TWO THE 8 ALUM CAPITA! JOTTEKAL, CALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1915. Q ocialandPersonal Bll UOLLIB RVNOORS At their home on tho Jefferson, Saturday, January 30, Mr. ami Mrs. August Human entertained with a din ner in honor of their daughter, Lil lian's, birthday. Those who enjoyed their hospitality rare: Mrs. C. Donaldson, Mr. and M rs. George Donaldson, Mr. and Mis. K. P. Donaldson, Mj-, and Mrs. V. L. Donald- son, Miss f.inmn nhedeck, Alice Allport, Mr. bid. Lloy.le, Mr. llilge Donaldson, Alma llomnn, Muxiue and Krcel Don aldson, Kllcn Human t The fifty dollars promised to tho cholirsbip loan fund by the Salem Woman's club has been raised through the chain entertainment, and from now on all money will bo used to form a i subjects come up for discussion, the foundation for the building fund for j members also filling in the hours with their propcued new club house. The I needlework. A pretty valentine idea chain, which was started several weeks 'was carried out in decorations, red go, will probably continue for some j hearts alternating witn rapids in sug time, as all women of the city are in- gesting this date. Miss Julia Ivcrsou terosted in securing a new home for I was asked to assist, she ulso being nam their club. Mrs. Ucorge 0. lirown and led the club's next hostess, entertaining Mar. J. I). Sutherland woho tho initial1 hostesses entertaining this week. The greater uuiuber of tickets for tho Cherriun ball, which takes place in I ho armory next Monday night, hav been disposed of, a large number going tn senators and representatives, Arthur Wilson, a prominent Ciierrian, and lo cal manager of the Western Union, sell ing all day at tho cnpitol building yes terday. Kveryone t enthusiastic over Tomorrow afternoon, at the home uf the ai'fair, ami it promises in every way Mrs. Li.zio V. Smith, ll"S Center to eclipse any siniiliii event ever given street, the ladies of the W. H. C. are in Halera. 'giving a silver tea in honor uf Lin- i coin's birthday. Headings will be giv Mrs. Mary llowd, of Knst State l'u '"" ' "mineinnn.ted in other street, is planning an extended trip to (appropriate ways. J lie committee in California. She will leave the first f charge is composed (.. Mrs. Viola Mat next month, and will visit for seme. I '''', chairman; Mrs. Marion Mioyor, time Mrs. Julia lluckins, in Hun Jose,!11"'' illl,s A'"" h"" !' il'oso asked attending the Piiuuiiia-l'acil'ie exnosi- tion before her return. Mist Helen Wastoll, of Oakland, a former student at Willamette and one of tbi most popular girls during her at tendance here, relurned Monday to re sume studies at the local university after last year attending the Univer sity of California. She is in her junior year. Yesterday at noo.i Miss Wustoll was complimented by a luncheon given by the Philodosiun girls in Lausunuu hall, over thirty being present. The young Ladies of Sodality of Su rreal Heart academy are to give a play entitled "Mary Magdalene," as a henc fit performance in St. Joseph's hall, next Thursday evening at eight o'cln k. Musical numbers will feature the en tertainment. The music class of the academy is growing rapidly, the February recital to tnko plane the latter part of this month. t Mis Inez. Ilcuisun was a Salem at tendant at the week end concerts in I'ortland. The Students' Lyceum Course, under the management of (lieu MacAdam, gave another proof of its value last Saturday night, when it presented, at the Urand opera house, Nitui llcilharz, past master in the delightful art ol character impersonation. "The lloosici Schoolmaster" was his subject for the evening, and with a grace and charin lincqualod, ho produced in rapid suc cession the varied anil ninny characters of that famous novel in a manner so roalistie that they walked and breathed and lived again. Around them were tho iag cabins and tiie deep woods und tho tangled blue meadow grass uf over three quarters of century ago in the wilds of Indiana, Hoillinrz is an adept In delineation. Ho has what few read ers have almost perfect enunciation- and besides he is entirely lice from allocution. t Four new instructors were added to Salem's leaching force this semester, beginning their work