Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Around Town
Dr. Mendelsonu, specialist Ui fitting
glasses correctly. U. S. bank blilg. i
o ;
Mrs. H. P. Stlih, oi "The Maples, " 1
at North Liberty street, returneil ,
Inst night fioin a
triji to l'urt In ltd.
few davs' bnsincsi
I, 0. S., 211-12 Hutbard building.
Paul Hattser, cf the Kauser Bros,
company, went to Albany this morning
rtn it abort business trip. Ilauscr Bros,
have u brmieh store in Albany.
Dr. C. B. O'rielU, opiometrlst optic
ian. 11 Bush Ii.inli l.I.I-;.
The "Yellow Ticket" drew a "mall
house ut the (Iraud last nignt because
of eotuiter attractions. It was u good
play anil was presented by an excellent
company, deserving a nnich better pa-
Gllsou's barber shop moved to 4fi7
Stale, next to Hligh theater.
Alfred Vlck, who was operated on
for appendicitis Thursday morning, is
reporteil toilay to be getting along very
satisfactorily today.
.Tlio Capital Lumber Co., 34!) South
. Twelfth. Building material of all kinds.
The river Is at a low stage today, the
stage rending li.S feet. There has been
no rain during the past L't hours.
I'nlil further notice, the below named
bunk' wdll diseniiitiiuie the practice of
opening their doors for business on
Saturday evenings.
Kindly take notice and govern your
wives accordingly.
Over 300 people from a distance were
in the city Inst night to intend the
tilueli enueort. Albany sent over tiO,
'M ciinie fioni Kngene, 1!0 from Silver
too, 3d from Independence, Hit from
.Monmouth, -III from Dallas and 1,1 from
The cream of creams is Tokalon.
Safo and suuitnry. Unlcr of Uuth.
ti. N. Bliiion, of the Josse Moore Fur
nitnio Co., writes to his friends from
Winona, Minn., lluit they are having
plenty of sleigh riding and 10 below
zero wentiier.
Dr, Blono's chilblain remedy 25c
Tin moKt evident of tlio signs of
spring wns nuted ve.terday wheu A. W.
Slovens, ol fulls 1 ity, purchased a new
IMIo niiiloroyolc of Watt Shipp. This
is th" first motorcycle that lias been
deliveied this seison by the Watt Shipp
Go to Dr. HI ono a for trusses.
Mis. 0. W. Johnson, of 330 North
sheer, went to Portland this morning
lor a visit nt the home of her diiugh
or, Mrs, Hose MoEliny. Mrs. iMeElruv
has been ill for some time in one ol'
tlio Portland hospitals but had now re
turned to her inline.
Norma N. Lot I Indwell, embaliiier tnul
holy assistant with Cottage, I'ndiM'tuU
ing Parlors. I'lione 7-1.
The regular handicap slyiot for the
Dnpoul trophy will bo held tomorrow nt
tlio grounds of the Capital City Itod A
(Inn club. The handicap ineiciiandist
nil i it that wns to linve been held to
iniirmv has been postponed for a week
ami will be held Fob, i!l,
O. A. C.-Willamotte basketball game
tonight, 'Varsity tlym. Admission fide.
E, B, Hubbard, a contractor and
Hy means of suitable gUnses Is not
by any iiienns mi simple) iM it appears.
Tlio necessary skill can only be ne
iiulrod by years of sound, close study
and expel ience.
The nece.ssaiy knowledge covers a
wide field and includes ec phvsiul
ogy and iinnlniny, physical and visual
optics in their Hilxanced stages, also
a practical kiiowledgo of lens grind
ing, cutting and polishing, and the
manufacture of glasses la all their
My more than M yours' eporlouoo is
nt your service ami t guarantee you
hiiI isfael ion nt nu honest cost.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
doctor or opuca
210-211 U. 8. Bank Building
Biileru, Oregon,
v ; V
r"' , . .
builder of Denver, is in the city ti tut
lias . ! -i 1 1 . -. I to make this his t'ntti r.
home. Mr. Hubbard became interested
i n -lalcni several months ago through
oonv.iponiloiico with the Commercial
Basketball Oregon Aggies v. Villam- j
'otto. The game will be wu-th t lie price.
