Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    You Should Worry if
it were difficult to find a Bafe and reliable remedy for the
ailments due to irregular or defective action of the stomach,
liver or bowels. These ailment3 are likely to attack
anyone; likely, too, to lead to worse sickness if not relieved.
Beeepanfs Pills
are famous the world over, for their power to correct these
troubles certainly and safely. They cleanse the system, purify
the blood and act as a general tonic upon body, bram and nerves.
Indigestion, biliousness, constipation might, indeed, cause you pro
longed suffering and expose you to danger if Beecham's Pills
ere Not
Th' Lmil Sala of Any
Sold evcrywhoro.
The long expected drop in the price ;
of eggs arrived today, when a 21 -rent I
pnej wan the highest market ipiutn
tiom. Dealers say eggs are eoining in
ireoly, which mther indicates nuolher
decline within n few days.
I'ork on tout dropped one-quarter of
a cent, but even now the market price
in tSnlcm ccpinls the top Chicago quota
tion a of yesterday. Tops were quoted
iu Chicago yesterday at i(iu'.S)U and prac
tically the Mime here.
The fruit and vegetable market re
mains unchanged. A car of Washing
ton navels will by received this even
ing. - Mill feeds are showing a slight weak
lies", fchorts having dropped iiO cents
per ton.
I lay, timothy, per ton
I lover, per tou
Oats and retch
Wheat, per bushel
Hrnu, per tern
Shorts, per ton
Oats, per bushel
Eggs and Poultry.
T'ggs, cash, 21c, trade
liens, per pound
Roosters, old, per pound
Stags ..-
Vuttcrfat, per poind
Creamery butter, per pound
rorx, veal ana Mutton.
I'ork, on foot : 'j fr'H:5'i
i'ork, dressed '. ill" H'jc
Veal, dressed .S(ii'l2
Spiiiig luuib tiVoc
Steers BU.e
Cows G(5'jc
Wethers 5'2c
Kwes 4(Vi4',i.c
Oranges, nave! t2.252.50
JapAneAe oranges $1.10
iianiuas, lb 4, lie
Lemons, per box $U.50(if)4
I'incapples, per lb 7c
Apples, box 7oc$1.2"
Cranberries, buriel $11.50
Florida grape fruit $4(y4.50
Dates, dromedary, case ,$H.2!i
Pntes, I'ersian, ill 8ii S-l.e
Figs, per pack '.)0c(y $l.!i0
Cocoa nuts, per dozen $1
I'ard Dates l.lio
fc'abbage, per lb $l.7."fii2
Tomatoes, California 1.30
Celery, per dozen, 8.ic; crate It.IiO
l.etuue, crate $2.2.1
Onions, per 100 pounds 1,25
Potatoes (Oregon), bushel :i'i(y)4lc
Sweet potatoes, crate Ill
Cauliflower I.:l5i
ISrusaols Sprouts 8c
titling Garlic lor.
Parsnips $1.0(1
Artichokes HUc
Beets $1.1)0
Retail Price.
Creamery butter 3V
Flour, hard wheat' $2.I0( 2.(1.)
Flour, valley $ I ,H oft')"
Kggs, per dozen
bugar, per cwt ...
Portland Markets,
Portland, Ore., Feb. 13. Wheat
Club, $1.4!); bluestem, Il."i2.
Onts No. 1 white feed, .till.'ill; gray,
Hogs Host live, irli.!l().
Prune steers, ft7.C.V S; fancy cows,
fl.07; best calves, Sf( s.5il spring
lambs, 7(o,l(.
Mutter City I'renniery, -0'iic. j
Kggs Selected local extras, ''Jl' .fo
liens, 14c j broilers, M(o'1(lc,
North rnrtliiiiil, Feb. Kl. Hecelpts
for the week have been, cnttle I'm -I.
calves .10, hogs 47:10, sheep JU-tn.
Cattle There was a good run In the
cattle division the first part -of the
wook. Prices breaking somewhat on
heavy stuff, Some pulp fed steers
brought 4.S.00. (lood demand for nil
Hogs Only a fsir tun of hogs this
week, lliivers paid a sliglilly lower
nrire than the nrevious week. Prime
hogs are quoted nt 7.J0 to tf.'M),
There were several loads sold Monilav
at 7.X"i, but there has not been nny
sold since nt that price. All jOa deni
markets nre wcuk.
