Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 09, 1915, Image 1

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Loosed Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
vclP& J&yJiUl ill I JiJiitflttlilll i IiU lUUL LI 111 .
Will Take Charge of All
Legislative and State
Pitch Fork Brigade To Haye
Charge of All Parties
Tiie following warning was received
ironi the Jluts this morning:
Von, the livewiros and good fellows
of Salem, whoso nainiia are appended
hereto, are duly notified that by regu
lar process governing the workings of
"Miudom" have been conscripted and
drafted by the Ancient Order of Mots,
and aro destined to become a "Mut."
You are further notified to arrange
your business affairs and family mat
ters, in such order that you may an
swer this summons. ' .
Von are commanded to appear at the
Southern Pacific siding on Commercial
Mrcet on Thursday, February 11, at 11
o'clock a. m. t meet the imperial dv
nasty upon its arrival in your city, tin
der penalty of being rounded up and
turned over to the tender mercies of the
"pitchfork brigade. "
IV K. Ilerg, Tel Ft Tu Yuh,
.). Fd Werlein, Neffer Kara Kham.
Will Walton, I .add i Hush bank.
As.ihol Hush, Jr., I.ud.l Si Hush bimlt
Da.e F.yor, I'nitod States bank. i
I'uul Wulliice, Sulun Water Works.
Chuuiicy llishop, Salem Woolen Mills :
Store. I
W. I). Kvans, Commercial lioitlc Store.'
M. L. Myers, .hoi Dry (ioo.ii Store. I
lo. II. Albeit, Capital National bunk.;
U. J. Hendricks, SHntesman l'ublish-1
iug i-ompiiny. j
K .It. l.ociihnrt, Statesman Publishing!
company, i
Dr. II. C, Kpley, dentist.
('. II. Fisher, tnpitul Journal.
It. K. Lee Steiner, siiperiiitendcut asv
luiii. Tom Itynn, state treasurer's office.
C. I.. McNary, attorney,
(ieo. II. Kiirnett, supreme court.
Ij. 'IV Harris, supreme court.
Judge Mcllride, supreme court.
Judge Mmre, supreme court.
Senator John Carson,
tleo. F. Itodgers, Uoilgers' book bind,
. II. 0. White, mayor.
John Huberts, capitalist.
Lewis Lucliniuuil, hop king.
C. K. Hpaulding, Spaulding Logging
August lluckestein, postmaster.
John Fai'iar, assistant pastmaster.
T. A. Livesley, Imp king.
Jos. Harris, hup king.
Itussel 8. Cutlin, capitalist.
IM Fry, druggist.
Fred Stuesloff, meat market.
II. A. Coniioyer.
Sidney Klliott, Salem Bank of Com
merce. Curtis Cross, packer.
Frink Durbiii, imp king.
Joe llniimgartner, hardware.
Harry Ollinger, dentist.
Lot Fearce, farm implements.
Max (lehlhnr, county clerk.
W. 1. Staler, business college.
Carl Ah rriins, St'itesmnn Publishing
(Continuod on Page Three.)
i A i ill
Twenty-Eght Bills Are Now
On Calendar For Third
Alth tho house had a total of
2S r o- calendar up for third
readint O passage the entire
morning (, t body was con
sumed in tin. " n of three
bills, one of wj. Sheriff
Singler (Jackson c aim for
$!)9.(!0 reimbursement t.. j return of
a prisoner from Boise, .inlio, which
was passed, and the other two are the
judiciary committee bill, amending the
present statute creating and regulating
the accountancy department of the of
fice of insurance commissioner, which
failed to pass by one vote, and Repre
sentative Forbea bill providing for the
ratification of the lease of Summer
and Abort lakes for tho purpose of de
veloping the mineral resources thereof,
between the state land board and Jason
C. Moore.
This latter bill occupied over an
hour's time in debate this morning and
was still up for consideration when the
house recessed at noon to bo taken up
again at 2 o'clock when the members
of tho stnte laud board were invited
to bo present and enlighten the mem
bers as to the true status of condi
tions in connodion with the negotia-
Hons for tho lease of the lakes and
the legal questions which arise in the ;
"-iivi-i. -.j unis t" i governor and attorney general slioulil
be acted upon during the remainder of thllt it . uVsiniblc.
