Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1915, Image 4

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1 Page of "The Capital Journal
Feb. 1.1. 19 't.
Editor and Manager
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
h. 6. BARNES,
Boc. and Trens.
Daily by cnrrior, per year $5.00
Daily by mail, por year 3.00
Weekly by mail, per year ." 1.00
Stuyvesant Fish, the railway magnate, has delivered
himself of the opinion that Americans are extravagant.
He calls us a nation of spendthrifts. "During hard times,"
he says, "we are forced to be prudent and thrifty, and in
consequence get richer faster than we do in what we call
Per month. 45c
l... -.,...!. !1.
six months'. V.V.V.r.oc prosperous times."
I If everyone pinches, trade will languish, employment
becomes harder to obtain, and still more ninchim? will he
Tli8 Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the rifceSSai'V f0 meet Wens ?n n.-nfifq anA fnll n 8
porch. If the carrier does not do tills, misses you, or neglects getting the ,''Lt . f- LUJ ? Vli P10IllS an,a Ial1 m Wages,
japer to you on time, kindly phone tho circulation manager, aa this is the only i Herein UCS the iallacy of the theory that Universal parsi
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. ' yvi0riy adds to the Wealth of the nation
Phone Main 81. , i r ,.i j i i i ' ,
m ; V7iiu via&s ui jjeopie aione prom Dy universal saving.!
nnv a dat tt- APATM 'Tnat is the class from which the United States has suf-j
BUY A BALL AUAiiN. feral most in the past and has most to fear today the1
"lii i pa ' frenzied financiers and monopolists. The savings of the
It is said that European owners of American securities ,e become d f organizing the big'
are seeking to sell some of their holdings in our markets. tnists seizing u natural resources 0 finanng wi,!
Let them come on ! ly speculative schemes. !
hey are as good as goia, ana win serve most exce - F remember the m with h- h th fe. fi
en ly as payment for the goods we are shipping abroad. ' c;ers fix the ke f ft k of the peo-
So long as Europe has any American securities le t shejpie is not their 0 but f ft ,
can buy American goods. Would that she had more se- selves The American people spenfmore pe?capita. than
curities. ..... . , Tnir any other people on earth. But they produce more. Their
The foreign trade balance in om favor for January trade among themselves is of JJ volume Their lib.
Beemstohaverunuptoabout$lo,0001000.. ieral expenditure is an essential to their liberal production
This brings the total trade balance in our fo for and active domestic commerce.
the five months since the war began up to 400,000.000 , It is what j d . fa
To offset this enormous and constantly increasing bal-1 savo that ad(ls almtons 'wealth- iney
felS;: I!8 ! The mania for saving which makes the individual hard
sBiieiiuuihumj rtuuuif,iw,wUWUi l"u".i"'c" ""iand miserly is one thinsr: and the savinn- whiVh mpana n.
briety, industry, home ownership, integrity, good citizen-
them all and still owe us a balance.
. The "Buy a Bale" of cotton movement, as an invest
ment, is ending in a fiasco, since the holders of these bales
are being insistently urged to give them for Red Cross and
other war-relief supplies,
ship and education of children is quite another.
The senate yesterday passed Senator Dnv's bill in re-
imburse Alma D. Katz of Portland, $20,000 for the maps,
curities seem somehow to be immune against the impor
tunities of want and woe.
t-. . r T:.i.. ..e A : . , " i '
cue a miy a mue 01 nie uca. unu . ;aurveys rignts of way etc, the state took over from him
as an investment, wouict be quite saie, since nouiers 01 se-: n connection with ih T,,mnln 5atsn if M:v,
seem strange, after so many protestations of economy,
that such an appropriation as this Will slip through as
though it was greased and probably it has been. The
senate machine was for it and that explains the ease with
which it was put through the upper house. This claim has
been before the legislature before and was rejected as
it should have been because there is little merit in it.