Xhocp House transactions were
made quickly. There was some very
good stuff nii the ni'irUt uhhh brought
top prices. Prime 'nicbs fs.liil; iwes
0.00; yearling wethers ;.( II. )ciii:ind
inn following sales were lepiiseiila-
R steers Iu7l
1 steer M0
.tfl sleeis lllt.t
IU steers 11.1.1
1 row 14 SO
14 cows 1211
2!! cows ..1152
ft cows n.r.
411 hogs I'll
1H2 hogs 100
?41 hogs I7
14fl hogs I"
I ..Ml;
it. 00 1
7.2(1 j
On Hand
Medicine In tlin World.
In bosoi, 10c, 25c.
First Congregational Church.
James lUvin, pastor. Services Hun
day morning at 1 1 o'clock. Hpccinl ob-
"'" "'""'" " " IT'U
pna. exercises in the Sunday schuil
at 10 o'clock. The pastor will preach
on the subject, "The Influence of the
Bible Upon tho Life of Abraham Lin -
colli.' All evening services discon-:
tinned until further notice on account
of iiieetiuira in the Tabernacle,
I Christian service.
First Presbyterian. At ,1,e opening !if the service a trib-
J',ncliig service at 1 1 a. m., Ci.ri",c c paid to the memory of Fanny
H. rllliott, pastor. Sunday school atlV- , 5 , tnm,"" n"K ''"
S:1.1, (lion Niles, superintendent. Kven-: y-'tdny. One of her favorite
ing ,,t tho Tabernacle. ;songs were sung as the people with
. ; bowed hends helil nloft their right hand
Jason Lee Memorial. 1'''" hy R whin' '"""cchief.
At the comer of Jefferson and North ' ..J" ". . " "'"."''!? lte
kVi.ih.i- UI..,I H,nl,,v ch,,l .,t
a. in.; preaching services at II
No jther services next Sunday. J. Mont-
uliu htowu, pastor-
Asaodataed Bible Students (I. B. S. A.) -i
Kcnlar weekly llilile study in iip-l'1".? , w,,h ""'nl- Thp Nalvntion Arir
stairs hall at the corner of High n,i ill assist and the Halem Mission work-
Kerry streets, on Kuinlny nioriiing at III
o'cln k. All Hiblc students arc wel
coiiie. n collection.
Swedish Tabernacle M. E. Church, '
Comer Honth Kilteenth and .Mill
trects, Itev. .J o iiil Ovall. pastor. Nor-
ice at it p. m., topic, "Tbo Security
of a Christian Life." In the evening being, " hy Men Pail." Those who
the church will take- part in the Os-. heard his address last (Sunday on " Tlir
tiom revival service in tho Tabernacle. Kverydny Man" will doubtless be pros
All are most cordially invited to at eat to hear this one on "Why Men
tend. iFail.' Ostrom 's strong manly address-
:es appeal to men of intelligence. All
Highland Friends Church. I men are invited and scats, will, be free.
Coiner nt llighlnnd and Kim streets.. Niiaday at seven o'clock the churches
Sabbath srhoi.' ut 10 a. in., Karl I'ruitt, ; wj llhite in n mKm miftinf, t t,e tuh.
siipeiinteiidcnt. Meeting lor worship, 'ernncle.
II a. in.; Christian Kmleavor, 5 p. in. . t
Meeting at the Tabernacle nt 7:1)0. ,)n-j
sopliine Ilockctt, pastor, flume M.M.I Your Five Hundred Miiscles.
' ! J,l(' 'lve liuiidred muscles in tlm hu-
Lutheran Church.
Ivisi State u nil Kigliteenth street",
(leorge Koehler, pastor. Sunilny school
at Hi'lU a. m.V4 divine service at HI:)
a. in.; Luther League at (1:45 p. in.;
evening service in Knglish ul'T:il0 p.
