Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 23, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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WASHINGTON'S birthiluy was
thn iiiHpirntiod for a nuniber of
infurmuL events yesterday, the
protty and artistio place cards, fuvors
and docorative novciticH which orna
mented the shop wiiulown, making so
great an appeal to hostesses in suggest
ing their decorative possibilities that
the date was selected by ninny as a
most desirabdc one on which to enter
tain, and although the anniversary is
past it will continue to be suggested at
various affairs of the week, us it had
. been at a number given during tho pre
vious seven days.
"Albany music lovers," says the Al
buny Democrat of (Saturday, "will be
given a raro treat on Wedncsdny even
ing, March tenth, when Miss Margue
rite Flower, tho wonderful blind singer
and lyric soprano of Salem, and Miss
Mary Hc.hulU, a violinist of Sulom will
be heard in a concert at tho Baptist
church. The concert will be Riven un
der the auspices of tho teachers' train
ing clans of the church, Mrs. W. C.
Hurkhart, teacher. Three young Indies
have pledged one hundred dollars for
the new pipe organ. Misses Flower
und tfc faulty, come to us not as strung
ere, ae they have made several appear
ances in Albnny before."
t '
Friends of Miss Verda Zosel nnd ti
mer l'clteir are interested in their ap
proaching marriage, which is to be an
event of Sunday, February 2M. The
ceremony will take pluce at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Theodore Zosel, 211) Mission street,
and will be quite a large affair.
The bride-elect wns given a prcnup
tiul shower last Wednesday evening
Then the Mticcabees met in regular
lodge session, the ladies of the order
joining in presenting Miss Zosel with
muny attractive gifts, following which
they were joined by the Sir Knights,
all surrounding tliu banquet table, the
hrioe and bridcgrnom-eleet sharing in
tho complimentary toasts.
Madame June Heed, a violin soloist
with an European reputntion, played
with much success at a recital, under
tho auspices of l.nild Public .School l'nr-ent-Tcacher
association, last Thursday,
My Sunday's Orcguiiiiiii. Madame
ltocd is a' violinist of both skill and
inusiciunly finish. Her piano accom
panist was Mirs Ftlna Trotter.
Following the regular meeting of
Hedgcwick Woman's Kelicf Corps at
Moose Ilnll Hat urdiiy, a memorial ser
vice was conducted in honor of Wash
ington's birthday, ruder the leader
ship of Patriotic Instructor Mis. Fffic
Wright 1'nrnh, the mee'iag opened with
invocation by W. H. I.ysle, followed by
a .rending by Mrs. I.aura McAilums,
president of W. li. ('.; nolo by Miss
Inez Denison, who responded to an en
eoro. Post Commander I.. 11. I'ound,
Comrades Weighs nnd Fnlkner delivered
brief though appropriate addresses; cs
ay by Cnuinid W. 11. Hyarsj solo by
Mrs. Klsie Sitnoiul, nnd duct by Mrs.
Wsin Mineral and Mrs. -Mnble Lock-1
Cynlhin Scars Puiilup, department
l-resident, gave an interesting talk of
her visit in Pi'i'tiilnd where it reception
was tendered Mr. and Mis. Daniel ,1.
J'ulmer, Mr. Palmer being commander
iu chief of the (irand Army of Hepub
lie from Washington, Iowa. The cere
mony of the afternoon tinned with the
old familiar song, "Alv Country "lis
of Thoii."
Mr. i'd Mis. W. II. Kldridgo were
hosts las,- night, entertaining witit n
beautifully appointed dinner of ten
coven. 1 ''! nl imiH suggestive ol
Washington' t birthday were much ml
niired. A number ol Salem people pnrlieipnt
ed in the f htg-iiiising exi loises held at
the Binds s-lioo' yesterday, tinning
those going down being Mr, and Mrs,
Joseph II. Albeit and duughter, Murv
Jaim) Mr. and Mrs. Waller M. Smith,
Hon. and Mi-. Frank !)nvy and daugh
ter, Mrs. K. K. l'ishot, Miss Nellie Hub
erts, Hon. liana II. Allen and Mr.
An all day piograni huh given, the
flag raised being one presented by Mr.
