Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 30, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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    MW 11 ','.1
-n 't'-
V:. Jjii, ' '
ALCOHOL 1 PKii ;knt
ting (ite Stomadts awlBtwclsof
Promotes DteesltonfltttW
ness and Resi.ConlalMitciter
Opiuan.Morph.ine norMiuenl
JMtilt fitff
Aiintud CttiiiM Stair
Aperfeet Remedy forConslip
tlon , Sour Stomach.mamioa
Worms JCovulsions.rewri5
J&c Simile Signature of
tuz Centmjk Compast,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Everybody Admires utBeatitiful Complexion
'!3 I H -i'U J-'. "J HY. . 1 1 E I
S70lAr.nfi5T1- NwVbiiK.
Goiiraud'i Oriental cream euros Mtin
PlBefiflfft nnrt relieves flnnhnrn. TloinrnvH Tan. IMmplex, ItlaekheadK, Moth
Piiti-hoH, Hush. Krei ltlert and Vulvar ll--iliiesi, Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving
ft iienriiH'iy Clear and reimeii complexion wiiH'ji every wotoun ui'mron,
No. II
Kor H.vlo by lrUKKlntH
Fcrd. T. Hopkins, Prop..37
Asnocialed Bible Stud out 8 (I. B. a A.)
Hi'Kiilnr weekly llililc aluily in up
nliiirH hull nt tli' iormr of lliuli ninl
I'Vrry HtwlH, on Sunduv niurni ni (it HI
o'clock. All Hiblo HtiidciUK am wcl
ooiiio. No colluiiliun.
Highland Friends,
Corner, nf II iuhtuud and Klin utroi'tit,
.TiiNciltini llockctt piiNtor; residence
N. Kim, iilumn MH.V (Siililmvh
Mclinol 10 n. in., Knrl l'rultt, Kiipcrin
toiiilent. rriii'liniK snrviin 11 B. ni
( lirist Inn Kndcnvur Q p.
church will join in the union service at
the tatiernncle in charge of Dr. Henry ,tnhv, superiiiteudeiit. Morning wor
(latr.iin, There will be no otner serv-ishin at II n. m.. serinon, "The King
ice at the church during the week.
East State and Eighteenth streets,
r:.,..Hn.. k-....i.i.... .....1,1, ...i
ill II SO a, in., preaching service at lOillOjn p. m., preaching by the superintend-
a..,,-,,,.,, in..-....., trillion, n, ,,,,. 1
a. in. Luther League at 0:4"' p. in
I'.vcning service in kuglish at ?;0!
V. m, I
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Services nre held at 410 ChcincUcta
street, at II a. in. nnJ 7 :.'! p. m. Sub
ject of Bible lesson, "Love. ' Sunday
Heboid nt 1;I." a, in. Wednesday even
ing testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock.
Time and Tria! Prove
tho uniu:illo'.l valim of Boerhmn'a Pilla aa the
best corrective of mlmonta of tho dilutive ortfanti
bo common -and tho host nreventivo of lastiiiR urnl
Btii'ious Bioknoss so ofUm resulting from defective or
irregular tuition of the Btonuich, liver or bowels.
Beecham's PiSIs
havo a ;;:int tvurj. ' For over half a century they hivolxvT uwtl with
cnliro atis'.'icti'i:i in thousand of homes. A few doses will prove to
you Hint y iu can find prompt relief from tho headaches, depression of
i .ilrlti attJ gjiiirul no-irjo.l feelings cutised by ituUtfKSJtiun or IuUimmiunm.
Try th-.v t, a.il'.pu v.-til know what it ia 1 liuvn (. your comiiiun d uuch
An lnv?.h:shz Asd to HpH!i
TH Lr AnU of Ary Mriliclii tn (S V,r!-.
itld j.)fwbr, la bukt, ID;., 5c.
, in.-jiiyTiri.iirrpBt'nrr o-'t-'w ' r r u 'n'r'.''.T'rrrT,-r'
' -
For Infant3 and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
m it m i
. -
Oriental Cream
Jin Indispensable and Delightful
Toilet Requisite
for Fashionable Women.
