iHM ili.ifiwiP iMtjiinrt1Wfani Vv. r Fu, Leased Wire Dispatches Today's News Printed Today i i I ' n THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AJCD NEW! STANDS PIVB CENTS . A A OW u nil J 1 1J rtinr mr . H I 1 1 I I 1 5 1 ? ' n i nun i i ii mn rT J 1 MI IIS TAKE CITY BY STORM AND INITIATE CANDIDATES The Imporinl Order of Muts swooped down upon and took the legislature by storm, just na the house wus on the point of adjourning for the noon recess and headed by tlie incomparable police men's band, marched into the building and directly into the house chamber, where the head spokesman demanded in the muno of the "Chief Mut" that all further business cease. When Hpeuker Selling surrendered the gavel to Chief Mut Henry YVerlein thut worthy immediately took posses sion and utter n brief and amusing rit ualistic preliminary service, embracing the rending of the royal proclamation by the Neffcr Kara Danimu, Chief Mutt YVereliu ordered the "I'itchfork l i mini of the Lower Kealins" to bring in the members of the senate and the work of installation would immediately proceed. Orders were nlso issued to have Gov ernor Withyoombe, former Governor West, and Stnte Treasurer Kay and Secretary Oloott, brought before the im perial shrine, which was done, and Rep resentative Muriuti B. Towno and Sen ator Clarke, as was nlso Mrs. Htrnyor, wifo of Senator Htrayer, were invited to occupy seats with the Chief Mutt up on the throue. Chief Mutt Jim Werlein gave a brief but highly amusing nc (mint of the origin of the Order of Mutts, touching lightly upon the im mense nniount of good thut they hud accomplished in the way of relief to the needy and suffering of Portland and abroad, and then the initiatory pro (codings began. Tel Kt 'I'm Yuh Charley Berg, acted as interrogator for the initiatory work putting Governor YVithveonihe. Presi dent Thompson, of the Hennto, Speaker j Selling, of the' house, .Mayor White.! Senator Dun Kelluher und State Treas-1 urer Kay, through a severe and highly; ludicrous grilling to ascertain if thoyj Acre fully qualified to become members; of the older, and then the obligation j as given and nil of the members o, ' the legislature mid about 'III prominent citizens of Suleni, were declared duly' elected members and Chief Mutt YVer ! lein, by virtue of the power and tli ' authority vested ia his office, solemnly declared Itepieseiilutivc Towne and j Senator Clarke honorary members of! the order, being the only two female j members in the state wiio have been I admitted. j The grilling of Governor Withy-1 combe, Treasurer Kay and others was' very witty and to the point and it LANE TO REPRESENT WILSON Tlie ' f Muts a mercia' throu Port I was CONGRESS AND AMERICAN SHIPPING INTERESTS WATCH VITAL INTERNATIONAL CASE OF THE DACIA brought p jpon peals of laughter from the i' tatoru. tuns in uniform met the crossing of Trade and Com reets und escorted them o city to tho stato house. Tli.. Police Band of 42 members glit ulona- to provide music foi the occasion and this musical organiza tion made a decided hit on their first appearance in Salem. The green tur baaed Mutt scout, Will F. Spencer, led his brigndo which wns formed ia hol low sipiirro with some of Salem's best Known citizens in the center. All of those commanded to appear in response to the Alutt summons wero made members of the Mutts organiza tion and will be initiated tonight at a special session of the Third House at the state house. Ed Duffy, Will F. Spencer, L. Solomaa, Robert Adams, M. M. liaigler Bad Tod Lansing, wero made honorary members of the senate which signal honor has never before fallen to the lot of man in the senate of the state of Oregon. The police band rendered a concert this afternoon at the urmory which wus attended by a large crowd of the cit izens of the city. Arizona Legislators Held In Quarantine Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. 