'Varsity tiyin, S p. m. sharp. j
! A shoe manufacturing company, with '
in branch in I'ortlnnil, after a oorre-!
jspondonco with the Cuinniorciul club
I here, is favorably disposed tit'.vards
' building a plant ut Sal To talk over ,
jtiio 'nutter more fully, several members !
I of the board of governors uud Secre-1
' tary Kalpli 0. Moore will go to I'ort
land sonie time next week and meet a;
committee who have the building ol
the factory in charge.
After February 15 Mrs. Bryugelson
will do sewing ut her home or by the
.lay nt a .lay. I'lione iitiiMI. Res.
Jul I South Commercial.
There was a rush oi Swiss dairymen
today to become citizens of the I'nited
States mid four of them signed up fir
their first papers at the office of the
comity clerk. Samuel Kiclien, Samuel
Stoller and .lohan Truchsel all reside at
Salem, route ft, and Fred Wteiner resides
at 217 .South High street.
Delicious chicken dinner tomorrow at
the Cottnge hotel, Hoe.
For those who want to look on at the
Cherriaii dance next Monday evening,
ami nut take part in the dancing, at
rainjemoiits have been made to sell tick
ets lor the balcony ut a nominal price.
Postofflce employes wish the attention
of the people called again to the post
al regulations which require u two-cent
stump on every envelope containing
written manor, nonie porsuus write on
pnstal cards und then enclose them' in
envelopes, put on one-cent stamp.
Theso letters require two cents postage,
whether in trtinspnrcnt envelopes or not
uud regardless of whether they are seal
ed or unsealed.
Harold A. Jones was appointed today
by Judge Hushoy as administrator of
the estate of Josephine Lawrence, who
died intestate in this county February
lit. The estate is valued nt $'MuO mid
consists of real mid personal property.
The only heir is Nellie Crego Jones, a
sister, of Stiltville, New York,
Magneto peevish? Gilbert !t Potee,
expert machinists, will cure it. on'U
Kerry. I'houe TiMS.
Tlio Rainbow bowling team of Eugene
arrived in Snlein this afternoon to try j
conclusions with the Klcctrics tonight
at the Club alloys. The Hninlinws are
league leuders and have a percentage
of .77 while the I'.lectncs rate is
.-III. The liaiiibows will line up as fol
lows: (I. H. Ilockett, Hugh O'Hricn.
II, J, llyland, Oil. I ,co n ml Clay Kntnn.
The Klcetrios w ill present C. h. Hauch,
llrsel Kay, "Hoe" llussey, l'Yod Kress,
and liurncy Nond.
Arthur II. Moore, at the old stand,
117 Court street, has remodeled the in
terior of his shop to keep up with th"
ii n will of the citv and has nut in a com
plete lino of new bicycles and parts.
Wheels sold on installments; second-:
hau l wheels taken in exchange for now
ones: all work guaranteed, dot us
overhaul Your old wheel and mnke it us,
good as new, j
A i nuch of 123 acres, located In Polk
county, nine miles frmn Salem, was
today' purchased by C, l. Knits. The
riincn was sold to Mr. Kelts by L. A. j
Ihivis, wiio will hereafter make his;
Inline in Salem, having recently pur
chased a Inline in North Salem. Hoth
deals were bundled by J. 10. Scott.
Chicken pie supper at First Christian
church, corner Center and High streets,
Tuesday evening, February Hi, 5:110 to
s, I'rice ll.'i cents,
Let the Reinlmrd Cabinet Factory de
sign and install yin a now office equip
ment, l'huno 51 1.