A dally nooosftlty for the lad 1 pa toilet
WtiotlHT at homo or while traveling. It
prottMttt) tli wkln from injurloufi Hl'ecU
of the oIi'humUh. Mvp a wonderfully oi'
fectlve tuiuuty to ttio eompleWlon. It in a
perfect linii-nreiiHy Toilet Creutn mid pos
itively will not cimm? or I'ln-ouniKe tint
Rniwth of hnlr which all Imlics sliouhl
Kimnl iKfiuiHt when Heleetliiff h toilet pre
pariitlon. When daneliitf, bow llriK or otli
ir 1'X-tiIiimh heat tlio kkIii, it pLvveut4 u
greiiHy appear unen.
Gouraud't Oriental Cream lina boon
hhflily reeotnineinli'd by phyrtleiiuiH, iiet
reHscH, wlnKei'H and women of fashion for
over I ml; a eentnry und Oiinnot be mir
pitH.ie.l when preparin for dully or even
ing nttlre.
mill Kuiu y (Jnnl li'iilcrn.
Great Jone Street, New York.
The reading room of this church
lin atcd in the llubliurd llmldiug, suite
;Mi:i, and is open every day, except
Nimliivs and holidays, from 11:41) a. m
to 4 p. in., mid is alwi open every even
ing, except Sundays hii1 Wednesdays,
from 7::iU to V o'clock. All are wel
come to our services and invited to
visit our reading room,
Jason Le MauwrUl.
Coruer .lefferson ami N. Winter
at reels, J, Montcalm Brown, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. in., C. M,
Kohcris, superintendent, and Mrs.
liixsou, superintendent primary de
piuiinent. Trenching service at 11 a.
in, Special music by choir. Everybody
made welcome. No flvouing service on
account of union evnngelistic services
In the Tulieinai'le conducted bv Dr.
Uslrom at. 7::i0.
South Saleia Frlrnd.1.
Corner of South Commercial and
I Washington streets, II. E. Pemberton,
pastor, Bible school nt 10 n. m., Knimcr
Who I'ald Ills Vows." 7:30 p. in. nt
tiio 1 aiiei nac.ie,
Coimnous Mission.
mi Hint.. ., s..,,..,w e..n.1nv
1 .1, t-ii.i.i niii-.-i. ,,-, , n vi i-uiiu' m
... . ...... n...... ........... . ...
1 cut,
The Evangelical Association.
Chcmeketa street church, coruer l,th
I and ( heineketa streets, K. (I. Horn
I schiich, pastor. Services on Sundnv
morning only, at 11 o'lock. This,
hnrch will be Iu the tubcrnacle meet-
lugs, nnd there will be no services Inl
Hip church in the evening during the
ner usr m
Names of Marion County
Residents Liable For Jury
Duty in 1915
The jury lint for tio year S315 lios
been completed by the county court
ami couxixtf! of 3Hj numea of tax pay
cru in thU county divided up iu pro
portion to the number of voting pre
cincts. Of this number tlie greater num
ber ure from the city of rialem where
Ijl were drawn.
ThefollowinK is the complete lint of
the 1915 jurymen:
Aumsvule (.. T. Oilbert. turmer: Al
ex llerrifield, laborer; F. W. Unyunga,
banker; H. L. Wrinht, merchant; H. C.
Porter, farmer; Jns. Calvin, turmer.
Aurora Klmer Schmucker, - black
smith; li. L. Bents, bunker; Dewey
Miller, farmer; Jonas M. Wills, farmer;
John Ogle, farmer; 0. A. Khlen, mer
chant; J. t . Ivorr, botel keeper.
Breitenbush Orin Jndd,1 farmer.
Brooks H. I.. Jones, furmor; Prank
Diem, farmer;. Oeo. W. Brown, farm
er; Britt Aspinwnll, farmer; Clyde Har
ris, retired; Ueo. A. Hump, farmer;
(Jr. l irfturjjis, farmer.
Butteville W. R. Hcheurer, farmer;
A. U. Feller, farmer; John Murray,
farmer; E. A. M. Cone, farmer.
ChampoeK W. T, Coleman, farmer;
W. R. McKay, farmer; James .Smith,
Chomawo Fred Collins, farmer; N.
P. Williamson, farmer; C. II. Johnson,
farmer; E. T. Hall, farmer; U. K. Cum
inings, farmer.
