ffl1ki - If! rftr If. Full Leased Wire Dispatches . Today's News Printed Today vm&&mm tat. iJ In I in in n n n( r ..: j; iJ SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1915 n mm. Lul l j u PRICE TWO CENTS 0N TBAms jiri kbw A BR POSITION Determination That Germany Shall Not Harm America Adhered To HUNGER WAR NOT TCXHANGE STAND British Reply to American Note Is Received at ton Washington, Fob. 20. The United States government intends to stand firm in its determination that Germany shall not hirm American lives or Com merce In the war none. Official Information to this effect wis given tho United Press hero this nfternoon. Charges and counter c'aargea in tho English-German hunger war sho.ild not swerve tho United States frren its present firm stand, one of the highest government officials in Wash ington declared this afternoon. I The admitted real danger lies in the fact that the United States may be come involved In the arguments being hurled back and forth by flermany and I'.iigland. It wns also pointed out that serious trouble is possible as a result of America s Insistence In maintaining il dign'ty nil, I rights. Ft wns contended, uowever, that America will be contin ually embarrassed unless it nnw takes a firm and culm position. Hotn (lerinnny and tingland, it was pointed out, nre attributing their ad mitted violations of International law to each others alleged overt acts, but (iocs not auect America s rights "If the government," suid an of ficiul hero today, "permits such conten tions to niter her stand, she ultimately migiit lie ruled off of the sens. For this reason I believe the United Htntes should not answer the English and Her man notes." Ho held that the Ilritlsh note was un iinswornble, because Englnnd was with in her lawful rlnhts In flvl ntr tliA Amur. icnu flag on her ships as a precaution ary measure, lie claimed tho Germans, u.r destroying American commerce, wnuni in exceeding their rights, and believed that further reply to Gor- many would either commit the United mates to a weakened position or virtual threat of war. The same authority also around flinf America should not be too specific In its intention to hold Oerninny to "strict accountability." Some circumstances, ho pointed out, might wnrrant stronger retaliation than others. Hence 1m ,1... dared, the United Slates should merely maintain the position assumed in It's original decisions, Hevcrnl government officials warned . the nation and the nress to be culm Htnto department offlcinls would not indicate wlint would be the next steps, if any, taken by the stnto department fount Von liernstorff, the German ambassador, consulted with Rmirv of Hlate riryan nnd Counsellor Lansing this afternoon, ife later reiterated that Germany does not feel' responsible for war r.one developments, as It agreed at the outset of the wnr to abide by the declaration of London. English Not KecelvM. Washington, Feb. 2d. The state de partment todny received the official texts of Germany's reply tei the Amer ican protest regarding extension of the war none an, tie Ilritlsh reply to tlso notes regarding use of neutral flags and the placing of the American steam er Wllhelminn before a prize court. The British reply regarding the use of the American flng by British mer chantmen shurkml administration of ficials. They had confidently bel ieved mat ureat Hrltala woild attempt to mi li 1 in i ro the lin of the Ht.ir. an, I Stripes or would abandon the practice ....eiui.r. iiisicau, mo iimi.li foreign office, In lis reply said. In effect, that while it would not order commanders ot its merchants to use the flag. It would not nop the practice entirely. Ihn Imrdcn of responsibility fur the Mr. Ostrom nnd his associates expect destruction by German war craft of to leave Monday for Wntertown, Sou' iieutnil vessels because British nier- Dakota, n here 'they will be during the ehantmen may ue neutral flags was month of March. They expect to be In placm by the British reply oa Ger-1 California during the 'months of April, tun ny. Muy and June. Mr. Ostrom has nn The Biltish reply regarding tiie if urgent Invention to give a month or tentlm of the American steamer Wil- two to the evangelistic work nt the hclml in, announced prlre court proceed-'sun Francisco exposition grounds which Eii(rliiu, justifies the detention of he hopes to do some time during the the vessel because (lerinnny has decided summer. to seize all supplies of food within that' Tonight nt 7:'I0 the subject will be, empire. " Which Keligion." MB (Mil IS TORPE v "wegian Steamer Bjoerke jkes German Mine , and Sinks GERMAN, MARINES PATKjlING CHANNEL Consorship Withholds Details Concerning English Dis coveries London, Feb. 20. The Cardiff steam or Cambank was torpedoed by a Ger man submarine today and: sunk off Holy Head. The Cambank was torpedoed without warning. The third engineor and two firemon were killed by the explosion and one man was ilruwned. 