-TV WilAT $10 DID TWILIGHT TWINS LUSTY AND STRONG. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY ESS WHILE MOTHER IS AS WELL AS EVEI. errs THE SALEM CAPITA. JOCHWAT, SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1015. M "BWW nPP WPlW HHVMM "BHW MM) WHWH WW 41 "-fr -"w Hi n. imu m ami wi itiwiimwiI Tte Price She Paid for Lydia E-PinkhamWe getable Com pound Which Brought Good Health. Danville, Va.-" I have only spent ten dollars on your medicine and I feel so if a li I much better ttian l did when the doctor was treating me. I don't suffer any bearing down pains at all now and I sleep well. I cannot say enough for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and Liver Pills as they have done so much for me. I am enjoy ing good health now and owe it all to your remedies. I take pleasure in tell ing my friends and neighbors about them." Mrs. Mattie Haley, 501 Col quhone Street, Danville. Va. No worn in suffering from any forcj of female '.roubles should lose hope un til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valua ble tonic and invigorator of the fe male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. If yon have the slightest doubt that Lydia K. I'inkliaiii'g Vegeta ble Compound will lit'lp you, write to Lydia K.PinkliiimModkiiieCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mans., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by u woniitu, and bold lii strict confidence. I --,- T " - t - , , ... :i 1 ; w ' "- j y . - . .. ' .. 1 r . . TWUOHT SLEEP TWIiS a a a n 9 U Si tl tl a M U rj ti n ii 77ie contest is half over, but it is not too late for you to enter the race. Remember, there are TEN PRIZES. You may win one of them. 1000 FREE VOTES to the contestant making the greatest increase this week u n u u 11 cs II II El II 11 m y ii N II n u " As a special inducement we will give 500 extra votes with every Heat' ti New York, Fob. 10. Perhnps the fi'st twins ever born in twilieht hIcou tire .1 nnii'3 and George iMct'iinn, here iutured at the age of ten dnys. They nrc the children of II r. and lira. GeiTge McCann of 1152 (ilenmorc avenue. orooKiyn. rue twins enme into the world during the twilight sleep of their mother at the Kings county ho vital. It wu ut first feared that the double onlcnl even in twilight sleep would prove tntnl to" the mother, but she recovered rapidly and was up in a tew duys and eating as usual. committees of the local company re- ported lust night that they were inak- CITY NEWS ing good progress iu their respective lines lor the hig meeting planned for Washington's birthday. Basket social and entertaliuneut at! 0 Artisans' lodge tonight. lie there. Alfred Vick, of the Vick garage, is o i ut home nick, threuteued with au at- Alfred Todd, a well known attorney; tack of appendicitis, of Lebanon,' is in Salem on legal bnsi- o iicss and to niako a short visit to the E, L stlff fc s j, deal. r legislature. While Mr. r0d,l is au at-1 ure hlvi , frunt ,, TIIC MADVTTC torney, ho is also a mint grower, and ; ,,...,, ,.,,, ,, ,),,. Lihctv 11 u 1 El II 13 ri a ti u 13 Kl M 11 M er, pair of Andirons, Fire Set and Fire Screen sold this week Ask for VOTES Cash or Credit home FURNISHERS Wit. COURT & HIGH STS. Stores in Oregon and Waehlngton Use Oar Exchange Department and Save Money IUj UUUjill !introdueeil the mint culture into this ; Me uf th(,jr 9tm. Th(, ,Vo,k is being l tA. u. uttito finm M mil I irn ii ur lui i-n lnu liitlmi'l . . ....... n - V .v.......t ............ Uf)I0 ,v the ,,Kinjmnl oubiiu't factory. 1S t"? iiirKoat mint iruwcr in the Unitt'it Kifitim In mlflitifin tit iiiu mint fni-id ; q Since the wheat market has become ,,,. ,ci,ano Mr. Todd has 10 acres in steady in Portland, local dealers feel mint ,.ar est Htavton. that top prices have been readied and i 0 that there is a chance of a decline in1 rr.,,.m ..i, . a,al. ., t, the coarser grains. I UoUar watcnt stone dra 8tor- While refined sugar quotations ad-! .vanced 25 cents in I'ortland, no advance i The famous Del JMonte peaches and a ym hub neen made in tnc loca inur-1 "" -" . , . .. . , . rT .. . .. .n ....... i ..... itlio Iuir ii (Irnrnrv I'n 1! Hunt I al,lu HUHCOS Jllsl lllgllt jois, uio se.i.ng nice nere oe.ng ,...,. ' - V",": "Wi .i.' inr i .i rooms. Iletwcen .lances punch was scrv ino inajKci is strong in 1110 asi unu- . , , , ed the nuncli bowl heinir nresided nve- i,i. .w.,i.,.. iif. ti, ..Miuin. economv specials. Phone 210. i o, i m puui u now i n ing prt skihi otr Bere. The egg muiliet is dull, dealers locally paying !M anil -") cents. Theie is no change in the fruit and vcg.'table'tiiartet.' ' ' ' ' n n ti Ii ti n 13 ti ti n Margaret ' Tho following Albany Masons were t ml mm All Cherriaus are requested by King liing to meet at the club roijiis Thurs day morning, February lth, at 10 a. m., in uniform, to meet the Mutts from Portland. o The Elks gave one of their enjoy- ut the club by Margaret , White Local Wholesale Haricot. Hay, timothy, per ton 12 (lover, per ton H.50(Jh Oats and vetch 10(i:ll Cheat Wheat, per bushel Bran, per torn Shorts, per ton $35.00 Oats, per bushel 5:if(M)7e Eggs and Poultry. Kggs, cash, l!.-; trinle -ie Hens, per pound 10c Roosters, old, per pound Sc BUgs a S(olc Butter. Tbitterfnt, per poind 27c t'rcirocry butter, per pound H)c Fork, Veal ana Mutton. Pork, on foot Pork, dressed . Veal, dressed . Opting lamb . Htecrs . Cows Wethers lines - Fruits. Oranges, navel Japanese ornnges lianiuas, lb Lemons, per box Pineapples, per lb Apples, box Cranberries, barrel Florida grape fruit Dates, dromedary, case.. Dates, Persian, lb 1'ies. tier nack Cocuanuts, per dozon ! 6',iKoy,c IKfi'lHijC S(illc .O'jC 0'i'C 5(a5'..c 15 Vie 4C"4 Viie. ...2.25(ii)2.50 :i.io 4 Vic 3.50f(ii4 7c ....75c)$1.2.) $H.ro i(n:4..')0 S.2S 8'roHV.jC ..flOcft; tl.oll i i (, ... "uifiuiH '"umvj uiiii The January reports for the competl-1 tion contest ure now coming in ut the nfl'ii.ii i.f I'd.ititv Hi.lif.nt Stitiitirliitciiilcnl. n, M. nmlth.'l his is a contest in wnic.i ; ' , the pupils of tho district sehoils of the ;'."' or ractic lodge Ao. .W: i comity write one composition cadi 1 'curge laylor, T. ,). Hut-; II ! month which is submitted to outside U. h. Ohlmg. Dr. .1. K. (.ill, ('has. If judges for grading. During tho month "'"oeir, rraim ifo.UK JJ of June tho pupils from encii disliici i '; -".." . who has received the highest grade will, " '"i."". be sent to te court house ill this city,1 . " wliei,- the final contest will be held. -iK.mu enwn;- Kueh pupil writing a eo nposition under ,;'inm nt coiinniltee today telegraphed the eyes of the judges who will lie me i.oosier emu oi a many mat uy a the final award of a gold medal to the .""i'.