THE SALEM CAPIT X .TOUBNAL. SAI.EM. OHEOON. FRIDAY. JAWW 5. tP1i. PAGE FIVE. ALLIED TRENCHES NEAR NIEUPORT (Controlled From Page One.) troop west of Warsaw have captured IKHJO Russians, ilicli.ilinjj; 26 officers, during tho past tour ilays' fighting. The Hussions are making a furious rountor attack, but without result. Ef forts of tiie Slavs to re-capture posi tions lost to tho Ucrninns east of Boll- maw were met by a heavy artillery lire and repulsed. Thera are many indications that tho Hay. timothy, per ton $12 Ktiasinns are trying to resume the of-K'lover, per ton $8.50(a)9 tensive in Hast l'riimin, near Tilsit. Oata and vetch $10(a)U .Strong attacks on the tiermnn positions 'Cheat $1) nlong the Nieinon river are deelured to Wheat, per bushel $1.3.) have been cherkod. bran, per ton t THE MARKETS Tha hog market today is stronger, the priee showing an advance of half a cent over yesterday's quotations. The loeal price of wheat has advanced to 1 .35 with all other food and mill feed stuffs on a rising market. There is no thango in tho loeal quo tions of fruits and vegetables. The egg market, that was expected to decline, Is holding steady. Local Wholesale Market. MOTHER JONES AND JOHN D., JR., ARE TO TALK OVER THE COLORADO STRIKE Tha present fighting in Flanders is iShorta, per ton ..35..'3U regarded as uniiuportiint. An isolated ! Oats, per bushel 50jDc French attack on Perthes has been ro-1 Eggs aud Poultry. pulsed. Klsewherc in the west mili- j liens, per pound lie tary activities are confined to artillery l''ggs, cash, 2C'c; trade 27c exchanges. jlioostcrs, old, per pound 8c j Stags S!lc Turks Mass Along Canal. Butter. Atbens, Fob. .'). Tliirtv thousand' Btterfnt, per pound 29c Turks have crossed the Hin'ai peninsula ' -'eil''ry butter, per pound 32c huiI aro mas'siiiir uloinr the Suez (-ami: i . . Pork- Voal and Mutton. between Port Said and .Sue., according' .""I"' m ,uot fliXI'Me ... ..,...i,-.i i,...-.. n,inv 1 ri, iiresscu Th'i Moslems lire ilelavinu: their ireu-1 ca' dressed ... eral advance against the British, pcud-' ing the arrival of further reinforce-! juaiita. Pacific Coast Harbors S(l,tle . .tl'jc (IV-'.e - 5(nrVje Spring lamb Steers Cows Wethers 5U, Ewes 4(aM'.e Fruits. (Vnnrrnii n..n1 OrO Til n . p ....iv-a, i.ui:i p,6,JW.-i uei Hppropr anon .", . .--. ' " Lemons, per b( $3jH)(n 1 . J I'ineapplcs, per lb 7c Washington, Fell. 5. The senate eo n-j Apples, box 7fle(8$l.!i. mitten on eommerce, in reporting out j Cranberries, barrel $11. fid tho rivers anil harbors bill, increased i Florida grape fruit $4( 4.")0 ly $4,4R!t,30i) the amount carried by Dates, dromedary, case u M.2.") tho measure as it passed the house, . Dates, Persian, lb SCmS'jc making the total appropriations $:)8,- Tigs, per pack !)0c(a$1.50 f.27,880. ICoeoaauts, per dozen .7. $1 Among the increases recommended by, Kard Dates $1.(1(1 he senate committee is $."iiO,0()n fori Vegetables. firays Harbor and bar entrance, Wash-1 l.'abbago, per lb $I.75fa2 ingtom, and for ninintenance of the Tomatoes, California ll.iiO north jetty in that harbor. i Celery, per dozen .....4uSf)c The senate committee also rceoin-j i.uttuce, crate $2 mended that surveys townrd improve nicntB be added to those already au thorized including t'oquelle bar and har rier, Nehalem buy anil river, Port )r- ford and Coliiinlnn sioiign, an in urc Onions, per 100 pounds $1.50 Potatoes (Oregon), bushel 3S(o;4i)c Mwet potatoes, crate $2.75 L . f it i I "fr y !; , ,'y t 'i- V V ' i . ii !