wore additional guests, others present being! Mrs. Itichnrd C. Kreiscl, Mrs. L. K. ! (lensoii, Mrs. C. (I. Ileiulorson, Mrs. I II. h. Hurt, Mrs. C. (I. Henderson, Mrs. ('. W. Scott, Mrs Kmmons, Mrs. Faulk-1 nor and ibiughter. I A display of knitting donn by tho hostess' grandmother between her i eighty-tilth and niuety-soconil yeur was of much interest, the collection of Wilson ! tw"lve pieces including perfectly mndo Smith oelling Smith heil-siirends, dress accessories, orna mental pieces nnd'other articles. CLUBS T1K " Alimnhilow" Camp Fire girls of Salem were greatly Interested; in the tnlli given nt the public II briny last Wednesday by prominent ('amp Fire enthusiasts of Salem. I Tne " Ahmuliilnw, " (iiganized Aug ust 111, has the distinction of being the lirst ( amp Fire of S-iloin, the girls firt becoming interested through the efforts of i'linily Philips and Miss Nona linns, 1 hey now have a lozy club room at HI- South Cottnge street, where they 'hold their weekly meetings ami cere monials. 1 Under the leadership rf Mis. A. ().', I Davidson, the guardian of the Fire, the ! work is progressing rapidly. Severn' I of toe Fire maidens will obtain the I miik of woodgathonrs at tho monthly j ceremonial meeting to bo held at thoj beginning of next week. A number hnvo already the honor of being wonl- gatherers and are working hnrd to oh- i tain the next degree, that of a fire maker. I Th" Fire lias had several little social uAf fairs, nnd during January gava an WEXFORD TODAY Ella Hall and Bobt. Leuivard "THE MASTER KEY" In Two Parta Tho Greatest Picture and the Best Cast appearing on tho screen today. Three, Other Fine Pictures "LE ROY" Xylophone Soloist SUNDAY ONLY "IN JUNGLES WILD" The story of life in the African Jungle among the denizens of the wild. Many thrilling scenes. "THE PHANTOM WARNING" A dramatic broadside with Bon Wilson and Dorothy Phillips. Another L KO Comedy "CUPID IN A HOSPITAL" with Billle Richie the Blggost Man in Comedies. You'll laugh I "DELBERT MOOR" Juvenile Violinist "LE ROY on the Eylophone Continuous Performance 2 to 11 SALEM'S BEST SHOW 8 CENTS PERSONALS H. F.. DeLiipp made 11 business, trip' tu llallas yesterday. , (I. W. l.uflar hns been ut home sick for tiie past few days. .1. M. Brown, of Silvcrtici, is hero to day on business, 1 1 .1. V, Tlioinason, of Rosebnrg, wus in llic city yesterday on business. II. K. Hodges, of tho Silverloll Ap 'peal, is a visitor in the city today. I .Mr. and Mrs. I), .1. Smith, (' Prutuiii, !nre in Snleni today on a short visit. (Il-ii , l.oomis, of Silverton, is a visitor in Snlein todnv. ti. W. l.oomis and wife, or Silverton, are visitors in the city today. .1. II. Hathaway end wife, of flrnuts Pass, are registered at the Htigh. C. T. Wolfard. a real estate limn of Silv-'iton, is here today on hiihinorfs. Bon lloslicim, a confectioner of Sil verton, was in the city yesterday. T. (i. Albert will lenve tonight for Pol-Hand to visit over Sunday witii his son, John T. Albert. T. S. .lohusou, of Corvnllis, was in the city yesterday to attend tlio fu nernl of Mrs. Kose .lohusou McKlrov. I ll W II ll,,v,,,,l,U ll Iili-noru.-lo,- wont to I'd tlnud today to nt t I the Shriners' exercises. Ho will return to morrow. W. II. Scollard and A. B. Crosby, prominent fiiiiners of West Woodbuni, are in Salem this al'tornoon on business. The Misses Francis, Itni and Am nndi Aline departed last evening for Wooilhorn, where they will spend the week-end. Mi-ii llonnin Ball, nf this city, is .'-pen. ling the week-end in Woodbitrn. Mr. uud Mrs. F.. P. Schott, of Stay ton, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,). A. Ilci'iuinll, on Smith High street. I J. M. Brown, tiie well known capital ist of Silverton, is in Sulem today on a short business trip. County Si lind Superintendent W. II. Smith went to Liberty Inst night to nt- tend a school meetii.g in that place. j Miss Dorothy Shank, a teacher in the Silverton schools, 's visiting over the week-end at the home of her parents lit Iiih.'I Shipping street, Via Shank, of Albany, is in Salem for n week-end visit H( the home of his parents, Mr. Hiid Mrs. J, B. Suunk, uf this .'ity. i Julge Henry Modinn, of Portland,! is ill the city today to attend tho fu neral of the late John M into. 1 John dill, of Portland, is In the city j today to attend the funeral of John Minto. j Miss Catherine tSnndis'rt and Miss Dnretha Shank, birh teachers in the I Silverton sdiols, are in the city today. The Portland Symphony Orchestra GRAND OPERA HOUSE Salem, Sunday, March 7, 2 P. M. M. Christiansen, Conductor. Reservations made March 2, :i, 4 and 5 at Geo. C. Will's Music Store, Phone 159, and March 6 and 7 at the box office of the Opera House. $1, 75c, 50c. Come and Hear The New Victor Records for March Oct the habit of coming hero regularly to hear the now Victor Records, IbsuwI oach month. Wo' to always glad to "lay them for you. Some of This Month's Entertainment 1701)9 Where tho Oceans Meet In Panama Irving Kaufman Underneath tlio Japnneso Moon living Kaufman 17713 Jesus, Blessed Jesus Homer Rodehouver Jesus Remembered You Homer Rodeheaver 35-lffl) China Town, My China Town (One Stop , . . Victor Military Band Music Box Rag (Fox Trot) Victor Military Band 7U08 (1) Twilight; (2) Musette (Violin Belo) Maude Powell 71121 Aula Celeste A Ida Glovniml Mnrtluclli 88481 Ave Maria (Bach Gounod) John McCormack, Tenor And rnt Krelslor, Violinist, BUMS Solvejg's Bong L.ilsn Tctnuiliit HOWARD PIANO HOUSE 138 NORTH LIBERTY STREET PHONE 187