THE hALEM CAPITAL JOPKNAL. SALEM. OREGON, SATPRDAT, TEBKUAET 27, 1915. MOTORCYCLES USEFUL IN BUSINESS WORLD llfiwiWlaWaaOT c TIRES GASOLINE BATTERIES PRESTO TANKS ELECTRIC HORNS ELECTRIC LAMPS THERMOS BOTTLES LUNCH BASKETS -GENERAL ACCESSORIES Everything pe rtai n i MGTOBir GUM5 AND AMMUNITION Makes Record Trip In Hudson Six Car w 9 Spokane, Feb. 2V.- II. 0. Hundcins and A. II. Hertz of the HawkiiiB Motor far company made what they claim is m record run to Missoula in a Hudson "Hia" touring car, negotiating the 248 uilra in one day in a total running time of 13Vj hours. Tie journey was made by way of Wallace, through Fourth of 'July can yon and on the over-mountain road In to the Missoula valley. Four passeng m were carried in the car. lk'si'lcs irnn.L:.., -it. ri..- i X. Noteware of Spokane nml 11. J. I A. H. MOORE At the old stand on Court street. Bicycles sold on the installment plan. All kinds of repair work done. Some good buys in second-hand bi cycles. Reasonable prices and fair treat ment. 447 COURT ST. 8mead, cashier of the. State bank of ICphruta, Washington. No car trouble was encountered on the trip and water placed in the radia tor in Spokane was still there and working when Missoula wan reached. One stop was made to fix a tiro which had picked up a spike. Mr, Hertz made a run to the Flat head reservation from Missoula, going 15!) miles in a little more than half a day. Sixty iiiilca of the return trip was made over a muddy road in the rain, from (I p. in. to 1 a. m. over a strange mad. Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Herta returned to Spokane Tuesday. "Go Slow," Drivers Advice Beginners Are Warned Against Too Much Speed. Modem Inventions landing to Give; Maxium Service at Minimum Cost I Pleases Business Mao. It is bard for the general public to readjust their ideas on motorcycles and to think of them as anything but a dirty noisy nuisance. The business men however who have been on the alert to render the maximum service at the minimum cost have had no alien difficulty but have accepted the motorcycle with open arms. Motorcycle delivery vans can be operated with much less expense than the truck or automobile. For rural mail carriers they make the ideal transportation. But it has remained for telephone and telegraph com panies more than any other class of business to demonstrate the full utility of the motorcycle. The Hew York Telephone Company carries off the princ with the largest order for motor cycles ever placed. They recently bought from the (lender Manufactur ing Company, --0 Indian Motorcycles which will be used for installing new service as well as by their trouble men. Watt Hhipp who is handling both the Indian anil the Harley David son motorcycles i) confident that this year will see the tnpnoteh of motorcycle enthusiasm, ' With the San Francisco fair in full blast it is cer tain that a great many people will take the trip on the two wheeler and it remains to be seen whether the motorcycle will be accepted by local business men as generally as it has been elsewhere. i MXAMii m yv. . . y,v- - ..ff n... I I ... I - H'VY t.l . JatwA f . . Y'"7 I -.I'l- AV L2:H LV- 'V: V " .te-A J.LA II NEW STAYTON BUNGALOW. John Thoma the enterprising mana ger and bookkeeper of the Brown-l'et-zel Lumber Co. of this city will erect a fine 8-room bungalow on his lot aeross from tho mill on Water street. Tho building will be a story and a half in height and will be modem to the last finishing board, and built of wholly "Made in Oregon and Ntnyton" material. A basement 2flx-IO will be under the entire house, and a porch will extend around the west and south sides. The estimated cost is about iflKOO. Grant Murphy will be in charge of tho car penter work. Htnjton Mail. Take your time during your first month of driving, keep coot and have a reason fur everything you do, and, above all, think do not forget it, think and you will get along all right. Know what ouch pedal is for, know what each button will do, but be sure about it, und do not loso your head. Then you will not get into auy trouble. Kurly morning is the best time to Irani the rudiments of driving, (in slowly and keep to tho right, (jet in the habit of watching for street curs both on the street you arc driving; and on the cross street:!. Af ir a sh"yt period, when yo.i del satisfied yo:i have mastered the rl'wnen