THIS SALEM -CATTTAL JOTJBNAL. 8ALEM, OREGON, FBIDAY. rEHRUABY 19. t15. nvE r SALE COMMENCES AT 9 A.M. , Saturday Only 30c Ribbons -14c Yard A large shipment of Taffeta and Messaline Ribbons have just been received, -and Saturday we offer Ribbons up to 6y2 inches in width, all colors Limit 10 yards to a customer Regular 30c Values for 14c YARD f '''' ma SUGAR FAMINE IN FRANCE AVERTED ! Correspondent Relate Story of Kite In Price With Scarcity of Commodities. 5 THE MARKETS . , Toduy the hog market is slow ami weak. l'attl are not in much demand. The sheep market is strong. Alt millfeed lines ure also weak, ami lo.-al trade very slow, buyers nil hold- off fat the expected decline. Til 3 tains in southern California hnvi damaged the curly vegetables, with 11 consequent rise in price. Celery toduy advanced 10 ceuts per dozen, bringing the wholesale price up to $! pel' do.en l-'ggs ure oil two cents, trie wholesal'.' rush price paid todny ranging between 18 anil 20 vent. . (By William Phillip Klmms.) Paris, Feb. 3.-(By mail to New j York) A sugar famine in France bos .been averted and the priee which went (from seven cents a pound to eleven (cents, will probably not go very much higher. At the beginning of the war there was what might bo called a food panic; people, with the memory of rata, cuts, i horses aud other household animals fresh in their minds associated with meals eaten during the siege of Paris in 1870, made a rush for grocery estab lishments. Walt and sugar were the things they asked for first and soon it ! was noised about that no more sugar ! was to be had, at lean for the time be ing. I After a while things losened tip some 'what. ISugar was to be had at an in creased price but, with the German in vasion of the principul sugar-producing provinces and the confiscation by them ,of the best crop, a second sugar pnnic wub caused. Things really did look ser ious. Must of the sugar in France came from the Nord, Pns-dc-Cnlnis, Aisne and Homme- departments and the tier- mans unci lnvnucii these, wnnt was Mill worse, three-fourths of the best seeds came from Germany, the othei fourth from the, invaded French dis tricts. With little sugar on hand am! apparently no means of planting mole sugar beets for a future erup, the out look wns dismal. I The German seed houses offered to send the seeds through Switzerland, ac cording to information gathered here, but the French refused. . Then Kussia came to the front. At the price paid in times of peace to Ooimany France's al ly has Bent to beet farmers here a full j supply of seeds of the same vuriety n tin? uermnn. I The French government hus taken off Ufl - MlSSOUri f SriTl I'"""''" on the seeds. However the sow ing can be done only over 100.000 hee- tncres as compared to 2l.'t,:i50 liectncrcs which is an average, owing to the Gcr- Frank James Dies Hay, timothy, per ton Clover, per toil Oata and vetch ..Cheat Wheat, per bushel Krau, per tew Shorts, per ton y... .Oate, per bushel Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, cash, 18c; trade liens, per pound ' Monsters, old, per pound 7c Btags 8c Butter. Butterfat, per pound 20c Creamery butter, per pound .'12c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Tork, on foot tl'4(ii)l!gc J'ork, dressed Veal, dressed Excelsior Springs, Mo.,' Feb. 19. 