- - i Y . : " , i 1 ft MOTHER JO1$ . JOHrt O. ROCKEFELLER. New York, Feb. 4. John D. linckefelicr, Jr. and Mother Jones nro sched uled to meet in the former's office in the Standard Oil building. Thut ought to be an interesting conference. Mother Jones was ouo of the lenders in the Colorado strike trouble, for which she blamed young Mr. Hnckefeller. Both wore witnesses before the federal commission oa industrial relations tind they met in the room where the inquiry into greut foundations is being held. When .Mr. liockefeller, Jr., entered the room he went at once to where Moth- r Jones was sitting. "I wish you would come to see me uml give me nny WORLD AT WAR ATLAS $1 35 'information you have on the Colorado situation," he snid to the nged wo 'q jmnn. "Well, that's very nice of you, M'. Rockefeller " replied Mother Jones, Caul if lowe- Mruse s Snrmits Ron, and Areata ciiujiucih, minimum string iiarne I.iel ' "l """v ""' ,t"" .,.. , ! i imn mi v.- bay, California, ami Port Watson liar-1 Parsnips 1 ii,c ', ''rml1 wol,I(1 41,11 J'0"'" bor. California. Artichokes ilUc I 11 ' ',rniCT ' Eotall Price. NAIiK KA llAKKhNj n'amery but er -.',K")40c " r of inn ' 1 wncat $-'.ni((i 2.1(5 HA K ANY MAUIi:r'0,"' v"" '''2. K T)'n f T, Jflr DEPUTY SHERIFFS INDICTED Kggs, per dozen 30c Don't Stay Gray! Here's a Simple Eeclpe that Anybody can Apply with a Hair Brush. Tho use of Page and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to its natural 'Sugar, per cwt. .. $0.30 eolor dates back to grandmother's time, !$38.7 Portland Markets. P.vtland, Ore., Feb. 5. Wheat Club. $1.51; bluesteni, $1.55. ( lats Ao. 1 wmte feed, $3!l; ernv, -ew llrunswii k, . J,, Feb. 5. Twenly-six deputy sheriffs who firi'd on a number of strik ers at the fertilizer plant at lioosevelt, N. J., recently, were indicted today on charge of innr dor Hurley Feed, $35. , Hogs Host live, $7.35. Prime steers, $7.i5((i)H; fancy cow, $(1.(15; best calves, $7((iS.25; spring lambs, $7(i8. Mutter City creamery, 32c. i Kggs Selected local extras, 24c. I liens, llijf12e; broilers, MdrlOc; gees", I lie. Khe used it to keen her hair benutifully dark, glossy and ubundnnt. Whenever ler hair fell out or took on that dull, laded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture was applied with wonderful nffec.t. lint brewing at home Is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking lit biiv drug store for a SO cent bottle of ' Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Hem- fXe whiciwan bbXTupunVo ! Legislature Gives Rebuke restore natural color and beamy to inc hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well -known downtown druggist says it durkeus the hair so naturally nn'd evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. Vou simply dampen n sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at n time. lv morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, it becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and abundant. Local