Monday morning. Mas Kvelyn Cash, who will have charge of physical education in Salem, comes from routine, Mich. She is a graduate of lie Kmcrsoti school of u.ntnry of Jloston, specializing in physical educa tion part of the time at the Snigeant school. Two yea is she taught l'r work in a largo Methodist church of Detroit, Inter teaching physical education lit Twin Fulls, I.I -bo. The first semester this year was spent at the liimaii insti tution of Chicago, where she took ad vances! instruction In her ciiosen work. Miu ('ash will deviite two days each week to the high fcIiooI, woiking nt the grade school the remaining three day. It is the plan to do away with rocei periods in the junior high schools of the city, which Include the Seventh, Cighlh and Ninth guides, devoting Ihis time to physical education. Mini Matilda Anderson has been in Orpgein one yeur. She comes from Port Huron, Mich., and will teach English. Hh is a graduate of the I'ort Huron schools, teeoivlng her degree fioin the University of Michigan In Wot, She attended summer scuool In Chicago, at tended the Universities of Chicago and , Wisconsin and Marburg, (lermany, She taught English, history and (Icri'miil In Crnton, Mich, and Piirt Huron. M, O. James comes from O, A. C. He will teach nullum I tunning tu the grade. E. K. Horning, also of O. A, C, will bm the fourth assistant In the commcr- .,'i.t 4.u,iti-in i I tC th It' li 1 I teAchin coinmercinl. geography n-l arithmetio. Mr. O. W, Cooli.lge entertnined the Livesley "Lend a lluiid" club and to Oiville ctiili at u one o'clu k luu. h tem Friday, a portion ot the nfteinooii lieing pwed with Informal entertain meiiL In one contest Mrs, II, Caipeu- ter awai.lde lust pure and Miss ltow.lisa the consolation, both favors bfin waterc.'oi pictures, the noik of th kMte. 7 he following were pies enti Mr. D. (Juary, Mrs. II., Mr. H. Itowman, Mrs. Watson, Mrs, "' rcy, iwrs. i.H ity liiterpriie. Trjr, Mr J. Hressler, Mis. D, C.) Xrdi ltobert. of Woodbuin, who rrt, Nrs. W, K. Uckenbcal, , heen visiting here several davs. Mr, it trpenler, Mrs, N. Carpenter.i returned to hi hum today. I Miss Minnio Carpenter, Mrs. J. Hooth, Mrs. Cu rot hum, Alisfl Jda Colby, Mrs. Woodhousc, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Grooves. Mrs. Amos Vass was hostess for the Sumedi club Saturday afternoon at her i hreno ou South Commercial street. All .members, with tho exception two, were present, non-members asked to be pros cut being Miss Lizzie Haines lend Miss Adainsun, of Hilvorton. This club, which now has a member ship of sixteen, secured this number by adding the names of Mrs. J. A. Church ill, Mrs. K. C. Do I, dig and My-s. Ucorgc Aldeu at this and tiio previous meet ing. Literary and domestic science in a fortnight. The marriage of Miss Mary Kali in to (iconic T. McClcan is scheduled to take place in Astoria tolny, and is to be a foremost event ill Astoria society. Mrs. Ada .Strong und Miss Nell Thielsen went down some time ago to join the Kukin's house pnrty and be present at the wedding. " ' '" 11,8 uiicrnooii are: llnttie S. Thomas, Mrs. L. Ackeriniin, Mrs. Katie Schott, Mrs. Lulu Tracy, Mrs. Jennia Stewart anil Mis, Smith. Kiiima I The Loviil Woman's class of the,,nK tl,''n, a 'l'""'" or more arose to ox First Christian church will meet inil''' ii' to livo an outright their church parlors tomorrow uftei noon ; Christian life the best they knew, at half past two o'clock, on the occas-j '"night nt (I o'clock in the -irniorj. ion ol their regular social session, Mrs. ' s get-together supper will be V. T. 1'orter and Miss Hunt to ueside 1 1"''". Prcpn.utions nro being wide for ns hostesses. I8'x ,0 U'l't hund.