10. While the members of the Arizona legislature are held under tin "honor" quarantine in a downtown hotel here today, the state cnpitol building is in the bunds' of fumigutors und undergoing n thorough cleaning to prevent, if possible, a furth er spread of smullpox which has al ready claimed two members of the low er house. Peter Munch, assistant chief clerk in the lower house, developed smallpox this morning. Con Cronin, his room mate, assistant secretary of the sennte, is nailer suspicion, and his ruse is being closely watched. Vaccination of all members of boll houses and nttaches of both brunches wus practically completed today. Besides the members of the legisla ture, there are ubout 20 smullpox cuses in Phoenix, ull of g mild type. I'liless conditions grow worse in the menntime, the city hcnlth authorities announce todny that they would permit the legislature to resume its sittings tomorrow. Washington, Feb. 11. Secre tary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane wus designated today by President Wilson to be his offi cial representative at the open ing of the Panama-Pacific im position in San Francisco, Feb ruary 21). Secretary Lane will leave Monday night for Sua Frnnelsco. Jit ( I j I A!1 i yKrt"-"1 f- .fi-srssSK--' .1 , ' i-J ' n ...14 ""- ' '' "'irir:'jw",:i.ri.' . . THE DAClAv The outcome of the test enso to permit the Daein, the former Hamburg-American steamer now under American reg--istry, to enter the cotton carrying sercice to Germany or neutral ports of Europe ia awaited with much anxiety by shipping interests which contemplate the purchuso of German ships iriternedin Americnn portB for engagement in the cotton carrying trade to Germany. The Dacia planned to sail with her cotton cargo from Galveston, Texas, and the British cruisers prepared to capture her in accordance with England's stun! that sho would not rec ognize the sale of tho Dac.ia as permissible. It is learned through shippiig and insurance circles that the same interests represented In the purehusc of the Dncia as well as allied und indc pendent interests huve ulreudy secured options on the purchase of some of the German und Austrian ships lying lit American ports. Among the steam ers about which negotiations have I ecu goiag oa are the Hamburg-American freighter Nussoviu, now at New Or leans and said to he ready for purchuse ut between ti70,(KI0 and $UU,00U; the Hamburg-American freighters Con HtnntimiNnt Cieiifuegos; the eUorgiu, nt New OrUiiius, at a price of about iJilM',000 each, and. the Austrian steamer Teresa, of 2..1S1 toiiB, now at New Orlenns. The transfer of two British steamers to American registry for the .German cotfun carrying trade Is also under negotiation. If the Dacia sails und is cuught it sets u precedent which wUb hnve serious consequences. The case is uffeiti..g the shipping bill now before cmgress. Bill Giving Eastern Oregon Assessor West States That; Decision Handed Down by In Railroad Commission Giv en Much Discussion Mount Lassen Breaks Out In Violent Eruption Today lie.lding, Cnl., Feb. 11. Mount Las sen broke out in another violent erup tion today. A cloud of black smoke us ('ended thousands of feet from the vol cano and then drifted to the south. At 9 o'clock the smoke was ascending in huge puffs, indicating subterranean ex plosions. There was no sign of an nbntement at 9:13 o'clock, and it was believed that, the ruption would con tinue throughout the day. Real "Interests" Concerned in Defeat of Paving Bill The first action of the senate tinder first order of business was to kill the Lnnggutb Resolution memnruli.ing con gress to enact laws placing an embargo upon shipping fodst nil's out of this country during the Kuropean war. The resolution stated that the price of food stuffs was continually soaring and thut the embargo would reduce the prices un til it would be easier for the working man to provide a living for his family. The only other action of importance tnken by the upper house at the morn ing scssiou wus to ndopt a minority re port placing House Bill No. IDS giving eastern Oregon a representative on tho Knilroad Commission on third read ing rather than killing It as it cume from the committee. Muts Disturb Work. ' The senate was working on the order, first reading of scuute bills, when the pitch fork brigndo of the Muts at tempted to enter the sennte chamber. Col. Mercer, the ever efficient snrgeunt at anus rushed without the duor whtcu the door keeper quickly locked. The colonel then passed, In one nt a time, Field