THE SALEM CAPITTAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1915. THREE Wm. G. Shepherd Under Arrest, Writes From Dunkirk, France By William G. Shepherd. (I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.) Dunkirk, France, Jan. 1!8 By mail to New York. Dunkirk is forbidden ground and 1 am under arrest in a ho tel as 1 write this. given." The extraordinary thing about this warning is that no oie obeys it. The other night, Dunkirk was shelled for a fourth time. Kighty bombs were drop ped nnd there were five more tuneritls, .My jailer has ordeis to take me down I"""1 crowded hospitals became more to the train nt noon nnd start me oft' for Calais. His name is Theodore Hoot ens, and Seattle is his home, though he eame over here for the war ami was H8signed to the secret service of the French army. At tiiis blessed moment his wife is in Deadwood, South Dakota, and Hootens wonts her to have a copy of this story addressed to her, in care of general delivery, lie's glad to be H .jailer for an American. In fact, I crowded, for there were more wound ed to care for. The pood fcilk of Dunkirk will not KO to their cellar. Tiie sight is too wonderful to miss. At one time they sawour French aeroplanes ehase seven (ierman plnnes through the sky, and who would stay in a cellar while a show like that was going onf The second time MX (ierman acio.ilanca hovered over the town and the Duukirkiaiis Sunshine Expected When the British Steamer For Some Trainload of Portlanders Arrive Tomorrow think 1 should have spent last night in j rushed to the street to watch for an jail, where two Knglish newspapermen j other sky battle. Sure enough six tire languishing, had not Hootens t,V, I French and three English planes rushed the "hief of the secret service that he ! into the skies toward the Germans, would vouch for iny not running away, jwho went away from there almost im But triendlv as he is. HooteiM has to i mediately. Anil then a Sunday or two escort me to the train mid put mo on j ago 24 (iorjiian machines passed over it. : Dunkirk in a great hurry, heading Hootens has his own troubles, tio. 1 across the channel toward Kngluud ami "I'm worried about my lather," said ! 1 1 sightseers were killed, including sev Jlootcus. "He lives in Armeutieres, j en children. Then came the fu nth raid, and iie iB S3 years old. The roof ofj How to get the folks to lose interest the old home there was blown off by a! ill such daring affairs and rush to their ( shell and lie hail to get out. 11,. j basements is a problem too great either went t(i live with neighbors and their I tor tne mayor' or the military author house was unrooted and so dud moved j Hits. Thirty-two thousand civilians from there to a eeilur in the house of i live in Dunkirk and you can't arrest another friend, but I can't get him to'tlieni all in a bunch. The (Ierman lines move from the town. He snvs he 's liv-1 are .only IS miles from here, and its ed there all his life and that no (lor-; only -0-minute ride in a flier from cans can drive him out." tlie Herman hangars to Dunkirk, so l.iHl evening befoie the secret ser-1 there is every reason to believe that vice men got ine I had a ( bailee tn look Dunkirk may expect another air raid over this much tie-bombarded town. at any daylight moment. Aeroplanes do The last three weeks three sets of fu- not raid o'nights. It is only the Zep ncrals huve passed through its streets, pelin that can do night wtii k, nnd so .Dunkirk burying its dead victim ofj tar Dunkirk has hail no night uttacks. (lermui aeroplanes. Only this morning Tne Ilelgian army heailiiiarters is seven caskets, bearing the corpses of 'seven miles nearer the front than this children who were killed when a flock inml there is only a liltle flntiron shaped of '4 Herman flviim machines missed .pices of Helgium left about 12 miles over Dunkirk, we're curried through the along the North sea const the king and greets in