1-runk .lames, one ot the two last snr- man occupation. Therefore while dim viving niemherrj cif th notorious James-! ger of a sugar famine has been ohvi- Younger gang, dicil on his farm near a,'d. therf ,nut necessarily be a com- i, i i i -, uarntive shortage of the hunio product here yesterday. James, who wns i4 ' , , . . . . 1 ' ' and foreign countries must to some ex- years old, had been in ill health several t,.nt be depended upon, month and wan stricken with trpoplexv A large purl of this venr's beet crop early yesterday. w" dipped by the Kaiser's troops tci 30 votoa Jo 1.1 for C. A. and 13 One' of the Inst members of a nntor- Germany und there converted into! for Win. Fidlor. The vote was ques- ious robber band, whose iinpumllcle.l s"Rnf- I t"""Ml "- "P"" motion of Wm. Gallo- eur.-r of crime during the civil war ' ' ' I ? wB" reconsidered. Drnin received and the unsettled period that followed I.fnPV RilC tyoiinn i i ," ?" l" 1I,h bal,ot WH" kept -the people ,; a dozen states in Jllm DBS OlIOD declared elected. .terror, rank James had been living Kcth chr(l at KllltOnO i i i J , ,, r ror !the life of a quiet former for more Hum I-SiaDIlSnCQl a LUgm Herk J. Patterson, of Marion, 11 $l!::iu mi,.s. voles, C. W. Parnsh 11 votes, J. J. 8.50l The foil of a ' minister resiic-tcl (l-iigene Guard.) '. ... i ioie. n. r,. iforthwick re ..JlOfjj'il I throughout the riMiiinunity, Frank According to an announcement made ; 0liyed .14 votesfor engrossing el nines oned Onnntie II 's uiicmllns In '. ('-"poseo tu niase x.ugene - .... i mutii, o lor .1 UTCTflSIfAI ' i i By Albert Tozler ; The. legislative session of 1874 con vened Monday, September 14th, and the. house was called to order by S. A. Clarke, clerk of the 1872 session. J. C. Drain, Douglas, was temporary speaker, and W. L. White, Clackamas, temporary clerk. Those reported entitled to seats were: liaker C, G. Chandler, .T. C. Wilson. Kenton James Bruce, W. J. Kelly, .lames numbers. Clackamas Hcnrv McGugin, P. S. Noyer, J. M. lieed,' S. P. Lee. Clatsop-Tillamook W. R. Deane. Columbia J, 8. Rinenrson. Coos John P. Dolly. Coos-Curry II. Blake. Douglas G. W. Riddle, John C. Drnin, Thos. Ledgerwood, D. W. Stearns. Grant Bart Curl (contested). Jackson W. .1. Plymnle. C. 11. Van Riper, Thos. Wright. Josephine Wm. Fidler. I .a ne A. J. Donk, ,1. D. Matlock, R. B. Hayes, John McClung. l.inn JoVeph Lame, Jonathan Was som, Harvey Shelton, Frank Shedd, G. F. Crawford. A. W. Htanard. Marion (''. A. Reed, David Simpson, Warren Cranston, F. X. Matthieu, A. X. Gilbert. -Multnoniah-'-Wm. Cornell, R. S. Jewett, Jacob Johnson, R. Stotl, John M. Genrin, Penumbra Kellv. Polk David Stump, W. C. Brown, I. I. Jiutler. Union Dunhnin Wright. 1'iiintilla Thos. Roe, U. Jackson, J. M. Partlow. Wasco 13. B. Dufur. Robert Mays. Vuinhill Lee Lauglilin, K. C. Brad shaw, Win. Galloway. Joseph Jeffem presented a cort.ifi cale of election from Clatsop county, but was not seated as no law gave Clntsop county representation. : Gilbert Reynolds contested the seat of Bart Curl from Grant county, on the member of the Albnny lodge, mado a groiiniis of lion residence, but the house short address in behalf of the. home1 ruled in favor of Curl. The vote in r lodge, welcoming the Salem brothers.! Grant county stood Hurt Curl 212 votes. ! An original "pome" wns read by P. i Gilbert Reynolds lflll votes, M. V. D'Arcy, and Kola Nets told' tho , Thompson 10 1 votes. boys all about his experiences ill the There was s. sniriled contest In ' """"""n rm.V and his troubles with lent officers of the ,h0 kl8nr' i'en- ' h- f,",vi,r, seen- Yes, They Are Here Just a reminder that the new Spring Hats are here, as our complete line of Stetson and Crofut Knapp hats have just arrived. Kindly step in and inspect them. Crofut Knapp Hats Stetson Hats C. & K $3.00 $4.00 and $5.00 Knapp Felt $4.00 Knapp Felt De Lux .. .