THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1915. THREE Move Is Made In Interest of Economy and Because of No Apparent Need Believing that judicial matters are not in such scriuris condition nt this t i tit e to warrant a radical change in the j'tdicial system ami that, in BOine in stances at least, u wait of two years more would not work a hanlsliip upon the sections affected, (iovernor Withy com'oe, for the first time yesterday af ternoon swung the veto uxo and lapped off the heads of two measures, propos ing to create three new judicial dis tricts and iu so doing worked nn annu al saving to the taxpayers of $11,300. Tho two bills which fell under the axe yesterday afternoon were house hill 308, by the Bcnuii, Coos, Curry, Doug las, Lane and Lincoln county delega tions, proposing to cut the 2nd judicial district up into three and creating two new pidgcships, anil senate bill 2.H8, by Senator Kiddle, providing an additional jtulire for the loth judicial district. Three circuit judgeship bills have nl ready been approved by the governor, one creating the Mth district, embrac ing Lake comity, another creating a new district out of Crook and Jefferson counties, ami the other embracing Washington and Tillamook, and iic has four new judgeship bills awaiting his disposal. His disposition of the two bills yesterday does not augur well l'or the others which will puss iu review today, Tho governor lias alsc disposed of the dispute over the new judgeship in the new district embracing ( rook anil Jef ferson counties by announcing the ap pointment of T. E. J. Duffy, of l'rinc villc, whose opponent for the position was former Canity Judge II. E. brink, cf ('rook county. As yet he has to ap point a judge for the new district com prising Washington and Tillamook counties, as provided in senate bill 2'M which has ben approved, Washington laving been taken out of the 5th anil Tillamook out of the 12 districts. Bath Judges Daly and Duffy are democrats and (iovernor Withycombe, in selecting men of the opposite politi cal faith to himself is bearing out his expressed sentiment that the judiciary of the state should be non-partisan. Duffy is at present city attorney of 1'rinevillo and has been ('nitcd States commissioner fv n number of years. School Children Will Write Essays On "Try Salem First" "My Experiences in Trying Salem First," is the subject of the essay on which fully 1500 pupils of the giiuio, and high school will have an opportuni ty to write and compete for tne prizes offered by the "Buy at Home" com mittee ot the commercial (jiud. To stimulate an interest in the buy-at-home movement, tho Commercial club has offered three prizes to the up per grades and three prizes to the high school for tho best 200 word essay. .Many of the pupils ure now working on their essays, which must be turned in to the touchers by the first week in Mursh. bach teacher will select the five best compositions in her room, ano these in turn will be submitted to the ' buy-nt-home" committee, who w ill award the prizes, li. C. Bishop, Win. Onhlsdorf, Win. McGilchrist and U. (1. Shipley compose this committee. The awards for the grades and the high school are the same, .$5 for the first prize, 2.00 for the second, and for the third. Dr. Andrew Smith Springs New One On Secretary Utcott Assiistomed as he is to the habits and iiraetices of members of the legisla ture of tho past, as a rule, Secretary of State Oh-ott received a distinct shock last evening when, in opening some of his official correspondence, ho disclosed a quantity of two-cent post age stamps that Dr. Andrew ('. Smith, the ropiescntntive from Multnomah, ex plained that he had inadvertently car ried away with hi in and had returned to the disbursing agent of the state feeling that he had no moral right to Legislative Hall Being Put In Ship Shape Order by Janitor Slowly but surely, under the manage ment and supervision of Building Sup erintendent Oeorge Dunsford, the debris of the last session of the legis lative assembly is being cleared away and the aspect of the hall of represen tatives and chamber of the senate will soon be restored to normal and, except in the mind and hearts of the taxpayer, the legislature will soon become ancient history; something to look backward upon anil not forward to. After the wild session of