agent J. 0. Perry. :; May Be Kidnapper Tacomn, Wash., Feb. 4. Portland po-1 lice officers are on their nay to Ta-! k coma today to return Mrs. l.urllu Dunn. I a bride of two weeks, tn the Oregon' citv. where she will bo tried for k ' All of the indicted men miiiiiiL' the five months nld ibiuehler are in custody. . f Mrs. Kinnin Johnson. j Of the strikers who were fired sk Mrs. Dunn was arrested here last. 011, two died bller. niuht nil tideirrnidiii .iulvlei.s frnni I'm! .' lliuid. She deelured in the citv iail to H dev Hint she killllimcd the ehilil A 'cording to the storv she told the po- IRRIGATION RIII -NI'B' wns married here Jun iniMUrtllUn Dilill aiv 12. havinir been rried twlee be. (Continued from Page One.) : f. jn prtland. She gives her nge ns : 1 : hi. ion .ippropnntioii of $100(1 lor tno pur-! nlie said that Mis. Johnson Jind left cliase of S-! 0 acres of hind adjacent the bnliy with her tn take cure of hile . - in,- suue le lli'll 1 iv. w e e 11 IT 111 . i ....... .,n ,-M,- rns lO DOard Ol LUrriCUla A X1- t citv, mid lor the "ll0 notified the mother that she was piirehave of wnieh former (lovernor 1 ning to Ta in nith the child and The 2Hth session of the legislature 1 W,Mt 'y" ''i"!'"'""' "te Ihrco years Jhut no ol.jecti.iu was mdo at that t i occasion to rebuke the board of ''cpudiiitod , ,e same hist Sep- Kmc. higher curricula when by the action of wlu'" '' ""I'''1 to meet the nolo. - the house yesterday afternoon in the ! 1 '"' ; '!!"' !"',',""s '' adoption of semite joint resolution 17. i'T ,lK'""l,"ll county delegation ,.',, registered a kick against the present , Z, VTT" ?1 HISTORICAL " - i walnut experiment station, and this will sk The Capital Journal has just received a new shipment of the "World at War" atlases. They are of a later and revised edition and consist of 24 large, highly-illustrated pages, printed on heavy enameled book. The atlas contains splendid colored maps of all the warring countries, with routes of - travel and railroad lines; many tables of army and navy and general statis ticsin fact, the work is a complete ready-reference li brary for students of the great war. It is a book which would ordinarily sell for $1.00 or $1.50, but we are having them made up in large lots and buy them at a price which allows us to give them away to subscribers on very easy conditions. All who pay three months subscription, aid or new, back subscription or in advance, in case their paper is delivered by carrier, will receive one of these atlases free. All mail subscribers, old or new, who pay a year's subscription ($:.00), either back subscription or in advance, will also be entitled to receive an atlas without extra charge. This is the most liberal offer the Capital Journal has ever made. course of study in effect ill the publii schools of the state and instructed the state school superintendent to revise and simplify the same in order to pro mote more efficiency in the public school system "'to the end that eve j pupil mliy be more thoroughly and ef-1 4- 1 1)14 A 1. THICK ttANCII, also well HdHptfd for iinullry, linns "i liKtit dairy; 1!7 ncvi.s: III noes In culti vi.lion; runnlnK wnt i for imita tion; Brevity srln(t water with fine lorce for liniiiM' end nil