Alb.Tt last r, Me wns eulli'd upon
for ail mldiri-s, mid wits given nu o it
tion by the tno hundred pupils, tench,
ers anil put runs preeu in itppreeial inn
of ins splendid gift. Superintendent
Smith delivered n hi ii t nililress, Mrs.
H. r ltnitip, of Brooks, following with
n poem, "The Stabiles Flag," writ
ten by a southern friend upon a trip of
inspection to it flag u iifn, lining
establishment. Mr. Hay spoke on
" Kd'icalinn it ii I I'atrliitixni," County
Siqicrvisor ol S, himls John W. I,. Smith
talking on "Our Nation's (Ii -cut noss. "
Mrs. Wiilker, a teacher in charge id'
the dny 'a exercises, spoke iuleiestingry
of her work and the excellent support
givcH her in blinking the'r s, hool ii.
to its present h ; . I 1 1 . 1 n I st it in lu i (. Mih.
Fisher's address was oulillid "The
Milking u' the Auii-ncsti Fin," and
was of miieli Inter' .d, Mrs. IVdier hcinu
I'sp.niall.V conincl, n, o It it Ii 1 1 ' this sub
jeel, iu thitl idle i'i ;i dire, t ilescemleat
tif fiobert Mini!,' of lev olntionai.v
fame, who was one oi the eoniaiillee
limned to originate lhu fir-t flng. Mi.
Alleit spoke in "T. eiitic, h t cimiiv I'm
trio! ism, " mid Miss Unbelts, Mi. H0114
Ins mid Mis, ( h ,lo llnriis, ol Brooks,
delighted wi'.h patriotic sonys.
At 110011 tli. town bull, beautifully
decorated, was tluov 11 open, n public
ilinuii' being s nod.
s ,
Mrs. .1. W. Feign .I'll, Mute tv.'iliiii.'et
of thn I'. I'!. (I. Htei.-tv, leaves for her
home 111 Portland t'dit.v, utter pawing
several days Iu Salem ill the interest of
her organirnl ion, While oere slut wan
tho guest of Mrs. II. K. Holiugci.
A number of theater pintles were
nisdis lip for the "Cinderella" matinee
at "Ye Liberty" yesterday. Miss He
gi nil Lend entci laine l in this way, her
giicsta being Mm. l, M, Flliutt, .Mi".
M.siv l.ieig, Mis. II. I!. Holiiiger and
Mn.' (. W. I.allar.
j Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Willoughby, of
Kugene, were week-end guests of Miss
j Auuette timber.
! t
I Outgoing and incoming officials, and
I monthly leaders, of tile Woman's Home
! Missionary society of the First Prcsby
I terian march, wero entertained yester-
1 day afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Carl
r. I'.llm't. Amid attractive patriotic
surroundings the guests passed a busi
ness session later enjoying an informal
social time. Officers elected wero:
Mrs. Anna Palmer, president; Mrs. Wal
ter Brown, vice-president; Mrs. W. W.
Martin, second vice president; Mrs. L.
(). Alt man, treasurer, nnd Mrs. Hodge,
secretary, and tho newly-appointed
leaders of tho monthly meetings:
Mrs. W. Emmons, Mrs. John Lewis,
Mrs. D. l dunk, Miss Lillian Apple
gate, Mrs, Walter Drown, Mrs, ('has.
Parks, Mrs. R. A. Wallace, Mrs. Davis,
Mrs. Mary Newton, Mrs. fi. T. .luild,
Mrs. Hubert Kakin and Mrs. Philip Uil
bert. Mrs. Clara li. Ferguson leaves tonight
for Columbus, Ohio, being joined in
Portland by Dr. and Mrs. C. .1. Smith,
long time friends, who will accompany
her. Mrs. Ferguson will bo the guest of
relatives, her absence to ewer an in
definite period.
Friday evening nt half past seven
o'clock in the Richmond school building
the members of tho Parent-Teachers'
association will give one of their most
interesting programs. The event is to
in every way poisiblo conform tn the
old f'iisiiioncil school entertainments, the
older residents of this part of the city
lo participate. Continues of forty years
or more ag will bo worn, and speeches,
I'ci-itulitins anil exorcises in keeping
with that period will bo featured, in
cluding an old-time spelling contest.
