Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 06, 1915, STREET EDITION, Image 1

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' iggII2 .
'mini vyiwvivym, oniuituni, riMittUAKY. b, lylo
Present legislature Slowest
and Most Cumbersome In
Late Years
Open Meeting In Senate
Chamber Tonight to Con
sider Factory at Pen
1 kropriatio
1 That Is Hard to Again
Straighten Out
Willi J." days i I' 1 lie c-.-lni g.mo mid
ml)' 12 more working iliivi in w.iii'ti to
(mih np its business, III.' 2Mh login
Wive im'iiiIiIv, nli 1 I. I'liimiv nnd
Bfttfiifliniciit " us Ms slogan and buttle
fry bnn tlms fur pineii itself .tie of
the iluwi'wt IHl'l Imot ''Li,,l,..i'Mi!lltl olli-
rlfigf li'k'i'l.'itiim that has misled in
JtlH, It Ulsil give- J I I ! 111" being
t he must M,i'iisive .in. I i:- ;i I'll lit in
tbr lildor.v ill' tin' stale.
Xol w it li t ;i ii i i 1 1 tli.' alcalde assist
wt ol tin' I'li'l;;. I -t''!i, wliic., wu ,
Illlll'JIIiall'.l li v III.' !;l, M'sili, lli'li'tl"
Im kill iii in tin' in. i I ctinag:mt
fc'tmblr, iiiiii,.iiiriini lulls nggiognt
HM IWI '"I'-i-iini; of si,..'ial
ifi'MI'iiatious ini.l I. ill
'if tfinilmrsi'iiii'iit i.r i ir ,
li'ifiiry rlainis, uiili i In.
the l.yduthi .,.14, n.
l ;.i,iinii win, li :i p. mi
tf'iii.l tinii' v,.. i ;n , :
witie i.::ii,! I;: m.
"Jji'i'im in tli.. Iii.ii i. : ,,.
vtuai inn.' i.. ii
''Hy I'v in- i i wi
Wtf.iV'f. .111.1 I'll i,,.,.,,
mm ui' lulls .in.
Jlll in llll' linn-.', M,
"llauil .n linn in .j, n
A".i' I'i..iii ,i. . .. ; ;
h'J'.iillK fir li.aoil. : .., ,
'"Ilk minis urn ,
il!,"'i ii.iin t.'u,n:il,v u
'"'Jill nlliilllitl,.
1,1 llii' L ai. lain.
"''ll'llltllllj III
"""""'i mia.itiui,
"ll''1' ii. Iiiin ,,
IW "l l.fillltvlv
"I of M ui.'iiMiirs
"' iWmntnii- s
'"'n iiitiii.lii.i',1 , M
wiHt.ly n ml ..,,
r''m, M,ii. '
"I' I')' I'llllllliitl...
One of tlio moHt Important meetings
tllllt llllH lil'I'U Scheduled (o (like H,.
during tin- present session of the login
lut ii tf, vastly iMipurtunt from nn iadus
trinl sluudiiniut nf particular interest
to tliiM Miction of tint Willamette vm
Icy, im tln open meeting of the joint
committee of the house niul somite
which will Im hi'M in the senate cham
ber at N o'clock tonight for the pur
juiNi! of considering the proposition of
installing ll flax working plant in ron
iii'itioii with tli Htntn pi'iiit.'iitiiiry.
A Inrijii i 'tiiij( vi'im ln'1,1 nt th'.
Miirion Imti'l at noon yontorilnv, in nt
li'iiilniii'i' upon which went tlovcrnor
Withycoiiiln., Mm. W. I'. Lonl, Klizn
bcth l.onl, HcniitorH llihop an,l Von
tier Helen, HcproiicntHtivin (Curtnilill,
iliiiirinnii of the hoime coinmittco,
1'rcniilcnt V. M. lfarnilton lind Hcvrc
tnrv l( :il I ii, Aroorcn 0f ooTiimiTclnl clnli,
mill Kinil irmiHctt, nn expcricncei! flux
(rower who Iiiih liccii in the binincnH
for ycnrii. Mr. HiniMctt Is ii Hon ln-lnw
of Eugene Hohhc, the notcil li,'l(iun
flax export who ven the father of the
imliiKtrv in tho Willamette. Valley ami
spent many yearn of linden effort in
trviiiK to aniline intoresit In the ostab
lishincnt of a linen mill. He Iiiiowh the
flux IttiHi iic.HH from the r.iiin.l up.