'. I
I amount of labor.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. ; What a great blessing Hood's Sarsa
Services are held at 440 chcmeliotii parilln has been to the maiw toiling
street at II a. in. and :'M) p. in. Sub- thousands whose blood it ling made and
jecf of llilile lessou, "Saul." Sunday : '"'I't pure mill rich! This medicine
school at ll: t." n. m. Wednesday even-
ing Icstiinti'iial
..I-., - , ,
meeting at H o clock. lienlcd or acquired, und strengthens
The lending room of this church is lo-
cate. I in the Hubbard building, suite,
:i(i:i, and is open every day, except Sun -
days and holidays, from 11:43 a. m. to
4 ii. in., ami is also open every even -
ing, except Sundays and Wednesdays,
fro,, 7::i.l to o'clock. All are wel-
,.) to our serv s nud invited to
vii. r.n- riM.dinir room.
First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner State nud Church street, It. N.
Avisou, minister. 0:45 a. in., Sal.liatli
sehmil: 11 n. m.. sermon; :l .. m meet
ing for women in the I'rcsbvtcrinu
church. Meeting for men In the Taber
nacle at .') p. ni.; TM p. in., mass meet
ing for everybody in the Tabernacle.
Reformed Church (Oennnn.)
Coiner Capitol nnd Mnrion streets,
W. (I. Lienliacmper, pastor. Sunday I'cace." No evening service on in-
scluirt1, ID a. m.; morning worship in jroiiuv ol' Tabernacle meetings,
(lerinan nt 11. Observance of foreign! I
mission Sunday and consideration of Unitarian Church. I
the " Prince of Peace Knn.l." Ileidel ; Corner of l ckeln and Cottage .
berg lluild meeting nt :4.j p. ni. No slice's, Kichmd P. Tischer, minister.;
evening service
First Christian Church.
Corner High and Center streets, F. T,
Porter, minister. 11:15, Hibln school, l)r,
II. C, Kpley, director; 1 1 a. in., wor
ship nud sermon, subject, "Our Heln
tion lo the Ijiiui Campaign." After
noon and evening at the Tubeinaclc.
Salom Mission,
(oilier of (enter ami Commercial
Wheat Breaks Sharply
In Chicago Pit Today
Chicago, Feb. IS. Wheat bmhe
sharply when today at the opening of
the market, here May started nt l."il"-j
and duly at 1.34. There wns ll scramble
to sell, and at 10:15 o'clock May had
reached to LCdMi and July to l..U,ii.
May continued to slump sensational
y mill at 11 o'clock touched 1..1n1-j. a
lin of D cents sinco Thursday ' closing.
stop orders anil reports that melting
snow showed the crops in the west to
, ( prime condition were respnnsildi
I for the sensational break. I.xeitn-
meat ninoog the brokers In the pit was
Mnv wheat closed at 1.54,4 nnd July
nt L2n.
22 hulls HUM ."
1 slug 1s:t! (1..-.H
S heifers 01 fl.7."
1 calf 211 H..VI
Ill lambs 70 S.oo
21 wethers !' 7.00
Ill ewes 07 (1.00
LIU venrlings I") 7."
One Hundred And Thirty-Three Fledge
Life to Christ in Work Following
Sermon on. Getting Where You Fit..
One of the greatest religious meet-
ings ever held in Saleiu was witnessed i
lnwr niirlif In tlio tiilw.i-nucle wl.an nr tha
close of the address to young people on
"Getting Whero You Fit" one hun
dred and thirty-three young men and
young women between the ngen of fif
teen and thirty-five arose from all parts
of the house and pledged themselves as
preacherB or missionaries if God opened
the way. Ushers were called to the
front and asked the people to vacate
the first eight rows of seats which were
then filled by these who had stood to
pledge their lives for definite Christian
work. After they were grouped to
gether in the front seats Mr. Ostrnm
gave them a heart to heart talk telling
them how G.id had led him into the
ministry through the greatest of ob
stacles. The scripture used for Ost rom's Bcr
mou were the words "Now the God of
peace malie you perfect in every good
work." He said some people stumble
over that word perfect snying no one
enn be perfect. "But let us see," he
added. "A perfect egg is not a per
fect little chicken nnd a perfect little
chicken is not n perfect broiler) a per
fect broiler is not a perfect laying hen
and a perfect laying hen is not a per
fect mother hen, so you see we hnv.
several degrees of perfection in chick
ens alone and I don't know how many
thousands of degrees of perfection men
mnv attain far thorn I. .