-hmuiuii . n,K oiug, nu iiii-uiMf. n u. uic ...iuii,v c.uii .eic in . - I viteil to nttend the ( hen ian dance next ANIMAL AND HUMANE SOCIETY , Monday evening, and to bo personally MEETINCr. ; i. cm'-iiu u io i.ing lung a nu ins cu- holts. Members of this society and all i "7 . . . friends of nniinals and dog ovners arc I a teal ostats exenange involving ,.,.est,.,l to nttend ft inoetiui! Thins- pvoi'ert.v valued at ),HU0 was made to- ' . ... . .... A A. .1.1.... I... I hi v cven.nir of tins week at Miiiem ....... n Ten Highest Contestants Bungalow Church 37,431 Loyal Order of Moose 33,201 Woodmen of the World . . . .28,512 Mr. D. H. Pressnall 19,958 Salvation Army 19,025 Mr. Ronald Gould 9,056 Mr. Fred Domogalla 6,378 American Yeomen 5,719 Royal Neighbors 5,615 Mr. Dclbcrt Dunlap 4,950 Only $12.85 This Heater, with mica doors, burns either coke, coal or wood, has an extra heavy cast lin ing with reversible grates and a double cold rolled steel body. If you are in need of a good heater see us. $22.50 Coke Heater, with glass door .... .$15.35 18.50 Coke Heater, with glass door . . 17.00 Coke Heater, with glass door-. . 19.50 Wood Heater, with glass door . 16.50 Wood Heater, with glass door l:.50 Wood Heater, with glass door . 18.00 Wood Heater 10.35 6.25 Wood Heater 4.20 Kard Dates Vegetables. fcsbbago, per lb Tomatoes, California Celery, per dozen .. J.etluce, crate Onions, per 101) pounds Potatoes (Oregon), bushel... fiweet potatoes, crate Cauliflower Brussels Sprouts Wring Oarlie Pars lips ' Artichokes Hcets Retail Pries. Creampry butter Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley 1'gRS, per dozen Hugar, per cwt t l.WI l.75('- 41 .'iO UltoN.'ic 2.2."i !.-- 3.X4'c $i.;i"i Xc I fie I.'iO tX)C l."0 a.'ie ..lll(a'2.lM l,BT(n'- :ille fril.'iO Portland Markets, Portland, Ore, Feb. in. Wheat Club, l.d7i bliicstem, tl."ih'j. O.itk No. 1 white feed, $:17.0; giny s:i7.25. Harlry llrcwing, :I2.:.0; feed, t.'lJ.'iO. Hogs Host live, i. .im-i.su. Prime steers, 7.i."0i M ; fancy cows S.65(;7; best calves, ."fS.50t spring lambs, lifn'M. Putter Citv erenmcry, 20'ii'. Kggs Selected lo'l extras, -lw. Hens, 12fiilici broilers, Mtjdl.'ic: gceae, lfic. The Journal Want Ad gets the business. It finds the position and it places the right people in the right place. It is small, but its carrying power is tremendous! Regular $14.00 50-pound Cotton Felt Mattress, guaranteed never to lump. Sold on ;?0 days' approval. Special this week $9.65 ii n M U UJB Wf! WH W ""W Pflf WW J-W W "1 rM( W W m m wg m mm mm mm um $16.00 Brass Fire Screen . . .$11.85 9.00 Brass Fire Set 6.95 8.50 Brass Fire Set 5.95 6.50 Black Fire Set 4.15 4.65 Black Fire Set 3.35 $12.00 Pair Brass Andirons 10.00 Pair Brass Andirons 7.50 Pair Brass Andirons 6.00 Pair Brass Andirons 5.00 Pair Brass Andirons M4-4ttl(--l lJilLikl x JlilU i iuvu uuaiuuwuuu 441 WW .S 11 1MI flW Sf WS If II tl ti ii ii ii n in 13 I J II II II tl El U n II II II II II U u IS II II II II M II II II II II II ti IS II II II 13 I'l HI uk-wiw 4d m mm mm S 14.10 12.85 14.95 13.40 10.30 .$8.30 . 6.95 . 5.85 . 4.65 . 3.95 DALLAS LOCAL NEWS . were nin.lc for an uii lodHto modern nwning to be placed in front of the hotel building. Wuik on the new awning will begin immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kimonton and Mr. mid Mrs. F. (I. Hininntnn were in Snlnm, Hundiiy visiting at the homo of tn y. A. Aeliley traded his 237 -acre Commercial club rooms nt 8 o'clock to farm in Poll: county, near Oak Orovc, hear report of committee und take ac- : 'or 11 -Hl-acro prune tract near Liberty, tion to test tho dog ordinniico in the owned by Wm. Cockerel. It wns an CllirtS 1-..U I-AC.... 1..