Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1915, Image 1

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Leased Wire
jfl 1
Today's News
Printed Today
iPTPT? Tivn rT?ATTa opt teams aitd wbwi
7 T
M II H I If 1 I J
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Mi l l URBJU I I W I
Appropriated By
Bill Approved In Se
This Morning
Barrett Huffy Because His'
Taxation Bill Still Reclines
On Table
The bill by Senator Hnwley appro
priating $.10,000 for the construction
xnil equipment of a teacher training
building at the Monmouth Normal
school was approved by the senate thin
morning, eight dissenting vote.
Senntor La Follett of Marion and
Senator Wood of Washington voicing
the. strongest opposition to the mens-
ure on the ground that when the,
school was given nn appropriation of
niictwenty-fifth of mill it was under
stood that this amount was to provide
both for itiniutcnnnrp and construction
of nil new buildings that would be
-til JSruXlr
I n', S?iv
S,w?I.1 I"' "'0,0 " .SLra'.?:. r,:...
nn n ruunK ci-im.ui .'..u-
committee on Alcoholic Trntfie strik
... ' i.TiV. m'.te:. -.11,
ing out the words "or family" from
the section of the prohibition bill re
lating to the amount of liquor that may
be imported the bill was re-referred, to
t.ne committee this morning but will
lie reported back in timo to come as a
special order next Tuesday nfternoon.
immediately after the senate con
vened this morning Senator Bishop
secured the reconsideration of Senate
P'll 1113 declaring an open season for
"Yanks' in Wallowa lake which wns
inilefini.ely postponed yesterday. n:i"-f ,iliaries, to be used ns !
bill was le relVned to the game
Senator Barrett created a little ex-1
eitement this morning by asking to
take his bill changing the system of.
taxation from the (able and plncro oni
the calendar. Bingham defended the'
position of the committee and was
personally altaeked by Senator Bar-
rett who chnrged that he knew notliingi a0ntlr oore nsked for a vote and roll
of the bill, was not at the committee j ca ij-n)l republicans were suspicions
whon it was considered aud simply I Rn(1' .mm,,!,.,! to know what the resolu
signed a majority report against the(i(m wnH j, developed that it was to
hill to stand in with a certain crowd, i
lie stnted further that this bill which
is Senate Bill No. 3 was in the first
.lay of the session and should have been
back weeks ago but for this commit
tee holding up the bill vhih they in
coriiorated his most salient point in
the .loint Committee's bill which '"Is,
been introduce! in the Iiousj.
Southern Pacific Must
Dispose of Steamship Stock
Washington, Feb. 13. The SoutherJ
Pacific railroad must dispose of Its
holdings in the Pacific Mail Steamship
company, unless operation of the ves
sels i( the atenmship company through
Ihe 1'nnniuR cnnal is slopped within
sixty days.
This wns Ihe'decision handed dowi
by the interstnte cominerce commission
today. The commission held that ope,--nliui'i
of tho vessels through the eann!
made the Southern Pacific's holdings
in the lino illegal under the law.
WHO l)
bfck All
I 111 P i KlDDie
Carries Clause Limiting Con-
sideration to Six Hours
Next Week
Senate Democrats Lose the
Chance to Slip Their
Resolution Through
Washington, Feb. 13. The com
promise administration ship purchase
bill was hunched in the house; today.
It was introduced by Chairman Pad
gett of the house naval committee and
carried with it. a rule limiting consid
eration of it to six hours uext week.
The compromise bill is approed by
President Wilson, has not been ne
CPI,te(1 uy ,le mnBte republicans and
it is understood Hint wey will con
tinue their fight.
The new bill combines the "lore ship
purchase bill, which carries a 4,000,-1
0011 nuni-nnrintinil. nml flip W ticks nival
m- 1 " , revobi, on"o7 the prent sy
BinB tl,e P"" f ""V '"'P'lof county and stnte public road work
Iwllicl' w"'' ,U,,u,rb tl nrew.it Amer- throu(tn le abolishment of the office
onil ni'iitralitv. This clause is n ronv
' uu i .1 ini-ii m prwni pcui. ......