the day and means that tho house Willi M wns ,,rP,ik.t,,j hy Nonntor Oarland
hold a night session tonight in ordor V0llU,r(i,lv morning when he asked that
to clear the desk. Whcrho house ad-, ;,nrt,fu, e,,,,,;,,.,.,,,!,,,, u, give,, hi, mo
.lourns this afternoon it mil he tojtioM t0 r(,.rt,f(.r JIis!) (.lllr)(0,a resolu.
meet again at o clock tonight. ,. on .,;, . the Bami, q,,sti(in
. Tim judiciary bill, amending the ae-!,, ,,,,.; wlln 01,,,os7,d the
couutancy department act: tiy "o;lify-! . Jr , , bm ,
ing its provisions so as to require the;. b
exncrtnii ot the countv records oulv
once in every two years, instend of
every venr as now provided and permit' '"' ! 'm.,u' "uu
the countv courts to select its own ac- "tor ilo,M'r for control of the scn
countiints' t expert the county books, B' ,w.u concerned in the fight and the
aroused n hented discussion and it was machine was not only crippled but liter
defeated when the vote was tnke... torn , l,on' ib 'M,a''
liepiesentative Smith, of Klamath, was w onAni tlin x,""''r '""' l'I'fcntly
lw t.,r thn I. ill nii.l l. nils ami- holding till' Upper lllllld.
ported bv Representative Duvev, of
Harney, but there was a powerful ar-
rnv of onnositinii to the measure tin-'
de'r the leadership of Representatives gether with Senntor Kutler and Senator
Vawter, ltrown (Thos.) of Marion. Strayer made a determined fight
Wagner, El re, Schuebcl, and others against the liill while Senator Moser,
w ho opposed the system on the ground : President Thompson, Senntor Smith of
thnt it was an undue and unnecessary : Coos and Curry, .Senator Langguth and
expense to the taxpayers, willed upon i Semitic (lurlnnd gave the bill strong
them without their consent, and un-! support.
satisfactory in its results. Objection The bill not only gives the governor
was also made to the allowance of thelaud the attorney general power to act
insurance commissioner of $500 nddi-! in conjunction in choosing special pros
tioniil salary under the provisions ofjocutors in case any law should aot be
the present law, whih was retained in enforced but removes from the attorney
the amendatory bill, anil the appropria- general the necessity of rendering opin
lion of 1 5,000 prescribed for carrying ona for nny wil0 Inny choose to ask
out the provision, of the act. The up-1 making it his dutv to render opinions
preprint ion is a reduction of .i,U0O ;u ro8ponse to the' request of state of
frnm the present law. ticiu8 oniy.
When the. Summer and Abort lakes, Thc (ril.ll8 of ti, Ml cira that it
lease ratification bill came up for eon- win Krmiy strengthen the liimds of tho
sideration it provoked a storm of de- ovprllor t( tw numbers of violations
bate pro and con, in which numerous, ((f the ..ohibitiull lllw thut ttr oXpel,t.
meinbers took an active part and theied t,K, nev lnw 00g iuto e(hvt
question wns finally laid over until; wu,n the ,,,,, U, jourll(.d t 000tt
the afternoon soHsioii in order that the: m(l(ion wn)) bpfure )he sonat t0 rp.
niomliers of the stato land uoai11 r ,f ,r t10
might appear and provide the house, reconvened this af-
with full .nformatlon concer l.g the , committee
situation in all of it. de ml an ,,,,,,,,;, for tll() r,10He 0f am-nd-numerous
angles from the standpoint . ' ,J... ... n
of law and the facts loading up to the:'"? J"'"11- H' ",,,"r? tler.nd Day
award of the lease to Jason Moore nn-,"' ' f '.rliV'.'nm'
der a 40 venr contract. This ques-! .' T ""' J "'I lnl 'I- ':
tion has boon discusse.1 from every! nut ee of the whole finally reported
point of view in the newspapers f, 1 with the rccommendatioa that It be re
several monlhs and has been given four! '''""d to the committee on judiciary
open hearings before the joint com-jwM' instructions to investigate Its con-
,,,;it.. Ih. 1,n,,n ami annntn nml StitUt I'llllllity.
li)l tl.rn wer, tonip iiieinbers of the'
house who claimed thev were not snf-
ficiently informed to cast an Intelli
gent vote upon the measure.
Keep hammering away while await
ing results.
