SEVEIf. 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION 1 It is possible to securo employment by culling personally upon those, you hear npc J help.. It is a long, tedious task, liowever. The classified way brings your application before tboue who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT per word for the first insertion. ONE-HALF CENT per word for each succeeding: subse quent insertion. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never cease until thoir tasks are snesess fully performed. Each day these little wonder workers faithfully deliver theli message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM TRY THE CLASSIFIED WA THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREOON. AT)1MAY, JANUARY 30. I91!i. ABSTRACTS UNION ABSTHACT' CO. Abstracts that Protect. Our books posted up to date each moruiug. Call Main 1240 and a messenger will call for your Bbstinct. ,1. C. Sicmund, presidcut; Max Uehlhar, secretary, 215 State street. j AUCTIONEER. " : AUCTIONEER Snlem s reliable seller. Farm salej solicited. Terms, 1 per eent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Henry M. Yoorhies, Mirliignu avenue, first street east of the statu fuir grounds. - . j CHIIPRACTIC-SPINOLOOIST OB. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro-i practic'a Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything ai.d have gut no relief, try Chiroprae-, tic spinal adjustments and get well. I Office 40(1-7-8 V. S. National Hank ftuilding. Phone ila.u 87. Residence Muin S28-B. CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR. FLO H A A. BKEWSTER, M. D. Nerve specialist, ihiroprai'tic or spinal ad-jr,-'wonts. Wo treat the cause uf OfHre only. Consultation and cx amfuation free. Office 42!M;)U-431 Hulihard Hlilg. l'lumo SSI. CHIKOPKAC T03. : "Xsri.T DR. MAY, experienced and smvi'ssl'ul Cliiriipraclur, fur acute and chronic dii-cmlcr.. .Has practiced five years in Oregon. 1'ioe cunsultal ion I lours, ! to 12, 1 In 0. :I0."i (!-7 Huh bard Hldg. attendant. I'lmiio ufl'ice "i72; rcsidcu'c ItvJ-ll. i'VIINITl'ltH New and second hand, bought, sold and exchanged. Stoves, ranges mid miseelluiieoiis hardwaic. Wo pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture, harness, et Coi:ie in and examine our stnei. .1. Miantz, ;I44 Court street. SECOND-HAND Fl.ltXITCHR bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for sccond-lininl goods. See us before you sell. Wir sprechen Dentscli. l'eetz Furniture Co., 217 North Com mercial street. Phone 084, .. aiOIIEHT price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges,' hardware, tents, etc. Wo carry the most complete stock of above articles in towu at tho lowest price. 0. L. Wcl'eek, 271 ftorth Commercial et. Phone Main 1233, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS " Ml. LEO I). SCOTT, Osteopathic Thy. xlcinn. A gradual!1 of the Eos An geles College of Osteopathy and l.iw Angeles Medical College n'f Ophthal mology, Treats acute aint chronic diseases. Offices JO.VluO Salem Hunk of ( omineree lluihiing. I'houe -ISO." Lady iiltendant. DR9. B. n. WHITE and li. W. WAL TON, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Americnn School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nerve diseases at Los wigeirs college, i rent ucme nnu chronic diseases, Consultation free. Lady atteiidant.'office uO.-.