TWO. THE SAUM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAXEM, OREGON, BATOUDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1915. . i inn. i,.; ipnu .iii.iii m, ww... i .... !. iin.i ii- 1 I i. .V ; 'i ' ' - : ... : u ..j.. l... .u-....,,..- .w.ui.Lj MISS MARY SCHULTZ Popular violinlste, presented at the Urge Pearce-Steusloff musicals givon recently, and who will, as a member of the Portland Amateur Sym phony orchestra, appear at their April concert as aololst for William Wal lace Grulmn. Miss Schultz will alio play with Miss Marguerite Flower and Miss Bernice Sauter when the foniicr makes her roturn appearance musically In Albany, early lu March. THKIiK wiiv Din ny events of a no-' pt-inluil from above, those? same flow cuil untiiro Ibis week which won1 it?', filling wall baskets placed at in well worthy of notice, beginning ' tenuis about, tbo bnlconv rail, the cor- wan tno i ncrrinu bull .Mommy evening, nnd including bther affairs conspicuous nature; and these, the tact that the pcnetentinl was ushered in VviHlnosdnv. the leRislatois, wno have pa't or the time during tile Halt in, have 'molred iniinv gatherings, almost all of them being of more or less complimentary nature for same visitor from out-of-town, i '"""J vius iih' luriyuay law-, nmkiug penod, ami mnrks the departure : ot nuny prominent snlons and their wies, wno nave mane iiiemseives very popular during their stay In tho Capital city. Their exodus will neoesjurily les Hon (social activity to some extent, and Lent, while It no longer hotyls the ter-' ruffled styles of many dozens of years era sf lonliness and isolation tlint coin-J ago, basques, tunica anil sashes being netemed It a few years ago, is chin-1 particularly noticeable, icteriied by the abstemious spirit which 1 Mr. and' Mrs. Miltiri Meyers led the is annually revided to a sufficient de jgrend march, Governor Withvcoinlic ar il ree to pjaco tile ban an large or elabo- j riving shortly utt.orwaids, the program iHte enlertiiiunients. :ccs?ating wiiile representatives of the Figuring thai this season will put a Hesarians of I'oillaiid niuilc liim an Oiddeiotc dumper on eocial tipontaneity, l ouo-oiy iiieinbei of their organization, tliere is ,oli' mid mntdring, for iii.itnnce, I The innic for the program, which to tu;,e the place of tile larger bridges was lonplotod with twenty numbers, lird tens. ,ind although t lie weather is; wus furnished by too 1'ee'rless orehes us yet a trifle variable, one notices that tiu, ihe attiaclively oi nainenled cards the .Ji;y are gradually lengthening and beiii j passed to tiie dancers as they that I DC dalfodills and crunsns are were forming for the grand march by strm-gling lor a bro'ith of Oregon air I and miiihine, and that already there Is ...Lil. il : ...i , Btinue snrring everywliero in response 1o tin first thrill of that miracle which we tail spring! j I Tho annual ball of the Cherrians, wuicii parrooK or inc nuture ol a large informal valentine i.artv. eiven i th.. nrrnory Monday night, 'was the event pre eminent of the week, eclii slmr all other affairs taking place for some time In social interest and linportnee. Large-! lv nrtn,lc,l It ! l,nr.,,..,l.l. able and artistic in every detail. Pmm'l-! uent Cherrians had been working svs- trmuticBlly for its succo?s for weeks previous, the result of their efforts he - nig a delightful surprise to all who! wire fortunate enough tube in attend-1 nf,,s. Divniutlnlia mrr .,.1 .... U elaborate scale nnd yiuuostiiiD In everv - -- way possible Nilnt Valentine's day, Here cleverly perfected hv II. W. Utile A luigo pergola done lii white formed Ike orchestra Mage on the north side o!" the tall room, miuiuture bay tree beinji placed before the larger suiiport - lug columns, pulms, fern and vinina ' . "nmng ine oao. ivm and real- Islie Autralii;n rose garluiids Irelllsed rue improvised s.ruoturo, also ileching similar arrangement used for the, niui u uuoin, nam inspiaying naca- ground of soft toned hand done . es. ! Uige art baskets Idled with rose hiirsosis and their foliage were su-! I L-?TmTTmmTm' . J ...... J. .... 