Tho purpose nf the nicotian nt the
ntale limine tonight in to eonsiiler the
proponilion of ,1. 0. Crawt'onl, Oiiector
of the Vorti 8lnle Kin x Hnimiinir Co.,
I.til., of Itelfimt, Irelnnil, who propnueii
ninrini); n mix null nt trie penitentiary
tin' relief ! ninl employ convict lalior. Mr. ( raw-
h':tls mi.l .. .
I'V.'.'I'linn ot
:i.iini. nation i
'l.l'.i tlif.H'yli
1 1 ' . . t l at i. ins .
pen. In,); I'm- j
,',, .'l-.VMt. I
I 1 1 ' mi i'ii. !
Count Von Bernstorff Makes
Statement Tell's Nations
Attitude on Subject
mini miwu iu
Nothing New Contained In
Communication Issued On
February 4
Washiiniton, WI). 6. County Vou
Hernstorlf, the lerinnn amlmnniiilor to
the riiite.I States, inmieil a Htatemcnt
toilnv ilt'cluriiiK that Inn Kovernuiciit
.Iocs not inteinl to interfero with Anier-
niueri'C by the new blockade of
KiikImiiiI niul France.
Although he nni.l lie had not received
iiiMtriictionn from Ins overninent re
liardiiiK the (iorman ailiuiialty ' order
extiii.liiiK the "war 7.0110," Von Herns
torl'f ilei liiied (ieiinmiy nimply proposes
to destroy tin nliipn of her enemies.
"There in not hinir m,w JM the com
inunicalion of February ) with respect
to ti e attitude of the (iermiiii imperial
navy townnln ships of the enemy or
towards neutral commerce, " .Count Von
l'.('iii.tiiil'l"n statement Miid.
"It in ulisiinl to describe the proc
liimntion an a 'paper bliicl.ndo' of the
llritish isles. The coniiiiiiuiial ion in
simply a statement of what has been,
since the bi'jjiniiiui; of the war, the at
titude of all the belliL'oreut nowers to-
innl was in Mucin recently niul was mo
faMiiablv impressed with the posniblli
lien of Ihe indiislrv here thai he made
nn oulriylit proposillnu tliruuiih the
iiH'diiiiu of Stnte Treasurer Kay bv
wliiih he pit a ran teen to Imndle all of
the flax fibre produced In the valley
nt 11 nl i im In t i'l luii'e Ini'l down in Pnit-
111 I im.'.'iiisi 'ad a nil the full niarliet value of tliivwnnls ships of the eiictuy
..,..( In' .'i'iii' i w neii 11 rencnen im n.'H nun 11111
til third ' I1'''''""'' freinml.
in 1, . .n 1. 1 "I lU'ice to lake for two vents the
' I whole fibre nutpul of 1 li n factory (to
nl ;, .,,,, ; be cslaldi-hed nt lie orison al ;i
,1 ' i.'ii'iit ! 1,1 " ' ,inl b'sl cntn
!,,,,, 1 I'oua.i l"r mix niul 0 cents i.cr piniti.i ,
1I1.' ttavn mid '"w '" P'l'sscd pached luilen t. .0. bj
I I..' I'lesented ' 'IT' '" "n.Vs ' '' Crawford in 1mm;
1 , , it- ' ' oniuiiiiiicaiioii to Mr. Kay, "and to
me.' ,,:,v s'"'1' ''"-"''i' nine 11s mav lie n inn l
, j I nun Let value for the fibre when it
tea. lies out ceri'iinnso in nouns. 1
When in Salem recently Mr. Craw-'
"A I'ew mm, ton nr-o the liiilish ad
miralty isMiod a proclamation elusion
Xortli neii, which in ncntml water.