hearses. Count von l.ichter-, queen ore still on Hclfcinn soil, within veld.', uf the Ilelgian war office, who 'range, most of the time, of the German Ready Help in time of physical trouble caused by indigestion, biliousness resulting from torpid liver, inactive Lorels, is al ways Riven, quickly, certainly, safely by the moat famous of family remedies Purpose Displayed Stars and Stripes at Sea It looks as though the Muts' boast that they have the weather prophet scared into submission will make good. The weather so far since U. S. Fore caster Reals was taken in charge by their committee on "weather medi cine" has been all that could be ex pected, and if it continues all will be well, but if he slips up on his incanta tions he II be n sorry .Mut. A wire was received by J. E. Crowe, Mut 574, from C. F. Berg, Imperial Tel Et To Yuh, this morning, repeating the warning to prospective Huts to be on hand. Mut Scout 542, Will F. Spencer, wish es to have all members of the organiza tion now in Salem be at tho siding on Commercial street to meet the Special on its arrival at 11 o clock tomorrow. This is of importance. A cull has been made for the Cherrians to assemble to meet the visitors. It is expected that everything will be carried off as planned, and that the different events will be disposed of on time, that is provuling the "jitney'' bus which the president of the Salem Jitney Transportation Co. has placed at the disposal of President Franklin T. Griffith, of the 1'ortlaiid Knilway Light & l'nwer Co. will permit, an expert chauffeur has been engaged nnd a corps of trustworthy repairmen will accom pany the private car so it is hoped it will manage to pull through at any rate it is expected that those who stay off the streets will be safe. It is believed that the legislative hob New York, Feb. 10. Passengers ar riving here today on the Cuuard liner Orduna, from Liverpool, delared that vessel flew the American flag for nearly 24 hours. ur. January 31, whi e in the Irish Bea. The flag was hoisted by orders 0f Captain Taylor after the uriiuua lett the -Mersey and it BEECMl'S PiLLS Urmt Sal of Any Medlclna b th. World, fold oTarvwhoro. In boxci. 10c, 25c. kept flying until Mondnv morning, Passeugers said tho change of flags followed tho receipt of a wireless mes sage from shore. Jt was not known whether the message was from the Famous Artists At Armory, Friday Scotsman, June 22. 1914 A comnlote was ftrtiKts suet-ens must be reciinlcd of .lisn CWH r W W W " KiAM WbA Hal MM obVbIAI n II El El El M EI It HI II 11 II II II 11 u 13 BUY IN SALEM 622.23223330 (thick 'h oiiy mritul vostevtlay iit'ter- nooii. Alias (.thick's voue is a wc-ll train , ca snpriino. lioMsi'Hsint' consmtMiuuc k. , t'l,.vil.iliM- uiwl .twnilnrlv ,.,., in Mm T 1-ti-iiiiit. i,i..,;r..iti. f .. , I- 1 upper tones, in u whi enoHcn sc-it'cuoii ' ii.,, i',ltl,i i;. i"t' HimiH. the rveitiiliat showed her en- Attention was'ealled to the fact tl.nt : l,a,'U' to "t!'r il,tu !"'" out thvr'ri it was on January 31 that the derma,, j "'K ;""y,'",1S "u among the ,11 iihuu um mm; HfiiiH uiiu iinyiu iiit'iuiiiii : :5 Only a Few Days In which to take advantage of our wonderful offer on BALMACAANS The latest have just arrived absolutely guaran teed RAIN PROOF For good dressers of perfect taste our new assort ment is ideal. This Week Only 15 per cent Off If you cut this Ad. out and bring it to our store, it will entitle the holder to 15 per cent Reductions on All Balmacaans k Fa El Si N E3 II 13 11 m n m u til n it 2 subuiuriuo L'-Hl sank three steamers off Fleetwood. The Ben Cunehen was sent to tho bottom about the time the Orduna sniled. Then came the wire less messnge to the Orduna and change of flags, her interpretation of Schubert's "Du bist die liuh" and Handel's "Oh Sleep, I Why Dost Thou Leave Me," fur their tl1(. air of absorbed calm, and in a lighter vein the three songs by the f reach cum- II 11 El tJ 11 11 U li We are