75c and $L00 for Night Gowns ON Beautiful Material The NEEDLECRAFT SHOP 325 Statt St. phon 925 were formed of lattice .. .1 L I transforming the supposedly iiiicom 'promising interior into a wonderfiillv ! attractive bower, I no ninny neuunnil gowns of t lie women, together with the iiiunaciiliite unir iiins ot the Chernan hosts, added Dsts . tins espo- a cnarming ncinii. .Many of lettes liad been Bocurod for cial eccnsion, but despite tiieir newness,1 reflected the short, full-skirted and bo. two onull imiids, Francos Dick, froeked 1 in white lace, and Kiitheriiie Hartley, lu , -. . . . . ' ' white frock and duel: hi tiu bolem. Annum llni.., ir.,.,. n,,i.r...... Mr. .ind .Mis. (leo go H. Staplotou, of fan Francisco, guests of the Georg' Calmer Putnam; Mr. und Mrs. 10. H. Holt, .Miss Matilda lleadlund, Miss hen.. pKn v. t n u i. ( io.;ier, Morrill Moore and C.V ( lio- Ion. or Purlland. inelii.linu . ,,,i,.. r otlier visitors in the city. Among the more ii(.:iccnblo gowns .1 .... .i... n . . Mrs. W. Melvin Plimpton-Apricot crop, do eliine, combined with chiffon and lovolv .Spnni,;, Ker ,n worn wit, tuiniioise' girdle Mrs. Asahel Hush Rush Hiuidsieni. wliit.i i overdress ii'dori d with silver ' oyers-liundsome black satin gown with jcxniilsitolv onibri ! l ... XI : I. M .. I .-.'-, ..II. ...II ..IVM'IB I III IIUHlimil II nil ii oinbrwi..,...! ..,,.1 .,. i.i .., .. i ners of which ui ii ii",-.., iuni"t-mviiicii, ijuiiiiiios ui ocuris, u.-u U.........I w cu.. I u-.. "i"", " ' ., in. mill .urs. u. . , despite wero suspended from thete to the een-!,','., , ' I u ii i Imms, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. season ter jf the ceiling, where they wore so- ,,, lvi,. ', .,,.,: , ,' ' ni,''"K Mr. and Mrs. A. C. wives ot cure.i wmi a largo heart rormcd rr i .. m-.. l... ; ir. r,. m. i .icrry, .Mr. been passing : roses. Soft colored clones screened the ! ' ... '. . . . ', , " v. i . I'ultin, Mr. and Mrs. E. session in lights and completed tho decorative , w' i .,, Pi''i' ', flml Ml'"' ' 'arnev, of thes." I iclieiiio, which was successful in entirelv 1 ii.... Mrs. hdcar Gcnrhart. Mrs 'low satin " "nrbara Steluer were asked to assist, i Mr- i 'i.,,..n.. mi !..... i.i...'Mrs. George L. Rose holding the score, crepe de chine,' bmvn fur and luee tilui'iiii.L! with louche of ..,.ii ..i thineitoiie gainitiiie ' Mrs. John J Roberta Taffeta unwii of m w sen croon with white In.. giuin-i. ; ' Mis. Charlc L. Dick- lleeoming gowi uf ol.l rose broadcloth. M s. F.. II, Holt, of Pui-titind-Pocii i-er self color satin rose latin i tiilt'oii ov flounces and bodice ornamented with inoncev fur. Mi.' ( liflord Brown Figured white 'j;. 1 . j inot cer white, designed after the new full-skirted, many flounced models and worn with an obi rose basque and sash. Mrs. Komeo Gould White Char mouse, shadow lace overdrnpe, made up with pale pink. Mrs. David Eyre Lip;ht blue satin, with jeweled and embroidered laee over dress. Mrs. William MeOilehrist, Jr. Black laco ever white satin. MrB. I). I. Howard Black laee over Hack satin. Mrs. Zudoc J. Riggs Peacock blue gown, with lace elaborations of the sain? shade over white chiffon. Mrs. Goorgo F. Rodgors Gown of ! medium green silk designed with white net r.nd gold garniture. Mrs. Earl McMeciian White crepe de chine, elaborated with beautiful lac-?. Mrs. Joseph fteinhart Gown of whits satin and laee. Mrs. Homer Goulet Pink charmeuso boiirarth white lirvo robe, embellished with pearls. Mrs. F. I!. Peokabaeli Black spang led net over black sntin. M.s. H. J. Wendeiiith Ivory-toned crepe do chine, relieved with touches of green rind beautiful lace. Miss Altltea Moores Yellow meteor, combined with white net and I