Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 27, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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BE you going to the exposition! ".friea it of the lionor guests, others be
moaning of course the Panama-1 ing asked in to meet them,
k Pacific, at Han Francisco, iff Mrs. K. K. Lee Stoiner and Mrs.
there is anyone who has not been con-Henry W, Meyers wero stationed at
fronted with this query, they may as j the tea table in the dining room hand
well consider themselves dreadfully ob-, somoly motifed in pink. F.xquisito
noletc. But f one has been thus in- Dresden eandolbras, fluffy bows of
terrogated and if the reply happens to! tulle, and candles in smaller rosebud
be in the negative the next question j holders ornamented the table, a bevy
will probably be, "Are you going any-1 of uretty maids assisting in serving:
-where this summer) If so, when and j Mies Shelley, Mies Marjorie Kay, Miss
where T" Now the latter, although it ; Barbara Stcincr, and Miss Carolyn
seems a trifle previous, is annually re
vtved, and always at about this same
time, inspired perhaps by the first tiny
buds that begin to burst through; by
the first glad song of migratory birds,
or by the quietus wnii'h Lent puts up
on activities of a sooiul inclination.
The subtle change which each season
tikes place in nature, is someway, al
ways faithfully reproduced in our ultra
Axked to assist about the rooms
were: Mrs. K, K. Waters, MrB. George
(i. Jtrown, Mrs, Frederick H. Stewart,
Ms. Rollin K. Page, Mrs. Ada Strong,
Mrs. Johu II. McNury, Mrs. George K.
Waters, Mids Margaret ,'oper, and
Miss Hita Hteiner, ,
Amid a most effective setting of
civilized life, for no sooner has tho J Oregon grape and daffodllls, Mrs.
former begun to display new life and 'George K. Waters entertained with a
animation than the inhabitants a? the
larger cities, unable to resist the al
lurinj call of tho great out-of-doors,
begin to plan their summer's ward
robe of outing regalia; peril bo rail
way and steamship folders In a fevered
eagerness to go somewhere anywhere
so long as it is away from the re
straining and restricting couventions
woic'i characterize our modern city
Correctly speaking, tho winter
season is over, consequently activities
of this nature have slackened most per
ceptibly, tie past week, being char
ctorixod by a peculiar lethargy. Af
fairs which have marked this period
hsvo been inspired either by the one
of town guests or the generally recog
nized tweotysecond day of the month
whicu fell on Monday this year. This
data was responsible for a number
of cnioyable dinners and luncheons
and was further suggested at reverul
other affairs which occurred on or near
that lime.
Mrs. Fred. M. Shelley and her at
tractive daughter Marlon, Mrs. William
C. Knighton's house guests from Home,
New York, hsve added much interest
delightful afternoon of bridge Thurs
day, complementing Mrs. Hhclley of
New York, and Mrs. 8. A. Hering of
Portland, two charming matrons who
passed part of their girlhood in Ralom,
the latter being Mrs. Waters house
guest during tho week.
Card honors full to Mrs. Hholley and
Mrs. R. K. Lee Hteiner, Mrs. John
lilakoloy, Miss Both Luillum of Port
land, and Miss Hholley being asked to
The invitational list included Mrs.
John II. McNury, Mrs. F. H. Stewart,
Mrs. .Mm Blakeloy, Mrs. J. K. Lualnm,
Mrs. W. H. Boot, Mrs. Asabel Bush,
Mrs. A. N. Bush, Mrs. 8. Jessup, Mrs.
W. 0. Knighton, Mrs. E. K. Waters,
Mrs. R. K. Lee Hteiner, Mrs. Z. K.
Moody, Miss Htiyighton, Mrs. J. H.
Lautcrman, Mrs. Donald McCarthy,
Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. George G.
Brown, Mrs. William Metlilehrist, Jr.,
Mrs. Klehard Cartwright, Miss Barbara
Htoiner, Miss Hhclley, Miss Ludlam,
Miss Margaret Gray, Miss A 1 thou
part of the winter as the Wilson's
guest, will leave for Newport next
week to join her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
('. W. James, who are domiciled there.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eldridge were
entertained by Portland friends during
the week, going down Tuesday.
Mrs. James Willsoo who has been
passing the winter with tho Stanley
Morgans in Chicago, is expected heme
some time next month.