continuing carrying the reliable CRAWFORD, always considered the best. The American flug remained on the l'01"'1' " harpentier," nnd interesting Orduna 'a mast until the vessel was off excerpt from Pei-gnlcsi's old Italian Queenstown where the British flag was "I.a Serva Padronu.'' Mr. Ziinbulist, substituted.' When the pilot wnslthc well known violin virtuoso, filled drniuicil th Americnn flnir wits nirniu ! the office of accoiunuiiist with siuir- raised nnd remained aloft until the! ularly unubtrusive taste, besides cum-i H vessel was well of the Irish coast, iing forward as a composer with a Hus !J Members of tho crew told several of sian peasant song, 'which most sympa- J Ilia I Iv.hii.n 'a,. tl.nt tl. .... ... I , I. ... J.... 11,. .......I 1.,. Af!u i:i....t, 1.. om tain had been warned by the British I that, languuge, proved the hit of the admiralty that, u number of C.ermnn j alternoon, the audience refusing to be submarines were off the Irish const sntisfied until it hud been sung 11 sec. n;d and to use every precaution to protect tine. li SHOES HATS BRICK BROTHERS Formerly Oscar Johnson's .' Plymouth, Corner State and Liberty Streets. A complete line of the latest U m 13 K3 Fashion u Hats I E3 u Miw the funeral, told me it was theiguns anil in constant Hunger ol aero-" "i or urciu oeuern 10 tne taiblesi going he had seen in all the 1 plane bmibs. Within a very few hours, j members of both houses, and it is to vati jif the Ilelgian lines along the Yser were ! be hoped that the kindly assistance so Dunkirk goes nbont its business asto break, the (ierman forces would be freely offered by the Mots will be usual, until nightfall. Then it closes ; occupying tho very house in which tne ! duly appreciated by the regulars, ns its shutters and stays indoors and at ! ''"UK 's living. Within L'4 hours, ar-j they may never have another opportun o 'clock out goes every light in every i least, the Cermans would be in Dunkirk ity to observe how a real legislature house uml hotel. N " lc. the French braced and stopped should be conducted. Spectators will " Vly citizens" reads a public letter ' them. be admitted but upon the first inilicn- whicj the mayor has posted throughout Ameiica hears much about the Ilel-; tion 0f risibility on their part they will the town, "yiu are brave, 1 know, but'giun atrocities but so liltle about the. j beturned over to the pitchfork brigade, nevertheless,' sensible. It is folly to ! army that it may be supposed ; In the afternoon ut 2:30 o'clock the remiiti in tile streets when the (Ierman j that there is no Belgian army left. The! Sluts' band will render a concert on aeroplanes fly over our city, and 1 beg j fact is that 30,000 men arc in the Yser! the west steps of the state house, the "vtii to go to your cellars at the first j trendies, another 50,(100 arc in reserve ! weather permitting, in case of rnin, sound of the warning signal from the i and s:lill another 50,000 mostly yu.iths however, the urmory will be nppropriat tocsin. It is brave to risk one's life! nrp being drilled at various points in ed. Admisisnn will be free. This will when some benefit is Ut be gained, but i Fram e. So the Belgian army of 150,1100 be a treat to the music lovers of .Salem. it is folly and not braverv to put one's ; is still to be counted on. But here the following program will be ren life in jeopardy out of sheer thought-j conies cDtective Hootens of Dreadwood dered: lessiffs or bravado. Therefore go tojund Seattle. I wonder if I can make "The Boys of the Old Biignde" vour cellars when the alarm is first! him carry my bag down to the depn'. j March W. Paris Chambers ."All..;,.,.! Jokes" Grand Potpourri J. V, Hiinim "The Firefly "rSelect ion from Com edy Opera Utidolf Flime "William Tell" Overture ..