Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Creasing of Body To Aid hi
Slipping Out Ot Clinches
Main Offense
By Hal Sheridan.
New Vnrlt, Feb. 10. Nome of the
old (ricks of the ring still are in use
despite the frigid looks of the box
ing public and the new generation of
fighters. Of course, the days when a
boxer could work his u around .to
the wings so some second could slum
him with a board anil put him to sleep,
are past. Hut there are several lead
ing boxers who owe a great deal of
their "cleverness ' to the little mils,
perfectly harmless, probably, bill still
One of the most common of nil is the
use of grease. A fighter who greases
his body can slip in and out of clinches
about ten times as easy as he could
were his skin not so slippery. Prom
the viewpoint of the average fun lie
nppenrs cleverer and quicker on his
In Willie lleecher's recent ten round
fiasco with Champion Preddie Welsh
at the (larden, the Kast Side boy was
as slippery ns an eel. lie appeared
u h faster than he really is and he
got away with it in good shape. The
referee could have disqualified him
had he so minded, but so long as Welsh
or his seconds didn't offer objections
Willie slaved gronsed.
Another aged wheeze still in prac
tice ia that of plastering their hair
down with camphor ice. There are
two objects in this: One that it keeps
tho hair from dropping down o.ver their
eyes, and, two, camphor Ice when in
close proximity to the eyes lias a ten
dency to make them blink and water a
little. It isn't harmful, but it cer
tainly ia unnoying. In a clinch when
their heads are close together the
fume nre suro to have some effect.
Many boxers still make use f Stun
ley Kotchcl's old trick. The man-killer
used to rub oil into his pores before
going into the ring. The stuff wasn't
noticeable at first, but when ho began
to perspire he became' the proverbial
"chain of greased lightning," sliding
in and out of clinches wilh uniu.ing
Local Quintet Plays AU Around the
Aggregation From City by the Sea.
Though the Astoria high school team
at tho end of the first half promised to
give the Hnlem high school quintet a
run for the money when the score stood
at to II, the lovuls ran away from
in the last half and the final score
slood at IS lo Hi in the game played in
I ho high school gyiiiiinsiuiu Inst night.
The entire second hull1 was played in
Hnlem territory and the result was nev
er in doubt. If for a moment the ball
was thrown to the Astoria end of the
hall, one of the Huleni guards captured
it lind sent it back tit the territory of
I he ralcni , forwards, who rolled the ball
into lilt" basket with remarkable lie
cnrn:'V. The Aslorin lentil was the only team
to defeat the L-nloiu team lust yeur in
u single giiine, and the locals wiped out
the blot on their farcer in II to I style
last night. Ueiuhart and Keepe each
scored nine baskets from the field. The
a !,,,;,, HHiuv t: Wilkinson, f:
Hnrnos, e; Ilanbsty, g; lliicklaud, g.
Salem Proctor, f; lleinhart, f;
Keeno, c; I.tiw, g; Rntdiffo, g.
Watt Shipp Pin Smashers
Outroll Hauser Brothers
The Watt Shipp bowlers defeated the
Mauser Bros, team in the City bowling
league Inst night at the Club alleys bv
taking two games (lit of three. The
Wutt Hhlpps dropped the first game
but took the next two by safe ninigins.
Pierce, of the Shlpps, rit'led J I " for
high game and finished with a high nv-
ertiu." of 1IM, The (I lobes and luoccrs
meet tonight. The scores follow
watt tmtpp.
Pierce UK
Craven 121
Wilson M-t
I'neb's ..: IW
Noiiii Ii7
I Til
Toinis :: s.. i uii.i
Hauser Bios.
L. IMie ...
p. Price ...
K ress
Totals ...
1 IW
1 15
. ,S..."i S 10 Till
'l" i' t: H,,rt'ni!iu to Aiiuustn Huff
man, lots 7, 8, 0, West Woodburn Fruit
c ......