Saturday night and late Sunday morning the two halls of the law-making body looked like they had been visited by a Kansas cyclone. Monday morning, however, Superintendent Dunsford put two forces of men at work, one in either branch of the legislature, and as fast as the books and possessions of the members could be packed fhey were shipped out. All of the senators belongings had been clenrod away and all of those of the representatives with tho exception of about 20, and shipped to the different sections of the state and by the time another sun rises all will be in readi ness for the big clean-up. Mr. Dunsford, benefitting from the experience of the session before, had all of his plans arranged in advance of adjournment this time and made all arrangements for the members to got their stuff together and leave it upon their desks, together with their ud drosses, which was done and the sena tors and representatives went their several ways rejoicing and blissfully content in the thought that "George" would do it, and he did. It was a well organized and executed clean up and Mr. Dunsford, as well as his competent corps of assistants deserve much credit for the orderly manner in which the order of "break camp" was executed PRINCESS ELIZABETH ENGAGED TO PRINCE GEORGE OF GREECE r htr v -' '-SSS'K., cirrv them nwnv. If Secretary Oleott had been a sufferer of a weak heart a well as for the superior manner in which the comforts and wunts of the QUINABY JPTATIONS Peculiar Case in New Market to Have First (Capital Journal Special Service.) I Hospital at DaHaS fold StOgC WhldOW HI CHy Quinaby, Or., Feb. 25. Tho recently organized literary society is proving tol Dallas, Or., Feb. 2.". One of the most A refrigerator room is being con be .1 very popular organization. Last ! peculiar .'aires ever under the obsorvn- stim-tod in the front show window nt Friday night the school house was lion of local physician is of Joe 42ti state street, to be occupied about crowded till even standing rami was at ! Zezie, who came to the Dallas liiupitnl . March 15 by the Sulcm Fish ami I'uult a premium. The patriotic program was'ev:ul weeks ago to have portions of ry .Market. very interesting, closing with a Lin-, the disca ed bone removed from one of 1 The sides of the show window aro coin-Washington debate. jhis legs. The leg is practically well , lined with two inch layers of cork, dip- Next Friday evening occurs the reg-; now, the decayed bone having been suc-'ped in pitch. This is again lined with ular monthly meeting of the l'arent-: eessi'.illy removed, and the patient is I flooring, leaving a half inch air spueo Teacher asocsiation, nt which time the'able nt times to walk about tuwn, but I between tiie cork and flooring. The ceil coinniunity will have the privilege ofj'1' s now subject lo sudden lapses of jing of the window is lined with a layer hearing a lecture on Canada by l'rol. : consciousness. During these spells he is of six inch cork while, the floor is mad lie 'Jon 'of the University of Oregon, j seemi ugly without mart action. These jot' cork, with a flooring. of cork and This is free to the general public. ! perijiis of unconsciousness last from one tiling. Qjnte a number of the young people to twenty-four hairs mid when lie re-1 When completed, this will be one of of this community were iu attendance I covers he appear to suffer no ill ef-jthe most modern markets in the stnte. at the patriotic celebration at Brooks! focta. The frequency of the attacks is,. Mr, Hybee states that about 1,000 will last Monday. 'increasing and the attending physicians be spent on the window and interior Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. McFarlane are ' watching his case closely. fixtures. expected home tins week from an ex- j Project Becoming Active SALEM 01 SEAMEN'S BILL UP TO SENATE. Washington, Feb. 25. The house, by a viva voce vote, today adopted the conference report on the EaFollette eamen 's bill, sending it to the senate. A filibuster is threatened in the upper house. the result might have been serious, not, that he suspected Dr. Smith of being dishonest or anything like that but be cause it was so unexpected and out of tiie' ordinary, " Thut reminded a bystander of a story told nt the expense of former! Iast session State Senator Milton A. Miller, lrom Linn county, now