Entertaining jointly for tho Oaks
Bridge club, Mrs. 11. L. Bowlby and
Mrs. George Christie asked in a num
ber additionally to make up five
tables, Monday evening at the Bowlby
home on North Capital street. John
quills and pussy willows combined ef
tectively, suggestive of spring, the ap
pointments and collation bearing out a
patriotic, idea.
Prizes were given to Mrs. E. 0.
Seicko and H. William Thielsen.
Guests of the club were Mr. and
Mrs. Grunt Bonnell and Mr. and Mrs.
John Caughcll, club members being
, ani Mrs. n. wiiiiam 'inieisen, Mr.
and Mrs. William McUilchriet, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mr. and Mrs.
W. 8. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Christie,
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hcicke, Mr. and
Mrs. Johu Currie, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Smith, Mrs. Alfred Lovelace, and Mrs.
Frederick 8. Stewart.
Spring is really here, suj now that
everywhere the charm uf beautiful
weather is being felt tho great out-of-dors
is making its annual subtle insis
tent call, and already in response to it
new interest is being revived in Ha-
icin s now country club, which is
to be a very notable contributor to the
enetrtainment of Snloui folk during
the long months of summer. The splen
did greens just south of the eitv urom-
ise to furnish a most alluring objective
spot to not only the men, but the fem
inine element as well, and although
Werner Bioyman Brown, the voung
est sou of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford i the membership oainimien has not been
to tho week, considerable entertaining j Brown, celebrated his first birthday I tHken up as yet, among tho latter, and
win not no until the club bouse is com
narking their all-ten short stay. i anniversary with a dimming little
Mrs. w. AI Jones, Das aiso inspires, party Tuesday afternoon, surrounded
so vera 1 things this week, her hosts of
friends here learning, with regret that
her departure with her husband, Rep
resentative Jones, and their children,
is to occur some time next week,
M.-s. Hhclley and her lovely young
daughter, Miss Marion, of New York,
have been the inspiration for uumer
ous alfairs during their week's stay,
former friends joining in literally
showering them with atentions, which
practically filled every day of their
stay, other affairs being cancelled by
their hurried call to Hun Francisco.
Moat conspicuous of these was Mrs.
William (.'. Knighton's tcs, which also
complimented Mrs, Cttsiik, of Albany,
followed by Mrs. K. K. Waters' din
ner of ten covers Monday evening.
Tucsduy af termini Mrs. It. K, Lee
Hteiner entertained lor llieir pleasure,
Mrs. ,1. li, 1iiiitermiiii, who as a girl
hood friend of Mrs. Hhelley attended
Willamette university with her, enter
tained in her honor very informally,
Wednesday a florin nil. Wednesday
evening Mrs. Henry W, Meyers, guve a
six cover dinner fur her, mid Thursday
afternoon Mrs. Geoige K. Waters gnve
by a coterie of his very young friends.
pleted, it is a foregone conclusion that
(heir support will in every way be as
A pretty pink color effect was In I satisfactory and as enthusiastic as that
evidence in both appointments, and the accorded by the men.
dainty collation, the handsome candel- The following aro a few whose aup-
ubra, displaying pink candles and port is relied upon, or those who have
shades, smaller tapers being placed i signified their intention of patronizing
with favora and baskets filled with the new club house and participating
confeitii.is by each little guest's
Tho guests wore: Mildred Roberts,
(.'Italics Kay Bishop. Tommy Livosloy,
Atahul Hush, Fourth, and Chundlei
in tho first spring games: Mr. and
Mrs. Asnhel Bush, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Milviu Plimpton, Mr. and MrB. F. W.
Hteusloff. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Kay,
Mr. and Mrs. William II. Hteusloff, Mr.
and Mrs, Georgo F. Rodgers, Mr. and
Mrs. William C. Knighton, Mr. and
Msr. Xadoe J. Riggs, Dr. and Mrs. Wil
liam H. Lytic, Mr. and Mrs. V. 0.
.Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Benham,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Curtis B. Cross, Mr. Ind
mrs. .losppn n. Amort, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mis. Frank W, Diirbin open
ed their homo Monday ami Tuesday
evenings, entertaining with several
tabl.is of "800" on both occasions.
