Editorial Page of "The Capital JoumaF FKIHAY F.VF.NIXO., 'Feb. mi ' CHARLES H. FJ8HBB . Editor and Manager PUBLISHED EVERY EVENINO EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. (Co., Inc. L. 8. BARNES. President CHAS. H. FISHI.'R, Vice-President 1JORA C. ANDKF.SEN', Sec. and Trens. D.iily by carrier, per year. Daily by mail, per year... Weekly by mail, per your. SUBSCRIPTION RATIOS $5.00 3.00 1.00 Per month. . Per month . . Six mouths. ....45c ....:i3e ...JiOc FULL I.KASF.D WIRE TKLEORAPtI REPORT boy in his life, because they "didn't believe in punish ment." The view of the court was that what the boy need ed, and needed badly, was punishment. What he thought of the parents was not expressly stated, but it might be in ferred that he thought a bit of punishment might not be beyond their desert. No proper-minded person upholds inhumanity or brutality in the treatment of children, and the law prop erly and strictly prohibits it. But there is no real kindness or wisdom in coddling the selfishness of chidlren or yielding to the self-will and wrong inclinations of undeveloped mentalities. Mature intelligences are developed in parents in order that they may direct and control during the period of im maturity the beings they bring into the world, and the courts generally are endeavoring to hold parents to that responsibility. TLn TiitrnnHn Psi.it.t !n ,,. ,1 I f,, A :j.:a.. The upper house of the present legislature must passi . ,. f , , ,-nmn0tT,t na,w into history as the most perfectly controlled coloration we h . offendi offspring 1 , machine that was ever assembled in Oregon. It has been j & 1 . subservient in every respect to the Prful lojby - A German jurist is gravely discussing the question,1 tained by the railroads and public seme co o a ions the mQ owng th(j bullet n l j . worn oi in s gang vi iaiaitco " S.Z nVWntl VVell 11 possession is nine points of the law, a fairly good iiofoaf nf iw Vivr rn-f eotnc bill, and the passage ot senate' ,.' , . , , , , , ... ' .. maintaining public utilities witnout nibt ouwiiiii.g : in k j it in hi he WQuld be wim tQ waiye tM cm consent of the rail road coinmissoners. The f ui the iact lenti according to th Philadelphia Inquirer. tViot rwn numhprs nf the rai road commission lobbied ioi'j r m The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the wen. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the piper to you ou time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as thiB is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions. Paone Main 81. THE SENATE'S MACHINE. W. U. Students should be loyal to their school, and prove it by using the "W. U." stationery we are sell in. Comes in nice boxes at a little price. It will delight the folks at home and will please your friends. Order a box to day and show a little 'varsity spirit. ..Step in and see it your way down town. on Frank S. Ward Phone 2217 548 State St. The La-test "Wrinkles" In Men's Shirts See the new patterns anil colors iu the latest lien's Spring and Summer Shirts now on display at this store. CTnssy Shirts in a wide variety to please every taste and purse. NEW SHAPES IN MEN'S SHOES Stylish appearance ami comfortable lusts characterize the Shoes for men nt O. W. Johnson & Co. Footwear that will be populnr this summer is now being displayed here. very c plnim mifrVlf Ya oof nil -Fni flia onlrlim. Vmf flirtno finrt .nor.rt ! bill No. 58, Prohibiting X , , beli.evin.g ,that- even anting he was within his rights ! Two Thousand Students Kuuoiie. Oregon, Tliuarv 18. , Kt'iiUtrution in liberal urts emm-u1 nt the atuto uiuvernity i at it record point with 815 students enrolled wince ' Sentember 15. The first serneHrer en- - - - - v , 17. IVflLL Mil niirtTII r Allr'IIIIIMII f.S III I'lUIIIUI'MIIII U'MM I iiu - 4.,..lv. no wnll no fnvniViino- n frond VeaSOIl WhV ttie m i. -..i. r, i,. , , .,, , V . rollment wait 745 unci midwinter fresh- iCJiuujH-jr, iui " ' I lLlIIiaiO Ul'OieCC. It Was lODDiea tnrOlien