Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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A Shoe Sale Worthy of Your Attention!!
' One of it per word each irner-
Copy for advertisements uu
j dor this heading aliould be in by
A Sweeping Stock Reducing Sale of Men's, Women9 s and
Children's Shoes to be sold at these prices for Ten Days
If. w
V X. Y
This sale is bound to prove most interesting to prudent and economic buyers for it offers splendid, high-grade foot
wear at surprisingly low prices. This sale is not a "bankrupt" stock or closing out sale, but a bona fide clearance
of dependable shoes consisting of Nettleton and Thompson Bros, shoes for men Grover, Val Duttenhoefer and
Fox footwear for women and Cogan, Felten and Pla-mate shoes for children. This is a mercantile move that
should bring people from every direction to purchase such well known, worthy makes at such little prices. A
great feast of shoe bargains await your coming and the offerings will surely prove interesting. Every pair of
shoes are our regular stock and of the Meyers Goods Goods quality. The entire stock will be given a thorough
clearance. Some of the shoe offerings are printed below read them over.
200 Pair Ladies' Black Vici Lace Shoes, Low Heel, up to $4.00 Clearance Price $1.98
30 Pair Ladies' Patent Pumps, Turn Sole, up to $4.00 Clearance Price $1.98
15 Pair Ladies' Black Suede Pumps, Turn Sole, regular $3.50 Clearance Price $1.50
50 Pair Ladies' Low Heel Pumps in Patent and Tan, up to $3.00 Clearance Price $1.40
40 Pair Ladies' Tan Pumps, Welt Sole, up to $4.00 Clearance Price $2.00
50 Pair Ladies' Patent Blucher Lace Shoe, Low Heel, up to $4.00 Clearance Price $2.00
30 Pair Ladies' Patent Lace Shoes, regular $4.00 Clearance Price $2.98
20 Pair Ladies' Tan Button Champ Top, regular $5.00 Clearance Price $1.98
40 Pair Ladies' Patent Button Shoes, regular $3.50 Clearance Price $2.80
50 Pair Ladies' Patent Button Black Cloth Top, regular $3.50 Clearance Price $3.00
HQ Pair Ladies' Patent Button Grey and Fawn Colored Cloth Top, regular $4.50 Clearance Price $3.85
30 Pair Ladies' Gun Metal Plain Toe, Cloth Tap, Black Cloth Top, regular $4.00 Clearance Price $3.35
20 Pair Boys' Black Calf Lace Shoes, regular $2.75 Clearance Price $2.35
50 Pair Ladies' Grover Black Vici Lace Shoes, Turn Sole, regular $4.50 Clearance Price $3.(i()
30 Pair Boys' Black Calf Button and Lace Shoes, regular $3.50 Clearance Price $3.00
B5 Pair Men's Black and Tan Button andTacc Shoes, regular $4.50 Clearance Price $3.60
100 Pair Nettleton Shoes for Men, Black Vici Lace, regular $6.50 Clearance Price $5.50
100 Pair Nettleton Shoes for Men, Black Calf Lace, regular $7.00 Clearance Price $5.95
700 pair Ladies' High and Low
Dress Shoes, all styles formerly
up to $5.00, at $1-00.
Ladies' Over Gaiters in Brown,
Blue, Tan and Red regular $1.00
quality at 65c.
50 pair Misses', Children's and
Boys' shoes, all styles, formerly to
$3.50, at $1.00.
- '.
rilONE MAIN 81.
WANTL'O Second-hand bass drum nn.l
trip. Phono 7H-F-1 1.
FOTt SALK Ani-ona pullets and lieu-i
J'lume .")! P-II'.
YVIFIi not cranky if she cats Fred';-
li , . k en tamalcs.
HF.FOltK buying a cream separator see.
Fulk at V'ii-lf Hr...
VYANTPI) tiood ynuiif; Inline, about
IJiiii. Oscar I ! i.vcii, lit. 7.
POi! FKNT Idioms, close in, a: 10 N.
High, near city hull, Phono -I.
.''I, AX land for rent, .',()() acres. On'l
at ")74 Ninth 1'ith st, (Salem, Ore.