The lirst gathering was of members of
their informal card club, additional i " . h. I'.ldridge, Mr. uud Mrs. I). W
guests making up seven tables for theiKyro, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Brown,
games, Mrs. It. K. Leo Hteiner nnd! Mr. and Mrs. F. (. Deekubuch, Mr.
Frank Meredith hoi. ling high scores. uud Airs. F. I), Thielsen, Mr. und Mrs.
A '.tractive patriotic decorations sur- George (I. Hinghnm, Mr. and Mrs. John
rounded tho players. Guests of the j J Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley,
lull were: Mr. ami Mrs. (). C. Locke, Dr. nnd Mis. II. E. Clay, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hniimgnrtnor, M r. j William .1, Hull, Mr. and Mrs. U. C.
uud Mrs. Georgo F. ltudgera, und Mr. j llitluip, Mr. uud Mrs. Milton Meyers,
mil Mrs. Homer Goulet, members be- Mr and Mrs. George (I. Brown, Mr.
ins: Dr. uud Mrs. R. E. Lee Hteiner. nnd Mis. Max O. Huron. Mr. and Mrs.
delightful bridge, Mrs. Hhelley and: Dr. nnd Mrs. Frank Griffith, Mr. und W. II, Buighaidt, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. It.
mis. iiiiiik morouim, Mr. ami jurs.j.M. Holer, .Mr. mid Mrs. H. ('. Miles,
Edwin L. Bilker, Mr. uud Mrs. W. II 'Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and
Dnncv. Mr. and Mrs. (leome (I. Brown. Mrs. Charles K. Hiiniildinu Mr nnd
on's tea, Monday afternoon, for which i Mr. Mid Mrs. George I,. Hue, Dr. and; Mis. J. Frank Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. C.
airs, iinoiicy was tne inspiration, were mis. v.. rurlton Mniitli, Mr, and Mrs. '8. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Hen
shared by Mrs, r., 1). nsick of Albany, i Oswald West, Mr. and Mrs. Milton drlclis, Mr. and Mrs. Homer II. Smith,
wue oi nenaior i iinr, who was i n-; ivn-y -rs, Mr. ami Mrs. Cliurlos I.. Me Mr and Mrs. 8. Guy Haigenl, Dr. and
icnuinru Here miring tne legisiuiiire, anry, unit llr. ttllil MIS. II. II. (lunger, j Mrs, II. II. Obligor, Mr.
anil who remained over lor this in-; Tuesday evening, ileomiitioiis re-1 Wilson, Mr.. an. I Mrs. .1. W. Harbison,
easion, she being bolero her iniirringe, ; inuining the sumo, guests sufficient in I Mr and Mis. llul D. l'litton, Mr. and
Miss Grace Piper of Hiileiu, an, I a uuni'ii r to surround six tables, passed I M rs, Georgo W. Giuv, Mr. uud Mrs.
girlhaod friend of Mrs. Shelley, who' another delightful evening, Mrs. Theodore Ruth, Mr. uiid Mrs. Earl An
was Miss Bessie Hniith, also formerly ( nrev F, Martin ml Charles F. Elgin j di r-.nn, Dr. ami Mis. T. C. Hmith, Jr.,
f Halem. siolinu high. 'Mr. .in, I Mrs .1 K. Crime Mr un.l
her daughter departing Thursday night
The honors at Mrs. William Knight
Field, Allan Uuteheon, Claude S. Belle,
Watt Bhipp, L. V. Hoftr, W. P. Butler,
E. P. McCornack,
A most welcome addition to Salem is
the J. E, Ludlams of Portland, Mr.
Ludlain recently receiving the appoint
ment as manager for the local commis
sion house. They have one son and
have taken up their residence at 170
Houth Fifteenth street. Mrs. Ludlam
is a charming woman and both will be
welcomed in society. They have had
as their guests this week, Mr, Ludlam 's
sister, Miss Beth Ludlam of Portland,
who will remain for the week end.
Miss Ellen Thielsen who has been en
tertained as the W. T. Etkin's house
guest in Astoria for the past five
weeks, spent yesterday in Portland,
and is expected home today.
Any information concerning the suc
cess of Halem people in other places is
always of interest, many local people
following with special eagerness tho
advancement of Miss Ada Miller, Ha
lem 's gifted young singer who is study
ing music in Chicago.