pink rosebiirils, I lii-s Marie Hofer Mack chiffon j oviT-dress with apricot satin founda tii. ' Vis Mnrjorie Marvin Bright blue 1 sin i ii frock, spangled lace tunic, wcirn I v.i' !i cerise giidlo. Miss Veda Cross Light blue satin fn k, ornamented with lace. . riss K?thcr ('arson White lace over white crepe rle chine necordiaa pleated ' foi 'I'lntion, combined with npplo preen taf via basque and snuh. j J iss Lucille Bell White chiffon no i for ian pleated over white silk; girdle ton lii's on f'rrt-k of new blue. Miss Matilda Headland, of Portland : Old rose inossaline frock used in combination with ecruc Ince. Miss Kuiinne Craig White chiffon frock, acconlinn pleated, worn over white. Miss Eugenia Bell t'liarineuse frock combining pastel siiades, laee, and hand painted girdle and sash. . Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush and Miss Aline Thcnipson jworo guosts of Mason Ehrinnn for the hockey games in Port land TucHdoty, who also entertained, t li em as dinner guests. . Five charming women who have been visiting in tho city, Mrs. R. K. Butler, .lf , .,,,.,. i,'',i. 't i,..' n. w.J. 1 ..V ..l w, l.lll III 1HV eillDB, ..i: l...i , . i . ........ ... I vv... ,r.. . , '. ' h ." V... I -' "J toll i,. Hovers, nssisleil hv Mrs. R. F. t steiner Mrs It n fllini, o I uis, t ' i'. , "linger ,,, d b tiiei'M,",, 1 "yr , rr'u M:r" lmro,ls rtM.el,tl,,M lilu,(, with M "'K'' I' Miss Constance F, a.,.. , fni.ia u. .,,,, i u , fft-icil Rfeai clusters of pussy willows, t'nr.l ,'.., S "Z wore awarded lo Mrs. Wagner nnd! Mrs. Clvdn Culinrn nneh ..f . h 1.,.,. i guests being complimented with a pret - ty corsage bouquet. ... ,.. ., , ,, , . 0 , .Miss Helen Met ornaok, of Spokane. wno is attending the t'nive.rsity of Ore- gon, will be tho week-end guest of MiAs i ataerinc i arson. Mrs. Fred M. Slu lley ud daughter, vtl tVlT 'il'""V, ?' KT' lorn, wno nave noon extensively enter-1 tained in Portland, will arrive in Halvui S,""!i'V rVvv"!,"tt Xnr hTW t''"lU ol All. William C. hniHiiton .lor a n. ""la "', '"c'r .li;i'"rtu."' l.orto remain for u fortnight the guest of Mnil I- rn net sen M re k inn ilnn .mi. ! , - , ,, . , . .Mrs. Miiaiiion is giv- tea for her guests on Monday Inlteiuoon, other friends to contribute Ilo .liolr entertainment during their i brie." stny. 1 ' i ' 3'' he plessme of out-of-town vis-; l',orM in fi,v' Wr"' "rown entertained with two delightful nfteinoons of bridge Thursday and Frl- I flay. ' ! Mrs. Frnl W. Waancr, wife of Rep. 1 ''''"'V1' WK"ier, of Ashland; Mrs. I A1 ,,om'''' 'if, of Hepresentativo 1 'onM; f l""'l'h, and Mis. Jesiw Kvans i ln 11 1''"', of Portland, wero honored uu riffl oeension, simple effective dec - 'nrn,ij'1" of 'lf'odills and pussy willows remaiiiing the same for both affairs. I Ml'" " ,"", Mis Gertrude fu- . ... . ining'inni, .Mifs Jessie Myers und Misl"","!,,e place, red and white earna r1'''''' n'"r,'Ml11' t'"!'''. Other out - ,uf',ow" ets wore Mrs. 8. H. Huston jWifoot ReprescnUitive Huston, of Port - , Mv" W- ' v'ter, wife of "eproseiitative awter of Medford. Friday 's bridge complimented Mrs. E. l. ( tisiek, wite of Senator Cusick, of 1 Alhuny. Guest oil till day were, fur! ' 1110 i"'l,,,'r part, girlhood friend of the im"""' R""1'. ho before her marriage , Ml"" tlm'' ot ,h,, well-. knnwu family of name of Salem, j Ml'"' M'1I,,M Xl,,.v'". M". Khner T., , Midden and Mrs. II. II. Olinger were i the assistant. Miss Margaret Gray, of zonule, noiitiug nigh score, Mr. Andrew 0 Smith, wife of Ropre- scnttitive Smith, of Portland, was an additional out tit town guest. Felicitation lire finding their way to Air. and Mr. Snmnel L. Mountain, who ire made happy by the arrival of a1 Mr. snd Mrs. ! T. Biisello, Mr, and mall sun, bom this morning. Mi. , Mi. T. W. Davis, Misses Martin, Moeh Mountain was formerly Miss Gnynl 'er, Fariiiigton, and Messrs. Dearborn, Kellogg, a M?polnr musician. j of Cji