CAPITAL SPORTIMG NEWS SNAL AUTOMOBILE SECTION THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. 8A1EM, OREGON, SATTJEDAY, FEBBUARY 1915. price two cents. SMi"M2DcS3E NEW EXCELSIOR FACTORY OPENED IN CHICAGO, ALL ROADS LEAD TO DAILY f V City of Brotherly Love Outbids Gotham Promoters of Fistic Bouts BY JAMES J. COBBETT. (Former Hoavyweight Champion of the World.) . New York, Feb. 27. (S)oi iul to tho Capital Journal.) In Hint frenzied bidding contBHt fie the Johnny Kil liHiie Kill W i 1 1 in ii i match Philndel f t 111 u promoters have made New York matchmakers resemble the well known piker. Unfortunately for Oothuin fan thero is only one bin club in existence hci often of lute and hi.i work Iihs ho greatly deteriorated that, the fans have Marvelous Task Accomplished In j Transferring Equipment of Plant I and Supplying Machines Too. J!CJlJI" frJSlFans Met at Commercial Club tho anniversary of breaking ground for the new million-dollar plant which looms up in the northwestern section of Chicago like an industrial Qihralter. The celebration took the form of all hands reporting for work at 7:30 a. m. and knocking off for the day at 9 p. in., as usual. Some celebration and Last Evenifg and Made First Plans become very tired of paving from 2 ! something to celebrate! Within the , days that preeeed (Spring have caused (o $10 to see him wait. 10 rounds when ! year the "Little Giant" Ignnz Schwinn j the Unseball bug Jo stir and as a re-, great show place, is already a mntterj Aflor a year of Inactivity the warm T o FRISCO EXPOSITION Many Autog Will Use Them In Going to Greatest Fair Elver Held This Side of Mississippi. Today all roads lend to California ; and tho Exposition. Practically every person in the eiv ilized world is aware j of the fact that the largest and most I complete exposition that the world has! ever seen opened its gates to the gen eral public at 1) a. in. yesterday morn ing, and the manner in which the peo ple of California and the public in! general welcomed the opening of this! ti. .... ., ti. ,,i .,i,,.. V....H I Began and com piercn me immense ihc- ,, if ,,.ni,.i,.v ,,t Sol.,.., will v,o Castle stuff nt the theatre for a couple! ''! ","ed fmn tbe old ?luut "."J1 i represented by k creditable baseball of bones, lint the sports know that ; t equipment together with ,,., for th -geaitn of 19l.-. rast Freddy is not going to have time f iv any iancy business with Willie Ritchie. He" is going to be an exceedingly busy young iiiiiu for 10 rounds if the mill here, and those back of it are working , goes that long and he will havu to be on a tjure-thing system. This they can do as they have no competition uno in much better condition than he has showu here in months to keep up the evidently nothing to fear in that line 'stiff pneo Hitchie is sure to set from as long as tho present board of com- j the very first tap of the bell, luissioiicrs aro permitted to run affairs! While Hitchie has not been seen in much new machinery in the present j 1)i M a )mnlhPr of ,,, mol,t cthusins- mnniing, una to top orr ine iiercuiean tjl. f(1ls Rlu, formB? plvcr8 ,ft in t)10 task, designed ami built an entirely. Commercial Club tooms and discussed new motorcycle, the first carload of i ,., ,, ,, , ,,; a fc, in of history. Bnck in Flint, Michigan, the opening' of tho exposition was celebrated in a novel manner, and it is a sure thing! that each of the ten thousand men eni-j ployed by the liuick .Motor Company' are aware of tho fact that California1 is on the map and that there is somc.