DeniuDstrating that her talent and
success is not merely locally recog
nized and commended, and that her ul
timate universal recognition is assured
is the splendid and enthusiastic recep
tion recorded her in tho east since he.r
recent arrival there,.
Hhe has appeared at several notable
affairs, among the most recent being I
the large Valentino banquet given at
the auditorium Hotel, wnen covers!
were laid for about two hundred and
fifty. A dramatic performance flow
ed the course. Miss Miller, with wide
ly known entertainers furnishing spe
cial numbers earlier in the evening,
Miss Miller being the only soloist. Her
numbers were: "Humuiertime," by
Ronald; "Will o' the Wisp," by
Pprors; "Hnwanee River," and "Phil
osophy." The event was planned by
President Guernsey, of tho famous
Hamilton Musical club.
Another appearance, musically, of Miss
Miller was at a foremost social func
tion given bv tho Misses Moore at the
Gladstone Hotel. Hhe was also the
only singer at this event. Tho hostess
ess are known both in Halem and Al
bany, having been eutertained here
during their quite recent western trip
by the 11. B. Thielsens, and Miss Min
nctta Mngers.
An announcement which bring both
pleasure and regret as made yesterday
stating that T. R. Wilson, who for the
past dozen years has been officially
connected with the Oregon state peni
tentiary, nau received the appointment,
of collector of income tax under Hon.
M. A. Miller, to fill the vacancy caus
ed by the death of the lute James E.
Godfrey, and while friends uro shower
ing Mr. Wilson with congratulations up
on the splendid appointment, they are
iiIbo expressing the deepest regret thut
tne Honor takes Mr, Wilson uud Mrs.
Wilson from the city. They expect to
leave tne latter part of next week, .Miss
Morta James, who has been their houBe
guest for part otitie. winter, to loave
at tho sums time1 for Newport, to be
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('. W.
During their long residence here the
Wilsons have been prominently identi
fied with Halem 's toeiul, fraternal and
business life, Mrs. Wilson being an
.-specially popunr ntcmher (if society.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., huvu
necn entertaining .Mrs. Hmith s sister,
Mrs. T. Howard Drake, of Portland,
during tho week. They are nnw at home
to their friends at their beautiful new
residence, ,i:t North Winter street.
ruei lay evening they wero hosts for
tne iierry-l.o- Hound club, askmi Mr,
and Mrs. John J. Roberts and Dr. 1). M.
Fields aiblilhnallv, Mrs. Roberts, with
M. A. Geough assisting. Cnrd honors
ten to .Mr. and Mrs. II. William Thiol
We Invite Your Early Inspection of
New Suits, Coats, Dresses
The styles are very attractive and eminently practical; of course some
extreme styles are on display, but we have made extra efforts to show con
servative garments that will meet the requirements of the season.
Warners Corsets, Modart Corsets, Carters Underwear, Harvard Un
derwear, Kaysers Underwear, Phoenix Guaranteed Hosiery, Onyx Hosiery,
Kaysers Hosiery, Alexandria Kid Gloves, Dent Gloves, Bacmo Gloves,
Kaisers Silk Gloves, Novelty Neckwear, Novelty
Rihlinns Nnvpltv Jpwplrv Tnthpr Pnrsps.
and Hand Bags, Lingerie Waists, Silk Waists, Silk fyirp LiriPth
t4: i.ii. ot.:.i. a..i: it l v t 6 oO'C
i ciutuam, ciuiit oiwi is, luusiiii uuuvrvt car,
Children's Coats, Infants Wear.
We feature White Wash Dress Goods, Dress
Linens, and all kinds of plain Cotton Goods by
the yard. All who have inspected this depart
ment have expressed their hearty approval
Where Shopping Is a Pleasure
Linens of Every Description
For those who find idcatmro nnd in-
l( 1M. V lit! '..!... i I .i " - ,
II. 11. (.linger. Mr. and Mrs. (1. J. -I'"-"""" .n ine singing or s.-iocto.l mare
.w.,.,-, t,,i 1,-in-i ii h iii I'Hroiiiuy
trained, the Apii'lo rliih concert, which
is to lie given ut. the arinorv March
as the tuird offering on the musieul
artists' vnurso, will ntford u delightful
I nder the nh'e leadership of Wll-
Don't Wait for an Invitation
To come to church. The House of God is essentially
the House of Man, and BELONGS to you. Prove
it yourself. . '
Corner Church and Chemeketa Streets
Services at 7::!0 and 11 a. m., 7::J0 p. m.