The pictures recently purchased for the
school will be 011 display and a most
orili.il welcome is extended to all who
wish to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. I.i-iu,n 1..CS
uidii.v for Hot Lake, expecting to re
turn ciiurur, wneii tuny will leave lor
Sau Francisco to attend the Panauia
Pneihc exposition. Accompanied by
their children. I limit hv nn.l 'I',,,,,,,,.'-
they will pass tho remainder t,f tlie
muter 111 t.uiunrnia.
Mrs. W. 11. Dalryniple and two small
children, Kvelyn and Orin, left Satur
day for Camas, Washington, where thev
will remain for a month the guests of
Mrs. Dalrymplo's sister, Mrs. Clinton
Superintendent nnd Airs. R. F. Carlton
and run left Sunday nigiit for San Fran
cisco lo pais a few ilnvs nr. Hi.. nv ,,.-i.
The Intest announcement of .... ml i.
teres! among thn younger set is that an
exsbtsive bovs' club
which, when properly organized, will
add much to the enliveninent and gen
ern I gniely of tho junior members el
society. Although the names of the
iiii-iniieis may not lie disclosed as vet,
it is known that the li St will ill. .In.!..
iibttit a dozen popular young men. Kn
teriiiiiiiiieiii lor llteir friends is bein,
plniiiied 011 a large anil most, attractive
'cale, and it is understood Hint 1. w.irt..L
of diiicing parties will conspicuously
iciinuc iin-ir program,
Apiirii iriatelv eoiiitiieiiifiriiiin.i. vr,i.,i. .
ington's birthday anniversary, the stu
dents of Sacred Heart, n I.u'..- ,,,;..;
pated ill a pretty Colonial party at the1
academy last night, the .vuung women
iiiipei-siiiinting famous characters of
Colonial ilit vh.
' I
Tnf' newly-elected officers of the
Woman 'a Alliance of the Cnilnriiin
church will entertain the members an, I
friends of the Alliance Kiidrv after
noon in Chiiuiting hall ( I niln 1 uni
church). All friends and iiienibcts ur-,
eonliiiilv invited t,i lm 1, 1
bring their friends.
After it buiitpiet at the arinorv I10.1
uiirht, tile members nl' 1 '..-iii. i 1
their friends listened to the 'pal riotic
lnoKi.tiii picparen 1 in- tlie ii..iiioii an
the .villain, lor of the i,i,, ... ......
in ilaiieing. The 'entiire u'r ,an
pici wns n nuge i iriiuinv cnlte dei-urnl-ed
in an llnnrollrinte nnuu in 1
of Washington's: birthday, The cuke
was tour feel, lung nnd three teet wob
and tl wns cut into loll pieces nnd serv
cd tn the baiiipicters.
The following was the prognun:
S'lci liiiit ilibsott Mandolin nh ...., ,
l!l""l'"K Miss Hall
"eliding Miss I'ntternoa
Perry Ueigleiua.i
.N .vloi.hiine sole I.erov 1 1 1 , 1 1. 1 ),.,,. ,
''"'' Mlo l 11 v I,. All, 11 I
Shut talks were given bv puna II.
Allen, Cliinles K. t liauiller', .l'in
II0I111111, Walter Npanldiug und Ceni
Wyonnt. Theie w,m,i uliont 1 .-hi p,,,,;
cut at the relebrnl ion, nnd all pro-
"ooii I it to be oiu. of tl,,. .. 1
held I y the lm nl t'oiu any.
-cVY i V I
t MEAD STUFFrn Fnnri
T iSiivh ("renin Applinl in Nostrils t
j Opum Air Passage Uiglu l . J
liistnnt riiliiir.int ......1..... v..
1 1 , , " ""iiiiik
j clogged nostrils opt 11 t Ik It L up; the air
. Passages of your head clear and jiui can
; bienllie freely. No more hawking, sanf
fling, blowing, lieaduehe dryness, No
I itrtiggling fur breath at n'iht ; ' our
com nr eainrrii tltsniipeais.
let a small but I In of Fly's Cream
Halm from your druggist now. Applv
n little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every sir passage of
the head, soothes the Inflamed or swob
len nun (ins ineinbiniie ami relief come
It's just fine. Don't "lay Huffed up
uith a cold or nasty cutairh.