Superintendent Elliott and all the
members of tlio school board met lust
night with tho parents of pupils at-;
tending the Highland sclinol. The meet-'
ing wns held in tiie Highland school
so there would lie present nil those in-j
terostod in the school. After n gen
eral discussion as to the future udviiu
tngos of the junior high school sys
tem, there wns u general opinion ex
pressed among those present that the
sehiiil board was working for the bene
fit of the whole school svstem, and Unit
although a few iniglil be inouu enienced
during this semester, everything would
work out for the benefit of those in
the neighborhood of the Highland
Just to allow the Albany lodge of Elks
that tiicy lire good fellows and to imiui
fost proper spirit of brotherly love, the
local lodge of Klks at their Inst moot
ing ml poned nu Important meeting
scheduled for next Tlinrsduy evening
and accepted an invitation of tlio Al
bany druthers to attend their 1Mb an
niversary, l-'olirimrv Is. A committee,
of three wore appointed to notify the
Mluiuv lodge in the action taken and
to mnke nrriingeinoiits for II special
train. The Albany buys are figuring
on hawug -i dig time and are making
ptep.iialiiins to enleitniii members of
all the Kill lodges in the valley.
It Is not often that a library Is
fortunate enough tu entertain Mr. und
Mrs, Noah and the animals which wont
into the nrk, Hut the Salem Public
Library has the honor of entertaining
them for a short time. Tliev have dis
ported themselves on the shelves in the
children's room und Invite everyone to
coino and see them. The collection
belongs to Mr. Allen Katon who has
verv kindly loaned them to the library,
and if Mm like In see clever things
you will enjoy this. The children
adore them and If there Is any of the
grown up child in you, as there Is In
most of us, you will adore them too.
i I ooie and see them.
Great Exposition
Opens Doors In Week
San Francisco, Feb. . l.'l. The l'an-ama-l'aoifie
International exposition
Will open its doors to the world a week
from today. K.xposition officials pre
dict the opening attendance will ex
ceed .'100,0(10.
The builders of the fair have smashed
their way through a prodigious amount
of work in the last week and the offi
cials say the exposition will be com
plete when its gates are thrown open
uext Saturday.
Kuilroud officials say that the tide
o ftrnvel westward to tiie exposition al
ready has set in. It was estimated that
ull tiaffie lilies entering San Francisco
are handling more than three times
their normal amount of traffic. Al
though the low oxposiHon rntes don't
go into effect until u.Mrch 1, all trains
lire coming in with from throe to ten
Aberdeen, Wash., Feb. I.'l. An-j
iiouiiceiuont was made here today tnat
the Donovan mill employing l."i6 men,,
idle or some time, will resume opera
tions Monday. It was said that ull idle
mills on (Iruvs Harbor will start up
March I. , I
Judge Galloway's court today was
tho scene of tiie arguments in tho
South High street paving eases brought
by Jnliett M. land and Montague Lord,
Daniel J. Fry and Huttie Fry, and John
A. Carson uguinst the City of Salem.
There were eight attorneys in the throe
eases, uud the presentation of the argu
ment required considerable time in de
partment No. 2.
Court House News
A suit was filed in the circuit court
of this enmity today by Agnes H. Par
din, of llillsbnro, against C. A. Yergen.
It is alleged in tho complaint that the
plaintiff holds the delouilant's uoto for
'I2"iO to be collected by the Hank or
llillsboro and that none of this amount
has been paid uud is now overdue. The
plaintiff asks for a jidgiuent against
tho dofenilnnt for the sum of $1250
with the cents of the suit and $1 .10 as
attorney's fees. N. 1. Jnoobson, of
Portland, is attorney fur tiie plaintiff.
The Fleckenstein-Mnyer Co., a cor-
BY FA li the most Til Rl I.L1 NU
und I.Vi'KliHsTlNtl Picture bo
fore tho public today some
theatres are getting !! for this
masterpiece. SKK IT.
Sunday Only
A thrilling western drama in
Two Parts.
"The Crime of. Thought"
A plea for good thoughts,
"The Magic Mirror"
Something new in comedy. It
will keep you guessing,
RJturn Engagement
Juvenile Violinist
5 Cents
SUNDAY Continuous 2 to 11
i "if ..
