Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 30, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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1 W. B. and LaVida
A great offering of splendid ready-made
Scrim Curtains
Extra Special at $1.19 a pair
Here's a special sale of really dainty curtains
that should interest all housekeepers. A fine scrim
used in the making of these deep cream color
finished with wide hem and drawn work border.
An unusually neat, well-made curtain and our reg
ular $2.00 seller.
We recommend this special it's a real bargain.
Next Wednesday only at $1.19 a pair.
Sale starts at 8::i0. No phone or mail orders ta
ken. See window display. ,
All Around Town
- 44-
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist in fitting! Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dlmner are among
glasses correctly. U, 8, bank bldg. the lirst residents of North Salem tn
1 o isiiiicTion the civic imprnv einent effort
Sunday and Monday. Big special and act uccordiugly. Their residence,
show, llligh Theatre. cornel of North ( lunch ami llelknaji
0 'streets, lias been remodeled into a most
The river Is falling fast, the stage 1 attractive modern hnngnlnw, mid a
this morning registering 2.H feet. Dur. hedge uf La France and Testout roses
lug the last 21 hours then1 has been not, has been set about their property,
Shetland pony contest, closes Febru
ary 1, ut (I p. m.
Big special show, Suudny nnd Mon
day. Hligh Theatre.
s.r.l r,mHi,l.. ,,. i,.,.!.. ....
,u in.- iiu mkii- ii, niiib ii v II iUiu ill. i-.i'i nun in u i ii i ii ill miaiii-r m
regular meeting uf the lodge. After uu ilarui turned in from the Friends'
the business sessiun the drill team put jchurch un Highland avenue and Cliurch
ill over two hours' hard work under sheet. The tire was caused by a de
their new cnpluin, .lames Hoy Neer, fective flue and hail caught in the nulls
Don't forirnt. niiieimrt .im. .tnr.
Inn reopened at 152 North CommercialJ
Read the Bllgh Thoutro program,
It is H uiiiveisal law that you ciinnot
get sonicthiug for nothing.' W hoever
eipocls to defeat Hint law Is doomed
to disappointment. Wnatevcr is worth
hllviuu is worth miviiiii I'm'
I ins great Mum applies to the optical
business especially. Kvery pnir of j
glaises represents definite Milne. Their,
cost is measured by their ivnith. Cheap
juices menu cheap Millies, always.
When the ovoh need attention, service
(Mints more than anything else, Willi j
out 'ompeteiit. service, the best glasses'
in the hoi lil uie useless.
Skill, experience nnd knowledge arc
iieresKiiiy tn render sntisfiu'tniy service.!
These are obtained only lit the expense
ul time, iiitior ami money,
Those wIik give service tree have, lit
tle enice to give. Do you want vour
eves the most dcliiate uiuaus of the
body- taken cine uf by one whose Gilbert Potco, expert machinists,
service is of lalue, or by one who'OiiO Ferry, will fix it. Phone 0SS,
thinl'it sn little of Ills xnioil thill tie I o
k1"" 11 ' '
I in. ini'ii' lining in ginnsc cull lie . niirii nii-iinrii i-iiiiirn, mis iieen HCll-
ilone by ii ill one, but it requires experi-1 ously ill fur some weeks with a coin
em e and knowledge to do it rightly, oi plication of diseases at his home, 1151
to tell when glusses ure not needed. I Fast Sixth sheet, ntirtli, llishop Uurk
At'ter Inning had more than 112 veins'! ley is well k now n in Oreguii us one of
practical and highly successful ex the early workers fur tint initiative mid
iierience III fitting glasses, and aftei referendum, ami was twice elected to
laving fitted thousniids of guileful pn-'thc Icgislatue fioiu Minion county. In
tients in M.iiion and Polk cuunties, I
feel that 1 nil entirely competent to
(live you tiie service to which yinr
eyes are entitled.
I never advertise bin gains in glasses.
Nor do I claim to give somelhing for
nothing, but I do guarantee, you satis
faction. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, Doctor
of optics, 210 211 I'. S. National Dunk
llld., SiiIiuii, Oregon.
Corsets, Sahlin and
Comforts, Drucker Trunks, Lilly Luggage
At Meyers-Salon's Style Store-Monday
The First Advance Showing of Authentic Styles for Spring
New Suits,
The newest Fabric, Weaves and Colorings that 'will be most
popular for Spring and Summer are shown in profusion. The
newest authentic styles in many fetching models will be ready for
your inspection.
We cordially invite you to see these
attractive Ready-to-Wear Department.
The Shetland pony contest will close
at C p. in., February 1.
Period and art craft furniture made
lo order. iicinhurd Cabinet Factory.