"Not Peace, But a Sword," Morning Address.
Hurec. !
J)r. P. M. Fields is a member of n
week-end Eugene house party.
A surpriss, enjoyable in every re-1
spr ct was planned in honor of E. It, i
Millard, of the l.add uutm nans,
hy tho employees of that institution, j
Thursday evening in celebration of his
birthday enniveisnry. Charades, inter-:
jsting contests, and musical numbers
furnished hv Mrs. Frank K. Frickey:
and Mrs. Thtinas R. Galloway, round
ed out a most delightful evening. Mr.1
and Mrs. George Riches were asked to.
assist in making all arrangements.
Those who were bidden were: Mr. nnd;
Mrs. L. B. Aldrieh, Mr. und Mrs. Koyj
Burton, Mr. and Mis. George Riches, i
Mr. and Mrs. Thonius li. Galloway, Mi.j
and Mrs. John Beezely, Mr. and Mrs.i
Claire Vihbert, Mr. and Mrs, Frank I
Frickey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W"il-1
linins, Mr. and Mr. Chester Cox, Mr. ;
and Mrs. Harry Wenderoth, Miss Nel
lie iVhwub, Miss Mill ie Schwab, Miss I
liiicile KonnU, Miss llattie Hargrove, '
Miss Ni. nia Holt, William Walton, 8. jrhortly fn'luwing the holiduys by I'ro-! life being told by Miss I'uge us Ihoy np
IMerfler, Ruh-h Wildors, Jacob Fuhrer, lessor Wallace Mac .Murray, of Willain-. peured, one at n time, beforo the as
rinlihuin Gilbtrt, Hurry Holt, Alfred i of te university, assisted by college stu- j sembled guests. Later each presided
Mchrimm, ( hnrlis Reynolds and James I dents, huvo been postponed until the over one nf the rooms, different entei
McFailand. j completion of his scheduled course of luinnient. being furnished in eueh, the-
loct.ircs, making a most attractive end-lsong cycle by Lehman, from the non-
Miss Loin I'nge whose approaching "'R ,or ,hn" ',y,'n' wn"'h ,W1V' piovedjsense ihymos of "Alice in Woodbind"
iiiriiisniiig one it tne most pleasing
pcriois. Many of Hie students also np
poured in costume.
( hiiructrrs impersonated were:
til e
L,ovelv ve ov turns ninl , nlfiii i . ; -1.. uv1uIIm M,.- i'....i;u n ' M .... it'iui xr. .:. i..t.., t.. it. ... i
Oremn grape nnd pussy willows, beau ! Cluss, Mis. Hlmor l.udclon, uud Mia.'iMrs. .Inliii Carson, Mr. and Mrs II. 0 1," ; ov,'r ltu! Al'nll 'lb "ale
lifully suggesting (lie approach ol V. Cuiinel Over. Si hii.-kini!. Mr. and Mrs. It 1). Gilbert. ' . ,,'"'lll.v Improved, both ns
spring formed u must attractive set i M iss-s Veda Cross Nell Thielsen Mnr-1 "' " . n"l"" pi'-sentcd and the
marring.! to I'red I., l.aii.less of Heuttl.-1"". e."'''rHHy interesting during
und Sail Francisco is of much interest, "iniii.
as the inspiintinn (or n prottv linen I
hnwer Tlinrsdsv ..venim.. uliin'iicl us A llellelltllll l.ult.V COIllllieniorlltlllg
a su-piise, by u close friend, Miss Ce-i""' Ji""versury of Washington's birlh-1 George Washington. Deun Aldcn;
cile liehunnu'. Durimi the honor uuest 's lln.v was participated in by a large tha Washington, Miss Reynolds;
ibsonco the lu.ise was converted into ""'"her of young folk Monday oven-j jami-i Franklin, Dr. I. isle; Mrs. Frank
a nuptial bower, henrts nnd Cupids be- '"f- ol' Mil-S l-ennre Koou, lin, Mrs. l.islo; Thomas Jefferson, I'm-
ng ill rviilnnee III ileeiirntiuns nnd ul- '"" r " n-srui ...usnj .niiiimi nyies o. jeiie
so in tho collation. Winter street. Jieeomtioiis, attractive-
Miss Page, who Is popular among a lv suggesting the day were noted, the
Isrgo number of Hi Is will be mar-l"K"'m "f entertainment likewise ho
led Weilnisdnv, March thiitv-f irst, K 1,1 "'i-hik win ,,,,,,,,. , -.
son, .Mrs, hiiIMi; William l.ivingstoue,
Mr. Thninpsu-i; Mrs. Livingstone, Mr-.
