Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 30, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Ihis Great Sale Will Close In A Few Days
;, Prices Now Made For Advertising 2S
Hard times are eight-tenths dela-
deny them and they re gone
Mr. Lucore will leave Salem in a few days with the greatest sales record I ever experienced. I know it,
for when manufacturers make prices it means something
A Few New Pianos, $250, $300 and $350 Values, Now $98, $1 1 8 and $1 45, Last Call
For example, we quote $1250 Chick'er
jng Baby Grand, the most expensive of
all Grand Pianos manufactured, at $885
$650 Chickering $485
Used,' but could not be told from new.
aW (. A
A - :J
v, r
A Piano for Every Purpose at a Price for Any Purse
I make the first payment of $20 for you. AH you
need to do is pay $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 or $2.50 per week.
Free storage if you don't want your piano now.
See me at once. C. E. Lucore, MTg's. Authorized Ilep.
. . 'V . .. $r
- " c
: 1
I t
y h k
$20 FREE
Player Pianos
$ 500 values ....$286
$ 750 values ....$137
$1000 values ....$681
$1250 values ....$776
Free Music Rolls.
Free Exchange Privilege.
ANOS, $850.00 STYLE,
It is certainly an excep
tional price and one which
will never be duplicated
again. Only a few at these
$1.00 per week. One to
three years to pay. Any
Piano or. Tlayer Piano.
Temporary Store Corner Commercial aid State. We will make the new store
announcement soon. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 O'CLOCK
Roll Is Completed . PLAN OF CHERRIANS
The 1014 lux roll for Million I'ountv
wild lurncil ovit to Tux Collector
iiorpn riiultiK tottity by County Anhos-I
or Hen K. West Hint Momlay morning
bright nd wuly the tax payers of thi 1
ronnly hitvp thp privilcci of pnyiiiK
their taxes. Tim taxes may be paid up
to April 1 when the filHt half become
ilue. There is no penalty for not pay
inR the aeroml half, thoiinh, until Hep-:
teinber and it in likely that most of!
the lax payers will avail themselves of,
tho opportuuity to keep their money1
until the Inter date.
(Continued From I'lie One.)
On-lit Northern. The tenlMtiv. plans'
ZrVZ't Speaks For Eleven Hours
final decision in this matter Is lift In1 UViL-.-i D 1. . i
the recommendation nf the commit Me.' llUUUUi DlCdri ngainSl
i nose appointed on tho committee l-v
Kine Kinir, Thomas Ft. Kay, were:
M. I,. Meyers, Oeoro flraves, C, h.
I'ick, W. M. Hamilton, .lohii CnuKell,
Pending Shipping Bill
Oo To Albany.
Washington, iTiin. 110. After mi all
Charles V. Dick n,nr,i- .1.111 '""'Oster in tlic senate afc-amM
it. Amrust TIi...k.tl- ,... W li i ' U" Kv""'"t '!
Tell !W She Was Saved
by Talcing Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Iouisvllle, Ky. " I think if nioresuf
frinsr women would take Lydia K.
IPinkham'i Vegeta
ble Compound they
would enjoy beUvr
liialth. I sulfeivd ,
, from a female trou
ble, nnil tho (luctoru .
: decided 1 had a I
tumorous growth
r-nd would have to
, be operated upon, j
but I refused oal do
not believo In opera-
timia. I had fuintinff spells, bloated,
ad could hardly etnnd the pain In my
I'ift tiilu. My nusband insisted that 1
try I.ydia E. IMnkham'a Vrj," tuble j
C'omiound, and I am so tbnnkful I did,
for I am now a Well woman. I Bleep
better, do all my hounuwork and tuko
lonfj waiks. I never fail to pralju Lydiu
E. i'inkham'a Vcifetable Compound for
my (rood health. "-Mrs. J. M. Rr.' i.ll,
l'JOO West Broadway, Louisville, Ky.