I'lione Oil.
ti, rui. ri.. rfnrt. iij I
minimi un- i iiiiiiiii.) aim oilmen 10 me i
,,..,f ii.ii, ., Ti,.. ,.J
only slight, however, and tuu building
.probably can be repaired at a cast ul
I about f.'.'i.
I Roinhart's alios store still in business.
! See tlicui at 1.12 Noith Cuuimciciiil
: street.
; Take Sunday dinner at the Cottage
I Hotel, Chicken, Hfle. HID Court.
Tho board of trndo of Eugene, which
has mu'iiluincil u nominal iiigauiatimi
for iiiaiiy years, has received a letter,
thiuiigh its secretary, K. J, Frusicr,
from Henry SteveiiMiu, nt present re
siding at Sulem, Ore,, slutiug that he
would like to locate u lace factory here,
lie rays he has been in that business
nearly all his life and would like to es
tablish a plant of this kind on the
Kugene Kcgister.
Reluhnrt's quality shoes at 102 North
Cumnif rciul.
'B",;k"'y' V,tlr?tl ,btl,,1P of
I si' I ami I Mm as n free silver lepub
licun. He was at that time n minister
in active service. Portland Journal.
I. 0. 8 211 12 Hnbbsrd building.
Dance tenight at the armory,
The 10 year-old girl who was arrest-
'! in a illuming house Thursday night
Ferris Waists, Munsing and Merode Underwear. Maish
New Coats,
Skirts, New
A Splendid Assortment
of Infants' Wear
We take particular pains in select
ing garments fur the bubicH, and moth
rn will lie much interested in our
splendid showing (if fonts, Drosses,
Skirts, Him nitM, Bootees, Knit floods
mill Novelties. If you've, n baby to
elotho or a linliy gift to buy, 'o urge
you to see our assortments,
with A. 1). Whorley anil "Pinkie
Lee, was sentenced to three years in the
girls' industrial school yesterday by
Judge Itushcy, Worlcy nnd Leo are
serving out their tlUO fines in the city
jail. The girl was taken to the city
iutqiiial before being sent to the in
dustrial school in order that she might
regain her health.
. . , " .. .
Relnhart s quality alio store now at
L12 North Commercial, ,
Dr. Stono's ciuiulain
remedy, 20c;
Qoorge Thomas, who was arrested in
tiiis iilv Thursday bv the Sulem notice
lllllc.l Willi nieaii.ig H cru..-i. , M,,..
a motorcycle in Dallas, was taken to
Oallns yesterday evening by the con
stable to stand trial in that city. Thom
as is a resident of this city and claims
that lie has not been in Dallas since
last June. The carburetor wns posi
tively identified, however, by the man
who iluinied to bo the owner. Thomas
les a motorcycle uf nntiuue model, ,
which was retained at the police stu-
The Huggins Grocery CO. will occupy j order their ! scuts now for the Uluttk
the building formerly occupied by the 1 Xiinhalist concert, lieserve them by
iSuusct (Irocery Co., 121 South Cointuer-! m,
ciul street.
. T . . I
I Bui tains in Needlework. Hearts,
Pillows, Centerpieces greatly reduced.
The Needlccrult Shop, .12.) State street.
Phone 1125.
HanclMur-On :.
Whether or not you
No person is ever advised
by me to use glasses unless
they are necessary. If they
are needed I will furnish the
right kind at the lowest
price consistent with the
best grade of work
Miss A. McCulloch
208-20!) Hubbard Did?.
Phone 109
'JS..TVT ' - 1
on t i
on the Second Floor
New Dresses
new things in our
A Worthy Sale of Desirable
Dress Ginghams
Regular 15c Sellers Special per yard 8c
A timely offering of Toile Do Nord Ginghams for three days'
selling at this special low price. This is the very best gingham that
can be bought for 15c a yard firm weave, serviceable in wearing and
trashing; stripes, checks, broken checks and plain colors pinks, blues,
greys, greens and combinations of colons 27 inches wido and truly a
bargain at only 8c a yard. You'll be surprised when you seo the
quality don't judge it by the price.
Splendid for Women's and Children's Dresses, Aprons, etc.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only (Wash Goods Section).
V3 Si VJl
itt n .
Sunday Monday specials: Wash-
boarjs, 17c; tubs, 4.1c; boilers, 8He;
clothes baskets, oOc, Kverytliing for
laundry work at special prices. See
advert iscinent elsewhere, lluren &
Bargains in Needlework. Scarfs,
Pillows, Centerpieces greatly reduced.
The Needlccrult Shop, ;I25 State street.
The gospel of the Wilamelto valley
seems to be reaching nil pints of the
country. Ji. P, Well, of Hunford,
Wash., writes asking for informntion
as to whether there are any building
; -
A. iowniig, nailing rrom loiiKers,
Y.. has heard of the loganberry nnd
is interested to the extent of wanting
more information ' and the price of
land. From fur off yuiet Cove post
office, (junutisiiio Sound, Victoria, H.