Work of His Office Will Begin March 1st" Sulem, Or., Feb. 10, WIS. iron Brothers company mid Warden Con To the Editor of The Capital Journal: owner or contractor, outside of the fn The widespread tendency of modern i vored few attempts to have a law business to eliminate competition finds pnssed providing for free und open rem its manifestation ia one way or another petition they immediately set up a howl in nearly every branch of human effort, I that the big interests nre trying to put and notwithstanding the fact thut the (them out of business us hns been evi word and spirit of the law la ninny ; deuced recently by long articles appeur states requires thut tho letting of pub- ing In seme of the Portlund papers and lie improvements for'vvliich the prop- by their attorneys nnd representatives erty owners nro to iuy shall bo by com-i appearing before the joint committee pctivc bidding, the mmiupnlisiii: ten-1 of the scuute and the house and making dency hna made itself manifest in false and ridiculous statements. 1 pur ninny, if not nil brunches of p.il.li im- 'ficulnrly refer to the statement made provenieu'n. I'l.e line ulong wl.ic.i many ' by Mr! U. W. Montague 'before the of the would be monopolists in the l usi-lulmve named committee lust Monday uess of public improvement tiotd Is the evening which rends in part: patenting of alleged iuvecti ,i covering "The Barber-Asphalt Paving com some general met'i-ul of con:tueti,n 1 pnny hns a capital of 30,(MHI,O0it.0O mid and then by means ff threats, in.jiinc ' it would cheerfully give nnotliird of It tion proceedings, nnd other perversi is'to put the Wnrren people out of buiii of the process of law, to bluff officials ness. The manner in who the King into permitting a letting to only the ham bill hns been drawn, the mnligii bluffers or persons whom they favor. I rleverness shown makes it cleur that II Another chnrnrteristie of the nstute wus prepared hy a inn n who is entirely monopolists is the manipulation of the i familiar with tile paving conditions,"' bituminous eminent used as n binder, by This statement was made by Mr. inserting this cement in the speeificn- Montague for the purpose of conveying tions under a fictitious name, ami thou to tlie joint committee that the Bur The deputy county nssessors will be gin taking the usHcssmcnt of the prop erty in this county ou .March 1 accord ing to the announcement of County As sessor Ben F. West today. The prop erty will be ussesscd ut approximately the suine vulues ns lust yeur and under the sume law. The county assessor's office force is busy at present prepar ing the route books for the deputies, It is necessary to copy tho names of each taxpayer in the county in these books in his proper district and as there is a total of 11,1110 names on the no rouge roll, 11,42(1 names on the town lot roll and .1,1114 names on tho personal prop erty roll, it men ns considerable work. The roll is practically rewritten ns each name must be accompanied by the description uf the property giving the section, township and range, ncreuge, value of land, value of improvements, und the ruud und school and city dis tricts. In order to tuke care of tho Increase in number of tuxpnyers nnd pieces of property though subdivision without In reusing the size of tho nooks, Assessor e ..j I.... f ii... l.... ! ... . Mir.iiu.-ino. v.... ....... ,j..... Wl,Mt ,1M nrd,,r,,j the new nssessment oik brigade and tho senators dispens- ,)0()k , mnu(, wih nl()rc ing wltn all order and decorum uu-!t0 ceie.no..l(.nly deprived them of their, A1, of ,; j . R,n(,H,orM nuve , p, t.h forks and hand cufted then. yt ,, 1pti t otf ,, in t,P Aurora seated in the front of the senate, an nounced "Senators we have hero four ruffians who have Interfered with the work of the senate, what shall we do with them." Cries of "Haiig them," "Throw 'em out the window", und oilier kindly treatments were being sug gested wncn reinfireenients arrived and the senators were forced by tlio presence of superior forces to give wny and accoinpnnv the Muts to the House. the would-be benefactor endeavors to prevail upon the officials that his par- r Asphalt eonipanv was trving to per secute the Warren people nnd