- r f A' it For This Have I Get VwAy FROM THfM I I ,.llvy .. s, T V I Tt -r, T" - I I ' . m.-.,... ,i, , ,., IOUVJS" UM-' lr ?-- I ' I -"- ' WW)" ... ( , I . 1 I CAfit wait DoMT kNocKL 1 MAO yownc I ,Ct Af' 5il Am IU ft. I f . , ,..,,.,.. 1 -till S-oPPt.eS PRETry otsjten ' into them Di5he.!' hahGiq I .J Quick John' 1 JSO : -v- k- A I'rH...1--- W 111 -M- Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: OneCent per word forBthe'.firstlinsertion.EOne-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion. ABSTRACTS UNION ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts that Protect. Our books pouted up to date each morning. Call Muiu 1240 and a messenger will call for your abstract. J. C. Sio.gmund, president; ' Max liehlhar, sec reta ry, l!4ti State' street.. AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Salem 'a reliable seller Farm sales solicited. Terms, 1 per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Henry M. Voorhies, .Michigan venue, first street east of the state air grounds. CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOQIST HI. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro wactic's Fountain Head, Dnvonport owa. If you have tried everything td have got no relief, try Chircprae Sc spinal adjustments and get well. Office m-7-tl U. S. National Bank Uuildiug. Phono Main 87. liesideneo Main S28-R. CHIROPRACTOR. CONSULT DR. MAY, experienced and successful Chiropractor, for acule and chronic disorders. Has practiced five yenrs in Oregon. Free consultation Hours, it to 1-, 1 to . Ill)-) 0-7 Hub bard Bldg. Lady attendant. Phone office 57L'; residence HS'J-K. NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS FURNITURE New and second hand, bought, sold and exchanged. Stoves, ranges and miscellaneous hnnlwnic. Wo pay the highest cash prico for geennd-hand furniture, harness, ot!. Coi.ie In and examine our stneir -I. N. Shnntz, ;M4 Court streo. BSCOND HAND FCRNITCUE bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for Bccond-linud goods. See us before you sell. Wir sprechnu Deutsch. Peet?. Furniture Co., SM7 North Com mercial street. Phone 084. aiClllEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, uardwn.ro, tome, etc. Wo carry the moat complete stock of above articles in towu at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek. 271 North Couiinercial st. i'holie Muin 12M, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Tit, LEO I). SCOTT, Oslcopntliic. Phy sician. A graduate of the Los An geles College of Osteopathy and l.os Angeles Medical College of Ophthal mology. Trials acute and chronic diseases. Offices iit'.'i-lod Snlein Ilnnk of ( onimerce Building. Phmie 4S0. Ladv nttcnduiit. DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. (iraduntes of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate arid specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Trent acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 511.1-000 U. S. National Hank building. Phono 8.V.I. Residence 3 III North Cnpilol street. r'tione nci. v ..' 1 . SCAVENGER .1 BALEM SCAVIlNflER Charles Pons' proprietor. Garbage and refuse of nil kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rules. Yards and cess-i pools denned. Office phono Main! 2247. Resilience Main J7l'. j UNDERTAKERS j LEHMAN CLOPGII-C. B. Webb, A.' M. I'luiigli, morticiana and funeral ill-! nictors. Latest muderii methods known to the profession eniplovod.l 4-lj Court street. Main I'Jd, Main tiss, j r.IGDOX lMCIIAIIPSD.V CO.Fi:uernr dir'tors and midcr'nkeri. L'"'J Nn-Mi1 High street. Offi e I'liene Slain i 7i ir.lon re-iidce y M?i:n 111 i 1 1 WATER COMPANY ,' BAT. I'M WATER c. M I' Y - Offi, e 1 enrrur ( 'unuier. i:il and Tele stre. ., Fer v.:t'T scriee np ly nt r-ffl.t-, Billi tii -lie., tnntillitl i;( i. fn;ee I r " " 1 - i wood a:td com, j PALEST ri'LL YAl.'O-t T!i p!