-, jl.M. Cll.H IHIl .., ..IU ilY ORUKK OF COMMITTER. transaction will take possession of their n . !now home at once. The deal was made Driving up to the front of a store by F, V, iol t uli.ii In tn fl litlll. trililil.U' isn't ns easy as it used to be in the1 Two special trains are Scheduled to Koo.l old days, nt least not since the'nrrive in Halein Thursday and Friday ,.,l,.,.t nt H.'o mitomiihile. In fact the of this week, the first to carry li dele- unto is now taking nlinnst all the street Kntion of Portland "Miits."' They .. .... ........ .1... l1..: , I ... .,..,. space in front of tun stores, nils i.-mc ...... ..." . ...uni..., . ...... afternoon nt 3 o'clock, i'l ears were a. in., and their cm will be switched parked in front of the stores iu the to the Houl iein Pa. ific si.liiiK, comer two blocks on Couinicrciiil street north of Smith Commercial and Trade streets, from Htnte street, and on the two;at about II o'clock, ,ri.lay at (I a. in. blocks on Htnte street, cast from Coin- ii special train leaves Monindilh for incr.'inl, twenty-four curs were parked. ;Hale-.i, briuuitiK a Inrao coterie nt . o .music lovers to the (lluck Ziniluilist eon- The Peerless Pacific suit against W. cert. II. ll'iRcrs, It. II. Kynn, bi.zie Hyan,! o Chailes K, Spaul.linK boniiiiK Co., Falls j O, W. Eyra, proprietor of tha To City Halein Lumber t.'o. nnd the Pacific ; kiilm ranch, the .Iniry de luxe that Mutual Life Insurance Co. of ('alitor- ncstl -a In the Waldo hills about 10 miles i.in was nu to.liiv in .Indue (Jallowav's east of Kalcm. hns nlacc.l on disi.lav nt ! relatives. ilepaituient of thn circuit court. Uc- the both urocery several photoninphs , Mrs. Mark Ilayler is iu Portland fault orders were issued tulay by .ln.lie S "iving authentic evidence of tho care- j this week for a short visit, (inlloway in this suit in tho cases of ful, ranitnry manner ill which the milk J. K. Hibley and L. N. Flnselh were W. II. KoKcrs and the Pacific Life In-1 and cream is handled there. Milkinir ! business visitors in tho cspitnl city Miiance Co., neither of which parties : machines and sterili.iim appnrntus of citv Monday. to the mit put in an iippciiriiiiee, tlioiiK'.i lutest dcsinn ure pint ol' the equipment -is H"sa H. Parrot t, a tca.hcr iu ihe i.lnintiff wns represented by Attoi- that is used to insure cleanliness in ev- the Kuxlish ilcparlinent of the Oieumi nev'lluward lleiinett. ,ery detail. Htnte Normal spent Monday in Dallas 0 0 the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. Casey. Tho PUgrinu' dinner, held in tin E. Gattolman, managor of the U. 8. Mr- nd Mrs. Kiikciio llavter visited parlors of the Fiist Conijiciintiiimil Cr.litors Co., now in charuc id' the Ore- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. I., .hureh last niht, was iu all one of the'Knn -hoe More, has iust returned from, HcdlB in ln.leiendcn.'e, Monday. Mrs. most interesting ineetintts over held bv Portland, where he hns I n si.no time I Hedlins who has been eontiiiml to Her tiiis club, (lovcrnor Withvcombo was on, account of the illness of his wife, '"'d for the past several months is In H.o i.iii.ri.n.l sneaker of the eveninu. . I... -I Hnlunliiv Mrs. Iletteliuaii under- a very prim al loniinion l,n,. ...l.trnuu.,. a,.,.