vallis; Aitcherns and E, Oatrnn- " dr, Pertlanl and Ellis. Golden daffodil! nnd gray j,usy ... wlllo.vs eoinbined most attisetlvely nt' Vsiug intriotic decorations to- sug deco'.itioi.s for her heme Wednesday , gt-st the aniiivcr?arv of Washington ' i afternoon, when Mis. R. E. Downing entertained her bridge club, asking .Mrs. Louis l.avlimuiid, Mrs. John Cirif fith, Mrs. Edwurd S. Tillinghast and MrB. Asa Eoff tu assist her. Six tables were arranged about the rooms, a large number of additional guests enjoying the diversion, honors falling to -Mrs. John Albert. Non-members present wero: Ms. R. E. Lee Steiner, Mis. Milton Meyers, Mrs. Edwin Baker, Mrs. Lawrence T. Hunts, Mm. R. T. Boise, Mrs. Frank D.irbin, Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs. Wil liam McGilchrist, Mrs. Frank Myors, Mrs. Max O. Huron, Mrs. W. Al. Jones, Mrs. B. Jccies and Mrs. John Cnugiiill. Club members are: Mrs. John Albert, Mrs. Asa Eoff. Mrs. Joseph Alhert. Mrs, John Griffith, Mrs. John II. Scott, Mrs. Iuia Lachmund, Mrs. H. J. Bean, MrB. Lenta Wcstacntt, MrB. Edward S. Tillinghast, Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding, Mrs. R. B. Good in, Mrs. John D. Sutherland, Mrs. T. B. Kay and Mrs. Charles Robertson. Mrs. Rollin K. Page entertained the Merry-Go-Kound Bridge club Tuesday evening, curd honors falling to Mrs. William Brown and William ThiolBen. . "The marriage of Miss Mary.Eakin and George T. MoCloau," says the As torian of last' Siindav, "took place at eight-thirty Wednesday evening at rue noino o( the bride a parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Enkin, Rev. W. S. Gilbsrt, officiating. The house was beautifully decorated with greens and spring flowers, foiming a woodland bower for the eercniraiy. The living room was garlanded with ferns and a profusion of roses, The bridal table was decorated 'with yellow, jonquils and hows of yellow tulle boing used with wonderful effect. Before the ceremony, Miss Maude C. Ross sang M.arvis' and Mis.i Fnye Ball played tho .vodding march. "The bride was a dainty picture in a gown of white pussy willow taffeta with a court train, the bodice of taf feta nnd Princess laco ornamented with a bonutifiil Ceylon moonstone hrno'-h, set in pearls and diamonds, the gift of the groom. She wore the conventional tulle veil and cap. The bridal bouipiot was n shower of bride roses and orchids. "Miss Nell Thielson, the mnid of amor, wore a gown of apple green taffeta with draperies of malino nnd embroidered net. She carried an armful of Killamey loses tied with pink tulle. "Mrs, W. T. Eakin, mother of the bride, was ekai'iuing in lavender bro- called channelise with touches of violet color and a corsage of violets. Mrs. George Shaw, sister of ' the groin, wore an effective gown, black chifto:! tunic over rose messnliiie, with n bouquet of roses the same shade. "The most man wus Judd Whitman. The bride was given into the keeping of her husband by her father. "After the ceremony a buffet supper was served unit the bride and groom received tho congratulations of their many friends who were present: Mrs. M. Washburn, Mr, and Mrs. Jnmos Eakin, Mrs. Geo. Chew. Mr. and Mrs. mlf "'K I'nltou, M.r. and Mrs. A. V. ... . II. w T I. 1..', li lt ic hard Rose, Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith, Mr. and A. Nl.., II I .... ii, ., ' """Si '. WHO OJ.B. IV. CI. lllIDOrl. Alia) Maude Ross. Miss Favp Hall. SfiiM I.en o tin M!a l. Li .. ..' ' ' ' ' M I-0Jt M,m "OSf Heed, Miss Wiunifred Van Onsen IM,H Chrystnl Guenther, Miss Toss iss ' " -e- ..i..iin i ii n i u ill I? rill- , ,,!.. n., , .... j i.i,, uniirruru llogers, '!,.Ki1"' : A Vogi,n,ro: " r 1 ""'I". -Morwyii luiisbeiry, ; ' 'LhT ,!, J -A' ,"'':'l'" '"' I'hHip Jerry. I lie young couple are spending ""'ir iiiiicmioon in Vancouver ,Nnin., " and Mrs. Henry W, Meyers entertained her bridge club Thursday afternoon, iLskinu V inm Unri.ithii n..u.. -e u....i.. al,a .diss Vedn Cross to assist her. The trophy was given to Mrs. Thorn a l.lvolcv I ' .. Ml"' S,'-Vmn"1' '! ittU daugh- t. 11111. t.....i...., m. r ....... i, ".