uses fur which It limy he needed; mod ern 7-roinn house: dnuhltt I Ire plnee; plenty "f wood; henrlnif ocehnrd, Fume slni.ll fruit. Worlh Ji.',00. Ilwller Wishes In sell (ulel( rnc $r, Will tnft ileslrnhle lniildiiiK lols In Snleni fur tmrt. Kiiunre rienl Uenlty I'mupiiny. II. M. Ilnnk lildu.. I'lmne 470. Knleni. fieiently tniight." The resolution pass- also lull by the wayside by indefinite; postponement. Also the claim of Miss' KM u Kllefsou for $d(l(l damages sustain-1 (By Albert Tozior.) cd tliiouuh an iniurv while enihloved nt The members of the house who did the insane anvluiu in November' IIM.'I. I ll"ow tlll! James S. Slewiiit, has been turned down bv the commit- cd the house by the bnro majority of !tvo votes and the responsibility of tee, '.ml Heireseiitntive Allen a bill ask- H,'"t of Win nie live wire limn rossil, the coiintv oinity, iiae exnres'-cd ing for $1.1,0110 to iiiiv the expenses of,Mrprin that llns country editor "ins !..... .. ... . .. ' Vf ,,t uu i t. i . u i .. . , ,, ., ,, .i.i.iii mi i in', in., in. uie if euou .a-i " " i ""I"'.! i ,.iin I'.doiitiiiL' n " more practicable" course . . . " .. . I..1.111,,. ,1 .. 11 ( , , . . ..... ... .1.011:11 i.uarii 101 two years, will he " ", n.'-n.. . nc wine. tarn Jiocssiriiafflanaimni! 'Oiiling to the same rep.ivt. Ihete! li.ililil sheep and lambs in .Marion! Many Cattle Tested In Marion County Past Year " In I lie !tiito ol' Uncoil, nrford iutC to 11 HvcshM'h vHlujitinti iititl criiMm tul.i'ii lurinj; tin- it, 1 0 1 U 'Hlt1o hnvo in April, IHN, thno wciu Is4,.'i(i .lniry MEXICAN STEAMER ASHORE. Hit ii lieno( Oil., Fob. 5. Tho .Ufxirun I. ; . i '. j,.,. ;.. i in h 'i',. ii HvcdhH'k VHluatinii uml rriiMm tul.i'iii ' . ' , ' , ' . ,i ,,'.. m . been given the tuberculin test in the , ,,,ws , the stale will, an average value " - ' ''""' ' eouii.v or Million, aecoriling to the,f 70..-H, ,.,,,-h. The average price at ! "j'1"1 ) '"l? '-on ' V'""' 1 ,,,,, bienuia,, rep,,,,,, f I he " " "! ' ' ' ' " "'t adinH Of .Vis number, Will weie puss Six-; ' ll"1' ''"'w n "'" teen noises were tesled for inallieii ami S people would rather die a nut- 1 r " ' all ,veie passed. 1 uml death Hum send for a, doelor. I Ibrty politics begets dirty strcelf,. i school is up to Superintend) J ! The house also adopted fi memorial No. 7, re.piestini of these Hues luiows of some of Mepre .or two years, ...; ..I.. ,.,. .: : icnn liurcnil u ll 1 .I.: sent'inve HI, .nut V ,.,,, I , I ted house loiut , :M ... t )i h,.;.,, h; .i, n,. n, reipiesting the sccre- : .,7 '".. " ' " . ' " " ". ' ."' " ' ,.' ,,, , , ?, .." I ... tary of the department of the interior 7 , 1 . , " " . s a of , f ' i IU"l', ., l.iuvi. III,.!' l ll.ll, in II,., .,..,ll,...,u, l iRAVES OF ENGLISH SOLDIEHS IN FRANCE AND AUSTRIAN PRISONERS AT NISCII, SERVIA SOKE 1 i,w, i,.n.t ' . 1 . - . . i two WtirN, j,,.,.!- ...,.,,.,-,. u,..m i. mi Vm nm, AjMt(H.P mIIIK Mt.h rvrovv, IWHI ill,- w.ilrr wiih K.