V, S. collectur of in ternal revenue at I'ortland, nt the ses sion four years ago. Of course nobody believes it. Anyhow it 'was to the ef fect that Senator Dimick, of Clackamas.' made tho announcement upon tho floor of the senate at the time of adjourn ment that he had no use for his sur plus of postage stamps and intended to turn them back to the secretary of state. It is related that Senator Mil ler slipped quietly over to the clerk's desk and inquired if Senator Dimick hud turned in his stamps and, if no, to "hold them out for mo." legislators were attended to during the session. Many compliments were hand ed both Secretary- of State Oleott and Superintendent Dunsford of the ef ficiency of the janitor corps of tho WJX 't -7ry tav' ; Directors of Teel Irrigation The school children report nn aver age grade for tiie school of 114.2 per cent in the last county spelling con-1 test. Seven pupils were successful inv Portland, Or., Feb. 25. The directors ; SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER gaining the grude of 100 per cent: Wen- ' tb Teel Irrigation district are plan-1 . . dell Harnett, George Ector, Dorothy : "'"K the reclamation of 19,1)0(1 acres of Union of Fraternal, Religious, Civic, Brooko May Weesc Winfrey Ector "ear Kcho, Umatilla county, Ore-, Industrial aud Other Organizations Percy Campbell and Kdith Slicpnrd. i ul "" approximate cost of if(i00,0o0, ' and Citizens of Salem for Mutual Aid. The charing of the camp-meeting ' "' learned today. grounds still continues, showing a great-; Asa II. Thompson, one of the directors I liefer nil calls for relief or aid to ly improved appearance, district, has consulted I'ortland the Center. It is mudo up of all other ' contracting firms regarding the work. I relief agencies of tho city and heuce it IV I P j l I It was helieved the contract will lie is equally yours. By using it you ron- KlCn rarCe and LlVely IViUSlC ' w i 'I to Twohy Bros. der all sopurnto relief bonrdB and ngen- A lollv combination of rich fnree .ll . T1" 1'ropert.v will be bonded under ,cies unnecessary and thereby save cost, . " . " ." t i.i iitr Il.ii, .... it ....... friuilil.i nn. tvnutn (ti dim nffiii-t Til. project adjoins the governinciit ; and expense, irrigation at lleiinbton. i Appeals for food, alms or lodging by T".i property is held Inrgely in small transients at your doors, should bo re- The book and lvrics were written by ''"' ks "ill tie developed ny tnorcrrou to i.enrcrs neauquarrers lor ! Otto Hauerbach. whoso name has long ''''' meinseives. ,meu icn sciuo, -j ,u ierry s rcet. jr JWiftMVgU and comedy, and 'he score is by Kudolf DIVORCED ITALIAN IS SUICIDE. ; t',r vic.cs a book of ten meul tickets, I Frinil, who sprang into instant fame as' costing t will save its cost many times Princess Elizabeth of Ununiania is composer of "The Firefly". The ne- San Francisco, Feb. 25. Because ,lvl'r' m'al ,,e,u,t Wl11 Klv0 toum now reported to be formally engaged tion takes plnco iu ''ranee, first nt his wife had obtained u divorce from . f" 11 n" f"01' 0"'y to Crown Prince George of Greece. nris ,ln, t,,r , n fashionable bath- him, Fred Cozzalli, 20, an Italian, cu ilv Relief for Local Families, Women and The fuir princess, said to be one of the jK n,smt. I)r. Thome, an American today lay in wait for her as sho was Cnillron. most beautiful in Furope, is. twenty-, ,,... .,IPcialist . nrncticinir in the cani-' L'oiui' to work, shot and mortnllv I' ood, clothing, fuel, medical trcut- one years ohl. Prince George is tweu- tal nf the world s L-aietv has a friend. : wounded her. and then ended his ownl"u'nt etc. Mrs. W. K Anderson, chair- livelv music, is promised in "High. Jinks'1 which Arthur Ilammerstein will at the Grand on Monday,. , ! I. link's "w - 1 ! present fl ' 1 March 1. The boi 'HIGH JINKS," JOLLY COMEDY. "High Jinks" the musical comedy jollity which Arthur Ilammerstein will DALLAS NEWS ITEMS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or., Keb. 25. ('has. E. Moore, representing the First Nationnl Life insurance Company, of Tnconia, Wash ington, is in the city this week on busi ness for his company. The city council met Monday night in adpourned session but because of it ty-fivo. Waldo Mills Opens Floral Shop on North High Street 1 Waldo Mills, ti well known muii of this city, being a son of .1 Dick Wavne, nn explorer, who has hap- life. The woman. Mrs. Kdn Cozzalli, 1 1,lun '"" committee, Mill tourt poned upon a drug in the form of a'nged 2.1, died while enroiito to tlio i tnct. Phone 2.)t)4-M, 1) to 12 a. m. Bo perfume possessing wonderful proper- Kmcrgcncy hospital. prepared to give name, address, etc., ties. The i.rfect of the di-inr is tn -' a correctly, and bo sure the need is gen- trnusfer a coward into n lion. The The man who flirts with trouble is nine. Merc rumors often give busy essimist into an optimist and the apt to set it where Uncle Bill got the , prude into a dare devil. 