Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 19, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Havana Promoter Have
Native and American
With Shekels Galore.
String of
By Hal Sheridan.
New York, Keb. 1H. New York as a
boxing venter is going to be bunded a
K. 0., wallop in the near future if the
plans of Havana promotcis don't full
Ilcturning Impresarios bring stories
of how the natives- down there are
simply enizy about the glove game and
are willing, yet anxious, to shuw their
.shekels through the box offiee window
with astonishing regularity to see the
boys perform. Added to the patronage
uf the natives, they say, is that of a
great many Ameriean sporls-ncu who
spend their winters there.
lie Hint, ns it may, its a cinch if tho
promoters there keep offering the kind
if money they have started out to,
these I'nited States are going to be
us barren of pugs us Cleveland is of
in the Young Aheurn-Willin,, Lewis
but lie n few days ago, the drift fistie
Hi niggle staged in the new campaign,
aeli received -,WW. If the promoters
ean pay this class of boxers two thous
and per each and get away, what, oh
what, would l hey ay a pair of cham
pions of real contenders?
Eastern fighters are already begin
ning to prick up their eurs. That two
thousand noise listens awfully Bweet to
their battered ears and if Ihe promo
ters keep it up Cuba is going to be as
full of boxers and alleged boxers as
linn Johnson is of expletives against
the Keds.
II. Connolly Pollack, whoso chief
aim in life seems to he keeping his
champion, 1'roildio Welsh, from gettiug
into n decision fight, is out wilh a new
announcement, lie says after Welsh
and Willio ititchio settle, their little
dispute at Madison riqnure Harden
March 11, he is going to send Krciblie
Welsh ugninst all comers in twenty
round decisions battles anywhere the
promoters will offer enough Kale.
I'roniises and announcements to this ef
fect have emanated from Welsh lind
his manager at regular intervals since
the Wnlsliiniin won his crown, lint up
to dale they have managed to side
step ail encounters where there was a
hiincc fur (lie Britisher to drop his
Idaho Defeats
O.A.C.,20 to 19
Northwostom Conference Basketball.
Wiis'iingtuu Slate 7
I'nivcrsitv of Wash 0 I .Vr
Idaho 1 1 .rl(l
Whitman .,'. I 4 .-I'll
University of Oregon ... I IS .I'iii
Aggies 0 ! .000
Corvnllis, Ore., l-'eb. lit. O. A. C. I
was ib'lonlcd by the heavier I'nivorsitv j
if Malm basketball team Inst night by,
the t-luse score of L'O to III, 1
lil din clenrly outplayed the Aggies ,
in the first hall', when the seme stood!
l:l tii II in its hi y nr. O. A, 1. played j
better biislietluill lu the s nd hull'. I
and ut one time held the lend, 17 to
15, out failed to hold their advantage, j
Kcaue putting over want proved to be i
the winning bushel shortly before time
was culled.
King lind Itlagg made the most points
for rhe Aggies, us the termer had two!
field goals to his credit and threw:
three it' six fouls, while (!rny, the
Idnhii forward, threw two field bushels
niul converted 10 out of II fouls inlo
Mount Angel Team
Goes to Exposition
Mount Angel, Or., Keb. 111. The
Mount Angel College quintet has wired
its entrance to the A. A, V. buskelball
tmirnnmciit, which opens nt fun Krnii
cisco, in connection with the rtinnmu
Pacific I utruiit iniini Kxpositbm on leli-J
riinry 2J. The local team, which linn'
liinde a fine record this season, Icnvcsi
for Hun Krnncisco tomorrow night. It
is believed that Mount Angel will be
tin1 only representative of the North-
west nt the championships. ,
I'hiieuix, Ariz., I'Vb. U1.--I buries W.
John-dune, aged 7:1, one of I lie most
prominent men iu Ari'enu, died here
totlav nf apoplexy. Johnstone wus one
of tin nriginutors of orguni'od base
ball. He wus a ciipllulist niul iutd held
iiiiiiiv federal and slu'e offices in Ail
r.oim. j
This week only I will sell my well
Improved ft aero trad, close in, with
slock, improvement ami croiij price
J;luii, only 111(1(1 down, biihineo to
17W Bungalow.