-,, oin.ln l,V P.H ..... I . n,,., i.f il,,t ,,,libt ,1 i ff innll M...,li.'nl i.i. o a a a ...i......... f !n. I ...,,,.. u r,.H ,,i.,, n.i ,., ,l;..i;,, tinned Hnii.lay eveuinii from n llallesi Andrew ('. Hmilh, of Portlaiidi trouble that has ever been performed in V.. K. illniichar.l, of (limits Pass; H. (I. . Portland. She wns id the opcrntiuK li-vin, of Ncwpo t; H. II. Cobb, of Port- table Ironi II n. m. until 4 p. in., and laud; .1. H. Stewart, of Fossil, Allen she was under the influence of ether r.ail n, Ol r.i liciir, soil .i.inu ..in, ... i.r i; inmrs. i ne cii-t.- wn in .-.).....: - ,, . . ,. - ., .......... i ..... ... i.. i. .... .. ii.. I, ii..., u..i,.. uiii ,,V.i. few .lavs at the home of his mother .U.llt...... I'M'. MI.HT 111 U, V" 11.11. II' ' III I'lW. I 'II II"" ",, .'..1,1, no'l .,, , , at the banquet. The Pilgrims' club is Hockey, ,lr., four of Ihe leadiuK "I"' "Vouii'tv lu.lue J I) Teal spent Sun ., o,airr,.ion of .he ,e associaled cinlMs of Port Mrs. Ccttclman I. ht'Uiv pelttci.v. with the rust t o.iKregational church. : now . ousi.lere.l out of daniier. , E ., wi ,,,rlllm, Hat Dsn .1. I ry presided as tonst.naster, , l , mUrtllUn n,ol.Un(r f the By o I u I I ... 111. II a. ..;.,. -i.... . ai , i i mmiifr riHi i pauue iti . . n,-.... m .-.iwn ill the Montana iNational (iuar.l, mnc.i ( up with Company M of this city last ' niuht with his brother, whej nlso served' in ;he Moutnna National (Iuar.l ns For the series tonight st the Y. M. private. Lieutenant (Itto qualified for ('. A. in the commercial baskclluill the veteran sin foot squad, which is league the first match scheduled is he mic squad of the local militia com- tw.cn the Watt Ships and I lie Itoih pnny inn. In up exclusively of men who (lroeery ronipany, the game to be called are ix feet tall or ever mi. I who hnvelnf KM 5 Is the Hnuser Brns.Cnpitnl Nn "ci v vl mir e than one enlistment in the ; tinnal Hank contest nnd the Cniitnl service of the V. A. A. or National Business college nnd the Hirhop's will Uniirl. In Compnny M there arc now be lined up for the final game. Three .'.'t men who have been officers or noli- teams are not tied for second plnce and .'Oinmisione.l officers In previous en-, the fight for this position will be n listin.nts. The banquet and pnnrsm keen one tonight. OPEN FORUM f()(SjC)()(9l(lCi(!tC)fC)(!()4)(!l( (Capital .luu.nal Special Service.) Dallas, Or.. Feb, 10. The Dallas Mercantile company are busy making. . preparations for the remodeling of: 101 A Moao1 mj uly' their large store on Main street which To the Kdilor: livery one likes u will begin iust. as soon us the necessary' h"".V man, and all admire a busy city. .' .... '.. 1 r ....... . u.... . .. i...:i.i room can lo mailn for StorillL' some ol ...cu ii .......r ...nu iu .)...... Bligh Will Present Some Special Reels Coining Week Manager T. .1. Illigh, of the Uligh theater, has a number of especial treats iu sto-u for his putrous .luring the next couple of weeks. The first is tho big six-reel production of "Scaled Orders, ' ' ..L it tl... (ni.H.iinn A nter a s of all i n. are c leaner nil. wni. a lie win nuve on me scieeu ni'ii c .1 w f,i,i.,r. 'il... munnr r.f the' labor is plentiful: all who intend ' Friday and Suliirday. It deals with McHeyiut'.ls, -til 1 Com t street. I M,il,iing to extend the store root) tho ' building in the summer should build war-time incidents in a brisk way, and fill lencth Of thU lot thus making now u.