Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 19, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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UNMISTAKABLE signs betokening
the passing of winter and the ap
proach 0 spring are herel They
etui he teen in any downtown shop win
dow. Straw bats, silk and lingerie
gowns, light footwear and a long list
of other things that go to make a
spring spring like and a summer sum
mery. Looking at the sew styles and con
sidering the possibility of transforming
last summer's clinging and sparingly
aada gown into a replica of the crisp,
bell-skirted, high-necked and full-sleeved
models displayed, the study develops
into something of ao uusolvabie puzzle.
There is a subtle coquetry about the
new hits that is quite alluring. They
are c small, so round, so perky, worn,
as they should be, cocked over one eye,
that they are bound to give a vivacious,
sophisticated sir to the mildest wearer.
Hmt of theaa suggest the jaunty cap of
the tkoteh Highlanders; others the
round cap of the Ilritiah Tommy At
kin, atill others the Hungarian toque.
The large picture hut ia placed op
the shelf for Dame Fashion, who paj-s
alight heed to convenience or economy,
ia always sure that there is an affinity
between her moduli and the times in
which they eilst. Just now the mili
tary dash has crept into feminine wear
lag apparel, colors, with the exception
of toe aew sea hlue and army red, giv
ing plar to the tragically significant
black and white.
Hhiny black shoes, gleaming white
gaiters, a black cloth suit wilh white
waistcoat and white collar, a black hat
with white crown, and a black veil
wilh white 'Iocs and a white band bor
dering it; white glove and a white gar
deuia this is the regulation attire to
be Keen today in all the linger cities.
The bell shaped skirts are iihort, re-
reoJiug every inch of the white spats.
Tho shoulders are narrow, the hem I
small, the hut worn well forward and to
one side, the hair being drawn straight
and close back over the ears, the cubists
probably drawing the modem woman
as a pyramid.
Miss Leona Cass User, dramatic crit
ic of the Orcgoiiinn, will arrive tonight
to remain lor the week end the guest
of Mr. and Mrs, (ieorge K, Waters.
Tonight the Veoman lodge will hold
their special masquera! -'mce at the
Moose hall. The grand march will be
gin promptly at 9 o'clock and the inu
aie will be furnished by the "Yeoman
orchestra. This is to be a full costume
masquerade and an invitational affair.
The community sing scheduled for 0
recent date at the Highland school an I
whicn was postponed owing to the gen
eral attention being paid the taber
nacle meetings, will, now that those
event are nearly past, he giveu Wed
nesdiy evening of the coming week at
this school building. Only one similar
affair has own given, but it proved so
generally pleasing that It was unani
mously voted tp hold the- "sings"
every fortnight (lining the winter. To
those not familiar with these anther
ingn, it might be explained that they .
are for all members of too I'meiit
Teacher association, pupils 11 ml patrons
of the school, and are planned as 111
formal social events in which all way
join in ainuing "the old nouns." i
Hisidents of Highland addition nrejcriil weeks' house guests of Mrs. liar
most enthusiastic, over the idea and lire 1 rii-oii W. Kleins, of North Liberty
eagerly awaiting the dales on which
these affairs occur.
Mrs. La Mesne li. Clark has been an-
pointed permanent director, anil she!
45c Coffee
45c Quality
Our object is to
give everyone a
chance to note
the difference
between 45 cent
.'11 ! ;
coffee and cheap
cr grade.
'.',VI l
). I t
Hin4 ins coupon
lk your Bt(Kt
your door or si
to siorv. H h
h no I'olsM's
(. l den I. "IS
:olle h rsn tt
Ittv aicisl
oHrd ss ws
chHtilly (or
Waid him s
riSa st ('
Mies. Ihrouth
sny vhtonsl ht
iipnnlei. tl
ntkts his itflutar
Bl MOLLIB Kunooa
will be assisted in all arrangements by
a coixmittee of four.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Verder are
among Balem people who will be pres
ent at the opening of the Panama-Pacific
exposition in Ban Francisco to
morrow, going down some little time
ago. They are with the Thomas Hoi
mans( Viola Vercler).
Mrs. Ruth Sayre is contemplating go
ing lown to the exposition about April.
8be will spend some time there with
friends and will also pass part of the
summer in Ban Dingo.
Mr. and Mrs. John Farrer will prob
ably leave for Ban Francisco shortly
afterwards, their sojourn to cover a
week or more.
At the Ealera Heights school tonight
the following program will be given,
the event to be an elocutionary contest
in connection with the regular Parent
Teacher association meeting, 0. F. Dun
lap is principal and is assisted by Mrs.