, , . , '. ,, 1 "
''""l"1 !' ,Crf",t , . . ,
I . " 'i'nr reasonable statements he
.?" 1,".m" " of his message
!' 1,10 "'""'""f 'he young people until
I ""'V willing to the number of 1:1.1
pledgo themselves for definite
Lincoln S Dirtll
da v.
The service tonight will be for those
who have not bern so successful in the
battle of life. Kvcry church nienibci
wh" ,!H""'8 is nkl''1 to bring sudi i
en nls B present.
rcununy nnernoon at three o'clock in
the Vresbvterian church Mrs Tnsenhinel
fiocKett will address the women and
At three o'clock Sunday in the tnb-
ernncle Dr. Ostroni will give his second
great address to men only, the subject
I1MIII llflflv iln.iu.i.l n.. I .!..!.
blood for their health and i oiitinctile
energy which is the ability to nbor
'if they arc given impure blood tliv
V' x- IT..', M1 .mo I, ,1.1 1 1C1
heeonie enteeliled, lie srep les,
elasticity, tlu. arm i(h eii'iciencv. i.nd
I there is incapacity to oeif-inr. tbo usual
1 .causes ine Wood of all humors, in-1
nnu tones the whole system. It h i hi - j
portant to be sure that you g"l Hood 'si
: Mi run par ilia when you ask for it. No!
; substitute for n is like it,
. stivers, I). N. Mclntiii IT, I). I)., pastor.!
.Pi king ou S y s follows: at .H
and 7:;:u by the pastor. Subject of
'the alternnon sermon, "The Disciples
Had Korgntten to Talie bread,'' und
in the evening the subject will be,
".ludas Iscnriot." lOvcry one invited
lo all tue meetings
South Salem Friends,
Corner of South Ciiinmerciiil ami
Washington streets, II. K. I'einlierton,
in-lui-. Hiblc school at Hi a. in., Kmmei
Nevvliv, Kiipcriiitcn.lf nt. Meting for
won hip, II a. in., subject for the morn
ing will bo "A lliiudied Years i'
Peace." Xo evening service on lie-
i won hip, II u. in., subject for the morn -
ing will bo "A lliiudied Years ..!J
nun my scaooi at in o noes nil va
stud,' class
II o 'clock ;
ut M) o clock; rcivhch nt
no evening service.
ject of morning service, "The Need ';'
a Liberal Church." Music by Miss I.
. lleiiniMiii. Mrs. V. Ilentou, organist.
Ali friends of liberal religion and of
' prog-essivu thought are cordially in
vited lo our sctviccs. Hring a friend.
Commons Mission,
iill Stole street. Services Sunday al
't p. in.: also ou Tuesday, Wednesday
and Friday evenings at 7:110. .1. H.
I noli, superintendent.
Or other Sunday "time-killers" are a reprisal for the
loss of Sunday's regular business. They are mere
make-shifts. Get down to bed-rock there's more
solid satisfaction in it. The business of Sunday is
the worship of Almighty God.
Services at 7::!0 and 11 :00 a. m. and 7::)0 p. m.
n . .
ion of Committee In Bill
Now In Senate
A very shrewdly eonceovcit and
cunningly worked out plot to "steal
the thunder" of tho joint game com
mittee of the legislature and to rob it
of whatever glory might be due as the
result of compromise legislation look
ing to tho solution of vexatious ques
tion of reorganization and regulation
of the state fish anil gamo commission,
was nipped in the bud by the game
committee when its compromise bill, as
forecasted in the Journal of Tuesday,
was introduced in the house this morn
ing and will be rushed through to an
earlv cnaetinent in order to frustrate
the "credit stealing" designs of the
authors of similar bill introduced in
the senate vestcrdav afternoon by
Hennlor HolliH, by request embodying
the identical provisions of tho game
committee bill.