1 lie pertuine carbuncle, young : is called " High Jinks." i A.: Dr. Thome introduces " High .links ' .Frenchman, who follows them there, workers unnecessary trouble. Employment for Men. Center 's free employment bureau ut Men's club, 100 Ferry street, phono 12117. Freo to employer and employe ' . , , , 1 Salem has purchased the Ly present nt the Grand on Mondav,1 ,, , , ' ii. , u. ; - 1. x . mobile garage and Ford ago n Mill-(. has oiicncd a floral shoo on HiL'hiinto his nractice. and makes such uood doesn't kmiw this. Unlonkcil for com stre-t nt the former location of the Hub use of it 011 one of his female patients plications arise and the fnn o proceedsTlirongh it tho entire city Wclps find V..1. V..l (Jl.n I tli.,1 ..1. 1.. ,r.n..,nHl t..n...u' .II.., ,1 I. - O ... I ... .. I I IVfll-lf fl,r tllA 11 llOttl 111 HVUlt -uu .ci-mii: fiiup. i ituii piut iii ix i imni,i i. v,i ,, iin.inn ui..uv liuuiiu u lllll,l. t'l 111 ISl II It I'll , - Mills is a graduate of Willamette uni- her arms around his neck and kisses' indent it ies. Employment for Women. ,'iirgilv wlini-n nn mrtiln n mi mrt f nr ti i in . ! h t 111 t-l, lit II l'Ollsl V. TliP doctor iu ton ' Thn Cintiir,.,l ,,. r,P lli.i .... iu ReflT nil linidicailts to Mrs. A. N. being a legal holiday no Business was8,,f n's ,urdler end 22 yard man. I amiable to resist, but, unfortunately' "Something Seems f iiigle liiglc-lng". Bush, chairman industrial committee transacted and the meeting niljourned.: Hincc his graduation he has been em- the incident does not end there. The It is sung in the first act and repeated .tot women, Y. W. C. A., 257 North Lib- Frank Ward of the Oakdalo neigh- gloved at the Barnes Cash store until ' woman 's husband, the Frenchman of during the course of the performance. ; orty street. Thone 1015. borhood suffered a partial stroke of he recently decided to venture into the! irate type, has witnessed the proceed- The same cast which presented "High; Donations of food stuffs such as paralysis friday. Last reports from .business world on his o,vn behalf. Ife ings. In revenge he insists that tho Jinks'' in New York City will be seen meat, beans, flour, sugar, potatoes, is an energetic ami progressive young ' doctor shall Introduce to hint- his own here. It is headed by Stella Muyhew,! fruit, etc., would bo very helpful, rheso mini awl will undoiilitedlv make a sue- i wife, in order that he may be repaid who is nssisted by Philip Hvloy, Allele will reach relief department if Bent to rrom ner lips kiss ror kiss, tiio doctor Anisley, Paul Porcasl, Dorothy Wade, county juuge at tno court nouse. promises, Dut nits upon a sciieine to liernard (inrcey, Eugene O Iiourkc, lot of "u,w't h' enemy, lie engages a young Cecelia Hoffman, Emma Fruneis, iicircss 10 pose as ;nrs. riiorne, ami .lugusuiH M'nuiiz, jrene inilie and aT the patient said he was slowly recover ing. C. J. Shrecve, a recent arrival from nch auto- agency on Oak ress in his newly chosen profession. The average man displays Jack Steino, of Portland, is in the! enthusiasm when he gets a chance BIO QUARANTINE ON IN TEXAS. Austin, Texas, Feb. 25. A cattle -quarantine ngainst Canada, Mexico and every state in the Union on nc count of the foot and mouth disease, was ordered here today by Texas au thorities. The quarantine also includes stock, fowls, fuildcr, cotton Need, straw and hay. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY ON FORECLOSURE. March 1, is the joint work of two men whoso fame as entertainers of the Am- 1 .t il; , 1" ',,V ".,' . '1 y toclny on business matters. to talk about himself, this wc,: k m which perhaps they have Sun(nv thc home of hia Jrcnt reached the climax of their powers a ( 'orvalliB ' Otto Hauerbach and Kudolf Friml. , Jm E,,' r f,()ni1 g 1)n8inpss, Otto Hauerbach has, made an enviable vi8itor in Salom Tuesdv. i record as a musica comedy librettist in; Circuit Jll(, ,,t;lt n vW.i the past decade. "Three Twins," one (or in , r Ua fjtv ji()mlav. j oi ins earnest pronuciions, fprnug in- p r Craven win a business visitor in Biillnston, Tuesdiiv. Mr. and Mrs. !,. S, llnlhii.'vne have! returned from a visit with relatives in Willaininn. j Mrs. A. C. f-roiiin, of Poiland, is, visiting her mother nt thi Imperial flees with her to a watering place. Thc singing and dancing chorus of sixly- attair is purely platonic, but the eight. The mini who tells others how lo make n tortune in a shirt time is sel dom ulile to show a balance of more than three figiiios. stnutly into popular t'uvor and long stayed there. Then came in rapid sue- ces: i)ii "Bright F.ycs," " Madamo Sherry," "Tiie Fascinating Widow," "The .Girl of My Drenins," "The Fire fly," and "Tho ('midline. Girl.' Friml first won distinction nniong hotel Ani'-icun music lover.o as pianist for Krimk Bethel icturiied Monday from' Jan Kubelik. His first ambitious at- a short visit with friends in Sil'vertoii. ' lenipt nt compositions was a score of; Mrs. F. E. Jones, state superintend-! "The Firefly," which won its way to! ent of the Christian Woman 's Board of the pinnacle of popularity. (Missions, held a meeting in '.ho ossein-! Stella Mayhew, who appeared for blv room of the Christian church -Men lur-1 day eveniuff. seen in J. W. Caldwell, of Perrvda e. was a this city. Miss Muyhew is assisted by Dallas visitor the first 0f the week, the following well known artists: Phil- A. L. Martin returned Sunday mom ip Ifyley, Adele Ardsley, Paul Porcasi, , ing from a short business visit in Dorotny Wade, Bernard Gorcey, Eugene; Eugene. O'Hourke, Cecelia Hoffman, Eninin liev. M. J, Ballniitvne is holding re Frnniis, Augustus Schultz, Irene Duke, , vival services in the church at Hick Dot Allen, Billio Taylor and Ada j reall this week. Meade, and a singing and dancing chor- Hev. H. II. Fnrnhnm was formerly us of lis young women who nre trained under Artniir Hnmmcistciii 's icrsonnl dire.ition. GOVERNOR SIGNS BILL. Xo'.ice is hereby given, that by vir tue of an execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court of tiie State of Ore gon, for the County of Murlon, and .. ..... rr,. ,...i .... t.ii. .i.... i.,.ii.. ruarv, l!'15, upon a judgment and do- a .'3'' ' " ; " " ' , i , ' , .... , . . ing i'.s ?ew ci.k run, will bo seen anil docketed in and by said court on the I'nd day of February, IMS, in n certain suit then in said court pending, wherein Lizzie Owens was plaintiff ami Julius G. Voget aud Anna Voget, his wife, and Abncr D. . lames; Mrs. Mamlie Hall and II. J. Hall, her husband, were defendants, in favor of plaintitf and ngaintit said defendants, by which exe cution I am commanded tit sell the property in said execution and herein after described to pay the sum due the plaintiff of: First, that the plain tiff recover of the defendants, Julius . Voget and Anna Voget the sum of seven hundred eighty three and SKI-100 (7'3.Wi), witii interest thereon from February 2nd, 11115, ut the rate of H per .'ent per milium, until paid, and the further sum of'seventy five and 00-1 00 ($75,00) dollars attorney's fees, togeth er Willi four-sevenths of the costs and disbursements of this action, taxed and allowed in the sum of ten and 2S-100 In the Matter of the Estate of John 1, (iflO.H) Dollars; second, that the plain- Mitchell, 1) 'used. tilt leeovor ot the ileleinlant, Abncrl Notice is hereby given that the nu ll. James, the sum of three hundred Idcrsigned, executor of above estate.l thirty-seven and 07-100 (,t;i:i7.07) dol lias tiled his final account in the county lurs, with interest thereon frmu the 2nd court for Minion County. State nf Or-; of February, 1015, at the rate of N egon. and that by order of said Court j per (cut per annum until paid, and Munilnv, the 5th day of April, 1015, tit . for the further sum of thirty-five and ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day,! (KI-100 (:i5.