drive tu-ulnr brand of bituminous cement is them out of business. I want to slut the only cement Hint will unite stone . empratioallv that I do not accuse Mr. successfully. Montague of making any in.ilici js and The next step In order is to have the false statements purposely n.i no doubt state to enact laws favorable to their his statements woe made upon .i.fi.i patented inventions and their copy- unit ion furnisi-d him by the r.imp-iny righted brands of cement, thereby con- that he represents. The f'l.'ti are that fining the inviting of bids on public im- Hi,. Hnrber-A-phalt rompany, the War priivemeuts to their special kind of pat ! ented materials and when any property) (Continued on Page Three.) He AMERICAN SHIP BUNK I I I I ! Berlin, bv wireless to Hay ville, L, L, 'Feb. 11. The sink ing of the American steamship Washington in the lllnek sea by Itiissinu warships was re puted in emiotficliil advices here tonight from Constanti nople, 1 he report do. lured that tlie Washington was sunk while she wits living the Ainericuu flag In the harbor at Tiebizond. First she was fired on by n torpedo bunt and slightly damaged. Later, the report said, she wns scut to the i.ottom by two itusHiau (ruiscrs. No mentiim was made of the fate of the Washington's crew. and one other district, will be named later. The tentative list of deputies and their districts is as follows: T. J. Kerr, Ht. Paul; George Beach, Wood burn; h'rnest H. McKee, Woodburn; B. J. J. Miller, llervnis; Mux Mntti, Alt. Angel; A. t.'lvln, Hllvertnn; Frank Lick, Brooks; A. E. Adkius, Hcotts Mills; I E, Taylor, hilver Creek Falls; G. It. Ottowny, Month Hilverton; .1. T. Tweed, Howell; I., h. Mutton, l-ist Salem; Matthew Gibson, Hublimity; C. E. Van ; Nuvs, Aunisville; I.'. II. Dunyer, Turner; jc ueorge I'ninier, Koscitule; I). 11. mil, ! Mill City; P. .1. Etzel, Meliiinin ; Geo. i Keaeh, Htnyton; K. P, Nye, Jefferson; A. C. Libhy, Jefferson) T. H. I'nltoii, Maclciiy; (.'. W. Huwyer, Liberty, BOMOARDMEt IT OF TRENCHES GREATLY AID BY UN BY REP. SAM BROWfl Both Sides Use Aviators to Good Effect in Northern France and Flanders ' ENGLAND ANNOUNCES NO HOPE FOR PEACE British Government Consider ing Measures to Para lyze German Commerce Pans, Feb. 11. Bombardment of trenches by airmen from both sble4 along tho entire battle lino in northern crauco rikI Flanders was announced by tho official statement issued by the wnr office this afternoon. The avia tors nre not only dropping bombs but aro signalling tho range to the'urtil lerymon, who nre koeping their guns constantly in action. i-rom tho sea to tho Chaninnirne re gion both sides are using their entire artillery strength and muny villuges and towns in tho rear of tho actual fighting line are suffering. Tho Gormnns have been repulsed in nn assault in forco in tho Mesirilles- DAY CHARGED 1YITI! UNDER HANDED VORK Representative From Marion ' Says Steam Roller Boss Made Overtures PROMISED TO PASS BILL IF HIS REQUEST GRANTED Desired Certain Promises ia Regard to Paving In cluded in Bill A sensation was sprung in the house this morning when the report of the house committee on ways and mean recommending that Keprosentativo Hum Brown's bill, providing a system of construction of stato highways, do not pass. It was not on tho piogrura of reports from this committee Mr. Brown, in defending the bill, made sin ister charges thut .Hentuor Hav, of Multnomah county, wns instrumental in having tho bill reported unfavorably out of revenge for Mr. Brown's refusal to incorporate in his measure certain provisions regarding the character of pavement to be used on public highways. Mr. Brown stnted that, after his bill ..urliis region, in the vicinity of Ma- rie Ilieresc the lighting is iiiereiisiug I,,,,! i,,,,,,, introduced, he ... n,mr...h- in intensity, not.li soles havinc liroiiuht .i i, n, , Vi, V i-llVV rel..fre,..,,...,la . ' o ......... u.m ... , u. ...u uiuC .j. up heavy reinforcements. The French maintain their positions ill the Argonuo in tho fuco of deter mined uttneks. No Hope for Peaco London, Feb. 11, England und her ho would incorporate in his measura such provisions as he would dictate re garding restrictions upon paving ma terials, he would assure