('., Walter W. l.ungley writes inquiring
the price of land in the Willamette val
ley. Mitsic students who cannot afford to
nav the hiuher nrices for seals should
..,i.i u.i mio, u:i,..f
When undecided, insuro with W right.
270 State street. Phone 10.
J. B. Thornton, who formorly drove
nn unto for hire ubout this city, was
fined Kill this morning In police court !
on a charge uf violating the local option .
liquor law. It was eha.rge, that Thorn-i
ton sold a pint bottle ot whiskey in this
it v, und when Ins room wns senroicil
Chief Welsh found a number of empty
buttles and new cork, which were held
as evidence against Thornton. Thorn
ton plead not guilty in pn'ice court but
At Reduced Frices 13c and 23c.
Bligh Theatre
Don't class so-called features seen elsewhere with the real
features shown at the Bligh.
Continuous Show from 2:00 to 10:30.
waived the services of a lawyer, lie
was arrested yesterday evening and
spent the night in the city jail.
The Southern Pacific Railway com
pnny has just issued a booklet pictur
ing the wonders of the entire Pacific
coast for the benefit of eastern visit
ors to the Pnnainn-Pacific fair at San
Francisco. The railway men hold Unit
visitors to the fair should not content
themselves with looking over the scenes
'""y of the fair grounds only,
! t't that they should sen the Wonders
n ". T'''
"'f' f0".
' WW "",t",t,, .
on four II rent High-
the natural wonders
"jof this country in excellent cuts and
, , ,.,.ri ! f the ,.,inti v nnd
-. . . . . L
I'",ta of
The OluckZimbalist concert has
aroused much enthusiasm among music
lovers in Sulem and viciuity. Special
I ruins are being arranged fnv, and the
management has had many inquiries.
Twouty five orders were filled yester
day und HI received this morning. It
is expected that next week will be the j
banner week for sales, since the early
orders will receive the best scats.
Norma N. Lofflitgwell, embalincr
nnd holy . usistant, w ith Cottuge I'u
dertuking Purlors, Phone 724.
Successor to Loui On. Mukos
biggest nnd best Chinese
Noodles, Hie, Hice & Pork, IDc.
Ferry street, near High, op
posite Oarage.
77 I
HODSON At his residence in West Sa
lem, Friday, January 2!l, "llTl."!, J. W.
Private fmiernl services will be held
lit the (impel of Higdon & liirhurdson
Sunday nt'temoou at 2 o'clock. Inter
ment will tuko place in the Odd Fel
lows' cemetery under the auspices of
Pacific led go No. M, A. 1'. & A. M.
Mis Frank K. Lovell passed away
this afternoon shortly after .'I o'clock
after a prolonged illness. Funeral ar
; rangrinents have not yet been made. -
W. D. Wheeler, proprietor of the
;Neiv Cliff House, lit Newport, Oregon,
,is in Salem on .business, lie says that
the summer resort owners of Newport
jam! vicinity are preparing for an extra
I large attendance of visitors this sum
mer, und that all indications show that
ithey will not be disnpiiointed. He udd
1 ed that plans are being made to put on
a through sleeper between Portland and
j Newport, nlloning the business people
of the large city to finish their work
: in the evening and arrive at the seaside
foiirly the nest morning. .
A free lecture on domestic science
: will be given Thursday evening, Feb
I'riuiry -1, at the C. T. I', hall, cor
nier of South Coiiiinercial and Ferry
! streets, by Miss Fdiwirds, of the Salem
ihigh school.
latest War Time Drama, Three
Three J 'arts
A Rattling Keystone Comedy.
live Piece Orchestra.
1A - The Show That -1A
IVW Pleases the People, lul
"If its electric, come to us'
Salem Electric Co.
Office Bligh Hotel
11 F. KUCK
Piano Tuning
In or out of city.
Phone 23M-J. 1215 E Street
lw 1 ' ,M HI L. II IfB I sw- M I u IT .A
-Q-stK .
I d p
TONIGHT Hut. Fred's.
BILLY Kxpert window cleaner. Phone
FIB WOOD $1, maple, if 1.50. Fliono
FUH SALE Two fresh cows first clasa.
I 'hone S2-F-3.
WANTf'D Hood second-hand bicycle,
man 's, cheap, rhone K.SO.
LOST Lady 's overcoat Tuesday. .Re
turn to .lournal office.
Kl-Tl N HI) girl wislies iosition in pri
vate home. 1'hone lWl-,1,
MIDDLK-AtlKI) woman wants work;
can cook. 171 on it street.
WAXTF.U t'euerul housework by ex
perieuced person. I'lione til-F-l.i.