(I. Rossini " Maryland Yuriutious for Differ ent Instruments" ...... T. V. Short "Bullet Music From Fnnst" 0. II. (Inniul the Orduna and her mails, Henry Winter, assistant genernl manager of the Cunurd line, issued the following statement this afternoon: "As usual, the Orduna was flying the American flag from her roremast and tho Fnioii Jack from the tuff ruil when she left Liverpool.. She was fly- ing rue same wnen sue emereo fu ()f Hfc ,, rn,a, w11) hi llv iiui.'.w. .'U..n lt..""Ml ;., ,i I, ', 1 1 ...I.l. .1... I The, 1 Ion. May IS, 1!IH. ' ' A violin concerto shorn of its intercut, yet so good, an artist is Mr. Zimbnust that the rending he gave of Sliix i Brueh's (1 Minor Concerto nt the IQuecn's Hall on Saturday afternoun enntuined all thnt was attractive, so indicated her destination anil those nt't He exprcB:ed himself with the nationnlitv of the, vessel. . ' . ; .' ,, . .,,,. ;., ,i, ,.,. f lo siy. and llic. nt way ol say in, ti,.,t ,.(..;.. ..,.s..k.,.i n... ... I. .v-1 obvious of anything else. ,1,1,1 l, ce.l .I,,," A, i,- fl ' whnrn "in,,r ''"''"'l" ?S"0 the Untish flag shoulil have been. " Despite Winter's assertion, 11. T. Strong, of New York, a first cabin piiH senger, said he saw the Americnn flag flying aft. His statement was cor roborated by James Ford and others. Officials of the Cunurd line insisted that the passenger "must have been mistaken," or had "started the story for n joke." toil 1'tiov, lo :i!0 ,.t w hat lie was 1',' i"g it, Hack (i for violin alone, was a good test ns to the com mand this yo i r violinist l i.t i.c his instrument. I QUINABY NEWS NOTES THEY ALLJEMAND IT Salem, Like Every City and Town in the Union, Receives It, People with kidney ills want to be cuicd. When one suffers the tor tures of an aching back, relief is ,.. ...... ..!. f.x.. Thorn tll'i, tlltlltV remedies today that relieve, but do sficgth. not ''" 8 c,""'y "c brought lasting results to thousands. Here is Salem evidence of their merit, f. N. Hidirewav. MS S. !2nd St., Salem, says: "I hud pains in the small of m v back and my back aciicu WILSON ANNOUNCES DECISION TO CALL . SPECIAL SESSION (Continued from Page One.) fort to break the administration': Good Caused Wrangle. Wnihiiigtdi, Feb, 10. Representative (iood, of Iowa, precipitated a wrangle the house toilav when be charged nt'tnat J'resi.ieni wnson nan iniiuenccu night. I tired ensilv, was languid nn.t""e cu,,,,,,.-,-. w hud headaches. Sometimes my sight it" decision to grant a 5 per cent in blurred There was seilinmnt in the creas to cast.m railrouds. Kidnev' secretions. Dona's Kidney! the debate a motion to strike Brown of Harvard Is Interesting Show Pills helned me creatlv nnil I pmmciy nun un- ihi.m. nn. .mm . . cull your attention to some recommended them nt that time, priation ot if.l,nuo,000 lor fixing a pn.y . ful.,s i,ncerning the play W hile we are awaiting the arrival of more pictures of the various ioeal stars who will shine next Tuesday and Wed uesduy evenings in the big Artisun pro duction of the tuitions college comedy "Brown of Harvard," so that we can give them the separate and individual notices thev deserve gen, Refuse to Comment. Washington, Feb. .10. State depart ment officials declined this nfteruoon to discuss the charge that the Cunaid liner Orduna had used Hie American flag off the Irish coast, though it was generally agreed it would strengthen llie government's position in regnrd to the note to (treat Britain relative to the J.usitania incident, if proven. FATHER CONFERS MASTER MASON DEGREE ON SON Lnrgost Assembly of Masons Here In Many Years Attend Special Com munication Last Evening. Dudley 2 & indies NonsiAN 2,li inches (Capital Journal Special Service.) (initially, Or., Feb. !). Miss I.eona (lirod of Salem was an over Sunday visitor at the homo of her aunt and uncle, Sir. and Sirs. Arthur (lirod. I Sirs. N. K. (iuniard returned to her ! home in Salem Suiulny after a week 's I visit with friends here. (instnvo (iirod has been ,piife ill from La (Irippe the past mouth, but is now much improved. During his ill ness he has been ut the home of