Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 25, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of
"The Capital Journal
Editor and Manager
February 2.. IDlfl
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Bee. and Trens.
Daily by currier, per year
Daily by ninil, per year..
Weekly by mail, per year,
The week commencing March 5 will be known as
"Made-in-America Week," a period set aside for the pur
pose of impressing upon Americans the idea that one way
to bring about some measure of prosperity in this country
? w njj J is to buy American-made goods.
i.'oo nix' montiiV.V.V.V.V.'.iioc 1 It is a propitious time for such a movement. The des
- Derate Dublic is willing: to do most anything to encourage
I'UIX i, eased wire TELEGRAPH keport f, rpt.nrn nf nrnsnevitv and there never was a time when
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the here Was SUCh & Scarcity of European goods in OU1' mar
orch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gating the . , ' SWrnnn
paper to you on time kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only KeiS, Says me I01Se, iddno, SiaieSITUn.
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions. . Tfog WQ conditions Operate most favorably in behllli'
f hone Mam si. . of this propoganda.
. - . rpe more American-made goods we buy, the more eni-
POETS IN THE TRENCHES. ; ployment we furnish for American capital and labor,
1 That is certainly desirable.
Poets, playwrights and artists fighting in the trenches ! : in this connection the public should not lose sight ?
Nothing better demonstrates the brutal wastefulness the fact that there are American goods made ;.uhaps in
of war than does the list given out of well-known French their own town and which have been neglecte-L
literary men and artists who are now risking their lives, it is true that the small manufacturer rualy ever
in battle. . pushes his products energetically to the atten' i n of . 1.:
There are well-known names among those given out ; public. He knows how to manufacture, but often he ;s a
names of men whose special capacity for high service is poor salesman; but that fact should not 'whol relieve te
quite wasted in the trenches, for there they can do not bet-; individual purchaser of his duty.
ter work than the dullest peasant, and perhaps not as. Every housewife should inquire regularly in regard to
good. , ' home-made goods, and prices and quality .being satisf ac-
Some of these literary lights may, indeed, develop tory, they should be given consideration in any list of pro
something of military capacity, even something of mili-; posed purchases.
tary genius, but the chance that men so highly specialized Any national movement is strongest that begins at the
along lines wholly different will do either is so small as to bottom. If it commences in the old home town it will have
be practically negligible. 1 the best possible foundation.
The grounds on which such men could claim exempt 1
tion from military duty at a time of national peril are not j At last accounts the Kansas folks hadn't gone wild
easily definable, but to put them on the filing line reveals J over that stateman's bill to prevent women from using
the senseless waste which war involves more clearly and face powder and toilet preparations and from wearing
strikingly than does the similar use of men of abilities earrings in public or having their ears pierced. Oregon
more common, though not less valuable. , women, with their natural attractiveness, might pass
The sad spectacle also illustrates and emphasizes the j up these artif icialties.. but Kansas women never,
further fact that any man is out of his place in a battle 1 ,
t-.rpnnh. The farmer, the artisan, the clerk, the day la-
borer and any other man with capacity for usefulness to
the world is wasting that capacity on the battlefield. All ;
oi trie useiui anu upiuung quauues in numuu nuiuic k",'
tO Waste in battle. i Springfield News: E. E. Morrison
Indeed, the artists, poets and playwrights may return 1 lnat e, k r. ive.i from the federal i
from the war to rive the world a new art. a new literature :' '"ir"' ' , ! ''; ! : , hi v
and a new drama. It is inconceivable that the dreadful ; -iu-i the dnHiieen. in simpo it is much
scenes and heart searings of the front will not work decid- illir.Xli' 111
id effects in the future work of the artists and writers imnmer . the potato.
WhO Survive. I ir,l Telegram: While Hie Rev.
But it will be a new art, a new literature and a new i.i. Kicimr,i oion, pastor of the imman-
n'rum hvurilirnH . ! "''i'1' I'-miigelu-til ehureh, mini
T T l 1 11 1 1 1 A ' 1 r . . . J :i L. 11... . . . " . .
umominaieiy, noi an uie evus oi war enu wiin me
An editorial in these columns the second day of the
last week of the legislature recited the circumstances that
had surrounded the closing hours of previous sessions and
explained how it was possible to railroad through meas
ures under such conditions. In accordance with-predictions
made at that time this session was no exception. No
member of either body, with the possible exception of Sen
to trend the Htruight and narrow path
thieves were riiiixnckitig his house, lSO
North Nineteenth street, for the fifth
time this winter. The thieves first
tempted to enter the rear of the
church. Tin1 marauders got It'M) in goli
a diamond pin valued ut JUKI, and n
tpiantity id' jeuelry.