-ice of' quality. All kin Is of Hi v ood. f,iur-; foot or enf in stove leti-j'lis to siiil.j Proinpt ileliveiv, We bundle the b-t' eonli on the irarkct. Trv our King' coal; It Is the be,t 7.1J Trade slrce'.j Phone Main r.jn Murk Sid loll prop. LAWYER. ! C. S. ACKER Lawy teinplc. ill Masting LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. TJ. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the Met ornack Hall, cornner Court and Liberty streets. A. E. Aut'ranee M. V..; S. JK. MeFaildeu, recorder; A. L, Brown F. CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. McCornnck building. Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:30;' W. B. Oilson. C. C James W. Vox. K. nt R. and 8. BALEM LODOE NO. 4 A. F. & A. M. Stated eommunicatidns first Friday in eacn momn at f.m p. in. til the masonic lempie. .1. neiuu, w. xu.j B. 'A. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODOE NO. 50, A. F. ft A M. Stated eomfuniealion third Fri day in ench month at 7:30 p. m. In the Mnsonic Temple, (llenn c. Niles, vy. M. j Lmest Jl. Cuoate, secretary. E W. Of A -"llr.li,,!! rirnn. f'n, No. llltttt, moets every Thursday even ing in McCornacli building, Coiirt and Lihertv tttrpAtu Klninrnr Slnuin Parmenter, 781 North Front street, uracie; jiazel 1'rice, Imperial rurni Mre Co., recorder. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP SER NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in tlie Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, secretary. H01JSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. ft S. M. Stateil assembly first Monday iu each iiiii n I li, Mnsonic Temple, ilumes Plant, Thrice Illustrious Muster; Ulcu C. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month ut 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights nro courteously invited to meet with us. tleo. 11. Huructt, E. (.'.; Frank A. Turner, recorder. C11ADWICK tHAI'TEK NO. :I7, O. E. S. Regular meeting every lust and third 'Juesduy at 8 p. m. in the Ma sonic Temple. Elizabeth Read, W. M.j Ida M. lialuock, secretuiy. WOODMEN W THE WOULD Sleet every Friday night nt 8 0'clo.ck iu McCornnck block, Oscar Donaldson, C. C.j L. S. (leer, clerk. 007 Court .street. Phone MM. UNITED ARTISANS-rapttal Assem bly No. SI, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. in, iu Moose Half. Mrs. F, V. Cook, M, A.; laa U, Martin, secre tary. Masonic Tuniple. SALEM HUM AN K SOCIETY D. D. Keelcr, president; .Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of diiinb animals should be repurled 0 tho secretury for iuvesti gation. MoDKIi.N Will IDM t:X III' AMERICA. tiicgnn I'ediir I'nmp No, ."il'ld, meet-i i' ry Thuisil:iy evening nt 8 o'clock in Masonic Hull, comer Court and Liberty hi nets. Klevnlur sen ice. , W, Hill, V, ( Rex A. Tinner, clerk. NURSERY. FOR HALM All kinds of fruit trees; giiiftcd walnuts So cents per tree. Leave urdeis for all kinds of tup grafting and spraying. Mill Creek Nursery, "Isil State sheet, Snlein, Or. UMBRELLA REPA1KTNO. WE DO ALL KINDS of mending and re-covering, quickly and neatly, call Itii( for and delivering all 'orders. .1. H. Eaton, New nod Second Hand g.hhIi, 311 North Cuiniuercial. Phono P07. MISCELLANEOUS Mn.NEY to Inn ii on anything of value for Itil to IMi