Fairfield Thoo. Rubens, farmer;
John Imlnh, farmer; T. A. Ditmars,
Fairgrounds Geoy Bosley, farmer;
Riley Kitchey, furmer; 1). K. Johnson,
farmer; C. F. Homyer, farmer.
KnKlewood r.arl Kowlana, farmer;
S. H. Hill, farmer; Noah Welch, farmer.
Donald 11. H. Desnrt, DrickmaKor;
Jns. P. Feller, furmer; 0. A. Ycrgen,
Oroisan X. W. Lewis, farmer; J. P.
BreHsler, furmer; B. D. Fiddler, farmer.
F.lkhorn A. K. Lewis, farmer.
Fast Gervius A. Dejardin, mer
chant; Henry Kder, farmer; John
Knhut, farmer; -M. J. K.eppinor, larm-
it n....,:. tt.i ri..tfin f.r,. V
r ..... .. ...i. . i ..i... r .....,
'"'"""l uuulm'
Hoieb-Geo. A. Spencer, farmer. 1
Central Howell E. W. Pettycrew,
fnrmer; F. W. Durbin, farmer.
North Howell li. C. Jefferson, farm
er; Sherman Richards, farmer; H. E.
Snvdcr, furmer.
Enit Hubbard L. R. Andersou,
farmer; F. M. Barrett, furmer; J. M.
Mishler, fnrmer.
West. Hubbard J. L. Calvert, drug
gist; Geo. A. Dimick, farmer; F. Vi.
Fry, laborer.
Jefferson A. C. l.ibby, furmer;
Frank Wall, carpenter, F. J. Wied,
clerk; J, T. Jones, clerk; Curl Steiwer,
fanner; Ed Huffman, farmer; N. H.
Doty, farmer.
Liberty R. D. Gibson, farmer; I'red
L. Scott', farmer; Bruce Fox, fnrmer;
J. J. McDonald, turmer; A. W. Mize,
farmer; Edw. Deueer, farmer.
Mnclcuy John F. C. Tekenburg,
fnrmer; O. L. Martin, farmer; H. 0.
Taylor, farmer; T. B. Putton, farmer;
b. Eoff, flirmer.
Sidney Edward Belknop, farmer, Y.
B. Simpson, farmer; Ernest Todd, farm-
meetliiKs. The " Busv Bee' .Sua.luy
school class served a supper in the
home of their teacher lust Monday
evening, which netted them over $M.
Swedish Tabernacle M. E.
Corner South loth nnd Mill stnvts,
Rev. John Ovall, pastor. Service at 3
p. ni. In the evening the church will
join iu with the revival services con
ducted by Dr. ustrom. Ail rH-anuiuav
lans are most cordially Invited to at
Rev, Jiunes Elvin, pastor. Service
at ll o'clock, no evening service. This
church joiuiug in the union Evangelis
tic meetings at the Tabernacle. Sub
let for morninir service. '" Hay Shib
boleth." Members of the Sunday
school will meet on time at ten 0 VIoek.
There will be no meeting of the
Christian Endeavor society but mem
bers will attend Young Peoples L'ninu
meeting. All evening services will be
discontinued until further notice.
St. Paul 'I Episcopal.
Robert S. Gill, rector. Holy euch-
mist 7:110 . in. Matins and aJdress
.I'll.iMl . m Eveiisonir nnd address n!, t. Drager, snippir, v.
- - -
"Why the Episcopal
'hum... .1... l.-t.-.u.......,! ,.h,,r.ih oaiimtt
Vodeiate'.-: ao p. ,,. Sunday school j , is man. car
' "' penter; I.. P. Bennett, mall carrier:
SiJvation A.nny.
Hall coiner State and l.lbertv streets.
Captain and Mrs. I.orenzen oflicera
command. Meeting every nlulit at H
li. m. excent Momliiv and Thursday
Sunday moetiugs Holiness meeting nt
11 a. m.; Suuday school nt l:it0 p. in.;
Free and Easy meeting at !l p. m. Sal
vntlon meeting nt S p. m. All are
heartily Invited.
W. 0. T. U.
Rev. A. A. Winter will speak at the
Gospel service In the W. C. T. 1.'. hull,
Rendnv, .Innunrv III, lul'i, at 4 p. m.