The Alma Gluck recital last night pleased a great audi
ence. There were no doubt many musicians present who
enjoyed the artistic rendition of the more difficult compo
sitions displaying the compass and flexibility ot the voice, Nntwithstjinrlinir Wnr.r rkaf ha i
but it was when she burst torth in the lamiliar strains , ot chine guns have made the cavalry useless, agents of for
the "Suwanee River' "Old Virginny, "Coming Thro the eign governments continue to pay fancy prices for Ameri-
Kye anu otner oiu-time iavontes tnat tne meiouy nppieu an horses.
By next week it will be all over but paying the bills.
W. ,. Dvsi nj;ir, proprietor of a b'al
planing mill, in today preparing for.
shipment to f-an Francisco, ix chairs,
table, foot rest and hull rack, which
were made mainly of Douglas county
deer horns. Mr. Pysinger savs the
eight pieces of furniture required l"0
pairs of deer horns. The exhibit will
be sent to SSnn Francisco inter in the
week, where it will be placed on dis
play in the Oregon building during the
exposition. That, it will attract wide
attention there is little doubt. Mr.
Dvsiuger values the furniture at. $"i000,
which he says is a reasonable price
when it is considered that it took
months to gather the horns and nssein
bio them. More than 100 people
viowe,! the furniture this morning at
A. ,T. T.ilharn & Son's as it was being
prepared for shipment to the t'abfornin
lledfurd Tribune: Bogus nlcklcs
are in circulation in the city, being
first discovered last week. They lire
hardly distinguishable from the gerr
nine, nnd nre both the buffalo and
regulation type. In the buffalo the
only defect in the illegal minting ts
that, the buffalo is not standing on
prairie grass, ns in the original. Out
of three uickles examined at one of
the local banks Nnturdnv, tw0 were
plionev. The Willamette Vallev and
Coos Bay districts have been flooded
the last month with the coins, and it
is thought some of them found their
way into this section. There are also
a number of bogus half dollar in
circulation. Tliev nre of clumsv handi
craft, bending nlmost intwo, and being S
easilv detected. 1
Roselinrtr Review: A number of dog
owners held an informal meeting hern
this morning nnd discussed the proposi
tion of contributing funds with which
to test the validity of the city ordi
nance prohibiting dogs from running
about tho streets. The dug owners
nrgue that they pav a license, and are
still required to keep their dogs at
home or accompany them on the streets.
It is the opinion of the dog fanciers
that the city should either eliminate!
the collection of licenses or give, the,
dogs the privilege of being qn the;
f.X V.U
m y ii a
When we fill your order for lumber we will do it
as honestly as it can be done. When we make you an
estimate on what you require, we'll do it as honestly
as it can be done. We cut the prices in the first
place, and planed them down right. We will give
you the right thing at the right price. We want your
patronage and we can't afford to misrepresent.
Come in.
Front and Ferry Phone 1830
into every heart. And Mine. Gluck is a wonderful artist,
deserving of unstinted commendation, because she is will
ing to come down from the high artistic sphere in which
fche is so much at home and sing for the many who have
not the natural talent and lack also the musical education
to appreciate grand opera, the old, old songs they love so
(By William T. Kirk.)
'I was reading n swell ntorv last
! (M.il.f ..i .. ....... :.. n ti .1...
t .... 1 1 l .! .! i: L..V-nr "" K" ...", mini -
MUSIC never glOWS OKI, SaiU a UlSllllgUlSIlUU uruiUl .Mauicure l.ady. "And there wits
many years ago. ;What was familiar yesterday, like the: '.
nong of the lark, is the same today, tomorrow and for- . of mem places, fc..rgo?"
over Whistled in the field, hummed in the workshipjj
1'ipphng from the guitar, leaping exultant lrom the keys said the Head iiurber.