4lLThe re mainder of the crew were ae;l. Bjoerke Bunk By Mine. Copenhagen, Feb. 20. -ffho Norweg ian stenmer Bjoerke struck a mine and sank in the North sea today. The late of the crew was not known. Tho Bjoerke was ladon with coal and was en route to Lcith. There is no doubt that tho mine wbb planted by I no ucrmnns. As the result of this disaster, pro' tests are expected to be forwarded by tue Norwegian government. A traw ler rescued the Hjoerke'B crew. They lectured that the mine was so power ful that the explosion almost tore the vessel to pieces,. . s SUBMARINES PATROL CHANNEL By Ed L. Keen. London, Feb. 20. It was known hero today that tho English channel is being put rolled by a number of Gor man submarines, but owing to the ecu snrship, details as to the number and tho points where they were sighted were willilield. Strong representations from Norway as a result of the torpedoing of the Hoi- ridge were expected today. Indications were that the Scandinavian nations will act in concert and expocted to seek tho cooporntion of the United States. No attempt was mado bv British officials to disguise the seri ousness of t lie situation from the. stand point of a neutral nation. A number of British newspapermen (Continued on Pago Five.) Dr. Henry Ostrom's Meetings Will Come to Successful Close Sunday will be the closing dny of the United Christian cunipniga which the twenty federated churches of Salem have been conducting in the big tuber nacle at Marion and High streets under tho lendership of Henry Ostrom, The morning services will be conducted in the vnnous churches. The special meet ings in the tnbernncle will bo the mass meeting for men only, the third and Inst in the scries of talks to men, to be held at three o'clock. Dr. Ostrom will give his address on "Spending" and men who have heard It say it it even greater thnn the addresses given on pre vlous Sundays. Ia inuny cities he has heen reipiestcd to repent the address. Hie Sunday evening service in the tub t rnncli will be the farewell meeting of the cnmpalgn. At 0:4!i p. ui, in the First Methodist church Mr. Ostrom will address a meeting for women only, pro ceeding tho farewell service In the tab ernaele. Speaking of the farewell meet ings and the closing services of th campaign Mr. Ostrom said, "We never nay the revival will close at a speel t.. tim. l,,, it .ill n.,r n,,.n if this meeting ia Owl's meeting, ami I we have cverv reason to believe it i 'It will go right on nnd there will be urnatvr revival on in Hnlera next wee than tills week and It will never cense we trust." DUED GERMAN SUBMARINE Scenes at " i "n ; i ' - ' yi.Hts-.pm . ' f i v I : U Wh 7 ' , ' " Y A s1 BIG PM1MII1 . ' iWL q OPENED DOORS TO WORLD -, 10 f,i;; PR0MPTLYAT120'CL0CK " P' W'jI I President Wilson Presses Button That Opens Gates Lane Gives Address . WILSON TOUCHED KEY. Exposition Grounds, Baa Francisco, Feb. 20. Promptly nt the stroke of noon today, President Wilson, sitting in the executive offices in Washing ton, touched a key thnt trans mitted a wireless flash which set the machinery of the Pan ama Pacific exposition here in motion, "I can't make this act very drainnt- ic," said President Wilson ns he pushed the button which officially opened the exposition, "but it certainly appeals to the Imagination if not to the eye." He shook hands with all the members of his cnblnet and congratulated the California senators and congressmen on the achievement of their state. A few seconds after ho had pressed the button the president was handed a brief ac knowledgement from Snn xrancisco ot the receipt of his opening flash. The ceremonies took place in the r.ust room of the White House. Elaborate preparations had been made for them, the president using un ivory key board studded with gold nuggets, to send the flush. Opening Exercise. Snn Francisco, Feb. 20. The