THE SALEM CAPITTAL JOURNAL.' SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1915. THRE1 HOT SIT UP Now Does Her Own Work. Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her. Ironton, Ohio." I am enjoying bet ter health now than I have for twelve years. When I be gan to take Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegeta ble Compound I could not ait up. I w was pit up squarely as to whether the eorornte interests should dictate the policy of legitimate competition in the matter of public utilities or whether the field, should be left open to the development of the lateut resources and industries of1 tho state without hamper or hindrance, and it was a signal vic tory !n tho interests nf trip nuhlic w.d. Croneor 51rtde Woi-O Pnnflwi fare ot' the commonwealth. U1VIUVU UlUUil IIV1V UVUUJ But Allen Backs Down and Yote Fails "The oft laid plans of mice and men," etc. This old axiom never ap plied so antlv as it did to the trimming had female troubles that was put on to Senator Perkins' and was very ner-sbill, senate bill ,58, which hnd for its X used the ! purpose the turning over of the entire remedies a year and I can do my work and for the last eight months I have worked for other Oregon field of development to the The bill provided, in substance, that before any public utility should be per mitted to construct or extend its lines of service into any field theretofore oc cupied by another utility it must first submit a request to the railroad com mission setting fortu the conditions that existed in such territory which it pro posed to enter and to show that there was sufficient public demand for the utility to warrant a necessity and must secure permission from the railroad commission before it would be allowed to enter into competition with another utility. Under the provisions of the act of 11M.I which defines what eesisti tender mercies of the corporate inter ests and which was defeated at theitutes a public utility, this would have hands of (he house last night. affected mutual telephone, telegraph, Tho stage has been so well set and: railway or municipal utilities and, in -women too I ennnnt nrniw I vHi P 1 " " 'u" I"-'""' greaseu mr me oruer lor a municipality or mutual or women, too. i cannot praise Lydia t,. ;....,.:. am th ,,tr.r of-(h hill n i,i Unni.,tinn ,,. ..,,...,.,i,'..... several other menibers of the machine. j with a private corporation in any tcrri organization of the senate were on hnuditory it mint procure a permit to do so to witness the triumph of their master-1 from the railroad commission. Also, in- piecj, but when the showdown cnnie, 'Ostuucli as tho permission of tho com so confident were they thnfeverytiiing; mission would be governed upon the Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough for I know I never would have been as well if I had not taken it and I recom mend it to suffering women." Daughter Helped Also. " I gave it to my daughter when she was thirteen years old. She was in school and was a- nervous wreck, and could not sleep nights. Now she looks so healthy that even the doctor speaks cf it You can publish this letter if you like." Mrs. Rena Bowman, 1C1 S. loth Street, Ironton, Ohio. Why will women continue to suiter day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's .Vegetable Compound ? was lovely and would be pulled oft nc-j showing as to whether tho privnto and cording ta program, there was eonstern-! the public, utility to successfully coin- ntion in the ranks when Representative ' pete in tno sumo territory with the Allen kicked over the traces, "spilled profit upon the amount of the iuvest tho beans, " as it were, and refused to; niont, according to the argument ad- stand without tying. The mcusurc was.dueed, there would not be much chance defeated 2(1 to 25 mid would huvo been of u mutual or municipal organization ' ,..;n ' ..' ' tie vote with Speaker Helling to cast to establish a public utility in competi- j redemption of the LAST OF SPECIAL SERIES "Eternal Cross" Subject of Sermon Last Night and and Again Tonight Sheriff . Mav M Get Collection