Thompson; John llniicoik', I'rofossoi
Von l-lsciii-ii; Dorothy lliinetrk, Mm.
(the young pi-opie to leave Immediately ! 'N" h'i tesa us assisted by Miss Mary .yon Ksehen; Betsey Ross, -Mrs, 1'rice;
tins tor this event which wns the; Fir the ulousiire tit is V M . I,, . i...i ai;..., ti i ocnntiriil quality of tine proiliiitliin
" '! I ' ...... iiu-i ..ii ..M-im .iu,iii-s, ..I is, ! 1 llllllOi 1 lioiniisiin. Allien .Mou-cs. Mil .el Ken- ' . ' " . . . .. Pur,,,,,,,,,,;,,,, , m , I. rnosl no In i- K, ,h ti,in.,ti i;. el
sineo the ushering ill of the I Ion Pulton entertained very iulie nmlly I nedv, Cutherine Carson, Kstlier Carson J , "'"V W"h V, rV 7 ranc.sci). a niiimii-r ot e its , - " 'c,,,; ,.,,,u w
, . , , f. ;;,'"7"'y 'Tun wi,h 1 " ' k ' ' .., k. mVs ;;:,;,r ,h" M,r in ::,::t ;:;;:;u; "V"u. ww bi ,hi. my twz., trvli ?:z . ,1, p y
Guests nuniberiiiu nbiiut seven v five In idee. Miss Jiunos seciiiiun the uvnr.i Cm .an. . . (In). S. II 1:1 i.iii I'imI I nl " uin.iun urn ni ni i iiK"k' mi in a
c:ii..i .1.. . i ..... . i. .,,, , . . . ... .' ' .. . T i,i aiMi.,,,, ,,.i l,,. I Knrt tiimi alio. inn. in -rr. .,i is,n i. . iviwii ..m.m.mi nmisnii niiaiii". Mr.
K .... ...... ,,. ,,,,,,,, . M r. UMM'll IISSIM.iKl I, Mi . 11 111 1 n. till 1(111. 1(1 ,11'
hours, miiuy of them being long time j Miss James, who has boon passing Munres, Paul H. Wiillnee, Dr. D. M
evpe-inlly suei essl'ul one,
oiniooits thus far giM-n
Both rf tm
hine set u
O.o sis at Thuisday evening's al'-1'01'-' Mortoiisen, Irnbelle George, Morton; John ,lny, Professor MiieMui
tnlr -veil'; Mis Floreiu-e Miller, Miss lerlil wniinoy, .Margaret i.euge, i.u-1 ray ; I naneeilor Koliert li. Livingstone
I!!' ;i
I i'
verv high stun.laid of eseolli I'm len-e lliiink, Miss Marie Martin,"""' "".l','.v I'linvn, .iiai.i in .e , i-roiessor niioriiiiin; .Mexan.lor llainil-
The Apollo club Is eomiinse.l n'f boll, i its Nellie Hobeits, Olive disto, Miss ; ,;l'i'lys Stevens, Ksthor Pur-, Ion, l'infos..or Do Urn; liliaboth Schuy
teacher Minimal uud uiiliilou sing M'I'Hd Fonest, Miss lleuluh Huberts, oiinagaii.. nnd .Messrs Liigeno llouston, elr, .Mrs He H,u; nberl Miens, I'm-
. . l' ,, ... . i .. .. ,. ki.liiti.ll, U..I n l.,l,l MlllUljll lv Oil lll.t ll . r.iMU.,,, 1 ,ill,lru, I- I , vn l.l 1. I -l I ., .......