-in ii, juiuuuii iniirsoav Mi. si,,n'v ....u ii G. N. Mar- .hull ' ... A valrul ine party ehannlngly planned J a nd .li ligliMul in every respect was the " 'enug ol sir. mid Mrs. ( url Hmith , ' , (''. ,m'a ' I moors of tin railroad commission, wiviw ami Iriends, at the homo I of the former, Thursday evening. Ho- eilving with them were Mr. and Mrs. ! ."'"; Mdlor, Mr. and Mrs , Thomas - ' "iplioll and C. B. AitcUeson, of 1 ,,'i',m'' . I in'' entertaiiiimmt rooms displayed 1 W ieeorations iu keeping with Haint ! V "lin ' 'l.v. se.i.eiuo erf red I "d while being noticed thioughout. J"' of hoarta were used in every . . . . ... ' 'I""' 'nling frugrant floral touch. i ruvor" I" keeping with the valentine 1 " ". wore given the guests, ' M V"n 111 'v"'enoe ill thi 1 voil,ilion. i "Uiarts contributed hugely to the evening s eiiti rlainment, six. tubles be- 1UH M".ved, awards falling In C. H. Aiteheson and II. H.Corey. Valentines were prmlded, Mr. Green and Miss i Giiida Smith distributing them to each guest. The piiueipal feature of the af- 'all', however, ws the splendid musical piogiam, lenluriug eelebrltics an the Vlcti-oln, the printed folder announcing the numbers being uniquely arranged to suggest n quite famous recent case j.'oming ncmie tne commission. (iiots at (hi delightful event wore: Mr, . iul Mrs, F.ank .1. .Miller and son, liinillin: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KJ n'liinidiell ud son .Thoinns, Jr.; Mr. and j '.Mrs. II. H. Corey, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, 1 Mu -land, Mr, ami Mr. Le Hoy l.eedy, n.rili, Mis, 1 Marios t Elgin entertaincJ j iiii ,. enarminiriy appointed ene 'rick Kih(,.i Thu.sduy, asking toj her home the members of her informal club and a number of guests addition ally. Flags, Oregon grape and patriotic novelties ornamented tho rooms, making a beautiful background for the guests. Small cards, decorated with flags and hatchets, marked the places lor each of the. twelve guests, a patted primrose, surrounded by miuiuture flags, center ing ihe table. Mrs. George Scbnefer was asked to assist, the guests being Mrs. Julia Bross Pinnell, Mrs. H. W. Bross, Mrs. I). Brunner, Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Victor Bono, Mrs. John Pollock, Mrs. Rore Kightlinger, Mrs. Bradford, all club members, and additionally; M rs. W. B. Sessoo, of Renu, Nevada, ami Mrs. Roma Hunter. Mrs. M. J. Sharkey and daughter, Miss Margaret Shuiuov,- of Portland, are the house guests of Mrs, ShnrUey 's daughter, Mrs. James E. Ileenan. For their pleasure Mrs. ileenan entertained very informally during the week. They will remain until the latter part of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson, prominent residents of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, are being enter tained as fortnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Earl Eyre. They are enjoying the mild Oregon winter to the fullest extent, and before their return home will visit leisurely in Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria and othei larger cities of tho northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Kyre, who arc also large land owners in Saskatchewan, expect to return to that place in a month or so to take up their permanent residence. . Miss Anna Sc'nirmer entertained with a valentine card party at the home ol Mrs. A. C. Scbaffer, on Mission street, Tuesday evening. "Hearts'' was tho diversion, being played at five tables, Mrs. Taul Mauser receiving high score nnd Miss La Verne Gibson the consola tion prices. The renins were decorated with hearts, cupids, red carnations and pussy willows, red candles and shades prettily completing the decorative mo t.if. A dainty collation was served and several music selections were given by Miss Hernice Clark during the evening. Aho'it twenty-five guests wero present. Mr. and Mrs. Jauieu Fit.water are rejoicing over tho birth of a little daughter, born on Saint Valentine's day, who will bo named Murio Jose phine. This is tne third grandchild of Rev. and Mrs. S. S. Mnmey, Mrs. Fit. water being fonueily Miss Eupiieinia Mumcv. 