(in) dollars attorney's fees, 'hn been appointed for hearing obje'e- ' tii'cther with three-sevenths of the turns, at which tunc all persons inter costs and disbursements of this action estcd must present their objections, if taxed and allowed ,it seven and "2 loo any they have, to said account IT IT rr if EA.1RT pastor of the Evangelical church in Dallas. Mrs. E, llayter returned Monday ufterunon from a short visit in Eugene. W. E. Greenwood returned Sunday from a week 's visit in Salem. I DesMoines, Iowa, Fid). 25. Governor Bnrham Brothers have secured the Clarke today signed the bill repealing contract for the erection of two mod- the Mulct law, under which all saloons ern dwelling houses for George Brown. operated. Any man can start a woman talking, but no man can stop her. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I A. .. MnllccK, ot .Monmoutb, was a. business visitor in this city the lat I ter part of Inst week. ! Mrs. Eva Judson who has been visit ing relatives in this city for the past; ! several days has been cnlled to her j home in Spring Valley by the death of' ! a niece. j Judge John TI. Teal spent Sunday ; wilh his family near Falls fit v. ' , Tho little daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. John Orr is confined to her home with nn attack of measles. A. S. Skvles, manager of the Town send Creamery at Astoria, was a recent hu-dncss visitor in this city. i P. II. Morrison visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arthur Good in Salem the latter part of last week; ($7.72) dollars and ruids and expenses of .:iid execution. 1 will on Saturday, the 2iMh day of Match, 11115, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the west door of the County Court lloiiie in Marina County, Oregon, sell nt public auction tn the highest bidder for 'ash ill hand on the day of sale, all too right, title, Interest and estate which said defendants and all persons claiming under (hem Mib'ecpient tu May F. M. MITCHELL, Executor of the estate of John H. Mitchell, Deceased. Eve invented temptation, but, forgot to patent it. ADMLNIHTRATOK S NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Telia IIow To Cot Quick Ilelief from llcad-Cohls. It's Splendid! In the County Court of the State of Orogon for Marlon County. In the matter of the estate of Feliiiin H. ilolt, d nse.l. Nnlire in hereby liiven tlmt Thnmn ..,, -,, ., u. r. - ,iolt was appointed administrutor of, In ono .inllto vour 0iL,Pd nostrils hereinbefore mentioned and described , ,ue ,,,,,, uf ,,, K,,i(,ia s, ,, " " " '' 0 i' "0". n sa id execution as follows, to wit: lin ,iv of j,m.v 11,13 bv1 ' ', ' tn,"'r I1""""!1" "mT, ... , , , .... , ,. ... ' ,in "" lno omn jHiiuniv, 1 '. . 1 will c ear nnd you can breathe free y, All of lots numbe.s l-. e (1 1), ,,,, ,,ner of the ('ounty Court of Marion , No mor0 hliwhinfff snuffing, ,lowig, (14), Fifteen ( o), and Sixteen (If , : (.ourt. . . br(.Mh a' ht eM lying south nf the center of Mill ( reek 1 All persons hnving claims ngainst , i g0Bti in Block 1 Simpson's Addition to thew,i, P?u,te aro reipiired to send the! (jot a small bottle of Elv's Cream City of Sulcm, Marion County, Oregon, , mmP properly verified with proper Jialm from druggist now. Apply s shown by tho recorded plat thereof . j vouchers to Carson & Brown, his attnr-j a lit tie of this fragrant, antiseptic, Said sale being msdo subject to rn- j upvsi, at Salem, Oregon, within six healing crenm in your nostrils. It pen demption in the manner provided by months from the date of this notice. J etrntes through every air passage of the law. Dated this 11th day of February, ; bead, soothes tho inflamed or swollen Dated this loth day of rebruary,, mi., 1SI15. . WM. ESCH, Sheriff erf Marion County, Oregon, By W, I. Necdliam, Deputy. THOMAS HOLT, Administrator. CAHSON & BROWN', I Attorneys for Administrator. mucous membrano ami relief comes in stantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh Be lief comes BO quickly. ftfEETHEAl ToiuetSoap lM.J 'It - -I . I 111 '-' 1 1 MARCH 1st J-10 Every Reader of the Capital Journal On the above date we will publish in this pa per a FREE coupon, good for a full size cake of the world famous SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP. Just cut out the coupon, present it to your"GROCER or DEALER, and receive a TRIAL cake FREE of all cost. You will find it the very best you have ever used. Money cannot'buy better. Adapted to any kind of water. Seventy-five million cakes used last year. Try it at our expense. ANHATTAN SOAP CO, New York City M