-rrWnrv o' I .if ;S'n rro"k. T y ?Kn:il,!,,l..xn nf tin. wiivh i iiH'inm .i.mimtt.'n "".n Ht, Vrw umnnU, nn.l .... It III llprea nf l.l.lcl Hnmt .if u-lnoh Ii,:. ... .1 . .. ... .... , . , lis Andersici s hill, ot Wasco, nslt- jenr ine nssoeiai.oti I at Ash been 1 pen. ing pa cut from the govern. nr ;,.,.,,.!,; f , ,.,. laud in nniiiuil conveiitinn. II..,. .luuies I'.iuS. Konso Joint resolution No. 7. bv the ctiililishinciil of a "division of pie- vtu I''1' '''lent of the association, uml toriul instruction" i mnection with in ''is nnnuiil inbliess strongly urged the state buiinl of edmatoii, and calls Hint the newspaper people ol' Hie slide for the employment of a liend nf Hie1"''1' "P Hie mailer fimiring un expo divi-iou at a sin In iv of l"iil per mouth : i"M- At Hull ciiiivcul ion were Hie Hon, uml a stenographer or clerk at tilll per r'"''l Wagner, (lien of the A -Ii In n.l mnirh, Tiie purpose of this "division " Tidings, now a member i.l' the house of the eiliiciiliiiiinl department was to fl1111' luclisoii county, mid who sits in establish and loan free to institutions r.ccniul nnv from Uopresontntive an. I u gani.iitiiuis of public education ! Stew:. it, and llmi. ( has. II, Fisher, edl iin the stute. lantern slides, picture films "' "ie ( i.iitul .Ion run I, Snlein. I'... Ill H-lll 1 - .I..I..II ,1, nn.l mi. 1. 1- Iiur nii nu unir-n- . r. . llll. Ill' lllelllis. tor I III I ill it I II II lllstnie- " "P' Csl'll 1 II I U c I.I'..I.T IIIIU .Ml'. I'lshel r n o. . . , . ? ........... i- . biiiiio nniu VI! xllll.i An u DAIS JJ ... , , ' , I . i.. i i . I . ' . .late house 7-rooins paved street, teruis; . Hon In visual and graphic form, in Hie " ' ' bu-ed the suggest I this property is well worlh .-..uiu. ' Washington, Feb. n.Tli Interstate 1 "al1"'"1 "I'l1"'-.! sciences, useful 1 President Htewiirt ami pledged then re C OS 111 HUUtirUan llOlllO Vlioa J nill.erc. ss on lo.h.v nnllinr 1 K'"K ' my I...U, ill era- 1 r"i".': ' Fine S acre tract improved stock and t,,. nrtheru I'neifie railroad to eon implements, tl2.llnu. 'tiune its present rales on brick, sam : Lewis, nuthorizing the governments of Itlie eitv of l'ortlilll.l and M nil .inmii I 2.-i down balance on easy j.nviiK'iit s. v l(1 consolidate and merge into friee modern orooin biingnlow, : m, fnn f nverumeut was defeiited largo lot, paved "'reel :)V ,il(t mi,.fjni),,v postponed. House Houso and 8 Lota. ; ;ll( r,,,!,,,!,,,, No.'lfl, bv Home, nuik- (lood ll-room house, luigo lols, barn , j M.H , ,)y im Ml,, fruit, l'riec f2,.M); easy terms; might t ,.,,, ur ,;,,, i,,,,,,,,,,,, tuko a lot as part ; payment. ,V1IH indefinitely postponed. Beautiful fi Acre Tract All tinder cultivation, close in libit); terms. Improved 81 Acra Turin. . On the famous Howell 1'rairie, price; i:i."i per acre; terms. 1 31 Acres Improved On Unwell Pin'nio iJI'mO; term a. EXCHANGE. T.nrgo list of eastern Oreann fnrms, for trade for Williimclte Valley prop ( r.rtv. I List Your Property now If you want to sell nr exchange. I llousos For Rent. I ernvnl lietueen Wnlln f"r Athens and I'm-tlnnd. t)rei;nn. Walla, lie nl tore and hi tiiiv." piuposil inn. The members of the Slut 1 AM Hie lulls n. t, 'd upon ii'sii.