Everybody cordially invited.
rirnt Christian.
Corner Center and Hb'h. V. T. Porter,
minister. 11:4.1 a. in. Bible school, Pr,
II. C, Epley. director .11 a. m. worship:
and sermon, subject "The Taher-
nncle." Ms.10 p. in. E. 7:M Union
Tubeiuacle meeting.
. Collier of Cheiiiekei'i and Cottage
streets, Richard F. Tischer, minister.
Sunday school nt 10 o'clock, advance .1
stiulv clas t 10 o'clock, 'Vrvices at
II o'clock, no eeuiu services; sub
lect, "Stein of Ileal Progress." Music
bv Miss I. Dennisn, accompanied by
Mr. Wm. Skinner, Mrs. Walter Denton
organist, All Mends of liberal tclig
i . t .... .1 1.4 ...a
cordially Invited to our services.
,'i !;i"! no po" w.i,wip (.iius'i v.i f, fWfjf'.'ir,'' i
or; Ansel Nye, farmer; Chas. Heier,
Mcbaiua J. W. Imbler, farmer;
O. K. Berringer, farmer; I.uther .Stout,
fnrmer; P. C. Freres, farmer..
Kosedule Thomas Noot, fnrmer;
)ell Needhnm, farmer; R. D. Teter,
farmer; John Burris, farmer, Walter
Pemberton, farmer.
Mill City C. W. Worlc, farmer; J. R.
.Show, lumberman. .
Marion Frank E. Ubby, farmer; J.
A. Uoerfler, farmer; W. H. Uulvin,
fanner; C. A. Ueorge, farmer; Ueo.
Stephens, farmer.
Monitor E. Wt Kendall, farmer; J.
1). Simmons, farmer; V. J. White, farm
er; J. A. VanCleave, farmer; J. C. Ros,
McKee Joa. Nibler, farmer; T. H.
Leith, farmer; W. I.. Bentley, farmer.
F.ast Mt. Angel Fred Hajwinir, farm
er; David Back, farmer; N. II. Mkkel,
farmer; Harvey Smith, farmer.
West Mt. Angel Alfred booth, farm
er; T. Hook, farmer; Hteven Hem-
shorn, farmer.
Piiugle W. M. Coburn, fnrmer; (.
H. Cannon, farmer; 0. W. Gill, farmer.
St. Paul J. H. McDonald, farmer; J.
t.. Cook, farmer; Thou. Kirk, farmer;
F. W. Peterson, farmer; Philip Graham,
turmer; John N. McKay, farmer.
.Scollard Johu McCormick, farmer;
David Hovenden, farmer; A. H. Oronby
Shaw G. I. Putnam, farmer; W. H.
Howd, farmer; G. J. H. ryer, farmer.
Sublimity U. H. Bell, farmer; J. M.
English, farmer: J. T. Hunt, farmer;
I.eo. Doerfler, farmer; C. P. Durst,
farmer; R. P. Phillips, farmr; C. J.
Seibcl, furmer.
Turner G. W. Hunsaker, furmer; M.
A. Nicely, laborer; Myro McKinney,
farmer; J. D. Craig, furmef; 1.. U.
Small, Miller; John H, Shufer, furmer;
John Girnrdin, farmer.
Riverviow H. K. Cauthorn, farmer;
Emerson Groves, farmer. '
Hcotts Mills HaTry Hobart, farmer;
E. S. I.utgen, farmer; H. P. Hicks,
farmer; John Scott, miller.
Silver Falls Samuel Arnold, farmer;
John Rossell, farmer.
East Woodburn W. L. Durnnt, farm
er; Philip Kuntz, laborer; Bent Killin,
druggist; W. A. Wengenroth, merchant;
M. 1,. Hendricks, farmer; A. P. Brani
gar, bricklayer.
West Woodburn Jos. Kennedy, re
tired; W. C. Miller, carpenter; I). 8.
Livesay, lumberman; F. I). McCullough,
painter; Hurold Austin, merchant;
George Becker, hamessmaker; W, A.
Roberts, lumberman.
East Silverton E. Gunderson, hotel
keeper; E. E. Taylor, barber; Chas. G.