W il Vender et ux to P. P & P.iiiuiii
iluell, lot H, block 1, (loisers Add lo
Clarence llunilllitn et ux In Howell
Congregational church, S1 SW't
block .111, N Salem.
Care of
Cl.inpsc Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
ynri(Vtn Dpfpnds Ihe of
Zeppelin uerenas use or
I Aerial
(I'nitcd Press Hlnlf Correspondent.)
(Copyright, 11115, by the I'nited iu the future mukiiig war loss likely.
Press; copyrighted in Croat llriluin.) : I do not benieve the nations ever will
Berlin, Peb. I, via The Hague and ratify a ('invention eliminating air
I.011 loo. Peb. " Does any one for a 'craft. Whither there will ever be great
moment believe that Kngland, in iier de- buttles in the air. like those that have
termination to crush (Jerinany by every tuke.i place on the sea, can only be
means in her power, even attempting lo answered by the distant future,
starve women and children, would not "Personally, I am not inclined to
use Zeppelins if she had them!" think so. Put who knows! This is
It was Count Perdinand von Zeppelin, an uge of progress."
creator of (lermuny's dreaded licet of The veteran inventor seemed lost in
aerial battleships, who spoke, This was tho.i.'ht for a minute. It was plain
his answer to the protests raised by that the problem presented bad weigh
(lerumiy's enemies against the use of ed heavily on his mind. At lust he
Zeppelins and the dropping of bombs spoke, mid this time it was ti give an
on unfortified places, killing women explanation of tin- greatest difficulty
and children. His answer was a justi- ol' a navigator of airships,
ficution of what has taken place and "You see," he mill, "you cnmiot al
what will continue while the world war i ways see an object from a great height.
gii'H on. ' lis th.'.t not also true of artillery cspe-
"Nit one regrets more than T," eiallv mortars.' , Do not shells often
here the voice of the ugeil soldier and .dim in undefended or on non-t otiilmt
inventor curried a genuine note of ant parts of towns and cities! How
grief unmistakable " that non-com-bal.i'is
have been slain. Hut have not
iion-coiiibntniits been killed by other
engines of warfare! Why' then this
outcry '
" Let me (ell you: It is because Kng
land ti'tiis lite Zeppelin dirigibles. She
realizes that they pninise to destroy
her splendid isolation. It is because
failing to succeed in building some
thing similar, she hop s to arouse the
world (o bring pressure to bear to pre
vent the use of (lennany of these great
weupons of modern warfare which are
not available for her own use.
"If the military effect of the Zeppe
lin airships tends toward the shorten
ing of this terrible war by only one day,
thereby saving perhaps thitusanils of
lives; if the Zeppelins, even now only
beginning their development us a new
military arm, should prove so effective
a weapon, that wars are less likely to
occur in the future then their advent
will be n benefit to humanity, quite
aside from their peaceful usages.
"If in this most critical hour, when
Clorinnny's very esistence is at stnke,
when nil effort is being miide to starve
our women and children, the Zeppelins
add the slightest strength to the Path
orlaid ngainst tiie ring lit' enemies seek
ing her complete destruction, then my
life will not have been in vain."
"What is ytv.ir opinion, Count Zep
pelin," I asked, "of aerial warfare as
represented by Zeppelins, in view ol
Hie expressions of indignation from
P.nglainl over the dropping of bitinbs!"
"Aerial warfare has come to stay.'
was his quick reply. "It is us potent a
factor today as submarine wars are.
War in the air must become as vital a
factor in the strife of nations ns any
other branch of the military and naval
service. '
"In your opinion, wind will be the
limit of service th" '"ppclius will be
able to give in this war!" 1 nsked.
"That is another' question only the
general staff and the admiralty can
answer," he replied.
"Have there been any actual lights
between Zeppelins and aeriiplnues dur
ing the war to date?"