of Taxes1 " - .. si Kviuently having been upprised, bylH underground wireless, that their prize-! IS piece of attempted legislative dictation, f would not get through the nauds cat the 1 1 J SI ti u u ii ti n u governor without his veto, tho sponsors' for the Kelly bill, proposing to restore the duties of tax collector back into the hnudf of the sheriff and make it effec tive immediately upon the signature of the governor by attaching an cmer ueaey clause onto it, last night moved for -i reconsideration of the . measure, recalled it from the governor's office, refused to concur-in the senate amend ment, tiie emergency -clause, and ap-mm ommitteo composed of Rep-'. 9 5 pointed a committee The sjieciul meeting for mothers and wieir friends this aiieruoon completed the list of special services which Mr. Ostnui hus conducted in the tabernacle during the present evungelistic cam paign. There have,, been meetings loi men only, women only, meetings tor ooys and girls, two eptciul services for young people, the great meeting foi uie aged miK yeste-uay arternouu ami , ..,i iilrPk c i,c treasurer to refer the one tor mot Ms 'Held this utter- t, m tle event-of its passage,' g not. i. The service was a tribute to wm,. be aVortcd, but it developed that .'H mothers and the niblress especially iec-1 th treasurers had engineered a new plan En oginned the great rcsponsiuility aiidi0f attack and procedure. Ill case the S5 worth of u good mothers lite ami its governor had approved the hill within nower in tiie Jives of the children. - i u. i....... ni,.,.i,,.i n.,.i it . rimontntives Jhivoy, Littlefield and Kel-1 rv B ly to confer with the senate for the Lj 3 purpose of removing the objectionable g feature. 02 Hy attaching the emergency clause n to the bill it. whs hoped that the al-jhi fer ! o AT BRICK BROTHERS. a-j u M M it ti II It M Si 11 II y w5 M , , S3 power in trie lives of the children The service lust night was said by unity to be the most inspiring of the entire campaign. Oat rum gave his first address on "Tho Kterual Cross," the second to be given tonight at . Mpcakiiig ot tho cioss, he said: "Allimov- to regain control of the tax col tliut is greatest in urt anil literature lectiug duties and hang on to their geis us inspiration in tne cross or Christ. We should say, 'Ju that sign 1 the cross and the world by the Hon of Uoil humbles and exults, startles and toutrorts, cmvicta us ot and saves us Irom sin, Hy -its sublimity- mid sucri- the deciding vote hail Allen stayed, in tion with a private corporation already line. - est.Tinsiietl in tho field. It may be that the organization of! The principal opponents to tho mens 11... :.. .1 i... . - ...... V hi , i1""" oiui ...v ,n in.,,i,, uy inn curpor- "," " ii. pi.iscoiiim u luvey, WHO ! n,.e .,.! ...,. if utir,:lM .,, ,,,. nte ntercsls. but If last. .m.),t'. u,.(,, took thn Inn. I in the d,.l,t,. i.,.l .1,., ' . "U l(M C " uri'rills 10 ul" ".v ,. n, " i.i 11 ; ; " , ,ir!' un ins imiNiiiKi- u'i'uii ui i iic iiuuhi! . bhppuh, ui. in mnjoniy ru a criterion, that machine has lost it's :' llnaion and l.nfferty, and tuo' uraiW ! l":..", b!' ,."f.. ,''l,iy 'd The house last night also refused to If you h.vyo-MioslW.teHt doubt oU over the majority of the lowerlcn.s of the bill were Representatives I J,e 1 Hmnkf, ha'T , 3.! "i ZJZ, " . tne emergency clause .uiuicueii, uiui ii-'bm was known that he was not inclined ! 51 to do so, it is claimed that the trcasur- ll ers had planned to enjoin the enforce-; ment or Hie measurn ami tie it up m tne courts ill oriler to defeat the sheriff 's i s II salaries, and, at the same time, defeat 1 1,1 the ettorts of the tre&siirers for nnlRl increase in salary, which was frustrated by the passage (if the sheriff bill. The recall and instructions to eliniinato the emergency clause practically assures the invoking of tho referendum upon the measure, and it will be a fight to the finish between the sheriffs and trens- "Should .we place n valuable watch .urers. ALLEN EATON LECTURES. i ..-ii... a.1 tmi.i ' t.. x i i. 1. 