-j in such an arbitrary way as they havet,l,o ring in public but once since losing .UmM t,,at t,,,.fn giR11ifience' of ,'., roccntly. And that is the sole reason the title to rre.ldy and there ore iuy ,.,, work ,.,, appreciated. A , - ' k'-iHN tlllll JIICII Il Uk J'll I I 111 j II l I'll Ml HI Which in exi.ertetl to be shipped on t.n f,n, h ,.nniin.f m.f will Wfisliinton'H birthday. It is not until j pV0),ably 'bo a Icjiti one it wits decided ' t,linK Pxrnordinnrv going on in tho one pnurteN to reflect that the construe-jat (hw 'niRrt i)f( tfc;it 1)Q hi h m.drivn I virinity of San Fmncisoo. lion or mo new lnartnno menus innKii k ; ,,,, be ni(1 to pavers, Local men 7w new uica umi K'W") "1 "''J fllA new furuiiiRS wore required to be made before the machine could bo eon STELLA MAYHEW AND BILL1E TAYLOR IN "Hiail JINICS GRAND, MONDAY, MARCH 1st. AT THE .lust, as the clocks in this city were' will be used in all Instances where they ! striking nine yesterday morning every: can show the class necessary to stick with the teari that will represent rtATs'ri i vn rniTir wheel' In the Iluick factory, which HnULiiiMJ till lit covers more than Hi;".' acres, stopped tinning and remained at rest fur five' why oilier cities grab match after not be at his highest speed, the crowd t,,;., " ' .. ,., ,," .,.,,: "L ',': a "'.,,"""""'";'-" can tiepen. tniit no w... g.M u,c, oUiy w,villc,, they couldn't .ct their 011fl ia ,. (eV9, nll ,, thp (i1Pl train of nutoniobilo cars over a mile John W. Kelly Says It Is Replete Willi ' principal roles, Jliss match thut would in the natural order of things enme to the big town. Tlio Madison hqunro tuirdeu promot j iugle-ing." TCnlfcl Uirfl C1,l..t.. ENDORSES "HIGH JINKS" niM . who we I'D at the Ondieiuu ht season, good hid for their money. ready t.,.r ...n.l.U nro ittv Hft.l nu-it tlinir . ..... . ; l,.i,r 1... ..I, ....I.. I. . I I own im'lf iit IV i' 1 J lit Un Will' i iV i uwrnnni m rniii JJ ft I ur til rv m Illll ll- r- . v ...... ..j m rii"'rj : nfim nvdf n:tr inn r.YCH mr nrn'in- i. : . u .. .r. : i i j i .i . ' imnuiid h.i... n...i tin ,., era will not guarantee boxers any fixed; have to make for the Welsa match and ization h hl, t0 ,,0 in tt yenr-at Z , L ; ' J : ' ' , vast throni, nf'visi. .. entere.l , .,.! K6spC,E' will enter the nng a finely-trained ath-. lhe R(lmo )ilno KottinK out the 1914 min consisting of a manager, cap- position gat,, (he conductor of tlio; ' 'ci''; .... machines. Only those who have visited 1 1 u i n and seeretarvi Those three men freight train gave the go ahead siumilj Here's what .John W, Kelly, the ... a nm Ktmn frt.iilT 11.1, If n M' l. r.. i . ' l . ' - .... . 1 " ' ...L.t.iu o Mi.iu..,".. . rne inciory can uegiu to appreciate line, aim us mere is nun- nut in Wr .schwinn s last year's chore, Tuneful Melodies, and Good Iu All M'O'hcw is loiuclieiine in chicf, and on sum any more. Llr at least tney will not tie themselves up In any way where thora seems to be a possibility of loss to them. If they had somo good live i. . . i . , . ... ncr mnnii ami ample shoulders pMh about ,")0 per cent iif the comedv. Ilor best sung is ".liui," in which sho ii i iim-i. i ne iiiiMinuu sue lust a scoie- eicnpetition it would to entirely dit'-j that from o clever boy like Welsh in a Visitors at the plant today found ferent. It would be quite unnecessary for matchmakers to bid so high tkat money would bo lost, but the competi tion would mean that the clubs would liavo to shave their profits and tiie fans would liavo nicro and better at tractions, 'it'-j will compose tho . finance, committee. ! and with many a puff and snort, tho dramatic edilor of the 1'nrtland