W "'
i ... S-" " ; ; I
Tonight Only
The Stirring War Drama
And a Kipping Keystone Comedy
Sunday and Monday
"The Coveted Heritage"
An Amerioun Drama in .'t Parts
'Change of Heart"
A Two Part Drama featuring
Theo. Hergen and Klsie Esmond
"A Flyer in Spring
A Komif (')MiiP(ly
(n The Show That (
AVt Pleases the People, lUC
porntion, today filed nu action in the
circuit court of this coiintv to collect
the sum of $ 15.55 from Walter Won
geiiroth and otto II. Kulper, doing
business as Weiigenrotli & Kulper. Jt
is ull-'ged thnt tho plaintiffs furnished
the delendants with certain goods,
wares and merchandise to the sum or
$711.10 nnd that but :i!l!U;j hns been
paid. Tiie balance claimed is ;il,'i.55,
with the costs and accrued interest in
tho -,uit.
Alleging that a promissory note for
KiU0 is now due and owing to the
plaintiffs, J. W. Cusick - Co., of Al
bany, today brought suit, against ' W.
I.. Freros in the circuit court. It is
alleged that no part of this noto has
yet been paid and the plaintiffs sock
to recover the principal sum, neerueil
interest, and HUO as attorney fees.
Hill and lUarka, of Allianv. n're attor
neys i'qr the plaintiff.
I C. P. Hull against' K. If. Holt Piano
v o., a corporation, nnd K. II. Unit, was
the title of a suit filed in the circuit I
court in answer to nnotlior action 1
brought by the defendant against thej
plaintiff in the same controversy nod;
filed some time ago. la the latter
suit Mr. Hull alleges that he was in-j
strumciitnl in elosiuo n dent l.nc ,
Mr. Unit nnd I). I. Howard, whereby
I the Holt Piunu Co. closed out its stock
to iMr. Howard, nnd Mr. Holt agreed
not to enter into the piano business in
this city again. He alleges that this
.agreement has been violated and us
a result of such lotion he has been
da ninged to the extent of $-1(1(1. Mr.
Hull stntes in his complaint that a
promissory note for $1,'IS given by him
tn K. 11. Hold Piano Co. should' huv?
been tu K. II. Holt personally and
i that the name printed" in tiie note was
in error. Ho sues for $4011 damages
less S-HIt, Walter Winslow is attorney
for tiie plaintiff.
V, II, Urtindugo, forest supervisor for
the Santiam district, this morning
brought one coyote pelt, two cougar
pelts anil III bobcat pelts into the uf
fiee ot County clerk tlelilhni' to claim
the bounty on those animals. Tho ani
mals killed by F. White, a veteran
hunter and trapper of this section, dur
ing the past winter. The total bountv
was $71.50, the cougar skins bring $.1,
bubcitts $'J ouch and tiie coyote $1.5(1.
It. was reported at the office of Sher
iff Ksch this morning that a brown mi li
lt n iv overcoat and n light summer lup
lobe had been ttolen last night from
tho barn of JIaco Mickenha.n, of 7i
South Thirteenth street. Mr. Micken
ham said that the thief entered the
barn last night by cutting a strap that
held he door shut, and after sleeping
on the straw in tho barn departed early
I this ?iioi'uing with the overciut and the
The new registration law fathered by
County Clerk Max Gchlliar has beeu re
ported out of the committee on the
revision of laws of the house to whica
it was referred with ail amendment re
quiring the voter registering to give
the names of his or her tut her and
mother in addition to the other data.
Mr. Oiehlhar 's proposed law is by tho
card index system ami will eliminate
the necessity of the voter registering
for each election unless a change ot
residence is noted. T.i1 proposed
amendment mukes it necessary that alt
voters upon registering give the uddi
tional fuiuily history.
Robert Ilutcheon, David Hutcheon
and Allen ilutcheon, doing business as
the Ilutcheon l'aint Co., have begun an
action in the circuit court against John
K. Crowe. It is alleged by the plain
tiffs that thev performed certain work
for the defendant in painting aid fin I
ishing n bungalow for the agreed sum ;
of xti. They seek In gain a judgment
tor this sum" with the costs of the ac-:
t ion.
There were no arrests made yester
day and even the beggars appeared to
emulate the example of the eminent
rail splitter, whose birtluluy was cele-i
brnte.l, by sawing wood instead of de
manding small , silver contributions.