The principal new feature of i
compromise bill is the provision lor in-
detiiute operation of the icunrw .ner-,
chant ninrine by the Bieretnry of the porllllll fo (, i.miget system 'pro
navy, . I.vided fo' couuties, passed through a
Arrangements will be mud" for rP(tllllr maelstrom of legislative tur
cnnens of house democrats Mondiry. : moi, n ,(( hnmfl (,)S 111(,rili,1, w)l(ln
The bill will be betore the house Tues-i (,ni(1 fi,.Rt mng on t,u, ,,u?11,plr.
day and Thursday. ,-,' w defeated in the iirsl round, came
Itepiesentalivo .Stephens of ( alitor- llu.k jn (M1)l re,,nll!,(.r:1tii1 n few
nia introduced m the liuiisn today a , l0lntMlt, fr i wn-.ts and wns. pnhsed.
ship purehas,.. bill of. his own, il'P"0"! n pompanion bill, II. II. KiS, reponl'ng
flu hud linn for the construe-1 .. ' . . . t... i"
inereiiniumcn in mix hi .- - I
- Filibuster Again Resumed.
In tho senate today the adininislia-!
tinn democrats endcaion.,1 to tup the
republicans during the eon-iideial ion of
routine business. Jn Ihe midst of the
introduction of petitions, Vice Presi
dent, Marshall laid out a resolution
i,, ittn over from yesterday.
. ,i. committee on commerce
from further consideration of the Ooro
substitute. Hail it gone through, it
would hnve eliminated the necessity
of amending the bill on the floor. The
republicans on discovering uie cnar
acter of the document immediately ro
uunied their filibuster. Senator Burton
of Ohio started a long speech against
the bill.
The Weather
Oregon! Fair to
night and Rnnduy;
colder tonight enst
portion; westerly
r A.fii v
AffpftflN. h i H
First vJomam 1
cJ O
mm feme w:m
7 xm
House Refuses to Change
Present Method of Condol
ing County Road Work
Juvenile Court In Multnomah
County Calls Forth Long
When Representative Weeks', of
Marion, Introduced his bill contem
plating the abolishment of the road
supervisor system he did not reckon
with the powerful host aud influences
of this tremenduous county political
machine, for when it cnino up for final
consideration before the house this
morning in the guise of another bill
introduced by the roads and highways
committee it wns pummeled and bat
tered on nil sides and Mr. Weeks was
finally compelled, under the convincing
argument that was arrayed against the
m.. .. nuiHt it i,imalf
i.-.n ...... i ...... I. - An
( . . ,ullPrv01. entirely and lilaciuir
n rotintv court and the supervision
0f tho connty roml mnst.r.
j,m)1((, mn 4()7 Bllt(wt inr all tax
,...,, ,iiHtri,.la .,, th ,.!tv of
Zl "Z U.Slfu
t lt Inst half of taxes for the years
,.., ,,,, , ., i, ,.
Z,., '"'
; T 0hn )).u Qi hmlll, tli)
lmorni ;tu,, r,,KllitlliI)R filing
ou Yuiiiiina bav nml river, and II. II.
S, relative to the prevention of dese
cration of burial grounds. Represents,
live Allen, of Marion, withdrew his
bill, II. B. 11(1, proposing to prohibit the
combination of insurance companies
for the purpose of controlling insur
ance rntes.
Juvenile Court Wrangle Expensive.
Fully an hour and a half of the mora
ine's session of Ihe house was con
sumed In threshing out the political pot
pourri of Miilliinmnh county ns cm
braced In II. B. 401, proposing to trans
fer the work of the .juvenile court from
Judge flntens of the circuit court to
Judge Cleeton of the county court
which was finally disposed of by the
passage of the bill. It was heatedly
argued within the Mulliiormih delega
tion while the other 47 members sat
and fidgeted in nnxiety to get at legis
lation of more than local Import until
Representative Kbnore protested and
forced a vote on the Issue,
The fish and game question '.'nmo up
In Ihe house agnin this morning when
Representative Schuebcl raised a pro
test against tho iinleliuit! postpone
ment of his fish and game commission
bill, II. B. 101, yesterday afternoon
along with four others to make room
for the Bubslitute compromise bill of
fered by the joint gnmn committee on
the cround tliat he still had Taith In
salvatorv feature of his bill to settle
Oregon's First Woman
liJALTEff i
PKlMTe.ftJ MeS5NCiClt-.