Bentson, clerk; Albert Webb, merchant;
J. M. Morley, merchant; J. it. uaven-
.von. piumuer.
west riiiverton a. it.
A V nl,.V.t.v ,lntiHt? U
- nocKuuicuer; .,. ....,, -..
Chninness, carponter.
South Silverton V. L. llntteuerg,
farmer; W. J. Kissling, farmer; W. J.
Huberly, farmer; W. U. Bowers, farm-
or; .lacot) Amstutz, iurmer.
North Silverton Wright Jroslmy,
farmer; C. D, Bowen, farmer; Chus.
Kinir. farmer: Emil 0. l.oe, farmer;
A. B. Howe, farmer; Perry Moser,
Kiist Htuvtou John Gielieler, farmer;
John S. Tnvlor, faimer; W. J. Hewitt,
miller; N. .1. Oelilen, furmor.
West Stuvton llruce Kowne, farmer;
S .1 Cnndit. fnnuer; C. F. Loose, furiu-
,.r- T. Y. McClellnn. farmer; T. W.
ll.mtrv. fnrmer.
Stavton Lee Kerber, merchant; J.
T. Kcurns, real estate; W. H. llobson,
merchant; J. B. Grier, retired; George
Keech, contractor; uranr jiuifuj
Sulciii No. 1 Henry Aiders, contrac
tor; L. A. Byrd, mrlmnt;.i. . v rui
sun, farmer; A. C. DeVoe, merchant;
,)no. I). Fisher, plumber; Clell lluyden.
furmer; (.'. C. Lightfoot, contractor; E.
T. Mulvin, farmer; E. W. Powers, furm
er; E. .1). Sloper, painter.
Sulem No. !i E. H. Anderson, ac
countant; Chns. W. Brant, printer; Geo.
J. Burr, plumber; W. F. Buchner, re
tired; V. 0. Dcckubaugh, merchant; D.
W. Eyro, banker; Aug. Kehrberger,
contractor; Karl G. I.achele, farmer.
Salem No. 3 H. E. Bell, attendant)
I. Greenbnuin, merchant ; T. J. Kness,
mechanic; 0. W. l.ueas, laborer; W. Y.
Richardson, clerk; C. V. Royal, carpen
ter; J. N. Scuife, retired; George La-ben-e,
engineer; 11. V. Jory, florist.
Sali'm No. 4 Stephen Breitenstoin,
laborer; Dan Catiow, retired; O. 1..
Darling, ticket agent; J..G.
iiincer; E. K. Gilliam, livery; D. I. Jer-
man, luiiorer; o. i. ivumrei.
rier; A. A. Kufuer, farmer; W, A. Lis
ten, Insurance. ...
Sulciu No. 6-J. B. Ashby, farmer;
A. W. Auderegg, carpenter; J. L. Bn
sick, guard; Adiuu Burns, retired; W.
t. Cummliigs, real estate; Richard turb
son, librarian; C. M. Epidey, merchant;
B C. Hiilley, retired; Frank Shedeck,
laborer; C. Van Patten, contractor,
Salem No. II D. Clifford, mechanic
...... i .. fy VV IKllliiu.
i num. nriinri, -v ,
, ... ... a iv .i.tiiisnn. luuioer
laj'snlcamnn; K. N. Mrris. nierchnii: Svl
inivnnus Preannll, carpenter; '
.11 rp I.a.nutt nrKf J. . l'Mi;""
carpenter; C. C. Witrel.
mivri'lin nt
Salem No. N-Jos. H. Cooley, grocer:
W. O. Dnv, clerk; W. M, Ebert, curven
ter; W. W. Hill, butcher; N. D. .'ones.
p,M,erhunger; Adum Kerb, carpenter;
J. It. Olmsted, carpenter; C. M. Rob
erts, merchant.
Sulem No. H-C W. Armstrong, black
smith; Fred S. Bynon. real estate; A.
E. Bell, real estate; KoV Burton, clerk;
J 1). Barber, duirvman; Arthur Glover,
blacksmith; W. T. Jenks, merchant; A.
T. Moffitt, house-inover; W . ' Moore,
merchant. ,
Salem No. 10-Samuel Adolph, moi
..i .. r ti....i..u r,irm,r: J. 11. Duli-
' ' ' ', ,, t, y Uv dentist; S. S.