Ellen Carson and Miss Villa Dunlap in
coaching the young people for this
work. The eontest is purely local, but
all who are interested are invited to
attend. Tliro will be no admission
ehnred. ,
Following the program Superinten
dent Elliott will give an address.
Clams "A."
"The Sunbeam's Lesson"
Vera Jermstad
" (irundmothur and Me".. Pauline Smith
"When Company Comos" I.elu Bowman
"The Watermillion"
Dorothy Willsorr!
"Hn Mother's Cooking"
Letter lorris
"Til? April Foolers" (ilenn Morris
"The Thrne-Incu Oriu "... Robt. Speaker
Thu Hired Girl" Hnllic Campion
" lIiiHi'ltislineHs" (tnssie Thomas
"How to He Like a Hose"
Lord to Lashway
"Johnny's Opinion of Grandmother ' '
Otto Kngdaiil
"Boys' Hights" Avery Thompson
"The Chieftain 'a Daughter"
Georgia Willson
Clasa "B."
"The Dutchman and tho Dandy"....
Raymond Willson
"Mona's Waters" Howard Sanders
"On the Shores of Tennessee"
lulia Chase
"How Kate Shelley Crossed tho
Bridge" Gladys Thompson
The mothers' club of the Highland
clool will meet in regulnr monthly scs-
miuu neAb 1 ursiitty uni-riiouii mi. hhii
I l'a t three o'h..'k. A triirni ' nurse
will Le present and explain the f inula
mental principles of caring for the
sick. There will also be other fea
tures of Interest.
Mrs. John Farrar, Sr., mid Mj and
Mrs. K. Farrar left recently lor Sun
Kra iciscn, to bo present at the opening
of the exposition.
Mrs, W. B. Sinson, of Menu, Nevada,
is the i.ouse guest of Mrs. George
Mrs. Clyde .1. Carlton 11 1 1 I son, Clyde,
Jr., i'f Portland; Mrs. Ilettn H11t7.fr, ol
Juneau, Alusku, and Mrs. Stella Gar
ner, of Seattle, who have been the sev
street, and tho H. H. Hidgwnys, of near
Siileni, left nir Portland yesterday,
where they will be entertained for some
time. They expect to ret 11 111 to Sulcm
one week only
15 to 20-1915
10c to 50c.
FEBRUARY I5t to 20th, 1915
RsuWr SpwcUl sal prls
with COUP
r..u. 111 ..ll. it,. Jlff.r.nr. Intm u.
a. oo
1 eo
IMli t) IIM
.V',. ;yli-,.' 'JBI W
. , . . a l v . .
.Nti'Ol 'H'KN. V.
l. - fiVJV,
.U : V.
CO., Sun Frincisco
later to pass part of the summer with
frieads and relatives.
Several attractive informal affairs
have marked their stay, including a
number of dinners and luncheons given
in their honor, Mrs. William Carlton
entertaining for them yesterday.
James and Will Mott are leaving for
Eugene this evening to attend the
initiation ceremonies of the Sigma Chi
fraternity, of which both are members,
and incidentally considor negotiations
for producing a local talent play tbre.
Local members of Oregon chapter
Sigma Chi are Will Matt, Bryant Tur
ner, Allen Bynpn, Russell Fields, Mil
lar McUilchrist and Karl Back, those
of other chapters, Mac Hofer, Lawrence
llofer and Donald Miles.
Sovaral former students of the Uni
versity of Oregon from here were ia
Eugene last Sunday to be present when
Kenneth Moorea and Bert Ford were
initiated into the Kappa Sigma frater
nity, of which Jessup Strang, Paul Hen
dricks, Leland Hendricks, Howard Bull,
Jack Elliott and Ralph Moo res, of Sa
lem, are members,
Miss Ethel Kirk, of Eugene, who has
been entertained as the house guest of
the B. A. Kiggs, returned to ber home
K. M. Ward, of Salem, is spending a
few days in the city looking aitor
business matters. Roseburg Review.
Mrs. Htout, of Balem, who arrived
here a day or two ago to pack her
household furniture, will return to
the capital eity tomorrow. Roecburg
(Ieorge Mays, a prominent resident
of Mt. Aiik'"I, was in Halem today on a
Htiort business trip.
(Ieorge I.. Himondf. of Portland, will
spend tho week end in Snlem. During
his btuy be will be a guest at the;
Jeor;;e K. Waters home.