Beautiful new, modern 5 -room bun
galow, tut tit for u heme, huge lot; only
f '.'el dow n, habitue to suit. Price
Choice Lot.
On State street, close In, Price
tl l.iu,
We write fire and nutj Insurance.
Money to Lout.
For Reut
Houses and "tore buildings.
Cine timber, rich black buim soil,
east of (own. Price CO to i:li per
sere. Mil acres, will sell 110, 40, lid or
HO acre tnicls. This Id the best piece
uf timber near Salem.
:u7 State St. rhoiuj 4ns
Chicago Team Leaves for Paso Robles
Where Spring Training Will Occur
100 in Party.
Chicago, Pel). 1!. Chicago caught u
real harbinger of spring in the act to
day when (..'barley Comiskey 's person
ully conducted crew steamed our on a
special train for the 1'aso Kobles, Cal
ifornia, training camp. There were 100
or more in the party. They included
ball players, some who merely are class
ified under that name, personal friends
of the UldHornnn, to the number of
sixty or seventy, and several Pacific
('oust league players en route to join
their respective clubs.
Very much among those present wus
a young man named Clarence Unwluml,
the erstwhile bush leaguer who is to
lend a big league crowd this summer.
Rowland got almost as much of u send
off from fans who went to the depot to
see the bunch off, as did the beloved
Comiskey himself. If ho makes use of
7 1-2 per cent of the good wishes arid
hopes for success that he carried nwuy
with him, lie 'II make any of the White
Hopes in the A. 1.. break a record to
snap tho tupe ahead of the White Knx.
((rent things were promised for
Kowlaud today. The stuy at homes pre
dicted that Rowland's type which con
sists chiefly of speed and then more
speed is exactly what tho Chicngo
Americans need to put them out iu front
next spring. iHouthsidcrs believe Row
Innd is going to develop into another
Kid (ilcuson itutidcnlitlly, Kid (ilcns'oo
wus fired this winter.
Another one of prominence timong
those present today was One Hundred
Thousand Dollar Kildie Collins, second
sacker, once of the city of Philadelphia.
Collins, declared lie is in great shape
iiiitl ready fur the best game of his
Chicago, Pel). III. I'nited States Pis
triil Attorney Clyne admitted here this
uftcruoon that he would not be sur
prised to see .lack Johnson, negro
heavvweight ciiumpiuu pugilistic of the
world, in Cliieugo at any time.
Clyne intimated (lint friends of .lull a
son iutd siiight to urrauge for the pay
ment of n fine ami settle the bond of
I.S.OOil Hint Johnson "jumped." when
he lei't Chicago, following his convic
tion on a white slave charge.
Clvne denied that Buy compromise
had been effected, but ndmitted that
he "hud heard from Johnson." The
acgrii. Clyne said, would have to take
his chances if he came to Chicngo,
Johnson Will Net Be Molested.
Washington, I'Vb. III. As a result of
reiiiests from business men of Kl i'aso,
Texus, .lack Johnson, heavyweight
world's champion, will be nlloived to
pureed unmolested to .Inure, fur his
IS round bout with Jesse Willurd on
.March II, the constitutionalist ugency
here uiiiiounced today.
Jo'iusou lauded at Tuinpicn yester
day, niul wus expected to reach Junior.
Mr. Allen Katun, of Kugene, will
lecture Friday evening on "The Amer
ican Jllustrutiir, Maxfield i'arrish."
Mr. KiiIuii has brought u number of
I'urrish's pictures, which illustrate the
char.icterintie and original work of the
artist, with him, to display tit the lec
ture. I'arrish has most delightfully il
lustrated Ihigeue Kield's "Poems bf
Childhood," un.l Mr. Katun will read
some of these old favorites.
I a addition tu this, Mr. Katun, by
special reipiest, will tell a little iibout
tlie original plan for the art room iu the
Orcein building at the I'nnama l'acific
International exposition. Mr. Katun
has charge of tho exhibit there and can
tell first hand about it.