ana Will ClO COUbt men numbered between i SO mid lilt. Ke- this measure would suggest an understanding between the ! p.nvo,.n.. w;rr.vKa n,1(Tv,f v,o;,0 ui, corporations and a majority of the c om'on as now : bone to veto that $20 000 appropriation to reimburse Alma constituted. It i lustrates vividly the t angei of such a ; D Ratz fm. al,eged expenditures in connection with the At State University REDUCTIONS We're stili Helling (hoso elegant Suits for men nt a price thnt is u distinct econoniv - - - . - G. W. Johnson & Company 143 N. Commercial Street 1 When Purchas'ng, Try Salem Pirst corporation shouklivortne Din. fVlo n,,,i be divided among a crowd of Portland men, representing . The only excuse Senate Leader Day . . to them less the exPenses incurred during the lifi for the action taken is in effect that legislation in the . nrAov frt .f ?f ftMA h - - .... . ... n .'t, k'unii ' i VlUVt W CW lb UllUUtllli students make up the re- interest of the public has been carried too far, menacing . . . ..t:i:i.: r,.- 1V.Tvilf 1 the investment or capital in puunc imiiues. iut inc iuu nomah representative of the special interests fails to un derstand the cause o.t this popular unrest, 01 euse pu Pum.- ;int editor of th Qreeonian to voulnteer to raise and emiin roughshod over tne wisnes oi Q(T;mQf p uij u:i. u . 1: :, .r the score filling the retundu turning mninder. The 1013-10 cntulogue, which tnkes acount of the registrations in liberal , I arts and sciences, tlH department of I music, the summer school, the corres- th" Wme tViof q njoii nlrviifl oliif fl.r c-lin r,f r, Bondencestudv denartment. and --- x . - . . . ., , A.V.f bllUV tX . , Ul .lUL.l. CLllWLllj rtl Ill 1 Ml I I l I I I I . . ' nomah representative of the special interests i tails to . un- has d on own hoi, t h VWZZ:'X1 ance summary ot unmit aiiuu. 1111s total puts the university of Oregon in a good among the larger universities ot Jnited Stutes, and puts the stute egon, with its population under .... ... ,4. j.. j.,f i inc iuiu reiierni census or uiii.iiiu, well islative sessions, money spent like watei to deleat 01 pi 0-. Two important bnja went through the sen- ,t0 ,the f rowt in ,h" i1" ,1""IS,ll", of mnto mpfiQiirPS nffoftinfT their 1'elatlOnS With the PUbllC IS of fi enmnnn if . A r . 6,.T. , 'lmlntants seeking higher eduention. """ o -- --- - . , - n" aireiuuuii ao 11 kicuscu rt'tdUIliail. 1NO QOUDC VlLlObiOll Wiv V't - - - I I - ' iy ignores it when he rides roughshod over the people whose n he rides roughshod over tne w, es 01 a ful, regimenfc of blood.thirst rough.riding pencil shov- 3 votes elected him. Paid lobbyists by el,g f or ingtant servicein the commisaary department. ,h L'Bi he retunda of the state house during leg-, ' 1 !t ;k the real cause ot the radical tendency wnicn uievdns, about it; "grease" is in evidence plainly enough in and among all classes oi people except the corporation mag- around the upper house nates themselves. The money spent for this purpose is, wrung from the patrons of transportation, light, water and telephone companies and the people know it. Men like Senator Day can no longer fool them. Lhey want a the 0hio gtate journai square deal and purpose to keep up tne ngnt on so-caneu "vested rights" until they get it. t The only sure way to stay the tendency toward too rad ieal h-pislation. the free and full sway of democracy, is to give the people honest laws, just alike to the individual and the corporation. Day, Thompson and men 01 tneir; j SILVERTON BOYS WIN. A ood sized crowd turned out to the imsk.'t hull uaine phived in this citv mL 1 1 , , irnun.v eveniiiK uetween tne Ui al ti 1 1 11 : ine neighbors Cat nOW! school team ami thu Mt. Anijel eolleuei iny'thing regarding the Kaiser's poor health ilk, who misrepresent the people in places of confidence nrwl fi.nof m'u nnnfi'i intino' ninfo tr ndvnnn' SOClIl Sill t "i,u "' t iana other agencies comoineu. rvei y iiciuiuucui iu uicj , . 