Punuinn Pacific International Exposition opened its doors to the world here today. Tho mandate, throwing wide the gates, camo direct from President Wil son at Washington, over the new trans continental telephone line. The mnn- Inte was in the form of a congratulu torv message and the president's voice curried splendidly over the three thous nnd miles of wire. An electric mega phone then carried the president 'a words to every pnrt of the (115 acres covered by the exposition nnd the big show was on, President Wilson was unable to be here in person to participate in the his toric cciegration of the completion of I'nclo Sam's mighty waterway, but he was represented by a number of his cabinet Secretary of the Interior Lnne, a California product. The crowd attending the opening cer emonies enmo from the four points of the compnsi. Exposition officinls es timated that 800,000 people would puss through tjia turnstiles before the end of Ihe dny. It undoubtedly was the largest crowd ever to a, tend any expo- att mi in its cpeiii'i:; day. i Today s ct-U'lu m Ion is not confined to California alone. Factory whistles nnd bells in scores of cities mid towns throughout the United States Jollied ill with other noise making devices in let-' ting the country know Hint the Punninn ; Pacific exposition wns open nnd that Saa Francisco and California were readv to etilertnln the people of both' hemispheres. 1 wo years ago President t harles ( ,! Moure promised that the exposition! would be complete In every respect on the opening date and he fulfilled his promise so far as the exposition was, concerned, llie Inndscnpe work wns complete, the courts nnd buildings fin ished and the exhibits in their places. (Continued I rem fajje Thiee.) Panama Pacific Exposition i my ) i . V Ijll I, J , y ... ;.. uy . v iv 1 ... u i .. ir i ii " " i -...i in I, rn -. ini" i in rim 15UNPAY CROWP PANAMA-PACIFIC EJPQSITlOrTTJ pEFORE OPENING -g-"UNCLE 5AM" VI5ITS tltt tXrQgl WNj F RAPIDLY WED OUT Effort To Force Dardanellas Begun By Silencing of Forts By Warships ( London, 41eb. 20. A serious attempt to force tho Dardanelles and to pre pare the way for the captura of Con stantinople is in progress today. This wns evident this afternoon when Athens dispatches to London newspapers and news agencies de clared the forts on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles had been silenced by the bombardment of warships of the combined Anglo-French fleet. Most of these forts were practically destroyed. The great activity evidenced at Aid adnilrnlty seems to confirm the belief thnt the present movement Is of great Importance to the ullles. Excitement is reported to run high nt Constantinople. The Turks are making elaborate preparations to pro vent tho passage of the Dardanelles and all channels have been heavily sown with mines, A statement Issued here today by the British admiralty saldt "The combined fleet yesterdny bom barded the fortifications of the Dard anelles, The forts on the European side were silenced. The action is con tinuing today.' ' The admiralty s announcement fol lows: "The combined fleet wns com mnnilcd bv Vice Admiral Sackvllle II Carden. The entrance to the Dardan elles and Capes llelles and the Kum Knle forts were all bombarded by long range guns, It was plain that a great ; amount of damage was done to the forts, two of tln'iil being hit with every discharge of the guns, 'Our guns outranged those of the (Continued on Page Five.) The Weather 'tli I IOOK l!K Oregon. Tonight sn,l Sunday ruin west, rain or snow east portion; enst sniffing to south erly winds. ffllE THIS MORNING Fern Hobbs Offers to Resign If Schuebel Bill Passes In First Form With only a few hours of the session remaining in which the legislature might take action upon its report Sen ator Dny, boss of tho senate and chair man of the committee thnt had charge of spending 15,000 for Investigating nnd reporting to this legislature con corning the Uelllo project, mndn a flimsy report this noon to the state somite concerning the actions of the committee. He stated that aftor the project had been thoroughly genu into they found thnt instead of some .'10,000,000 dollars as was first suggested by tl government engineer It was found that it would rctpiiro upwards of 100,000, 000 to complete tho project. " When he hnd completed his report In regard to the work with which the committee and