Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 19, 1915, Image 1

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Leased Wire
"I0E1 Nil ZONE
Editorial of Leading German Daily Says Measure Result
of Illegal Methods of Germany's Enemies-Travel to
Continent From England Discontinued Today
Washington, Feb. 19. Fol
lowing a meeting of the cab
inet today, dovoted almost en
tirely to the consideration of
international problems, one of
the president's advisers said:
"The situation is not half as
bad as it is painted."
Tlerlin, via Amsterdam, Feb. 1H,
"Who ever enters the danger .one must
expect to perish."
This was the warning voiced today
by ;he Loknl Anzeiger, which reflects
the viewpoint of the highest govern
ment officials, in a leading editorial.
"Heenuse of the Illegal and unwai-
-rnnte.l me hails of her enemies, th
paper said, "Germany was forced to
begin yesterday a defensive fight to re
tain her place as a world power. Her
people were threatened with starvation.
We are now engaged in a fight for life
ninl must push aside nil considerations
of third parties toward us.
VThe light into which we have en
tered must be fought with all reckless
ness or not at all. Henceforth wo are
resolved to tight without regard to thi'
"There is no intention on the part
Jif this government to wage a commer
cial war on neutral shipping, but who
ever enters the danger r.one. must expect
to perish, "
Waiting and Watching. I
Washington, Feb. IH. " Watchful Orleans to Amsterdam, toduy struck a
waiting" characterized tho pnlic "line In the Straits, of Dover and sank,
adopted todav bv the administration lii ,',,r crow wa" "vi,a
the International problems confronting l'n,"r ""'vices stated thut the Hcl
America ami particularly those raised , rillK wn" torpedoed nnd not mined,
by llermanv's proposed submarine i rrPW took to the bouts and landed
blockade of the liritish coast. jnt WaJmar, in miles from Dover,
One government official declared I
that the state department wanted tnj Spain Takes Action.
wait until It could be seen how the J Mnirid, Feb. The 8 ish gov-
(Serman plans develop. The American I ,,, tl),ttV look t,,,m t0 ,)r(.vt.t
relations with Germany are not regard-j disaster to Kpauish merchantmen which
ed as ominously as they were before nmv hereafter travel through endiin
the receipt yesterday of tho kaiser's' gered British waters,
reply to the American protest although The official (lazotto todav advises nil
some officials admitted, they were still captains of Hpnnlsh vessels' to be ready
grave, to display their papers at all times and
Germany I professions of coimdetn ' .ton l'niiii,ii,itclv n .l,rl,ti,i
friendship for the United Hates have
iiiisd the authorities to believe that,
with tho exercise of reasnnable precau
tious, no merchant man will be sunk In
the 'iidnngered Hrltish waters. It Is
admitted, however, that liritish mer
chantmen t'lv the American flag, the
German submarines might easily make
a mistake which would enu disastrously At (!l0 ,,, (h(, ,rnlrnltv declur
t" A "ena commerce. , no report hnd been received of any
Traffic Suspended.
Weshlngtoii, Feb. 111. The state do-
Americans Should
All Reports
By J. W. T. Mason.
(Former Kuropean Manager of the
Vnitcd Press,)
New York, Feb. Il. Amcrlcn mint
exercise reserve In acceptive reports
concerning alleged unprecedented ubil-
ities of new Gcrmnn submarines. SuHi
descriptions, however, are bound to be
circululed, but there is nothing tu war-
rant the belief t In t link nnwu aui4 terri-
fviii-l exploits, beyond the rapacity of
ntlier submarines, may be expeited from1
the new German types.
Germany did not suddenly inherit a
I'lntilin of Milmnrii,, fuiMtnit-toil if
t'nnliiitf to tih'ii! of .Inlet Yltiih,
It rctiuitvs more tlmi tin i inn mi
tion of Vcrno to initko Hca woni
iimt mort tlmu n intiir wiIj to tT.-ati' ft
new lloot of mvn the mnnlltt nrm,iiN.