bus not piol'esM to close even
LP" ,
Inlmffi fhrortmn nf fitters
7 Show Scenes of M'IeriCwkdti
W .1HL
& ft r?
f Snrtf of Mjte's
o 10 ao ao
f r Wl JIIN
Thin mHp shown the point, of neve re fiKhtin(r during the pant few days at Soinnons, Rheimn and in the Verdun
ZZrvT C A';fmM the t'r,'n,,h in a ha'P 0KK"'t at Soinfions. Tho French ad
mit ed that they wcrf dnven back f ro m their ponitiona aid forced to retreat ucroaa the Aisne river, but blamed it
on tho flood. Jhey lo.it many guns, a nd over 3,000 prisoners' were taken.
Bills Signed By Governor
and Those Awaiting
Approval Given
Expert Believes Germany Has
Fleet of Submarines Ready
By J. W. T. Mason. " boats of 10 years aao and have at leant
New York, Feb. fi. It is probable : double the offennivc power and more
that (ierniany has ready a small fleet ; than three times the radius. They must
of super-submarines with which to eou-jhave a base, however, They can carrv
in, i im ii-w iiiuiiur nuuiiisi miiisa ottiv lor iini ci's one 111 each of t ie
four tabes and ei);lit stored.
l.ucli super-suluaai inc has 24 officers
Shells Strikes Observation
Balloon Killing Three
of the Men
'"''I i'p. ad
ill. -III. Inc.
'Ii". 1 ' 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 lull
"ii c. let. lay, h.'i..
ll'.i'i"!. while a to.
ainin,. aiuironri'i. ' ""'ti n ""x factory in eniiin'climi
I.T:il.'J.II (in ii'ive w ' l"''ii'i'iiliarv, fullv euuipped
naiii li.'s nl' t'.ie t,n 1 ' "f liandlitl),' ll.Ooil tons of
nit act ion ol'l""""' l,nnn""v. wl'ich W'ould reuniro
1,1, rm, j n I an iineaoe of between l.'iilit and liiiH)
.1' ; i acres of flax, at a maximum of $!in,000.
"lllrv wit In in 1 r,',i ,,' ,IMV j of which l.".0H0 would represent
lliiil ine'inn' " ,nlIM"l "auiace ior
ciiuiiiiiicui ll lilt oilier oretiiiiliiiiry ex-
the I'liclisli I'hminel, niul does not
VfT tend lo molest or seize American vessels
laden with foodstuffs for civilian popn
latiun of the eneiuics' countries. It is
to be Imped that Kniiland will not maKe
I'l'i'ii'isiderntioii of this atlitude neces
sary by seizin); American ships, like
the ilhelniina.
"(lermnny ininoiinces to the world
( .Ii
Mm 0,.,,. .1 .,
, , "' 1 Me wav
.'ii .nn,, ,., -
" it linn M li 11,,,
H.,,1 .1,., ,,r 1.. ...,,,11 1...
r..r.l '.,1V,. ,, enliuia.e of the cos, of M ' f , J ; ; y :
iiistallinu a flax laclory in connctto,, '
the tact that the Itiitish nre employing
ueiitial tlii)s, Inma tide neutials
be endantjered. ' 1
Von ISeriiHlorl'f said that, in accord
ance with Ihe universal usages of war
fare, naval vessels were justified in lie
strovitie; the merchantmen of an enemy,
(leriuanv merely sees fit to insuo n re-
""uet .1 .... ..
m .,1,1. .... ' ""' 1 " th
1,,.., ,,, c.niiiiint,.,, nf both
- ri 1, s :
Mi, 1 "" 1 u:: "".1 ai'tiv..
1. w'u'stl " - ,;ll,1.'""ll'l too iniich
int 1 . "' '"is i" K.'i ine hiisi-
' r.""1!1"" "''I so, llt
"W. l, ,Vl'""' " I'-fur..
li iiii''. ' '"" ' "lli"'
if.'""" 'if business
''Hp ninl,. .1
""HIM ' ' , '" "'''"'i Hie
H'.Nn I '"' "."".'I' lH.t of u.
"'livnWi . 1 branch
i'k,,, "H 11 frill
riii ,"1!".'."'"'"