of the piano, heard from year to year until every note' ';i;h,,m' IiH,1t,i"'",1l',M,.t '""'J"-
, 1 ' n i ,i my, skiiI the Manicure l.niiv. "
wakens some vague memory of a dreamy past who can itt ami Troy in ti,i Htory'is them
follow the course or measure the influence of one single, ''''i"';' " l,f 'l"m
. . , .. ., ,.' Milters wrote about. There 11111 t
Himpie tune, irom us inspireii conception, tin, tnrouuinij uoti.ing in Tr, New York except1
through the world, its last echo shall cease to vibrate? No i""1::11"'"', !""' k"1"1" knows the...:
" . i ii -i. i i i i "IU I nothing loniuiitie or beautitul
corner of the world whore it may not go and make its in- ai,,,ut a laundry.
Jluence mt. The little blucK-eyert, orown-iacea lrouha- mr ""u"t... 11 ""' . ov,-
dour plays it to the throng that passes along the city
In the days of Auld T.nng Svne
Dainty was each valentine;
Kvry cheek wns like a rose,
l.ips were always Cupid's bows.
I for nppendicitis.
1 1). Morgan invited his neighbors to
Inn old-fashioned log rolling Thursday,
Medford Sun: Bill CooC 2S 7b ' (Capital Journal Special Service.) 1-uary 4th The ladies were kept
old, municipal dog catcher olf Ash-! Tun er Or Feb l.l.-Miss Alma , ''"".v with quilts while the hus ess pre
i.,.i .i, i;,.,u,i li.wi Vri.inv him ' ' , " pared an elaborate dinner, it was a
land, who disappeared last I'lidav has Baker s spending the week-end witi , ' ..:i1i , ti, ,1, n
not. yet been found. Friday Mr. Cook hc r ,,an.nts' in Turner. : 1 y, 8.l . " A ' ' , doC" ,
was bitten in the hand by a mad l'"g! m! A. Nicely was a Salem visitor f'' to ,0"thor U"d "aew M
ami shortly al'terwurds disappeared.:,. , . tins.
Word has been sent North nnd South: ln " i" M Tick nnd M A,i Os. J.""' Sl KlM'l""K''f preparing to
vt . - mnke ttitnie evfenwiwi, uiiitrnvementu In
his place of business. The owner of th
building will put in a new floor and
take out a part of the partition, thus
giving Mr. Kippinger a fine, lurgo room
to be used in connection with his new
'soda fountain, Star.
in aa effort to locate the missing man , '. ' ,.;:,,' w.Ia, ,,i,.,.
but nothing has been heard of him. it. MiM rmKl.lu, Ollgon r(,turned home
with rabies. The head
which bit Mr. l ook was
lnnd and physicians state
animal had the rabies
after an extended visit with friends in
noblemiin that
Kvcs were arrows, Cupid's darts,
Keinlly tu the lovers hearts;
And each nwiiden, we are told.
Sure wns miido ia Venus' mold.
Tempers were of sheetuess such,
They were sticky to the touch,
Darting, dainty, demure things
Angels lacking only wings.
Not like these the Valentino
I woutil choose these days I'or mine;
Mather, I would have the girl
Who the typewriter can whirl.
the ledger uiges thumb
wns nil oiuecr ill Hie: v' ,i ., wl,., ,. I,. tl., ,.l,i.l., .,nm
uriny. lie fell in love with n voiiiil' i i:;,i .. .h, i 11,. i. ;.,., ;,.'
s-itreots. It is sung by the boatman on the Mississippi and n,irl ',''"! ,lliin, ,u )' - a-i.i a i eii in her imir.
,, . .1 i. i n p L a i ichuich, but he told her that hi uldn'i
the miner in the mountain gorges ot the far west. And very weii do ti,t. At iat, though, i. Wt, wi., wi,e the day is done,
away on the banks of the Seine, the Rhine and the Arno it ''v1 ki,ml "'' "lllkl' "l1 '''"'. ! ti. hel- modicum of' fun,
floats like a silver echo, doubly welcome and dearer than ; ,t"iil ,t K Z'Z
ever to the lonelv-hoartod, homesick wanderer. i way the emperor imd ot keeping folks!