Tele- of years before. Also she does "Tin- h'hey will go over the records kept bv 1 largest, and most valuable shipment of vmm HnVF, nhoiit "High .links" "'iary," which has been done to death ""''.Ray Baker, manager of the 1913 team,! automobiles Hint was ever shipped in kMi lUiVH ,lt thl, (j i :tII Ju,uv '" "'' 1'""' six nioulliH. Tnvlor, who 'a'1-!and bv a comparison of the neeoiintti j "'"J ''''Hn-load or on one bill of biding, lli(,,t- " ' handles the perfume bottle, introduces lO-round bout he is woikmg with the! fiOO lnen at wurk. with reserves in reai sole idea of making such a showing! iess to form a doublo shift ns sooujwi,h that of the 11112 season, find out, started fur tho J'aclf.o Const. During, """ " tM' . " """ an ino nuns, in nun lurK1"11 'v niiero the most money wns spent and1 "" llv unniito recess tn Hiiperintcnil- bout that the public will demand tnat eonipleted. In the nieuntime lnnchineH . j,, w,lt wnvf) ;t jH possible to ecuno-! ent in each building gave a hhort talk Musical omelette, tuncfnllv lialata- hie, Is "High .links,'' and the audi-cni-e nt the llcilig Hte it up last night. the "Tingleingle-ing" tune. iili Hyley, a i-omedian with a icputiiiiiin, extracts a ipiantity of light comedy Welsh meet him in a longer one. j are being made und shipped to points mj,.. .,.,,1 -till ,mt out a winning team. ! explaining th importance of tliis train-; i. : :.i..i i,... r ,.! i...:." out of the nail. t 'tl.r. i,. .i A ml ll.iu hutt-ln Ka,iI.I i.W-n uu n vnul ! .!,,. u. .....ill., .....lo.i . ... ' ... . . . .1 a.: -.. i I. .. . ... .. . . ! I'" U "-i . ,, , ' , " . .,... .,,,.,, ,,,, , nennng u nan ; lu-m ninn and is one of those cheer- " "" '"'h sprightly .lancing; but Ami this nattio snoiilit give us a reau where most urgently needed. Thev will innkn our n snvt nf n bii,li,.t Minn on Welsh. Ju recent bouts the, "We have been under a biir hnudi-!n .',,U A.,.y.., ,.,i .i,oi.u Thero is no other city in the world I champion hns shown very poorly by, enn through what we had to go through i foinu mul the nwmev to ho mibi i the whero tho crowds will flock in such comparison with previous efforts and 'within the year." iaid Mr. .Schwinn i players will be made up accordingly, largo numbers to a boxing match as the exports aro of tho opinion that theltodav. lie looked pretty fit for a man v mnnnircr wis selected nt last they do in New York. Jf there is such little Welshman has hit the old tobog-l of his years, standing in the forefront ! night 's meeting but Kay linker, former j 'o the II n place 1 hnvo missed it altogether,! gnu for fair. That may or may not'of the battle, but (hero's no denying niannger. was sclented to net as secre--Nan l'"n und during my tune 1 havo traveled bo the ense. There is no denying that he would appreciate) the vacation he earned but iliilu t get. Un tins head, ho observed, "However, despite our handicap, our facilities are now so great that we can turn out motorcycles as fast as the dealers sell them, and If i on tho general financial condition of the West. around a bit. Tut on attractive bouts! the champion looked pretty bad in his between good men, and the prices; Inst three bouts, but it is also a well charged, no matter how high, will not ;lnown fact that he had not been taking keep the crowds away. jNew lark has very good care of himself either. And hundreds of thousands of transients a few weeks' real work might make an within her limits the year around, and among tlio in are men who come here to be amused ami are willing to pay a m, nrru!,H u .,,.1, i...r.,., K..,u:....i sitcnkititr of djincitiLr. the linnuru It, is hardly necessary to' ,.i i, i , ' .. K la Kinncis. a small, .mh v.,,, ?!.".'