Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 30, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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And Here the Most Wonderful of All',
' Piano Values Even Offered Plajiolen
Homes Look, Read, Act Quick The!
Take TKem Away !
We have more heaters on hand than we have room
for. They are all good heaters new first-class in
every way made to heat, to save fuel, to wear well and
look well and to give satisfaction to the buyer. But we
need the money more than we wan,t their company, so
we're marking them down at prices that will move them.
If you can use another heater in your home, now is the.
time to select it from our stock.
Take a look at the styles., sizes and prices in our window, or, better still, come
in and examine them.
r1WCTF- '
Sale Soon Closes.
Josse &
The Complete Hemefurnishers
We Guarantee to Save You Money
Hear Report of Stock-Selling
Committee and Complete
Mrs. Kdua Daily, who has been as
sisting in the Dailus hospital, has re
turned to Salom.
E. lilock, of San Francisco, formerly
a student of Stanford university, was
in the city last evening attending the
Maccabees' dance.
Miss Florence Potter, of Klamath
Fall?, is in the city for a few days, vis
iting with Miss Marie Bolingcr,
F. II. Coffin, of Lebanon, is a visitor
in the city today.
Geoigo M. Knight, of Vulc, Ore., is in
Salem today transuding business.
J. W. llristuw, of Portland, special
agent of the Pacific States Fire Insur
ance conpnuy, is in the city transact
ing business and visiting with friends.
C. H. Cannon, one of the prosperous
farmers living near Turner, is in the
city ioday on business.
J. K. Towers, of Portland, is a busi
ness visitor here today. Mr. Towers
is In the wholesale hardware and im
plement business in Portland.
ir ... iv.ii... :.. . I "".toy I
i ,..!.-.,:..,..' r ah 'e committee is certain.
county judgo of jjnn county, was in
the city this morning visiting the legis
lature. J. Fred Yates, .a prominent attorney
of Corvallis, is in the city today visiting
frienjs and attending the legislature,
here today.
If. M. Toast, of Dallas, is registered
at the liligh.
A. L. Sperling, one of the lending
bop men of Independence, has decided
(Continued on Pane Two.)
were blown up and one entire company
wa either hilled or wounded. The
The Soule Brothers nud small dealer
or consignment branch concern price 1
look at the difference.
Remember, nearly all pianos are new.
Not even shopworn, but the few that
are used are in perfect und guaranteed
condition. All can be had on very easy
puymeiits. Takt 20 or 30 or 40 months.
The Little-Profit-Per-Piono Method
''rice now made still lower during
this sale,
Price That Was. Price That Is.
$300.00 I.udwig .. $1SH.00
$750.00 Lester Grand ,$3tiu00
$1)00.00 Knnbc Grand for profos-
i sionul use $4 1 2.00
;. $400.00 Hullet k Davis $140.00
i'$300.00 Kingsbury ifl.S8.0U
$.100.00 Lester $1HK.OO
4!j0.00 F.mefson 17.00
$400.00 Wegmuu if.2:i7.00
$350.00 Vose $124.00
$000.00 Kingsbury Inner Player 2HS.OO
11100.00 Angelus Player Piano .$225.00
$050.00 Mission Wegmnn, Piano,
! now less than half ....$310.00
! $000.00 Lester Grand, latest
i style, almost half $437.00
$550.00 Kingsbury Inner Player
Piano, lutost XS-note
i model $2SH.OO
$0i5.00 Stcmwuy, ebony stained
j case ....$237.00
And a smaller sized ma-
t hogany $185.00
$525.00 Hurdmnn, very elubor
I ate case $1NS.OO
;$o00.00 l argest sized obcr
t'pright $100.00
tllaU Weber Pianola 1'iano,
tne uest and most ex
pensive ever built bv
Webera $488.00
Many other Pianola Pianos, all
with Thermdist Metro
style attachments
$280, $337, $2S.)