Fine we (rurntee that all testimo
nials which we publish are (r'ii'iine. is It
rot fair to supiMitn tlint if I.jWin E.
i'inkham's Veiri'tuhleCompounii lins In
virtue to help these women it will help
any other woman who Is siilterin? In a
like manner T
If you are 111 do not (VaR alnriK until
en operation Is nccesj-ary, but at mir.?
take Lydia E. I'lnkhum's Vep-etnbb
Writ to Lydliv 1 I'lnkli.im
Mslli lin('i..iMiilllentlnlil,yi!ii,
Mhkn. Your letter ll t)C opened,
lejul ami unsuerml liyn wniiiim
luul held In R'.rlet eniillctetieu.
ter, August lluckcstein and W. II. '7 ' 'u ' , 1 ' , , ' T'
1-ercheii were appointed as a snecia KT,0,"' of ' a' ra-
eominilteo to represent the Cherrinns " .V , " ' "!"'"'" ' 7'"
otticinlly at tho ninetiii(r to bo hel.
tonluht at Albany where an nrvnnixa
lion similar to the Cherrinns will !
ut or Hiitherlnnd, Sinont had spoken
ontiniiouslv II hours mid it 5 minutes,
Dnring the lonjr niRlit session Hmoot
J '
lininched. All mW fl,n.v.,n. talked coimtuidly oil the Rcneriil sub-
make the trip will nlso no to Albany 'i!'''t !'f!'1"l,l""!; "", vm. ""
toniht nn one of the evening train's "e killinw inethodH ordinarily adopt
to nssisl the Albany boosters. ,,,J ,0 ""dsh sufficient lanKunice to
Give Grind Ball. j retain the floor. Tho performance was
A bitf Cherrinn danen will ho held In,"111' "f ""' m,,t remnrkiible in the Inu
tile Armory en tho nlht of February '""'J "''""to i" this regard.
15 according to the present plan. Thei
liroceeds of which will be turned over Keeping Up Hunt Today,
to the fund for tho purchase of a new; Wiisliiiittton, Jan. MO. FirhtiiiK lintd
haulier for the Cherrinns. K. W. lliiijes, ,n detent the ((overnineiit ship purchase
1 K. Mangus, Dr, W. I). Fields, K. bill now pending In the senate, repub
Fritz Hlude, O. K. RcWitte, were ap 'licnii members nf the upper house this
pointed as tho dance committee, tin afternoon continued their filibuster
account of the number of live wires In HKiiinst the measure. At 2 :.'( p. m. the
the city who have applied for member- sennte had been in continuous session
ship in the Cherrinns It, is siiKested since curly Friday, with no sign of nil
that the membership limit nf Kill beiJournnient. At that hour three repub
raised and the matter was discussed at lican senntnrs hud been nble to hold the
tho meeting lnt night. j floor continuously from shortly befurc
tnry was not present. I think it would
bo well, since congress Ims been con
' verted into a mere register of the prcsi
jdentiul will, that, there should be some
, visible symbol of his authority present,
; "It is too much to expect the presi
jdent to be here himself, so while the
'watchful waiter keeps his eye on the
(red pnnornrc." of Mexico, he should
iliave a representative to see that, no
lambs slrn,y from the fold."
i Kcfcrmirr to N'cnntor Fletcher's te-
!cent spree!; :n whii h he charged that a
Hobby was working against, the bill
! Lodge snid he hud seen representatives
,of the foreign stcuniship companies
j present repeatedly while the hnniigrn
itinn bill wus under cnnsideriition.
"I don't know whether the ship in
Iterests are interested in this bill or
loot," he snid. "but I do not know that
I would deity their right to be here i
they were Interested. It, would not nc
I cur to me (hut the bill wns promoted
j because the agent of the Hamburg
American line, which bus numerous in
; tented ships to sell, was in Washing-
:ton Inst week. H would not occur 1 n
me to suggest Hint Tnul Warburg, n
member of the organization of the re
serve board, was a director nf the Hani-
I burg line. Yet every time there is si r
ims opposition to an administration
.measure, the old charge of n lobby is
brought fonwird,"
i Henntor tlwriniin cv pressed the opin
ion this tiftcrnnon that the session nt
tho sennte prohnhly would end lit mid
night and that there would be no Sun
day session.
: v t :t
Go to Dr. Stono's for tiusses,
A new publication, "The Salem
News," made its initial bow today to
rjiilom readers when voluiKe 1 number 1
was placed iu circulation in this city.