$6.00 HAMMOND-BISHOP CO. Leading Clothiers The Toggery 167 Commercial Street Elks Visit Albany To Observe Anniversary With a brass band, skyrockets, Ro man candles and red lights greeting them, the Salem Klks made a grand entry into Albnny when 123 members of the local lodge arrived in that city ! to celebrate with the Albany boys the ' Mnd anniversury of the founding of! the Klks order and the 18th of tho Al- j bany lodge. Arriving in Albnny at 8 o'clock, the1 boys were marched to the lodge rooms and after the preliminary greetings of old friends, a big banquet was served, over 1100 visiting Klks enjoying tho hospitality of the Albany lodge. Governor Wilhvconibe, who is a ARROW COLLARS DEVON 2Vx inches MARLEY VA inches h ' 3 I A RROW Collar styles are not only most correct, but the collars are the most durable and perfect fitting it is possi ble to produce. 2 for 2j cents CLUETT. PEABODY &- CO.. lot MJars selecting permanent house. On Wedneesdnv. Sentember lit .1. C. Drain was declared elected speaker on the tr-iith ballot, receiving lerk I. ipi.rtoiriio civil war. ''J Diot'ier .lesse, and took par N1''knig of Lawrence, hau. 20: 12i i.:.. the niulit fllonninir noint for a Pi d took part in th" f nn"' 81''vi'e which is in process' Abbott was elected enrolling "i oigiini.iiinjii, i a is service wnuiu oe, . iin'i.t. m xuuiniii, ser , i r the plans of the promoters mature, i WMif at arms; A. F. Wagner, Marion, nn overland sorvlce from Seattle In doorkeeper and James Dougherty anil the Pnnnnin-Pneific Kxposition at San i ' laudo Gateh pages. r rniicisi'o. The present plans are to i iianoway started sonietbing A RAW, SORE THROAT tnry of the local lodge sanr; In prefer ence to making a speech and Al. L. Meyers, exulted ruler of the Salem lodgo made a short address, thanking! the Albany boys for their efforts and 1 entertainment, of the visiting Klks. i It was a big event for not only the I visiting Klks, but for Albany boys who proved themselves such generous en tertainers, CONFERENCE ON BILL. Washington, Feb. 10. Following the appointment of conferees on the. ship I purchnso bill, the house was prepared this afternoon to pass on tho diplomatic I ti iid consular appropriation bill, and ' then the fortifications und tho general deficiency hills. According to both house und. sennte lenders, the agreement to slash the j rivers nnd harbor bill so us to provid Recipe Department By BETSY WADE. Spnog iamb hteers 'ow Wetheri Ewes inauinirntn nnd to ennlimiA If until when he mado a motion that an. h mnm.lonlv for continuing liroleets nlremlv , Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little the end of this coming summer. I her be furnished with 25 cents worth started has smoothed the way fur mi-. Musterole, ; L. 11. Griffith, of Seattle, represent-1 mtue stamps. The house finally Sjournnient of congress on March 4. i . ! .1.- I,..-::- IT' I m l-.ltll.l A'l ..n.ll. .....I. .l I I . i inmiiicnni .