1 i, i.. 1 rossil .Imirnal: Since there wen are 01 tne masses ci-anumm uuuugii ima oniy fnriK .i,,,,,,,,,,! islature under the lash and spur ot borsism only adds tuel to a flame which is destined to consume corporate rule and greed and scatter its ashes to the four winds of heaven. If the people dispair of getting what they want from a boss-ridden legislature they will abolish that body and enact their laws by direct vote. Thousands more will vote next year to abolish the state senate than when the question came up last year, because of Day and Thompson, i t al. Party ties and party prejudices cannot be relied on to bolster up the acts of the senate majority, dag rule and a corrupt political machine wrecked the republican organi zation for twelve years in Oregon, and history will be re peated if such orgies of corporation control are to be re- enacted as once betorc corrupted tne pontics 01 mis state How true it is that time flies ! v ii 11 11 1 . . r : " ' iias tmee grown sons in me war in our nacKyard, remarks ,1""10''9' 11 '" "",0 10 B"-v 'nat Wvrv I 11 .1 nut I'riDuu iiui JVU I 111 ! plnyers themselves who wns not sur- prised nt the milliner in which the bovs An exchange wonders if the British censor would pass 1 "'he X u "V.Tf our I would nut have a uok in. Before tney I were aware of what was (joinx o the j visitors had piled up eight scores upon 'them, while they as yet had none to I their credit. Jt wns not loan, however, until they took a brace and started in in a btiitincKS'liko miinner. From this 1 time ou they played hall all the while and aeouitted thcmpclveM in a mnnner iurs the purist's soul, ! which would da full credit to a team luivinif fnr mote experience tiiun they Ihis was the iirst real mimo ' STATE NEWS Billy Sunday UlS 111 It U UU IN' not Ins tm ( ho I s itilt Homo hiiIm 1111.1 inlt 11 ifiiuiitf icinuuu ut'uiiiiut iur; b.. Mnr ntu y 1., k.. t .... 1 t ..1 ........ .... :-v. " rs." h,,,t"" rave. Hu.m-H nut iiihu un ini-rnis,-,! (UMiiuna in, u v Si.n.hiv ....u r..i.lt- 1l -.v, 1 ........... . r. - . ( nt.-r iiuici lumen linn ffanun; ui cuume .Cjluu ami monkey they have indiilxeil in several class wrench to knock gnmes, but this wns their first ex tho sinners off perienco niiuinst st runners, their pins; he drills, Those who took part in lust Friday's them to die mourn- unm", formiuK tho local team, weroi ers' bcuch, and Kiches, fj Diirnn, f; l'nlinnteer, c; mnkes them shako Wrnv, g; Carson, g. Hubs were Huudel, their sordid sins, i I'ittinnn and Tuw. Kdwin Durno is "This Monday isn 't . ,.aptaln of tho temn nud Hov ( arson is orrfcodox," the old ,liniiuKer. Appeal, line clertjyiiian de-: i clnresi "for liko AN END TO SNIVELLING. an auctioneer he talks, and mixes ., , . ,,, aruot with his nmv. lr(,lu "'" """" our home market, due to ((renter ac tivity on the farms, the outlook is ex tremely favorable, not only for jjood prices but also for n brisk demand. The Dallas Chronicle: Knur days without an arrest is a record estab lished in this city since last Thursday, and The Dalles is certainly becoinini; an exeinpary town Not even a drunk was found who wns so obstreperous that it was ncces-nrv to make him a Uiiest of the city durini! the four days. The police court is a deserted place. Medford Mail-Tribune: While plow in(! lust week on the Modoc orchards near Table liock, portions of the una tomv of a human .were uncovered, in- liidiiiir a portion of the collar bone, Saturday Choice Beef Pot Roasts ..15c Choice Beef Boils 12c (From young grain-fed steers.) Home-made Pork Sausage 15c Spareribs and Backbone 10c (From young corn-fed pigs.) E. C. Cross & Sons "Meats of Quality and Flavor." PHONES 1880-1881 rs. Ho isn't ludv James A. l'arrell, president of the , very well better than any other conn-1 cannot revive itself. The work must ba in.. ... -n ... . ' 1'iiifnil stnti.s Ktei.l ,.,,n,,,itimi finds try in the world 1... ' .. ,.'.l...n.'" rhnt "everv dv r ,d. n n.rk...l hi... that all the fabric n...,,.