T'.ie Iceluio will be in the library
it it l i t orin in (entrance on Winter street)
Friday evening, February lit, at H
u 'clock, and is free.
F. W. Thatcher Dlscussos Factors of the
Tiro Market, As Affecting the Public,
11 Popular prices on tires tire as do-
siiulile us on everything else the put
lie buys." suiil I'icil fhntchor, Man
uger of the Firestone Brunch nt Port
land, and it Is a striking illustration of
what scientific muiiiifucturing methods
oil it stupendous scale und economical
distribution can do, that such a tire ns
the I'IKKSTO.NK enn be sold ut the
price of the ordinuiy,
Hut popular price alone will never
satisfy the experienced buyer of tires.
When you think of II you will renli'e
that In no other line of goods Is the
value of what you pnid for so quickly
put to the lest as to lires. They go
light from the hands of the dealer to
nil Ihe grueling tests of the road.
It is pour etinsiiltitlnii to the motorist
luboiing under all the conceivable nf
fliclions el' tire trouble to reflect thai
lie bought tires cheaper than liny of i
There is an old saying, by u famous
milker of quality goods, copyrighted, I
believe, (hat "the recollection of ipiul
ity remains lung after the price is for
gotten." Truer words were never
spoken especially of tires.
The cur owner has a keen recollec
tion bnth of good and bud tiles. That
is why dealers who lire in the tire busi
ness to slay Insist on quality with
price. Popular price alone does not
hold tire customers. The " Kickbiick "
nf one sale of a pour tire may destroy
the profits uf iiiiiiiv sales.
II Itl-.s TON K prices are reduced lis
'scientific efficiency in uur factory and
ecomuiiv of distribution tire developed,
The only fixed factor is quality. Thut
we keep at the maximum and no price
movements In the lire woild ever have
or ever will Induce us to clisnge it. The
volume of PI R KNTON K business is suf
ficient evidence that tire buyers nu-
, prove the policy.
i Provides Methods For Distribution of.
I Estate and Given Women Full Pro
i tectlon.
Senator Katheryn Clark, of Douglas
county, this morning introduced a bil
in the senate the purpose of which is
to work a complete change in the man
ner of the distribution of th estate of
n deceased, whether sui'a seuodent
died intestate or leaving a will, which,
should it be adopted by the legislature,
will be submitted to a vote of the peo
ple at the next general election before it
becomes a law.
The bill is submiMed in two scat ions,
the first prescribing the course of de
scent of the heirs of the deceased from
the widow or widower, ns the case may,
be, down to the children in-line of age,
and the second prescribes the propor
tions of the estate to bo received b
nch descendent.
In thefirst pluco each surviving heir
of the deceased is to be awarded a cer
tain proportionate share of the estate
before it is probated for the settlement
of uny debts against the deceased, un
less they be contracted in writing nnd
signed by the wife or children of i
ceased, and lifter all funeral expenses
have been paid and the reul und person
nl property of the deceased hns been
distributed among the heirs, ns prescrib
ed on the proportionate basis, such res-:
idue of the estnte is to apply to tho li
quidation of debts of tho deceased.
It is purely a measure- in the inter
ests of the women and lias the en
dorsement of the leading women's or
ganizations of the state. It was intro
duced in the senato this morning and
passed up to third reading today.
National Commander
of G. A. R. In Oregon
Portland, Or., Feb. 19. Accom
panied by his wife, David .1, Palmer,
coinmnnder-in-chief of tho Grand Army
of the Republic, arrived in Portland
yesterday and was met nt the Union
depot by n large delegation of veter
ans headed by II. H. Kargo, depart
ment coininniider of Oregon.
From the depot ho was escorted to
tho Portland hotel, which will be his
hendqunrters until his departure for
San Francisco at 1:!l(l tomorrow morn
ing. The general Is on a tour of the
I'nited States, inspecting the 44 de
partment" of (he 0. A. R. Ho left
Hoston early in January and expects to
complete his swing around the circle
some time in April.