Whnt I ho (ii'iniutu pimm' In mib
iititriiun they hnve hnd, with potihly u,
few fxrrpttoiiK, for ft roiiMilernhli tim
loriii tliift pcriO'l, Kntfluihl hn.i Ikm'M
trmi'i'ortiitK thoiiMunl of troops ovit
th Kuttlinl) channel to KrniH'e. Yet. i
not i imiKle t'utuHtroi'he lue to tii't-mnn
initiative hai oveurrnl. This fnM, itself, i
1 UT:
jpartment was advised today that all
travel between nngland and the con
tinent had been suspended by order of
the Hritisli admiralty until further no
The new order Is taken to mean that
Oreat Britain regards the. German
uiocKaue seriously and does not pro
pose to risk the lives of passengers in
tne iJuugcr 7.0110.
At the same timo the state depart
ment was advised that the Uernian mill
ury ruthorities are now requiring that
every man, woman or child who enters
Germany must have an individual pass
port. Htnto department officials said the
British order would not prevent Amer
ienn merchantmen from traversing the
war zone if they no desired, it was
not clear, howover, whether the liritish
would grunt clearance papers to ships
touching Kngliah ports en route from
America and the. continent. The mess-
nx0 ,,ai,i .'l traveling" but the state
lepu'tmeiit was inclined to believe that
this referred only to passenger trav
eling. Hutch shipping will suffer most if
the order means that vessels now in
Knglish ports cannot return to the con
timVit, regardless of nationality, or
if it prevents neutral vessels from tra
vel sing lie war zone to Knglund.
Official reports of toduy's submarine
attacks have convinced the administra
tion officials that the Germans are in
deadly earliest.
Norwegian Tanker Sunk.
London, Feb. 19. The Norwegian
tuna steamer Hclmlgo, bound from New
,riiie. no matter whnt Its untionnlitv
British Btcamers Safe.
London, Feb. IB. With the German
blockade of the Hritlsh const in exis
tence HO hours Lloyds had no record
this afternoon that, nnv liritish Ntentn-
ots W(.r(1 overdue at their destination.
u M ,,inti( In ntl ni'lc im.rclin n ( viu,,li II ml
(Continued from Pnge Six.)
Not Accept
About Submarines
is co letusive proof (if the strictly lim
ited ot tensive rnparity of submarines.
l.i rmnuiii weriiiiin snomnnncs aim
propei.lv guard home waters, Knglnnd
1 1 ,i o., i V .
p,.sse;,sc more than 200 torpedo boats
and destroyer. M liuiit cruisers nnd
.'il) submarines built since ll0". Part
of 'his fleet, of cunse, must continue
to wutch German naval buses, so warn-
ing may be given if the (lernuin sipiud-
run .'nines furtli; while troop truusports
must be properly protected. Heavier
ships are axuilnble, loo, fur some of this
It is iinihiililc that llrltiiin can assiun
thrve or pusHibly foot Hyht venelH to
hunt down curb Hitlmnriiie (Um tunny U
(npii'ilc of iisinu in the wur wme, t'n
i tor the riri'iitiintutii e the nrtinti of
l.lov.U In il.vllniiiK to raise iiixnruio'e
rnti'i un llrilinli iin'ri'litiutriitMi i easily
As niruhiiHi have foiled to exi'rt ti
ertiiMN intflcinM' on thtMMirlusi(Ni of
ixMiliticn, every Indication points to
the 1 lilure of thn prufKtfiril Ceimun uuli
muri'io rnitls. The Firth's nrfai'e con
timi.-s to he the punmount factor la
warF ire.
Two Consolidation Bills Held
Up Until Senate Amend
ments Are Printed
The work of the house this morning
was confined to the consideration of
somite, bills on the third reading, eight
of which were passed anil two were
held over for the printing and consid
eration of proposed amendments.