FOP KAI.K '"ill yearling laying hem.
:;ilii N i i-1 1 1 Kiiint. H. I'eetlinn.
FOIl ltK.NT Saiall dwellinj; in Noiiii
(Saleai. I'hone ( urey F. .Martin, 4V.K
TIIOIiorUillKKU U. I. I!e. ami While
J.ehiiiii imisters lor sale. Prices, rea
sniialile. I'liom' I I P- I I.
POU f-vVLP Two ooil iniWt cows, one
fresh, other fresh soon; juices rilit.
I., li. Flint, Marion, (lie.
M I III MJv All Kl woman wants work as
hoOM'tieeper. Prefer cinintry. Je
ijiiire 171 Court.
Yol'.NC jiily wishes position in eonlV'--tionery
store. exierienceil. Aihlre n
(I. A., cari .ioiirnnl.
P'Oli lil'NT Six-rooin hnnHO, one block
basinesH district, 500 North '.'onunor
cial. Call nt houso or jihone 5;I5.
I--.VKK ranch for sale, (I miles ea t
of town: well improved, Addre.-s
.1. Votes, lit. 7, Phone 42-t-'-:!.
WANTKD Plain sewiuj; of all kind;.
Il'iise dressi", childien 's and inlanl'
rewind i-s) ialh". (iood work, pric t
lu.v. ('all ls:i:, i.oc. stieel.
FOl! SAI.K P7!i acres, 5'.i niilex frem
(iarfield, ash.; all No. 1 Idack land,
oil in clover and timothy, A'l o'v
buildings. Price !))U0. part ea.-li. I"
(p.iiro lis Mill street, Salem, Ore.
New Spring Assortments Arriving Daily. Watch Oar Windows. Read Our Ads. "The House of Quality"
All Around Town
Dr. Mondelnonn, peelnllt tu fitting
glaatei correctly. U. H. bank bldg.
Ths Woodmou of the World nra pre
pariuu for Kn especially Interesting
nieetiiiK Friday evenini:, when several
eaadiilntcH will bo initinted,
I. 0. S., iill-12 Hut bard bulUliug.
The river Is falling today, tho gatiKa
readinu H.) feet nlxi'.o low water mark.
There has been no niiiilud doling the
last 'Jl hours.
Dr. C. B. O'Neill, optometrist optic
inn, 11 Hush Hank hldK.
Tho Oregon Fanner, uingaiilne pub
licked in I'nrlliind, has written parlies
her,' ieiuestin photographs of orchards
and Hum scenes in Marion eonaty to
be used in n fottiro issue of the nuiii'
Today and Thurndny
America'i Foreinoat Photo Play
A Koataeky Melodrninn In
Three Piirtn ,
A New NeMor Comedy
This Is mie of the host Comedys
of Oio Hay you 'll liiuh.
rridny and Bntiirdny
Alwayi a 10c Progrnm for
5 Cents
Otlsou's barber shop moved to 157
State, next to llhgh theater,
Glenn L, AduuiB rocolved a telegram 1
this morning aaiioiincin the death of
his lirother, M. II, Adams, at Kansas
t'il.V. . ' t
o I
The Capital Lumber CO., 3IB South
Tw oil til. Uaihliug material of all kinds.
The funeral of Earl Po.irson, the
youai; mini who was ilrowned at Tilla
mook Holiday, has been postponed,
awaiting the arrival of relalives. An
uiiiueeinent of I lie time of the t'aneral
will he made later,
I'ntil further nolice, the below named
luniks will disciintinuo the pinctice of
opnaia their doom for business on
Satuiday ewiiin'M.
Kindly take notice and (jovera your
selves nc enrdinojv,
Byron Wolls, of Shnw, Ore., who was
operated on nt the Salem hospital sev
eral days atpi, is reported improving
i a pid ly.
.V' - , Spoelnl meeting of Dfl
NSyV. '"'"v ''oainiandery No.
K. T this evening.
ZZw Woik In the li. ('. de
cree, Visiting Hir Knights welcome.