1.. vni i .... t.. ii i , ' bleOoillimtUld Will hl ,ou. rite This situation ' deyeioped clearly and ' nppo lent s of the bill declared thai the C, "f, r'r" iu,'" ll'""' I'V 1 r' h? h "' l-V nl .!!,. I.-II,.1M.... M..,li. .11 ti ,i..:..:.' .i 1 1, ,n i i : K00'1 '' IriPinl. i et the wutch ment ot the first half of the taxes (COIllllll'lltillll 1, vim. Ml'.MH.. ,'.r ftl. Itinv i,f Vlii. hill tin, 1,.,, l. i thn ii, . .... , i .. l c. t I'H. Jl".v - vifn. I'nin- iitii u.tll Iia i ,...,.:. t..i i... .i... .i:..-i...i i . i c un....: i 1..1- .1 ' . rpmlBllcl BIINWerwl by ft WoniM) ithe o.nmittco -on railwnvs iin, trans. I to of the Oregon field of .level,,,,. '""'I11'"1 01 " ,'at'1' ' Are we ing 111 interest charge of 1 per cent Katun s le-ture tonight in the public 1 ... 1...;.... .i. - 1 i...., . ' 1 mseiisniie to tne gicuteness, the good-1 per month tor iion piivmeiit of the tirst I hbi-aiv. Mr. Katun will have a num- poor material thinu. Then : from Anvil 1 t.ct Ani-il 5 mid Inst half why do we hot pruiife Clod for his re-1 from rleptembci- 1 to October: 0 nud fix- El II 11 11 IS M NOW - Is a good time to buy your needs in CLOTHING To make, room for our Spring Goods on the way, wo have CUT PRICES Bargains can be had and big savings may be made by buying now. REMEMBER . Our Clothing Line represents such popular makes as the Alfred Benjamin, Hoff & Rothschild, Kirshbaum, Clare, tsnellenburg, The Big Mix, and other best makes. Crawford Shoes We carry a complete, up-to-date line of shoes , Shirts Our DRESS SHIRTS can't be bent for variety and make. We carry Wilson Bros., Cluett I'eubody, l'nris and other popular makes. Hats The STETSON, HAWKS VON GAE. nnd other inukes can bo found in complete STYLE assortments. BEY NOW while the buying is good at BRICK BROS. Formerly Oscar Johnson's Plymouth, Comer State & Liberty Streets Sulcm, Oregon AT BRICK BROTHERS. ' 13 II ti . U ti ri m u u 11 11 n m The. I'un-isii, ' Americun Artist,. Maxl'ield is to be the subject of .Mr. and held In 8 trie t confidence. 1 . ' ' .. . I .T " '. ' i neis illld the IlinustV of His act in half nnd n nennltv of 5 ner cent, ,.t r.,, , iul, ,,l,.t,,r,,o ,, ..vliibili.,-, PRATUM NOTES Davey, Eaft'crty and Woodell favoring! tition of every form, nnd that, if it be indefinite postponement, and the minor-1 camo a law, it would, in the language jity, composed of Ciiiiirninii Wentwcrth ! '1'.' Mr. Duvey, enable the corporate in and Kepreseiitative drier, that the bill i terestii to "throttle the little fellow." jdo puss and the inofTbii to substitute Mr. Korbes, Hare and Olson -ridiculed (Capital Journal ' Special Service.) jthc minority report for the majority. the idea tlmt. the bill was in the inter I'intuiii, Ore., Feb. 18. Hen Ramsey-1 The result was the adoption of the ma-Jet-la. of capital, bnt that, 011 the con er -ind his brother, David, spent last . jorit t report nnd the only thing that I trury, it was for the benefit and protec Suiidav at their home near l'rnttim. I raved the bill from indefinite podpone-1 tion of the public, and declared timt Miss Ida Maurer spent lust Friday ment wiih tho fnilure ot Speaker Selling " did not in any way interfere with ine rrgiinization or establishment or municipal or mutual utilities in erciipe tition with the corporate interests. Jt wus shown, during the course of the in- giniKMit, however, that the bill had not tional for non-payment of the ast half::niul ho has consented to rend some of has 10 delightfully illustrated nnd Saturday with her sister, Gertrude., to put the question, which automatical ill Salem. I 'v followed under the rules of purlin- Mr. Armstutz, who hns been quite ill, ' mcntury usage. The 'lineup for and is reported to be improving. j against the measure follows: Mr. W. B. McAllister wus cnllcd to: ftiiuerson umisco), iiowinan ing w! "The angels, those 'higher iutelligen- The sennte amended the bill by nttach- ces ciented by God,. higher in the order : ing a further penalty of 2 per cent in u' the universe than lliaii snug out their ; uddition to the 1 per cent, interest fur pians nt the incarnation of the Sou uf ; non-payment of tiie first half, and such God, 'Glory to God ill the highest, ami' 11 roar was rniseil over the action of on ,;iirth pl'iice", good will to me!' For j the upper body that the bill was sent the i.overnment of the heavens, the back to the senate with instn ctions to armies of the skies were with Jesus remove the additional penult' before done and planned for that One Hundred Schools In Spelling Contests '.'Today "i nO schools out' of the 115 dis tricts in Marion county are conducting spelling contests in tho grades nbovo tiin third fnr thn nri-e tn be trivet, t,,,t I.