Day in particular have been charged with grossly misappropri ating funds Senntor Duller evidently being of the opinion thnt some were displeased with the report although till only expression of the senate had been a rising vote of thanks t the senator made a lengthy speech in which he told of the merits possessed by Senator Day and eulnglicd his work as chairman of this committee stating Hint Ills people were exceptionally well satisfied with the tn-Hment accorded them. Senntor Garland attracted consider able attention this morning by rending a letter from Fcra Hobbs tendering her resignntina uiion the condition that the senate pass tli o Nclieube) Compensation bill with amendments lust si it came from the house. The resignation wns to be placed in the hands n' the governor and take effect three months after the i adjournment of the legislature when the law should go Into efteet. Senntor Kiddle, chairman of the sen ate conference committee stated that It wns simply a move backed by Governor West to put the sennte In the hole. The senate made no changes In Schuebel 's bill except reducing the number of commissioners from three to one nnd nttnehing the emergency Mv.isc, ittit these minor changes seem to huve 'stirred up great opposition in the house. - 1 The move is snld by some to result from the fact thnt .Miss Hobh's sies that she will lose her position In tin end nnd Is endeavoring to keep the hends of the I i . SUCCESS NORTH OF PERTHES ADMITTED BY BERLIN Attack By French North of Verdun Has Been Re pulsed GERMAN CLAIMS OF VICTORY ARE DENIED Sweeping Victories Over Slavs Are Reported By Austrians Berlin, by wireless to London, Tib. 20. French successes north of Torthes were admitted by the war offico in nn official statement this aftornoon. It was stated that the French, aftor at tacking along the entire line in thnt vicinity, had boen able to break through tho advanced Gorman trenches at cortnin points. The fighting wis very violent. It is declared thnt tho en emy was repulsed at some point but mm me Dame still rages at others. i-ossos on Doth sides hava boon heavy. An attack by the French north v erdun has been ropulscd. in the Vosges, the Gormans stormed a position two kilometers in length on tho heights west of Sulr.ern and another at Hoichsackerkopf. Fighting on the heights north of Muolhach continues without material advantage to cither sido. After severo fiirlitinc. tlin (ler. mans occupied ilotzerlund and linnder nach. In tho eastern theatre of war the en emy has been driven back southeast of Kolno. Elsewhere the situation is un changed. German Claims Donled. Paris, Feb. 20. German claims of successes In the north and in the Cham pagno and Argonne districts wero con tradicted in a statement iusued by the wnr office today. The statement reviewed the nrmy's pcrntions for the past ten davs and de clared that nil tho developments wore rnvoranie to tho allies. It was charged uiut mo Herman cinims or successes wore to continue Its policy of neutral ity. Despite the bad weather which has prevailed throughout tho entire line for iiays, the statement says, tho allies have niii.lo notable gains, "Tho French nrtillcry,' " continued the statement, "Is becoming more nnd moro effective, while tho German ar tillery is losing Its power." Tho report covered nine pnges and enlngiccd the French nnd British troops. "Tho German night assaults," suid the report, "are no longer delivered with the forco noted earlier in the wnr. This is believed to be due to the In creasing number of raw levies placed In the German ranks." Tho Germans were reposed, the stnto mens Bays, with tho heaviest losses they have suffered in more than a month, in an attempt to drlvo n wedge In tho British lines enst of Ypres. Following a day's bombardment of the allied trenches nt that point, the Teutons, In enormous numbers, attnekpil wilt, tlin onyonct. Though their front ranks wero wined out by tho dendly fire of tho allies' (Continued on Page Five.) other two commissioners from corning. olf. English Note Contains News of German (By J. W. T. Mason, former manager of the United BUOea, New York, Feb. 20. Tho note for warded to America by Sir Kdward Gray, England's foreign minister, on file selr.ure of the Willielmlna a cargo, ducts. The prices of Doin nsn ana revealed for the first time that Germuu dairy products have advanced more warships hsvn been capturing