! (irnnts Pass Courier: Home big
catches of steelhcnds are now being
! niHile front the Hngue, the recent rise
in the river having brought up tt new
run of the fish. Yesterday a number
. ... 11 i a ill . : oi I iniu-i lurii uric tun, niir iiuiii re-
aie Lieacier Day anu nis corps oi assistants, couia uegin porting n catch ,.r tw,. fish, another u,
to explain the merits or demerits of the enormous number """tii.-r fiKi.t. The fish Mug
..,', i i i i ,i i i ci . i i i taken run large, manv of them from
of bills adopted during the closing hours Saturday night to ten pounds, ami are bright and
and Sunday morning. Everybody wanted to go home and A m""":r "' l'"'k "'"" ;
. , . ., . .i . i . i , also rcporlcd in the river, though onlv
voted for almost anything they were requested to in order i one has i,,.,u taken thus fur, the water
to adjourn. This helter-skelter method of closing up the ,,m """l,lv u" nMn wil1' "
session can best be avoided by the adoption of the divided r'
(By William F. Kirk.)
Pa iniv Ma a skoldinir the other nite
wen he cairn Ikk.iii. Ma hml been ilowu
i.own & slie iiad bot sum tilings in the
itoars & Pa sed "'"h had pade ton niiica
tor toe things wieh she had bot. 1
.loam think Ma pade too much bee
kaus she can e;et moar witii a dollar
thnu I'a can.
My deer, wife, scd Pa, wen will you
evwr lern to drive a j;no'l bariu, what
in iiie wurid ninid you spend seventeen
cent for note paper why sed Pa you
an liti,) into enuy liotel & cop a lot
of that swell st:ishnnary & put it in
ynre rip & cum uoum. One great ad
van;ai;e of this liahit, mmI I'a, is that
you n't a vary superior (raid t papei
lor nolhiu', & a other advantage is
that the folks to wich you rite to will
ihinii that you are stopping in a swell
& why doant yon git mt of this habit;
of. going to inaiinas. 1 seo heer on this
slip a item marked titty cents for a
mati.ie ticket. j
V'e:l, sed .Ma, I hav to git a luff out j
of life oust in a wile & wen you are'
not neer me bo .1 can look at yon I hav j
to ait my luffs by guing to vaudivil.l
Ma sed. I lioap you doant he-grudge)
me that foar bits, sed Ma, it is littel!
uiiufL' for a woinniin wicii has so littel j
sunshine in lite as 1 hnv. Vou are get
ting remarkably cheep laitly unywuy,
sed Mil, how much diii you loose nt the
club last week, vou mailt me tired.
Hut this otli.'r item thare, Pa sed,
hair, six ilollais. What in the wurldi
are you buying uioa:' hair lie, you have
euiiff on yure lied now to keep you
I rom gitting eon-ciishiin of the bruin
wen ,oii fall off a street car, hair, sed
I'll wall ought to be the eheepest thing
in the wurid excep bruins, six dollars
for hair. The next thini- I know. I'a
sed, you will be going duwu town & ,
spending three dollars for t'rekels or a!
case note for fingernails, I newer saw1
the like of it, sed I'a. It is the limit.'
I always hait to go shopping, sed Ma,J
bekaus you act the part of a Shvlock ,
wen I get houni. It taiks all the pleas- j
lime out of life to hnv yen treet mi'!
this way. Eniiybody wild think ynuj
end ;;it better bargains in yure shop-;
ping than do. ' j
If I doiiut git bnrgins, Pa sed, nobody1
ewer got bargains. I um the shopping!
kid. Jest Jien the door bell rung St aj
man cairn to the door. Do yoi want to I
buy ii diiiiond nin St a fur coat. 1 will
Through Mexico grim death goes ' sell the 2 for a hundred dollars. i
skating, in spite of all our watchful I Well, sed Pa 1 have u diiiiond pin'
waiting. Where once the farmer did wie.li I newer ware eiiny moiir, St I
are busy, hav n lur overcoat, but the 2 are cheep
staying; nnfl if a;at the price, but as I know how to i
citizen s so foolish, Inve a bargiu I will tnik them. So j
wtong hended, stub- I'a gaiv the man his hundred dollars St
born, vain andimil-'he tonk the coat St pin.