-td men and it is '.'X- Valentino features and those in keep- ing with Lincoln's birthday will be in evid'neo, a short business meeting to precede tho social hour. Mrs. Kiln Watt left Saturday night for Oakland, California. She will spend the summer in California in tho interest of tho ArtiBiin lodge, going down ex pressly to formulate plans for enter taining the Oregon Artisans during the biir fair. July l.i will bo set aside as Artisan wniruin win iiiioress tnu student nt tnc dav, at that time all the work ol their University chape), ord-r to be demo intrateil at Convention I Friday night of this wi,,m will be the hall, secured for this purpose through second special night tor young peopl. the courtesy of tho fair management, j between the Pgos n-1 about IS and ,'5 A big delegation of I'ortland, Salem : Dr. Ostrom will iiivo his address on and iOuuene Artisans, with members ol"etting Where Ynj Pi,," this eiuani.atioii from practiciillv every lodge in tho state, will till special ex- cimmn trains, going do,vu for a week or it-ire during tho mid summer. Drill teams I mm all will bo present and par ticipate in competitive drills on Artisan day, other apecinl exercises marking tho occasion. Mr?. (I. (!. Moser, wife of the senntor from Multnomah county, arrived yen- terdiy, and with her husband will be domic iled during the remainder of the sessiui at tho Marion. t Mr. and M rs. V. K. Kiillerton have been passing a few cluys in I'ortland anil in l- expected home this evening. Hatiirdav evening In the unitary the; Sous of Veterans and Spanisn War Vet-1 ouininitlce of creditors, according to nil eraiis will be joint hosts, entertaining 1 noniiceiucnt today. His holdings are re- with n lurun baniiuet. The occasion will 'lonor Lincoln's birthday, and will be with speeches in keep ing with that date. All wives and friends of the above organizations and the 1, A. U. and nieiuliers uf V. It. C will be included ill the invitational list, the ift'uir to begin at six o'clock. A large delegation of out-of tiiwii so-1 ietv and musical people will arrlv nil '.'ilein at iniiereiii iioms i n.u.. to ntlcnd the lllucn Zimbalist concert. Mail orders have been pouring in troin a, ,lm vll,,v, Kud it is expected that i lie largest attendance at any of this season's eitarerts will be noted. Unearthed Human Skull Indicates Murder Mystery lliehinond, Cnl., Feb. 10. The un earthing, near Knightesen, of n human skull, containing two holes apparently made by bullets today furnished the Contra Costa county authorities with what muy prove to be a murder mys- tery. t niler nireeiion or nnern i vt , the ground In the vicinity will he exca vated to determine whether the other bones of tho human skeleton are burioi there also. Alexander Odell, a Santa IV railroad employe, uncovered the skull while dig glng t post hole near the Knightseu stimuli, mo grisly linn wus iiiiiiieui i ately turned over to the county author- itics mid a further investigation ordered. tjt....:. tr....t.. 1...I: ,1... .L,,ll .., I CMU-rill v cm.' n.-nr.i-n nn- rn, person who was murdered and whose bodv was later disniemhcre and buried in different places in tlili vicinity, Mia, L. U. Curtis, uf the Cuitls mil linery parlors, wont to Portland this illuming, P. 11. D'Arcy was a passenger on the Kli e'nc for Portland thia morning. Ileriitan P. Aline, nf Wtiodburll. re- ,...,,. i ... ki. sm today after visit Lf sVf,l dav with relative here. Mr. Jennie Hodson returued to her home In Salem Tuesday evening after few day visit In tin city. Oregon Dr. Ostrora Gives Interesting Address to Large Crowd Last Night "A Touch of the Infinite" or "A Woman's Wit" was the subject of Dr. Ostrom's address last night in tho tab ernacle. It was the story of tho woman who became healed of her infirmity by touching the hem of the garment thut Jesus wore. "And Jesus seemed to be off-guard' said the speaker, "for he said, 'who touched me? and yet the woman was heuled. You never come into conflict with Jesus butj he blesses you. "If you can iniugine Jesus off in some other part of the universe making a few million flowers; if you enn imag ing Him intent on making some more words; or could find Him listening in- Jtenlly to the choir invisible, you touch HiTti you will be cured. He knows your sorrows, temptations, misgivings, desires for good, He can relieve and bless. "In warfare it is 'victory' 'hurrah'; in business it is 'ull wool' 'great bar gain' 'unparalled opportunity'; in tho home it is (or should be) 'you dear child' 'you darling' but in the church we have taken out the 'hallelujah' and put in its place, 'Do you believe itf 'Is it true?' 