M. Ford, of Sheridan, is in the city
transacting business.
T. (1. Hligh returned today from
Portland where he has been on busl-j
ness for the past two days. i
"Phil" Withycombe, of Tamhill, ia
registered nt the ltligh. !
E. R. Poole, of Eugene, Ss in the city j
viewing legislative sights. j
E. C. Price, who has been visiting his
son O. E. J'rice for the past week, re-
turned to bis home at hugene this
C. Auderegg and wife left yesterday
for a visit with relatives in Wiscon
sin. After a six weeks' visit in Wis
consin, Mr. Anderegg will return to
this city. Mrs. Ajideregg will visit a,
month with relatives at Butte, Mon-:
tuna, before returning. I
E. E. Taylor, of Hilverton, is a visi
tor here today. .
y. A. Voget, wholesale mauager of
the Kails City Lumber Co., ia here to-j
day on business. :
Cape Perpetua Road 1
Is Nearing Completion
Portland, Or., Feb. Iff. Supervisor !
Rankin of Eugene, Oregon, announces
that the road which the forest service,
in co-opeiiitioii with I. a no and Lincoln
counties, is building around Cape Per
petuu, is nearing completion, and will
lie ready for use by wtigon and auto
this coming sumrner.
With the completion of this rood,
there will he a continuous highway
-ilnng the Oregon coast from Newport
to (iiild Pencil, or nlmont to the Califor
nia line. That part of the road con
structed by the forest service is about
i mile and n quarter in length, and is
located on the side of a steep mountain
or promontory jutting out into the
icenn, me nignest point on tne ronil
being .h.O feet above sea level A tern-
pornry rock wall, which is to be re'lae-;fvJri
d later by o permanent one of cement,
now protects the edge of the bluff, 'li
build this length of road re.piired the
moving of approximately 5,000 cubic
yards of ruck, (1,000 cubic vnrds of rork
on . oin, ..no et.sr .ue government "II,
I he const met ion of this road around
the cape was a very difficult piece of
work. Most of he wnv had to l"
loree.i M ioog , muni r.ics so unit mucn
drilling nod blasting had to be done.
l uilheriMi re, it was olten difficult tn
ke'pu I noli, on the luce or tl,e slope.
ln fuel. Crs was found to be a task for
, "", " "'""""
u imile went over the grade and turned
SI f,LtlllfrllllllS l.kllllt I l,il Hl.l.l l.l
" J1''1",
t, Ins full Heing
, ., r..,,..,,.,,..,, ,, ,,-
I Hum ill ni i about 110 feet
j checked by some brush nt the edge of
III precipice. He was rescued and found
be little the woise for wear. At an
I other time, one of the men fell about SO
feet down the bluff, tie wns holding a
rope to guide n plow on the edge of the
grade, and was walking along a HO per
cent slope, clinging to the sidehill as
I !"', ,lu' hcti the rope broke and
let linn tu I. ue struck on hn inee nn.l
n, ,, r,, .,.,,, , ,,,, ,u,,,,ri
In,,. lot, T in, htm r.tabt 11, ... n.l.. .n
the roml above watched him with bitted
breath nnd wondered how thev cool'
get a dead man up that steep slope, To
i' r "".I"'- '""' "''. e turnei. nna
. waved In. hat to hem He was able
,tu get out without "stance . and re
sunie his wink. Tins incident Imp
Icnniiod this spot tu be mimed
1 p." ,
i "
The only sure wav to get rid of daud
ruff is to dissolve it. thi n you ilctrc v
It ciitlrelv. To do this, get about four
minces of ordinniv liiiuid arvon: apply
it nt night when retirinc use enough tt
uiolKten the scalp and rub It In gently
with the finger tips. '
)o this tonight, and bv morning miosI
if not all if your dandruff will be gone,
innil three or roor more applications will
completely dissolve nnd entirely destroy
-every single siirn ami trsce ot it, n
aintter how mui h ilunilruff you
You will find, Ion, (list all Itching
and dlggiug "f the sculp will stop at
once, ami your Imlr will be flutfv, lu 1
trous, glossy, silky and soft, and lei k
and feel a hundred times better, !
You ran get liquid arvon at any drug,
store, It ia tnesprnslve anil never fails
to do tin work.
Wky the modern woman ;
insists on Gottolene
Because Cottolene was in the van of the great movement for
the improvement of food products and the bettering of house
hold service that is part of the reason.
Because Cottolene established its leadership as a cooking fat
over a quarter of a century ago that is part of the reason.