days. ' lib? llnbliaul bilildillg. .1 m i 'li ( o. LADIES N'oh is the lime to bme ymir fins dry i li-iined. Iiefiire stor ing them away fur the s nier iniintlis. Dry cleaning makes tlioui iM.itii proof; e ninths get in them they lire ruined, Dry cleaning them before storing makes I loin like new. We guarantee nur work. City Mnani and Diy Cleaning Work" .'liYl Slate st t, ' Phone Kl I. . J You cannot afford to miss reading the Journal Want Ad.s every day. THE 8ALEM CAPITAL JOUBNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busyjpeople Telephone ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Stlem Abstract Company, 212-222 Salem Bank and Trust Bldg : 533 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Salem Electrio Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES. Sslem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 25 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Main 192 UNDERTAKERS. Higdon-Rirhaidson Co., 254 North High street Day and night, Main 183 TRANSFER ANR DRATAGE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Maiu 74 JOB PRINTING. . Beaver State Printers, Pattoa Block 15 a FOR SALE YOt'XG calves for sale. For further . information impiire nt Friiitlnnd Nur-sa-.v stilesyard, corner High and Ferry streets. Phone 23-F-UI. Ut. (I. i''OR SALE Eggs fiv hatching from blue ribbon winning If. T Rocks. Come and see my birds. WJi North Twentieth street. EOU RENT 7-roiiin bungalow, new, l- per month; small basement. Sec owner. A. Kuril, liiM Rose avenue. FOR SALE Driver, ruining eight, with buggy and harness, 4 1 III. Phone LViUft-J-l. FOR SALE Burbunk potatoes, good for seed. 1105 Fairmount avenue. FOR KALE Yetcii and grain liny at the lunch or delivered, (ieoige Swe gle, Harden Road. Phono 2I-E-2. HEAL ESTATE P.ARGAINS-A 711 acre stock farm. Three general mer chandise stores. Exceedingly tine prune orchard. Good sawmill propim! tion with timber, Well eiuiped dairy (bind homes iu Snlein, elisjiip. A splendid large stock farm. Sipiare De.il lically Co,, t S. Bank bldg. FOR SALE ii'i acres of good land, all cleared; good new buildings, close to good tu.m; a good horse, n cow, (I lions, some chickens, wnguii, harness, bnuiiy, plow anil oilier funning imple. incuts. vi,.,. i7,-,ti; ft loo m. mice on long time, or will take n Miiall cilv pinpcrty, dear, us first ptivmeut; acres joining this, nil cb'.ir, price rV".o, on ium; time. Sec .loiin Van I.iiaiicn, 21IU North Com ncreinl s rect. FOR RENT l'iR I! KNT room bungalow, modern,1 l 1 l"'r inonili. Cull 7!Mi North Fiir. tiVillh street. Full RENT- T'co well iriiisbed rooms fur housekeeping. uiiire '.V.Vl Ninth church. YiM' can oei flee I'ouno rent bv lilinn- iU -l-l. AI-.ii have i'tinii i-u-.li and go'lli eitv p !'(,;, ei t' to 1 1 lull' mi ill! pioc. fnini. .Iii.nli-ou & Co., -1)7 II ild 1 building. DRY CLEANIN I l'KESMNO. Till1' Ai'pniel Service ('iinip!iny. Indies' 111. -I Lcnlli a Mills cli :i;i" l mid piv-sed t mid ,l.."i. Sp, viol alt. 'ii- . t i 1,1 given In rci iiiritig. nlteinti'Hif lin t to rcliniiig fin k innl i lutliiug All w.irlt ;ii!ii(iiit I. Aniui Lung, P. I."e, nip: ictoi s. pliunc "Js. Salem, On. WANTED. W A NTLH- Vniiiig Indies to linuid and in mi in priwtto t'iiuiily, L'lil Marion. I'lu lioL'. COMPI TLNT gill nnnts eiiiplnyinenr. L. A., Journul. U A Vl'l.li Tu RliNT Lv ynung ninpie in.tleiii. well fuinislicd bnncnl'iw, M.ii.Ii 1st. Mo. . ren-onnl.lc. Wi be pcriniiiicut if .atisficd. (live par ticubir. an I price In ii'ply. Address .1 T'-, .louriinl. MAUSOLEUM. JIlll'NT CREST AllHEY M.U'SO i Llil'.M. The Better