his.; son, Arthur flirod. I i Mr. Worden severely cut his hand; 'the other day with an axe, his thumb1 : being laid open by a misdirected blow.' Mrs. .Mane llnrolil has been con fini'iLJo her bed for the past two! mouths, her trouble being rheumatic, coupled with the infirmities of age. .Mrs. Ous. Ilanilil of Stavton, who ! ARROW COLLARS Are not excelled by any other 2 for 25 cent collars made here or abroad Oi k-it, I'kjiioiiy & Co,, Int. Makius ok Anaow Siunin Taov, N.Y. ! k l ! sfc Tuu in' yesterday aneruoon i iuuiiged to SIDE LIGHTS ON THE LEGISLATURE t'uu you bent it? Dny before yester-! juiiiit.' branch of Hie legisht-' jjf get by Representative Katon, who 1ins ( takeii it ii)niii iiirnsclf to object to tho t in! reduction of any morn bills during jc me session, except, iney no upon i:mi- ! XothiiiL' has ourre,l to change my siial valuation ot was oiieren. "Urown f Harvard" is a comedy high opinion of this remedy, in fact, It was dclenteil. upronrouslv funny coined v with n ,v confidence in it is greater than; Representative (lotdon of Ohio said . tremendously exciting plot. That is a ever for I got a permanent cure." (loo:l was the first members ot the '(,mi)iimtin n.ilU.h mly ,, rllth(,r Price 50c, nt all dealers. Don't, houso woo uarci openly u. say wnni tne t0 imagine, but that's just niniplv ask for a kidney remedy get , republicans mm neen wnispenng ninoiig , ir,)Wll (lf jrVard" is. It is n scream Doau's Kidnev Pills-the same that ! thcm-elves. l.or.lon sunt lie nan nearu ril)fi ,1 ,. f-0I1 i tl crescendo of laugh Sir. Ridgwav had. Foster Milburn .o.,'nf the charge, and had talked the mat- t,,r ,, a ,prritk. sl0c,.ssiou of thrills. Props., Buffalo, X, Y. ;ter over with the president. 'There is a punch in eveiy line, a roar in every tteene, (inn t no pcrunlH lii'twoen puiicIu'H nml rours nn filled to over- One of the In most. arn'reuiitionH of M)ihoii,h tlmt hn HMr-eiiihlfd in .Siilein fur Home time were in uttelxluneo. lit the Hjieciul coin jimi n in t ion of i'm-ific we would like to r'e n' u- lt even- !l ! K wnnesH tne nuwiiiK or ".Mem" t I'enree to the MiiHter -lnson decree, liin ti'iH 'tf yravf importance and iiiiroo-iii' tion liills, nml introduced (mother lill in the limine yesterday nftenioon. She uiiited until .Mr, Katon had left the, hull, find then, between peeks nroniid the huye mIIi- wliich stumh lietwei'ii her dec I; nnd tlmt- of the house wnteh dofj, " flie coyly imked nuaniinouK ron- l M i'tt I ii rv'.v Kvn ll H wild icctMl v nil- : - " i niuu' im- m'l inn, iuim mic liii. : dcr cut a ooenillou in n PoHlnnd i""' W" of 411 without a wr,l of protest. new hospital is spending a few weeks with I"'"1"1 ""' comparatively brief space bill seeks to make indemnity iusniaiic) her parents Mr. uml Mrs. rhni les I'ligli'0'' seen hours. Yesterday this same . companies party to suits when det'end- ni'ii,. "1 lllicniiieii sipii, llili-l I'll a lllll'IllIT IN proiccici ny SUCH insurance. live r.yurs ot the peoples' time in nrgu- ineut over tne, merits ol two mensiircs, Iny I ne well known here is in a Portland hos-ltive assembly made a record for itself pital, where her health is improving. in ,i!lsBing intelligently and cxpediti- at Cliciunwa, The friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. William I Clot, .lil will be interested in the CALIFORNIA '"that he would as soon think of try ling lo influence the supreme cunt us ilte wiold the interstate commerce com mission ALFALFA, HOGS AND DAIRYING PAY. the 100 acres or more for sale or ex change in the Sacramento Valley. C.leeu County, California, nenr good town, river and rail transportation! orow alfalfa; it i a mortgage litter .. i;na .ilrnfilv across the ' h. Mill. Orchard west of the Mississippi river, 1 , idatitina flOOti: "And." added (lood, "under acres in oranges, lemons, limes und ; pressuie' o f the president, the commix grape fruit, etc. This alone will mako sion will grant tlie incrense. fi. -i