But, three times a day there appears on the table the best
reason why the modern woman insists on
Cottolene cannot be excelled and never has been equaled for
quality, purity, and for producing foods that are more whole
some, more digestible and more delicious.
There is an appetizing appeal
in the knowledge that Cotto
lene is made of the highest
grade of pure, fresh, ultra
refined cottonseed oilso high
a grade it is not listed on the
market combined with beef
stearine from clean, fresh, leaf
beef suet
Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our reaZ cook book "HOME HELPS"
"Cottolene makes good cooking better"
(Continued f rom Page One.)
nnee department and tho other provid
ing for the consolidation of the indus
trial accident commission, the bureau
of labor and the board of inspectors of
child labor, both of which were referred
to the special committee on consolida
...i.. ..,..,.inii Kill.
tj R t:m.W.3; and
Bwv,.rill , drrar,nu,nt nd
(l(hpr j,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,tPm, ,,,
: ,, , j ,. .l.. j '.,
(.nlnmiU(,,. ,,is morning, paused to third
; , , ,, , , Th ,,.:
irrnry of the house proceedings this
morui mr follows
j S. H. HS, Henntor Moser, amending
M,hl,, ,nw, 0in(,inR tiim, f ho,inK
; t,M1,.h,.rH cxnii.inutions and subjects for
, vnr ,,,ltif.c,,tcs. Passed.
H l5 S(,tl)r M(ri frn,inB
juris,ioti f (li,tril,t ,,, f Vnri.
,,, , Mnltnomnl. eouiitv. Tasscd.
. w u iei v. ........ !..;.;
. nt t n. lr-nt of insurance money in ..t -
infliction of judgment. Tossed.
s H m rommiHM, on fineries, rcg
ulnt'ing fishing upon streams tributary
,,,, riKvr;
H. II. '.'.'17, committee on judiciary,
amending mechanics lien law requiring
ni iterinl men to serve notice upon own
er of building of amount of claim for
jiateiinls furnished. Passed.
H. 8. 200, Senator llatvley, defining
term of "protection1' ns used in game
Lt,Y of habits of name. Passed.
ode and extending its use tn scientific.
H ., Hl,n,,r um , ,,,
.,ru),, juw, tl, ,,rvide for detemnna
1 ... . .
i...;.. ...i j..i ,i
ion final settlement lWd
I o u .ii u H..LI..I ....... li;,,.
flir 'l,.Vy of' small special county tan out
Huh, , hi u ,,,( M,itWt. , rv ,r
M .h(M,, tuiti f plipil, ln ,lnUy
j,,,, ,.,.,,.
New York, Feb. 10. Si million
i bushels of wlient were sold to Kuropeun
nations this week, nccording to rsport
!tigures published here todav. Today's
,!,., were estimated at S.WiO.ftoO bush-
els, or more than double those of yes-
Our idea of a cunning man is one
who has edmaled one set trf his fiie
- it and let ad the others go by tie-
' fault.
, im .
Th American Artist
L tura by
IIoil Allan Eatca
Public l.ihtaiy Auditorium
Tonight. o'clock
; 141
Capital Journal Hpecial Service.)
Pruitland, Oregon, February IB.
The literary society Friday evening
discussed tho question of Hteam ami
Llectririty to their respective bene-
... 7 , 1 ,x , .
fits in modern conditions. On behalf.
of steam Miss Xnoiui Hn.iner, Miss
Hsker unci .Vihs (iladvs SniTf
had tho floor,
For electricitv Walter,
Hansom Carrol! lluniier and ..no Flie,,
pi'I. The .twin''1 tli'i'iiioii for tho
Vu.cb . .ome o. ,e , ,, r -r.
are inclined to crow a little over their.
"juiffl . Nime if t li t young roontom
victory. Now girls when one of these
louchtv champions invites you to
share his generoun huspitnlity by way!
of a five cent ice eieam cone, ask
him if the familv ten-kettle by whose.
aid the good molher provides tiiei
meals to feed hi budding ucnius is nil! (Capital Jmirnnl Spcciul herviec.'i
elertrieial niai'hine or wholhor it is hilvertnn, Or., Feb. 10. Klnier Snni
run by steam. tell of Molnllu wns n guest at the 1 1 n r-
I inn informed Hint it is likely sonie.vey lliirtiuaii home and attended the
of the students of Kimball College Moose dance Friday night,
will he Invited to occupy the rostrum Washington's birthdny will lie cele
of the church here from time to time, brnted by the (I. A. H. and W. li. C.