President's Policy Praised.
"Few people renlive what good the
president did in keeping us out of
trouble in Mexico," snid Oeueral Pal
mer. "Thousands of lives nnd millions
in money were suved by his Mexican
policy, and we were kept out of a war
that would have been more long drawn
out and expensive, ns people who do
not know Mexico and the Mexicans
would nuiko ns believe, Tho conquest
of Mexico, with nil her warring fac
tious, would not have been easy by
any menus."
"As far ns concerns lli.i war across
the waters, I nm absolutely neutral.
In our Civil war wo had French, fler
nuiii, English and every olhor . nation
ality fighting in our rnnks and they
nil made, fino soldiers.
"And right hero 1 want to say that
the administration is doing its best
iu n delicate situation, to maintain
strict neutrality nnd Instead of criti
cising we should stand together, be
cause wo don't want to get into Hint
conflict. It is not any of our row.
"I believe, though, that this country
of ours should be always prepared for
war. Bv thut T do not mean that we
should have a lurge standing nrniy, be
cause I see ut need for one. Wo should
however dike more Interest iu our Nn
tlonnl (lunrd. The federal government
nnd the slute would do well to build
them up. The bums nnd loufers do not
make good soldiers. The only kind of
men we need in the National Oiinrd sre
the vouug men who work, ltemember,
patriotism is always strong In the
worker and mil In the drone. The best
of our innnbnod Is whnt goes to war.
"One object of my long march I'm
now lulling is to see the U, A. H. boys
nnd wake (hem up. I want to see the
sons and diiughlers of veterans also
mid wake them up. It is important
thut our young people be made to
realize what this country Is and to
know what might be exacted of them
sometime. '
The Oregon Hop drowcrs' associa
ting with offices nt l-W South Commer
cial street, Suleni, is iilroiiily proving
of great benefit to ynrd owners, rent
ers and those desiring work in liup
yards. Already it is becoming a menus
uf exchange, Several vnrds to rent
have been listed, many have Inquired
for work and It is desired that hopuien
winning experienced help will list their
wuuts with the iissuciiitiuu. The or
giiiiizution is strictly cu-iipcrntivo, no
cuuigc of uny nature being made for
any services, With the 700 members
using its office us a clearing housv fur
such liifni niutioii, the n sociatiou will
be of great benefit to the hop Industry
in :;cncial. Members ot the committee
will be mi bund nt nil times to explain
the i'ijccts of the n-sociation and reu
der 'my services possible to the liopmen.
Bmokcrt of
Turkish Trophies
Clgnrvttee) 11 ft eon yeans ago
r smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarette today I
,;yu a. -j.,.., ,. .... -'- ,' r
t Court House News ' t
William Copley, wno was charged
with speeding yesterday afternoon by
Speed Cop Varney appeared before
Recorder Klgin this forenoon and paid
a fine of $10 upon a plea of guilty.
Otto J. Wilson who was arrested on a
similar charge yesterday plead not
guilty and his case will come to trial
Wednesday, February 24 in police
T. E. Hbafer has brought suit in the
circuit court of this county against
John McIIugh and Kate Mcilugh, his
wife, to collect the sum of :t4H7 al
leged to be due j on two promissory
notes. The plaintiff seeks a fore
closure of a mortgage on 85 acres of
hind iu (his county and the sum of
'loO as attorney's foes in addition to
the costs and disbursements of the suit.
The Salem Bank of Commerce
against the Horshoe Lake Farming
and Development company and others,
is the title of a suit filed in the cir
cuit court yesterday afternoon to col
lect the sum of HOOO alleged due on
a promissory note. The note is secured
by a mortgage on real estate in this
county. The plaintiff seeks in addi
tion to the principal sum and interest,
attorney's fees of 100 in case there
ib no contest, oOO in the event the
case Is contested and $000 if the case
is carried to the supreme court.