I A. (!. Mager, of this eitv, is in Port
land. A.igust Hug, oCT.a Orande, is ill the 1
city today. j
Lloyd Hell, of Corvallis, was ill the!
city yesterday.
Miss Katheryn Dickson is a visitor
in Portland today.
Walter F. Stolz was a business vis
itor in Portland today.
J. F. Williams, of Salem, is registered
it the Cornelius, Portland.
J. A. Mills, tne real estate man, is
in 1' inland today on business.
(leorge W. Ktarns, of (irants Pass,
is here transacting business,
D. Wolff, a merchant of Tho Dalles,
is transacting business in Salem.
W. K. Walker, of Tho Dalles, was
in toe city yesterday on business.
P. H. D'Arcy was a passenger to
Portland this morning cci the electric.
T. L. Jfillingsley, superintendent of
tho P., E. & K railway, is in Portland
Hurry Smith, general pnssenger agent
of the Southern Pacific, is in the city
lodav on business.
Miss Fern Hobbs, of the industrial
welfare commission, is iu Portland look
.ng alter nusiuess mutters.
A. M. Crawftrd, former attorney gen
eral, of Portland, is registered at the
O. P. Overtoil, an attorney of Wood
hum, is in the city on legal business
N. K. Htnggs, of Portland, superin
tendent of lines of the Home Telephone
Co., la in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Chun-hill, of Al
bany, were week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter M. Smith.
C. H. Webb, who has been in Port
.nnd for several das on business, re
turned this morning.
Joseph Albert was in Ilrooks yester
day to witness tli- school's celebration
of Washington 's birthday.
Dr. M. K. Pomcrit, was a passenger
.'or ."ortlnnd thit morning on the olec
:rie an business.
.lodge Kd F. Cond, city attorney, of
I 'alias, and ex-county judge of Polk
county, was iu the city today on legal
Ilciry Selitieiilif. n, of Oregon City,
returned to his iiome yesterday after
1111 over-Sunday visit with friends in
the city.
Fr.'d H. Hough, r.' Albiinv, associated
with the Oregon Title & Land Credit
Co., was ill the city yesterday on busi
ness. Mrs. A. M. Wilson, of Lebanon, re
lume I to her home today after a
weeK 's visit with her son, V. B. Clilson,
Mo Ciieiheketii. street.
Hay Poineroy, wno is attending the
Oieg.111 medical school at Portland, was
in the city yesterday, visiting with his
fnthei, C, T. Pomcroy.
M'-. fluiss, wife of Dr. (lulss, of
Woodbuni, who lias been cared for dur
ing her illness at Willamette sanitar
ium, leaves for her home tomorrow.
P. M. Mendelsohn, accompanied by
his .vife and daughter, has just arrived
from 1 heir lui'iir ill Fresno, Oil., for 11
visit with his father, Pr. M. P. Men
del tahn.
II. II. Kigliidberger, of Waitsburg,
Wash., who lias 1 11 passing several
lays with the (i. W. La liars, left today
on his way home, stopping off in Poli
te ml.
Hussell Fields nnd llyrou Turner, who
went to Kii.'cne to spend the week-end
with college friends und ntt I tlie in
itiation ceremonies, of the Sigma Chi
fraternity, arrived home, to lay,
ltivnanl Vtck, who lias been in the
enst lor the ast tluee nuuths. return
ed today. Itesides attending to busi
lies s, lie lias been visiting relatives in
Mi 11 10 sola and Wisconsin.
Mrs. o, 0. McCbdl,,,,, ,,f Salem, ar
rived in the city yesterday afternoon
for a visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. .1, A. Alliums. Kiigetic linaid.
Frank Wriglitman und Claud Harrack
wne iu Independence Inst night to at
ti nd :i convention of the Knights of
Pythias. Mr. Wrightinan is n past su
preme 1 hnucellor of the order tit: the
state of Oregon.