-r.UU IJ. Si National Hank building. Phone 850. Residence 3IU North Capitol street, Phone 4UH, JiOAVENOER AT,EM SCAVENGER Charles' Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office phono Main 2247. Rosidenc,, Ma hi 2272, " ' ' TJNDERTAKEna ' " LEHMAN CLOrOir-C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral ,11 rectors. x Latest modern methods known to the profession cnipluvcd. 443 Court street. Main 120, Main 118S, R 1 0 DON li I CI I A H I )SO N ( 0. Vuiiern 1 (lirei-tnrs and undertakers. 2-12 North llih street. Office Phono Main 183. Rigdnn residence Main 111. SAY JUANITA I WRIT TO A R-iHTo H r TfcT. ! vr - Sisters XOW tJ DID .AONf.lj'T TO C-'OOONF.5h WAt I Y. WHAT DID if JW WOOD AND COAL SALEM I't'KL YARDS The place of jimmy, ah Kiuua of dry wood, four foot or cut in stove lengths to suit. Prompt delivery. We handle the best coals on the market. Try our King coal; it is the best. 752 Trade street. Phone Main 5211. Mark Sidilnll prop. WATER COMPANY 8AI.EM WATER COMPANY-Offiee corner ( ominercial and Trade streets For water service apply at office Dills psynble monthly in advance. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. IT. W. Prote-cfron Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening t 8 in the McCornnck Hall, cornncr Court and Liberty streets. A. E. Aufrance M. W..; S. A. McFuddeu, recorder; A. L. Hiown F. . CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. MeCornack building. Tuesday even ing of ench week at 7:30; 'W. B. (lilson, C. C.j .lames W. Cor, K. of n. nii.i a. 3ALEM LOIHIK NO. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. .1. C. Welch, W. .V.; S. '.. Culver, secrctin v. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 50, A. F. k A. SL Stated i;omfuuiciitiiia third Fri day in each month at 7:30 i. m. in the Mn ionic. Temple. Glenn 0. Niles, W. M.; Ernest If. clionu', secretary. B. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 13(10, meets every Thursday even ing in MeCornack building, Count and Liberty streets. Elevator. Snsio Pnrmenter, 781 North Front street, Oracle; llaze.l Price, Imperial 1'urni ure Co., recorder. MUT.TNOMAir ROYAL ATtCil CHAP fKIl NO. 1, U. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in nnch month nt 8 p. in. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rns oll M. Urooks. secretary. HUDSON COUNCIL NO. 1, II, & S. M. Stuted nssriubly first Monday iu eaeii inonth, .Masonic Temple. Juiucs I'luiit, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glen C. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMM'ANDERY, No. (i, K. T. Kegular eoncluvo fo'urth Friday In ench month at 8 o'clock'!), in., iu Masonic Temple. Hojouriung Sir Luiglits aro courteously invited to meet with us. Geo. 11. lluruttt, E. C; Frank A. Turner, recorder. CHADWICIC CHAPTER NO. 37. 0. E. S. Hegulnr meeting every first and tnird luesiluy at n p. in. in tho .Ma sonic Temple. Elizabeth lieud, W. M.; Ida .l. Ilabcock, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEHICA Oregon Cedar Cnnip No. 0240, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock iu Masonic Hall, comer Court and 'Liberty streets. Elcvutiir service. W. W. Hill. V. C.j Hex A. Turner, clerk. UNITED AKTISANS-Cnptlal Assem bly" No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. in. in Moose Hull. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M. A.; huu G. Marliu, secre tary, Masonic Temple. - "CMANH SOC1ETY-D. D. feeler, president: Mrs, Lou lillsou, bcc ru i u i j . nil cases ui cruelty ur neglect of dumb animals should bo , reported 0 the secretary for investi gation. - WOODMEN OF Til K WOULD-Meet every Friday uight at 8 o'clock In McNornnck block. (.'. O, Matlock, V. C.j (.'. G. McElroy, clerk, Oltl l.'ourt street, phone 3(1"). LAWYER. C. H. ACKER Lawyer, 211 Mnsuuie temple. NURSERY. FOII SALE All kinds of fruit trees( grafted walnuts S."i Cenls per trc. Leave orders fur all kinds of top grafting ami spraying. Mill Creel, Nursery, 2 ISO State street, Salem, Or. Of Ey6 I VvTLl-.THtT FIR'oTDAT I WF.NT, I tiAVl .' MKR A OOI LAK TO rit lU I !)UT THP. NAM T.' OH i MY FUTURE ( MUSUANIJ ' SHIr TE!Ll..) TOU ? , - i f FOB SALE FOH 'SALE Fir' timber stumpage; makes excellent cord wood. Address S. C, Journal. - FOIt SALE A (i-room modern bunga low, only 4 blocks from the state house. On 2)5 South Fourteenth st. Price $3200. FOR SALE Choice Willson Strawberry planU, $2.00 per 1000. V. Hirdeno Chemawa, Oregon. YOI'NO calves tor sale. For further inTni'maliou inquire ut Eruitlaud Nur-. sa'-v sah'sva'-d, corner High ond Ferry streets. Phono 23-F-21. Kt. I). EOll SALE l'irst ck'sn prune farm nt reasonable price. Money will bring bargain. Alsu Tirst class dairy farm complete, stock, milk route, and all. Sipiarn Deal Realty Co. l-'Oi; SALE Oil LEASE About 211 Vi acres of land 2'j- miles west of Salem, level and cleared. Address rr call F. Freeman, Capital Hotel, City. FOR SALE--Cheap, $1200; 10 acres 31 mile from school en mail and cream route, with good .Vrooiu hrfise, water on porch; 7 acres of bottom land ready to plow; 20 acres easily cleared, very line laud: balance pasture. Ad-dre-s Owner, Geo Weber, Waterloo, Oie., Route 1. FOR RENT FOl! KENT Furni. died housekeeping rooms; reasonable. S.'i.i North Com mercial street. Full RENT Cheap, o fine rooms on 12th street, newly papered and clean ed. For particulars phone iliili. KISCELLATTEOTJS TO KXC1IANG E For Salem homo, a pnving ferry proposition, with house, 3 lots and !!' acres of hind; price $3000. This will stand investigation, .iuciibs Company, Hubbard building. Till') Apparel Service Company, first class prensers, cleaners and repairers, Alterations, rclining furs ami clothing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Phone 728. 138 South High street, Sulem, Ore. Anna Lang, P. Lee, pro prietors, . DRY CLEANING PRESSING. THE Apparel Service Compuny, ladies' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed ! and l..)0. Special atten iij.i given t(i repairing, alterations and to rclining furs ami clothing All work guarnnteed. Anna Lang, P. Lee, proprietors. Phone 72S. Salem, Ore. UMBRELLA REPAIRING. WE DO ALL KINDS of mending and re-roveriug, quickly and neatly, call ing for and delivering all orders. J. H. Enton, Now and Second-Ilnnd Goods, 341 North Commercial. Phono 1 I "THE OLD RELIABLE" AT ORIIoat:1.OH TRIAL BOX f rROM PlAHltM lir.KPVOT UP-l- " ' : 1 rOB MEN AND WOMEN. Hackncliel Feel tired! Nat so spry as you used to be I Getting old! Many persons mistake kidney trouble for ad vancing lige. Kidneys out of onl r milk,! you feel old befnro your time. Foley Kidney Pills tone up ami invigo rate Hie kidneys, banish backache, rid your hlitid of acids and poisons, Sold by .1. C, Perry, Druggist. CATARRH of l)m DLADDEn vi' it) 24 HOURS i iv v n Fn-h C:ui- 7 ....r.nh,.(Mt ittrnu .;" Dill MIOY linmu ..ilf rfrllJ Say, 1,111 IrlMAII'ir CJ, -) , i-J V FHf J THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone ABSTRACTS OT TITLE. 