nrimnrtv worth more than! ' 1 b1,. t 'ii'KVS HOUSE APPROPRIATES i.low. Price l 10 per acre, on terms. I Will accept M"'O0 to 'iOO0 in clearj prnpertv and some casn as rui flowing with delightful giggles und the melody of rousing college songs. I U... . .,.., fnt i,.... (lood however, repeated mis nr''"" I" lirnwn of Jlurvnrd: " tion and declared that all recent inter- 4,i... .... n...,...i , t.. state commcrre commission appointees wRmM M on(1 ti(,ntn, ,n N(,w wl()iYork City, and has smashed tho box ,ui,c.c iccorun in evcy uig cny in ,nc country. "Hrown of Harvard" lins been pro' clnimcd by the lending critic to be not lather Past (Irainl Master Lot I Penrce having charge of the work and conferring the degree. Mr. Penrce, a prominent merchant, nP fiiiu,. iu .. i ,.l,,.t . " ' ' ,.-..,.;.."' " s urn, "i ic iu., n.ltll- Ull. I III,' large attendance representing loilges all over the state was n rare tribute of the high esteem in wliich he is held by the Masons of the slate. The muster of the lodge (lien N'iles turned the gnvel over to Mr. J'enrce for the evening and lie selected the men for different parts of the work. Past (Irand Master J. C. Morelond, acting ns senior warden, Past (Irand ing to tie rcconsidercil, reargued nnd passed in the afternoon, and the other was finally passed with only nine dis renting votes. Thus it happens that a mere handful of scan' a liiilf do.en men can tie the .iiiihIi completely of a work- favored increasing railroad rates said that Commissioner Dnntels, has gone to Chicago to take evidence in the rate hearing to be hold there, would recommend an Increase of li per across the cent fur the benefit of tho railrouds i announcement of the birth of a sun to lone of which was rejected in the mien- them at their home in Aldorcmere, Canada, January 17th. Mrs. Croteau was formerly Miss Jennie McMunn. ' Rev. (Iny Stover preached nt the ; Q,uinnby school house Sunday morning, and announced services lor next Min dnv evcninir at (hat place, to be con ducted by Captain Shiver, former j becii'ise of th chief of police of Portland, who i8,mentary usage living on his farm at ( lear Lake. A campaign is to be started to secure funds for the erection of a church at Ouinuby, where the Hvaugclicnl Asso cintion' already has a fine open air tabernacle and n beautiful park for CIRCUIT COURT. meat, on ench loo acres, uaiance , i years, 0 per cent. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2nd Floor, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Special 0. E. Trains Kffective Tuesday, February 9, continuing through session of legislature daily except Satur day and Suiulny, the Oregon F.bvlric Railway' will run special trains, leaving lloyt street at .I:", p. in., Jefferson street 4:0," n. m (linden Home 4:L',1, arrive I only the best college jday on the stngc hut the greatest American comedy ever written. "Hruwn of llurviird" will be pro iduced here by special arrangement wu .the author and owners, and the privi lege of producing it, which the Ailisiuis 1 I i. : . . I. .. , ... i rfl n rPH O 1 PPTfAAl iJnlo emeu,, i m ries mil, 11 inc uiu- IfUlV KtrUAlil JilwUL'0" r"'v""' ('v"r i'""1 f,)l' "" m"'"f production; Attumnt Made to Place Rider Olvlni1 ."Mr"wn H'-'vard'' will be given Appropriation to Girls Industrial '"' m""t ''lubornte proiluction of an School. Il''".v ''v,'r I1"1 "" '" Snlein. The "prop 'list" calls fur several hundred special When the wnvs and means committee rl'' property, and the play wi, niensure carrying an npprupTiaiion of . "'ngcd with scenery built and paint $il."i,r.' for the niainleiinnce of the,1''1 especially for it. buys training school fur the ensuing T1"' ''""' '"r "Brown of Harvard' ftiemiiuin came up for consideration be-, contains the most notable array of Hi- fore the house in cuiiiniittee of the ' l"in talent ever se in the local stage whole yesterday afternoon an attempt nlll time. was made to omnibus an