A f AlrX anu
U- tea
A LtADefc
VN0 f 0R
Moser Faction Apparently
Have Best of Forces
Headed By Day
Moser's Bill Giving Governor
and Attorney General More
Power Provokes Row
"Too many engineers spoil a steam
roller just like too many cooks spoil
the broth," remarked one of the solons
as the senators passed out of the chara
be rthis morning, following a red hot
session in which leaders of the senate
machine hud taken opposite sides.
The bill provoking the discussion Was
a bill bv Hcnntor Moser civinir the at-
torney generul the power to take charge
f tn0 pr080cutiug of nay case when the
Moser Winning Out.
Senator Dny supposedly the leader of i
the senate and Senator llingham, com-
monly referred to as chief of stuff, to-:
I'nder the first order of business for
the morning House Joint Memorial No,
7 nnd Senate Joint Memorial No. 7 were
adopted and house bills No. .10, 10, and
i:U, senate bills No. 104 and 128 were
(Continued on Pago Three.)
Men Who Are Making Oregon History While
I oil
Latest Indications, However,
Are That Failure Will
Washington, Feb. 9. The most sen
sational and drastic attempt to throttle
a filibuster ever made in the United
States sennted seemed doomed to fail
ure this afternoon.
Republican members and their allies,
tho seven democrats who revoTled
agaist their party leaders, defeated the
friends of the government ship purchase
bill on every trial of strength. Twice
during the day's session the upper
house decided that a proposal by Hen-,
afor Heed thut senators be kept in the
chamber constantly as long as the body
was in session, could be debated as long
as any sonator wished to talk. On the
first test of strength the vote resulted
38 to 3il against the adniinistraion
forces and ou the second test 40 to 38.
The net result of Heed's proposal
was not to block the filibuster but
actually to widen the scope of the de
bate and furnish new subjects for the
filibustering republicans to discuss. If
thc senate should adopt Hood's pro
posal, it would mean that a vote (in tho
ship purchase bill would havo to come
when the eudiiraneo of the filibustering
seutors hud been exhausted. It would
be impossible, under the Heed plan, for
the filibustered toi divide themselves
into watches, some sleeping while tho
otiiers filibustered, thus prolonging in
definitely the session of the senate.
Today's session was merely a con
tinuation of thnt M'hich began at 10
o'clock Monday and which was carried
through lust night by a long speech by
Senator Jones of Washington.
"Seeing the hopelessness of passing his
continuance-attendance resolution, Sen
ator Hood later attempted to withdraw
it. The republicans objected and Heed
then moved thnt it be tubled, which
would kill it. This was done without a
rollcall. '
Senator Hitchcock, of Xebrnska, of
fered a sarcastic substitute fur tho
Heed resolution pivvnting further cau
cuses and conferences between senators
and I'residilit Wilson and ordering all
members to vote their own convictions.
"I don't criticize the president,"
said Hitchcock. "He is a ninn with
strong convictions, wild nuturally will
make every ettort to carry them out.
I do criticize the weuk-kneeded subser
viency on the part of the men in a co
ordinate branch of the government."
A cross complaint and answer was
filed lu the circuit court yesterday
afternoon by the defendant in the suitj8'"! Inter inquired regarding the con-
tor divorce brongnt bv Villia Tremc-
,.,.!. ,f i.,i, ,.,,,. Tim
snswer alleges that the plaintiff buB nj
3nci onvBv.o wuuv mw p. .....v.. a t I. ..
violent mid uncoutrolable temper audi
that she has threatened the defendant;1'"" " """""" "l """"""i
at divers times. He further alleges
that during his illness from rheumatism
she left her home leaving tho defend
ant without food to moot her former
husband Hofer, ejundostinclty. Ho
claims tnat he has done li2U0 worth of
work on her place and has loaned her
$200 and in addition to the $400 seeks
to rflcover a one-third Interest in the
plaintiff's farm. Carson & Brown are
representing the defendant.
The Weather
'This IS out.
tftTEST tens)
Oregon! Hain to
night and Wed
uesdny; cooler
ninth and east
portions tonight;
southerly winds,
German Guns Have Range of
Twenty-Six American Miles
By J. W. T. Manon.
(Former European Manager of tho
United Tress.)