Legislators Think Institution
Too Expensive For the
Good It Does
munition corts. These results were ob-
The Oregon Hop Growers' association ;erd by French uirnien hovering over
met today at the Salem Commercial !tl10 "ene ami signalling the range,
club Tooms to hear the report of the1 1"' have been no important devel
committee which has been selling stuck ! U'cments anywhere else in the western
in the association, to discuss the best battlo scone,
plans for completing the organization
and tot give new members a chance to T' O" Hundred nnd Fifteenth
align themselves with the corporation, j 1 m"'u infantry regiment apparently
The committee reported that they lii.lnB annihilated in the Argoiino,"
urn nut u-int-iiii i-hjs. rive iiuiiiirru
dead wero found after the enemy hnd
retreated. Wc captured 12 officers, 731
men, 12 machine guns and 10 smull can-lion."
enemy's forces in this rcgi.m, as a re-$400.00 Fmerson, think of it ..$l.SH.OO
suit, were compelled to retire to their '$350.00 Voso k Hons, $108; an-
secondary line of ueteuses. ' other $124.00
Near Arras the French shelled a Opt- ! $47n,00 Kstey, '$i5; another "!$135.00
man artillery camp, killing most of jta;5,oo Ludwig, $105; another .$146.00
the gunners and wrecking several am-1 mi)M Mt)vij0 c'lurk Plaver....$3!l.00
taken in over $70,000 in cash nnd r.
they hove $150,000 worth of stock to
dispose of. thev consider the urosnects
lot' a speedy conclusion of the wurk of
Over 000 hop growers in the state
have signed up with the orgnnizution
$000.00 Angelus Player Piuno ..$225.00
$500.00 Fischer, the genuine J.
& G. Fischer, old New
York makers $122.00
$S50.00 riuyor Piano, beautiful
muhognny $310.00
$500.00 Weber Upright, genuine
Weber mudc instrument
manufactured before the
Stein wny-Wobor-Aeolian
alliance; now only $-."1.00
Another, shown usage $105.00
And miiiiv others, almost any mnk
you can think of, and nil now to be hud
Violent fighting continues west of f r less' than wholesale pli ,
a flourishing orgnnizution. Letters
were iiIho received from the headquar
ters of the California and Washington
associations reporting good progress in
those states.
The principal interest in this after
noon's session outside of the regular
to make Salem his future home and will ' ousiuess or tne growers was tne specen
bring his family here as sonn as he can
Laliaisee, suvs the statement, the Ocr
and the Oregon branch of the Pacific 'mn " l"Kpn tw0 Irl,, nos
Coast hop growers promises to become
Baby Uprights for Fastidious Musicians
Wo have n most bcniitilul display of
commanding a strong positu.n or inn Kuby Uprightsthe joy of the tusticl
enemy. Kixty British uro declared to . i'nniieian. The daintiest of all case
have been captured there. designs. The most exquisite finish and
war ottico contradicts Petro- svv,,,test toned. The mot durable of all
upright pianos. These are to be in
cluded in the price sacrifice. In tact.
DOWN m,t,jnK reserved. The little beauties
, . . , , , , , uro priced at 315 tor tne regular
Among the IhIIh introduced the house .,,i. i rri (, tl.n i.li.ln atvli.
ujiiu II, (it ..f it1 .in u iirt i it ii nniiinh . ;
The sale of the Soule Kins, failure!
Kv unanimous vote, iqiou the motion
of Representative Wesley O. Smith, of
Klamath county, tho joint committee on
ways and means last night docided to
cut the wayward girls' home out of
every cent of appropriation asked for
in the budget tor the bienuium I'.no
1716, amounting to $50,000, including
$20,000 for another new building and
$30,000 for salaries and maintenance
and will turn the new $34,000 building
which has been erected for the use of
the wnyward girls' home over to the
state board of control to make such use
of it as the occasion demands within
the next two years.