-0 int-j L mitt io empty pew nud stall, while ho makes leeious proveiucnr in tne (jenerui summon. bend the knee, his plan; with 1 dowed, he talks to you as man to man. Still Hilly follows up l'eter's fiery zeal en- Ti.ii.ti. Una m.n li'nntn.i flinn in'oc linfui'o in llin Viiotm'i' nr showinir the indentiition left bv nn nr 1 a.tjr ni:0 .ii v; ,v.,.. i""v " v. ... .v f ,,,, t , '.,.,.,, ,,. ,, ,,,,,,,1,, ,), .ni!0 o( ,hl. .crowd. the country, and party prejudice has almost entirely dis- in.ii,,,, banie touKht in that viciuitv v..u hear his yoic0 iik0 trumpet rinn, A pint of n ti ii mil ii sauu wniie iriitus arouiui you miwKiKrirl Tim ifiaiu uliinli rmnfpnnra onvni'ninonr 1 ns years airo. 11 ... . ,.. , " . . . P was also t un ii.l. luo collar bone is on crave, although of a different character, as in the time ot : .."ibm,,,, llt n,,. tjiZ, An nnW head Wendell Phillips, when he declared: "The man who, for party, forsakes righteousness, goes down; and the armed batallions of God march over him." Other business men can find the same sinus of mnrked improvement if they will open their eyes, stop their calamity howling and o,ct to work. This country has been hind hit by the war, but takiiiL' all the eirciim- When of trade, commerce nnd 'inni'CO which pcnc '1,1 civilization h'.d p'.tient'y wov en for ninny deendes wns torn to tat ters in a single night, the miracle is we consider overnnicntul obstncle. But business international done by men with brains und imnirina. tion und courage nnd honest Intention. It cannot bo dune by sluggards and dullards and parasites. It ennnot be done by winners and snivellers and till imbedded, An old Indian cenie- leiv is locnted in thai section, whiz, religion is n vital thing, that von stances Into consideration, it hits fared are needing in your biz. No doubt you go to jeer nud scoff, or while some " idle hours nway, but when he reels his sermon off, you join the push, and, Kneel nnd piay. Perhaps he is'nt Stunficld's council has taken steps U) y,n; llut wmt. A SPANKING IN COURT. , in I he direction of street Improvement and tree plauling ou a most liberal scnla the odds,' He makes old Satan net be hind, and makes men tired of phoney gods. "Spank him spank him well, and now!" was the order of Judge Black of the Juvenile Court at Columbus, Ohio, io the probationary officer, and John Oakes, aged 15, by whom kin-Jly admonitions had been disregarded and on whom gentle treatment had been wasted, underwent the punishment prescribed right there in the court room, Dallas will vote a special in April ou the question of election issuing bonds in Hie uin of "i0,000 for the purpose of purchasing he water plant. rltlit. tut t 4,1. in . HrTl IT'S GREAT TOR BALKY BOWELS AND STOMACH I'orth'ii of the scenario of the Cor vallis fire briuade in action nt the Albany fire: ' call was sent, We wnnf till people wfin hnve chronic i In L'O mimilcH afler the sioiniicu trouiiie or constipntnm. no mat Chief lirnham with nth- t,'r "f ,l,nv 'on(! standing, to try one It was to emphasize his earnestness that the court so;"""' u" ';i irir.rr " "Tu'u remlered judgment in the case of this youth whose parents tMhers followed until "ill firemen wore 'he niedicine so many of our local pen- declared they could do nothing with him and who had been , JL&-2 1 JtJr ' The',':':ii,'i1,,i;!M!gr''L'v,Z; i)i'onounced incorrigible by his teachers at school ami by , w . , cleanser ever m.id. Mayrv wonderful' w fmniiliinitv in w'liiMi tin livml 1 Ml"'Ksl'u,'f I'o'respoudent of the Heniedy is sold by lending druggists; tile COllUlUinilJ 111 lUtll lie lled. . Canbv Herald chronicles this bene- evervw here with the i..,.itiv a,l,.r. l'nctioii: "The Wulsh Ueppler sawmill stniiiling that your money will be re-! I com winy nr.. proving iiiemscnes pun- fumlevl without question or quibble if I ne iieneiaiiors ny uiiiii:ing ineir wiw iink hottle fails to give you absolute1 nasi ... man. tig ami piiilts I l.roiigiion . flutist action. this neighborhood. Tho school tditl- - dren, espi'cially, are