Trcd Bhlndlor, tho Junlo donlor, who
was i. nested last week on n ehaigo of
eiinivnling stolen propel ty, will be giv
l ea tl hearii ia .lost ice Webster's eoutt
I tomorrow al III o'clock. Hhiadler was
jarrosti'd upon the confession of Karl
Shortneu, who told the police that he
sold Helen goitis at the store of Mr.
Vory flu upright piano only allghtly
used. Cost originally I'lim. Must be
sold nt once. Only iflilo. This piano
belongs to an indixiduul and we are
going to sell it fm' him. Howard Pimm
llou,.e, !;!." North l.ibertv street,
The Salem lodge of the Modern Wood
men of America will hold an open meet
ing at their lodge rooms in the Mcl'or
mick building tomorrow night for mem
bers, relatives and friends of the iirder.
A short program will be rendered and
refreshments will be served.
Ask your banker about the Howard
Piano House. He roiiviaceil that they
have seven of the best ia the state.
They are at l-'l"i .North Liberty street.
Miss Zoo Ol.ustoad has acceptod a
position with the Kausa.i City cash
store oa Commercial slieet. This is tho
new store .pin npenetl liy tieorge 11.
Henderson, coming here from Kansas.
Tho Howard Piano House sells the
Are your's just right?
If they are not giving you
full measure in service why
continue to wear them?
They may be doing youj
harm. '
AYe'U guarantee, at a reas-!
onable price, to give you op
tical service that will assure
you the most perfect fit in
glasses obtainable. j
Miss A. McCulloch
208-209 Hubbard Bid?.
Phone 109
Packard piano in all stylos, bu ll in up
rights and grands, eo them at Pl"i
North Liberty street. j
Ten-year-old Evat Benjamin, daugh-;
tor of Mr, and Mis. (I. II. Heujamin,
of (lorMiis, was binught to the Salem
iiospital yesterday and last night oper
ated upon for appendicitis. The opera
tion was successful in every way uinl
tho little girl was reported resting eas
ily tin lay.
Wo can supply your musical talent.
The Howard Piano House, Pl.'i North
Liberty street.
A letter has beerf"receivel by the
Cnmniereiiil club from Clinton (i. Allen,
Pan Idaho, stating that ho intended
tti eome to Salem to in vest ion to the
brick industry and thnt ho imped to
either buy na interest in a kiln or es
tablish one himself.
Hcnesty first, quality next, price lait,
is our motto. Howard Pinno House, l.'l.'i
Nortii Liberty street.
Karl Steiner is very grateful to all
his friends who asshted liini In (ho re
cent pony eimtest, ,ind as ho is unable
to express his appreciation personally
to "ai li one, lie wishes to say "Thank
you" In nil through the .louiaal column..
Hear the world's best
piano. Friday night the
Knabo t oneert tiraml,
w hich will bo used in the
tlluek and Zimbalist eoa
eert. This famous in
strument is sold in this
locality exclusively bv
the Howard Pil no Ilouse, ld."i North
Liberty street, in both uprights and
S. J. Yntos, of Pratum, spent Tuesday
in tho city. Mr. Yntos says that the
crops are looking fine and I'latiim peo
ple are planning to build a eo operative
creamery. A meeting will bo held Feb
ruary -7, at the Pratum Hchool house,
nt 1 p. in., In- tho Mirposo of ineorpor
ating. Mr. Mayer, of .Inaction City,
I ill
will be present to give a talk on corpor
ative creameries.
Tc.'ralon Cream, pure, absolutely sani
tary. Order at Until 's.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Salem Hnak of Coiu
morco tho following officers, were elect
ed: S. S. Past, president; S. N. Kadi
cott, vice president; S. II. Klliott, cash
ier; !!. V. Comptiin, assistant cashier.
The board of directors is made up of
lr. It. 1.. Steeves, S. S. Fast, S. M. Ka
dicott, YV, YV. Moore and S. H. Flliutt.'