-iiiti.'n most loyally supported Inst nielil ,pii,kl,v pict polled in Hie fair, nixl the Lewis and ( huh ev filelinililv in Ille house today, except ositiun is a pint of Oregon hi-lurv, the Iniuntiiu. iiiea-uie. uer which the... Time Is lunnev tu the man who Is hoi king out a fine, Kvery miuricil woman is sottish in one re-pect lit lei. St. Mil. Won't llllnw i others to slinte in tile pleasure nf aliieiiig her liiii-lii.i.d, L Bcchtel & Co. 347 Btata Btwt Ptioim -tr.2 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society BUROnARDT ft MEREDITH Resident AgenU 386 BUM Btrwt MONEY TO LOAN On Oood Real Estat Becurlty THOB. K. TORD Orr JMi It Bush Bank, Salem, Oreon '"iL-" when their blood is realy starved. They need thnt blood -strength wfcich comes from medicinal nourishment. No druRS can mnke blood. SCOTT'S EMITI.HION la highly concentrated blood-food and every drop yields ret urns In atrcngl hen ing both body and brain. a. If mrm frail l.nnl.l dellcata or nervoua Scott ' mution for on month. rjaiaa.MVLTwu.M'iJija.i-a ii-1 all. languid. jTA rvoua, take ) i after meala V I No Alcohol, il.jl. Orrine for Drink Habit TRY IT AT O'JR EXPENSE. was a hard and ti.lniii'ci Huht. j Two bills will be teeoieilieinleil fa- by the finiiiice ciiiiniitlee, one 'b'iiig the iliiiui of Mil-rill dingier, ut i.lncliM.n county, f.r tr'.m.iil ieiniliui. nient fur expenses in, ui red In bringing a piMouer Imck linin lln'se, Iduho, ii ml ,tlie nlher is Ifei.loseututive lllt.l' s bill reducing Hie scalp bounty uu goph lers nod uinles in Tillii'uuok cnuiitv tiuni . I'"' "''ids tn .. cents, , n, n rB,IH,f wh.'ii we ask ynu l., I A' ' '"X nl. "'"''give I III 1(1 N K a trial. Vnu liiue'imlh '''! '"l.'hl Hie bur-nil ; , rih ,, ,..,,,; , a, flll ot nunc, and .-e.ilngv v.ns iin,lr ,,. vi ,, r,.ttll.,, lr after a,,purp,,rit,u,i of M.;"UH of "Vino i.k : j, ,,.;, vm,-flli , t rll( rim c.l for i.iaintennuce fur the ensuing wo jN, Thi, lfr ivi,, , wiv, ,, years; toe .Peg,,,, Ihstoneul see ,dy , , f ,, .. k , ,,,, Wll. allowed flll.o.,11 of I ..SM, asked, ,.,;,, , ,rv , ,,,,,.; ! hh.I thi phv Itonnl nf linitirnltnrn 1L',-, . ' . . . . . . .' i .i.l, ti incut, mil to hi wmi in tin lionip wltlmiit 1 1'iihliritv nr Iiihh nf Hint' fioiti hiiniiic, iiIku indoiliii rl in tli'' ti'itin t Ii i m morn I 11 u Fl r ri 1111 1 nr llll II 11 MI 'MM U Mill M . ., , Wli ' ii rii ' OliliINK it iriimn'. In two fumirt iTIiimi.iii lif t lift rom III nm'llllilv 111 Id i '.I ' in (l')Mi' to umlu' rov t oti fnr whih ii!' j thr ti(irrT nri't clrrK"! (if Hie O'-ninn who (i it without hnniPiliiito tnrnim of ini'itt. ' tctd only, l.tlO n Imt. omr m timl uU fPi tin intitti-r with un. A-k for hooiiN't. J. V. IViry, IIj H 1 oinniprfiiil ntriM't. No, t, m ri't trt'ntiiU'iit, it imwilrrt OH )t'n rnnnT tor h votmu mun to tINti No. 2, in pill form, fur tlume n vow t It n it n iiiniutiii'-hp. jwlm ii"irrt to tuko volniilnry trt'iil nliHi"tPtii,(. i r' i ;.: '.t.; 4. . . s -rif ..... 'i S..I , ! 'Mia . '3.'... ,x v..? ,"",' !,,' '' . ).- V ' 5T.TJ S . jtr...'. 1 I ,. ,.r' r .s , r."'i V.Vj'-H'v'-w . V': ' .A 1. ' 10R.Wt& OF fOuUSH SOLDIERS-Ifl FRlHCtaiftUSTRIftM Pltl SOrjCRJ AX WISCH .5CR.VlrA 11 rw 9r "rri w..n, ' t m' , , , , Ml , 11 One nf Ihese pictiireu rhmvs n niimbei of Kngliidi g;nes on Kreneh soil. TI e wooden emssea nimh the lit wt resting place nf the siddiers nh.i nere killed a'ung the trenches. As fur as possible the suldieis' n s are plu I on Hie wi.o.lvn markers. The other picture shows Austrian prisoners nusweiiiig roll call lie fine two Keivian officii' at N I sell.