-e ,h."' K'V'""''''. "'.'"'oad of th !,;! No mia '), iM molltl woman who is ns active ai a live who Jii cu nutoaioi.iies is hilled direct :,,,! KiVe such cmpleto satisfaction, ""'I presents whirlwind a-robatic. to the Howard Autoniobi lo (onipany of , because this is the first, regular nm- lllnl- Alh" I'rancis can sintr, niannger. was sclented to act as secre- rrancisco. ihis is the ninth: comedy that has come to Port- wh,,'h unusual talent for u- tary and John ITiiinphrey. or Perry j vceonl breaking trainload this coni- ,Bml ; m0 a vcnr ,, ,,. dancer. .,.,, ,., iminuij f ,,, ,. ,, ,--,, .v .- ... . , (lum,t, ,N r,,n t v (ir hungry for it. ocelia l!offman is heard to nd- ..:.. ll... .. 11 n.,,1 llirn....!. l...u 1 ' ' ' T . . ' un.i, mr uiv mi '" gcuiiig me- ............... .,K , , u , , ,. Fortl.THd Never Foo ed. I'llnlnei' n " .nv..' n,,,, K." i organization of a, team undifr way. I record breaking shipments the lluich A,,h,,r lrSt,.i l, ,,t. fni,i has a duct will. fl l...! )',.,, 1. ,.p an attraction, winch numbers wero liberallv encored. i. ...... . , i I a . i I .'runir i vir ine oiu 1111.1 lenm rive players are i""" I'c.ume huuivii an me car mat PiirtliiiidciH yet with still in Miirai, rerry .lones, catcher; uy me irainioau. ' this liciiiL' his secn, offorlnL-here, the And there me three nil..- .,',,,..... ,.i. entirelv different bov out of him. welsn inni is as misi un is nremmry, ni.ionn lliiniphreys, second basemnn; .1.1 as uio nvte or t lie Uuicli trmn-i nthti bcinc "The Fireflv " with Trim, must .,t l.n fivn.ll-..,i .1. . i has never indulged in dissipation to, hey sell rm n day, we will be w,th I). Mackson, right fielder; Hoy K ,e,, ("ads has mcrcased so has tho size and ,;,. ,u, ,laN ..hered 'a cllectinn of O'llonrkc, as .leffrovs who h nnv extent, mid mnv bo nnrdoned for thorn. Now that this big farlory is . short stop and nitcher: Ebsc Kav. ecu-' importance of the Howard Automobile1 ..i,i .i..:. i .. ..,:..: .!.,. ' stiff prico for the privilege. And an occasional transgress ion now that finished ami the too sand dies Tor the, for fielder; Karl Ilaker, the pitcher of onipany increased. , liiiij H.i,.,,;,r, n"nd . that the jeene'rv and "-rti'ar.l Horccv. in a (.'eru.a,. ,L ti-kat ii thera in' the ;,port line that ho has reached the he hair so long W fcxwlsior completed, our l.ibles.that year has gnnf-tn the big leagues . Howard established, tho Iluick agency ,,(m,nmc are'olcau . , bil, an.l Wustus Kchiilt as the n.o'ft appeals to a red-blooded man more sought. Hut he should not try to burn!" over for some time to come. We and leaves the hardest position to fill. " rented floor spneo in a garage on! .-iligh .links" is full of "pep " as natural waiter since the davs of the candle on both ends at the sams . "'K " . """ .".' mcro are a nuinner 01 oiner men in '....,, .,, nvuniie. nun inn exclusive ,,0 (.mjrti,,,, editor would sav and ." I 'ivorcon-. " ' limo. I'.eiinor lie unist iiiKe ft vacation! i ' -" ... ...c ..,., H.M.r.t-., mi" nm m. .11 in., .....i ..v me than a boxing contest between boys of recognized skill and reputation. .. ...... . .1 v .. . ..... .1 , . ... ,, . ' . ,111". ...ui.Lr nun BuiTii, 1 1 ere IS ll .,. . .1 1 .1 . .. , 1 . 1, , .....) ll...'lcnf I l(.f.vt. in tl.n .It.nlpru a n,l ! ttii ...r ,,n...i.,.in. 1. 1.;n....,1 u,ni l.'.,n .....1 , " I . . i-iinanei una call uiu ren iiiousaiui rrom uio ring 10 lnuuige niniseii in nisi ; - , . , ,,,,,,. .o, , ,,-, hml,,,ijucs ni,ont the comedv and lie . ..... . . .,,i, . . ..... i. , ..... T.ill'l'S. I A T r.,,n .1 ilm ., a .1, . .,1.1 l.n ... , . t V .1 li I. f I ruf h u. ..... . ...f ! 