6alem Abstract Company, 212-222 Salem Bank and Trust Bldg. . 633 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Balcm Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES. 8alm Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 25 PLUMBINO, STEAM FITTING! AND TINNING, T. M. Barr, 184 South Commercial street ..... Main 192 UNDERTAKERS, Uigdon-Rlchardeon Co., 254 North High street Day and night, Main 183 TRANSFER ANR DRAYAOE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner Stato and Front streets Main 7t JOB PUtNTING. Beaver State Printers. Pattern Block '. 1512 i For-Iiifatits and Children ir. Um For Over 30 Years Vi.ways beara tho Signature of lL. M. Uare of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. ' Phone 283. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOBI A --4 SalemFence Works And Stove Re'pairing R. B. Fleming, Prop. Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and Bold. Depot American Fence. Dates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Faints, Oils aua Varnlsheii. Roofing, Fonts, IIop Hooks. 250 COURT ST. PHONE 12 Back of Chicago BWre. Qirlh, Be Sure ths K IllVllt UNPWM TO rAll. "'"I Si ij l nH.- H H '-in lm4cNii4 , V'ltier, Sciii ,'IJ D ft l 10 jwf Will trnl Ibpmon Im, tMl.l for H ImTn tuiu Hod ytHiCMidi If (ha , 0 V UNIT"P Ml OlCHt ton T4, UMHrw, Fa. H WAIT A MINIJTF, ITTTY FIRbT SHI.- TOOK TMF. DOl.LAK AND THIrN TOI O MIT TO BKINt- TWO DOl I.AHS AND A NH L:' RIO TOO IJHIHG HKR A tnct FKI-SM I GO, 1i;Ar vSH t GO - WFONF iiOAY A DAME LADY'S APPEAL To nl! knowing uuffercrs of rluMimutUm, whoilier .inusculitr or of tlio Jti i it fci-iutica, lumluiK luickitcho, jiiiins In Lho kiilneysor ntir:ilia pnin.i, to write to her tor n tioiu.o trfiiliiifritwhi':h linn rconitefUy cirefl all of lliuso tortiircs. Slit! ti.-U il her duty (o hmi1 it to nil' pntfi'ri'ifi l''RKK. Yon euro ynttrfwif nt homo am ttiotiHinulH will testi--no clumffo of i-Iinuvu; being ntcnusary. TIHs Kiiinilo diCuvcry bani'tl'.cH m In ticiil frmn ilie blnml. .n-liu- llu' fl ilfiMit'tl joinlH, jiiirilW'S t!ie bioofl ami hrifchttms tin1 eycH, giving elasticity nutl t tno tu the wholo HVHtetn, If the abovj liitT'(s i'tn, lor prmt uddreri Mrs. M ttuiniuiTH, Uvx Jt. Nntro JJ.unc, lud. 1'IVB CUNTS PROVES IT. A Goiiorovts Offer, t n't out ail, encloro villi a cents to Foley & Co., Chi cago, III., and receive a free trial pack ago containing Foley's ll(e:ey and Tai ( ompound for coughs, eoKU, croup, bronchial and lagrippe coughs; Fol.'.v I Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab- j lets. l'"or sale in your town by J. 0. j I'erry, Druggist. i How to Cure a Lagrippe Cough. I.agrippe coughs demand iustnnt trcuL-j ment. They slmw a serious condition: of tho sysliun and are weakening. Post nuiKter Collins, lhirnegnt, N. J., says: I took Foley's Honey and Tar Comiound for a violent Ingrippo cough tlmt com pletely exhausted nie, mid less than half a bolllc stopped tho cough." Try it. J J. C, Perry, Druggist. i WHAT "SHE WANTED. "I wuut to stup my baby's cough," said a young mother Tuesday, "but I won't k've him any harmful drug"." hlia bought Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound. It loosens the cough quick ly, stiinuliites the mucus membranes nnd helps throw ntr the ehgking secretion, eases pain nnd gives the child normal rest. J, C, Perry, Druggist. LIFE