"nr.1i io Mii limitlnuu cu'ium nf m b inn-la eimnln fnno ' 111 ''"v" "'''". 1 Men are upl to ridicule
&UC11 IS UK' limitless SWeOp 01 a Slllgle Simple tUne. ; tliink that asa kind of a sad ending, Maidens of this modern school;
Greeting us at the earliest dawn of sensation, and at the ,l"n " oeorgef i..i.ighing at ti.eir petty foiides,
latest moments of conscious existence, it goes nuMiiurinK:wllM, Vrrf'-'rkei ZlZ
on like a tireless ceaseless river, repeating thesame int'1- H""-1"'- ' ' - is too short to i,t a
odioiu tale down the echoing aisles of time." VJZ'm J if
they would eat nobody. Them writers
The moment railroads or other big business interests, ZTt S
are threatened with real competition, a paid pivss bureau . ' .varus ami then set mound th xt
gets busy on the job Already the newspapers are ivceiv- "i,::;;1;;':,,,!,1;:;;;:'
nig from New lork editorial and news matter on the i'" mther hear on,, of your brother's
of the dog, " VA"
...... n..... l'ortland.
' ,i... '.! Mrs. F. W. Hall and fumily motored
1,1,1 . . li. I r,,, l
io oiueiu inursouj.
A new milliner shop will be opened
up in Turner next week.
Mrs. Sadie Smnll is visiting witn ret-
Albnnv Herald: Notice that the
scale of wages relating to road work inUtives in Turner,
I.mn county will be lowered, is given MiH1) Kffio Harris, dnuglitcr of C-.
in the following issued today to road 1 V- Harris the well known Turner farm- j
supervisors by the .Unii county court: W(U1 mBrrioii lll!)t Wednesday to Mr.
"We will inlopt the following n.nxi- u i InrrinKton. They will reside in!
mum scale: Man and two horses, . .;.() Culllllla whcr0 Mr. Harrington has u!
per dav; mnn and four horses, $4.;ll u , f(rtn
Pl'r day; me.l. single, KM) )a-r day. Mrs ' ,, Kuhbini frm Montana,)
OT nilll linifC I'" visiting at the home of 0. F. Booth. I
M. inUL iNCVVj I II. A. Theissen made a business trip:
to Snleni Thursday. i
Mr. V. C. Dunn, a recent arrival, Several ladies of the local V. ('. T. j
from North Dakota, has purchased lT- nttended the county convention held , He wns homely, T know, as a dog could
the llnssleton olnce about 2 miles west in Salem Wednesday . i be,
of St. Paul ami is busily engaged in. Klizabeth Small visited with friends
milking some n 'ssary Improvements, in Turner the pnst week.
After n lingering illness of some Miss Neonta Maud Huberts has re
years, Mrs. Mary Brentano passed turned to her home in Independence
nway on Wednesday of lust week at after a short visit with friends in
the family home jus't west of St. I'aul. Turner.
Mrs. Brentano cnuie to this country Miss Olndvs liilisbury is spending
Somebody poisoned my dog today.
Though he never did any ono ill,
And so he is through with bis canine,
And his wngglety tail is still.
No more shall I walk ia the fields with
Along at his side to jog
And 1 don't care if my eyes arc dim
Somebody poisoned my dog!