tsh, as to indulge in! Alter tne man had went, Pa lookt nt
useful labors, they ! the .eont and pin, Then he looked varv
slice his person with' funny & sed hevvings them is my own
their sabres. Nothings. This pin is mine. 1 kiiow it
merchants now do beekaus 1 hav a nick on the gouhl part
Bd vert ising, and 'of it. St this is my own overcoat, heer
from the mills no! are Mini bills from the tailor in the
smoke is rising, the pocket. Curses, sed Pa, I have been
mines where oncetung.
they dug for riuhesj ,ln luffed so hard that she end nnt
arc empty and de-top for ipiite a wile. O mv wine
sorted ditches; and shrewd eaiiful husband, mv 'cuiining
everywhere, in all thrifty husband Mn hcd bless his Kiivitiir
directions, the brigands make their j littel 'hart. Did he buy his own things
foul collections, and if the victim can- ,ck fru mthe nniightv mnu wich stole
not pay 'cm, they deal in arson and in them.
mayhem, ( heap statesmen rise, and: I'a ,lhlent laff at all. He went in
say they'll nourish the law again a' the liburv St wen he shut the door the
day they flourish; inid in three shakes ,mborM all lieerd the door shut if thev
we see them headed, for deep ilcuitii-1 wiinciit deef.
tiou, double-leaded. A Villa's still im
mersed in slaughter, crime is his hand-1 " 1
maid anil his daughter, nnd Colonel
This, or. Captain T'other, is pushing
bayonets through his brother. Cur
rau.a still is bungling, botching oh,
blest results of Wnitfnl Watching!
Poor Old Mexico
Vr j
sttrtttit. 114 h
session with strict requirements regarding the time thai
lulls shall be placed on the calendar, voters should re'
member this when the time comes to vote.
Way back in New England they have sent a fellow to
jail who speaks ten languages. Considering what bores
pome men are who speak only one language, and that in
differently, we are inclined to believe that no mistake was
mdae in locking the fellow up.
If some of the fellows who argued long and loudly in
,(.)( about the relation of a bushel of wheat to a dollar could
be on the scene now and take a look at the near two-dollar
""Wheat, they'd wonder.
An exchange notes that ocasionally people who bury
the hatchet are disposed to keep the hammer in use. And
then, when so many people bury their hatchets, how care
fully they select each other for burying grounds.
: .
In treating the Spanish as Carranza has done, it is
made plain that if the time comes when he will have to
flip away from Mexico to escape the firing squad, he'll
not join Diaz and Huerta in the land of their chosen exile.
Pendleton East Oregoniiin; V. D.
' Humphrey and 1". E. Welch returned
Must I'riduv from a fishing trip to l in
'ntilla, bringing with them three fiue
steelh.Mid salmon. The fish were cniight
in the I'matiHa between llermiston and
, t'miitillii. Two of the big fish mens
jured LNI inches and one measured 2'J
j inches. The day before Earl Kilpatrick
caught one meiistiriiig IV2 inches nnd
I weighing ten pounds, while C. K. Crans
j ton caught one weighing three pounds.
The run nt' steelheuds entered the low
er river hcvernl iluys ugo, nud eoiuh
lions fur angling there are said to be
g.ied. More than a score of the big fish
have been caught within the last week
Jaud hi'mmiiI times that ainiiy have been
I hooked and escaped. All of the fish
have been taken on the light regulutiou
trout tackle, which has greatly increas
ed the sport.
Treaty With Columbia Killed
By Foreign Committee
Washington, Feb. 24. Ex-President
Roosevelt was denied the right to be
henrd on the proposed treaty with Co-
, , , . ! lombia by the senate committee on for-
Wlien a boy comes back from some . flR1 ,,,; t0llnv Th Umty .
jdace with mi clothes clean, you may , vil.tmilly kiUl,a w10n ,,, comrnilt luil
know that he liana t enjoyed nimsell. ni(jj(1
Chairmnn Stone, who had notified
,. . . , ,, .' Colonel Hoosevelt that it " would not be
Moore, Admiral Huron H"tng,ch. ru. ; ,,,,!,,,,,.. for ,ht conim,ttM , Pnll.
(lovernor Johnson, Minor Holph, Hishop V . i,rin,t. n n, ......... ,!,. .i
iiaain o tne nunoiie. cnurcn hcn. , fmm iri,Hi(,,,nt fn.
t harles 1. Aked and Japanese ( onsul , ; , ,,,,' n( .