Sheriff William F.sch retuihied to
this city Inst night from Detroit wilh
(leorge Hunnay, alias Veillier, alias
Reed, alias Mulvin in his custody to
await the arrival of Sheriff.Oeorge Mc
Cauley of Placer County, California,
where the prisoner is wanted on a
charge of forgery. Hannay was work
ing in a lodging enmp nenr that of the
Hammond Lumber Co. at Detroit under
the name of George Mnlvin when he
was located by tho sheriff through let
ters sent from Victoria, B. C. Hannay
is n young man of good appearance
and fold Sheriff Esch that he worked
for fivo years ia the Provincial Police
Department in British Columbia.
llnnnny is also wanted in Victoria
on A forgery charge according to tho
head of the police department in that
city but he will be taken to California
The tax' collecting department of the
county treasurer's office mndo the
first turnover of funds today amount
ing to $23,940.75. This is the sum col
lected from the opening o fthe tax col
lectors office to Monday, February 15.
It was necessary to separate the total
sum into 82 different funds for rond
and school districts and tax funds and
the offieo force hns been working nt
oild moments since Monday on tho
preparation of the turnover. The
largest single tax receipt was written
yesterday to tho Thomas Kay Woolen
Mills Company for a total amount of
1001.25. The greater part of this
amount was on a hulf payment.
County Prosecuting Attorney Ringo
went to Hubbard this morning on
legal business.
County Hchool Superintendent W. M.
Smith, returned to , Suleni lust, night
from Wood burn where ho wus called on
a truancy case. The case took more
!... n..C. !.......! 1 1
...ok- niuii mi 1 1 iu i i-u u in i iu- wus un
able to go to Sluylnn in the nfternoon
as he intended.
Judge William Galloway will return
to Salem from Albany tomorrow and
may hold court here tomorrow after-noii-i.
The judge informed Deputy Clerk
U. (I. Hover that he got tlirongb in Al
bany sonner than he expected and that
by holding a night sesison there he
would be nble to hold court here to
morrow unless something new ciiine up.
A suit was filed in the circuit court
tulav by Hen.. K, llooue & Co. aguinst
W, K. Mallory, involving the owner
ship of a Ford auto, it is alleged lu
the complaint that the nuto belongs to
the plaintiff nnd that the defendunt is
withholding possession of it. The plain
iff demands either the return of the
auto or $:I50 in cash and the cords of
the action.
Oregon Merchants Will
Patronize Home Industries
According to a statement of J. I
Stockton, who has just been elected
president of the Oregon Btnte lietail
Merchants' association for the fourth
timo, the delegates to the convention
pledged themselves whon quality nnd
price are eiual, to buy and urge cus
tomers to buy Oregon home made goods.
The merchants agreed to assist Oregon
iniiniifiictiirers iu every way possible
and to push Oregon goods.
Mr, Stockdm stilted thut the nssocl
atioa was greatly pleased with the pass
age of the bill by (lie present legislature
placing a tax of 5 per cent oil the gross
sales of nny store that uses trading
I stamps.
J I'lie lust loggers' shoes are made by
n lortiilml concern, there are no bet
Mer blankets, overalls or shirts than
I those miide by Oregon factories, snid
.lr. Mtockton, and In several other lines
the Oregon miide goods are equal if
nut better (hull custom miide goods.
At tile biimpiet given by the innnii
faetiirers to the retailers Wednesday
evening when over 100 delegates were
present, (he whole assembly broke into
three cheers when a picture of Mr,
Stockton wus thrown on (he screen
nnd the tonstmiister gnve the toast,
"To our president, Mr. ,f. 1.. Stockton,
may he live long nnd prosper."
Trenton, X. ,1., Feb. 10. Speakers
prominent In the health movement
turn igliout the cnunlry will be here to-
night lo aodrcss (lie conlerence nf
board of health repitseiitH(iv'eu Irom till
New Jersey citici. 1
Hun t'rnmisco, r'clclr'. HKrrv Thom
as, Jitney bus driver was found In the
tonuwiii of his cur early todny mur
dered. Itobbery wu toe probnidiv mo
tive. His pockets Were turned Inside
out. There was a bullet through his
abdomen and his head hnd been crushed.