! 1 " .ker; R. N Hoover, retired;
?. " , ,tlir.
Salem No. 11 A. N. .Moores, rvui
te; I). W. Smith, retired; S. t. An
derson, garuge; H. B. Brophy. fnrmer;
Oliver Beers, retired: lliftord -Brown,
merchant; II. W. Burr, jeweler;
R. P. Boise, broker.
fUlcm K.i I T G w"r
chant; Earl II. Anderson, bookbinder;
P. Andrcsen, snlesmsn: A. J. Busey, re
tired: John Buvce, Gardner; A. 1..
! Clearwater, stock buyer: J. A. I'lirr,
I. ...tin I ,- h. . r.mini-ii,
(buyer; Dim J. Fry. druggist; W. Good
First premiums offered will be the
B50 Player Piano.
The next ten largest premiums
each a beautiful valuable piece of
jewelry, lady's or gent's, and a $150
The next twenty largest premiums
each u beautiful art picture nnd a
credit of $15(1.
Tho next twenty-five a scarf pin
and a credit of $i25.
I - -. . .'. ..
rich, farmer.
Salem No. 1.1 A. B. Hudelson, retir
'ed; W. E. Johnson, wood denier; Frank
l.enon, bricklayer; G. C. Millctt, retir
ed; (). L. Mcl'eck, furniture dealer;
Karl Ncugebauer, jeweler,
Salem No. 11 L, N. Harnett, grocer;
J. T, Cooper, salesman; 11. P. Cleveland,
farmer; C. A. H. Fisher, farmer; I.. 11.
'Fletcher, merchant; C, G. Given, jani
tor: D. D. Gorsline. farmer.
Salem No. 15 W. D. Allbriglit, la
borer; Jos, Adolph, merchant; E. J.
Bullock, cook; T. .1. Cheshire, mer
chant; II. 11. Cross, nurseryman; R. B.
Duncan, retired; J. W. Hunt, livery,
man; Ira -Jorgensen, horsehoer: T. B.
Jones, fnrmer; E. B. Kecne, clerk.
Sulem No. HI R. C. Bishop, merch
ant; T. J. Cronise, photographer; L. T.
leoige, restaurant: (Mto Hansen, plun
Ing mill; C. S. Hamilton, merchnnt;
t)tto Klett, merchant; F. A. Kurt..
Inrnni. ifron-er: K. M. LnFore. retired:
John Mnurer, machinist.
Snlem No. 17 J. J. Ackcrmnn, con
tractor; L. P. Aldrlch, bunk clerk; J.
B. Craig, farmer: John E. Crowe, hotel
keeper; T. E. Cornelius, retired: A.
Dane, merchnnt ; George M, Elgin, gar
age; J. T. Hughes, farmer; Lloyd Hans
er, merchant; Leslie Hunter, clerk.
Snlem No. IS A. E. Anfrnnee. elcik;
Win. Amsler, dairyman: E. M. Acker
man, contractor; Chns, S. Burdsnl, con
tractor; Geo. II. Grnbenhorst, renl es
tate! Ferdinand Kurr., carpenter: M. H.
Moore, fnrmer; Al Mishler, clerk; G. A.
Nye, clerk.
W'scondu E. M. Palmer, capitalist:
R. Patterson, farmer: W. H. Egnn.
Victor Point 1.. N. Mien, merchant;
John II. Brewer, lumberman; Edwoul
In Cash
This 115 in cash
I am a manufacturer's representative. I am looking for a piano dealer
in Salem. If satisfactory arrangements can not be made by the. time my
pianos arrive, then I will open a store myself, but slrould I find a dealer
satisfactory to my company, then all. credits and premiums will be given
through them.
BUT REMEMBER, all' the credits advortised to make our Strohber pi
anos well-known in Salem and vicinity, is given by the manufacturer and
not by any piano dealer. Wo aro willing to spend some money in Solem to
obtain our first 100 piano customers for the new scale Strohber player
The correct or nearest' correct answer, first premium; the next correct
or nearest correct answer, second premium, etc., just as the premiums are
offered in this advertisement. Bring your answer to Marion Hotel, or mail
it to mo. Out-of-the-city people have the snme opportunity to secure ono of
thc-many valuable premiums wo will give to make our pianos as well known
in Sulem nnd vicinity as they are in tho East.