'v .- f't . ' '
Ut Col. SWUKfM
Tliis is the eiim who would seed the,
I j 1 1 : -1 sinus 111 1 1 1 air craft imaiiist
tie cne'nv in cii-.e of wnr. He is
1 .1 -1 it 'ti it 11 1 1 olunol Sttnimd i;, lier. chief
of the iM intioii s i 1 14HI. Me is a son iu,
lav of Lieutenant ln'iicui! Miles nnd
MM an expert ballt 1 itist loii,i licfo:e
nvi.iiiou tame io'o ogne. lie Is a
giadinile of West I'oiirt mi, took spe-
" I nin es at the Army War college
and .lull usi lli'pkins unii orsiiy. He
sini lid us it cat id v lieutenant, but has
been a sigin.l corps office,- ii:,e Isi'l.'
A ptefcrred t re.liltir nc.er a-Ks foil
'lis r 1) ae v,
' 1 :
1 Jrf.- iV" - . 1 a.
; 'j
Nu, :-'"':':;i''';'k !
ii-1 1 1 y ' A 1
r t.
Ik'' '
If !
ttfti-J-'..;..;, Jitv U
In this girlish dance frock of peach
blow tnffetn the skirt is slightly raised
at the waist line and shirred to form
a hip yoke, below which it falls in
straight folds nnd is finished with two
rows of shirring and a tiny frill just
above the hem. A bodice of cream
lace is embroidered in silver and strap
ped over the shoulders with shirred
silk and white tulle.
French Remedy for
Stomach Troubles
The lending doctors of France have
lor years used a prescription of voire
table oils for chronic stomach trouble
and constipation that, acts like a charm.
One dose will convince. Severe eases
of years' standing are often greatly
benefited within 21 hours. So many
people are getting surprising results
that we feel all persons suffering from
constipation, lower bowel, liver nnd
stomach troubles should try Mayr's
Wonderful Heinedy, , It is sold bv lead
ing druggists everywhere with the
positive understanding that your
money will be refunded without ques
tion or quibble if ONF, bottle fails to
give yon absolute satisfaction.
The school nt West Wondbiirn, Miss
Mai'dinll teacher, cave a pie social at
the school house Monday nigiit. Febru
ary 11, about 7.") coning fruin St. P1111I.
Aiironi, tiervais end other points. There
wns 1. 11 excellent program, after that
the ''1111 began bv niictioiiiiii! the pies.
I A neat sum was realized, $IS,".'i, which
j will uo for improvements.
Mr. H. S. Marshall took n lead of
jnng people tlom here. Those going
jivire: Mr. and Mrs. Mitrsliall, Misses
.Katharine and Vesta Marshall, Tonine
Petty, Merle Dimiclt, Tressie Cutsforlh,
II eltie lliihv anil Clemeiitinu Maule:
Mess's. I). H. Moses, L. I). Mars, Karl
iileiisiui. Walter Dtisenbcrry, Itusscl
Hume, McMillan .lotics. tlernts Star.
now io net Kid of a
Dud Coiiyh
A Ilenie-Mnile llrmnly that Will
Do II (tultkt). 1 hrnp anil
i.aslly Made
W$Ht-t-H- (MjsiJ.Js; j, js. J.
I.I on hem u had cough or olios!, ,oldi
winch reiii-m t,, ,u., to ordinal v rcnie
tiles, i;c nun an , ilg iil-IhI '2 , tnine,..
01 I nicy (oil e, in., worm 1 , poo"i inlo a
I int lionle nu,! nil (he Uiulc will, plain
liiiiiiii'iilul fttivir sMiip. Si. ut r.ikiag
a tnis.oi.,iiil ,n,iv I, ,. nr (vvo, J O,
leans . 1 1" .u:,:li will be eon, 111,1, , ,,, 1
veiy in n 1 1 v s... .;v,. ., w honplli;; coim'i j.
gteatlv ieiioM.1 in hl, Vi
I lie iik.io lin.luie intikes a full pint
11 luiiulv v.i iil. tit the linen rouL..
s.rao ta.iL no 1,,., ,.oi,, buy - ,11 a cost
id inly ol cents, lasily pteparnl iu i'
iit'ir, ... s. I all di.tviionn w 11I1 1 1 1 n. .