-. " ravine mguway I our anil "u ui hi nru nirninrr. Anil MUSlfcROLK won't blister like Hotel eompnnv. wns in Eugene Inst; September 17th the vote on gov the old-lashioiied muatard-plastor. Just night, leaving this morning for Seattle. ' 'l'l"'f '" canvassed. H was as fill spread it on with your fingers. It pen- He employed Jnck Rudmnn. a Kugene low": K. Grnver, dem., 0,7i:i; J. C. et rates to the sore spot with a gentlo r,,tv dealer to find him forty acres' Tolninn, rep., (MM; T. F. Campbell, '.:, """" '" "raws nf hind in or near Kugcnn for the erec- "". T. W. Davenport 1 vote. Hirzc n,",,'V 1'u,'"- ... . . tion of 1000 tents nnd for parking ns 'O'"' vote on governor 2i,4ntl. Orov UDIES! LOOK YOUNG, DARKEN GRAY HAIR lii.c m i.nir.iHuci is a clean, wuite oiMt-.m. ... ti. ....... ..1 i. ..lei's n umliiv s..n ti... i: i:i.n ment mudo with oil of mustard. There, a t ' , '. . ... i 'm. i. , ,. .... . nh l Thrnuvh Hair. " -j- . ... . . .. .. .. - imvti t-i iitoiiienr. in r.unene to unno e "'' hhu .HuninnuHn is oi iiueresr.i ... .w . s.. . 6C;.V,jC !""""" V'10 "J.. ('",V,'K r?:l,.,.lt ro,r,Bor0;. 1,000 persons a night.. I Mnltnomah-flrover Oil, Campbell r,:,H. Oruy hair, however handsome, de re flV.eli r"ul; ' . '. '.;0M?'' A meeting of the fnir board will he Tnlnian. l.Mfl. Total .1.02.1. Marion-, notes advancing age. Wo nil know the 4((l4V0e; ; ' 1 ' ", ' "' called toniuht to consider n proposition . 'nm'bell 08. Orover Odd, Talmou 1,0.18,! ndvantagea of youthful appearance. xruit.. :ft ,0 '" HI property during the sum-: Total '2.028. 1.1,,,,-Campbell 072,! Your hair is your charm. H makes or "TifnVl AO . . . ' . .. . met as the Kuirene rieiifl. or f,(),MH( nprm "' es, ( liilblains, J.S0(")4:tho ,,,,, (it ,c ial. Notliinir l.00fri'1.2.) ..,, ri,n.i... nnd the other part l-7 V '. . . I innl.i.1 1 .. ,1... ...HI.!. .1.. . . 1.. tilt ' rt. I ...1B.1 ., ,. Q.. I ..... I... in inf. oinmunicniion wns read from Mrs Oranges, navel PaniDBS, lb Lemons, per box Pineapples, per lb Appes, box Cranberries, barrel Florida grape fruit Pates, dromedary, case Dates, Persian, lb Kips, per pack Cocoanuts. per dozen II Fartl Dates Vegetables. 'bbage, per lb . Tomatoes, California Celery, per, 1; ciute Lettuce, crate Onions, per 100 pounds Potatoes (Uregou), bushel , hweet potatoes, crnle Cauliflower I."5 1'riisK'li Sproutt 80 String Garlic lie Parsnips r in. i..r i.,d.i. Hf. "ier as the Eugene hoodtpiarters for the : "vtr 047, Tulninn (110. Total 2.20,1. mars tho face, When it fades, turns m 1 Frorted Feet Coldi V an ''""'l'"'. If this is obtained, the e- I-mnc introduced H. n. No. II inviting! gray and looks dry, wispy und scrag it 'often prevents' Pneumon- ni,'it r,v"inn hnllding will he used as "'embers of tho Temperance League ol'igly, just a few applications of Sage ng like Ml'STKROLK for a "Kt '""'"K rnnm for "IB tourists,! ' oitlnnd to seals within, the bnr.lTcii and Sulphur eiihunces its uppear-,i- ' '' nnd the other parts of the enclosure. Carried. Unco a hundred fold. '!'"