It i well that the young theologH have
a chance to plume their wing feathers
preparatory . tho,e flight, of oratory
1 whi' h rp ,n ""vlnee ' how bad we
; t i. i :n ..i..- ia
.ii'r rnilHV urn mrmiv whi K'' n
P' "M ? B"'l I','"!'"11,1;
In my last il.ti.llme, of "News'
n rcgrctame error nppeiucM. l was
made to say the "church" was "ab-
suid'' and "untrue." I was not tn
blame for this however. The word
should hsve been 'ctiaige" and nut
church. I hrg pardon of my renders
who may have noticed this mistake.
Mr. Compositor please observe the
printer's golden rule, vl " Always fol-
lew copy." My "copy said
"rharite." I am re'pensiblo only for
.... . ..... c... .km
' wuhi ii in inr oin ,n,n i tin inn i,m
appears in print.
I Henry Iduher has invented B novel
! hrace for the vomer post In the stretch-
inji in M-ei-f wn,-.
lsf wwk lady solicitor for subs
"i ... ... '.. i- -
Intormatton (or
Lung Sufferers
Thr irmhrrr f K tun nit Altfrrt
!tv will ! iNHrtp(i t PtM i'ttfi n
nt ttMJt'vt'rtnn frtitu t nliirrulirln tintl
11 tuHth l't I'f I nt f rt to miilitrf rw,
with titforniHMiti nhnut iltt't iini
frfh ulr Irtvrftt 'rntn llilw ni: -
SMI liiirli(.aiiii ivf.. Ihll.., Vn.
"Hf Itrmr flirt ltr ttt fmrn I
wmm nmtrtrd lf H Nrmvtrrhait nt
tli lwMHt mn4 iNtrr I w trih
nii ffff Mltarli mt tinumnl,
ttkn I Ntntrrtil BtintrlrMlly In
MM III iilttl lit hniKf t vmn Irf I
frlcfciful, hnrlilnii rmifth
ttblrh n mrvllrlnv I hurt tnkrn rnulil
wlievlMP. It mt tHtH flmf, Murth,
IIX1S. Hint I AlMrlrif nhln KokMni'i
4ltrlW. In m hrt Kmr my
ewh ph ami I nm pr
oHnrr4 wlK I rannnt nweah tn
klttlilr ' BmhI It fr.
Kt krimn AltfrHtlvf m rtiol fllc
rlmiN n hronrhtit rrtlnTh k
prr thrl mmi lun niri'tlni nnft
up iHittilinir th n ftr m i'itnUlt
tin httrinful or hwlnt formtna ttninp.
Afviit no miht'Uitfri Hmull p(k.
Jl f- if 11 Inr miif. i H"M hv lmllnc
ruirtl. Writ for hoolikt of i -
. cl-. lkvvatvrr- tRlllkl.
Use Cottolene one-third less
than you would of any ordi
nary cooking fat for all your
shortening, frying and cake
Your grocer will deliver a pail
of Cottolene at once. Arrange
for him to deliver a regular
for n newspaper to be started in Salem her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Inglirnm.
by C. I). Hancock, canvassed tho neigh-i Little Eleanor Adams is suffering
hm hood tM'curing quite a list of names, from n very bad caso of poison ouk.
I. list week I was made to state that, .luck Hyett was honored with a de
we hud in Oregon now "a prohibition lightfnl birthdny party nt his home on
cont with pockets." It should have Monday evening, February 15.
becu with "wet pockets,'. Since tr. A, E. Wrightmen will entertain
"'""' " " fV
The prohibition o.ratt ha8 now left
, .,. ,,,! i,
T,' ,,,.!
. .. . . . ! .. i ,,i ." ,j .. ,,.
... , .' ..' ,.,,
" ' JbeMnd 'E.7. irjrTJ'. V V '"'""
rcpfilc hit sul to hie htnrt 'h ronlt'ut
ml ,h)nk hfUvfn nnihiin in 0(1. .Mr. ami
)n (u.l ft RrilJd m , G.ont!,lay night
thing thinks llocin.
of riilvortun Saturday afternoon in the!
t), A. R. hull, A program nnd fine I
Htnehi. promised, along with a good
time for everybody
Mrs. t . M. AiiiikIhiti whb vrrv rH
.i.. 1: ... i u i.... I..: ' : .
Hiiiiv Pur'ri!iMi ihji ruiimiiy in u
Iter brother w
,-d rora Ala.kii.