Of. Mi "I'
n fii
, nu. II T 1 ii-.i nl 1.
'"H Hfs Im 1-.. ..... :. I I ii1 11 u.iu r:.i'nrh,.v U'Ltl. i...w,., xn ni.,1
'lul liilni! ., , l.Ti 'i! ii!''11,'.'!'!''! ' olhern' who are Interested In the do-1 t. that effect, he said, statin
' fk of pas.,,,, 11 ,. ,. .,,'! vclopiui'iit of the Indnntry here, how-
' i a ii.iiin, '. . .. 1 ever, nre o l ie oiiinion t lint I enu 1,1
'. . ' " 1 "in ;i 1 ii... 111 i 10 . . ' ., . .
." "iiiiu-ii noun ii niiuiitci s.iiir 11 in 1
wilh nn invesl inetil- of lint to exceed
10,0(10 to 20,000.
As the mutter Is lo be anno over
llioron.'lilv and In delnil before the
conitnil tee tonleli, nil (hnse who are
Interested iu the subiect ntul In the ; of privateering,
fiilure establishment nf tho Industry
in the vnllev nre imred to lie present
and pmticipnte iu the ilisciiHsiim,
the a 1 ca in wiiich Cerman Kubmariuen
prop:ine to act.
"The warniiiK ao may lie tukon," lie
said, "an nn answer to the prize of
.ri00 offered in Filmland for the first
merchant ship rammiuK and sinking a
(lei'iu.'iii sill, marine an offer calculat
ed to revive the loan abandoned custom
11,.. 'V 1 ,. 1, .... .
".ii'itrv ,, 1 in ins con-
I I "1r ''''''''I mid el't'i.
II' ' """" Hint the whole
h' 't I of disur
""Mil ,,,,,1, "'' several
ii' effort to
iced a titled
'i'liiition for
'"I! a personal "tec.
Exonttlve Commltt.oo of Assoclatiini
Make Dnclslon nt Meeting Hore
Thin Afternoon.
..... Kl l 'I t ... .
until., r .. "' nn. u.'l . ..
ir,: ' '" 'IK't 1111, 1 ...... , ..
"usincss pus M.
11 11 ,1 ,1.
""Mtir,l l V " d'i'i of I,
ni l'i''li nr "!'"'V Hie
''fit Hi, , "' '''"s renpon-
" My Tmn ""'"'"i"" V
' Hot 1,,, ,, ;' ''"I that the
T'1""1" 1 !" i""i".-
'"B nl "," 1 1 r' 1 "i" 01
li?, I"" . '"' "ii-iiimn
5 l.,"Mlrtl i".M,' l""'1'"'
,, "''lul v In 111, J l1r
l11''',1"!' i Vlll".le i,,
" "I Hi,. ''". Helial
Flour Makes Strong Advances Both
Patent and Common Grades Climb
ing Up the Scalo,
At the clone of the 25th day of the
session the senate hail disposed of a
total of 1 Tift measures having come be
fore it for connideratinii of which !!
werewere panned, Sil were killed by in
definite pimtpMneiiK'nt, 10 failed and 4
were withdrawn. Their were 210 bills
introduced in the s.-nnte of which fi:t
passed, 21 were indefinitely postponed,
S failed innl 4 wer Mitlidrnwn, leaving
a total of 111 of '; , ,wn bills to be act
ed upon., '- ' 1
lu the hoone there vre 4!5 bills in
triiiliiced iliiriug the session, of which
L'fiU are still in the linndn of cnuimitteen.
II on third ri'iuli nj; and SO to 7i bills
on the table waiting for disposal. In
all there tire approximately .150 bills to
lie considered duiiiiL' the reiiiaiuiiiL' 12
days of the session. If both brunches !'
of the usneiably w ere to run an aver-!
age of 10 hours 11 day for the remainder I
ol the legal session it would tilbiw
about 17 minutes consideration of each
bill remaining to be acted upon, and
a great many of these bills are appro
priation measures, with others to be
iv 1 introduced as rapidly as acted upon by
the wavs 11 tin menus committees, and
many of the most important and all of 1
the bills of a comitructive nature ro-1
main to be acted upon. ,
The following is the list of bills that
have passed both branches of the as
sembly and those which have the up-1
proval of the governor: 1
Signed by Governor.