The most important of the senate bills
passed by the house this morning was
senate bills 85, by Henntor Mixer, and
04, by Henutor Perkins, the first of
which provides that on school districts
in which no county or district high
schools are lucated a special levy of
taxes may be provided to constitute a
high school tuition fund which will en
able the pupils of one district to attend
high school in another and his or her
tuition is to be paid out of tho county
fund. '
This bill met with very littlo opposi
tion in the house, some objections hav
ing been raised by lieprcsentative .Tones
of Wallowa, who claimed that the high
school question had been settled in his
county and that Ins constituents wore
opposed to further legislation which
would revive the subject, and Repre
sentative i'ortcr did not think it right
for the legislature to force the issue
upon counties nnd districts which did
not want it, Representative Darcy,
however, expluincd that the special
levy was not compulsory but gave the
;uu", lh "l'','u" uf vtublisliing high
schools or providing means for sending
their children tu high schools in adjoin
ing counties or districts where high
schools nro ninintnined. '
Hcnntor Mower's bill provides for
changing the time of holding county
teachers' examination from tho third
to the last Wednesday in June, substi
tutes the subject of physiology for
physical geography in the list of sub
jects for one year teachers' certificates,
and limits the number of excuses which
the school superintendent may grant to
pupils for nbscucc to five days la any
three months.
Hevernl sennte bills, which were pass
ed by the senate yesterday, came over
to the house this morning and were
passed up to third reading and ordered
printed, Included among which were the
two consolidation bills one of which
provides for the merging of the cor
poration department with the Insur-
(Continued ou Pane Two.)
Missouri Congressman Ac
cuses Newspaper of Print
ing Yile Calumnies
Washington, Feb. II). The declara
tion Hint Germany is not getting justice
In the I'nlted Htntes wns made today
by Representative liartholdt of Mis
souri, in nn address In the house.
He voiced a demand for "honest
neutrality" and accused the news
papers of printing "vile calumnies"
un the fatherland. Hhould the United
Stutes be embroiled In war, ho suid,
the Geriunns would roily tu the stars
and stripes.
"We hnve not had the same consid
eration as our Knglish brothers," he
said. "Not. a word has been said
jahniit Hritish and .Tupnnese violations
I of Chinese neutrality. Have wo pro-
. . , . . : ui, fi.,.n
"'",u 7"""1 "" "- ""'
names being dragged from neutral
i ... ,,,,,,,,:.,.,,.,, Iolirv to
starve German niinciinibatnntsf Or
against Knglnnd dccluring the North
sea In the war f.unif No. Hut when
Gcrnmny did the sntnc thing we ills
patched' a stiff note to Berlin and a
milder one to Knglnnd.''
The Weather
' Do I iook like 1
Oregon; Fair to
night, Haturday
fuir cast, probab
ly rain west pur
tion; easterly
winds shifting to
7 I
Five Officers 'and 479 Men
Taken In; One Days
THAN 1,100
Report From Sir John French
Tells of Fierce Fighting
Through Battle
Berlin, by wirelosa to Bayville, L. I.,
Fob. -RepulBB of French troops at
all points where they have assumed tho
offensive was claimed in an official
statement issued today by the war of
fice here.
"On the road to Lille and Arras,"
said the statement, "tho French have
been driven from the section of German
trenches the former carried February
1(1. Renewed French assaults were at
tempted in the Champagne district but
they broke down before a withering
German fire. More than ,100 of the
enemy were taken prisoners.
V Five officers .nd 479 men have
been captured n1h Tesnlt of a French
attack un the Itoiireuilles-Vnuquois lino.
The French also have been repulsed
east of- Verdun.
"(lermnn troops stormed Hoight No.
0 south of Lusz, uud captured it, with
two machine guns.
" lOngageinents with retreating Rus
sians uurthwest of Grodno are Hearing
an end with the Germans everywhere
successful. Fighting continues north
west of Kolno.
"Further reports from the Mu.uriu
lake district enphusize the German suc
cess. It is doubted whether much re-
iiiuins of the five Russian army corps
engaijed in that battle."
Sir John French Reports.
London, Feb. 111. Another report
from Field Marshal Sir ,lohu French,
coiiiiiiuiiiln" In chief of the liritish
forces in the field, was made public to
day. It admits severe fighting along
the entire front in northern France anil
Flanders, with neither side able to gain
a material advantage.