-.i.v menus money. me rniiii" ' "' - k quito a large amount of ad.litioual fur iniileriuls for buildings through the room. On account of the Increasing wholesale market has already caused business of the above concern this nn advance, that will affect, the retail i ...,!. n... v : market before a great while. .ri... e ...1,1 ...1 ...;.l. t..- I I ..I:... It. .!.. ; I no l.tlilllTn ..iu .....nig .... . .. ... null ...... rigixuii miiii 1,111111, iiuntiv- Nsw Awning For Hotel. . "f hw prices and quite it number of pun -it the head. This is taken fi.iu the While ill this city lust week .1. II. bams and dryers are now being built immortal story of Kdwurd Kgglcston Thompson, of Albany, the owner of and more ure figuring on Improvements. Jaud has for lis foundntion one of the the (Sail Hotel property, arrangements! Every one should tnkn the advantage ' .ce.cM and most intensely liiiiiinn movies. A week later, or Feliruary 111 and 'JO, "The lloosier Schoobnustcr, " In five pints, will be shown by nn all-star east, Ilr. and Mrs. A. II, Starbu.k re- short ' visit at. 1 1)0 home of Key, and Mrs. T. ; II. Km, buck in Portland. Walter L. Tou., dr., was a Salem . business visitor Monday of the. conditions mid buil.l now. --), W, them 's to he found in the entire field of iiiiinuu literature. "The lllnc Mouse," II seven reel fea ture, will be at the Hligh February "I i and . Mu.lgc Lcssing takes the title role, and it is claimed for It that it is "the (list real big, hearty laugh ever "Novelty Pictures Free" They are all the rago because they aro different. Our specialty Is "good work at half price." Please,) customers gro leaving our studio daily. Come in and see what specially fine inducements we give wilh a dollar order, No studio in tho city is giving such grand vulucs in photographic work. To those presenting this a.l at the Novelty Studio with their order will receive FKHK a beautiful novelty photograph hnnfl painted worth 6oc, See our UHc dozen folders and .Hie .luz. cards in display case in o"r entrance. Novelty Studio Francis Ifondricks, Artist and Photographer 125 North Commercial Street Iletwcen Capital National and U. S. National Bank Shipping Iu Liquor. Snlenl, Or., .Ian, IS, IHI5. To the Kdilor: Would you please snow mo H lew lines in your tn .nr. ' . , , ;, .,tn(M.,, i.h f.uiii A few days duo I saw soniclhlng n I h February i!h and March your paper about, bn.ving home made; ' b all-" Kast goods. That wo should buy goo.ls ,' ,,, ., , , made In Oregon I (hereby benefit ';'I,M' 1 ,',B, " r '' ," " ' ''-l.n'V0 Oregon not buy our goods in some ! '''""'. V'"'0 ""' . L 'llu I, n.hn- state. And why not let tho l"'r '"; V h,""R"" ., . r "J breweries in Oregon supply the l,(.or' next lo the III lie, ' Kust L.vnnc l as under tho prohibition law Instead of "l triii.slul.ou In more languages having It snipped ill from some nlherl '-n any otner I'terarv prodncl. state and thereby benefiting that state ln..he 1-o.sythe takes the pint ot Instead of Oregon. Is tin.) what youi"'"'1 '""'"''. ' ,l,e repr.bictioii is call making a market for Oicgon made on u superb snile. U"0' I... . r.. . o . OK l'.