! At vour druggist sin 25 and 50e jars,1 Ln,'l":,il"' ,,l?t w,',,,in ' Kii4.50 and a special largo hospital aire for ;"r T "'''"',i,in of tents and the park- ''o' 3.25 1 if2,no. iiii of the cars. , Jellied Veal. Sunk one tablespoon on tonst. It can also be sin roiindcd E1' ll",'1' K'lti" in one-fourth cup wlth w,it(, or (W,.,,t putatoes, peeled cold water and dissolve in one cup , . , ,,, , , , . ..... llllltl I1IIU I'l IM'llit. AlllltU ,1,1 llillll' lit IniLMt Vtui Orandma'i Bags Tea and Sulphur! boiling water; then add one-tourth cup ' Recipe and Nobody can Tell, ein n sugar anil vinegar, two tablespoons !"' i,r ,.. lemon ,uico and one teasiiiou salt, nil a little not wnlor to pan, let sini- Strain, cool and when beginning to slif- ,,., top nf stove to get brown, then lenidil one and one-half cups t-ol.l ; f (lu mohu,uM cooked veal, cut ill small cubes, and 1 one nnd one-hall eni d piinentt.i, cut Wl1 1 ''"''l w"1''1'- '' H'l' licu, season, In 1 11111 1 1 pieces. Turn Into mold and then strain into ginvy boat. chill, itemove fioui mold, cut in thin slices and serve. Tvlaple rndge, lie sure of gelling pure maple sugar. About ( of the slul f sold under that name never flowed f 1 nm 11 mnple tree. Ilieak the ..W.(wW,t ..0c($f.r)0 ,..l.75r2 Ir'2.00 fl.75. 2.25 lUl. 25 !)5(M'40f :t Elks Will Entertain As "Big Brothers" K the milk I tin' ler over a blue flame or low coul fire and cook until a little dropped into old water burdens into brittleiiess. pan, Don't stay grny! Look young! Kither lire rn ro the tunic, at homo or A. Cobiirn, secretary of the Wo-1 get f nun any drug store a 00-cent hot- The nroiect iiienns the exiKMil'itnro of '"en ' Suffrage Association enlendinn tlu of "Wveth's S1110 nnd Sulnhur suuar small. Pound it with a hummer thousands of dollars in Bimon nccoril- 1,11 Invitation to members of the house : Uair Remedy." Thousands of folks : In a clean cloth to get the rigut size. ing to tho promoters. The feeding of iinenn a ucinre in Heed s Opern recommend this reaily-to uso prepara- l our a cupiui ot ircsii iiiiik over 11 I.Oiio persons n day, with the neces-' "ouse, Salem. Mays moved to accept tion, because it darkens tho hnir lienu-I and let the sugar dissolve. I imp in a sary purclinse or fond from locnl deal- too invitation and ponding this motion tilully and removes dandruff, stops the bit ot sodn the si.e or a pen und set ers, in addition to the sums spent hv moved to Inv the invitation 011 the scalp' Itching and falling hair: besides, over the fire In it double boiler. When ine uiurisis at stopping plrn-es, will be n""o. 1 urnou, no one can possibly tell, as it darkens very important Items, it Is slated. Thurnlay, September 2llh Mrs. Mary so naturally and evenly. You moisten I'lider the plan the motor busses will Tlioinpso,ii, roprbsenting thn Temper-i a sponge or soft brush with It, drawing lenve Portland In the morning, make '""'e League of Oregon, addressed Hie 1 this through the hnir. taking one siniill All.n.... .. 1.... I 1 1. J hi, nun n,....,ui;.... in .1 1 . I .1 ... .. ti.. : it. . n, . .. ., i . . . jin.nn. ii niw!.),!, ,,iM-(. ,i,r unfu, nnu :-..o..K ,., , nii-iii r-rs in sirnii'i ui u nine, ny iiiuriiiuu Hie grny ' mac llonl llle rilllge; neat llillll II .n,,.) l.'.w.n... ..I.. I.. t, I . I llllll.n Mtl;...t.t... ...I..1!.... .1... II It..!- - .1 li , . . , . ... . OHO ..,K.-,n- i in- hiit nniciiiiig nnu ( - "h- N, i i'kiiiii i ion ui iiit- ii'piiii nuir uisiippcnrs. jiier ninuiicr nppii i grniiuiiiies lino pour into a nuiteieii i "i "in 1110 ne muni snipping t ' ciiuon or two, us natural couir is ro- aces. (Ine of the features of the t K. Warren, A. Van Dusen nnd II. stored and it becomes thick, glossy and . trip to lie ailvertlsed to tourists is the ' "aiinnnis were eieeied pilot, com- lustrous, nnd you appear years young- T ll li II 1 nriltln.r" mnveiiicnt .,. .! ...,t Il.i.l .. In iuiil.,i,nr. ..... ...... 