Two sleepers appeared at the police
Btation for bods and were relonsed this
morning by Chief of Police Welsh. i
Anthony Burr, an inmate of the
feeble minded home, about 35 years of
ago, escaped from that institution ut
(i:.'10 this morning and was captured
a little later out onM'Jtli street by the
Salem police. He was brought to the
station to b locked up to await the
arrival of an officer from tho instit.i
tion. S. I'niiis, the man from the Men's;
Club who found the muff belonging toj
Mrs. (ieorge W. Gray, and returned iti
to the police station, was hunlcd up by!
Chief of Police White yesterday audi
received the reward of $1 that was of
fered for the return of the muff. I'nrksj
was without a cent when he took the
small job of putting in wood whore
ho found the muff on his way back to
town. Ho wns .compliment?! by Iho
chief on his honesty and replied that
ho was broke but would not stoop to
crime even if he were without funds
or work.
Are Your Eyes Needing
If you are thinking of
buying new glasses or of
having your old ones re
paired, bear in mind we use
only the best grade of lenses
and mountings. We make a
searching examination of
the eyes; we fit glasses cor
rectly. We guarantee our
work. Let us prove it.
Miss A. McCulloch
208-209 Hubbard Bldg.
Phone 109
Feb. 19 and 20
"His New
The funniest comedy
ever produced. Thous
ands turned away unable
to see this picture in Port
land and Seattle.
, " ,J '"VI
pSrr MSrr ". V u
A serviceable article, well made of solid oak, with
a top 18x:?6 inches. It is fitted with a French Bev
eled Plate Mirror 15x24 inches. An extra dresser
now before company is expected, is necessary. Fin
ished in beautiful golden or waxed oak, it is most at
tractive at
(Regular $15.00 Dresser)
Josse & Moore
The Complete Ilomefurnishers
Transcontinental Roads j
Will Fight Steamships
Son Francisco, Feb. 12. A Rrent bat
tle between the Transcontinental rail
ways and tho steamship companies
operntiiiK through tho I'miauia canal
wns predicted today as the result of
the decision of tho interstate commerce
commission ill the iiitormnuntiiin rate
cuse. Control of tho l'acific coast
trade will he the prize.
Tho commission'! ruling permitted
railroads to make a lower rnte to the
most from the east, Hofore Henry
Thui'lell, the interstate commerce eo'ii
mission representative, tho Southern
l'acific railroad attorneys next Monday
will bojiin ai'Kiinicnts in nn effort to
prove that n similar ftccision should
bo niiiile roKnriUni? freight, shipped
from the Pacific const to Atlantic und
llulf terminals.
Jlany shippers predicted today that
the steamship companies would meet
the issue by reducing their rntes
thronuli tlio cnnnl. Recently these
wore raised on the ground thnt the old
rntes had boon too low. On certain
classes of freight rntes were raised at
thnt time from $1 to 2 a ton
Thoru was groat jubilation among
shippers and nianiifuctniors today over
the decision. It marks the successful
conclusion of it fight which San Fran
cisco has been making for mnnv years.
As a result const trndo is expected to
leap forward rapidly.
, Potrogiail, Feb. 13. As tho war con
tinues the women on tho border suffer
tho horrors of war and the mothers
Bud orphans left nt homo arc the ones
who Buffer most. In America are many
molhers nnd dnughtcrs who were loft
penniless by the war o? the Hobcllion
hut their suffering are tin nothing to
the women and clilidren left as widows
nnd orphan) of the soldiers who hnv
fought and bled for their country in
Kit rope.
Many a mother and daughter have
reason to ho thankful to Dr. Pierce
for relief from suffering and the cure
of those weaknesses of their sex, be
onttse of his "Fnvorlte Prescription."
This tonic, which is strictly a temper
nncp medicine, has cured thousand)
of those weaknesses, hendnches, nerv
ousness, backaches, which are the out
ward mnnifosliitlon) of disease in
women. Dr. Pierce') Favorite Pre
scription speedily causes all womanly
troubles to disappear compels the
organs to properly-perform tneir nat
ural functions, corrects displacements,
overcomes irregularities, removes pain
and mWry nt certain times and brings
back health nnd strength to nervous,
irrilnble and exhausted women,
II Is a wonderful prescription pre
pared only from nature') roots nnd
herbs with no alcohol to falsely stim
ulate and no narcotics to wreck the
nerves. It bsnislics pain, headache,
backache, low spirits, hot flashes,
drngglngdown sensation, worry and
sleeplessness surely and without ins)
of time.