His Piiicx ami Si,,,ir Svmp p,,,,.
rete.,11 ti.kcs 10.1t hoi, o( a coucii .m.i
ems ulioost in IM, relief. It bios.
ens t.ae dry, l.oar.e or tight cough In n
Mir.' t. .if. is ir.iln teniaikiililc, Alse
iit;cktv Icals too inllaund 111, nibrnn,
wli 'i iiieoinpaiiv .1 painful c'ligh. nml
s o s t In torn in f phlegm in
li't nt and biMiiciiiitl tubes, thus eliding
lie pel islet loo t, cougli, l-Aeellent. fill
'ii- It ii i s, siitsi,,,. eroiip ami winter'
couel.s K,,.s po nectly mid tastes good
cl.inlrcn Iimi it.
, l it a r in) nnd liigblv cenccii. ,
tinted I'oiiiiioiiint of g, iiiiiiw Nnnvitv pine,
j'ttiici, nch in gnitiiieol, which is so
healiii: tu I lie incnilu am s. i
lo avoid il:-iip,tiiiitimiit, .k vonr
tltnaglst fo.- -2L. tMinecs of Pinev." do
net accept iiiiMliini: else. A giisisntee
o ahisilutp sat isfitet ion, or inoncv prtunpt-!
IV refunded goes with this preparation. 1
Ihe I'mn i ., I t, W ayne, 1ml. j
New Shipment Just Arrived. Let Us Send One to
Your House for a Demonstration
Portland'Ry. Light & Power Co.
Phone 85
Lachmund Loses the Case
Against Gile & Co. Other
Decisions Announced
"From the whole case it appears
that the defendant (the First National
Hank of Reselling) through its presi
dent decoyed an ignorant old woman,
who relied upon the credit of the bank,
into making an equivocal contract,
whereby she must, probably lose her
money unless the defendant pays it, as
in good morals it ought to do. t'nder
such circumstances courts will not be
astute to senreh for technical reasons
to enable the defendant to escape from
the consequence of a contract made
for it by its chief officer."
Hasing its action upon the above con
clusion the supreme court this morning,
in an opinion written by Justice Mc
Hride, affirmed the decree of Judge
T. ,T. Clceton of the circuit court for
Poiiglas county, in which Fdizuheth
Byron, 11 widow past HO years of age,
was awarded judgment for a balance
of $.1.1!,ri4.'J.i upon her account with the
First, National Pank of fioseburg. The
money wns alleged to have been bor
rowed front the widow's funds on de
posit, in the bank, by its president T.
It. Sheridan and the bank sought to
escape the obligations on tho plea that
Sheridan had 110 right to borrow money
in the iiiinie of the bank without au
thority of the board of directors. The
supreme court finds that the tutus
actions between Sheridan and .Mrs.
H. vrnn had gone on for more than n,
year past nnd that, Inn ing had knowl-j
edge of such transactions, the board of
directors passively if not actively I
acquiesced iu the business relations'
existing hotween the bunk and thej
innocent and trusting widow nnd thej
hank should stand responsible for any!
sums due her. ' j
Lachmund "Stung" For Bill. j
Holding that, inasmuch as the ,le-:
fondant. Louis l.iichiniind, in guarnu-i
teeing the credit of Hubert Ctlisan to
IF. S. (iile & Co., to the amount of s."i)0.
did not exact or make any specifica
tions to the effect that any sums,
which (llisnn might pay on the account 1
with 'Iile Co., should apply tn the'
relief of I.iichiuunil 's giiiiiunlee, thej
supreme court this morning held the
latter liable on his credit agreement'
for the balance of account on a bill ofi
merchandise to the amount of '.'.",0.
Tho opinion is written by dust ice
Burnett and the decree of Judge Kelly,,
of the circuit court for Marion county,'
is affirmed. ' ,
Different In This Case. !
tn a case somewhat similar to the
above the court, in an opinion written
by Justice Burnett, holds that, inas
much as the written agreement of
I. croy i,nmii x lo stand surety for I. IV
Watson lo Uothchild Itros. of Portland,:
011 any credit to Ihe extent uf $."1110,'
was a mere decliinit iin of offer 011
the 1 nl r t of 1 .11111:1 x with nolbing to
show its acceptance or a iniilnalily of
agreement on the part, of Uollnliil.l
Bros., nml is not a valid ,-n 11 1 1 it. t .