And only a mongrel, too;
: But 1 loved the old fellow und ho loved
J mo
As people and dogs mny do,
Nothing on earth could disturb h'u
j trust
I Or hrs lovo and his fnith befog,
when quite voung, having been bom the week-end lit home. i Aml ""' "es here at my feet, in
in Paris, France. She was married Kmerv M. Howe left Sundnv for' 'luster
t King Brentano, 12 children being Aurora'wliere he will carry maii. Mr.; Somebody poisoned my dog!
the result of the union, eight of whom uwe has carried mail on route No. 3
survive her. The deceased wns n wo- frunl (lt, Turner office for the last l.V He crnwled to my side and licked my
lnnn of sweet and lovable character years. i hand,
and had the esteem nnd respect of the Professor J. B. Horner of Oregon Ag I All(l "eii with a gasp ho died;
entire community, which sincerely rj,.uitln.ui college will deliver tin illus- And though some people cun't under-
mourns her untimely demise. For 1(,,,hlr un hjfl tr., to thl, i,lyi stiind
some yenrs she snflered from an incur- llim) lt y j.; eiiu re It Sundav even- 1 pnt.te,l Ins head nnd criedl
able maladv ami death came ns mer- i,,.. ' - . For it isn't funny to lose a friond
cifui release from a life of suffering.: u,i,i ,,,i ,.ifn nn.,,i.i tl.n ' 1' rom off of this earthly cog,
l esiiios a wntower nml eight cliiluren, ; , (,mu.(,rt , Su(,m ,, , ,,,
" ... ,. ,...., v.. ..... 1
Krnstj two brothers, C. 11. nnd h. I T. ,,,, .,..,, : . . ,,, ,,,! I wonder how anv one could have done.
Creek school house Inst evening was' T1'.'" '"'!" !i,,lc fl'"'nv nilrm
well attended. " I 1 "l'rB m "'' his race is run-
.. . ..... . . ...mi, i t hough his hod V s Htitt miff
crcHiner iirrnen .ioihiiiv nun ine
pntrons i eived 2S,' for their producf ''""V1"""" " Iortlnnd.
waists and dnanstick hob-
And he was loyal auto tho end
Soinehody poisoned my dogl
"danger of jitney competition." If the corporations would '.'ul.uC.lalld'ihrMa,,.
I'tick to business and spend less money on lobbyists, poli-1 " i.y. "timt was a tunnv coind
ticians ami press bureavis to influence public sentiment l;!! ;a;"V!i;',t,r,w:o,e,;,.,;:l1
and debaucli legislatures they would stand better with the after he imd read timt book. 1 thins
Knowing garments still more strange
Will come in when fashions change,
Jest at hats and swords that pin them
Wnile willow the girl that 's ill them.
Why f llei'Miise just like ourselves,
They're flesh and blood, not fairy
Supple and healthy, sweet and gaud,
Kitted for wives and motherhood;
Makers ot' homes, lint clinging vines,
Sweetest and best of vnleiiiines.
Krnst, and n sister, Mrs. B. M. Kreeh-J .
tor, nil residents of this place.
The first pav dav of the St. Paul
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Ilynes, of Howell1
Tlnirs.lnv eve-iilntr the Itohck-
IhmiIiIo and Pot more pxact instipo when llicv nnn!iliwl f,i' 1 'J "'"l' " ' ' l","t tl"g.nhs nnd odd Fellows met. in I. o. o.i
l. r e . ... , , i , , J 1 . i "'at he has ever did, tliough he didn't 1 Hall to spend a social evening
K lrom any Ulltair Competition Or legislation. Apparently, n to think mucli of it himself. This, with Mr. and Mrn. Marvin Walker.)
I who win ion k e tneir iiitiire nome near
; Mivllurd. lief lesliments were served
however, the heads of corporations will never learn the;' ll,,w K'"'"!
simple lesson of treating the people right and relyint" Oil Whene'er I rend of undent
liieir mate sense ol justice to protect Wicm when assailed.