The game committee bill represents
tho draft of a compromise between the
four bills iu the hands of tho commit
tee, those by Hchuebel, Hitner, Davoy
und Vawter, and is unanimously sup
ported u.v the committees of both
houses. There has been a powerful lob
by in attendance upon the session since
the early stages iu the interests of the
present administration of tho affairs
of the game and game fish department,
and when they secured the "dope" up
on the committee hill some of the
ardent supporters of tho gamo warden
got busy mid drafted a bill carrying
ull of the features of tho game commit
tee bill and rushed it into the senate
yesterday afternoon in tho hopes of
robbing the committee of whatever
credit was doc and taking it upon the
present game warden.
The senate bill, it is understood, was
drafted by former .Senator L. E. Roan
of Lsne county, who has been working
hard in the interests of the present ad-j0(
ministration and it was giv en to ren-,
ntor llollis to introduce without ex
plaining to tho senator the ulterior de
signs of the perpetrators of tho trick
and he is said to- be absolutely inno
cent of nartnershiu to the conspiracy.
However the game committee, bill was
'-"" -
r'B,l f,rst tim0 ln tJul hnme thls
inoriiinsr and it will ho rushed through.
to third reading by a suspension of tne
rules nnd when the conspiracy bill
comes up for consideration in the sen
ate it will bo throttled, or, if it suc
ceeds in getting through tho upper
branch of tho assembly, it will receive
its everlasting "quietus" in the house.
The game committee bill provides for
a commission of five members of which
the governor shall be chairman; two
of the members aVo to bo appointed
from Eastern and" two from Western
Oregon. The commission also elects a
master fish warden and state game
warden, -whose salaries shall not ex
ceed 2,400 per your, and shall have
complete control over tho administra
tion of the funds derived from licenses,
fees, etc., and the right, to employ and
discharge any employe, wnrrten, etc.,
at any time for cause or good of the
service. All of the responsibility rests
t j,, (!, governor. The county treasurer
is authorized to retain a per cent, or
tho licenses fees, tines, etc., paid into
the office for the benefit of the coun -
ty. The fish and gamo fund is to bo
deposited into the general fund or me
i,..,,. anru l'.iit to remain Intact for do
frnving" the expenses of administration
;..u:n.. n.l l,if ihn mritec-
or till! cumuli"'-!"'! ..mi i
ti, ... Hllli nronngntion of fish, game and
n e fish' throughout the state,
. m
. , . . h
. "I'tlj, ,li
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by a
means K''t "o or oiuiirui , . ..
'starve vnnr hair and ruin it if yon
don 't,
It sn't do iniicn go no i.i .r ...
brush or wash it n lif only sure
way to gei in. '' '.niiii.i.. in ...
If il, vim destniv ti'll r( V.
To do this, get about four ounces of or -
linary liquid nivon; apply it at night
when retiring; use enough to m.s en
the sculp and rub it in gently with the
! finger tips.
Hy mo, ning. most if not all; of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis -
solve nnd entirely destroy, every single
sign and trncn of it.
ym, wj find, too, that all itching
Ilmj ,iKKig f the scalp will stop, nnd
r, i,,.:. ,,.m iu ,,m fee n hundred
:mn- hftit. Vmi rnn irit. llnuif nrvon
, " , ,
..a . I ui,.vit it ii (iiiivnrtiulvii
nt nnv druir store.
it is un i. i.i
and four ounces is nil you wil need no j
mutter how much dandruff you have. ,
This simple remedy never fails
No matter what you have to J,
sell, a Journal Want Ad will
sell it for you If it can be sold.
'; ;t
Ti.8 Standards of Character
Which God Approves.
The Scope of the Divine Requirement.
The Golden Rule the Merest Justice.
The Value of High Ideals Living Up
to Our Ideals Failure Due to Imper
fection Resulting From Inherited Sin.
How the Righteousness of the Law Is
Fulfilled In God'a People.
New York City,
Feb. 7. Pastor
Itussell spoke to
day nt the New
York City Temple.
W. C3d St.. near
Broadway. II i s
text was, "What
doth thy God re
quire of thee, but
to do Justly, to
love mercy, nnd
to walk humbly
with thy God?"
MlcaU 0:8.