'Hrown of llarvunl,'' as predicted, Irew splemlid houses both Tuesday nnd Wed.iosdnv nights. Members of the Ar- tisan lodge, under whose auspices the nlav wits eiven. niul wlioiie nnll lonni was the beneficiary of the two perform nnces, were enthusiastic patrons. One theater party, composed of the follow ing, occupied the first rows of the bal cony Wednesday night, representing the Arto-I'risco gills and their lodge: Miss Horn Andresen, Miss Stanis Aiidresen, .Mis (Stella Wilson, MIhs Pearl Collins, Miss Mabel Hrnssfield, Miss Florence Smith, Miss Kuhy linker, Miss Audrey Hicks, Miss Tennie Hewley, MisB Ada Zosel, Miss Olive Cnsto, Miss (leo Ken non, Mrs. Maude Rudolph, Mrs. Stella Martin, Mrs. II. I). St. Helens, Mrs. May Cook, Mrs. May Smith and Mrs. B. L. Charlton. ... An added interest has been given to the musical activities of Hiilem by the announcement that John Clnire Mon toith, one of the must successful vocnl teachers of Portlend, will spend each Monday in Sa(cin. For several years a number of Mr. Montoith 's pupils, who make their home in Salem, have urged him to make weekly trips to this city, and it was in rcspnuse to a class formed by those students that tiie arrangement have been made. Salem has a constantly growing colony of iiirslm? entrusiasts and i onnoisseurs, and no doubt seme uf tho younger maids and matrons will give a considerable share of the spring and summer months to tho study of the voioo. Mr. Monteith is not onlv'knowii as a successful teacher but is known alLings, Hazel Anderson, Merle Du Rotte,'" Albany, or in any community in the over the northwest as eoncert singer. Addi Hart, Olive Csldheek, Laura Com. I tte, cau hardly be exaggerated,' In these, days when touchers give opinions, Lnra Minton, Iua ProUor and "'u governor, their public singing this iB a rare com-! Dorothy Ranch, mezzo sopranos; Arvillai "I consider the order an important binntion, and Mr. Montoith attributes Conn, Teresa Fowle, Ruth Bedford, T,.. fiu-tor in the development of tho com success in both fields to the splen-1 In Amsler, Lenore Thompson. Flora Pat- ' monwenlth. o arc fiirtiinate in liy did methods of nsini; the voice taught torson. Venita McKinnev, Marie I.cisi, ''?-' he w iI'i""cH?t ! 7i . "fu" in the old Italien bol canto school. Lo-1 F.llen Savage, Francis Goodenough and : c"ltl,,Hl K1'1". of ho )J",U'J "tei thl) cal audiencos have had many delightful opportunities of hearing Mr. Montoith as a soloist, for he has sung a number of concert engagements in this city. The mo, recent or tnese vns a big musicnie given by two prominent matrons lit the Hotel Maiinn when all society turned out to hear tho visiting aitists. Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis were, din ner hosts Thursday evening, entertain iug with Veil eover.i, Pink carnations centered tho board, cherry place cards marking each cover. The guests were: Judge and Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bnker, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. McClollan, Mis Calista Moore and Mr. Powers. Five hundred wus played later until the floor j cleared for dancing, rounding out a most delightful evening. Maxinn Xve 1 Inch, the small daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. I'liich, cole Listed her fourth birthday niiniversnrv tins atlereoou with a pretty children 's nartv, given at the Nye residence, MM Ssglnaw street. Patriotic decorations uecKct ine rooms, tiny hatchets being given each little guesl s a favor. Those who were asked to .participate were: Henrietta Bishop, r lorence ..i-iivi-' , m.ry iMgn 1 11 iiki-i , I'liniui unser, u.cnarti MBKer, .Msrcaret 1 nomp- son, Kiivn.ond Mnnrer Mavnnrd S,-hiiei- .l..v rl....i ThMnii.nH l. 1. ........ 