Two years airo tho legislature made
tin appropriation of $50,000 for the
establishment ami maintenance of a
home for wayward und incorrigible
girls, $34,000 of which was to be ex
ponded in the construction of a new
building southeast of the city. During
tho two vears the institution has been in
existence, according fo the information
in the. hands of the ways nnd means
committee, nn average of about eigh
teen Hirls has been eared for in the
school and all of the appropriation for
salaries ami maintenance lias been ex
hausted. The new budget is based up
on an estimate of fifty inmates and
ten employes for the n?xt two years
and the committee saw where thiB was
another advantage that was being
seized bv persons prominently identi
fied with the work to build up another
expensive institution to bo foisted tip
on the taxpayers and they concluded
that the best 'way to cope with a situ
ation of that nature was to nip it In
the bud and. before it assumed such
proportions that would make its
abolishment a waste of state money.
While all of the committee was in
favor of cutting the infant, institution
out entirely none seemed to have, the
nerve to take the initiative and it re
mained for Hepresentntivo Smith to
tago the lend in the matter which be
did without ft moment's hesitation and
the motion was carried without a dis
senting vote. Of course, it is the in
tention of the committee to make some
provision for taking care of tho way
ward girls and will reccoinincnd some
appropriation but it is diametrically
opposed to giving it any encourage
ment for building up an institution
such as has been planned upon. The.
new building, which has not been oc
cupied, will accommodate unoiit w
girls, nnij the records show that there
never hn been more than 20 in the
institution at any time nnd the aver
age has been about 18 with a full corps
of officers and employes. It is ex
pected tbnt. the confiscatory action of
the committee will bring n horde of
supporters of the institution up from
i Portland Monday morning to lobby
against its action.
At the conclusion of last night's
work the, ways and means committee
hnd passed upon other claims and in
stitutions, appropriation bills which
will lie iiihodiiced either today or
find a suitable residence,
it. Monroe Gilbert returned yesterday
fram an extended, visit at Newport.
Fred Stump, of Snvcr, a. prominent
farmer of that locality, Is in the city
S. If. Reeves, of the Perry drug store.
111.11 M....I.
an. of Portland, nnd Hector MncPheiir-! ''.0"",-V'..w'1"'." ,nml,""cs tuning tne , umll,r niiliirity of the order of i Mondiiv. ill which reductions amount
scheduled;,;.,' , ;...i., .., . .' ,,, i the col
of O. A. ('., were also
IIIVH mil" ''J " .IIUIMIlli, I" n in' "
! court and the Manufacturers' Kmer- 'j r0 an aggregate of $24 1 ,3 1 II, bring-
tnr .linrf iMm ""',,.. Sninliis Sale, two sales ill one. 't l,n tots nmount ellllll lilllCil ironi
The committee on finances also sub- Xle'llie , eal'io i",L !.rr,b..r?.?i- K ''"''r"' ''''"f-'"""r" ' represen- ,;, ,K,.( l,y ,l,e co ittee to date
miM.i .t,.-i .k.i ,i. n. H1"' .lhn creation of the labor bureau,' . ,,,.;,,,,, ,0 mk(. ,i.,.se )wlf ilOM.uoo. or nearly a half million
fais of the organization were in good ; h(1 ;,.? nf ,,, in.triul accident ' I'' (iu Sm'"'' n" bou
flhnnn. The meniliem nf tie enmniiHrJ i . - . . .11 , n. t-..t. 1 linrnrv store comer ommcrcilll IHHI
who has been sick for the past throe j JV''1'.'!'?? ,"t("'k ""b"""!'''""" ";! 1-; a law it would strip Labor Commission- H,llU'
weeks, is now nble to he out again. " ""( """"i """''i'i
Arthur Lufler Is making arrange-
of Suver; M. L. Jones, of Brooks: U,
ments to move his fnmilv to Albany.1,1' 1 uM ul "alias; it. B. xletclier, of
where he has taken the management I Independence; J. L. (.lark, of Spring
f the Globe theatre.