One objection to the moving picture show is the un
screened conversational movement in the audience.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
Capita! $500,000.00
Transact a general banking buslnesi
Safely Deposit Roxca
And think of nil its ancient glotv,
It takes me far nwiiv from liome
And to the end 1 read the story,
1 love to rend of Nero's days,
And nil about his various jokes
Although 1 think that Nero's wnys
Was verv distressing to Christian
The days of Home have passed awny
in the banquet room bv the Uebeknhs
nnd games were enjoyed until a late
hour. When parting for the night,
all present wished Mr. and Mrs. Walk
er tho best ,i( success ill their new
After lodge Monday evening, deli
cious refreshments were served by a
special committee, then several games
were played in which all members
joined and enjoyed. Independent.
A"'' ''f ' '""Ker is rery glorious ,,,( ,ln)w lt , ,,..
Most of the lioiiinns work on railroads
And the O reeks shine shoes shoes In
pnilors toiiMorial,
Bui it is grand to rend and dream
tM' when them nations was in their
So when ii book about them I see
To the very end I lead the story.
"Your brother must have been lit
up when he wrote that,'' declared the
Head Barber. " If any brother of mine
wrote it, I would take his pencil away
"1 don't tliink myself it Is one of
the best things Wilfred lias did," ad
mitted the Manicure l.ady," but the
poor boy was broke when he wrote it,
nnd when he is broke he ain't unite his-self."
last mouth. This is ns much ns anv nt
the private creameries paid nnd is
considered a remarkable record for the
first mouth's business, as it wns ex-j
peeled that for the first month or soi
ia,, ..vim ,.. . ,.,..!.,., ...i ...,:,..( 1
expense would' reduce the cream price ; Prairie, returned Tuesday from a weeks
somewhat below what other creameries visit ia Portlnnd.
would pav, but the strong support of Cyrelo Bnssette, of Halfway, Oregon,
the St. Paul dairvmea has made it pns-;l visiting Mr. and Mrs. K.I Dupuis and
sible for the rrenmerv to hold its own Other old friends for a few weeks.
from the first. Should all the cream! I-dtie liitchcy, who hns been
of this community have been given to visiting in Silverton for several weeks,
the home erenmery this month It would returned home Sunday. j
hav been possible to pay from one to' The Ladies' Missionary society will
two cents more. ' nieet at the home of Mrs. A. H. Sicg-1
Harold Clarno returned to school at mund next Wednesday, February 17th. I
Portland Monday after n week's vaca- Mrs. Thomas lieiling. of Mt. Angel, j
lion at home. He wss accompanied who hns been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wil
bv Mrs. t lanio nnd Mnster Austen, linin l.eith for the pnst week, left for'
The latter is having his eye treated her home Tuesday morning.
by a Portland siecialist. Wooburu! K.vn, the ten-Tear old daughter of Mr, !
Independent, omi Mm. o. H. Benjamin, was tuken
Observance of Lincoln Sunday. ! ,1h" nl,'m ,K'"1'i'".1 ',ri '"v v,'"!"e 317
Lincoln's birthdav will be i " "l'""""1 "" '
with appropriate exercises tomorrow nt
My life is lived on n peaceful plnn,
I My pace is a quiet jog,
I But I wish I could find tho snake of
! a man
Who poisoned my little dog. Ex.
On good rcnl estate security
Let a Journal Want Ad go
out among t lieu sands of readers
and find you a buyer.
10 o'clock in the Congregational sun-
day ehool. The following piugtam will
be presented:
Patriotic Song Service, led by Mrs.
J. S. rinnell; concert exercise, con
ducted by Professor Stnley; reminis
censes from lite of Lincoln, Miss Knid
Klliott; solo, "Where the Flag Is Full
nt' Sliirs," Miss lues Pennlsoii; rend
ing, "Uettysburg Addros," Mr. John
Bsyne, prayer; singing, "America,"
members of tho school. i
Xever tell a middle aged woman that
she reminds Von of in nl,l friend. 1 I
We sell Bath Tubs, Sinks, Wash Basins, Piping in
all sizes and all lengths, Plumbers' Supplies all at
reduced prices. Buy here and save money.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
Thone Main 221. 233 State Street, Salem, Oregon