1 ii, lion.. Willisus, Nathan Wllliums, Vic- tor Wolfe, Inni'se Schneider, Lois and : i ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRA ORDINARY Complying with repeated and urgent requests John Clatro Moutelth. Voice Builder and Coach, will be in Salem en Mondays. Only a few ninre pupil can be accepted. Interviews by appointment only. Phone ".-J."i-.I. ! ! ! ii NEW The advance guard of the New Spring fashions has arrived and awaits your reviewing. The styles are so distinctly different from those to which the past season has accustomed you that it is impossible for us to con vey' to you a true sense of their beauty. Make it a point to see them. NEW Suits Dresses Coats Neckwear Gloves . Hosiery PICTORIAL Where Shopping is a Pleasure U. G. Shipley Co. LIBERTY STREET Horis Nye. An event of considerable interest, scheduled for March second, is the an nual inspection ball of Company M, O. N. (!., which will take place ill the ar mory. Military and patriotic decora lions will bo used, special music and drill work to feature the alf.iir. Major I,, and Mrs. Carle Abrains will load the griin.l march. Captain and Mrs. Gelil- liar, First. Lieutenant and Mrs. Roy!, Neor and Second Lieutenant ami -Mrs, Louis K. Juilson coming next ill line. A pleasant surprise was given Mr. and Mis. J. W. La Hare Friday even- . - I -fl r I .. l , , " ",r- , . 1 ' T i Y0"1 1 ,"'"'y- wu , ,ul . , u B, I . - tiful birthday cake ornamented with tho numerals representing his years and lighted with candles. Mr. e-id Mrs. J. E. Brophy spent Thursday and Friday in Albany the ......... 0 r. .....1 M ra Irllmr l.dflnr ii. i i... ... i:.... .1... n:..l.i...,nl. I .nr. moiniy niiciiiini uiu iiii ici in anniversary of Albany's B. P. 0. E. Th.i lirophys will spend tho week-end with Mrs. Brophy 'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. MoCorklc, of Turner. Mr. and Mrs. George Riches are pass ing the week-end in Roseburg the guests of Mr. und Mrs. M. J. Carman, the latter being a sister of Mr. Riches. A large numbor of high school Rr'H have enthusiastically taken up musical work with Miss Mimietta Magers, who has ,ju:d been appointed director of chorus work in tueir bcIiooI. a large numher of both girls and boys have been tried out for tho two glee clubs, many excellent voices being found. The girls' organisation is composed of Gussie Niles, Grace McDonald, Helen Hogiie, Hazel MeOilehrist, Ruth Hoi lister, Gladys Htovous, Altliea Esch, Ag nes Hallseil, Nellie Patterson, Ellen Snvaore. Lillian Slater. Vesta Smith first sopranos; Celia Wilson, Grace far.; rar, Essie Goodenough, Madg-) Oook-! lima Siimorlin, altos. . . if!))! jc ! I j. CLUBS M US GEORGE B EYRE was at home Thursday afternoon to the members of the Willamette Lim ited club, at her residence on North Capitol street. Mrs. Roy S. Melsen was an additional guest, and also the hos tess' assistant. Those present were: Mrs. Carle Ab rains, Mrs. Fredrick Thompson, Mrs, Floyd I'tt-r, Mrs. Albert Siewort, Mrs. i Grover Bellinger, Mrs. Hull Reeves, Mr. Lee 1'nruh, Mrs. Winfiold Ennnel, 1 Mrs. Otto Wilson, Mr. Roy Shields,! Mrs, Elmo White, Mrs. George Woods, Mrs, James Hcltzol, Mr. Paul John son, Mrs. George Fox will meet all girls, woo would like to know about Camp I ,.ir(, W(irk Wednesday, Fobrunrv 24, at 4 ,m jn the lihnll.v ,itorim j .,. .11 Winter street'). "Mrs. Fox I ,,,; t ho wrK ulld tM,rp wi, he short talk hv M,s Hicho of the km.t ...h.wil Mi. Ail...,, .k.. .i ..i.,.. .......k.. u. . .... .... ' ' , 1 hnrmn. u-itli iierhno u few w.n. ,..,,. , r ,1,., ,,1.1. i ' I'rnm some of tin. nirl ulr,.,lv n. ;.. . ... n. ' camp lire. i Mis. T. W. Pnvios entertained the Marigold club