You can do more work when your
hands are protected, (iloves are cheap
er than iiaads when you gothem of(
Sluifer. lie sells the best lit 17 Smith
Tho building formerly occupied by
the girls' industrial schoi', located oa
the deaf school grounds, has boon ap
propriated by the pupils of the latter
for a ' gymnasium. Lust Saturday it
was tiie scone of a basket ball game
between the teams from this institution
ami Hie Cliemawa Indian training
school, tho latter winning, :W tn '.M. I
Monday evening the high school team 1
played the O. S. I. 's, the latter winning
by the. score of 12 to -u". j
To the business 'men of Salem who so
generously gave awny tho beautiful !
Shetland pony and ojitl'it, nml to my
inany friends who, in giving their voles, I
assisted ino tci win this fine prize, I '
wish to extend inv most grateful thanks.
Beginning next Monday morning, ths
Oregon Trsaspoitation Co. will put on
a daily boat service between Snlem an '
Portland. The Orecoaa will leave at
tl o'clock Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day mornings, nnd the (Irahamona will
leave the dock at lit o'clock Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, Do
ing dow n, tho Oregoi'.a wilt go to Uny
ton. The additional bhnt was put o.i
to tune care of the increasing business.
Artisans open meeting tonight at
Moose hall. Program Had basket social.
Tho Commercial club has made ar
I rang, 'uu nts to handle 4000 copies of
the nnoklet just issued by Iho ilb'.:;;
otto Valley Exposition association. The
articles ia this booklet have all been
written by exports, each article extoll
ing the advantages (if this valley from
the writer's special viewpoint. The
Commercial dub will use their own cov
er nad insert articles referring espooinl
Iv to salem and this eoaaty.
Nice fat Jackrabblts, each. ..25c
Country Butter, lb 25c
Creamery Butter, lb 32c
3 Cans Salmon 25c
25c bottle Snyder's Catsup ... 20c
855 North Commercial St. Phone 68
No Rent. Low Prices.
A. H. WOODS Presents
Yellow Ticket
1 year In New York II months In
Chii ago -Original New York Cast.
Prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50
Seats now Mail Orders Acceptod
l.-l;iloM house for rent between
Chciueketii and Court, on Fi fteent h
st'irt. Apply 1117 Court. Phono
I i:u.
WE will allow you the highest prieo fi;r
your used furniture ia exchange fi.r
new. Ciilef Bros., home furnishers.
Phono o!'.').
FOU SA1.F --TItor.ii. ghlircd Huff Lc-
horn eggs, .s ,,,r M'tCtig. it ti . 1 diiy-i ld
.hicks; i.Imi one .l,,.cn I'ruwn L''u-
iiorn pullets, .',(lc e;t-h. Pli-ine li!t-F-21.
I'HOfOdKAPilY" I'.asy terms for
leflrning a paving profession in your
spare lime. Hot. niching course, good
pay for lady-receptionist learning re
touching; gentlemen work at h.ntm
or in position. If interested, cull at
Klsner's Art Studio, 2li." .North Cotn
nier.'ial. FOl! SA LP PI acres garden laud, cl.ee
to school and railroad station, d acres
clear, balance in brush; some snui'l
buildings; 4 miles out; good run. I;
pri"0 iflliT.'i, .jiioo cash, balance !"
'." mouth.
1 1 acres goi.l fnrm land, all el -
ed; good new building; close to rail
road town; price '-'UO, sViOO .-n-di, or
will take "illll worth ..f city property,
balance oa easy' terms.
24 acres of good fruit lan.l, 5 mib'i
nri'th of Jefferson, (tartly eleured;
price .tlloO, .-(i 1 .10 cash, balance wy
S.o .Tnhn Van Lanaen, Room
over Hash 's bank.
The Howard Piauo House stflls tho
Vose & Sons, .1 it ti .1 C Fischer, Knabo.
in uprights anil grnuds. Also th"
Packard in nil styles, at Flo North Lib
ottv street.
Office Bligh Hotol
When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths.
RATES 7EC, 1.00, 11.50 PES DAY.
The only hotel In the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Bnlldings.
A Home Away from Home.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones Free Auto Bui.
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Spanish Chicken, Hot Tamales, Chill
Con Carns, Chop Suey Noodlef
420 Ferry Btreet
Some Interesting Facts About "Brown of Harvard," February 16 and 17
day's Journal