After a number of heart-searching
questions suggested by his text, the
speaker called attention to tho rea
sonableness of the Dtvlno require
ment as stated in bis text, und de
clared that our Creator could not Justly
or with self-respect ask less tbun this
of Ills creatures who would enjoy Ills
faror. The Interests of nil demand
that these principles) be required of
every creature worthy of eternal life.
Whoever falls to come up to those coti.
dlllons would thus evidence bis un
worthiness of life everlasting. His
prolonged existence would merely be a
prospering of sin and n menace to the
happiness and righteousness of others.
The Castor then noted the natural
division of his text Into three parts.
; nud discussed Ihexe In onler. Ilesliow
uiat the requirement of Justice ln
, ,)Ur rinn,,,,,, coiiiinends Itself to
every rational mind, und Includes the
whole Law of (Jod. It Is but Just that
we should recognize our Creator first,
mid render obedience to nil Ills right
eous requirements that make for our
, , . .
0WD unPP1"cr., nd that of othem. It
Is also but right Hint we should rec
ogulze the rights of others, as we
would have them recognize our rights.
Begin Justice at Home. 1
The Golden llulc, he declared, Is the
barest of Justice. Not a hair's brendth
less would come within the require'
incuts of his text. He suggested that :
each one criticise his own words nnd j
deeds toward parents, brothers, sis- ;
turs, husband, wife, nnd consider
whether he trcnls thoso who n re near
and dear to blm according to tin- si Mini
aids of Justice. Do we do toward tbein '
us we would have tbein do toward us? 1
If not, let us-nfler making a begin- j
nlng with the Lurd, striving In render
to film our hoiiingo and obedience
closely scrutinize every word nnd act
of the home life and see to what vx-
tent these can be mndu mure nearly ;
Just. The majority of people, he feels i
sure, will be surprised to know bow
, unjust they hnve boon to those who
Lru 0f tue verT nPnrest and dearest of
(ll,Rly rentlonsblps.
The Pastor suggested that each fol
low the matter up und consider the
Justice or the Injustice of bis words
nnd deeds with his neighbors nnd his
dally associates. Then followed a se
ries of searching questions for tho pur
lioso of assisting In the self examina
tion. Do we Invnrlnbly speak to oth
ers, with the snmo tone nnd gesture
that we would npprovo If they were
In our pluco nnd wo In Ibelrs? Do wo
drive o closer bargain with llicm than
wo would consider Just for them to
. ,h , ne we siienk as kindly
j w woua wWj
) Simple Justioe Nothing More,
H1)(MU uny 1)nu bvgn tn geo that
, lmld, b )n4
rn h(mB
I, ... i. '.i .i."n.n.
unu .....iu no uuv..i.. v....v .v Bu,,u
, no impossuue lo ue nnijr iv
1 -itnudurd, tho Pastor would 1 agree with
ulm. As St. Pnul says, "Wo ennnot do
1 1 be things that we would." Tho Scrip-
tores again ngrce nnd decline, "There
j s ll0n0 righteous, no, not ono. All
' i r i,
......... .. .,.,t
imurjurouu. iiumnna o.hj, la.
" ...
.. ,hnri,il thnl hecause wa nre
unable to live up to creil our owu con-
.IIC lll l" ii .mil,,". i . (......
On the contrary, to Ignore our best
Ideals of Justice would be to permit the
'downward tendon, lea of our depraved
.'Mures to carry u. further and fur
,iher from (iod nud tho standards of
Jelin rncter which Ho approves. Wo
should do nothing less than our very
1 in'Bt to live up lo our own Ideals and
it0 rnire jUMMi pica Is ns nearly as pos
sible to the Hlvliie slnndiild.
The Tudor then discussed nt length
the Divine attribute of Justice, nnd or
plained hovf (lod bus nirniiged that
through the death of Ills Son Ho ran
Justly offer Ufa to the human family
condemned In Ailniil. He declared that
possibly Cod could have iirrnnged some
other wny of dealing with sin nnd sin
iicih. but the fnct thnt He adopted this
method nssurcs ui that no other would
Ihnve been so wise, so Just. No other
! method would hnve so fully demon
drilled fiod's Wisdom. Justice, Love
and I'nwer. In the denlh of Jesus ns
t mini's nnnsom prlce find hns provided
I for the satisfaction of Dlrlne Justice
jus rosK'ot mankind. For the good of
I nil (bid ti'ipilrea that thoso who would
bencflt by Ills merry must cultivate
mercy In tnclr own nenrts, otnerwise
they will receive no mercy.