INSURANT REFUSED. F.vor notice how closely life insurance examiners limk for symptoms of kidney diseases! They do no because weaken ed kidneys lead to many forms of dread I'ul life-shorteiiing nl'flietloiis. If yoi have aisy syniptoms like pain in the back, frequent, uranty or painful action, tired feeling, aches nnd pains, get Foley Kidney Pills today. .1. C. Perry, Drug-git- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A fiHICHESTER S PILLS S0LD?VDMjQQISiStVE8nVHL8E And many a chap talks like a wise iiuiti and ads like a fool, Egg Is Fresh the Next .. .. ..... i fx ntA t.i. t itnn ri T w ii i i , i-, i i uih'wum i Tin. Lfrfj AUD TWO 1)01 IAR1!! "VIE O'-LARHFO III):- TWO pOI.I.AP3, nur M IN A SAM-.' AUU Till MH SMASHEDTHE EGG. IN A MAGIC - SAUCI.KJf-1 W y 'I UK III All,, mi, miinn, a y't'N I.'U' I A.lir""rlri,i(l.t(1'r A f i O-'A ri.l oli lrllltim..ii.riiriit.ilv f i fcftu vj 'I'ltktl tin llirr. Iliirolyniir " ll nf l'Ill. A.i (..rl lll l Ill H.TKita I - 'V IMAIHIMI IIIIAMt I'll.l.". f.ii V.. V 17 vaQlll.'i'iwiir., Il.-M --rp'I.AUait l-l illt 1 j u n DEMAND FOR THE EFFICIENT. Alert, keen,' clear headed, healthy men and women are in demand. Mosl em business cannot use iu office, fac tory or on the road, persons who aro dull, lifeless, iuert, half sick or tired. Keep in trim. Be in a condition that wards off disease. Foley Cathartic Tub lets clean the system, keep the stom ach sweet, liver active aud the bowels regular. J. C. Pony, Druggist. Try the Children's medicine. Many parents are inclined to believo that medicine used for children is notl suitable for themselves. While it s true that larger doses are required, it is '.,u:easonnble to suppose that a disease i in m adult should bo treated any dif-j fereutly than the same ailment ia a child. Mrs. Earl Jennings, Lima, Ohio, j writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Remodyi is a splendid medicine for children. 1 have used it myself for colds and it has; always given mo the uosiro-i relief, Obtainable everywhere. Another Woman Mado Happy. It is women who lmvn nitt noed of Clmnihorlttln'a Tublots. Mrs. Kthl ATao HiiUnr,' Sponcorport, N. Y,, writoji. "('huiiil)ei'Uin 'p t Tablets have donf moro for me than 1 cvor durcd to flopp for. They not only t'urflil me of bilioug atiimka und sick Ui'mlarhe, but toned np my whuie Hytem." Obtainable ev erywhere. . v Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A mWHtHltlttllMltllllttltMt TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROADS, SOUTHERN PACIFIO COMPANY. SALEM OEER LINB. 73 Ar. Hnloru :15 a.m. 7fl Lv. Balcin 10:00 a.m. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) . 4:U0 p.m. li Lv. Snlom 4:25 p.m. (No connection south of Qour.) SALEM, FALLS CITT (t WESTERN. 180 IjV. Salem (motor) 181 Lv. Salem (motor) lO.'l Lv. Balem (motor) 165 Lv. Snlera (motor) .... 167 Lv. Halem (motor) 239 Way Freight, lv. Sslom 102 Ar. Salem (motor) .. 181 Ar. Salem (motor) ...... 106 Ar. Salem (motor) 108 A r. Salem (motor) .... 170 AySnlcm (motor) . 240 Way Freight, sr. Kalem SOUTHERN PACIFIO Northbound. 10 Oregon Express .. 2R Willamctta Limited .... 12- -'Shasta Limited (noon) 18 Portland Passenger ... 20 Portlnnd Passenger ... 14 Portland Fxpress 220 Local Way Freight .... 222 Portland Fnst Freight Southbound, 13 California Kxprssa 17 Hoseburg Passenger .... II) I ullage Grove Pass 11-Shasta Limited 27 Willamette Limited .... 