Few men are envied because of their
wisdom; ninny because of their
fiidd; John Cartwright, of Harrisbnrg
W. I'. Kirkwood, of Amity; Marion
Palmer, of Silverton; Walter Miller, of
MoMinnville, and K. V. D. Puul, of
it .1.:.. i.mi ..i...,.i i i, .,,. imriirv
I titiiiii ir.'-ioii. ii i it in utu niii'iini in, uniu ,., , ,
iw it would strip Labor Commission-. n"lu- " "" , '
Hoff of all of the duties which de- lannouncement Inter. Open evenings un-
volvo upon his office under the law '" 0 ''iocs,
which creitcd it with the exception of ; . .
collecting and compiling labor and in-! Knul's chums ol successes near Parkoli.
dustriul statistics and the enforcement ; men ist Prussia. The ltussians nt-
of the labor laws, and would leave him ! tempte.l to lone a crossing of the An
without nsKislancc even in tho per- Kcrnp at that point, says tho statement,
formaiico of these duties with the ex-, but were repulscu. -Night attacks on
too Herman lines wpsi oi vtnrsaw bisu
' have been thrown back,
j It is declured that the French ubun-
dnned their effurts to gain ground on
ception of one stenographer,
lollnn. The institutions pusse.i upon
since vestenlny, when a total of a
uuarte'r million had I I clipped from
the budget for contemplated improve
ments, repairs, etc., were the State
fair board fund, from which 0 total of
$150,000 was eliminated including
$123,000 for a new livestock coliseum,
tho deaf school, tuberculosis institute,
supremo court building and grounds,
cnpitol building und grounds nnd the
Ixecutiive, administrative and edu
cational departments, in nil of which
latter no reductions were mnde.
The ways and means committee mi"
t.V..'.' ':.ti!r.;'i
I' ':' '
Is Chiropractic "Only
Read the following sworn testimonial, proving the positive value of mod
ernized Chiropractic as used by Dr. W. II. Reynolds, of Salem:
"I, Jennie Benson, being first duly sworn on my oath, claim that 1 am a
resident of Glenwood, Minnesota, That obout a yeur and a half ago I took two 1
months treatment from an -Osteopathic, Doctor, who was ft Oradunto of the Amer
ican School of Osteopathy of Kirksvllle, Mo. That ho did not give mo a particle
of relief. I wa troubled with what medical doctors call nervous dyspepsia and
dinbetes. I was in such a condition that for two years 1 was unable to hold n
solid food on my stomach. About a year ago I commenced taking what is called
Chiropractic Adjustmenta from W. II. Kuynoldi and within ten days I began
feeling very much better and was able to put almost any food. After two months
of adjustments, was pronounced well and have remained so since. I was ter
ribly bloated when I commenced taking adjustments, but lost fifteen lbs. during
the time of taking treatments and have remained normal since. People told tne
not to try Chiropractic as it was only Osteopathy adulterated but I found out
differently. Dr. Reynolds did not use one movement that the Osteopath did,
neither did the Osteopath use one movement that Dr. Reynolds did. Tho Osteo
pathic Doctor told me there was a bono in my back which ho could not move
and Dr. Reynolds told me he could adjust that vertebrae in one second, which
ho did.
"It is my opinion that Chiropractic and Osteopathy are. two entirely differ
ent sciences. " . JKNN1K BKNSON."
"Subscribed and tworn before mo thil IRth day of December, IU0S.
tSeal) "Judge, of Probate, I'opn County, Minn."
Lady attendant Fhone 416
Consultation and examination free - 402-3-4 Hubbard Building
Office hours 1:00 to 5:00. Other hours by appointment.
s to gain grouiiu on . ,,. ,,.
tho l'.elnian coast after several violent not passeo uc.mii. . ,... -
assaults hud failed. More than 300 deal
Muroccun and Algeriun soldiers wero
left, on the field.
French uight attacks southeast of
Lunevill have been repulsed und the
French have evacuated the village of
Angomont, northeast of lladeiiviller.
Three Great Buanlan Armies.
Petrograd, .Inn. 30. Three great Rus
siuu armies are miw marching against
Konigsberg, capital of east Prussia.