If. H. .'I, by Scltuebel, authorizing j partnient No,
cities and towns to own and operate
w ater works jointly. ( Finergency.)
If. H. 1.1, bounty tin nnimals.
II. H. 2:1, by Lewis, authorizing cities
and towns to surrender charters tind
merge. (Fincrgency.)
II. li. 112, by Dillard, abolishing state
census. (Fniergency.)
11. 11. 41, by Huston, providing for
satisfaction of mortgages by foreign ex
ecutors, etc.
II. II. IS, by dackson county delega
tion, ceding full jurisdiction of Crater
lake national park to I'nited States.
If. H. 55, by Olson, crenting district
courts in Multnomah county.
11. 11. 7S, by Olson, exempting certain
property from execution on attachment,
II. H. ii', "J vuson, exempting cor
am! possibly neutral merchantmen.
The first class naval powers began
constructing these eruft last year. While : and men, double the number employed
details ot tue individual designs are on smaller submarines. They can carrv
withheld, the general type is under-, enough food for a month 's cruise.
stood to be modeled after the two Fiat-. It is possible for super-submurines to
San Giorgio-Laucnti Hiipor-subinarines '. cruise nbnit the British isles at will.
in the Italian navy, the specifications Hut they are the most vulnerable war
of winch have been privately cuinuiun- craft allout. lu this lies their timiditv
icated to the various countries. which materially limits their effective-
I hoy are larger than the torpedo aess
Judge Galloway Says Mar-1 Will Go To Third Reading
riage Law Is Responsible j Without Being Referred
For Divorces
to Committee
Attacks of Czar's Forces Li
Dulda Region Are Being
By Henry Wood.
Paris, Feb. B. Twfnty-fivo German
ammunition and supply wagons in the
Woevrc region have been shelled ami
destroyed by French artillery, the war
office announced in its official com
munique this afternnoD. Flsewhere,
it is deeiared, other French ba:teries
have dispersed other convovs of tha
enemy with considerable loss.
Near Hheiuis a French shell strucK
an observation balloon anchored insida
the uermaii lines, and the big ba col
lapsed. French aviators who were
signalling the range reported later that
mree itcrnian officers who were in tho
balloon at the time were killed.
The I' reach have the advahtage in a
series of artillery exchange! from Ar
ras to Itheims, the ftatoment declares.
After a long lull, activities have been
resumed in Alnnco. Fighting is in
progress at Ilnrtuinunweiler, The fler
mans have renewed their attacks on
French positions on a hill there.
"Berlin, by wireless to Suyville, T,. T.,
Feh.'O. -Kitssiii in wenkeu'.ng her forces
in the vicinity of Tnmow and Przetnysl
in order to strengthen her hold on
Hukovina and the Carpathians.
Advices from rtudapest today Raid
larue bodies of Russians are beinff
shifted from western and central
Clalicin and being rushed to the east
ern end of the Austrian battle line.
Special dispatches report that th
Russians have been routed east of
T'szolt I'ass. According to the Frank
furter Zeitiing, Warsaw is threatened
with famine.
I'ortlnnd, Feb. (1. When (5.000 bush
els of May Ulitentein wheat sold on the
Merchaiitn Kxehnngo today nt $1.0 1, a j tain property from execution on nttnch
now High record price lor the sennon 1 ment.
was established.
n'l Kill'.
I He.
s''lllltl Ill-
since Jan, 1.
'''V lo remain
Ml1 "I'l'iiiprii,.
"iit.'linii r
lime I,
" I""-
f Is ' "'I'l-' to .h ,
r., "I I In .. ... . '
' Ik a-? ".'"'""I id'
"11,,, :" 11 iik l':' " "i.
,L '""ai, , ' "liillV
1 ",r I'll .1.... " ."
nf th-
im. 1 ...