13 San Francisco Kxprnsa 221 San Frnncisco Fast Frt, 225 Local Way Freight 8:15 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 0:45 a.m. 1:40 p.m. 3:25 p.m. 8:00 a.m. H:40 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 0:80 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 1:35 p.m, CO. 6:00 9:22 1 1 :f5 2:00 6:00 8:00 10:30 10:38 H:.1B 11:15 4:20 6:43 6:10 10:38 12:01 9:22 a.m a.m. n.m, p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.: p.m. P.m. p.m. a.m. I u.m.! OO.I OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Northbound. i Leaves Salem Arrives Portland Train o. 4:35 a.m... 7:15 a.m... .. 2 Owl .., 0 10 Limited 12 6:65 a.m. .. 9:30 a.m. ..11:35 a.m. .. 1:43 p.m. .. 4:10 p.m. .. 6:60 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m... 11:20 a.m 1:50 p.m 14 1 4:00 p.m 18 Limited I 6:37 p.l! 20 7:65 p.m 22 .10:00 p.m. Tinu AFTF:R iHK SMA3HFD THE EGG. DID SUIT TFTLL TOI) 1HP NAME OF YUUH FUTURE Ml !1 9 I W W W I ' 1 J WEEKLY REPORT OF UNION STOCK YARDS North 1'ortlaiiil, .Tan. 30. Recfipts for tho week have been cattle 153 iiilv (, hous H723, shncp 41 Nl. ' Cattle This weok's marl et opened sternly to strong in nil o"asscs. I'rime steers sold at. S.OO, eons at $11.80 anil oilier grailes ; proportion. Market elosiiiK steady. Ilojrs With n beginning of $6.80 Monday lvhieh .was 15c over the close of last week, hoRS have maintained this level, although all other American markets hnve shown a decided wenk ness. North Portlnnd being tho high est by 10 cents, Sheep The strenRlh of the shoep market has been able to bring some what increased receipts this week. Prices, have advanced and lambs reached $7.0, ewes $.1.7"). Outlook slrong. The following sales arc representa tive: Weight, Price fiS steers II 21 $8.00 20 steers 11:H 7.8S 27 steers 1121 7.60 27 steers IIW8 7.4ii 4 bulls 1(1-11 fi.HO 1 Mug . 041 ' 5.58 I heifer 1081 ' 7.00 1 calf 181 . 8.25 2ii cows ..1 ill- fi.80 1 cow Pill fi.HO fl cows ,....1155 8.2.5 .18 cows 1211 (1.00 171 hous 180 8.80 111 hogs 181 0.75 1058 hogs 21 1 (1.70 020 lings 187 8.05 1ia lambs 77 7.80 72 ewes 11 1 5.75 Southbouud. Lv. Portland Ar. Salem .... 8:55 a.m. ...10:11 a.m. ....12:65 p.m. .... 4:83 p.m. .... 8:40 p.m. .... 8:10 p.m. ....11:25 p.m. ... 1:55 a.m, Ar. Salem .... 6:37 p.m. Ar. Salem .... 9:43 a.m. .... 1:50 p.m. .... 4:00 p.m. ... 7:65 p.m. .3:10 a.m. Ar. Albany ... 8:35 p.m. Ar. Kugtme 7:05 p.m. Ar. Eugene .... 7:,00 a.m. 8:45 a.m 8:25 a.m 10:10 n.m 2:10 p.m 4:40 p.m 15:00 p.m. 0:20 11:45 p.m .. 5 Limited . 7 9 13 Limited , .. 17 Local .., 19 .... 21 Owl .... Northbound. Lv. C'orvallis 4:10 p.m Lv. Kugcna 7:35 a.m 11:15 a.m 1:50 p.m 5:10 p.m 12:03 a.m Lv. Salem 4::i5 p.m 20 .... 10 Limited . 14 10 Limited . 22 .. 2 Owl Southbound. Lv. Halem 2:00 a.m 0:05 a.m 10:15 a. in Lv. Salem 1:00 p.m 21 Owl 1 , (j Limited .... ...11:30 a.m. ...12:25 p.m. Ar. A I ban ... 2:06 p.m. at (,'orvallii 8t22 p.m. Ar. Eugene ... 8:50 p.m. Stops Lv. Snlcin 8:40 p.iu 13 CORVALLIS CONNECTION Northbound. . Cnrvnllls Ar. Salem :20 a.m 10 9:46 a.m. (Local Albany to Salem,) :12 p.m 14 Jt?0 p.m. :32 p.m 18 4:0$ p.m. :10 p.m 20 6:37 p.m. ;03 p.m -22 7:63 p.m. Southbound. . Salem Ar. Corvallii :05 n.m 1 10i05 a-io, :15 a.m 5 11i34 a.m, :35 p.m 9 6:08 p.m. :00 p.m 7 2:32 p.m. : 15 p.m 13 8:00 p.m. ' No matter what you have Jto sell, a Journal Want Ad I will sell it for you if it can the sold. By L&wisir NO SHE FAINTED!