merchant-1 thnn any other classes of food in Knjf men in the North sea. land. Heretofore it had been supposed that quick dashes by speedy ships cunnot the llrltish nnvy had kept the German account fur tho German successes. Grey fleets buttled up except for an occas-1 makes the points thnt the enptured ves lonal dash to the Knglish coast. Now, sels were taken to a prise court com however, Grey makes known the fnet , polled to enter German ports. Merch that a "number of vessels sailing to-juntmen were brought In under their wards Knglish ports, with cargoes of town steam. Since North sea trading goods on the German list of cnuilllinii- shins nre not noted for speed, the pro al contraband, have been seised by Gor-!gress into tho German ports, should, of man cruisers and brought to German ! necessity, bo slow. How this was ac prise courts." complisl'ied adds to tho many other na Grey cited the circumstance to Justl-ivnl mysteries of the war. It Is surpris- fy Kuglnnd'a action In the Wllhelminn case. It is or greater interest, how ever, as aa admission thnt Ocrmnn wnr ships have been roaming the North sen ami cnpturlng vessels currying goods to: Knglnnd. No details of this daring uc- complishment have beea given, but pre - sumiihly the captures were mnde not far from the German const, It is prob - UST DAY OF WRANGLEBY LAWMAKERS Unless Some Unexpected Hitch Occurs Solons Leave Tonight APPROPRIATIONS TO BE HIGH AS LAST TIME Total Will Probably Reach $8,000,000 Mark By Night This is generally accepted to bo th closing day of tho legislature, although some unexpected hitch might occur teak it not now in sight. A definito and well-defined program has been mapped out and thoroughly organized for closing ceremonies which promises some sensational developments, and if an attempt Is made to intercept the carrying out of the program as ar ranged, the scenes for which have beeo nil ict and the principal actors In tha Irama fully conversant with their re spective lines, it threatens to complete ly ovcrtnrow the present organization of the house, and will go down in his tory as one of the- most spectacular stunts that has ever been pulled off. The plans, 11' cailerd eul, will renulll . in the passage of senate bill 2)9, con solidating the departments of corpora tions nnd insurance; senate bill 2rl, consolidating the departments of state highway engineer and state engineer, and sennte bill 312, which given the governor tho appointing power over all departments of Btate, nciw under the control of tho govomor with power to remove any or all officials at any time ho may see fit for causo. , Appropriation High. , If nil bills which havo passed, and all bills which are pending do pass, takeu together with the standing or continuing appropriations left untouch, oil and the niillane tax appropriations, the grand total of all appropriations of tho nresent legislature will reach very closely the S,0()fl,000 mark, and will be fully up to, If it does not exceed, the; total amofint provided by tho last ses sion, including the standing appropria tion:!, which was 7p73!i,iii.iHi. ine to tal amount of continuing appropriations and millagn tax appropriation now on the stntiitcs nggregoto approximately, 3,000,000. As a result of this morning and last night 'a work, the house passed appro priation bills aggregating a total ot 2,071,4110, laid three bills on the table carrying nn aggregate of $145,000, and killed by Indefinite postponement aud defeat bills aggregating l7 1,400. The appropriations previously pnssed by the house, the greatest amount of which haa been passed by the senate, represent a total of 1,202,837, iiinklng a grand to tal of nil npprnprlntlons passed to dat. of 3,307.303, and thero Is still pend ing nctlon cither In tho senate or the house appropriations aggregating ap proximately 10110, l"4, exclusive of the (Ciintlinicd from Page Five.) Activity at Sea able that both Dutch and Danish ships have been sei.ed. The Dutch vessels seized might well be trawlers currying fish to F.ngluud. Tho Danish seixures probably were small merchantmen carrying dairy pro I Ing that the Ilritlsh navy has been un able to afford full protection against the Germnn wnrshlps. All handicaps ia such an encounter would be against the Germans. Th Icapture of North sea merchantmen ia 1 not the least among the laurels Gorman j seamanship has won la the past sit 1 months.