Berlin Jubiliant Over Victory
Won Yesterday In East
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I.,
Feb. 13. Reports that German military
positions had suffered heavily as a re
sult of yesterday's British aerial raid
were denied in an official statement
Issued from the war office today.
"Near the coast,' the statement
said, "tho enemy's aviators dropped
bombs on the civilian population and
property. The Gemma military losses
were irrelevant.
"On tho west front, artillery shells
were found which doubtless were manu
factured in the United States. All at
tacks of tho enemy have been repulsed.
"Yesterday, east of Wouaiii, Ger
man troops captured 44 officers and
408 men. Two hundred dead were
found in front of the Uerman positions.
xne uerman losses were only uu in
dead and wounded.
"North of Massiges and northwest
of at. Memehould our forces have oc.
copied J,-"u metors or the enemy s
positions. Near Budelkopf, in the
Vosgea the enemy was repulsed.
"Operations on the Prussian fron.
tier everywhere are successful. Along
the Vistula, the uermens were advanc
ing in the direction of Rndonz. Else.
where in Poland nothing of importance
was reported."
Victory Celebrated.
Berlin, Feb. 12. Via IOiulon, Feb
13.-Flags are being displayed m to$ArMtt't .tore, will m.kn the
streets pf Berlin in celebration of the
report of Field Marshal von Hinden
burg's new victory in east Prussia.
The news that the Russians were
being driven from tho Ma.urian lakes
district came as a big surprise to the
people of Berlin, their attention hav
ing long been concentrated on the
Warsaw front.
Persons in the confidence of high
military officers, know, however, thnt.
Baron von Ilindcnhurg had quietly
gathered a strong t'o-ce for an offen
sive movement in east Prussia. In on
offieinl quartern it has been said that
eight army corps were gathered for
this purpose.
Tho victory of Von Ilindenburg is,
reported to have been an Important
one. Complete reports of it nro being
eagerly awaited. It is said that tho
field marshal succeeded in cutting
through the Russian lines after having
made nn enveloping movement
The victory wns won under the eyes
of Kmperor William.
Wants WarBaw Taken.
Amsterdam, Feb. 13. Advices re
ceived hero toduv from Berlin say
Kaiser- Wilhelm has appealed to Gen-
oral Von Ilindenburg to order a des-
pernio dnsh on Warsaw next week and
to sacrifice everything if necessary, to
effect its capture. The reason was de
clared to be a desire to have the
Reichstag vote a n,cw war loaa of
the difficulty, moved a reconsideration,
which was carried, and all of the four
bills were laid on the table to be con
sidered jointly with tho game commit
tee bill.
School Ma'ams Win Victory.
Representative Marina B. Towne
mnde a strenuous and convincing ap
peal to the members of the lion ho for
the support of S. R. 137, giving female
teachers equal rights with tho males
in the matter of salaries and sho wop
them over completely ns tho bill passed
the house pruct.lcally unanimously,
Representatives Blnnchnrd, Hare, Pais
ley and Pierce of Linn, having voted
no, more out of a spirit of fun than as
a matter of conviction. A bill of a
similar nature was Indefinitely post
poned in the house two weeks ago, on
tho ground of its Interfering with the
school boards' right of contract and,
Yesterday nfternoon tho house passed
tho bill making na appropriation for
the girls' industrinl school.
Senator and Some Mere Men Legislators
Fon sm
u. s.
$1,250,000,000, and it was believed
Warsaw's capture would sweep away
all opposition,
Will Recall Members.