New York, Feb. 9. Count Von Zep
pelin, defending the killing of civilians
by nirship, asks how it is possible to
tell where even a cannon shell will
"For instance," ho added, "sholls
from the new Kriipp guns have a re
ported range of 42 Kilometers."
Forty-two kilomotors equul 26 Amer
ican miles. Hep rts have been circulat
ed since tho outbreak of the war that
Germany possesses guns competent to
fire across the miles of the Strait of
Dover, but Count Von Zeppelin is tho
first German of recognized standing
to confirm thc rumor. Guns capable
of firing into England from tho French
coast would be of some value to tho
Germans if they could reach Calais and :
mount rifles opposite Dover. Hut even battles are not won by bombarding dis
hero the damage done would be local,! tout townB, The intervening army has
for the coast line curves abruptly audi to be drivca off first.
Received By Troops In Po
land With Great
(By Karl H. Von Wiegand.)
Grand Army Headquarters of Field
Marshal Von Ilindenberg In Poland,
via Berlin nnd by wireless to Snyville,
L. L, Feb. 0. Tho kuiser, inspecting
the German troops in the eastern
theatre of war, has been received with
unpufalleled enthusinsin.
Today lie reviewed the main Ger
man army along the liuwsa river and
the Silesiun landvvehr battalions. Ail
dressing the various units tho em
peror congratulated them on their
achievements and declared ultitnatu.phinf'" now controls ull the territory
victory for German arms was certain. 1 Hunt h of Aguns Cnlientes and Sun Luis
His Majesty is in excellent health, Potostl.
showing conclusively that recently cir- htat(, department officials aro still
ulated reports that he wns breaking wrestling with the problem presented
down under tho strum of directing the by Uonorul Villa's announcement thut
campaign were groundless. !lle i,,,,) 11BH,Hi tM0 presidency of Mex-
He held a conforeuco with Field, i(. Confirmation of this announce
Marshal Von Ilindenberg and his staff , i,a i r.,i.i :,, fi;,.:i
" i 'i"- ; ""- i
Poland now held by the Germans. Un-
r his direction, nn effort is being
. , , ,! A
' '"l" """" '" ,' n ""
It is generally believed hero that, as
a result of the kaiser's visit a new
Germnn offensive shortly will be de
veloped. Farm Demonstration
Leader Visits Salem
II. T. French, state leader of farm
demonstration work, of Corvnllis, wns
in thc city yesterday. Mr. French wns
here in conference with L. J. Chnpiii,
county agriculturist, In regard to the
work to bo done In this county tho com
ing year. Mr. Chapia is laying out
plans so thnt his time will be given to
community problems, rather than to in
dividuals. Fo- tiie coming yenr Mr. Chnpin Is
arranging plans tur demonstration
farms in different parts of the county.
Also he will give special time to pro
moting the corn Industry and to collect
dnta so that the farmer will know
the exact cost of a bushel of each of
the different grains raised. In other
words, to put farming on an actual
I business basis.
They Are Enacting Laws
mx . ';2y mA0
tm ff f
li . .... ,,,,vi.x- it hi yj.' f rii i i i n j
1. U J. . - X V ' . . I ', r I n I I II It (X. 41 U.-:fJ fl
V Joe- M i, i
i , v . .v. i',T ii tfi , , , sr i u V 'j ip f ti f ivy m i SH
"V T UJ 1 l HU I; PF t -vYl I SllV
moves other England towns beyond the
20-mile rango.
It is possiblo, however, that the guns
might bo mounted on especially con
structed stenmers and bombard Eng
lund moro effectively from mid-channel.
But then there aro serious dififeulties
in the way of ensuring the Bafety of
tho ship from the recoil of a gun so
huge as the latest Krupp invention.
Tho most effective nrtillory of tho
present war is thj French "Soixunte
quinzo," which is 0 3-inch gun worked
with maximum efficiency at a a rnnge
of a few thousand yards. The 42-kil.
meter guns which the Germans used to
destroy the forts at Liege, Antwerp
and Idaubciige have been of little use
in field operations. Artillery, as a mut
ter of fact, can quickly ovorreac.h itself
in Win fluid. A gun with a rang of 10
mill's may find its principal utility in
bombarding towns at a distance But
Villa's Forces Said to Have
Been Defeated In Series
of Battles
Washington, Feb. 0. The Villistas
troops throughout Mexico have met a
scries of disnstrous defeats, according
to dispatches received today by the
constitutionalist agency here.