benefited." I hibernated during the winter. Farm- ers report seeing a good many of the in lie grain desl rovers soamperiiig about during the wurin days of the past two weeks. The parents admitted that they had never punished the LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SG8 Capital $300,000.00 Transact a general banking business Safety Deposit Boxes RAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pacific highway tree planting day! in Jackson I'onnty, which wns set for; February 'SI, has been postponed ow-i iug to the nhsonco of Commissioner ! Madden ami the resultant Inability of' the people in charge to secure the t county court's official sanction und help, The date will be announced Inter,' Hums News: From most sections! of the county the report conies that: the rabbits an- getting so few that it Is hardly prof liable to hunt them ns n I wnire carnniu iiuroosn It is not know..1 ! whether they are leaving nr dving off. Pendleton Fust ttiegnninn: Hur- and it does'not matter so long as this dingers o' spring, the ground s.piirreU pest is out of the way and the farm-' are already beginning to come out of ers are assured their crops will growl Iheir winter quarter holes where they to maturity. if 7 & v;'i CRYSTAL111 Drlvci away Khcumt tism nnd Neuralgin, r liTMiprelnau4 bruliiea Uonn Udt 1mitBtUM Ous.a IIouu t'UtiiTrsry. n Mi not thnt we hove had hard times, but faultfinders. It cannot be ,l,.n b m.,n that we have suffered so little, riinnks who aro moro interested in gouging & to the new federal leserve bunk.r.g net.ldollnr out of somebody clso than in .re lave had no panic. Our financial making two dollars by productive cf system successfully weathered the fort. It is n mnn's job, nnd the place ! storm. Alihiugh our normul foreign for timid old women in men's clothes jiniirKote were cut, oit unit our domestic, is buck of tho firingline nu.rueiB inrown lino Turmoil, economic order is steudilj' emerging trom won cmie clinoa, I ino American people have gone ' tliri.OL'll nini.V WnrsW i..wriiirii. tlum THE TARirr AS FORD SEES IT. ( Kugene Guard. ) think thnt the tariff should bo .. .....,...,,.,,..., , , ai)unH,(.t entirely. 1 be eve in free. this, und they are better off today than ,,.,,,1., i. .,. ,., . ,.,., , . Jnnybody else In the universe, Yet ccr thl ,, ,,, ,ljuft 1(nlw,VM ,,,, w, tain elements among American bind-1 mnM )e hl,t,r off ness men hnve been winning nnd sniv- Th,., ,., u , , elling like spoiled children. 1 their ,,rt. .. They are the words of one o( tho gri ndtiitliers hiul had no .ore courage most sf business men in the and gumption th,,,. some of the descend- ,,;!, St,nnrv Flin. t, aut0. ants have show, the luitel Mtutc. mil,U.. nianufucturer-quo.ed U the would he a fourtli-rnte povcr political- N(,. Yrk KviMli H ly nnd cemn.ercii.lly. j,,, K(,n, nn M ! The I lilted States, nevertheless, wns .world in competition with the " paup ' not settled by calamity howlers. It wns ier labor of Furopo" and every other not developed Into n grout nation by continent, lie doesn't feel the need of ciilumity howlers. It did not become protection, lie knows thnt he can take the richest and one of the most popu-Suire of himself without nny help from loin countries in the world by ciilumity jthe government. He hits " that confi howlers, It was not built up ou tliojdeuee In his own ability nnd in tho principal of rule or ruin. , ability of his workmen. 1 There does not exist today a single It's the lame duck, or else the fellow politlcnl obstnele to the complete re-1 who wnnts more than his sharo, that is Monition of American prosperity. There i always pleading for a handout from does not exist u single legislative orjl'ncle nm in the shape of tariff duties. PREPARE FOR SPRING I BUILDING TIME IS NEAR We sell Bath Tubs, Sinks, Wash Basins, Piping in nil sizes and all lengths, Plumbers' Supplies all at reduced prices. Buy here and save money. H. Steinbock Junk Co. Phone Main 221. 233 State Street. Salem. Oreiron