Way. Dry and sanitary. Building always open to viuitoiH, Sunday, I to I p. iu. J. W. I (iaskill, malinger. HiliU Fir street. Phone (ills.,). A PERSONAL STATEMENT. Thore nie so-called "honey and tar" preparations that cost the denier half as much but sell at the same price js the original and genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Wo never offer these imitations and substitutes. We know you will buy Foley's whenever you need a cough syrup if you once use it, People cooio lung distances for the true FOLEY'S over thirty years the lending remedy for coughs, colds, croup, wnooping eoogn, bronchial ami lagrippe coughs. J. C. Perry. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A FEEL BLUE OR JUST STUPID? Sluggish bowels and torpid liver us ually go together and it does not take long fur constipation to produce n bad condition a feeling of languor or lazi ness the "blues," headaches, palpita tion or other iiiiilad.v. Indeed, when iu this condition the system invites more serious illness n ml it not nble to throw off disease. Foley Cathartic Tablets are n wluilesome laxative and cleansing cnllmitic. They urn without inconven ience, griping or sickening. J. C. Perry. Children Cry F0.1 FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A WINTER DOUBLE WORK. In summer the wnrk of eliiuliiatiiig poi sons ami acids from Ike blood is helped by perspiration, Iu culd weather, with little outdoor work or cxercsie to cause snouting, the kidneys have Iu tin double woik. Foley Kidney Pills help over W'orkcd, weak mid ilif"'asi' 1 kidneys to filter ll nil cill-t out of the bloml the waste innller Unit causes pains In sides or biiek, rheuuiMl iMii. luinbagu. stiffness T ioinls, sore niuseleH mo ()iher ills re suiting from iiupiopor eliinination, J. C. Pony, A cent a word will tell your story in the Journal New Today column. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A ii kv.'." iV..7ji iivj. vir.T. mc::ir. D fur t nil i-i t il. sill ii I ihr in.t, I., iw imi I r..r I ii.ii r'i..t. Kmp.fl 1 w, U71MI iliu,1t 1.m Mt E h- it" ...t r"" jtii ii uk m iihi-'d uroirtt t, uTt . I fl-IJlMJPIiriETa TUESDAY. FEBRUARY ?.X 1S15. HUNGRY LIL-lSHE'D RATHER EAT - THAN SLEEP. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I Luens County. f "" Frank J. Cheney makes oath that tie Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., dolnjr business In tbo City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that sntd firm will pav tbe sum of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Cntnrrh that cannot be cured by the use of HAI.t.'S CATARRH CURB. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In myprewnce, this 6th day of December, A. P. 1886. (Seal) A. W. OLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Cntnrrh Cure Is tntien Internally and acts dlreetly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the Bystem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHRNRT A CO., Toledo, O. Hold bv all DruKiflsts. 75c. Tike Hall's Family Fills for constipation. CUT THIS OUT NOW. If you dou't want it today, you ma) next week. Send tiiia advcitisement and 5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writing your nnnio and address clearly. Von receive iu return three trial pack ages Foley's Honey and Tar Cwu pound for coughs, colds, croup nail grippe; Foley Kidney Pills, for weak or disordered kidneys or bladder; Foley Cathartic Tablets, a pleasant, whole some and cleansing purgative, just the thing for winter's sluggish bowels and torpid liver. These well known stand ard rcmidies for snlo bv .1. C. Perry. No matter what you hav to sell, a Journal Want A will sell it for you if it car be sold. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. uUXMSXBHUMrVKKIlBm SalemFence Works j And Stove Repairing tj m mi it PwAn Stoves rebuilt and rcp-.lrctl Stoves bought and sold, Depot Amerlcin Pence. Oaten, Plulu and liarbcd Wirn. Paints, Oils sua V.-iriil.-,beii. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooka. M) COURT f'.T. PHONE 124 Lack of Chicago' Store, Norwich Union Tire Insurance Society BUROI1ARDT i MEREDITH Rorldcut Agents 383 State Btreot IViONLY TO LOAN On Oood Real Estate Security TII08. K. FOKO Over Ladd & Bush Bank, B.ilnm, Oieioa CASTOR I A For Infants nnd ChiWron In Uso For Over 30 Years Always bears y "" 3lgnaluie of By BUYS STAYTON DRUG STORE Tito new owner of tho Browor Drug Co. 's store needs no introduction to the ynilers of the Mail. V. Dare Sloper, son of Sir. and STrs. J. E. Slopor of this city, was ruised in Stayton and has beea a full-fledged phnraiae.ist for tha pnat year. Ho has worked in Staytou and has had three years' experience in Portland aad other plno.es. Sir. Sloper has purchased tho ontiro drug stock, building, lot and fixtures of the Brewer Drug Co., and will make his debut into Stnyton's business circles tomorrow morning. Stayton Slail. TWO KILLED IN TRAIN WRECK Dos M nines, Iowa, Feb. Two trainmen were killed ami one triiiiimuii and five passengers injured early today when a flrent Weseliu passenger train went into the ditch three miles from Tabnnge, Iowa. In nddition a seme of piiMs-'tigers sustained minor injuries. The entire trniit consisting of mail ami baggage cnaches, two chair curs and several sleepers were ditched. It costs but one cent a word to tell your story each day In the Journal Now Today column. Time tiny CAPSULES i superior to baisim Copaiba. Cubehs or lfiectlortB,and RELIEVES In (MIDV) 7 24 HOURS tht W i J lame diseases with out Inconvenleiici, AM by alhtrttwMi, J'rke. i .... X Wi'illHS TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROAD!. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. SALEM GEER LINE. 73 Ar. Salem 9:13 a.m. 7(1 Lv. Salem 1(1:00 a.m. 7."i Ar, Salem (mixed) !2:ui) p.m. 71 Lv. Snlein 'LI.") (i.iii. (No connection soutn of dear.) SALEM, FALLS CITY WESTERN. 1 fill Lv. Salem (motor) (I 1111 Lv. Salem (imdor) 7 1(1.1 Lv. Salem (motor) B KM Lv. Snlem (motor) 1 187 Lt. Snlem (motor) 3 L'.T.I- Way Freight, If. Snlem 5 1(1 Ar. Snlein (molor) 8 I'll Ar. Snlem (molor) 11 I'll Ar. Salem (motor) i HIS Ar. Snlem (motor) 8 170 Ar. Snlein ( tor) 7 210 Way Fielght, nr. Snlem 1 :l"i p.m. :00 a.m. :4I5 a.m. :40 p.m. :25 p.m. a. in. .10 a.m. :25 a.m. :I5 p.m. :.'IU p.m. :4-l p.m. M p.m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Northbound. -Oregon Ks press - illuinelte Limited .... -Sliu-tti Limited -Portland Piii-icnger .... I'oitland Passenger .... -I'oillnnd Fxpress -Local Way Freight .... -Portland Fnt I'reight Soutlilioiina, -( Illlfril hill lixprCHS I.'nscliiug Pii'sciicr .... -i iittngo liioe Puss -Shasl.'i Limited -Willamette Limited .... -Sun Kratieliro Lxpress -Snii rrmii i-co I'ns' I'rl, La ul Wuv Freight CO, 8:00 11:22 1 1 iMMI 5:1)0 H:0il 1(1:1111 ld:3t H:M 1 I : I 'i L'Jil tt AS (t:lu u::H I'J ul II;'.'..' 10- 2H-l-lil-lii-14-l;lt-2 .".!- l.-i o-. II- '.."Jl- a m. a. in Ii. m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a. in a. in H III. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p m a. iu, a.m. OREC10N ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leaves Bulom Arrives Portland Train No. 4:1 a.m 2 Owl (!:,'i.T a.m. 7:1.1 n.m (I H:;;o a.m. : to a. ii 10 Limited 1 1 :3."i a.m. 11:20 s m 12 l:4!i ,,,, ltfiO p.m 14 4:10 p.m 4:00 p.m 10 Limited 5:50 p.m 5:37 p m 20 8:00 .. 7:55 p.m !" 10:00 p.m Boul.hbotmd. Lv, Portland Ar Kaien n-A'i n.m 1 f'AS a. a N:2.1 n.m 5 Limited 10:11 a.ni 10:40 a m 7 12:55 p. a 2:10 p.iu 0 4:33 p.a STERRETT 1 fty CuKil 1 1 jHEUtTWK-T j tM M OX V-l IT , WOUVONf iHOV OH El 1 I Orrine for Drink Habit TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE. We aro in earaest when we ask you to give OltRINE a trial. Tou have notb j ing to risk unit everything to gain, for i your money will bo returned if after in trial you fail to get results from OR IlilNE. This offer gives the wives and I mothers of those who drink to oxcess iUti opportunity to ry the OR KINK trontuient. It Is a very simple treat ment:, can be given in the homo without publicity or loss of time from business, and at a small price. ORRINE is prenrcd ill two forms: No. 1, secret tiuntnient, n powder; OR RINE No. 2, in pill form, for those who desire to take voluntary treat ment. Costs only $1.00 a box. Come u and talk over tbo matter with us. Ask for booklet. J, C. Perry, 115 8. Commercial street. Ei I J Sim Dt Beauty is a joy Foreva rR. T. FELIX GOURAlD'S ORiENTAl U CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIF1ER i 1 RciiovM Tun, PlmiilM m 3k nit vvtrj uii'iiiirB an hf.vi.tv, n,i nt ilt' ilrH'tll'itl. It Ii4 iini'ii tfrt of m vari, Kiitl I Nil hilM'-tlt!! Wf Ulclt (tibMutl IV lt yrjy tl.fi.ls, A'xf,tt mi owinti'i (I'll nt mullxf tittrnf. Pr L, a. Run mid to Ittil of III lidtit t n t pMtit; : "A4 jr'U Ift'iioi Will UQ tl.i-ru. I rwciimnieuJ MJtinrtiiitl'i (' 'rrnm' ai the ot bxrmfu. til th win pri'innnoin p nt w o ny mi ;ini;i'miH fina rnn'T the I'ulird (ti,Jmt4ila in Kurog. WIT-IMS. Pin.. 37 Or ml I'm SV.t lalt 4:40 p.m (1:00 p.m Ill Limited .... .. 17 Local 10 21 Owl .. 6:40 p.m. .. 8:10 p.si. ,.11:20 p.iu. .. 1:35 a.m. Ar. Salem .. 6:37 p a. Ar. Halaas .. 9:4k a.m. .. 1:50 p.m. .. 4:00 p.m. .. 7:58 p.m. 3:10 a.m. Ar. Albany 11:20 p.m 11:4.) p.m Lv, Corvullis 4:1') p.m Lv, Hiigens 7:.'l.'i a. in 11:1.1 a.m 1 nil p.m ft : 1 0 p.m 12:0.5 a. iu Lv. Siilum 4 :.'!.i p.m Northbound. 20 10 Limited .... 14 Ill Limited .... K2 .. 2 Owl Southbound, 0 .in p.m. Ar. Eugene 7:05 p.m. Ar. Kugnne Lv. Salem 2:00 a.m. ! ll:0"i a.m.. ' 10: 1 j ii.in.. I Lv. Salem j 1:00 p.iu,. I Lv. Snlem i 0:40 p.m.. .... 21 Owl ., 1 Ii Limited 7:50 a.i ...11:30 a-m. ...12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany ... i:05 p.m. ut ( nmallli 2:112 p.m. Ar. Liigeus ... 8:50 p.m. 7 Stops 13 ... CORVALLIS CONNECTION. Northbound. . orvullia Ar. Salem 20 a. in 10 VA a.m. I Lin al Albiinv In Snlein, ) 12 p in 14 1:50 p.m. 112 p. in It) 4:00 p.m. 10 p.i 20 8:!I7 p.m. " p m 22 7:64 p.m. Southbound. . Sub i,i Ar. Corvalllt " i tun I 10 .ll u.lll. I'i a.m 5 11:114 a.m. Hi p.m V (Lou p.m. 1111 p.m 7 U:aa p.m. I'i p. in 13 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. Oregon City Triiiispoita'lon Company. Leave I'lillnnl I'm- Oregon llv, IllllVvillo, NeWlnlg, Mission (St. 1'iinli, Wheut Ininl. Niieiu (diiily exi'ept s ml. u l (1: 1.1 a.m. I.ev.e I'oitl ind lur linlcpcu-ib-iice, Alltnuv, (nivnlhs, (Tin .uy, Thine lay nnd Satnidiiy) 11:43 a.m. Returning. Lollies -''uli.lllis .... Albany Iiiilcpendenci Sal, mi .. ,., ... Salem .. 0 a. tu.- Men., Wed., Frl. ... 7 a.m. Mini., Wed., Frl. 0 a. in. --Moil., Wed., Frl, ..10 a, in. Moil., Wed., Frl. .. (la. m."T'.ie, Thur.Sat. 4: Ml Iwips'H-wW