Paris, Feb. 13. The French cabinet
today was considering the advisability
of recalling all members of the assem
bly serving at the front. It was be
lieved, owing to the complex legislative
problems confronting the assembly that
the members can serve the country bet
ter by occupying their seats in the
chambers than by being on the firing
Salem Men Take Part
In State Association
Salem men will take an active part
at the Oregon Retail Merchants' asso
ciation to meet in Portland, beginning
next Monday.
Governor Withycombe will make the
opening address to the merchants of
Oregon Monday morning at 10 o'clock,
followed by an address on behalf of
the citv by Mayor Albee. To these
: ..i i ir k n...in -l AL
response. On Tuesday afternoon, II. W.
Movers, of this citv. will make an ad
dress on "Standardizing Merchandise."
This state meeting at Portland is of
special importance, perhaps more bo
than in any years previous. Important
questions that effect the retail dealers
are to be acted on and for tiiis reason
Salem will send a largo delegation.
About .riO of the retail men will leave
on the 7:15 trnin Mnndnv morning, so
ns to be there for the governor's ad
dress. The Rnlem headquarters will be
at the Imperial hotel aud tho conveu-
tioii will meet at the Multnomah hotel.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 13 The ten
members of the crew of the schooner
Columbia are sitting 'astraddle powder
kegs today, tightly bound and gagged
or ure forcibly detained in some other
Fridny, in thedend of the night, fif
teen buccaneers clambered aboard the
schooner as she rented at nnchor in
Klliott bay, overpowered the crew after
a terrific hand to hiind struggle and
then made off with their prisoners. The
whereabouts of tho crew has not yet
been discovered.
Liverpool, Feb, 13. The sleanishiii
Lusitania, flving the British flug, sail
I'd from this port nt, 11 o'clock this
afternoon. A majority of the passen
gers were Americans. It could not be
learned whethre Captain Dow had been
Instructed to hoist the American flag
after tho Lusitania eaters the Irish
The American liner St. Pnnl saild
soon after the Lusitania left her pier.
Washington, Feb. 13. Washington
State College, wilh a score of OKU, led
in the national Intercollegiate shoot
ing tournament, it was announced here
today, thereby putting tho team ahead
for the national championship,
Washington. Feb. 13. Tho Runilry
civil bill, carrying appropriations total-
I in? l"0.000.6l)0. was passed bv tho
house today.
niMi M
I J ' v.
5ENAT01U j
von ocnV J
'Hetaii V
chairman? r
FAMAMltT 111
Washington, Fob. 13. The govern
ment was advised today that an, un
favorable outcome of the tost case to
be mado in a British prize court by
the American steamer Wilhelniina will
bring retaliatory measures against Eng
land by Germany in which Amerienus
mny Buffer commercially.
The Wilhelniina, which anil id from
Now York some weeks ago loaded with
food for Germany, put into Falmouth
harbor early this week after boing buf
feted by a terrific storm for several
days. She intended nerely to repair
her damage, but the British admiralty
seized her ear?o and throw tho case In
to a prize court. Tho Wilholminn her
self will be released aa sooa as i has
been unloaded.
Count Von Bernstorff, the Gorman
ambassador, presented this warning to
Secretary of State Bryan and. Counsel
lor 1. mining. He suggested that it
would be to the interest of tho United
Hlutos to seek favornblo action by tho
prize court in tho case.
Ho declared the kaiser would not
tolerate England's plan to atnrvo Ger-
mini civilians and the United .States
was warned that it. might expect the
strongest measure of retaliation against
Kngland bv Germany. It wns hinted
thnt American commerce might bo shut
off as part of Germany's proposed
In spite of Count Von Bernstorff 's
warning, the state department lmlicat
cil this afternoon that it would await
the outcome of the prizo court proceed1
ings iietoro malting any rormal oh
jecioii, Eaisor Is Considering.
Berlin, by wireless to London, Feb.