. .
Berlin, via London, Feb. 19.
Official advices received here .-
tonight- from Rotterdam say
that the great 'aerial fleet of
British and French aeroplanes
and seaplanes, which attempted
to destroy Ostend and Middle
id kerke, has been repulsed by
German batteries.
(Continued from Page One.)
Czernowitz, capital of the province
of Bukovina, has been recaptured and
the Russians have been driven entirely
out of the province with staggering
osses. according to Austrian officials.
"Hardly a house," tho statement
continues, "is standing in many for
I merly prosperous villages. Those not
j demolished by shell fire were razed by
the Russians,
"A series of Russian nttneks in the
Carnathian nasses also hnve heen rc-
i Dlllscil.
"Russians, heavily reinforced, have
been endeavoring to check the Austro
(ernimi udvance in southern Oaliciu,
but so far have been unsuccessful."
French Hold Positions.
I'a.is, Feb. 19. Artillery duels hro
in progress from the Aisne to the region
about Rheims, according to a statement
issued by the war office tonight. About
Perthes, tho statement suid, the French
were maintaining (heir positions cap
tured recently from the Germans.
"The French," adds the statement,
"have taken the bridge ncross the
Moues near Quartre Knsuiit. Geriuun I
nttai.L-U ll.HK. (Y;a-,inlol..l, in ). V,.ltl.u I
region, have been repulsed."
"GETS-IF a Sure-
Shot for AH Corns
Use Two Drops and They Vanish
When corns make you almost die
with your boots on, when you try to j
walk on tho edgo of your shoes to try to
got away from your corns, you're nwny
behind timo if you have not used
'Murder I Everybody Trlei (o Step on Ml
Corn I" Uh "CETS-IT" nd You'll
H No Cortu to B Supped Oa.
"GDTS-1T.'' It's the com cure of tho
century, the new way, the sure, pain-
Uess, simple way. It makes a fellow
really feel foolish after he's used toe
eating salves, com biting ointments, toe
(bundling baudiiges, blood-bring ruzors,
j knives, files, scissors, jabbers und whut
nots, when he uses just 2 drops of
I "GETS-IT" and sees his com vanish.
The difference is divine. Just try it.
I You won't wince when you put your
shoes on in the morning. "OKTS1T"
lis sure, "gets" nny corn, cullus, wnrt
or bunion.
"GETS-IT" is sold by druggists ev
erywhere, 25c a botile, or sent direct
by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicngo.
$ Police Court News $
Gus Slater, a beggnr arrested yes
terday by the Salem police, was given
fivo days in jail tliis morning by
I'ulice Judge Elgin upon a plea of
There were nine sleepers in the city
jail last night and at the end of the
line was n lud who looked , to be about
18 vcars old though he stoutly main
tained that he was -I. He said he wns
'from Illoomington, Illinois and that
his mother wus still living, "How
long since you have written to her?
asked Chief Welsh.
"About n year," the boy answered.
The chief gnve the bid a lecture on
filial duties thut caused (ho wanderer
to leave the stnliou with streaming
New Shipment
Portland Ry. Light &
Phone 85
"Salem's Best Market Place"
Offer the following Quality Goods for Saturday:
Large Pineapples, each 25c
Large Oranges, doz. 30c
Medium Oranges, doz 20c
Florida Grape Fruit, 3 for ...25c
Frosh Oocoanuts, each 10c
Best Lemons, Doz 25c
Good Lemons, doz ....20c
Fancy Apples $1.25 box up
Merced Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs 25c
Head Lettuce, Cauliflower, Cab
bage, Cucumbers, Celery, etc,
Extra Fancy Lean Bacon Back,
151 North High Street
Washington, I'Vb. 10. The campaign
expeuscs of lioger Hullivan, of Illinois,
as cntididutc on the democratic ticket
for Ciiited States senator in the Novem
ber election, und those of Henator Hoies
I'omvi.o of I'ennsvlvnnin, probably will
be the subject of an investigation by
a senate committee. Hennlov Heed, of i
Missmri, and Senator Hhnfroth, of I
Colo iiilo, absent from Washington last j
week, today started l( poll to recall- j
sider the resolution to that effect which
juiil been pigeonholed.