The advance of the third aim)' was
indicated In difpat'hej today. It is
striking at the German lineV south of
the railroad running from Insterburg to
The new force hns not been recorded
in official reports heretofore. Today '
dlspitchei shiiw, howover, that it i en
deavoring to cross tho Angernp river
ut Diukhmen, about 20 miles south of
Insterburg. A bridge across tho Ango
lan at that point has boon heavily shel
led by Russian artillery, No details are
offered regarding this movement
school budget and will not do so until
the institution has been visited with
Rnv.rnnr Witlivcombe who has worked
out n plan which he intends trying out
at the institution. The tolal estimates
which have been passed upon bvthe
committee to date, amount to l,7'ih
013 Of theso the state fair board gets
3.-.l!H; deaf school, $54,05; tuber
culosis Institute, $01,400; supreme
court, $58,050; executive department,
23,700; . education department, $50,
(m. .nin'lnl auents. $7,000; statn de
partment. $01,000; treasury department
$;t0.300; capitnl and supreme
building, $07,015.
D. Kauffinan, a well known farmer
of Hubbard, Oregon, is among tkose
who Is making a success of com grow
ing. His crop of 1014 was larger than
any previous year, and his matured
corn now ut his farm is a proof that
t or -lean be grown in Oregon with suc
cess, provmeii tne plants aro given
One other Russian armv in east Prus-i prop r attention. Mr. Kaiilfman hn
I sift is advancing from t tin west north of iniscl this corn for the market, as well
I Insterburg and still another from the as for his own use on his dairy farm in
I northwest. The latter anny is niw near j t'lackaiiius county. Western Stock
jTilttit. Journal.
Big Reduction Sale
W have tertral hundred dollars worth of the best grade and make
of Faint Brushes and all Dry Colors la the paint line, and also a large
stock of Carpenter and other Tools. These and many more articles in
our large stock we are going to reduce. To do to, wa are going to put
them on the market, during the next ten days, at ACTUAL COST.
We carry nothing but the best make. Come and be convinced that we
mean what we lay. Everything in the window line that wa are over
stocked on la Included in this sale,
1000 square feet of 30 Inch Prune Tray Wire, only 3 cents per
square foot.
The Capital Lumber Co,
My name is Lucore. I nm the factory representative. I secure an order
for the manufacturers I represent for three pianos every time I sell two.
I do not care for retail profit or even wholesule profit. My manufacturers
hove accumulated a surplus stock. Kveryone knows that export trade, par
ticularly in musical instruments, is now at n standstill. If you expect to
buy a piuno in the next ten years, you ure doing yourself an injustice if
you. do not sec me within the next few days. Your own terms can be hud.
I will make the first payment for you, the balance can be paid as best'
suits you. A little every week or every mouth.
C. K. U.-COR1V
Authoiizcd Manufacturers' Representative,
Now nt, Cus Smith Piaoo House.
Sale Closes In A Few Days
QzZs So For A
a ii
(Svarsitefid lOT&ars
$200 to $350 Values
$98, $118, $145
These prices never before ' heard .of, und never will be
made iigiiin. It's only because csport Initio is now ut 11
standstill, and it's because I want to advertise; it's tho
manufacturers doing it. I must buy three pianos for each
two now sold. (ICS SMITH.
fur tho must preferable of all
Pianos. But if you prefer
Or any other niiike, come to our,
store nt once, for dining this great
sale we have almost every make
you can think of.
Any piuno advertised, if not on
hand now, can be had on short no
tice. (ItiS SMITH.
American high-grade Piano of
nhich it can bo truthfully said that
"no urtist is paid to play it." Thu
reputation of the ('bickering, Amer
ica's oldest and best Piuno, estnb
lished 123, uun not gained and is
not miiiiituined by purchased influ
ence. For sale pi-icon see C.CS SMITH.
1-( . . T ' ;: ', riia Knabe, I
. ' " ;.v i the beat one , '
' ' ' ' made, $778.00, f
T ;: - '. - -.'' er" ,M8 """I 1 ' ;
.1 m
T-1 W.pip i j t.ia.1 J , tj -xv-w -tT ,f.
Temporary Store Corner Commercial and State Sts.
We will make the new store announcement soon.