1). . : I. .. 11 .7,.ll..ia ri f' ..nil Willilll.tR to.lilll,. disui.iiit i.. in ni- .. II I In bttuinesH I rillCl'8. liox six rounits. nut tno niarcamaiiers rno two win not mix and it is not inir . riaiiioin tho conclusion will bo that ) Illg ..IH.IISUII oqiiuiv .iiiiucii, Him ; lit ine piiu.n: I'll it ciu. iiij.iuii iu cult:. Welsh hllS gOUC back sevon million people to draw irun, line ring n lie is not Hi snapc to ": dianchcs of successfully defending can't even tlniiK la figures Hint liiga nnnself and the pinions ol tile "l1"'' tjtlo over a liiinir loiilo wonlil He i.rfie for ;i Ill-round bout between the same full justice. Iticallv nil. Hitchie niav be lucky enough boys. Is it any wonder that boxing Ritchie, it is claimed, ha:i not had a't(, .,,0SB that good right of his'lo Fred is not floiirbhiug here as it should! boot for so king that he will not bo liij(Vs j11Wi juj ( (t.r j n w-onilur-Why, a wan can see better bouts in j proper shape either. Hut Ilitchio has ' fjy ' ,.icv,,, ,cfenuive fighter, and uiinosi any nieuiiim iiiniine wesi-, never given niniseii over ro (iisnipauoii mj.,,, i m ntinng anil hard hit t ing an ern Hiwa. in hiiv Stll I HUM icihi:. ll IIMII1CI t: A I Sl. Ill I a. .i. .lermaa, who owns tne oni i.ase-1 .i. i u" ursr, year sevcniv-iivo nuieim .1,,,., ..... 11,.,.i... ,,i n1!... .....i.. ball grounds, has promised to build a were sold. limn, after the big fire, a' hit 'soul' is ''Tinule-ini!lc'iiii:.'' nia.le! OETTlia WELL RAPIDLY. far lhit ''' "'7 Kiondslnud, and to small sliowroon. was secured on Hold- f,iiar,y or,.l,esVras, vandevi etVn l ng l ei1"" lht'.r"","l "' ''.'J. ,r l"0 first , en t.nt,,. avenue. Tins burned in I!"I7,, ,lllhiliK .1,1.;. , is ..l.HUIIIg till .,,. !f .h.i no R wi nii,i..i,,i n lllli HOW Uiil.rle.'u un.-,, u.ii 1 .,lu., .. ... .. Mr A. .1. ('Imnee writes fn III. i One of the few bouts arranged fn; the near future in New York that prom iscs to be nu interesting nffair is the e acts 0 I'nrt un. !:,,.,;.., .,; i,. i... : emu if the locals will nrunoivi n and now riuarferu uprn hoc ,t nluo .. . . .. .. ,.i , , . .. r . , . . , I, . ' -'tiinso nauniiiig limes that von enn r. 'K uirnv. hiiiti' sue went tui nn up. en.n. 'lhe grounds are Torn ed near, on (, olden (into avenue. 'Ihese soon;,,,,, uwny ,,.,,, , , 1,.n,,v ernli.,,, recently. Hho snvs that Phc l,a, he pein entiary on the car line and proved too small for the rapidly grow-' ,,.rv f(.w Ini;mtl, ,ri ,',,(. action the bc-t ..f .,o nud would like ,,. see though ihey are badly overgrown with "K business nad the location at Hold- of t, ,how. of ,,, twentv-one sung any of h, r f, lends who I,,,,,,,..,, I be in weeds can be put lit shape for the sea-j en Onto Avenue und 1'ulk street was ! ll,lm.,,H in tlll, B,,,,, ,!,,., ,, Po,il,. r , KS f r 1 ... I sou at no great expense. secured. This served as l,ead,uarters,; B(i,,lB ,,, ,iR 'whhonw. Saaitnri. V. lift), Hi. and IMmont, . ' ,: . . . " t "' ni' "" 'on u i iirt nieht. nnJ evervmie in (own l ' inuri , untmi. - Miivtun in . they moved nito' wii , hnmmiiiK ur wliiHtiintr it Ind'oie reinforeed enucrete. th (Mlll nf 1w, Wilfll, h , (iimnuiMit. nft in trim ih miro fn inn kit tlu 1 :.. i,.. i... ,.i.. i. i .i. . v.n.... 4..ii himi ...t True, constant practice is necessary to ,)ultlo a ,f,.ive one throughout. As',,,,,, wo,, ;, mully , ,, i,csftte, their new Vslorv PITUTllUll HI lirur- irillirilUII, IIIUI If ll'i .... 