, 1111,1 11.... ' "cans
' Hf ,,' " " m HI,
!. C "'Oil
'"."li..,, in
nil", 1,.. r,in,
At n meeting of the executive com
mittee of the. Oregon hop growers' ns-'
micintioii, (he first to have been held
since the committee wan enlarged to 21
ineinbein, held iu tho rooms of the
Niiloui commercial club this nfloriioon,
It wns decided to move fie head
iiiailers of the association front Sher
idan, anthill count v. to Hnlem, w hen'
they will bo permanently established,
l'liins were also laid for the litcon
poralioii of the association under the
lawn of the stale In
future. President McMnhnn, mid
unnlzer and manager F V, I), I'iiiiI, of
Sheridan, who has boon maintaining
temporary heudipinrters nt Shoridnn,
slated that tho business and scone of
the oreiinlziition had assumed such Tlio average man wastes a lot of
magnitude that a more, central location 'energy in laughing at his own .pikes
for licnihiuarturH win. e'sonlial ami! - ,
they will bo established In the office I! f' 1I: n.,'
rooms of the Cberholiu building, onUap UUlSer ISlIlg MCXlCafl
"iiiuiercini snoot, tormeriy occupieil
I'.v the S, miliar,! I.luuor ciiiniianv. nt
rortlnnd, Feb. (I. Flour ndvnncod
twenty cents today nnd the iintunt
grades wore selling nt $7.20 a barrel.
The advance jvns genernl throughout
the northwest. Some millers nnd
wholesalers advanced the price forty
eonls n barrel. It wns freely predicted ..IHIIl m,i,, highways,
Hint Hour would soon ronch $s.oo. 11 It 117, by Harrow, regulating
Heretofore the demand front the f:..i.:.,,. (, unit Wlltnr rrnlia In ixtnntv
the very near; wnrring nations of Europe has beenj u m py Hlaehard, ullowiiig
H. B. 81, by Olson, creating district
courts nnd defining jurisdiction.
11. H. S5, by Hunt, regulating fees
of iunticos of ilio pence.
II. II. Hill, by Stott, relating to filing
of claims for laborers' wages.
II. B. 1211, by. Hmith (MiiltnomnlO,
prohibiting sign, etc., being posted
or- principally tor stiniglit Hour lor whioii' , r i,.:i t fi-h nnd hunt
t ..1 . . 1 .. 1 . - ..'' '
local miners nre ipiutiug an iiuyiiiico hi ; jtliuiit licenses,
forty cents a barrel, at fl.4ll, but the
call is now ior patent grades as well.
""' ll, """itiu... ,,,
""C '"'Xl,', ":"
"Mil ,,, ! 'M,'i' n .,.. .,'" I':'- I l,v
,: '""V Wl,,, 1 - ' """ ""Id up
"l i' , "" l,v tin I n"M !: I a
n,H' The i 1 'I'm.,
Jr; - 1 "'"iiision,
""'"""M 0,1 rVi
' I ho earliest possible date.
I Mr. 1'aiil also slates that the stock
I subscriptions have reached approxi
mately the iHOO.UdO mark nnd that the
balance of stock necessary to the fil
ing of articles of incorporation, 50,
000, can be neon red within a week;
! I nun notice, to the more prominent nnd
j wealthy members of the nssocinlioii
j who are noxious to double their sub
scription niul nre only wailing to give
nil of Ihe smaller growers a chance
I Jo subscribe, After the association Is
I jncorpiirnteil there will be 110 I rouble
1 lit securing the balance of the stock
subscription anil the nrgnninlion will
be placed upon a business, footing, The
iissociatlon, Mr. I'niil snys. is lu a mosl
! Haltering condition niul lis success
I sceinn iiannred,
r n
Coast As Base of Supplies
11. H. 152, by house committee on ju
diciary, appealing free textbook law.
H. H. H, by Senator Dimiek, abolish
ing office of ntato immigration agent,
S. It. 20, by Senator Vinton, reliitiug
to time of holding court la 12th judi
cial district.