'How do you knowl' Paul said 'I know whom I have believed' and the old book is full of 'I knows.' We must get buck to tho noto of tri umph und certainty. "Touch the Savior tonight and you will know th,nt ho has redeemed you, you will know the joy unspeakable, you will know that you nro a 'child of a King.' At the close of his address Mr. Ostrom asked all the men to assemble in one section of the building and the women went to another part. Ostrom uppemeti in me men to stand tog" as one man now during tho closing weeks of the meetings and before leav- pecteci to i, n great occasion. iollew- ing tho 'jupper a number of four ini iuto speeches will be nvide by tho governor, the mayor, a number of prominent mer chant ".nil professi iimi uimi nud a re sponso by Dr. O.ooi.i. The speeches will close in timu .o permit '.he in- n to get to tnc tnber uielo for tho even ing servici , Tomorrow is to I,; observed is a day of prayer in the homes and also in the university. At en-rh': v o'clock Dr. This afternoon nt thrjo o'cloc's ho gave mo auurcsa on iue bra of lr.nt- noss" and Thursday uf'orni m ut tlnee in the tnbcrnnclo the subject will be "The Greatest Worn in :ho vVurld." Saturday night of this week will be given to a special service for th m who through great sorrow or tt mptntion have fallen out by the wysido. Smith Lumber Company Very Heavily Involved San Krnneiseo, Keh. 10. (', A. Smith, head of the ('. A. Smith Lumber com pany ami numerous subsidiary compan ies in t'uliloriiia and Oregon, has placed his business affairs in I he hands of a pu ted to have been worth about $15, IIOil.lKiO a short time ago. Smith is uow In Chicago seeking an adjustment of his fiiinnees. Inability to pay interest on .j,000,0(l(l in wiiieh Smith's companies are bonded, was tho chief reason for the transfer ol his business affairs, according to a statement of the committee, The C. A. Smith Lumber company, Ihe principal creditor, has ifices here ..i,., ; uu , Point and .Marshtielil tire. SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER Harnilosa to Flush Kiknoja and Neu tralise Irritating Acid Splendid for Bystem Kidney und Bladder weannesa result (um urj(J neui WIV , n()t(1(, ailthority. , rhc Ki,n)v fil,r ,hi, sci, from lu , ,ll()oJ nm, )m1 lt ,0 tnn i,,i,iof( j n.r8 t 0t(ia rcmuiui to Irritate and infum(, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bUlcr, obliging you ,.,n i . ihnu. tin,... .i..nni. ...... n . ... . - - - -- the night. The sufferer I in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sonant in und is very pro fuse; ngnln, thcr la difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folk call It, because they can't control urination While it la extremely annoying and ! sometime very painful, this 1 really 1, . .: ..1I...H. A u.. come. (let about four ounce of Jad iniv ui me i.i.iw. aiiiiiiiv u.iui.-i.iB m w.,i- Salts from your phnraiaeist and take a tnblesiioonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three daya. This will neutrality th acids In the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary organs which then act norm ally again. ,)nd Salt I Inexpensive, harmless, and I made from the arid of grape and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folk who art subject to' urinary disorder caused by urie acid Irritation, Jad Malt la pleadid for kidney and cause no bad ffect whatever. Her yon bar a plnt, tfferv rent lilln wstcr driuk, which quickly relieve bladder trouble. HANDSOME STREET COSTUME FOR EARLY SPRING DAYS JO i The high collar, tight sleeves and rippled skirt stomp this gown as strict ly a la mode. It is developed in blue serge, with a vest and skirt trimming ui oiucr ami wnne siir, PERSONALS O. B. Tcel, city today. of t-hnn Ore., is in tho M. V. Jackson, of Elk visitor in the city today. City, is a Walter S. Muir, of Dallas, was in the city yesterday, coming to attend the spocni session of tho Masonic lodge hist evening. L. K. Siegmuml, of Htayton, was a visitor In toe, city yesterday, returning homo this morning. L E. Cutsforth, of Oervais, was in the city yesterday to attend tho special meeting of the Masonic, lodge. joorgo T. Drunk, of Independence, was in tho city on business yesterday, returning today. W. N, Mitchell, of btayton, is a vis itor here todnv. L. J, Purvine, of Independence, was in the city yesterday on business nnd uiien'iiag tho legislative sension. H. .O. Thomas, of Turner, is in the city lodny. H. K, Thompson, of Jefferson, was a visitor in Snicm yesterday, returning this morning. James Johnson and W. H. (low, both of Jelferson, were in the city last even ing to attend the special meeting at the Masons. .1. 