- 1. 11 :.l. 'v . ' . ' . . i.KU-u n"m-, " ,1- nt the ,.(m(.ius,on 0t thu series next 1 June. This is the second of tho c,,n- onsent to its becoming Tn. r.-iginal plnn for the art -ot'" , tuHtn whii-h wore bosun in Jnmiiirv. Tho in th- Oregon building ut the I'aiiania-, liNt8 of wor(9 Brn s(mt mlt ny County Pacific InternntioiKil exposition is Mr. j tiehoul Superintendent W. M. Smith and Katun s, and, by special request, ln'j the grading is dono by tho nupeetivo will tell something of what Iiiib been . teachers. A series of tests in arith metic, grnnimnr and history are also be- Mr. Eaton has the reputation nt b K'iug conducted In the schools of tho a ve-.v clever nud interesting speaker, ; county by Superintendent Smith for the nud the public library feels fortunate . eighth grades only. Tho purpose is to when lie became man to redeem the the house will world, lint it wns the wimder nnd the glory of the angels that rhrist should j Now Garr.o Commission Bill Passes, ticsceiui to the eurth, so to humble self. The house last night also passed thelin h.'ing able to offer this attraction j yive tho pubils a review in tho work "Ilut Jesus is able to place himself lull introduced by the joint committee I to its patrons. and to nqunint them with questions . . ,,1 ,. . .... 1... .1. . mi Rn.wn T1...U I' l,:ilr.l I.,w. l.l :..:....i:.:... 1,1 ul1 rlMllons Ulld I1S lie Clime UOWll 01, fisheries anil Vlllllc lirnvidillir tf,r nl T'lC lecture Will be 111 the llbrlllV ! mmla n l,v Hfimeitne besiile their reull. vervains last ween i,v i,,e unless, ,iiiui.i, w, . . n.ii, ,u rwiiim- , ,11,1,1c, pi,,, , n-s ,,..,,, , n , , , n 1 " ; . ,,. , 'w his hither Harden McAllister. Mr. ! Grier, llan.llcv, Hare, Ilinklc, .lef-1 nud mutual organisations from itR Pro-1 , rP"!'1'1" n''li beyond . leoigtinizntion of the fish and game luidit.iniim (eutrniice on W inter sttccl) ; lur teacher. A large part of the failures McAllister. Sr.. inn, roved ho much, how-!'1 rver. that he was able to come back!Olds, Olsn-i, Pierce, ol l.iim; Hisley, the icnsons fu' its defeat with his sun. iKitnei, Smith, of Klamath; Stiinfield,! A.''ter the vote hud been announced. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder spent hist 11"", 1 entwoi th; '! a.ves. which defeated tho bill, Kepreseiitative our mills, telling us that He died lor fiaili. ouch physical subdivision of the us ;iij ramiK unit 111 lieuevinit III t int ! vlti. nm tin- the nliiifi lit nicl, t iif n we hall be saved. - muster fish warden and state name war-! lj.v "We lind nil that is gitid, pure and den ut snlnries of not. to ex ul if'ud high in the redemption by Christ. Even ,., anuuin. The bill wns bittcrlv con- llcprescntative Gill stated last night j No. 58, T 7, S It 3 N. the angels who are above us in the I tested in the.coininiltee by Hepresen-, that he had decided to lay down his j ;, L. Watt et im to Hiimiltoii & ranks of iutellig e of the universe I tutives Schncbel and Gill in the effort I weniioiiH and accept tiie a mled bill as hire, 4 A in sec. Ill T 8 S It 2 V. wonder at the glory and mystery of' to retain the present commission intiict, - the best that could be n'ltnined dining! Saraii A Jones to Eiigem, Itible Vol ies. Jones. Kellv. Lewis. Littlefiel.l. ' visions, ns . lull and this U o,. f 1 ,1H. 'ompreliension ot man and uiigcls, I commirsioii withmt 0 isitiun. Thb . . ' ... ' ... ' ' '. - . . ' . ... f . , ., . ., :., 1 , .,, 1 , ... . 1 Linn; Hisley, the icnson fu' its defeat. 