The publishers are given as F. (?. Deck
nbaiigh and John l. Turner. The great
er nnrL of the ni,u u miii,b i i,.,, .. u......
enmpilid in the well known style ol
L I Li t .- "
riea nynon. lormer secretary ot the
Salem Commercial club. The new pa
per announces Hint it will Imve no set
editorial policy as it often becomes
troublesome to adhere to tiny fixed
policy. The paper is devoted tn' general
news and comment about the city.
Gluck ZimballHt concert, Foltrnary 1:2.
Siilem people aie entitled to the priv
ilege of reserving their seats by mail,
if the Older is ai-cnuntuiii,.l 1,,,' ..I.....I.
Hclf-nddressnl ami stumped envelope.
Seats selling at s 1 ..Ml ami l. The
best scats will be given to those or
dering now. Address: Minndta Wa
gers, Snlcni.
i Oregon Mlcctric depot, where she col
lapsed, and wns taken cure of by Police
j Matron Siienlis. The woman is iu u
I delicate condition anil had had nothing
to eat for two days. In I'ortlnnd she
:snid that, they wanted to send her to a
: hospital and her children tn an orphan
.age and she got out ot town as soon as
she could. She is trying to reach Los
Ang'lcs, where she snys she has friends
and relatives; Her two children mo a
boy mi. I a girl, aged l anil 7 years. Her
husband -deserted her in November of
Mast year.
If Sold this week I ..ill .,,11 l 1
I sacrifice, beautiful .T acre tract well
j lintirovcd. clia-o in, house, barn, aood
j well about 4 acres m elioico fruit
trees and berries; also stock and im
i pleineiits; horse, wagon, harness, cow,
I chickens, all garden tools. price
'(; terms.
Never has Salem had the privilege or
hearing two eipinlly great world-renowned
musicians in one concert. They
iwill have that tare opportunity in the
j C.lurk-Zimhaliat concert Friday eveu-jbaih, toilet, electric
nig, i coruniy is. .nail orders linen
now. Seats !!, I ."0, l. All seals re
; served. Address -Minetla Mngers, Ha
I lent,
Des Moines, In,, Jan. .10. The " jit
ney bus" has hit the middle west, li
wns announced today that conipetitiot
between them nnd the streetcnr coin
pany would be inaugurated here within
a few days. The promoters do not ex Hotter criticism of President WII.oh.
poet nny difficulties with tho city of.; " deeply regret," snid Lodge sar
f'inls. jnislii nllv, "thut the president's secre-
10 o'clock Inst night.
They were Setintors Hmoot and Htith
erliind, of I'tnh, and Henntor Lodge, of
Massachusetts, Hmoot carried the bur
den during the wenry hours of the
night until Hiitlierliind relieved him nt
I':.'I1. Lodge relieved Hullietliind nt
noon nnd iinmoiliiitclv linini'licl into n
You Man With A Cow
Let us suggest a goo cheap mixed feed thai will pny to use. MO
LABbES BEET PULP, mixed with ground ttnrley nnd a little ollnicnl.
This niakes a dandy ration and will make more milk than any mix
tme yon erer tried. Or, If you do not like that, try the following;
ALTALfA. MOLAKBKrJ, mixed with a train feed and a little oilnioal,
Mill feed la getting so extroinely high that It is hard to make it pay
i. the present time.
Try one of the above mixtures and get more milk at far less cost,
You will always find onr prices tho lowest in the city.
rl 261 State Street
Phone 1110
Hulcm, Oregon
The imposition of sentence upon M.
Silver, convicted of the crime of arson,
which was to have been pronounced by
Judge Kelly this morning, wns post-
i Mined ulitil ' 10 o'clock Wednesday,
'cbruaiy II, upon motion of Attorney
John. A. (Virson, for the defendant. At
torney ('arson slated this morning that
he was endeavoring te scenic a pnrole
from the bench for his client and Unit
to further this end he was circulating
a petition among the jurymen iu the
case, Mr. Carson sfuted Hint he h.i
been tumble to remit all of the jury
men, us a. number of them left the
as soon us they were dlschaigcd nnd
Hint he luul only secn mimes n the
petition, He nsl.ed that tlic imposi
tion of sentence be deferred until he
had had a cluince to see the othei
jurymen and ni.'il.c u pliouing iu the
court Wediicsdnv.
Siiecinl meotlna of Pacific
edge No. HO, A. F. & A. M
tomorrow lit I ::0 p. in., to at
.'end the funeral of our late
lltother J. W. Ilodson, Visit
ng biethrcn i.eh time.