11. Thomas, of Josonh. Ore., was ' ill 'he city yesterday. I W. S. Hare, of Turner, was a visitor in tho city, returning this afternoon. J. M. Holier, : Turner, was in the I city csterdny, C. K. Spniilding was a passenger on I the Electric, today for Portland. i n. if i i Dusmess men s League Held Meeting Last Night The five members of flip house of representatives from Marion county liiMirrssvii me cuieni nii'iiwsn men's league last, night at their monthly din ner held in the rooms of th..' Cnm. inercial club. Snm II. Hrown of Oervais, Thomas Brown of Salem, Ian II. Allen of Salem, I. C. Thorns of Jefferson, andl wenrge . weeks, of Salem all spoke, favoring house bill 400 which plucea a' heavy tax on ull trading stamp proposi-i lions. ! Arrangements were made to send a1 delegation to the stnte retail assoeia-1 tion, which meets in Portland for three! dnvs, beginning next Monday. The delegates appointed are Jos. Lebold, Oeorge Wechter, Win. (Illehrist, Jr., C. H. Hamilton, Wm. Oahlsdorf, Wm. ""' . """, ' -j ' 1 uni ' ?r.,nn: , . I i . u" ry or in nusinrss men s league would like to have the names of i all the Nalein business men who expect! to attend the Portland meeting Moil.: day, so that he can arrnnge for a! special car If necessary. Also to makei arrangements with the local men so that while In Portland, they can at tend the session in a body. The meeting Isat night w of more than usual Interest to all present, over 50 being in attendance. Kellaher Wants Commission To Govern State Senator Dsn Kellaher of Portland sprung something of a surprise on the members of the TI Payers League last night, when in speech before the league, he advocated th commission form of government for th state ot Oregon. Senator Kellaher stated that three commissioners from each of th three congressional district of the state should take the pise of the legisla ture nd alt commission nd boards, md that he favored th abolishment nt all slat boards, lrnmmi.siens, house i GET RID OF HUMORS AND AVOID DISEASE Ilumors in the blood cause inter nal derangements that affect the whole system, as well as pimples, boils and other eruptions. The affect all the organs and functions, mem branes and tissues, and aro directly responsible for the readiness with which some people contract diaease. For forty years Hood's Sarsnparilla has been more successful than any other medicine in expelling humors and removing their inward and out ward effects. It is distinguished for its thoroughness in purifying the blood, which it enriches and invigor ates. No other medicine acts like it, for no other medicine is like it. Get Hood's Sarsnparilla today. Insist on having Hood's. Increased Tax Levy Is Not Expected "Unless the present legislature gets unduly wild and extravagant there need be no feur on the part of the taxpayers of an iacroaso in the unnunl levy of taxes under the present system of laws," said a high state official last evening in discussing the possibility of big appropriation by the present as sembly. According to this official, also, the present legislature might even exceed the appropriations of the Inst sessioa by a considerable amount and there would be no appreciable difference in the levy for the yeur ltJ(l us compared to that for the present year. This as surnnce, coming from' a source whose authority is unquestioned, might serve ns a balm to the frightened nerves and quiet the fears of the quaking taxpay er v hi. Is awaiting the outcome r.f t lie Jiri a -sen-uly to see how irnui lw i g ing f bo ol In to pay on tin doIKi, It iB all very simple and is duo entirely to the code of laws on assessment and taxation of tho legislature of KM:) which works automatically to balance tho nnnual tax levy as between two ap propriation years. "Under the old law which was in -existence for 20 years prior to 1!)KI," snys this