1 , i... .. ' tl 10 .1 K .,, ,,ii. iiini-i iiriiiiiKi-iiit-iiis ; er, t.oriu yigeni i, v. l erry. Ti.''ithe auspices nf the IJks lodgo will be will be niiide, however, for those who The house voted to relieve .Tessn Ap- -- plerlile from n .ludiimeiit nbtained llinde pure womuiiliooil. J lie ininnrity Candied Cranberries. nf nil the ways ot serving cum berries this is one of III prettiest and must delicious, It in especially good In servo with fowl. Take one ipun t of berries ami put them ill bilking pans so that, the berries are spread evenly on the bottom aud the icri'ies will nut be oil top of each oth er. Sprinkle over these, covering then, ten cups of sugar (to one ipiurt ttf berries) and then add water enough to l'" t-iiliui 111,,, lit iili.i.tliir.l Inn liniulit nf tin. scalding hoi. set the i r . . , , , , tj. ., , Short Bocf Koatrt. Ash for a shmt ib r.iast, Acciiidiug to si.e, n.lwo or are tender; but they must retain their shape. Then carefully pile them on it glass di-Ji. They should look like can- herries, with a small atuuitut. of sirup, iiinl should be a scinlet oh 1". Artichokes ...noc inaugurated hero next Monday niglil I do not enre to use the tents. wecU " e"t"ii"p'rt'"a i when all the boys of thn city under the ! Stopover privileges will be given,, ngnlnst him by the slate, he being one "f vour coiiiinitlee would further K' n" c ' nge of 15 years nm Invited to eome to making it possible for tho passengers of the sureties of Ham H. May, ex-1 recommend that the male portion of Creamery butter ..10c , ,gt! f, Rn evening's enter- to lake side trips nut nf Eugene such secretary nf state. said petitioners be reipiested to nrrny ' """ . tniument. as up the Mi river, .or to snend It was nt the In, I session t int IT. .1. themselves in apparel suilnlile nnd up- Jlour, valley 'piie Hig Hrother Iden originated sev-1 a dnv or more seeing llugene. The op- N". 211 hv chambers was Introduced! pmpriatii to the sex they seek lo as- "" '"" erni years ago anil .lunge lien l.lnilsev, portunltv for advertising Kugene will n"d passed estnblishlng Hie oil ling-1 some. c. h. Mnnlsliiiw." Snisr. tier cwt iru.00 i,... ... .,., ... .... ,.. ... .. ... ..... ,. , , . .... ., .... , " t-..n.....i - .. " ' ' i'i ii.ii, innj nn nun. i in, nn i-inei , uw iini'it areuier llinn It inese Slgltl- '"rnv "i in.' mini 1 1 in lliei 1 e, ii,r,.,niK ii,i i.j.i, i,,,- i.i,u.-; ,,.1't it in,. II, , ill '.. i, 1 I II I exponent. The idea Is that every boy seers were shot through the city on "n Thursday, Scptouiber 24. 1874. C. nienlioneil speeinl cinniiiitlen (, A. , , 1 , , , " ' , .. ,' 1 . ' . ,, 1 ' Portland Markets. , Id have a business or professional Southern Pacific trains, according to A. Itoed. house member from Morion, It II. It. No. Ill favor-1 "-''l w",',,r. '" i","1 ''0.v"r l"" "' ounce, or., Feb . llt.WI,ei.l- i.tun as a special friend t.u look after i those promoting tho plan. I "stnrle.l something ' when he Intrn-I l"g n "lisnge In the constitution, ri.ixi i '"". ''""'' "l,l''H "" "" tt'"""l" '"V I "'I'l"'1'' one hul giatcd nutineg, Club 1.52; lllueslem I..'i4-i. liini and III case of trouble, to stiind lis . "This Is the biggest thing for Ku- 'luccd a petition rnntniulnK h ign:i-! Iiill was voted on IMober 7, IH7I, "'"' "r 'l""'' 1 "' "I""' ' '!','l'',' '" ' '"" "' ''" ''' ()t-No. 1 white feed .'H.75; gray sponsor for his future good conduct. gene that ever renin this wnv," de- tore of 1 500 me.i im-l women asking will. ' ihe follow ing result: Yeas: '"-! "" "'"'' l""' '"" !'' I"l'" M 'al. suet, sail anil spices; then .U.B0. I With this Idea in view, the Klks havelelnred Mr. Itodninn todnv. "It menus for a change in Hie Oregon .