The manufacturers of pianos I represent hnvo decided to give the mnga
zinc publicity advertising appropriation for the coming year direct to Pinna
All credits givon $25 to $15(1 will be good only on new1 Player Pianos.
It is conditional thnt all credits are used by tho receiver within ten days
from the close of this contest.
All piano manufacturers nnd dealers have different ways of advertis
ing; some employ great artists, some use expensive magazine advertising
while others use teachers to persuade people to buy, paying them commis
sions. We, howevur, believe thnt the best possible advertisement is a sntis
fied customer. Wo have but one prico on our pianos and every pinuo mark
ed in plain figures.
In cose of a tie, nil tieing contestants will receive equal amounts as
credits, good only on Player Piano, 85ft value, or more. The total amount
of any Premiums mny bo divided if so decided by the judges, who will be
woll known people of Salem. If in case of a tie and absolute correct ans
wers given, then neatness and advertising value can be considered.
First Premium $850 Player Piano.
Second Premium $5 cash and credit $156.
Third Premium $4 cash and credit $156.
Fourth Premium $3 cash and credit $156.
Fifth Premium $2 cash and credit $156.
Sixth Premium $1 cash and credit $156.
Tho next twenty-five a scarf pin
nnd n credit of $100.
Tho next twenty-five a scarf pin
and n credit of $75.
The next twenty-five a scarf pin
and a credit of $50.
And all other correct answers will
receive a scarf pin and n credit of
Can You Solve This Correctly?
Contest Closes Mori., Feb. 1st. 1915, 6 p. m.
All answers must reach me by that time.
When you make the correct sentence from the follow
ing it is our standing advertisement:
Address Authorized Factory Representative
. Care Marion Hotel, Salem, Oregon
Krenr, mechnnie.
yuinnby A, M. Anderson, merchant:
D. G. Beckner, fnrmer; W. C. Dormnn,
Champneg .Tas. E. Smith, fnrmer; II.
L. Hi: )i nit s, farmer.
East Salem B, I). Gcsner, farmer;
C. O. Wilson, farmer; H. E. Roberts,
fnrmer; Lute Savage, fnrmer.
Snlem Heights Conrnd Fnlk, fnrm
er; Stanley Culver, clerk; Eugene Bo
gert. farmer; C, W. Suwyer, furmer; M.
F. Woodward, fnrmer.
Mury Loulsn Shanks was bom Sep
tember 24, lis;i, on a farm near Moni
tor, tMcgon, nnd lived there until her
IMth year.
Shi' graduated from the public school
June 1.1, IWO. Shortly after she moved
with her parents to St. Johns, Ore.,
and lived there until her mnrriagu to
( nil II. Gosi hle on Muy 4, HMO.
From there she went with her hus
bniid to tbeir new home on a farm near
Silverton, Ore. Hcic she remained
until the dny of her death, January 2il,
101.1, after a short Illness of two weeks.
The muse of her death being conges
tion of the lungs and heart failure.
Two i' hi M tv u were bom to this union,
Esther Marie, on September II, 1012,
and Eibtie I'arltnn, on June 0, 1014,
She lenves to mourn her loss a de
vote I hiisbund, two children, a mother,
Mrs, Sum ti Shank, of Woodburn; three
sistcis and a brother, nninelv, Mrs.
Luella McKee, residing on a farm near
Woo Ibum: Mrs. Anna llybind, of Lents,
Mis Maggie Shanks, nf Woodburn, ami
Levi Shanks, of Sonoitn. Ariz., besides
niunv other relatives and friends. Appeal.
will b given as
below. .
Few tips come to the waiter who
sits down while writing,
The Pleasure
of Eating
is always greatly enhanced
when the appetite .is good
and the digestive organs are
working in unison. This
condition can be maintained
by correcting all weakness
Stomach Bitters
Norwich Union
Fire Insurance Society
Resident AgenU 385 8Ut Btreat
On Oood Beat Estate Becnritr
thos. k. roRO
Otw Ladd It Bush Bank, Salem, Ortoa