at a St. Valentine paitv. Wediiescdiiy, February 17, The house !' was artistically and seasonably ,ecn- 1 lilted for the occasion. Mr. Louis Bivhtel assisted the hosters in serving 1 delicious three-tourse luncheon. The merry party wore entertained most de lightfully with mine splendid piiinii so ecti.ius by Miss Esther Davies. The uddit'.nuul guests were: Mrs, C.ias. Pai- i mentor, Mrs. ( . E. Hurbnur, Mrs. V. S. Dot.on and Mis. W. O. Asscln. The NEW Silk Waists Lingerie Waists Cloth Skirts Muslin Underwear Novelty Ribbons Silk Petticoats White Goods rATTERNS SALI1I, OREGON club meets with ?; Eolith Cliureli sti rs. W. G. Trunk, 333 't, March 3. Mrs. J. J. Ackc man was hostess for the Five Htindrci club uf the Moose, Tlnir.-oiiy evening, entertaining at her homo, 130 Owens street. Mrs. R. T. Parker was the iccessful contestant at -aids, lo.mninii ; guests being Mrs. . Burleson, M s. George Patterson, Mrs. H. Poarley, Mrs. P. Hansen, Mm. George .Miller, Mrs. Josepn Bach, Mrs. eorijo Vunehcll, .Mrs. Viola swart,, Mrs. 0. C. Kcniion, Mrs. W. Bennett, Mrs. R. T. Parker, Mrs. James, MrK. Julius Hopt, Mrs. II. D. St. Helen and Mrs. Bernhardt. Mrs. Swurtz will be hostess in a fortnight. The Ladies of the Pringlo and Plens aiit Point Social club wore entertained at tho home of Mrs. Froinn. A delight ful afternoon was spent by nil iu needlo work. The president, Mis. Fdwnrcl Coats, called the meeting to order for a short business session, after which refreshments wore served by the lios- I toss, assisted ny -uiss Jino .uuui. Anniversary Exercises of Albany Elks Lodge The Albany Herald gives the follow ing uccount of the hig Elks celebra tion at Albany Thursday night: It is said that 000 Elks were pres out, as many cinne from tewns in this sections, when all had assembled in ! thu hall. The lodge was opened by i tlio regular officers, with Barry I Kchlosser, exalted ruler, presiding, j Past Exalted Rulers Fred Dawson and W, (!, Tweednle directed the burning i of the redeemed bonds. I ast Lxall- ed Ruler Galo Hill introduced the speakers. First was Juck O'Noil, of Portland, who holds membership card No. 1 in the local lodgo. Governor Withycombe, who haB been a member of the local lodge since 1908, was tho next speaker, He predicted that tho United Slates will havo an important part in bringing about mediation among ino warring uaiions in curupe. ."The Influence of the Elks for good greatest nation in the world. I "As a nation I predict that we will 1 bo instrumental iu effecting a ocssn- t i ii n of the awful enrnago iu the old ! world.'1 r William H. Hornihrook, miuister- i elect to Siatn. was another sneaker. l Milton Movers, exalted ruler of the Salem lodge, was tho next speaker. He was followed by P. II. D'Arcy, also of Salem and several others. The lodgo then went into a social session in charge of Past Exalted Rul er 0. It. Burggruf. Many stunts were presented by local and visiting broth. er. Music was furnished by nil or otic) la and quartette. Kola Nois, "tho German oomedlun," of Albany lodge, who resides In Salem, gave some of his experiences in Ger many when the war broke out, in a very Interesting wnv. ln eight years, the local lodge has accumulated ."i0,000 worth of proper ty and now owes ess than $"0,000. TEAIN STRIKES AUTO. (Cipitel Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Oie., Feb. 20. Wednesday morning a ficg'ut train backing up from the water tank "truck Gin nuto truck belonging to the Uickreall Trad "' "TY ., . . MrwV row,.nK- , r oruuiHici.v mo i nil n wu noi moving , very last at the time of the accident niul I lie only damage done was the I "' one ui.ll ino uciiiiii.g i"f one ol the fendirs. A. R. ( 11. II one 01 1 nc proprietors or tno 1 tiiuhi.t ! company, wn 111 the machine at the 1 time oi' the accident. ! . - a BeaverStaterrinters Society and 'Commercial Printing. Phone l.'il'i Boonu 1-3, Patton Block t 1 if