1 . . , T , . ""' "'", '"" I" "vines inr ine iiiioiisuiiieni 01 111c ..... . ... , , uhi miv present, noiiiii or rive iiiciiniers ami ers, mi feel His arms about us nnd ; , rea'es n new board of five menibers, hear Jlis Voice ill gentleness SOOtllillli with thn imvenmfc i,r . haim.nli '. tn Saturday in Salem. Mrs. Schroder' .viyes Allen, Anileion (( latsnp), liorbcs moved to re-refer to amend so as will reiiiHin in Salem for about three j "arrow, Hrown (Sam), Canlwell, Curt-! to exempt municipal nnd mutual organ weeks. jniill, Collins, 1'nvey, Eaton, Fenwick, 'iziitions from 'tiie provisions of the bill, M!rs. 1). A. Vogt, who has been suf- "0I 'ni', "nut, Huston, Irvin, Kuehn, but it wnn voted down, the mnjority re lering from rhemniitisin, is somewhat ! Lafferty, Michelbnok, Paisley, Porter, ' pint wns adopted but without putting better. Schuebel, Stewart, Tonne, Vnwter, (he motion to indefinitely postpone, Miss Lydia Powell, of Portland, spent : Wagner, Weeks, Woodell; ilil nayes. Speaker Selling put the motion to ad last Sunday nt lmne. Miss Kl In nud! Ahl"'"t "", voting Hlniichnrd, jourii and it carried, Mr. Elbert Powell, who are teaching ' ll' '(. ''obb, Elmore, Hundley, Hurl- . nt Clear Lake, ulso spent Snnduy at ,""'t' ,'i'1',,,' ((''"s "'! Curry), Smith WOULD REPEAL PROHIBITION, liiiin,.. I (Miiltnnninh); total, ". I Mrs. Corini siieut several dnvs last i Speaker Selling did not vote, and; week visiting ill Salem. ' ; when asked how he had voted by Hep-1 Olympin Wash., 1' id.. 18-I.iqnor bills ,-, 1 . 1 1 ! . . 1 . . 11.1 . 1 1 1 ml lni t l,n mi inn I nT uti, Ii, U', urn. m 1 reseouimc nuns, no replied iiinr ine 1 , . KILLED BY FALL speaker does not have to vote upon such "'bUion at. n special election were in- j Ique.-tinns; he is not supposed ti. vnlfl i trodneoil ill both houses of the legisln-' ln,.,...t ;,, ui .,f .. rir. ivhb.ii .i,.i. tore todiiv, b.V Hcprescntntive Winston, I Pendleton, Or., Feb. HI. Fulling four ; . . . , . n'rimde of hinuhter ! ' Spoknuo, and Senator Wrny, of So- the cnmpnlgn, with a,, third and lust big 1 lie measures uisregurii n resoni-, ,i,iis ,11c, -1,1, g ,,,r hm-ii oiny 111 me inner- at S o'clock tonight, and is free. HSARINO ON CAR SPOTTING. Huston, Feb. If!. Hearing on "car spotting" was to be held here today the interstate commerce ciiiininssioa. in the stutn eighth grudo examiiintioiin is attributed to nervousness on the part of pupils who lire iinnblo to do them selves justice when they worry about the final test.. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mrs. Hun Hop Leo et vir to Genrge. Frohnindcr A in N W Culwell CI t-tortes down the elevator shaft of the . tuc coming of the Son of G, to save 1 ,nt the innioiitv would not vii'1,1, nnd, the present set t... .1 : - . 1. ... 1 . , . 1 ' tin. nm ic sinner mis 11, e consouil 1011 1 of feeling that it is better to be u sin ner redeemed than tu be 11 sinless an gel. There is no miracle like the inir acl of the cross nor will there ever be." Sin, lay is to be the farewell day ul' versity, part of lot 1) lllb 87, Salem. Hotel Pendleton, Mrs. John Kilkenny little. nr.. ni... r,.. it, ..... -.. wife of a prominent Morrow county! The nigunient upon the merits of the seBHjo, t0 (, 0 t,0ctioii. dlicep mnn, wns instantly killed yes-! qurstiiiii was one of the cleanest cut 1 , m , tcrdny afternoon. land most dignified debates thnt has j riVE DIE IN EXPLOSION According to the elevutor operator, , been staged in the house during the Mrs. Kilkenny opened the door and ' present session, and it wns participated stepped out- while the enr wns in mo-: in upon both sides of the issue hy some Rich Hill, Mo., Feb, 111. Five por tion. He believes she cither became ill (, the ablest speakers and orntors on j sotm were killed today In on explosion or confused. 