What Pr. Pierce's Fnvorlte Prescrip
tion has done for thousand) it will do
for vou. It's not a secret remedy for
Its ingredient) nre printed on wrnper.
(lot it this very dny at any medicine
dealers in either liipiid or tablet form.
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and Invigorate stomach, liver and
l bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
easy to take as onndy. Adv.
At the age of threescore and ten, a
man may realize how little he knows
nlt'iough his wife could have told
him insny year earlier.
' When a badly spoiled child is t little
sick it takes on almost as much as
fuller does when he has an ailment
that mother woulda't notice.
Dear Friends:
On behalf of tho Society of Friends
in (Ircnt llritnin, we address to you n
hearty fraternal greeting on the occas
ion of the conclusion of ono hundred
years (if peace between our two nations.
The celebrations which had beuu plan
ned i'or this happy anniversary will in
evitaiily be overshadowed, if 'not nlto-goth-r
prevented, by the sudden uit
brenk of European war on tho vastest
scale the world has ever soon. Hut tho
best leleliratioii ol' the long reign of
peaim between us will be tu take stops
to maintain it iinbriilion and extend its
blessings to others. We rejoice in tiie
important step just taken in this direc
tion by your senate in ratifying tlio
trontics with our country uud with
France und Spain, providing for a
year's delay for impiiry und friendly
-discussion before war can bo begun.
The present war nffords an object les
ion in a stupendous scale of the failuro
of material defenses to preserce peuco
between nations. (Inr two countries on
the oilier hand can point to a century
of pence achieved with a laud frontier
of some HOIK) miles, unguarded by fort
or soldier, and a lake frontier on which,
by mutual agreement, no warship ever
sails. This success may indicate what
would be the effect if . tiie nations went
willing to be taught by the spirit of
Jesus Christ our Lord to trust in spirit
ual weapons only, relying on justice,
liberty and frank and righteous dealing
instead of the false security of arma
ments. Whatever may be the outcome of tha
present terrible conflict, wo in Europe
shall sorely need the help of American
experience and wisdom in reaching n
settlement thut may bring good out of
evil by substituting for the material
defcice) that have failed the spiritual
ones tnat cannot fail. Yon can help
to form a public opinion in the world
which will insist that tho opportunity
shall not he wasted for nn arrangement
between tlio nations which shall be
based on trust and mutual respect.
Such a settlement would not be consid
ered fully satisfactory unless tho na
tions concerned in it bind themselves to
unlimited arbitration with one another,
a co'iditon which would naturally lead
to unarmed frontiers and to a great
diminution of armament) on land and
at sen. If this uniipie opportunity is
lost, if material precautions alone nro
taken to prevent tiie recurrence of
strifo, it is certain thnt failure will re
sult, nnd a now cycle will begin uf
arming for mutual destruction.
Another need nt the present time,
which our century of pence may well
suggest to us, is Unit of eradicating
from our schools nn both sides of the
Altnutic, methods of teaching history
which serve to keep alive the enmity
created by past conflicts, and uf sub
stituting for them such a view of hu
man progress as may bring out tit a
broadening spirit of friendship and
brotherhood, and the success of this
spirit in keeping the nations uf pence.
Signed, on behalf of the meeting for
sufferings uf London yearly meeting of
the Socletv of Friends,
Devonshire House,
Hid llishopsgnte,
London. E. ('.
Tenth Month, lllll.
Endorsed by the quarterly meeting of
tho Salem Friends church, held .Novem
ber "I, Hill.
llest money-maker you ever lnid eyes
onl Something everybody needs sells
on sight in town and In the country.
Valuable territory for agent) in Marion
county Mill open. Write at once to A.
M. Jacobson, manager for Oregon, P. U.
Uox 6,'i 7, Portland, Oregon,