(Continued from pngo one.)
thut none of (iie const guards ships had
been "engaged."
There is no way of ascertuiuing
whether Ihe presence of hostile sub
murines in llritish wnters has been re
ceived. The government has forbidden
the publication of nny reports record
ing submarines "except such us have
been announced lu official statements
by (lie admiralty."
The American Belgian relief com
mission uunouiiced this evening that its
ships were pursuing the usual route, and
that tile cummission hnd been assured
its v essels would not be molested,
The steamship Omnia arrived at Hot
terdnni todav from Norfolk.
French Steamer Damaged.
I'a'is, Keb. 111. Nuws of the torpe
doing of the Kronen steamship Dinnriih, '
luff Dieppe, by the (Icrman submarine
IM(I, was received here today. Thej
Isnnie submarine was responsible for thej
'inking of the llritish steamer Pulwitli!
and the I reach steamer Ville do villi',
on Wediiesiliiy.
Th" 1'iiiornh, en route from Havre
to Vunkirk, wns not warned of tiie
presence of the ll-ltl. The submarine's
torp.'ilo did not hit (he Diiinrah with
full force nud only one of the vessel's
plates wns sprung. Water, however,
poured through the hole, but she wns
This is the Sweeper That
Takes the Work Out of
Spring House Cleaning.
Just Arrived. Let Us Send One to
House for a Demonstration
Nothing Better
Than a neat blue serge suit.
We make special effort to al
ways have the newest models
in blue serges. In weights .to
be worn all year. Our values
lead anything shown in this
line . . '
Prices $15.00, $20.00, $25.00.
Fancy Home Made Fork
sausage, pound -...17c
Fancy Home Made Hamburger,
pound 17c
Fancy Chinook Salmon,
pound 17c
Genuine Fresh Halibut,
pound loc H
Trnsh HmulL X nonnds 9Jc. 9
Fresh Razor Clams,
dozen 15c and 20c
pound 22c.
Grocery Phone 830; Meat Phone 810
kept afloat until a tug arrived and
towed her into port.
rtormany 's Last Stand.
Copenhagen, Keb. 111. I'racticul ad
mission thut the present blockade is
(erui.iny 's Inst slund was seen hero
today in a statement by Vice Admiral
Kirc'iol'f, telegraphed from Hamburg.
Writing in t;ie Hamburger Krenidcii
blutt, Admiral Kirchoff declures then!
is no question that the blockade
against Kughiiul must be made extreme
ly effective. He admits (lint Germany
hns unt sufficient war materials and
thut the present aim Is to bring such a
feeling of uneasiness and insecurity in
Kughiiul that no human nerves can lung
stand the strain, mid so bring directly
home to (he allies the dangers thut
arc Impending.
a saSmjnterview
Mr. Brown Tells His Experience.
The following brief account of an
interview with a f)nlom man several
years ago, nnd its sequol, will bo road
with keen interest bv every citizen.
P. W. Brown, fanner, J.W0 Slato St.,
Salem, says: "Three yeurs of mill
wright work in, a damp atmosphere dis
ordered by kidneys. 1 often had lame
ness nnd soreness ncross the small of
my hack. When having an "attack, I
heard of Ponn's Kidney Pills and got
a supply. They removed the backache
and soreness, together with other symp
toms of kidney trouble. All I snlrl
recommending Bonn's Kidney Pills
when 1 publicly endorsee, them before,
holds good. I use them occasionally
when 1 have symptoms of kidney com
plaint and T never fail to get quick ro
lief. Another of (ho family has also
used l'uan's Kidney Pills for kidney
weakness and hns had the best nt re
sults." Price fiOe, at nil dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Dunn's Kidney Pills t lie snme that
Mr. Brown hnd. Koslcr-Milburn Co,,
Trops., Buffalo, N. R.
.Power Co.