13, The Gorman foreign office con
siders that the American note regard
iug the extension of the German war
zone has rompllrntcd tlm into nntlowil
rhn imperial chaiicullor today con
sidered with the foreign secretary tho
ontliuei of the not 3. Tho Amen run de
mand will be the nubinct ef it cabinet,
council, No reply will lie made nt
It Is .iiidet.il ood that the etitiu text.
of thn message was forwuidod to the
Depressing Effect of Reverse
Will Be Felt
By J, W. T. Mason,
(I'Virmer Kiiropcnii Manager of tho
United Press.)
New York, Feb. 13. Tho disaster to
the Slavs in Prussia is u particularly
depressing affair for their western al
lies, following as It does si closely up
on I'ctiogriiil 's announcement that u
definite asci'iidaiicy hud been estab
lished over the Germans.'
Two causes arc primarily responsible
for the catastrophe German's eastern
strategic railway system and the Invet
erate habit of tho Russians in sending
buy armies to do men's work, By
means of the railways Field Marshal
Voa llinilenbiirg wus able to conceu
t rate his forces nt unexpected points
Thus he surprised the Russians, who
hnve not yet risen to an appreciation
of Germany a railway advantages.
After six mouths It Is iiinaziiig that
Grand Hnke Nicholas has not reiillzeil
the full danger of Germany s greater
tiower of cii.iceiitmtion. Instead ot
taking precautions he persists in taking
I , it Is probablo that a largo part of
LOOK.isa uu i
AT rtOHt
1 i '.. T ft .'-1
7 I'll
a i mint
G h II Ul 1
ru i
kaiser, who Is at tho PBsteTn l'attle?
front. Chancellor Von Bethmann-IIolI-weg
will leavo immediately to confe
with the emperor.
Although tho possibilities presented
as the rcsuU of the. note are fully
recognized, it is insisted that Germany
cannot change her pojition. It is ab
solutely vital, the kaiser and hia ad
visers have agreed, that England'
commerce must be chinked.
Tho proposed Gorman blockade of
England will be enforced, beginning
next Thursday, February IS.
Interest In England.
London, Feb. 13. Great interest was
mnnifest here today in the sailings of
tho liners Lusitiinia and St. Paul from
Liverpool for New York. There was)
no reason to believe the vosnola would
bo interfered with, but it was realized
there was a possibility of a submarine
Tho British admiralty was silent but
it was generally believed the Lusitania
and St. Paul would be escorted by,
Other Neutral Nations Protest.
Washington, Feb. 13. It was learned
today that Norway, Sweden and Dcn
mnrk have all protected to Germany
against the latest decree extending tho
German war zone.
Tho Scandinavian protest was couch
ed in language less vigorous than that
which marked tho American protest,
but It is said to stand squarely behind
tho principle announced by the)
American note.
It is understood thnt Holland and
probably Duly will send similar pro
tests soon.
Vancouver, B. C, FVb. 13. Three
Chiniimen are dead as a result of a tong
war which broke out here at 7 o'clock
this morning, following a night of
The first of Ihe killings took place la
an Oriental rooming house ou Pender
street, in the heart, of Chinatown. The
victims were Chin Ham and Chin Gong.
I both members of the Hip Sing tong.
By the Alllies
Germany's Prussian army Is composed
of lecruits. This is the time when
the ticiiuiins who volunteered at thn
outbreak of the war should have com
pleted their six mouths' training. An
Initial victory such lis has been wim
will linve a deep effect on these now
troops, giving them conlidence In thoiu
selves. At the sainn time, notice is served
on the Slavs that tae new German army
is as good as the old.
Kvei'.v isolated ollensive ot tins kind,
followed by Inevitable failure, must
huvo an increasingly demoralizing ef
fect (in the czar s troops. It is prob
.liile that, the Russiuus have lost con
lideo 'e in their power to ever gain
ileci live victory over tho Germans.
Troops cannot bo defeated time and
again, ns the Russians nave been, with
out having their belief ill tile efficiency
of their commanders seriously affected.
Tho efficiency of the Slavs Is un
doubtedly less now than six months
ago. (leiinniiy has good reason to be
lieve that Prussian soil is sul'e from any
senium menace by the Hussions.
I ' B A., , 1
v 1 StNfWUN,