appropriation! "Drown of Harvard" will be played of IK.JuO for the maintenance f the'at prices which every one can affm. waywanl girls' humn llirniigh as a rider, to pay. All the scats in the house will with tho result that the house was bo reserved, and the prices will be i idling, 'd into a wordy war wliichiiad 70 cents no higher. The sent sale bordered upon a sectarian riot. The ; for both performances opens next Mule final result, however, mil that the ; day morning nt U o 'clock, proposed appropriation for the ghls'l ' 11 home was referred to the wavs and! Otto Pcetz, of Morn Sherman conn-1 ft hool wns held in Ifie tabernacle but it is not suited to winter weather audi the Sunday Schuol lins met since then I in the school house. While this build-1 ing is adapted to school purposes, it is a poor make shift for a. church, as the I seats Hre too small for a, lulls, and thej seating capacity innileipuite. Fnless the new building is placed at the vil-1 Inge of Qiiinuby, it is said that another; church oignnizntion plans In erect, a! church there to cure for the great num ber of nearby residents who do not en- 1 joy church privileges. w. . ......... '. ... CH II n cent i; inr .uni-n, " ,'"'"','"K .l"""'.' I Throughout the summer Sunday llurnctt, senior deacon, ( has. P. (Oiling; junior deacon, Past Master F. Al. Redfield and Past Master Oscar Hay tcr, stewards, Rev. James Klvin, chap lain. The degree team was composed of ('has. Met aiter, S. Z. Culver an, Fred A. Mclnlyre of Snlein i,o,lge No, 4 and W. A. Frixon, Hal II. Ilolani nml Willinin Wood of Pacific Lodge No. .10, The examination in the lecture of the pri ling degree was conducted by Russell R, llrooks. H, 'sides a larce mnnlicr of pnst masters who nttcnde.l . there were pies-, cut seven pasl grand masters, J. C.i Moorclnnd, II. It. Thielsen, Lot l I Penrce and (leorge II, lluriielt of Salem j James F. Itiiliinsun of Portland, who is ut present grnn.l secretary and David P. Mason and W. R. Ilily'cu of Albany. I'nder the able direction of (Hen Mies, mnster of the lodge, elaborate t'lnus had been made for the entertain ment of tho visitors and following the! lodge work n bnmpiet was served in l ,1... I. I...I, ..1,1. ... ...r1 , ":, the tn Short talks were made by .1. ( land, Dr. J. I,. Hill, of Albany, repre sentative W. P. l.atfcrtv, ut Corvallis and Oscar llayter, of Dallas, Judge (Inlloway today dismissed the case ol' .lames W. Fvnna against Alice Hvans,, a suit for divorce on the grounds of cruel uml inhuman treat ing oody of lift well mcuaiag incu simply , mcut. The case was first called for i, rules governing parlia-. trial on December 0, Hil t, and atter tho . which guarantees t cv- hearing of testimony was continued fie cry man the right or courtesy nnd a ruri:i r testimony. I ne case was again hearing upon any subject which pre-j set for December -0, when the addi suits itself for considerat ion before the i tionul testimony was heurd and the chsc law-making body. And the members oftnken under advisement by the judge, the house who are almost invariably In , The couple were married in Coloniiio in volved in time-killing forciisies mny be, I0IJ, ami no children or property right. i counted ou the fingers of the two hands, j nre involved in the suit. W. H. Trin- dull iipp cured for the pluiiitil'f, the de ity dint (if a little cunning and a I'eiulant wns nut represented by ail nt poli -y of "wiitchfiil waiting," Miss' toni'.y. at Salem at "i." on flag local Home to Salem. Returning leave lOi.'IO ,. m arrive Home .:! p. m Street 12:10 a. in., at 111:1:.), stopping p. in., stopping points Harden Sab'm at at (Inrden ., Jefferson Hoit street at Harden Home oslv. Will only be run Saturday, if session that day. means committee with instructions to ty, is in the city vis'ling Ins cousin", bring in a bill embracing the accounts J, I nn. I K. N. peel,. Mr. Peetz Is asked and it will be fought out on Hsjeounty assessor of