-oiislilu .'Crawford, I. , Jewell, Kelly .f ! '"" e not get tin. brown or crisp; add iipples, then I tint, then cider, snd Harlev Fetil 2H.00. started the movement here and will Hint 25(1,00(1 people will be cared for tin., permitllng women to yule, lie I'-eulon; l.nine, Lauglilin, Lee, Mnvs nf , """'' r nioderiilely I ln, o nil the sugar. Hake day before II..1TH ltest live .l.7n. ulvo tl iiliirtiilnmi.nt Mi.mli.v ..;..). In Knoenn ilurlm, thn n.nnw.r .,.,1 tl.i,u eerlitlnlv .in n.-.l,,,, n Wrl.,i.i ! .Million. Iliiieni son. Kent I. Slteild.' Wil " a-t" '.Iter counli.ig 15 minutes lor each I"d between two crusts of rich Mines for Pies Half ouml raw beef, three rib rmst will lie enough for u one ouml suet, one pound lint apples', small Iniuily. Let butener reniove chop each finely and separately. Hull boii"S, Ask him to trim und skewer n po'ind of currants well washed and it up nicely, also tuku the billies wilh dried, half I. pound of ini-ins seeded, toii-i: they will do for soup slock with I half a pound of fit run cut into snuill i the .idilition of u small pieee of snip! bits, iialf II pound of brum sugnr, half iiienl. Kuli roast well with salt uudii pint of New Orlcuns molasses, one kiillnwinir tl,i, r. I nf the llbnve i lM IM ' I I"""' " nwi'Mi-r nun limn nun inline III sun I all oil u llllJiu Prime steers 7.5001 ifi .8.1; fancy to thn boys of the town, ltesides ad eows A1OK1 10. 15; best calves 7fti' dresses and music, the tjoys will be en s)8.25. Ilertnined by the Hulgarinns, who tire Spring Inmbs s)Sffi S,2.". j i 11 the city preparing their orientnl mil Itiiller 'rcatnery H2e, sic for the vaudeville stuge. Kggs Selected joeal extras 21coi 1 The cominiltoe appointed to look after 22iAo. the program and get the boys together Hens lScffi I.T jc; brollcis 1 li-Ci llle; fur Miinilny nights eunslsts of S, M. Ln geese 10c. dicutt, chairman, Fred Krixon and H, h. cnnBP BPABrHron noRnrnfl 'l';l"',' Committee wnnls every buy POSSE SEARCH FOR ROBBERS. ., fown ,() (1H hM1( Mon,,lv ywhU ,. ... , . . at the Klks lodge rooms. Alexandria, n reb. 10. A.ine.l - - - will hnve a money here. 'tiniu'c lo spend DRINK poss were searchieg today for two masked robbers who entered the ex press ear on the I'lorlili. I'lier nf the Atlantic Coast Line in the inilrond yards here and overpowered Messen ger Chanibliss. The luiiidlts were un able to open the safe, hut threw it off beie aii'l YYoodhouse Anxious For More Government Aircrafts' HABIT their f I'nlon moved to refer Hie pelilioti "on; LI. Nays: lllnke, Itindslisw, I'ouii'l In Hie committee on retrenchment mil Htown, Since, llutler, Chumller, Chnin- I reform. Iist. l-'ldler inoved lo refer beis, Cornel Cranston, Curl, Durst,, to committee nf the whole. Lost. Honk, Dufur, Dully, I'idb'l, Florence,: Hee, moved to refer to special Galloway, Gearin, Gilbert, Hayes,, lee of I luce. Carried, I'halr 'iiipoluli-,1 Jm-ksiin, Johnson, Kelly of Multnomah, need or Marlon, l.anie nnd nriidshew, - I'l'ilgerwuou, .miiiiocii, .Mciiugiu, Ale