'a .l.w.iuimi u I .,. vnii.l.iriu ' j . : ii . . . ir Vr. . . .... , , , . ., i , a i . , i , ........... iu i ii i o hu ii' iih nn n, in ine iiniiinL;. ; 'Miii'iiiiif nn v n it jNetHH Avenue. inituH mm,.... ... ku',..i. u..i. 'i iu uu oouni wom.t tie uexu-r on iuki ne . wil mater tt e to We hi whet hoi-: Thn .li.,,lnv..,i ot 1 tl.o 1.,, ...i. i.. t a i ' ' "r" ,n 11 ' " M,K" iiuueier, snttwen www m nicu immmuu j i.imi, a mm rrom a very mriin (iruniza it no eoNiiilii-nled that there in ,i ill It . 1 1 '1 ,,.., ... t . . " " ,1 lUi: 1 0 V-VIMIMI 11. 11 1 II I 1 I NM 11 the proposed club would push the or-1 lion 111 1IIUS tins branch has expanded! 1o Hn. , , ...,,, , ... i.i.,. giiMintion through if accord..,! the until it is one of the largest and best 1 ,, k l . f r 1 ,,! Vl. . .,?;. irT. housed automobile agencies in Smith : nH r.. n. I i t or v lucasure a plivslciaii em (nl, forma. In 1 it 10 n branch was hires a couple of women to ,. as his I minii'ii in i uruiiiMi. wreunn. nii.i ine t.. .1 -.. ...t....l- h ....1 V'V- t lit IllVnitTII tit Mill fniltll tl, . T ) 1 1 1 1 f 1 1(1 nllUVth fit Ihtu f. (i .. ! vL. t 1 .. '1 1 i .. " .. ... made himself sol.lid with .New York battle of his lite against tho mail who weight champion will be well started on ' sunburn his neck decently and no I dcnecl bv the fact. I hat thev have hist ! , 7.1 i ' 1""K''' . ""' fans by his aggressive stylo of milling! outpointed him fur the title in London hi, vvn),e across the i'acific to fill ! chance 1 - drink soda pop o'r to test his received 'the second trnin-loiul of niito-1 ' u i ,i '"" ," when he fought l.cuch Cross Inst, year last siiminer. engagement in the leading vnude-, lungs. The lesson of lust Miuiiner's mobiles that, has ever I i ii,.i ' i ' ,!'"."'. l"Jw',r 1,1 "'"king tho promoters are assured of ono of It is not likely that Hitchie will villa theatres of Australia. .Mr. ( or- ! drought in the baseball business was n ! to the Pacific Northwest This train- V i ." T ex. ecu- belt has riMpicsted Iho spoiling editor severe one and nn regular fm will load consisted of ill double dccl.ed , i, ' il... l.iil,. ,'.r ,,..,i ,,.' ,i, of the Capital , I nnl to uniioii that 1 care to live through a similar season 1 freight cars, containing ::, li1.1; . ; , m , ;..,.. ,. ,. il, Lt. ..." hp I'llinH 1,1 fiwiiiiin t ir Niinnu fit iiltitr-- ilillln. inc (n . . . . esrinn nud timely tioxihj torieK upon 1 ' his return to this country next year.) T)vm "jQy ShOOt Will i (alien on n tew opponents during liis,t), newMniner verdict 'm (,.. nr n.,i.l,it ivniie Hiicnie-c iciuiy ivaisn ninicii long siay in .an ciancisco. 1..111 ue i,hjmt ,IAS, .1. (AHlltr.TT. dchedulcl for Thursday, March 11, nt i young und in perfect health and Is 1'iir' (Tills is the last, of the series of ar- .iiauison nipiure uarueii. iiiicino s nr-ji roni neing iooiimi. -u one tides Sir. Corbett has been cwitribut-1 support deserved and the fans will un rivni in town niter ins long lay-on nns inorn ninn no josi wiiht tins miiicn regularly to the siort pages of the doubtclly get behind the movement, injected considerablo interest into the ineanr to uini, and that should be siifl'i- ( ,,it,, .lonnial. By tho time this ar-! Snlcni wiis basclnilless last summer and ni'iu game ami as ine ex-ciiBinpion cicni guarainee inai ne win put up inuj ,.ic appears in print the former henv the biggest houses of the season, knock Welsh out in 10 rounds. There- Welsh with any oilier boy than ' fore, the most the American challenger Ilitchio, or possibly Mcl'iirlund, would can expect Is to earn the popular ver not draw much money tu tlio (lardeii i diet. If Hitchie, not generally regarded just now, Freddy has appeared heree,l ns a scientific boxer, outpoints the ATorage annual upkeep of 80,000 Excelsiors J3.00 per year for each machine. Throe Speed . $200.00 Be Held Here Tomorrow u whit I', and every limp a perenii in- I.. Illll ll. Tl 1 1 1 4- 1 " " ' ... , ,e . ,., Aii 1. 