"So far ns I know, there has been
only one. In it, a Zeppelin diove oil'
aer'ii iliiues. It must be remembered
that Zeppelins sail smoothly, aim ami
fire their machine guns and qnickl'irers,
ununited on the (op, much more steadily
and more effectively than is possible
from aeroplanes. "
"It may become almost as important
ns undersea warfare, depending of
course, on the development of warships
and the new development of sub
ui ti ri u s.
"Aenul cruisers, in my opinion,
mmD noose irsr prrws
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Aside from tho question, "Whnt good did the Zeppelin ruids on England do the (Ioniums?" the fact remains that
considerable duniage to private property and loss of life among civilians will likely octir again In future raids. In the
recent aerial attack on Yarmouth and oilier towns grent havoc was wrought by the bombs dropped from the airships,
One of then, pictures shows how a house in St. Peter's Plain, Yarmouth, was lorn open from top to bottom bv u bomb
demonstrating the ilestructiveness of the iterlnl weapons. The chief constable of Yarmouth is also shown l.kmg at a
bomb which did not explode. A lot of these were found. They were heavy, proving that they must have been drop
peJ t'fom a Zeppelin at a great height.
Bombs in War
largely will tend to cluing the luce
and aspect of war; perhaps, therefore,
many non-comtiatants nave neeu allien
in tuis war by Zeppelins us compared
with other engines' of warfare'! How
can you tell, for instance, exactly
where shells from mortars and other
artillery will strike! .Por instance,
shells from the new hrupp gun nre
reported-.to have a range (if 42 kilo
meters. "The purpose of Zeppelins is not
against non-coinbutiints but against
military forces, defended cities ami
towns, "arsenals, ships and docks. The
crews of Zeppelins nre exposed to great
er dangers, but they are as humane in
other brunches of the service. 'lhc
have not intention to kill women and
children, nnv more than t'.ie officeri
and gunners' of -artillery, as far as lie:
in their power to avoid.
" There is proof of this the best
proof possible. ' It is in unexplodod
bombs found in English titwns. When
Zeppelins nre discovered and come un
der heavy fire from an enemy, it may
be vital to ascend quickly. So it mu
be necessary to throw off bombs thai
are used as ballast. Then, whenever it
is possible so to do, the explosive con
tacts are disconnected set that the
bombs falling where it is feared then
inny be non-coinbatants, will not ex
"That is probably, what occurred in
tiit" English towns where they say un
exploded bombs were discovered."
"Prom the standpoint of this lutes'
factor in modern warfare," I asked,
"what, in your ii.iinion, should define
a fit v or town or position that it would
mnke it subject to the air!"
The count stroked his chin nnd sat
a moment seemingly lost in thought.
Then he began:
"Tin" rule is similar to that in land
wnrfare. It is based on (wo fundamen
tal, 'Kiwritten laws the law ol human
ity that forbids killing mi'i-comhutants,
whenever uvoilable, and (he law of lie
ces-dty or military exigency.
"A eitv or town occupied by tin1
uiilit.uy or defended only by trenches,
is subject to attack unless it is surreu
derel or evacuated. That such places
me often attacked and badly shot to
pieces you have probably had occasion
tit see for yourself un both fronts ol
the war.
"Therefore, it seems to be rational
that a city or town having military
forces that fire on aircraft and that
mounts guns for (hat purpose, is subject
lo uerial attack the same as if (he
atta-king force were inlantry or ar
tillery." "Ik it planned to attack London?"
" That is a question lor the admiral
ty and general staff tn di'cido.
Tie" count declined to discuss how
wh, m.caww -ofRav. wwuhKXPt.ooi:D B0ri3
'Poik County Fruitgrowers
mow wontmy MeeHng
(Capital Journal jjpeciul Service.)