S. H. 21', by Senator l.einonweber,
San Diego, Cnl., Feb. 0. rrob
able govovnmcnt investigation
la seen hero today, following a
roport that tho Japanese cruis
er A.inma, wrecked nt Turtle
bay, ,100 miles bouUi of Snn
Diego, has been tiRlng Moxicnn
wont coast harbors a basoa of
It Is assorted the Asanift and
the Btitlih colltor Boyne were
steaming for quiet waters in
tho bay to permit the cruiser to
conl when the lattor struck the
submerged rock which rlnpcd
open the hull fifteen foot above
the litem.
(Coat i ano.l on I'nge Bevin.)
The Weather
"Regardless, of the criticism, the di
vorce law is one of the best laws on
the statute books. It is the marriage
law that 's responsible for so many
minninted couples" snld .ludgo William
(Inlloway today when summing up the
suit of Bertha Brtinkal against .lacob
Brunkol which wns tried today in do-
of the circuit court.
Judge (Inlloway went on to state that
he had handled nearly 4,000 divorce
canes in his legal career and that each
one had its own peeulnrities. This one
he said, wan a case of a marriage with
out love, merely a commercial proposi
tion, lie wanted a housekeeper and
sho wanted a home.
As to the tales that each had been
telling on tho oilier, Judge (Inlloway
was of the opinion that, it was but
neighborhood gossip nnd except that
each was indiscreet iu talking about
the other should be dismissed as incon
The prohibition measure, House Hill
102, which passed the house yesterday
afternoon, bus boon transmitted to the
senate and will go through first and
second reading ami be placed on final
passage without being referred to a
committee as the provisions of the bill
were all agreed 011 iu joint commit
tee. While there will be no serious oppo
sition to the bill in the senate it is
rumored that a determined effort may
; be made to amend it so us to make it
absolutely prohibitory.
The chamber of the hall of represen
tatives was packed with citizen specta
tors who expected to witness a fren
zied debate upon the merits of the
measure, but all of this had been set
tled before the bill came to consider
ation and tile opposition contented it
self wilh filing written protests to be
entered upon the journal of the house
in explanation of their votes. The
only two membero voting no were
Representatives ICiiehu and Lewis of
white those who
Cause of Blockade Explained.
Berlin, via London, Feb. (I. Tho gov
ernment, in nn official memorandum
isued this afternoon, explaining the pro
posed blockade of Lnglund, declared
I'.ngland s continual violation of tho
rules of international law, as part of
her program to "starve out the Ger
mans," compelled liornuniv to adopt
drastic measures against her enemy.
Nouucntinl. The judge said that Mr.
Brunkol was a good honest, l'"""''""; Jftiltnomnh county
ng Minn ami tnai sirs, nraiuu'i n 1,1 vo((M( (,r fh(, W(,r(1
been a true wife nnd both wore to he Ropronentativen Barrow, of Coos, Hand-
1 m. , K "V. " 11." lev, of Tillaltnook, and .lones, of wnl
,, , . , - ,. , , . 1 11..' lev, OL I niluiiiooN, llli.l ..unci-, 'i ,,,,-
other. The judge continued his kin.ll . lowa Tic 0,)io,,,i,m, to th(, mpasuro
lecture to some lonKtli l'r.'d, tn)u,ll ,)y n ;)f ,,, 111P,bors wero
neither pnrtv in recounting the mis
takes of the marriage. He said it was
clear that neither could live with the
other nnd that they should be legally
separated. Ho withheld his decision in
the matter until they had settled the
division nf the property and the chil-
that it. was not prohibitory in its pro
visions mid represented class legisla
(inn in many respects.
After the bill pannes through the leg
islature it will bo subject to the refer
endum and will come up for Ihe ratifi
cation or rejection of the people at a
dren would bo considorc.1 wants or t no ; 1 ,.,.,.t inn to be held iu November
oiirt until the ense was setiieo. ine . . . .., ,M , ,,
I'ourt room was crowded with neighbors.
nnsHcn tht'oiiLth the legislature.
of the pair. , m ,
Mrs. Hriinkel charges Hint her hns-
band accused her of Infidelity nnd' When n boy gets something new he
with being too familiar with oilier is perfectly happy until ho noes mi
nion mid she further charges that ho olhcr boy with something different.