The report reviewed the operations
up to yesteiduy, paying a high tribute
to the spirit of the Hritlsh troops and
the achievements of the liritish air
"The enemy has displayed consider
able activity southeast of Ypres during
the last few days," the report says.
"Tho fighting hns been severe. At cer
tain points the Germans have occupied
some of our trenches, but they wore
driven out by determined counter at
tacks. At one point (IU dead were left
on the ground, while we took a number
of prisoners ami blew up ono of the
enemy's trenches. '
Austrian! Claim Victory.
Viennu, Feb. 19. The greatest vis
tory of the war to date was claimed
today by the Austrian war office.
(Continued on Page Mix.)
J.l7. TV-::
KlIMfM '
y el
Upper House Passes Measure
Giving Relief to Alsca Bay
Tho senate managed to get around to
final action on two consolidation meas
ures this morning adopted by over
whelming majorities bills consolidating
the desert land board with tho state
land board and the office of state
highway engineer with that of state
For one time tho corporation inter
ests did not have the main roller be
hind them and a bill giving the common
fishermen of Alsoa bay protection act
ually pnssed the senate The till is
hous') bill No. 4(H introduced by the
house committee on fishing industries.
The small fishermen on Alsca bay
have been practically put out of busi
ness, acording to reports made to the
legislature by one of their number, by
the seniors of the Elmore Packing com
pany who have recontly established
ono of thoir canneries there and with
their power launches and big seines
swoop the still net and the drift net
fishermen right out of their path. Ac
cording to the report tho power boats
made no effort to avoid still nets or the
drift nets but rather gave them all tho
annoynnce they possibly could. The bill
makes fishing with seines in the bay
ana river unlawful.
Diralck Btlrs Up Fnss.
Senator Dimick created a mild sensa
tion this morning when following the
reading of the committee reports he
asked whnt had become of house bill
No. 187 providing for organizing u
stato board of chiropractic examiners.
He stated that the bill had been refer
red to the committee on medicine,
pharmacy and dentistry, hnd a majority
report attached to it signed by Henntors
Von iter Hellen, Langguth and Vinton
recommending thnt It pass but was be
ing held up by tho other two members
of the committee J, U. rJmith, chair
man and W. D. Wood, who arc practic
ing physicians and surgeons. Ho
charged them with being unfair to the
members of a profession thnt were just
as much entitled to consideration as
they were. While the senator was still
making his charges, President Thomp
son announced that tho report had ap
peared upon tho desk and would re
ceive attention. A move to Indefinite
ly postpone tho bill was thwarted and
tho measure was referred to tho com
mittee with instructions to make some
minor changes and report it at 8 o'clock
this afternoon.
Many Bills Pass.
Rills pnssed by the sennte this morn
ing included sennte bill No. 310 relat
ing to the width of county roads; sen
ate bill No. 2H8 providing an additionnl
judge for Union nnd Wallowa counties;
senate bill No. U77 providing that dis
trict attorneys shall moke reports to
the attorney general; senate bill No.
Mil consolidating tho desert Inndl board
with the stnte land board; sennte bill
No. M" providing that tho court may
allow expenses of witnesses summoned
from outsido of state; sennte bill No.