Dallas, Oregon, Feb. 10. The rcg-
ul:ir monthly meeting uf the I'olK
County Fruit Growers' association
!wus held in the commercial club rooms
; .smurjuy afternoon with one of the
j largest number of members present
that ever gathered ut a meeting of this
jiganiation. The meeting was presid
eu over by President 11. C. Kukin nnd
.ifter the regulur routine of bushiest
ivas disposed of muny interesting ntio
instructive talks were given on the
value of the different kinds of sprayt
used in the fruit culture business. It
is the intention of the association to
hold these meetings regularly the first
Saturday of each mouth nail by so do
ing many helpful suggestions to the
growers may be obtained. Some time
,n the near future ua officer of the
Northwest Fruit Distributors union will
be in Dalles and at that time it is
planned to hold u rousing meeting.
.arge a Zeppelin Meet lucre is now oi
how fast he is building these uircii.ft.
lie would not iutimute whether new
ntpro ements have been made. When
-s.v.d whether the latest type of dirig"
iblcs have come up to expectations, tne
count replied:
"It is absurd to talk of perfection
in Zeppelins. They are only in the
.hie-iinold of their ultimate possibil-
Zeppelin and Lincoln.
In a subsequent interview Count
Zeppelin talked of Ann ricn and Amer
icans, and tu'd of uis visit to tin United
States during the civil war. He said:
"Lincoln, tall and gaunt, greeted me
cordially. Ho made the same impres
sion on me that tiie kaiser always
makes when I meet him. Lincoln in
particular was deeply concerned about
the 'nielties of the war, or whut you
now refer to ns ntrocitics. People had
(he same impressions then ns now. The
president gave me a military pass witli
ids signature, which 1 still cherish as
one of my most prized possessions." .
The count declared he once Bwam
the Niagara river below the American
rails to get a view of tiie full circle of
the rainbow mist.
"I made a trip over the lakes," he
added, "and flirted with some beauti
ful Aincricuu girls who were as anxious
to get acquainted with me us I was
with them. They finally broke the ice
bv flipping apple seeds at my face.
Then we had a jolly taik.
"1 made my lirst balloon ascension
at St. Paul, but I was not on the firing
line during your civil war as has been
frequently said. A uinjor of the Union
army, whose name have forgotten,
was tiiere and had a captive balloon.
I wanted a real sensation nnd arranged
for the use of tiie balloon. He was to
cut the rope and let me make a long
flight after I was up to the rope's lim
it. I brought nil the spare gas the St.
Paul gas works would let me have and
was able to get up several hundred
feet, but the gas was, of so poor a
quality that I couhlu 't get the gns bag
filled 'sufficiently to essay a long flight.
Yet, while abo.'e St. Paul, I had the
first idea of ueriul nnvigtitioii strongly
impressed on me and it was there the
first idea of the Zeppelins came to me.
"I had many friends in- tiie United
States, but I fenr Hint 1'ew of them
have cared tu live as long as I have.
Perhaps none will be left when I come
again to America in one of my own
Albany, Ore., Fob. 10. Word hni
been received from Washington that
Senators Chamber-ruin ami Lane huve
recommended C II. Stewnrt, former
county judge of Linn county, to be post
master at Albany. There were severn'
ill K-Q'X,.
u .
Boston, Feb. 10. Leslie Mann, one of the outfielders with tho Braves
last year, is likely to jump to the Federal league. He wunted more money
than President fiaffney thought he wus worth, and President Gilmore of the
Federal league is reported to have made him a satisfactory offer. Jlnnn is
a hard hitter and a good fielder, but Oaffney says that the rule limiting the
clubs to twenty-one men means that he had to let some of his men go, and
with Magee added to the staff he thinks the outfield will be stronger I linn it
was last year.
Polk County Pioneers
Celebrate Birthdays
Dnllns, Or., Feb. 10. To celebrate
the birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Ilnyter, two of Polk county's oiliest
pioneers, a dinner was given (Sunday ut
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Allpiood
on Lyle street by Mr. and Mrs. tiny-
tor 'b three iluughtcrs-in-lnw, Mrs. tiscar
Ilnyter, Mrs. PbiRene Hnyter, Mrs.