'the floor of the house, The question lut. the Atlas cml mine, near here. piiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw U S 1 mif, . i-MjxMoLi .mx&M k k MihmM I j J ! uncle at o'clock when Ostrom wi give his address on "Spending.'' This Is coiindi-rcd by fur ins greatest talk to men, nud no mini can ull'md not to hear it. Sunday night will be the Inst meet ing of the campaign in the- tabernacle. Monday Mr. Ostrom and his helpers will have for Wntertown, South Da kota, where they expect to be during the month of March. Following Hint Ihey expect to return to California fu- tho months of April, May and June, TECH. CLUB TO MEET. i Pittsburg, Feb. HI. Economical nnd Political conditions in Europe nud the I United Stntcs will be discussed tonight lit the third unnuiil dinner of the Tech i nologv'cliibs, associated, nt which Presi dent A. Lnwience Lowell, uf Harvard, and President Itichnrd (', Macknuiis, of Massiichiii.,tts, Tech, will be speak DRINK MORE WATER IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Juiciest, Sweetest Oranges Just as They Taste in California at Your Dealer's Now -say "SUNKIST" Order by telephone todny. Havo these (unions Seedless Navels for tomorrow's brenk fast. Servo them at every meal and between meals try this way of kecpins vtll. Your denier now hns a large supply of Simkist. Trices aro low and quality never better. Sunkisl cost no more thnn common kinds, so don't order merely "oranges." Send a postcard to the address below for t beautiful tree book that tclluscoresof attractive ways to serve Sunkiht 111 salads and desserts. Sunkist Lemons Order these lemons, too. Serve with your tish, moats and ten. Use their juice wherevor you now use vinegar. Learn the 83 ways to use Sunkist Lemons in flavoring, and as liundy house hold helps. In.lit en SunklttSav th Wrapper C(t Ihl Buutlful Sitvarwar. a . Mm E HERE NOW! Episode No. 23 of T mllio: DOLLA 1L U & &Ut!L Eat Less Meat and Take a Olass of Baits to flush Out Kidneys Drink Plenty Water. Uric, acid ill meat excites the kidneys, they bceotnn overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps uf lead. Tho urine hecumes rioiidy; the blunder Is ir ritatcd, and you muy be obliged tn seek relief two or three times during tliu night. When the kidneys dog you must help them flush olf the body's urinous waste or you'll be a rial sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull mis ery in the kidney region, you suffer from hlieknrhe, sick liendnche, dizrl ness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is hnd. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from nay tdinrinneist four oiinres of Jad Hulls; take a tablespoon fill In a glass of water before hrenkfnnt for a few days nnd your kidnevs will then net fine. This fl, limns salts is nindo I from tho acid of gropes nnd lemon Juice, combined with litlmi, and has been used for generations to clean clog ged kidneys and stimulate them to nor mal activity, also to neutralize tho acids In urine, so it no longer Is a source of irritation, thus ending blad der weakness. I .IikI Knit ( t !,, Vlif nui vi, pnnmit In. tor ItN book. "Sunkist Bslsrll and Uet l,t liin -w a t ..r drink which even-o urts." Alio Rivet full Inform- i .hi, (nL nriw .,i ,u , iboutourpr-miuinplsnundcrwhlrh Lblorv. cirnn r,il ncilve. IlrueUt. to writs By Harold McCrath Thanhouser's Ten Thouand Dollar Prize Photoplay THE FINAL EIMSODE OF THE MILLION DOLLAR MYS TEUY IS HERE. It shows the entire solution of the mystery and announces the winner of the $10,000.00 prize. You can sec the photoplay version at the leading theatres. You can read the story of Episode No. 2: by Harold MacGrath in this newspaper. You thousands of movie fans who have waited to see this final episode of the Million Dollar mystery go now to your favorite theatre. The cast includes Florence LaBadie, James Cruze, Margaret Snow, Sidney Bracy all the film favorites. See the photoplay and read the story for the complete solution of the mystery and the announcement of the winner of the $10,000.00 prize. ' : Read the Story by Harold McGrath in This Newspaper Next Saturday Evening V 7" .ua nu... w..,.H..-,. .or " ,n. .,.. , , ., . I., u , to I : .,'...,..,....' ., ?-...'..- -rf" Kot" 1-unr.niMa sur.rwsre. Aouresi i fnlk, i.n hr ,n nv.,.m(nB ki,i,,, kAAV ArTToTr00 - j in. FrJl Cr... I.du... Ill H. nV Sitl fWJ n. ,..ui. i. ..... , i,. ' '-T'--'-r'',r'"'"--"-r"-r""-r'' trouble while It la only trouble.