307 changing manner of buying sup
plies In Multnomah county; sennte bill
consolidating office of state highway
engineer with tho offlco of state engin
eer; senate bill 291 renlting to turning
bulls on the ranges In eastern Oregon,
Murray Wade Discovered These at the State Home
Right ofs'
out nut
V n - r . r 1 1 J r 1 v-v - i - ; ll' -..9
v; s. ' i
'1' -
pipk Tivn nwyjTa oh trains ajtd wbw
nr?iT i fin
Fight to Prevent Elimination of Present Members of In
dustrial Welfare Commission Tie Up All ConsoEdatioa
Measures Many Members Anxious to Leave
Both branches of the legislature aroj
in complete deadlock over an aggra
vated situation, in which sectarian
charitable institutions, aided and abet
ted by the arch manipulator of ' tho
destinies of the senate, have organized
conspiracy which has tied tip com
pletely all legislation pertaining to ap
propriations until Chairman Day, of
the senate ways and means committee,
disgorges tho house bill appropriating
$49,200 for the support and mainten
ance of the girls' training school, and
the fight between the two brnnchos of
tho auecmbly over tho consolidation
embroglio, which, unless a compromise
is roachca some time today, threatens
to hold tho legislature in session in
Perhaps that phase of the delicate
situation which hus aroused the strong
est teehng of bitterness between the
two branches of the legislature is thel
insistence of the senior branch upon
the complete elimination of the present
personnel of tho industrial accident
commission and consolidation of tho
department with tho bureau of labor
and industrial, welfare commission
which a Binall following of Hpenkcr
Helling anil Representative Scliuebel
declare they will fight to the last ditch
and will not give an inch. The senate
is just as stubbornly determined to re
orgnni.e the whole system, as built
up by former Governor West, and if a
new proposition which has been sug
gested as a compromise does not pre
vail Die legislature will adjourn leuv
ing tho situation bofore either sido
will give in.
The compromise proposition which
has been offered and which will bo
presented for consideration some time
todnv Is that tho industrial accident
com in i his i on, the bureau of labor and
Industrial welfare commissions be
merged with Lubor Commissioner Hoff
at the head of the department ns chair
man, to serve during tho balance nf tho
term for which be has been elected,
and with two commissioners to be up
pointed by tho governor. This seems
tho most likely nnd reasonable solu
tion to the situation and It is known
thnt, if the smnll following that is
fighting principally to retain Com
missioner Fern Hobbs In her present
position to which she wns elevated by
former Governor West, still Insists up
na holding nut and blockading progress
of legislation they will receive no sup
port or coiisiileriillon nt the hands of
the majority of tho house and this com
promise proposition will curry, It is
conceded by the majority members of
thn bouse.
Fight for Miss Hobbs.
Thn principal contention raised by
Representative Hehucbel and Stewart,
who are putting tip the big fight to
7 im
Today's News
Printed Today
X kJ
It wns reported late this af
ternoon that the governor
might take a hand in forcing
the contending factions to com
promise. Until yestorday every
bill that came to his desk was
immediately disposed of but
within the lust two days he has
allowed 00 measures to stack up
on his desk. Representative Ol
son' is reported as preparing a
compromise plan of his own.
save Miss Hobbs1 job for her, is that
the personnel of the accident commis
sion should not be reduced to less than
threo members and the compromise of
fered bv the above combination of of
fife" 'wiu remove that objection, la
tho light of tho other members of the
houso, and they will not tolerate any
further obstructionist tactics for tha
sake nf saving the political head of ony
Ho far tho tleiip over the appropiia
tion measures is concerned the whole)
situation revolves around that effort
to comjicl Hcnntor Day to disgorge the
girls' industrial home appropriation
bill, which, it Is claimed, he is pack
ing around in his inside pocket and re
fuses to givo It up until the house is
forced to put through the appropria
tions providing state aid to the several
sectarian institutions around Portland,
and, as a result of this the house hasj
npprnprintinn hills, ugrogating a total
of itS,IWil,2H7.:i, lying upon its desk
which It absolutely refuse to act upon
until Hcnntor Day lets loose his h.iltl
upon the girls' industrial school ap
propriate bill.
The great majority of the member
of both branches of the legislature ara
getting tired and anxious to adjourn
and go to their several homes and nn
effort was mnde In the house lust
night, through the introduction nf at
resolution by Representative Hmith, of
Klamath county, which provided that
the legislature stand adjourned with
out, a dav nt tl o'clock this evening.
This resolution, however, wns objectr.l
to by Representative Kntnn and no
further effort has been made to brini
tho mailer In a focus. Thn majority,
however, Is getting weary of the dila
tory tactics and political manipula
tions of thn bosses and a revolt Is)
threatened to tnke place at any tiiua
nnd williuut a moment's notice or
Hartford, Conn., Feb. 1(1. The an
nun I relay rnco between Williams amt
Amiieist drew hundreds nf collegians tt
Hartford today.