tury timers, drvc later in tho i,ny when the traffic is heavy. But be care ful. This will accustom you (o the crowds. During thu learning period drive slowly. Ho not speed up. Most of the trouble comes from driving too fast. Find out all about your car and treat it with consideration. Watch lubrica tion. You do not go without food for several days, nor should ySiu allow your car (o be without sufficient oil and water. And remember your ear is a piece o' machinery. It is not. infnlliblo. Do not expect the impossible of it. Capital Garage Complete line of Auto Supplies and Accesso ries, with first-class re-' pair shop. Auto Transfer and Taxi Service Agency for Federal Trucks 173 S. LIBERTY ST. rhone 783 ECONOMY Economy in fuel consumption Economy in tire mileage Economy in upkeep and greatest of all, Economy in the long run because of the everlasting quality. Buick cars are every day establishing remarkable fuel economy records. It was a Buick that won the Wisconsin Reliability and Economy Contest with an average of 21.8 miles to the gallon for over 500 miles. Thousands of unsolicited letters from satisfied owners vouch for Buick economy of upkeep and records of tire mileage. For examples of Buick longevity and uninterrupted service, look to the va rious models, from the first one built. They're still in service some of them in our home town. Built in Fours and Sixes $1000 to $1800 Come in and See the 1915 Models OTTO J. WILSON 388 Commercial St. NEW 1915 MODEL tmmmmmammmmmmmHmm tmi tmntmimmamitmammm 17 NEW FEATURES II The biggest automobile value ever offered for less than $1000. A powerful, fast, silent and smooth-running, full-grown five-passenger, really beautiful and fully equip ped family automobile. High tension magneto, sliding gear transmission, left-hand centre control, anti-skid tires on rear, full 1 stream-line body. The car that has practically every, high-priced car feature. The car that is the sensation of the whole automobile world. Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. Come and let us take you riding in the new 1915 MAXWELL. Rees & Elgin Auto Co. THE ROGERS BUILDING. HIGH AND FERRY Billy Carlson's Record In; Maxwell Car Over a course bristling with grades, and around seven dnugerous turns,! muy arisen, in a .Aiaxweu cur, at tho 8un Diego Kxposition road race,! .lanunry ninth, established the new world's record for consistency and en- j durance by driving tho entire route of I more than .Wo miles without a single"! stop, over the most difficult road! course in America. This remarkable feat breaks the world's endurance record as established by Barney 01d- field in a Maxwell Hacer, a( Corona on Thanksgiving" Day, Carlson in his Maxwell won second place in (he race and a Inrgc purse. He was close second to klnrl Cooper in' a Stulz, and was nosed out of first I place by just about a minute.-- Carl-1 Min's time for the race was four hours, forty-one minutes mid forty-seven; seconds, iti nil average speed of six- (y-l'ive miles per hour, which was con-: sidei'cil very fiu't lime for tlie road! which is a conmion dirt road, five and, three-quarter miles around and has auj elevation from m'n level of about -000 feet. The fastest time prev iouslv made on this road was fifty-nine miles per hour. Hob Itoruuin, Itickenbnchev mid M I J . . ifV 9 X -' v...1 '" T I'arlhy In Pungent cars fought a stiff) .battle, but luck was nguiutt them anil, they weru checked mil of the race on; account of trouble with their cnrs.i Tom Alley in a Dusenbrig won third, place and was soine. seven minutes be-' hind Carlson. There were nineteen of 'the world's famous drivers and fust-' 'est curs entered, but during nioit of the men Cooper in his Htuti! ill id Carl-j son in the .Maxwell were running neck nml neck, and during the lust pint of ; the contest, Carlson, wan gniningj , Mtcnilily on ( 'oopcr. I j Cni'lsuti's record was indeed a re-j jtuarhnlde one, his Maxwell being the. , only car in the race that did not stop hi h'him iMin- nil 1 1 K "HI i-"im.i fiiiu iiiinny made mole freipient stops at the pits. The course Is known as (he most j difficult and dangerous course in America, iicce'silnting the shifting of ' gears sevcu times, and using the brakes 'four (lines in each lap, Carlson 'i car : consumed (wenly secn uhIIoiis nf (in Mil I ne Hid three gallon of nil, and I the motor ran cool