official, "the tux levying board was not permitted to anticipate conditional or extraordinary appropri ations- Beyond the limit of $200,000, While this margin was sufficient for tne JO years preceding to permit of tho equalization of state tax levies between two years, under the larger appropria tions of recent legislatures it was not sufficient. "The levy for 1(11,1, 1,122,000 was the lowest, that has been made in years. This wbb due to the appropri ation of the 1011 session, of $503,000 for the support of the university of Oregon having been referred to the people und defeated nnd this fund re turned to tho general fund of the treas ury where it laid until the following legislature made it ngnin available. In order to make up for the deficiency nnd satisfy tho appropriations for ltil.3 it wbb necessary to levy $4,105,000 for tho year. 1014 and this is what made tho appropriations of the lust session of the legislature loom up so great in the eyes of the taxpayers, when, as a mat ter of fact, the average levy for the amount aetlllv Tvi , Tt " i .!''' Telegraaf, its sale being forbidden 1U1.1-1B14 was 5,2S7,000, If it had not been for the $50:1,000 carried over from the your 1 ! 1 3 to 101,'t the tax levies for ' 1013 1014 would havo been $5,700,000, "The stale tax cominissinn wus in strumental in having the law amended in 1013 so as to equalize the levies be tween ouch annual period, For the year 1015 the total levy was $3,112,000 so there will not be any material de ficiency to make up in the year 111 It) unless the legislature grentlv exceeds the appropriations of the last session. Under the old laws we had 'Cut nnd loan' years in tax levies but under the present system the levies are so evenly balanced that it iniikcs but a shade of difference either way under ordinary conditions of conservative legislation." and seiiBte. The entire government of the state, except the .judicial, he said, snouiii no jilneed in thu hands of the nine commissioners. Ho believes thut all stale salaries are too high and that if this session of the legislature does not reduce these ! salaries, he was in favor of their re duction hy tho initiative at tho next stute election. Th League took no action on the senator's suggestions. WE'S DONE TOLE YO SO Howard Piano Phone 187 The Knabe Piano Is Used by such world famous artists as Alma Gluck The Howard Piano House can furnish you a Knabe in both Uprights and Grands. SEE THEM AT 133 N. LIBERTY ST. WAR ODDITIES i Melbourne A rubber life-saving ool- lar has been presented to every en-1 listed man in the Australian nnvv by! the British Jtubber Growers' Assoeia-! tion. I I Paris A French infantry corporal now in hospital at Tour, is suffering - rm ,....i. 4- .i . surgeon attending h m The British ., Juj!t Ml'STEUOLE in with record is held by a private soldier ' Bently. bee how quickly I'uighmtoi. hospital, with 50 wounds. Iiijjrj tho 1""" , . ,,,, ' ' , , I And there is nothing liko MUSTER- London 'I m sorry, madam, but j OT,H for Sore Thront, Bronchitis, Ton her grace is already hedded down," . simill (;rnup) sti(f Xeck, Asthniii, Nou was the reply of a titled cavalry of-1 nliKi Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy, ticers servant to a telephone request j Hheiiniatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches to speak with tho mistress of thel0f B.ick or Joints, Sprains, Sore Mus bousehold, (. ,.s Hi iiisoh, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, I Colds of the Chest (it often prevents London " It's a delightful life In, Pneumonia), the trenches," remarked a Tommy at i At your druggist's, in. 23c and 50c homo on furlough; "if you ever want .iurs, and a special largo hospital size anything ull you have to do is to show for If2.o0. your head over tho side and you get Be suro you get the genuine MUS it." TEMOLE. licfuso imitations got what I you ask for. The Musterole Company, London " Dutch lads after ale." is Cleveland, Ohio. I mi. l. Atkins' translation ot "IVutchlnnd uber Ales." Paris Having tested an alleged hn- hl-niti.lan n..,l it I dangerous to the wearer, the wnr of-1 "'e is now prosecuting the inventor on a charge of chicanery. Berlin Tho Scots Oreys are referred ! to in some of tho Herman newspapers as "The Scottish Regiment of tho i Foreign Minister llrey." ' Iondon A member of tho crew of the Olnsgnw who was in tho fight with the Leipzig and the I'resden off Chili savs the (.ermans scored only seven win uui VI tt ijiuunitmi sucilS lllVil, Amsterdam A dispatch front' Sfrns- burg says that aavonc using the French limgiiage in shop-window signs more now is name to one year's im prisonment. The prohibition also up- plies to business letters, accounts, and roceipts. icies unnecessary and thereby save cost, trouble and waste in duplicated effort Amsterdam Tho Algemeene Han- and expense, delsblad, has now shared the fate of: Appeals for food, alms or lodging by in Belgium. No leading Hutch paper is now allowed to appear in any part of the invaded country, Amsterdam All the hows and ar- rows in Belgium, where Archery was formerly a favorite sport, have been confiscated by the Hermans, according to the Telegraaf, because of the dis- envery that arrows were being used to shoot messages across the frontier. Railroad Blockade Is Finally Raised Hed.linif. C.I.. Feb. n.-After beinir! bloked most of last night by a ,ln,p orRers unnecessary troulde.' slide near Keiuiet, Shasta llolite trainsl , Employment for Men. were able to resume service early to-i ,,Ce"U'r rpo '""I'lny" b""'11;' " ,nv ' Men's club, 4i)0 Ferry street, phone tho landslide occurred at 10 p. m. I';"7' ,F,',.' ',0 employer and employe, and the tracks were completely ev- Thro"Bh nn,ire i"'y '"''l" ered for two hours. As a precaution, j,vork tnr tho unemployed, however, all passenger trains were held' Employment for Women, up until the return of davlight. The! 1(,f''r Bpplicanti to Mrs. A. N. norlhboiiiiil Shasta Limited and No. 14iBusni chairman industrial committee were held nl Kennct all night. Xiini- f"' omen, Y. W. C. A., 257 North Lib ber 15, held at nuiismiiir last night, f rly street, Phono 1015. passed through here, southbound, lit I Donation of food stuffs such ns ill a. in. today. I meat, beans, flour, sugar, potntoot. It Is raining hard and the Sacrauicn-i fruit, otc, would bo very helpful. These to river at 10:3(1 was at the II font will reach relief department If sent to stage and rising. 'county judge at the court house. Wc's done tolc yo' 'bout desc Bunko piano checks dat wus gwine to flood dis town. Now dis dream done conic true. Ucy have mailed dem out fum big Chicago to cve'y body, even to me an' yo' but it am a funny thing, desc liunko checks will nothin' buy. We has tried to spen' dem at dc butcher shop an' eve'yw har from low to high. Wc's a-gwine to try cve'ything else fus' an' if we can't spen' dem wc's gwine to give dem to dc man fur a ride on de jitney bus. 135 N. Liberty Street TRY SALEQ HRST GRANDMOTHER KNEW uiero watt nouung ou uouu ivr vua 1 gestion and Colds as Mustard. ! - , , , nut. tno oKimsnionea mustaia-piascer l"rncil and blistered while it acted l'Bn now Kt the relief nnd help that mustard plastors gave, without tho 1'lnster and without tho blister, MU8TEROLU does it. It is a clean, white ointment, mado with oil of mus- I turd. H is scientifically prepared, so Jl un-.i.; f.., i ' 1 ' 1 9 w,on"1 "', )0t 'm ' : blister tho tcndeiest skin. SALEM SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER Union of Fraternal, Kcligious, Civic, ;Illdllst,.inl and Other OrgiiniMtions und Citizens of Salem for .Mutual Aid. Uefer ull calls for relief or aid to tl10 Ontor. It is made up of all other relief agencies of tho city and hence it is equally yourB. By using it you rcn- l"r all separate relief boards and ngen- traasients at your doors, should bo re f erred to Center's headquarters fur men (Men's club) 4d0 Ferry street. Jf you wish to givo them food in return for services a book of ten meal tickets, costing $1 will save its cost many tiraca over, A meal ticket will give them f0d and food only, Relief f0r Local JanilUes, Women and Children. Food, clothing, fuel, medicul treat ment, etc. Mrs. W. E. Anderson, chair man relief committee, 1101 Court street. Phono 2304-M, 0 to 12 a. m. Bo prepared to give nunie, address, etc., correctly, and bo sure the need is gen- mmV MK rumors often give busy House Salem, Oregon