The couiinillce on (Iclolier 1st re I ' lung, N'uver, Partlow, I'lvmale, Kid llli tu.,1 . i.,uii,llv nn.l . tiMi.nrll .... i Mr. Itiie. Itiiss. Hllelloll. Sillllilioll. I poll. The majority rrpnrt was signed Siaiuinl, Slenrns, Slecn, Slolt, Stuniii, bv Heed and l.nnie who favoied the van Kiper, rvassom, Viriglit nl .lack- petitioners, while lliinlshiiw. Hie luin son, Wiight of I'maHlla, Dniin; 10. S A sliced it'.iou can be pla I pnslry, RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT only, claimed Hint the relief prnvid Absent: Heed of liickainiis. for wns In conflict with Aiti-'Ie 2,, There ought In be snnie way of cor Section 'i (,f he I'liiistlluHiii. uf Ihe reding the several journals of (Ire Slate of Oregon. Kxtinets fmin thai two legislative sessions. In some nii.iority report read as follows: " The , .ionrniils eniinlics nre missing as well i ne mii ui . r. trenimeni t nr 1 ne iirinK iniiiorii v of vour commit "i won , ns ine niniics or incui.iers. .Mimes are ' " . Habit can be used with absolute conl'l-l therefore recommend hat the tun vers! Incorrectly spelled. The time to writoi New link, l eb. 111. Henry Wood- deuce. It destroys all desire for whis i of said petitioners be dnic,. The! history is now, and Hie time to make house, governor of the Aero Club of key. beer or other alcoholic, stimulants' 1 1 v nf run, .,,, lit.,., ,,i,i lunoer rl is now. In Ihe I nited Thousands have successfully used It -further recommend Hint the female pur-, liunse .journal nf the 1174 session the the tinin liirce miles from iiimoed lo Ihe eioiind themselves. Lo Ainerii a, in a letlor todv lo eal (ipress ofl'ieials said there win Stales senator, said the army and, and have 1 n restored to lives of so-timi of said ielllloners be respectfully I "ta 'nr of .1. J. Daley appears, in others mi... im.c iniv IffH-r H.-r.'1'HIIU-s lll:i'iii-i. linn uw-1 ill in-ss, i H 11 lie Hlven re.lliesle, In mllie In l.icr ri.snn.-t i.-t, II is S II- I'll I.IHV. II this nill'lll Hit nothi.ig of value in the snfe. SCRAP AT NEW ORLEANS. Now Orleans, Feb. 10. JiVinnv Dun dee and Joe Mantlet were to mix tu night in a JO-round scrap for light weiijht bonois. for war service. He urged su appro-1 secretly. Costs only til, 00 per box. iatinn of i.liOO.i.O for sn aeroplane you fnil In get results from OltltINK i esllv discharge the duties enjoined no If I homes. i: Bii, there faillifiillv and hnn- service, asserting that Ihe defenses In after a trial, yourmunev will he r.. on them bv Ihe laws nf their croaH llie Philippines, Hawaii ami the Pans-; liinilcil. sk for tree booklet telling nil I ani ( cvillrj., socielv Hist they will K . ,. ..!il i :... 4. 11. .... fillO IV! L.1 I. ' ' inn i h 1 1 ii i 7. nu wrrn n n nHi nir rriii i i 11 u mi onnnu;,t of any sort. .1. C. Pl.linY, 155 H. Cnmmenial pests the nn mo of lluihiiui Wrlghl, u other .journals there appeals Dunham Wright. In this journal there appears Jsuies II, Ijiue si ii it .hi mi's II. Lame. lit the future desist from pelillnnlng 'I here also sppeuis tu be an omission for or meddling in matters thst de of somo i.ntnrs. I it t7 i 1 f? i ' r w r arm ' SISIHUa-HTOPf, I w-fs-fr'T-''nTV.'' THIS TRADE MARK IS "YOUR GUARANTEE MSf There Is no genuine BAKER'S COCOA BAKER'S CHOCOLATE unless It has this trade mark on the package. WALTER BAKER O CO. LTD ESTABLISHED 1780 DORCIIESTLR.MA33. , P i !i