and perfectly dur ling (he entire race. This again proves (he Maxwell ennslntciicr. This is (he second Maxwell car In make a long turn stop run In the lust j few weeks, which is dun largely (o (he 'pil distribution of weight, the per ' fcclion in design and the special steel jh-nt treatments used by tho Maxwell I Motor ( ompnny. New Mode! Reo Is Hit With Autoists l.os Angeles, Cul., Feb. a". Tho new Keo thhe Fifth model, tho "Incoinpar- ahlo Four," has reached l.os Angeles. The day alter the new machine reucli cd the Imal distributing station, Mil li nger L. A. Heniff, accompanied by F. .). J'unly, slarteit on a motor tour o( j the "Kite," to show (he latest four to the lieo dealers throughout the subur ban cities. i At. Riverside lieniff and Piinly de cided to drive up M(. Itnbidoux ns a side lest for the now cur. The ma chine made the top nf Cue historic liuttc on the high gear with little ef fort, seemingly. Aside from Stirling up a great dual of interevt among tile subui'Uau Heo dealers, the trip was one of plcnsuic for tne local motor car men. Witji the e.ception of about two miles near Poiiioiiu, where a ilctour i; necew niy, the highways are in excel lent condition mid Mining is a delight ( throughout the entire circle uf the "Kite." I'p'in his return, Manager lieniff stilted that Ciilitornia offered nunc for tlie motorist thi year ilnni ever be fore, with the pcilccl highways a in I the niitiiiul beauly. '."J Willi any cur, al most, one run enjov .America 's greatest' Itiiiring ground, but, wiCi t, no of the 'latest li'lo offerings, lieniff miivh that the delights of southern California ure i iiii'oiiip.tiiiblo. ; Little Dodge Car j Shows Great Power ( l.os Angeles, Cal., Feb. "7. ,f, K, Flench, western representative for i Dodge ltrothers of Detroit, has just returned to l.os Angeles from a two weeks visit at. the factory. While at Detroit Mr. French had an1 opportunity to get. out on tho road with (he new Dodge for u ilciuoiistra. (ion of ils flexibility and power. They put thu car over grades where a team could only pull a light buggy and where automobiles were never sup-! posed to go, but the Dodge never (ill-' tered lit the steepest pitches so long us thu wheels could get trui'tiun. Then; when tho grade beniinu so steep the! driving wheels would spin, they put! two more men In the loniienii and up she went to (ho very (op of tint 1IH per cent, grade. I Without any ipiestlou of doubt (he ndvent of Dodge druthers' cur him aroused greater and more widespread curiosity thun any now machine un Honored In years. A novel advertiso- lug campaign, along with the well and established reputation of tho manufto turer, has kept tho public in a slate of; c.onstaiil expectancy during (he last six months. Dodge Hrolhera have been favorably known to (he auloiuuliiln trade for many years. They have iiiriniil'aclured tho vital purls fur several thousand popular cars during this period. How ever, they had never manufueluicd a cur nailer their own niiiuii before., Write Your j AUTO INSURANCE in the "Old Reliable," the i Continental Insurance Co., New York. J W. A. Liston Agent m COURT STREET ' WORKED ALL RIGHT, Hubbard's chemical fire nppurutus wan given a good workout lust week and was found to be in fine working order. It will easily throw water over and around any of our buildings. Its capacity ia good, too. It look at least twenty minutes to exhaust the tanks first coiidcd up. Hubhurd Enterprise. g" i- - "il" L. -'..-i . . ..'.) Mr, and Mrs. J. 0. Albright spent, 1 i Saturday and Sunday in Hubbard the 'guests of Mrs. Albright 'a parents, Mr. jiuid Mrs. Fred llochnsheldt, the new 'proprietors of (he llublinid hotel, Mm. 'Albright is an acociuplished musician. '.Mr. Albright ia with the O. & VI. rail jroad and navigation company with f ; fives in the Wells Fargo building. j Hubbard Enterprise. The Sriscoe Car An American-built car on French lines. All parts of this car arc carried in stock at Portland, Ore. Electric started and lighted; honeycombed radia tor with single light in center; engine, dynamo and brakes are all securely enclosed, thereby making them perfectly dust and dirt proof. Either right or left hand drive; wood or steel wheels. Only car made in United States under $2000 containing nil bronze bearings. See this car demonstrated at 220 State street. ' Rutherford & Shields AGENTS