" n V,.....,.., ll...,.l,.n.U ftf .1.,,,. . ... .... ... .., mn w...
oi ap- ,;,, , ,i, ,,,. ,..;;ii i;...
hildren, many of them f ,.,,.!., nrt'iele, written bv him.
nnese school
in the ipiaiut native eostunies, snug
unlive songs. Eater Jupanese games
and daylight fire works were held nt
the stadium.
Bhltito Priest Garbed In Gorgeous
Vestments of Ills Religion Opens
San Prnnclscn, Eeb. 21. Thousnnds
of Japanese crowded the grounds of the
Panama Pacific exposition here todav
to participate in the ceremonies of-
- " I'icially dedicating the Japanese psvil-l
Two of those needless new circuit judges created by ,ittrll,,", !'."' r'M y.""!'
i . t i . i i i i ; n mo on s r posiitoii proKiiim. nnv u
the late legislature have been lopped oil. Governor pmbabiy was the first public presents- g
Withycombe did it with his little veto hatchet.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Boxes
tion of Shinto rites in this country
featured the event, i
A Miinto priest, gnrbeil in the gor-!
genus vestments of his religion, opened
the ceremonies with incantations in the
various pavilions and gardens, ;
1'art of the religious service con
sisted of purification of the waters.
Miss Josephine Moore, daughter of
President l'. C. Moore of the exposition
company, pulled the lever which re
leased miniature waterfalls and foun
tains scattered throughout the gardens.
Over these the priest chanted weird
pi aver.
This afternoon's ceremonies nt Fes
tival Hall were presided over by flcn
ernl llnrukl YamaWnkl, Imperial Jap
anese commissioner general to the fair.
Addresses were delivered bv President
M. a a la a .aaj B
New International
Thi Mumam WOSTU
f.f'rj rlsr In rnur talk and rrndln. l
tiemn, on the street car, In tit nnv, shop
atnl w-hool on likely quatin Ihf mi-an
Ins o( iHima una wnrd, A trlrnd aaknl
What manna. mi,rtnr harden?" Yon imtH
ttia liMjalloa of iHeJkXafriiMnr the Dromm-
rlnlloa of Sufut.u. What la irAlfa cvalf
Tills Naw Craallim anawcra all kinds of
qiieallnnatn linirnnrr.lllatanr.Blearaphr,
Klctlnn, loirHan WonU, 'Irmlca, Aria ami
Bcioncva, mt anal aaMms
400.000 War a.
000 tlluatratloHS,
Coat (400.000,
7 00 raaaa. Li.
til mnt dirittrd aa,har.
a'-ieriitsi aa AhlruM of
tn thin, opamia, strnnr,
Imtla paprn What a an I la.
,' , Miuwn in aaarr insa . 4
Wrlxttrlnarnrra an llaht F'
and an Fonvenknt to ttiant
Wclilitof Hrcular Ktlitloa.
tn slroof hook napef . Wt
til. DISS IfJS S rfi a
lUailnaoa.M. a.
tM tM s
asallaaaaa T-ir.
1 paataa I "tx
self. After reading these, the commit
tee luid the proposed trentv nside.
It wus said thero probably would be I
no further meetings of the committee j
this session of congress.
Whenever vou feel a cold coining on,
think of the full name, LAX ATI VK
HK0M0 tjniNINK. Look for signa
ture of K. W. drove on box. 2"ie.
T. . i II ! L'dlll
-11 aa,
Children Cry for Fletcher's
Z7:.-f -v ts-i:,. )"-S We ,JMsi. i "'. H 1
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bonght, nnd which lias been
la mho lor over SO years, tins borne- the biirnutnre of
his per
1 1.4 1 hit.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-us-irooil " aro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio henlth of
Lufants nud Children Experience usaiuat Experhuenta
tui use tor over sv years, uus uorne tue binauti
and has been mado under his
f s S sonal supervision since its lnft
--rvy, -cucLcA! Allow no one to deceive vou u
Castoria 13 a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Kootliinjr Syrups. It la pleasant. It
contains neither Oplr-in, Morphine nor other Karootic
substance. Its ns:J ir ts guarantee. It destroys Svornis
nnd allays Fcverish.icss. For moro than thirty years It
has boon la constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, ull Teething Troubles nnd
Diarrhoea. It rcjrnlntes the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilate the Food, Riving1 healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's I'anucea The Jlother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Tfee Kind Yom Have Always Bonght
In Use For Over 30 Year3
Canada is CallingVba
to her RicliWheat Lands
' ' She extends to Amerlcsns a hearty Invitation to settle on
her FREE Homestead lands of 100 acres each or aecura
aome of the low priced land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta.