1 . o opcacd hales tho pcrCmic, he nr she immediate- ? , 't.""r ! lv begins dancing and singing "Tingle- ters on Twelfth slrcct. The Hindis LJ- (liikland business Is now handled iu Vc-s Avenue is ninoiig the finest In one of the largest and finest niilnmo- thn woild. One Bpeod 1210.00 T. O. B., B.tlem 1915 Three Speed Excelsior Autocycle The Latest And Greatest X Three speed sliding gear transmission, foot operated motor starter, which turns the motor four complete revolutions. MOTOR, THE GOOD OLD X TWIN, which has been made without a radical change for 7 years, and ALWAYS IMDI' GOOD. Agents for Dayton Motorcycles, Savage and Ivcr Johnson Bicycles. Supplies and Repairing MORSE .& RAMSDEN 221 S. HIGH STREET. rnoNE 1687 fiMWiMMa?Btni , bet, shunting five field bu-kvl.. The shoot for the On Punt trophy being conducted by the Capital t'ily Kuii and (inn club which was puslpnncd lo hold the merchandise shoot lat Handiiy will be finished up tomorrow at the Kill street grounds of the gun club. The ownership of the trophy lies between peroral of the leading shots of the local club and the contest tumor row will bo close and final. I Afler the Hu I'ont trophy is awarded the next incliil to be put. up will be Iho "Fred (.filbert.'' trophy. ThiH trophy Is put up ill honor of Fred Oil-j hert, the veteran trap shooter who will celebrate his L'nih year as a trap shoot er this year. Uuiiiig the 11(1 veins (hat (lilborf lias been the king pin of the trap shooters he has never phot lower than 1)4 per cat. 'VARSITY BEATS COLLEGE. NorthwOBt Coiiforeii'j Basketball. , w. i,. v.c' Wiishitiglnn State II O luoil Wn-liingluii HI 1 ,li Whitman .1 Idaho Ii II ""7' t hi'iiua . 2 7 I iiegiin Aggies 0 H .iimii (Iicooii A u i i-ii 1 1 ii 1 1 I College, Cm . al ii", Or,. Feb, 7.- Fighting ilc-perately thiouihfiut the csoie. With the scoic varing n point either way during tin; entile content, the l'iiiii'iiiv nt Ore gon basket linl team dcl'. atcil the Ore gi.n Aifgies il to ;il iu the Aimory here loiiiuht, The winning puiul was hot, after tlie regi.bition time was iip. Kefcree culled a double foul just ns the goit wns fiied I,) end the contcM, nnd "Nkcct" Uiiiliec added a point for k state in.lilution, while ' 1 Ailiiii'nl ' iei'v missel hi' chance to be a hero by tielng up I lie game. When the foul ia railed the score lo... lid to 50, with both teams going at tlicir best, Clavton Sharp, the fornirr Mrl.oiieh- n club plnver of Portland, was at Ins bile buildings to be found on the Pa iiic t oast. The Inline officii iu San Kri isco i'loin the 7" Ibitcks which wctc sold iu l!Ui,ri the Ifoivnrd business lias gionu until the end of the present, season has more than kept pace with the, will .(.. more than ."i.iKIO IIM.'i Iluick liinnches and lhe iiiescnt home of thn I disl i ibuted l.v the lloHard oigaii'mi HoHiird Automobile Compiiny on Van 1 1. 1 the Pacific Coast. Aetna Automobile Insurance Ijisiuo Against FIRE THEIT LIABILITY LOSS OF USE Protection for tlio Auto Owuur. H. R, White, Agent :ir, fcrnto Street. 1'hona W ... i i 1 '.fimr y?ii.?v -K , ..; . ' ' : ... ''.." ' .. . 4h , ..... -vftumw, ' ' P.- -A AVi;vV M itchell Light Six $1725.00 F. O. B. Salem Nocar in the world will compare with this. Drive one. Get the personal touch D. MISNE Front and State Sta. Salem, Oregon i