(.0. FAK.MIJt. u,k M,nn MtlCIf I 111 lllll UVUUVI 1I1U.1IV 10 VII Mors About "Brownie" To tho Editor: I wonder If the Journal render was coasting ulong the( There has been nn unusual amount ul sidewalk, like they are doing In "Hx'v Intrvjbt taken by the pupils of the pails of Ihe city, when he met. the m((, ,.hoi since Miss Miiinetla Mug famous dog "Brownie." If so 1 1(,H taken charge of the woi k. The think he was only trying to tell hlm , rhoiim woik will be divided into thro cMimutcd in the budget State Engineer's Budget Is Passed Alter a long session the joint com niit'ce on ways and means lust evening pawl upon the budget of the stute engineer's office luutiug him an al lowance of un uggregiite of W7,bl0 for Kiilaii.s, office maintenance and field work for Ihe next two yen is, being u r. du.-tl.tn of HI, ,'170 from whut was ,. , . t, ,. , , .,,i;,. " . ".'- , cnoi us wuis win iih ..nun-.. ..in, iiiiii ..7..I..U...I in me .....ig.-i. snie ir.nn ., .. ...u-n o. '"."''"' It l BgauiM mc law, kii.i was i".i"g classe.,, one for gi.ls alone, a mixed . this the department receives nn sgg.e Up Grade This Semester Hay Basket-all tonight " N. I,. Uuv slleiided a meeting of fruit growers in Salem, Haturdav, Circuit Judge II. II. Belt i III Tllln monk Ihsi week holding a session of court for that county. Fie.1 (looeh, of Portland, wns a Dal las visitor Saturdny. Mrs, Cordla Porto'rfield, of Independ ence was a huslnrss visitor in this city Saturday. Attorney T,. P. Brown was a business visitor Tn Hnlem, Monday gale of '.'I.imiiI it ii m it 1 1 v on account of Ices, etc., out of which nu annual allow an.'.! of tlO.0110 was deducted, under Ihe former laws now repealed, nnd this inn. huh will heneel'oith go into the gen eral fund of the treasury. At last night's meeting of the eom- tn perlnrm a duly (he city authorities ,,,.,. nil,i . ...,, fo. ,ov. arc sadly neglect Ing. i (nl,. those pupils wim have had soni" A NOT 1 1 KR Itl'.ADLIl. ' music' liiiining In tho F.ighlh guide will from Corvallis where she attended B ' be ndiiiitted to these classes While the sclcs of Inres on poultry at tlm Jv"1''' outlined by M1" Mngcrs w II not Oregon Agricultural college. '? tchnnu 1, yet those who a ,,, In I c ul. i.-n:. ,.t...i .'lasses must possess sonic musical ubil at tha Dallas llospilnl Monday i.iorn- ''; ' 1 1,0 of a stand. miiteP members oS' he state board of lug for acute appendicitis. At last re- "l K'-de. It is the intentions of Miss control H0 appeare. and asked for nn ports she was progressing nicely. Mais to haye the three choruses merense in tho allowance formerly Belden Orant, of Porlliind, was a'dnll.'d to a high degree ot excellence j granted the blind School to permit the Dallas visitor several dnvs last week, bcfoni tho close iif tois semester and j employment of an additional teacher, (leorae Mus.ott Is eon lined to his. to have them furnish the music for the , nhicii will probably bn grunted, and home with an attach of the la grippe. I graduating einrcises next June, Mr. and Mrs. Fred teller nn.l fain-; " ' ' II V have returned to Black Hock where! Kir. Zeller is employed by Ihe Spauld Ing Lumber company. Miss Vcva Burns a teacher In the ....or in cni.-iii. .,.,,,.,". i nn i Mrs. Winnie Biadcn has returned Bums. Buena Vlta schools spent Sunday nt the home of her mother Mis. .-warms WHIM rvmttAtitf TRY SALEU FIRST also if'JS.IKIO more for the inninteiuinee of he state penitentiary, which will bring the total fur that institution up to 1 7.1,70(1. Tho Increase aiko.l for lis made upon the estimate of a per j capita cost of 4108 per year for a total I of Jot) Inmates, bacd upon the cost of j maintaining the institution IVr the past I two years.