The Gluck -Zimballst concert at the
armory February lL'. Mail orders ro
ceiv.nl now, Addrcs" Minuet ta Mngers,
After selling all of her household ef
fects in Hillinus, Miinlant, lor tJJ, Mrs.
f.noi.e f 1 1 1 1 In ml liiveHt.i.t I.. I..
n iiiilioad ticket to tide us fur lis il
would cany her and lo'r two sum II chil
dren, mid iciiclied I In; s. p. depot ill this
city Ic-t night, where her ticket, ran
out. She wall., d I'm it tho H. I', to the
l.ouis Ilechtcl nnd J. Hiiiiingnilner,
piutneis under the inline o ml style ol
He. htel & llynon, will, on February I,
dissolve pnttnership. Mr. Hcclitcl will
continue the business under the inline
of l Ilechtcl & Co., while Mr. Ibium
gnrtner will be found in Snlcm llnrd
wine Co. We desire nil bills ngiiinst
the (inn nf Ilechtcl & Hynon presented
by February 1, nnd nil those owing us
niiike settlement.
- J. IIAi:M(!.MtTi:it.
I'ioI'. .1. C, Nelson, prlnclpiil of the
high school, who has been ill nt Ins
home for the past week, Is repotted to
be progressing fnvoiublv and will be
able to altend to his duties next Mon
I day.
If you feel dull, bilious and cimstipnt
, ed, take a dose of Chaiube' lain 's Tali
, lets just slier supper and you will I eel
iilrignl toiuunnw luoriiiug, Tiy it. lib
I I il i 1 1 1 1 1 1 e every where,
Well built modern bungalow, 3 rooms,
ih. toilet, rl, .,!,:,. I.ul.t ......,.
louiiiinllon, large lot mix LIU, paved
street, (instruct, dear title. Price $2V;
terms if wauled.
Another One.
House H rooms, huge lot, itil'iO; easy
terms. Why pay rent) look it up te
day. J'J'25
will buy a large lot, good location;
lernis, snnp.
Ilenuliful 81 acre fntiii well im
proved on the famous lluwell Prnltie,
only i:ij per acre; terms. Another
one nf .'II acres Improved, for tl jO per
acre, 2 acres $7.) per acre.
If vou want, to exchange your mop
city list It, with us. We have a large
I nouses In all purls of city,
1 Wt nil ti 111 I'd vmi i' ineiimv mi in.otl
(Mil l-Mllto ptMMllitV.
Bcchtel & Baumuartner
Successors lo lleelilel
.'117 State Strcot,
ft ItMion
Phon) Ml
An appeal from the decision of the!
county court nppointlng n gunidinn ,of
the estate nf K. T. Northcutt, nf Tur
ner, was filed in the circuit couit to
dtiy li ml the ease entitle.) H. T. Noilh
r il t ngiiinst Kvn I'nlinertoti nnd K. l
Croisan, giiuriliiii. The case wns henrd
In tho county rouit Ilecember I'M mid
Judge Ilusliey npointed a gunidinn!
over Mr. Nortlicutt 's estate. It up
penred from the testimony of witnesses
nt the trial thnt Mr. Nortlicutt wns 7
yenrs of nge nnd had been duped bv
confidence men in the recent ptist and
.Mrs. Fva Pnlmerton, his daughter, pc-1
titiotied that he be enjoined from pur
cliusing some eastern real eslutc die-l,
he aniiouuced as his intention. I
Special Profit Sharing Premiums
To show our appreciation of your piitronai.ru, we arc offering a very attractive
at about ONK-KOlJRTIl the regular retail price.
HOW DO WIS 1)0 IT? In evei'V r.'irhm nf nm felnlii-Mt,..! ''U'JTITI.' nn
VhU IJUllhK is one or our profit-sharing coupons representing each pound
of butter. SAVK THKSK COUl'ONS. '
Xwenty-four of these coupons and $2.98 sent to our office will bring a set of
ll..... .K..l... 4.. 1.1 O..I "
iiit.t: iiiriil- iw iiny undress in oiiieiii.
They arc on display at our office.
I'ER. It retiiins its fresh flavor longer than that made from raw cream.
T. S. Townsend Creamery Co.
Telephone 193 i.7 South Commercial Street