I' Ac J
((j'ASpc gUSSELjj
dug (lie Swatlis apilJJonclsol
Promotes Dtaesttonflwrfut
ness and lfestx:oiitalns neither
Opuim.Marphine norMiucral
Finitpkta Stedm
v o) n
Ancrfectnemedy forCmsH
tlon , Sour Slomaclt.uiiaOT
Worms .Coiwulswns.l'cvei'isit
Jac Simile Sijutrar
The Centaur CompakT,
cnSrantced undeFlWoodliil
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Smith Lumber Company . ;
Is Financially Sound,
San Francisco, I'al., Feb. 12. That'
tho financial affairs of tho ('. A. Smith j
Lumber company, with immense Mm-1
bcr holdings in Oregon and California,
soon will be put on a sound basis was
tho declaration hero todny of Samuol
M. Mobs of Chicago, one of the mem
bers of a creditors ' committee which
hns taken over Smith's holdings for
adjustment. It was declared that the
liabilities nro little in excess of
OOO.iTtrr", while assets will exceed iMV
"Smith's trouble," snid Bloss today,
"is very simple. Ho has largo bonded
debts which require more interest than
he is able to raise nt. this time. There
is no doubt st all that his assets, even
at their lowest valuation, arc worth
two or three times his total indebted-!
ness. I
"The liquidating eommilteo will look
llilo his affairs thoroughly and lcei.li.
upon tho best method of arranging
them. Thcro is absolutely no question
of the soundness of the company. The
creditors have offered to supply inure
capital and some of the property may
bo sold. Tho necessary money will be
easily raised. Things will go on in the
snmo way as ever, with Smith presi
dent of the company. 1 am suro that1
the effect of this matter on other enm-j
panics or other interests wil be prue-!
Ideally nothing," !
Smith's holdings of limber land in'
Oregon and California nro estimated
as follows: j
Oregon Coos and Douglas counties,
200,(10(1 acres; Linn county, 40,000
acres; California-Kl Dorado county,
5ll,l)00 acres; Humboldt county, 18,-i
000 acres. Total, ;I14,0II0 iierns.' I
Will Continue Operations. !
Mnrshfield, dr., Feb. 11!. The plnnt,
of the C. A. Smith Lumber & Mimu-j
fnctiiriug company, finnncinl intereslsi
of which vvero yesterday placed in the
hands of n eommilteo of three bond
creditors, will rontiimn to operate the
, same as usual and there will lie no ill
j effects locally on account of new fi
nancial arrangement.
It costs but one cent a word
to tell your story each day in
the Journal New Today column.
Guaranteed Forever
Let us show you the new Westinghousc Electric
Iron. Heats quickest, retains heat longest.
"If it's electric come to ua'
Salem Electric Co,
For Infanta and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castcria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Xew 4-room bungalow', largo lot, only
100 down, balaiico liko rent; price
Another One.
Modern H-runm bungalow, electricity,
bath, toilet, slationaiy wash tubs, hit
50x100, near State street, only t-TiO,
balance to suit; price if 1 30, worth
Well Improved 0-Acra Tract,
Xot fur out, good house, barn, chicken
house, good well water, young bearing
orchard, ;i acres hearing logau berries.
Owner going cast, will sacrifice, only
.11,1(1(1 down; price 2I00, worth $3000.
Sevoral Farm Bargains.
Mr. Farm Haver, if yon will cull and
look over our farm bargain list we are
suro that we can save you money, as
wo have years of experience and inako
n specialty of farms.
For Rent -Houses and Store Bldgs.
in all pails of tho city.
Money to Loan.
Fire Insurance.
We write Fire, and Auto Insurance.
List Your Property with
L. Bechtel & Co.
317 State Street Phone 4W
The Want pages go to the
office and hohie and are con
sulted often and frequently
clipped and filed for ready
reference. The Journal
Wants are valuable that's
the reason.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
I t'tU
ilfv In