I.iiinnx whs sued for 11 balance of
MI7.!3 due Kothcliitd Bros, on ac
count of Watson, for which amount
UulhfhiM Bios, was given a decree bv
.lodge Morrow, of lie circuit court for
Multnomah 1 nty, which decree Js
'oversell iy ibe iippellnnt court ami
the cause reniiiuded. The supreme1
court, however, roi-cnes its opinion
upon the quest ion of whether or tin I the
.'.iiiimiitce is Milid under tlie Oregon
statute ot fiuiiils uhi. h is more string
ent than those of anv other state called
10 the courts attention.
Other cases decided by the court this
iiiorntng were:
Frank O. Blair, losprndoiit. s. West
em ( edar Cinnj rot ; npi'eal from
' ohllobiu count : tn, nil .li,l;.e I lee
tou, ufliiineil, Op'liii 11 by .lisliii'
Fied Wulsiffer. ivqiniiileiil, .
Thomas A. Be, lull, et al ; ni. e:il from
Mullnoinnh eiuinlv; rir, nit .ln.'.:e t loo
ton reerseil. Opinion lie Justice
SI, Johns 1. umbel- t o., ro-p indent,
vs. Kobcit I'i it, et al.; appeal ft inn
Miiltnnini'h eiinntv; Circuit Judge Mm-,
row nftiiiiied, Opinion by Justice
II. C. McPonell. respo,t, i, I, t s, 1.
f,. Cnroihers; appeal from Marion
'oiinty; 11, lion to -eitlo dispute over
location of bouiidnit line between
properties of litigants; 1 innit .lad.:e
itillnwiiv affirmed. Opinion bv .Iii"
tire Ben it.
Former opinion iu faor of respond
ents was adhered In in the cn-e of
Oregon Lumber V Fuel t 0.. rcspoiiibyit,
vs, Oak Nolan; appeal from Mull noinali
county. Action to foieetoso tut tner-
This Is the Sweeper That
Takes the Work Out of
Spring House Cleaning.
'VI w.?
' ti s
I . ' I d t,
'J w
. &J (fop. EvirriiNe)
The evening' gown illustrated is of
pale pink gnldenrnd satin veiled iu
while daphne silk. Over this is drap
ed a splendid overdress of crystal bend
ed silk net. The gown falls' with (ire
ill 11 simplicity of line from (he shoul-
Specialist Explains Cause of
Siompxh Trouble
Vr.lti.tlilo Advice to Sufferers.
"There lire many different forms of
stomach double," said a well-known
specialist recently, "but pi Helically all
nie tin, cable to excessive acidity' and
food fermentation. That is why the
resull'i obtained from ihe use ((f diuusj
lire usually so disappointing. Admit )
ling fermentation nnd consequent neid
itv of the food contents to bo ihe nu
deilving ,.iiiM of most forms of in
digestion, it iniliirally follows thai Ihe
use of a I'elialde antacid, such as h,.
pure i'isiu.ited nifigtie in wlii'di is so
freipieiitle pi escribed by pli sicinns,
will pro, lo. e .belter results limp any
knii.tn driiir or eoinbinul ien oT drii-s.
Aci oiilicyiv I almost invariably adi-e
those tlio eointiliiin ef digestive tionblc
I, i L'et some bi-oriied maeiiosia inote
the 'Ol iiiefully as other fenns are
illl.llitl'bli' for this piniiose.1 from
their .llcridst ,'inl tal,,' fioni "lie to
'w,i tei nfnls of Ihe p.'Wder. or two
n r iniu npi'i s' id tablets. with. 11
little water ic'ter .lis. This ,, j,.
nieduit-Ov ii.-ii 1 n I i in c the iti id and
stop! 'pi; the f.'"ti,,'t'i:iiiini, rcnoM's the
cause 01' all tpo ir"oble and iuiire
t'o'ioal 1111 I heatllii' il tcsl ion, "
, haiioi'-o I;
1 'pinion bv 1 Iii.
lice .Meoie.
In the lentler of ,li t." tiii'-u-i-oi ,,f
rolali'o t'thts of waters of Soi'li
Powder river. In Baker nnd I'uioii
enmities, former opinion adhered to,
Opinion bv chief Justice Moore.