Mark Hnyter, and neice Mrs. John H.
Alljrond. Mrs. Hnyter was 77 years old
on the 2"th of January nnd the S5tli
birthday of Mr, Haytcr was on the 8th
of this month. Tho tables were decor
ated with pink carnations nnd two
lurjre birthday cukes euch hearing the
ages of the guests of honor ocupicd the
center of the tubles. lliose present
'were: Mr. nnd Mrs. T. ,T. Hnyter, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Ilnyter, Mr. nadIrs.
Mark Hnyter, Mr. und Mrs. Oscur
Hnvter, Mr. nnd Mrs. John R. Aligned
Mrs. Alice Deinpsey, Miss Fannie
Denipsey, Miss Kliubeth Ilnyter, J. B.
Enibree, ,T. C. Hayter, Claude Denipsey
Chnrles Hnyter und Robert Hnyter.
Try Journal Classified Ads.
The Capital Journal has just received a new shipment
of the "World at War" atlases. They are of a later and
revised edition and consist of 24 large, highly-illustrated
pages, printed on heavy enameled book.
The atlas contains splendid colored maps of all the
warring countries, with routes of travel and railroad
lines; many tables of army and navy and general statis
ticsin fact, the work is a complete ready-reference li
brary for students of the great war. It is a book which
would ordinarily sell for $1.00 or $1.50, but we are having
them made up in large lots and buy them at a price which
allows us to give them away to subscribers on very easy
All who pay three months subscription, old or new, back
subscription or in advance, in case their paper is delivered
by carrier, will receive one of these atlases free. All mail
subscribers, old or new, who pay a year's subscription
($:1..00), either back subscription or in advance, will also
be entitled to receive an atlas without extra charge.
This is the most liberal offer the Capital Journal has
ever made.
SEiliiiii-. aiiiillil'il
EJI- lit
Smokers ol
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes fifteen years ago
are smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes today I
MdmofSuHifhta GrokTvihsh
and EgpiimQfmttalnlhtV&rll
Astounding Stories of
Cruelty and Neglect
New York, Peb. fl. Astounding
stories of alleged cruelty and neglect
of children in the dermaa (hid Fellows
home at Yoakers has attracted atten
tion' from the investigation by the.
authorities of alleged poisoning of
eight aged iamales of the home.
Frit. Reichart, who corroborated tho
story told by Frederick Mors of tho
poisoning of eight men, informed
Coroner Diinno today thai he saw a
young girl beaten into insensibility
ror a trivial offense, investigation or
the deaths has gone as far ns possible,
without exhumation of the bodies of
the alleged victims.
Assistant District Attorney Seymour
wns expected to order tonight the ex
humation of two bodies in the Bronx.
Warrant For ArreBt.
White Plains, N. Y., Feb. 9. Coron
er Dunne has sworn to a warrant
charging Frederick Mors with homi
cide in connection with the dentils of
eight inmates of the Odd Fellows
Homo at Yonkers. Mors, who is al
leged to have confessed that he com
mitted tho murders, will be brought
her for trial.
The sale of seats for "The Yellow
Ticket," which comes to the Grand on
Friday, rehruary jam, win open in
box office on Thursday morning. Mich
ael Morton's powerful melodrama of
life in modern Russia will be seea hero
exactly as produced by A. H. Woods at
the Eltinge theatre, New York, where
it has just concluded u year's rua. Tho
Pltinge theatre, by the way, was opened
originally with "Within tho Law,"
which remained for a long run only to
be succeeded by "Tho Yellow Ticket,''
which likewise achieved instantaneous,
success. In the cast of the play will
be seen: Belle Mitchell, Warner Olnml,
Kdward Foley, John Ruvold, Louis
Ilnrtmnn, Arthur Alnitlnnd, Dorothy
Pllis, ' Reginald Carrington, Clyde
Veaux, Leo Kennedy, and others.