WILL buy u low pitch (' clarinet, if
reasonable. :i."4 North I2ih sheet,
WANTKII Place to work lor board
and room by sehou! girl, i'lione IM 1.
Foil UKXT Five rooifi bungalow,
modern. Call 7!H North lltli at reel.
FOH HUNT Small dwelling in North
Hnlcm. Phono Cnroy F. Martin, 4PJ.
WANTKD To lease, n large nt It
farm; will pay cash rent. Phone JJi'ii
W. Foil KKNT Housekeeping apart
ments, ;l"io llelleviie street. Plioio
FOK SAI.K Cood work horse, o veins
old, sii'iud, weight I lull. .'1)1 Nortli
2 1 Kt street.
I.ISTION ! Will not be resionsililo for
any debts or bills cuitrucled by un y
one only mvsolf. Jennie lleadiick.
FOH HKNT Horm with board, suitable
for two: modern conveniences; Ka t
Sulem. Phone 2112.
FOK l( KNT I'p to date 7-rooin t'lul,
ilo."e in. See It. H. Fleming. Plioin
121. Ucs. phone '.'2.
l'( If KKNT Kive-rooiu niodcrn lions'1,
comer Seventeenth and Center. In
quire 117S Statesman street.
SALK OK THADF. Portland suburban
.T-acre for Sulem residence ("' suboi'
ban acrengo. Phone 2318-1!.
FOK KKNT Six-room house, one block
business district, 0IMI North Commci
eial. Call at house or phone 5:!5.
WAGON WANTKD Not larger than
8-inch. L. S. Arnold, Kouto 4, Hox
82. Phone liD-S-I.L
WANTKD Ity young woman, place to
work for board and loom while at
tending school. Phone 2174-M.
FOK SAI.K Furniture of a nicn
house, part or all. Hack rnnl'.:o, good
as new. Call any time. J 11 Noith
FOK KKNT Large room in fn't cla-.s
order, brum! new furniture and sto c.
A'ipiv W. C. T. I', matron. Phono
2S8. '
FOH KKNT Ten acres of land, in vv
house, well nud chicken house, 20 a
year. Inquire 22'iU North Fourta
WE will allow you the highest price for
your used furniture iu exchange for
new', Cnlef Bros., home furnishers.
Phone OO.'t.
Foil SALK fly owner, 15 acres fine
bind, fenced and clear, rock road.
Haigain if taken soon. Phone 121,
Kesidcuce phone 1'2,
FOE KL'XT Very reasonable, modern
five-room house, bath and pantry,
nenr school and church. Inquire
1-IIM South Commercial.
FOK SALIC Motorcycle, IIM2 twin Am.
ericaa uiotoicycle, I1H0 license paid;
machine in first-class condition; foi);
terms lo roponsiblo purty. II. I-'.
Ho:i.u Koute M.
every Friday night, at S o'clock in
McCnriuick block, Oscar Douiildsou,
C. I'.; L. S, (leer, clerk. ,'iU7 Coin I-
.street. Plume .V.'J.
WK I WITH correspondence 1'roin nun
willlfrg to sell guiirnnteed hosiery to
Wiener only. Splendid terms, steady
work, experience unnecessary. IIOS
IKKV, i best nut nnd lllst., Phihidd.
pliln, Pa.
iTkIT- WATi;i)--l'Yiiiiilcs Larg'i
linitling mill invites eorresiondeiice
from women desirous of earning mon
ey, part or full time. (iiul puy. K.
perii'iice uuuecessnrv. INTKb'NA
l'liiludelhin, Pa.
FOH SALK In a milium! town ar
Sulem, II generul store, with P. O.
and care depot and express office in
cluded. Owner nntt change cliinat"
and will sell at a biirgnin. lluililiug'i
included. Inquire Square Deal Kcully
I 'o.
FOK SALK New 'i-rooni bungiilovv, mi
tnvi', street; lircpluce, five pluinbiiig
fi..:urcs, paneled dining room, built iu
kitchen, etc. Located HH.'i . 2oth st.
Pro e I2."iii, if jiiu cash, balnuco time,
See owner nt above address.
PKKSON AL Lonely young widmv, ng
21, weight Ll-"i, owns nice comfortable
hnn.e, ;12U acres tiuest wheat hind,
neir Piieifie coast, worth ii .i t H ; in
come :liiU0 enrlyj also large bank
iiceouiiti good disposition; easy to g'i
iiloug with, will marry puir man il
bright, hoiioiuble, umbitious and capa
ble of managing piopcrty successful
ly. More particulars for any man
answering quick, enclosing sonic post
age. Addiess- "Sincere,' It LCi
I'm niingdale, So. Dak. (leaciul de
liveiies not nnsvveied. This notice i'
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Spanish Chicken, Hot Tamales, Chill
Con Carna, Chop Bttey Noodlet
420 Ferry Street