erture to Racine's Iragedv "Pluilro,'
K Y.V.N intciest Is iiiiinil'estcd in the lowsi
conceit of tin- I'm timid svni Overture " Pliedie ' .1, Mn.seiiet
phony onliestia hl,li is to' In iSyiiipliuny No. 11 III D major ,1, llavdii
given nt the Gland Opeiu IIimim- Hun ! "Slvufrli-.l lldvll" Itieliiud Waiim-r
dny, Miueh seM-ntli. ! (n) " Piiiolinliiiiii ' ' .. Annas Jnrueii-lt j tliiMiii-hed llolgiiin or-licstral euniposer
M-ii.ly is the central l.l-a of tin I (10 "Berceuse" i will be ropreseiiled fur the first time
well sele.ted program nil, I it is expect " l.ieliesliedelieu " Tuulicrt'ut these concerts hv l-.U li'liiipsodv Nn
ers who have b i i iiretnllv si ted In- Miss Huth Mohiinoii. Miss Cci ile Ho
a -o-iipetenl enniniiltoe siul who r,i. haiijii, und .ljs, H. .Stover.
bourse weekly under the puiiistukin;! I "
Mieitinn of tin- eoniluetnr, The chili I A pretty birthday paily in celebru-
n in no sense a lueiioy-iiinking oiania 1 .Ion of the fiist iiiinhorsiiiy of Paul
'inn, it being tho intention to collect in I lliwuM Jr.. Mill u Mr. und Mrs. Puiil
' loos fioiii inenilii-rs simply iqimigli I .1. llaiMcr, was given by Mis. Ilunsor
I iiinl t i pay the cost of concerts nndjia .1 number ol Ins liny ,i"IMK fiiends,
in ing oxpitnos. In this respect llirj iVoilm sduy nfteiiie'ii. ' Mrs, Lloyd
iclub is eutillcd to mm u eii-iinieuilution , linn i r was nsl-i-l to u isi .t, and lioiioi
, for the ediioiilional Infiiien. e excited, ing the oenisiuu wiii, Ilio pn-sei-co of
j . m, ,,,,1(1,1 ml ti internal giuiuliniitli-
On,,- of the must attractive patties of eis, Mis. W. .1, Ihgi-.lorn and Mrs, W.
,lie ttivk wis the .lonlile birlltday mini II. I'niii,
' iirsaiy oololnal inn nil he home of Mis. Do, oiatioiis were daintily peifeeted
! A. C, Devoo, .i,",,- North I'niii teonth 1 in n;nk li til white, the picltio-.! of
I street, in honor of the In luer ninl her i birth, lay eakes, tu n 1 1 i'u one small ' an
niei e, M iss .liuiiiitii Devoe. The iooins;dle oinlomig the table around uhirh
were iillraellvoly ileenrateil for the oc llhe miniiitiiic gin-lii wore neatcl, li
jeiision, the liuiiis being passed with in-'tiny iske, eruiiineittod with a single
lininiil dixeisioiis, Miip-'r, minklng en, li olnee.
I'lo- giie-ls were; Mis. MaMha Mot- These who assisted In this i-eletira-
Iris, Misses llille Monis, Maud'- Morton, I tion wen- Nonnii Cliiiniuek, (ioldie
'Shiiloy Ciiapi'el, Mabel King, Kstlier. Munis, Stacy Reeves, Jr., Lowell Stiff
Sehii,aMo, uud Messis. Ralph Mer-'er, I or, iteiniee' Hi haler, Leuiiaid S'hal'i-r,
one of the most effective of his innnv I . "u,,,""l hnv Mchniallle, I red ,iu. Wayne llagedoiu.
' . I. ,...... It .1 I.' 1 U I... I . li ,
. . . 1,1 . ,., , , , ., ,, V -' .' ' 1 "t , -1, n hi,, I I i n ,-ri '"in, ,n- n li ,
ciiiii,iiltiims. Ldiiind l.alo, the ills ' ,
Kennel li Holle, Linis Siiiipsnu, Kenneth , fess-ir Matthew-: Klixnhcth Pulteisiin,
l.ogge, Ira Mercer, George Weller, w ol-1 Mrs. Swiirllioiit ; llaiitinh llaiieiii li, Mil-
mlt .Duron, Kiigene llnibei-, llloiin Pag",
iliegg, 1-Mgar Holland, Harold Rolierts. I ...
s I
O.ie of tin most liiarming eulunii'l
partus ot il:e wei li, i iinM.teiuniatiiii'
Mis. l.iiuillii .1. Walsh, siunll daiith-
... 1 ... L : I I I- , . .. I . ..ill
lin, ,11 Ht'i'iiiiii, nun .,. i-, -.I',,,. . , . ,
' ,. 1 ,' , ., ,, ,, . , ns hiugtnii s Inr liunv, was riven nt
n,i, o 111,- ui.itli .,,ii,l IV I h Mrs V. II I k li s . " ..... .
lister, Mrs. A. F, West, in Poitlund.
ihe hoiiio ot Mis, L. K, I'nue Fr'uluv
. 1
(I ontiniied on Pa'e Three.)