Petition for rehearing denied in ease
of "In 1 11 s. Bird, appellant. . Lucre! in,
Mary Mnco 1111J Martin X. Jlnvii; up.
peal fro'ii Clatsop enmity, opinion bv
Justice llei'rou, ' i
2 j
1 :
Arcltltect George M. Post Presents
Blue Prints at Board Meeting Last
Night Approval Expected.
rians for the new Junior High school
to be erected in South Salem were sub
mitted by architect (ieorge M. Post to
the School board at their regular meet
ing lust night.
Jit'. Post sun: bitted several prelim
inary studio of the building ami the
board adopted plans, embodying the
best features tVmt tho different speci
fications submit 'cd.
The new school building will be SH
feet long in its Jrontest length and 75
feet wide. The e will he ft main en
trance on High street nnd tine ut. each
end of the biiilung. In the basement,
there will be a playroom 2!) by ,18 feet
for the boys and one nf tho same size
fur the girls. The rest, of the base
ment will be given to the heating and
ventilating apparatus and lockers.
The first floor will have four elns
rooms, each 24 by IIP feet with 11 ward
robe for each of the rooms. The sec
ond floor will have the same rooms and
artaiige.tnents as the first floor, ex
cepting the principal's office will be
located on the second floor.
The building will be constructed of
either hollow tile or bricls, with pressed
brick facings. The facings are of light
buff or . white brick. It will be pos
sibly a month before specifications are
complete, rendy to be placed into the
hands of contractors for bids.
Tho question of naming schools wns
1m 011 1.' lit before the board. Klncrson
school was favored for the Fast Salem
school and lleKinlev for the new school
to be built, but. no definite action wns
Letters were received from the
Salem trades council urging that local
contractors be favored in the construc
tion of tlie new school.
I'ninn of Frnterunl, Keligioiis, Civic,
Industrial and Other Organizations
iand Citizens of Salem for Mutual Aid.
: Refer all calls for relief or aid to
the Center. It is made up of all otiiei
relief agencies of the city ami hence it
is equally yours. By using it. you ren
der ull septiriitu relief boards and agen
cies unnecessary and thereby save cost,
trouble and wastu in duplicated effort.
iand expense.
j Appeals for food, alms or lodging by
j transients at your doors, should be re
! ferred to Center's headquarters for
men (Men's club) ilit) Ferry street. If
you wish to give theni food in return
for services 11 book of ten meal tickets,
costing $1 will stive its cost ninny times
nor. A meal ticket will give them
food and food only.
Relief for Local Families, Women anil
rood, clothing, fuel, medical trent
intuit, etc.-- Mrs. W. F., Anderson, elinii
man relief committee, ltUV Couit
street. Phone iilUl-M, It to 12 a. 111. He
prepared to give name, address, etc..
correctly, and be sure the need is gen
nine. Mere rumors often give busy
workers uniieccssuiy trouble.
Employment for Men.
Centers free employment bureau it
Men's clnii, ti'.il Ferry srreef, pinna
l:MI". Free to employer and employ,.
Thro'iyli it the entiie city x'lps fin I
cork for the unemployed.
Employment for Women,
liefer ull up licant.i to Mm. A.
Btisli, chairman indii-trial coinni ;t 1, .
for women, Y. W. C. A 2.ri7 Norili I il
city si n et. I ll, oie liSlfi.
Pollutions of food sti.ffs such in.
1111 lit, Ik litis, flour, si'u tr. ooteloe .'
fruit, etc., would be on helpful, I'lo .
will reach relief department if ;,.nt ,.
county judge ut tin rt ho..:-o.
Scratched -
40 Years
Used D. D. D.,
AH Ilchlnfl Cone I
Th!s Is the nctuat eTperlenre nf Ann.
I roll,,! II H.i II 1 .1 1 1 os .1, l 'n 1., w 1 1 i I lie won
del Tut 1'. 11, II. I'I c.ei i,ll,,
TV T n. in the proven Koroma t'uin
Ihe Mi U.I wash lll.it kivcs lnslii.u roll, r
Iu nil terms of shin it'oiii'ie
I'l' .inscs the skin nf all Inipniitlos
was 10. nwiiy blot, lies nn.l pimtiies,
, " tl"f "i "k'n "'I'oolll tltiil h.illbv
l.s that of a 1 hllil.
(icl s Sac Imllle of this wonderful
c.'cms Curt) tiitluy am) keep a in u,
115 Souih Coiniiicrcl.il
1 -