Thil rear wheat ta hisher but Canadian land lust aa)
cheap, ao the opportunity ia mora attract iva than ever. Canada
wanta you to help to feed the world by tilling aome of her
soil land almilar to that which during man yoara hur
avaratfad 20 tn 4S buahela of wliBnt to the acre. Think
what you can make with wheat around $1 a bunha! .
and land ao easy to net. wonoenui yieioa aiao or -.rata.
Barley and Flax. Mixed farming I fully aa profitable
n Industry aa Bruin growing.
Th. Qonmmpnt thli raar ll uklna farmra to put inerenard Mrau.
lva Into arain. Military terrlm la not compulsory inuanaii. nai iwn ia a
I if)W are.t on"ind for farm labor to replaro ttw many younic moa who bay.
aV wlunttforort for iwrvic The clilnat. la haniuiful alid aitm-ablo.
aHVivfa railway farllitia axpallant. aooil aehoola anil ohnrchoa orniyan
W I. t1"4- Writa for llwratiire nnd particular, aa to rodooiKl railway
niei to tiuiwrlntoMlia. luuuitfrtUon, Utuwtv, Ciuuulk, or la
J. N. Grieve, Cor. 1st and Pott
Streets, Spokane Wash..
a. Canadian Goyarnmart At-a
VV A dtllghtful preparation for J
j We Are Going to Sell
Tlio fullowliiK proport ios nt a rtiulj
I anrrifice thia wt'pk.
New Modern Bungalow.
MO ilown, bnluncc liltu rent. Trii'6'
Iltill0; worth 'Jit)0.
I Well Imptoved 8-Acre Tract.
j IIoiibi, Imrii, good woll wstpr, or-1
enarii, tiprrit's, row, iuiri', iiariii'in,
wiilton, nil Impli'incnt". itiul gurilon
toola, rhli'krna. I'noo L'.uiti; tonna.
Would bo olii-np nt ll.loti.
If you liavo liny property to Insure
plapo it with in, if you want Insurance
Hint i ln.'iirniii't1.
Tor Rent,
If ynn liavp any varant lioiuca or
atoro hiiililing lint with . Wo have
the lniRcnt n-iitnl dopurtim-ut in the
city. Wo will get you a good tenant.
Money to Loan.
Wo can placo your money on good
real eatate nccuritio.
W' can trnde your property for
what yon want. lt ua know your
winitK, Wr will do tlio rot,
L Bechtel & Co.
317 Btate St Phona 452
tVhiwVlQttlwaaaUJUaHa fflajaaWWfrr j Iraf1 i ttNi lawtaataalUllaaV
k delightful preparation for tile
hair, aolentlf ioally eompounded.
Tiy a wall known Vrenoh aptoUllat.
Cablrla Tonio prarenta tha hair
frora falling out, rem ore a dan
druff, and elaanaaa th aoalp
thoroughly. Jti odor la pleai
ant and unobtrualr, and frequent
application lnpart.ft aoft fluff
nea to th hair. Oablrla la
th oholo of dlBcrlmlnatlruj awn
and wouen In th United Bute
U 'and abroad. ,
ass. tour urajooiaTv
Cablria Co., Flatlron Bldg., New York. Sold By Fry'i Drug Btora.
I.iimlnn, Keli. 24. An unidentified
venai'l of about "OOD tun wit neen aink
ink twlny aeven milea from the short nt
KnHthouriie. nccnrilititr to mlviccN re
ceived here tonight f .nm the Hmtbotirne
An olil bachelor any that niatrl
niciiy is the bent conking school.
Wimhitigtou, Feb. 24. Thirty-flv
thousand rurnl mail clerks, carriers anil
railway mail clerks will get an ineroas
of IO0 this year Inntonfi of next year
as the result 0f tho approval by the
senato toilny of an additional appro
printinn 0f f2,700,nnO for such purpose.
The volo was 1)2 to 10,
Are buying their harness ami equipment for the spring work of us. W
sell everything that a farmer necls in the way of tools. Loganberry
wire ami fencing mnterinls. All good as new nnd nt less prices than any
body else ean sell them for.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
rhonc Main 224. 233 State Street, Salem, Oregon