Over two humlie.l stii'lonls of W'il
In in i-t I iiniM'isity pin tii i Miod in a , ", " ""
delightfully iinuiieed intriiitie lv in
Katun hull lust niiilit, given in llic'r
liiiiuir by the f-n-nlly.
Tin- Iii-m'I halls and clli'-s liutiu.i were
In until ie, with cniii'l lis flags, chim I'iiI
1 ill v trees und lulissr
of the sis rooms vo
of vaiiims priiililiiont 1'iures nf rnlini .
nl tlays, win wvio iiiipersuii.ite, by f
Ihe faeiiltv lui'ts, llieir idenliiv being t
diMili-il nnd n sliiut history nl' their , 4 -v
f BeaverState Printers i
Hisses of giei i v. eai li I Society and Commercial f
vopieseetiug the homes j Printinc. i
rhoiis loJ3,
Bourns 13, Tattoii Block
nl test director Muse ( lii istensea ninl I " Rliapsudiu Nirveglcaiie No. 1
the on liestia will luce a house (.ached I Kiluanl lailo
to eapncily. A number of alley cili-s II iv, la's Hvnipliony In D-Nu. 7 of the
will be ret n seiiti-il, uud the oiv best celcbtnled "Halouian" set written for
t iiiouiiifi-iiu ut which Salem people can porfiiinuneo.in London, when the ciiiu-lhe liit'unt Hiogfiied w
$if to there delogatiiiiH to visit mil, poser wns nearly sisty years of age' place on the proginiii
nl,' sen piMioni.-.e us iiiiuiisi sail en
lertninmei t olfi-iiiius is to detiui'stintc
their own iippieeliition by libcnillv
j sliniil -ing tli J liiilh-oiniiig ooinoit.
I, a very bountiful and brilliant work
Wagners "Siegfried Idvll, written
ill lienor of his wile's hiitlnlnv, no, I
also In t mi nk In I n o lor the birth of
also find a
I lie licliter a-
will be the principal offering of the I numbers include a daintily scored ' j
Fifth Symphony Concert, One of the J " Pirn-Indium ' nu.l "Berceuse'' by a I
mint "essentially French" of modern Finnish composer, Amiss ,lai iiutelt, i
iiuipiiscis was l an late .lines Mnsseuet, ami raiiiieit a " l.ielie.llvilelien ' for!
ORDINARY, toniplyiug with
repeated and urgent rr-uests
John Claire Moiilelth, Voice
Builder nml Couch, will be in
Sulom on Mondiiw. Only a few
more pupils iau bo accepted.
Interviews ti v appointment
only, phone it 1.1,1.
Ms lie-e Csve it' llillsliuru will nr-
TTTT? ; rive ihi-- exenii-g In be the Iui.im
ik H iji itlXm'" c' 'l'11- ' " I li'-'h. For her
. pniisoie .ins, iiiii-.i nas piiiiiuei mi ni-
The hv. i u in to be given Is ni fol who will lit) repiesented by his fins Ov-1 Slriiir-i.
(Ii'erieal little dialing dish party to
i aso p,m o siioith jiler nor sinvul.
liss Florence Miller. Miss Coin Milloi,
l.1iss Helen lautcy, Miss I 'out I Howell,
fciMiis I In i it Miller, Miss Pearl Harmon,
und Mrs. Fie, I F.llis til shun- in the oil
S lei taiiiiucnt fiiiiii--hcl.
l " "'
l Tin- Iwo dtnmiis, "Traveling Man,
Si i nnd "Ihe Terni-ic .Meek," aniiiiiiueeii
Exquisite New Spring
The Needlecraft Shop
325 State Street
I csrly in Ihe winter to be picsouto