Shcminii county, merits. The appropriation for the i training school wns passed without time in debate over the merits of the opposition. Forbes bill to ratify the lease of the After having spent nenrly two hours, right to develop the mineral resources In debate the house vesierdav mnriiing1 of lakes Summer and Abert, In Duke voted down Police Court News ftftftftftftftftftftftftft CRAY, USE SAGE TEA' Don't Look Oldl Try Grandmother's Kocipe to Darken and Beautify Faded, LifolcaB Hair, I Thnt beautiful, even shade of dark,! glossy hair can only be had by brewing' a nii'xturn of Sngn Tea and Sulphur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or When it fades, turns n...l l....l.- ,l,u wi,,, ,v ami More-: '"'v' ""'"."" ' """ '"'' ". ,"',, scruggiy, jiisi n tipi'in ki iv Sage and Sulphur enhances its appear ance a hand red fold. Don 't bother to prepare the tonic; you can get iiom any ding store a o0 cent bottle of "Wyoih's Sage and Sulphur' Compound," ready to use. This can always bu depended upon to bring back the natural color, thickness and lustre of your hair and remove dandruff, stop sculp itching and fulling hair. Kvcrybody uses 'i WyethV Sage and Sulphur because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been nppiicl. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw BWMrmamutiinriiiumtoMmrmwmmimmt Salem's Most Attractive Market Place SUGGESTS PROVIDING NOW FOR THE LENTEN SEASON. Fer Can Normanna Boused Mackorl .. 20c Normaruia Fresh Mnckerl ... 25c Normanna Fat Herring lfic Cabaret Kippered Herring ... lfic Booth Boused Sardines HOC Federal Sardines In Mustard 10c Norway Sardines in Boullllon 10c Norse Prince Sardines lli'aC Sea Shell Sardines In Oil loc I CoiKtuorcr Sardines 5c Portland, Malno, rish Flakos 10c Red Ribbon Salmon . . 25c Otter Salmon 20c Winner Salmon ..lai 2o Pride of Columbia Salmon ... 10c Wliito'Star Tuna rish....ldc, 'JOc Little Neck Cl.uns llic, 25c Minced Clams 10c, ,o Oysters ..10c, mVaC, 20c, 2.ric, 10c T). Noiton wns given five dnvs in tho city jail this morning by Police Judge Flgin for begging on the streets Reiiresentative Smith 'a! count y, entered into between the staleiol' S:.lem. It appears that all idlers I ,t.-i i. v ... 11.... ,1... In. Inn. I l,Br.l n,,,l t' Mi,nrn Bo.llwhr. rn ulir.rt i.f enlt Imvn rnun.l n ' , , II, mill II I Illtuni,,'-. n .i'K i"'. ,m......,i , ........ i - I1-' s- , .. creating and regulating the account-' after former (lovernor West, Secretary ! way to get n meal under their belt by this through the hair, taknig one small 1 nney department, the bill was reenn- State Olcott nml Treasurer Kny had 'Imply seeking alms from one of the po-1 strnn l at a tinio; by morning tno gray side'red vesterday afternoon, lind, after put in about an hour's time i going .lice force. Nortel will not find It so hair has disappeared, and after nnother ..., .!., i,i I,,,..,, uramre. t i over n of the it el a I Is of the t ransur-1 ensv. however, as he wi so isist on nun cation it , incomes ncauui un v unm I nnsaed' with !4 votiiiir nciiinst. lt.Also 'tion: the house finally .nsse, the billibrcitl and water unless ho chooses to I and appears glossy, lustrous and abnu- after exhau'tiiii hours of the people's with only nine dissenting votoi, - work. dnnt. WESTACOTT-THIELSEN COMPANY 151 North High Btreot Grocery rhone 8D0; Meat riion 810 SOLUBLE SULPHUR SPRAY The, sulphur spiny perfected. Some of the nil vantages of Soluble Sulphur. A sulphur splay with the wuler left out. A dry powder, easily dissolved in cold or hot water. Makes a pi rfect solution; used' in the same way us IJino sulphur spray. No sediment; no grit to ivcnr out pumps und clog iio7..les. A inl it gives bettor results than Lime-sulphur at less cost. I'scd everywhere, Saves handling water and is alreudy to use by mixing with the water. No double to min. Ti.v it and see the results. D. A. White & Sons PHONE 160, 2M-201 STATE STREET. SALEM, OREGON