These declare that Carranzista forces
have forced tho Villa supporters to
abandon Quorctnro and that the cap
ture of Monterey is expected daily. Vil
listn forces which recently ndvuneed
ngninst Mexico City are now declared
to be in retreat. Currnnzn's represen
tatives hero assert thut the "first
jmt(.h(,H from Ol,or(!1, (;, Cm-others, state
lepurtmeiit agent In Mexico. Villa in
sists, however, that tho assumption is
ouiv ii-iiiiiin iiry mm
only temporary nnd that ho was con;
pelleil to take action because It was lin-
possible for "the ,m
possible for "the iinvir!gn eocventku
to communicate frioiy wilh the north
ern status of the republi". ' '
The Btnto department is also consid
ering rumors of friction between Gen
eral Ciirrnn.n and the diplomatic, rep
resentatives of lMiropeun countries.
If He Drinks Liquor
Will Forfeit $4000
Tncoma, Wash., Feb. I). If Thomas
Cunnally takes a drink of liquor in the
next five months he will forfeit $1,000
to Police Justice Dewitt M. Evnns, Cun
nally, who has served thirty days of a
six months sentence in the county jail,
made the proposition to Justice P.vnns
tilny that If relensed, ho would deposit
the money with tho court as a bond to
Insure his sobriety. Justice Evnns ac
cepted the money and will place It in
the bunk. If, at the expiration of five
months, Cunnally has not violated his
promise, the 1,001) and accrued inter
est will he turned over to him,
Connelly wns sentencel by Justice
Mnghill fur stealing a purse contain
ing I" " '"f mmmnrrm
E -.TO
id cop son
Russian Movement Across
East Prussia Has Met
With Success
French Troops Recapture
Mill Recently Lest To
Petrograd, Feb. 8. The collapse of
the Gorman drive toward Warsaw it
believed to bo imminent.
The Russiua movement across East
Prussia has met with complete succesH.
The Germans are withdrawing largo
bodies of troops from their positions
along the Vistula river and aro hurry
ing them to Prussia to meet the Slav
advance which threatens the city of
Konigsberg and tho fortress of Thorn.
Although tho kiisor's trobs still
remaining in Poland nro fighting stub
bornly, the. Russian generul stuff bo
lieves thnt a strong Slav forward move
ment which will result in thc expulsion
of the Germans from Poland is about
to begin.
German Taubo Destroyed.
Paris, Feb. II. French artillerymen
today brought down a Tnubo which
was making observations along thej
Oise river. Its pilot and observer met
instant death. They were Germans.
French troops were reported to havo
recovered a mill near Laliussco, which
recently was evacuuted when attai keil1
by an overwhelming forco of Germain.
Activity nt Snissons was increasing.
The Germans were bombarding thc city
with incendiary bombs und parts of
ruined buildings were fired. Fumes
also was under bombardment.
Artillery engagements were reported
in progress at Vpres and Nieupoit.
Claim Russians Checked.
Berlin, by wireless to London, Feb.
0. Tho itussiun nttenipt lo brealc
down the German defense of East Prus
sia has been effectively checked, ad
vices received here this afternoon re
ported. Tho Germans, In their turn, are now
declared to be assuming the offensive,
having defeated the Slavs in a serica
of sharp outpost skirmishes. Rome of
those were of such proportions us to
assume, at times, the character of a
generul battle.
In other parts of the German east
ern battle front I ho situation is re
ported to be quiet.
Vienna telegraphs that the Austrian
forces have been able to cross tho
frontier of Hukovlna at several points
and havo met success everywhere. Fiva
hundred prisoners und seven guns r
declared to have been taken by tho
Austriaiis on February 7.
Tho offieiul statement issiuid hy tha
Gcrninii wnr office merely said:
"In Prussia we obtained somo inlnot
local successes. Otherwise the situa
tion is generally unchanged.''
Turkish Cruiser Sheila Town.
Petrograd, Feb. 0. News of th
shelling of the fashionable Russian sea
const town of Yalta, 52 miles south
west, of Sebnstopol, by the Turkish
cruiser Bresluu was received here to
day. Tho town was rniiled, while thai
Russian fleet was at sea and th
Hotel De Hussia and four mercantlls
(Continued on pago two)