him of his hearty support for his bill' in the sen nte, and Mr. Brown stated that ho in- (IllirCll U'lllit l.r.tviHln.iu th.t unxnli.. .1.1- nllies see no likelihood of an opening1 sired to huve inserted in the bill, and which would lend to curly peace with when Informed of the nature of tho iiniinnv ami Austria. Foreign Minister Sir Edward Grey iiia.le thi much iiluln in the house of proposed amendment, he promptly told I he senator to "uo to". Afterward. he stated, a bill was introduced in tho commons hero today. Itespoiidiug to a i senate Incorporating the paving stipu (piestion by n labor member us to wliut' lutions which had been suggested ns nn i.-.iim me 11 s were wining to oner ntueiiilnicnt to his bill, by Henutor terstate Commerce Com mission in Rate Case Washington, Feb. 11. Vitul relief to western and middle western shiiuiers is emlioilieil in a decision handed down today by the Interstate commerce com mission in the interinouiitnin caso. The railroads were permitted by the ruling to establish rates from Missouri river territory to Pacific, points lower than to intcrme.liute destinations The decision was tho result of the revolutionary effect of the opening of tlie I'nuama canal on rates In I noil i const territory. Iho terminals to which tho new rales apply are the points nt which Atlantic, to Pacific steamships deliver freight. The rnilrnn.ls represented that the shrinkage in rates on freight by way of the Punnmn canal had put them la serious straights. They declared they faced a double loss or revenuo under the terms of the nrlglnnl order, because a lowering of the rates to Pacific points, to meet rates on water traffic, would hnve to be met by a correspond ing decrenso in the intor mouiitaln rates. The relief furnished thdny affords the Industries in Chlcugo territory an opportunity to continue to supply coast customers. Additional relief wns sought on tho rntos on about lot) items in carload lots nn. I about 5011 Items la less than carload lots, The present .carlond rates to Pacific coast points range from no to H." cents per hundred pounds, ami less thnn carload lots from 1 . 1 0 to 1.75 per hundred pounds. On about 2(1 carlond items from Missouri river t() const points the former rates on which were less than i.i cents per nun Germany and Austria lit, present. Grey said: ' ' Hecent public utterance in Germany huvo not given us reason to suppose that tho object of the (uestioners would bo promoled by adopting the course suggested or bv outlining tentative terms of peace.'' A small group of labor members of the house of commons has been advo cating sounding Germniiyy on the ques tion of pence. Grey's statement was construed as indicating that Germany has no desire oven to consider proposals at present. Paralyze Ocrnmn Oommerco Bingham, ami he further staled thut the senator who hnd approached him upon the subject was ilenator Hay, of aiuitnoiiiiili. Mr. Brown declared that he would nut be used us a "dupe" for any paving trust or uay other capital istic interests, Furthermore he denied Unit a Mr. Coovert, who wus alleged to be iden tified wilh the Warren Construction Company, had ever hnd anything to do with his bill nnd characterized tha report tn the contrary as a "wilfull peace nnd deliberate lie." He also stated that Henutor Day hud addressed tho liuuse committee on wnvs and means ia secret session In opposition to his road London, Feb. 11. Premier Asquith; measure. It will now come up on it announced in the houso of commons merits on third reading in regular or todny thut the British government wasj der of the calendar. The niillngo tn considering drastic measures to para-, amounts to approximately IHO.000 au Iv.o all German commerce, lie siiidl nually. flint, recent " flagrant breaches" of i Itepresenlutivn Allen also mode ft rules of International warfnro mndojplea for a fair hearing upon his mens such action necessary, tire proposing to create the bureau of While the premier did not disclose ! eiiiployni.pit in connection with tlu whnt action wns contemplated, It wnsj bureau of labor, und appropriation generally understood that tho German blockade of the hngllsh coast by sub marines would be followed bv the uc (Continued