110 r "".v r,',m'" -
Mr. iinn .Mis. Aloe, -Mr. anil .Mis,
Hingden and .Mr. Jurnhson were isit-
ing friends nt Mi Kee Sunday,
Mien Inn llulibs spent the week end
in Salem, a guest of her friend Miss
Harding who is a teacher in the school
fr the blind
There w ill he It basketball game be -
iwcen the Caabv girls nnd boys nnd
silverton girls and boys Friday night,
The Silverton team expect to have their
. .,-
...mv sums io wenr m tins enme.
I "Kd" llogcs pop com wngon is
n,,,ring completion and is to be iiulil
up to date. Robert Wrny Is doing the
piuniing aim it win soon tie remiy tor'' 'M' i"e nicnes or a woven wire
business. ' fence. Itompel caught the bint with
, The D. J. Wllscy family are moving his hitniK and now has it in a pen. It
to Hilvertnn from Oregon City imm Iuim
riMitiul tho Jin k prwrrty on .Met linn
, utrort.
' .Mr. nnd Mm. .Ii'mro HitniU ittxl tittle
ilnniilitof trnm rnroltun, Orrgon, hit
inicrstn t li in week nt (lie Irn Htennrr
, hnuw, tlimler Hulrtton li't't for Texnn
, Moodoy wliero In' hnn btmim'n inter
nttn bimI Mill renew elil iirtnotiHtinnn in
, hin nntive ntnle.
Mr. Krnnk Webb Is slowly recovering
from a very sick spell. due to a. disordered condition of the
tlrtimlniii Vinacke, Mrs, 0. M. Winv's ; blood or l.ult til important footl
wother. celebrated .r eighty .fourth i elements. In chancinc kmsoiis fat-
bi :;:,-ri;:r,,,v,";,v
friends announcing the .rinrringe of. trl,e '1Cit W enriching the blotxl
Miss Anna Lais and Mr. t'.otdis Vet-I nd 80 render the body better abht.
rnniile In Hnn Kraneri) on Tuesday. I 10 withstand the varying element).
February 10 Miss l.nis is a sl-t.-r of 1 This it the underlying reason why
rJXL y . rdW,,Al fa, in r i"
Mr., (lee. Ilubbs eatertaincd n nam-' 1llltkly tcorae colds and b.llkl
brr of lady friends Mutiird- afternoon ' trcncth to prevent nunc serious sit h-
I in honor of Mis. W. r. Anderson who Is
j "'"'n ,n l ve for California to mske
.her future home
Mis. .1. M. Mn.liwn went to the Rose
lOlty sinturdsy to snd a few days with
"" ' ' "' "l n0mC " r"('"y
The 1 mted Lu heran Young Teoplea'
: Society met hiimlny nt the ess home.
An utteadiince of over one hundred
lure welcome nt these meetings.
Mr. mid Mrs. John Wolfurd left Mnn-
for California where they
will spend the remainder of tho winter.
Among the birthday eelcbiatlons the
piiHt week was n surprise on Mrs. Geo.
MeKinley on her sixtieth anniversary.
About forty friends representing the If.
A. li. and' W. li. C. ennio with well
i t illed biihkets Had a plensuiit afternoon
was spent by all prersnt.
I llev. ,1. C, Itoseland pastor of tho
il'nited l.iillicriin uluirch left for the
eiint Sunday, to intend an liuglish Mis
lion eon fere nee.
The It. X, A. Indies gave a Valentine
social at the (!, A. H. hall Tuesday
..:..). A -I...., ... i i u
I TT, V "
tU L (
1 , ti ' i
. ' v in in;. Thr wtro a irooa mnnv in
lf , , tM , , i i
! reported. 6
Polk County Farmer
Captures Wild Goose
IMlbis, (I.e., Feb. 19. One niulit
I this week John tl. Uempel, residing
: "ear this city, was awakened bv a lmd
i M"a king in hit yard. There being iui
doinentic geese on ills faun, he n
,-.11... I ...:,l. :..: t
-I iin ,-iinio'ny in learn ine source
, of noi-e. and, investimiting, he fouiol
H wild goose, which had been crippled
by a hunter, einlenvoiing to get
weighs s'y jioiiiuN,
Thin question and "How to Prevent
Cokb'' it asked a thousand time
every day. A cold Is really t (ever.
not "ly caused by the weallicf but
' ncsa. It contains nature's n1cdicin.1l
i fats, so skillfully prepared that the
I blol profits from every drop, and it i.
: hre fium harmlul dtum or alcohol.
I gowi Biuoatiiid, n.l.