conimnnicnted to her a lonthsnme
t WoNT
okE&y pt I
Oregon: Tonight
ruin went;
ennt portion; Sun
day went rain,
rain or snow oust
portion; easterly
disease. Mr. Brunkol charges her with
going with other men and denies the
other allegation brought by her. Wit
nesses testified that Mr. KiiuKei ni
wavs treated his wife with kindness.,
ami consideration and that she accused
him nf being old and out of date nnd
often went to town leaving the enre;
nf the children, nf which there are five J
bovs from 10 yenrs of age to !1, (0 the
i rat nor. . , , '
I Mr. Bimikel came Into court late J
1 this morning from his fnrm near this
..!... .I..I1....-...1 1,,. 1.1a fivn linvs. He was
cnllcd to the stand Immediately upon I
his nrrivnl when tho youngest, a little,
while haired boy of three, mnde a,J
fi. break from Ins sent nmong tho spoetn-,
1..... c.. n, n-linosH box. Mrs. Brunkol. 1
who wan sitting with her nltornov.l
flnv 0. Smith, nlteinpteil to stop tin I
child but ho dodged her nnd climbed',
1,1. fil,r' knee where ho sat1
during the cross examination, The de
cision In the cane will be handed down
bv Judge Onllnwnv In the nenr future.
Attorney Carey Martin is appearing for
the defendant.
Palo Alto's Fasting Tailor
1 Spends 52nd Day In Bed
Palo Alto, Cal., Fob. 6, L, C.
Roth, Palo Alto's fasting tailor,
ipent the 52nd day of his fast
in bed... Ho is Buffering from
pains in his. hoad.
Roth was forced to his bed
yesterday. Until tlion he had
been able to do a fow chores
about bis home but now he Is
too weak to stand. Dospito his
condition, Roth Is con fid out
that Uls life Is in no danger,
and he is pationtly waiting for
Nature to toll hint when to be
gin eating by giving him an ap
petite Roth la now about SO pounds
lighter than when he started tho
fast December 10.
Vienna, bv wireless to London, Feb.
fi. Repented Russian attacks in the
Ditklu region have been repulsed by tho
Austro (lermnns. according to the waf
ntticp statement issued todav.
'The ene.niv's crip on Hungarian
territory," the statement cnotinnes,
m loosening. The Russians have been
forced to retreat from several import
ant positions before our forces, now
marching on Przemvsl. "
Kaiser to Visit Eastern Front.
Berlin, Feb. (I Via Suyville, Kuiner
Willioltn left tndny for the eastern war
front, it was officially announced hem
Ihe capture of 1,000 Russians anil
six machine guns along the Bzuro rivof
also wns ami ninced. Russian attacks
in I'obind nnd l'ltissin, the statement
said, have been ropulssl.
"French otto'ts to gain ST'iund at
Mannigcn and in ine Arroiiai district, '
ontinucd the statement, "havo
Germans Slaughtered,
l'etrogrnd, Feb. (I. The slaughter of
three companion of (ionium infantry
and a severe repulse administered tu
tho encinv were announced bv the war
office this afternoon in an official
The announcement nnvs the (lermnns
bridged the B.uru river between Ski
ernlvice and Bohinoff, using barrels tu
make a pontoon, "he Russians remain
ed In their trenches and withheld their
fire until three companies had crossed
the stream, Then they opened fire anil
decimated the (lermnns who essayed ll
charge n gainst the Slav eurthw oiks,
A clash between (lermnns iu armored
automobiles and Russians nt Horzimoff
in declared to have resulted In the re
pulse of the (iertnutis with heavy Ions.
Between Holimow and the Vistula
river the Cierinans are using 1(1 Wj inch
guns in nn effort to force the Hussion
center. So fur their efforts havo
failed. ,
San Francisco, Feb, (I. The proponed
nix-day bicycle race which was to have
been staged here by Promoter J. W.
Coffioth next month, ban been called
off. Floyd Me Fit tin ml, tho racer, who
was In charge of the eastern end of too,
deal, wired Coffioth today that he,
could licit make the necessary oriuncjo
inents with the riders, ,
M.nMI ttl ltti