on pnire two 110,00(1 for its muinteunnce. Upon mo tion to substitute the report of the mi nority of the wnvs and means com- (Continued on Pace Two.) Monster Crowd Attends Big Meeting at A rmo ry Last Night would tend to bring out tho best in every substantial citizen to worn ,'nr the common good. Oniric II. Fisher, editor of Tho Cap ital Journal was the next speaker and The Weather aiu Tii - j j t i Oregon: Fulr to- mostly southerly. The hiigh crowd which packed the Armory hull last night at the Mens' Get Togo! her supper where over 7.10 men were sented ut the tables and the uulleries full wus Indicativo of the in terest and unity which Is attending I lie fined his reniurks to tho "tditor'n union revival services in this city eon- Viewpoint. ducted by Hev. Uenry Ostroin. Kvery "There is no rcusoii," said Mr. Fish sent was occupied and speeches weruler, "why the editor nnd the preacher short und to the jiolnt In ull instiiiiecs. should not work together. Them l Never lias the city seen such u vnrled ; nothing that the evil doers fears mora flow of oratory from the men who rep-J than publicity. It has been said that Ircd. the decision permits the enniors r ntcd every walk of life In the citv. had there been newspapers two thuus- tn milk., new low rates to Hie coast audi All were working for the common guoi, und years ugo thut Christ would never to retain the intermediate rales ut not nnd the betterment of Halem and ul'tcr hnve been crucified nnd with nn in highcr than 73 rents per hundred. LesS Ht(,njnK , t, re.,resei!tutive utteincc- telligeut press the world will never than carloud rates on first and second (. ,)() ,,K,,ri, llHt night Hev. 'drop buck Into the depths of ignnruncd Chi freight, which are not less thuu j ,,Htn,m fittingly summed up the meet-1 in which the Huvior found it. Tlia Loll per hundred from Hie M issouri : w t , , ,l0 (.xpri'HHion flint Hie destln-1 newspnpers pave the way for intelligent ICS 01 rtniem couui SHieiy uc icn in ino hiinds of her citizens provided their splrltuiil being were uwnkened lit the right time nnd kept uppermost in Iheir minds. Kx-M.iyor B, L, Hteevcs, who prcsid ed us toustiiiuster, opened tin meeting bv statlau that w hile Halem was a clean ! the state supremo court, who ity us cities go and taut every one orirrom t no "Judges- r-iiinupoiiti river to the const, may exceed the coast rate oil shipments to Intermediate des filiations, but must not exceed 1.5(1 per hundred, the commission decided, Berlin Crowds Riot Over Potato Supply Loudon, Feb. II. Herlmis riots in the polao markets at Berlin yesterday weie reported by the Copenhagen cur ret., mil. lent of the Kxihrl litre Telegraph night and Fridav; j today. He deehires the miinlclpnl market vn rl a b le winds Wn, closed nt II o'clock when the sup ply ot potatoes nan iieen exiiniisu-o. Fighting crowds stormed tho shops, he isierts, nnd the police were re quired to use stem measure to suppress tiicin. The Berlin breweries hne been ordered to reduce their output, religion and a cleur understanding of religious duties. 1 hey are but tlie mir rors which reflect the life of the com munity in which they circulate. " "livery mull is pnm' I) prescribe to the physiciil iiilineiits ot I is tello.v man," said JinHee t, A Momv, of speso "but its eili.ens wus proud of it flint nil were glad to get behind nay movement fur a better city, ami that the business men should support the church from nu economic standpoint Muyor 11, (). White spoke from the "Mayor's View point.'' He said there were ninny men In tins citv who were Christians but lid not there Is but one gnat Physiciun ami nothing but the power of Jesus ran save. It Is not the rush to get, to hocvi that cliariicferiy.es the cull for 'dinner ia the dining cur' but eneh man run do his purl In assisting others. " It, J. Hendricks, editor of the States- mno, tnlkcil from tlie "lluslness man kiinw It nail that thev were i Standpoint, " "There Is religion In working for municipal betterment but I business nnd business In religion, "-snld they needed religious revivuls to nroime . Mr. Hendricks, "and the two are be- the civic pride in every citizen meetings now being conducted he inbl (Continued on Pago Three.)