Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 28, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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One cent per word each inser- T
tion. , J
Copy for advertisements no- 4
di'r this heading should be in by T
2 p. m. ' 1
Great Final Wind-Up of Our
What 55.00
Will Buy
Read Below
We urge you to supply present and future needs luring the next three days, for, commencing tomorrow and ending Saturday, we place final windup prices on
many attractive lines of merchandise Special reduc Ions in every section of the big store Men's, Women's nd Children's Needs Household Supplies Autoists' Ac
cessories Toys all at sweeping clearance prices.
TON It! UT Hot, Fred's.
lilLLV Expert window cleaner, i'houe
VR WOOD $i, niiidc, iM..V).
1 '
Great Final Wind-Up Clearance Women's
and Misses' Ready-to-Wear
Take your Choice, $5.00 a Garment
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Ki
monas, formerly priced to $45.00
Come and Take Your Pick
$5.00 Each
This great assortment includes the pres
ent season's newest garments stylish,
newest fabrics well , made. No reason
why you should do without a suit o coat
when you have your choice of this splendid
assortment for just '.
4 mi Y i
Final Clean-Up Prices In The
Men's and Boys' Departmen
Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery, Bath
Robes, House Coats, Boys' Suits and Overcoats. At no time
of the year will you have such an opportunity to save mo
ney on dependable merchandise.
Men's Suits, Overcoats and Trousers
Made to Your Measure
Hundreds of fine fabrics and patterns to choose from.
Suits from $1:5.75 up. Let us furnish your next suit to your
Final clean-up prices in the Shoe Department.
MgoodIgood s
f it t
Tomorrow Is
Remnant Friday
All remnants 12 price
i.OST Lady's overcoat Tuesday. Uc
turn to .lonrnul office.
LOST 1'ltiin uuld I'Hr pin, ruby sot.
1'hone lillilti; suitable reward.
WANTKI1 Knout in jiriviite fninilv,
id ite in. Address 1! Id, .lonrnul.
'(ill li KNT Small dwelling in Nortli
Snlcin. l'hone t'arey l' Mnitin, 41',),
WA.NTKL) Three or four fin nished
housekeepinc; roo:i;:i at unre. l'lione
MoNKV-M.AKlN't! riynr store in Salem
for sale. Write. "Owner," can
loiirnal. KOH HKA'T 4 downstairs houselioopin;,'
riioins, very elose in, rhenp. l'hone
KOK ItKNT Himu with lionrd, suitalil
Tor tvvo; modem conveniences; Ku-H
Suloui. IMiono 121112.
- I
All Around Town
Dr. Mondclsonn, specialist in fitting
glasses correctly. U. S. bank bldg.
The river is falling, the stage today
boini ll.l aliove low water mail,. Hur
injr the last "I hours (here has been a
rainfall or Jill inch,
Shetland pony contest clones Febru
ary J, at (1 p. m...
Dr. Stone 'a Itch Otntniont cures the
A 10 aero tract one mile southwest
of Liberty Iiiih just been purchased by
I. It. Lewis, of Tncoinn. lie will move
liis family to the tract this week. The
ileal was made by ,1. A. Mills,
Don't forget Rlneliart'a shoe store
lias reopened nt 132 North Coniniercial,
Ail outside rooms. The Cottage ho
tel, 100 Court, Special weekly rates.
A new restaurant will be opened'
within a few days nt ill II North Coin
iner.'ial street by John l.enty, of Mm-:
pun I ity. The huildinu' is now beiiiK
papered and painted and put in first
i lass condition for the new rcstaurnnt.l
The Shetland pony contest will close 1
at 0 p. in., 1'cbruary 1. !
Consult the Relnhard Cabinet factoiyj
before you remodel your store or home. '
I'hc.ie ."il I,
II. A. Grew, of Syracuse, Nebraska, '
writes friends here tlint he iias become i
interested in loganberry culture and j
that as soon as he can make arrange
ments he will move to this county. Me
also writes inipiirinu prices of ill and f
"0-ne:c tracts. i
Remhart's shoe store still In business.
Hje them at Ml! North I'onnuerciul i
Fine brass and bronse casting, Gil
bert ti I'otee, ."ilill Kerry. I'hune ."HS,
Tho friiine work for the tnbernaclo
on llio,h and Minion streets, in which
tue cwii'nolntic services will be held,
was all put up yesterday, nil, I today
it has been Inclosed. Over 115 work
incii, all volunteers, ate helpine; in the
wnrk. With the present rapid rate of
pio 'iess. the tabernacle
less, tin1 luliernacle will be all
ready and evoiythmu, in shape for the
first meeting Sunday evening,
Relnhart'i quality shoes at 1C2 North
A. E. Laflar, manager of the Globe
theatre, has been called to Albany to
take temporary charge of the (llube
and liolfe theatres, which are now un
der the same innnc,ciucnt. ile will re
main there until tho reoignaiatioii
plans are completed. During his afi
sence from Salcni, W. A. Danielson, of
Scuttle, will have charge of the (llobc
in this city,
I. C. S., im-12 Hubbard building.
Rclnhart's quoltty shoo store now at'
151! North Commercial. j
Tho commercial club is In receipt of j
a letter from I1'. A, Soincrly, of l.u
Angeles, Southern Ciilllorniii malinger
(if the TiiStnte Cnod Heads' associa
tion, asking for photographs of our
improved rinds, in order that views
may lie used in u iphlet to lie Issued
inr niuriMs. " town Develop it," a
magazine published in New York City,
has also written for n copy of the
booklet, " Itcsuuiccs or Marion Coun
ty, ' '
"Tk Mystery of the Per
petual Glare"
Fifth Episode of
Two Reels
Special Today
Those Harmony singers Will
sing " Zndoru. ''
I The meeting of dog" owners tonight
is called to secure modification of the'
present ordinance requiring all dogs to
be chained or led on a leash. The or
dinance was enacted by t7e city coun
cil, and at a former meeting of the dog
' owners n referendum petition, was
filed holding it up until the late city
election, where tho referendum failed.
, At Kugene a similar ordinance is being
contested and it is proposed to unite
with the Kugene fiiciiils of dogs and
' tako the ordinance into tho courts to
test its legality. The meeting Thursday
I night should bo attended by all men
and women who are opposed to the
present system of handling the dog
problem. The meeting ig the result of
the increased determination of the
city council to make arrests and en
force the law in this city.
A Inn-purl pleasing drama
A picture full of excitement.
A Kt'Vstoiiu cohumIv,
The Show That Pleases the
e Jield at 2 o'clock
floni the chapel of
BALDWIN At a local hospital, Wed
nesday, January 27, l!llf, l.yniau
' Hnlilnln.
Services will be
rridny afternoon floni the chain
, Higdon & llii'hardson, the He v. lticliuid
Avison officiating. Interment will
;take place at the Odd Fellows' eomc-
i, tcry. V
I, The deceased is survived by n son
living at Amnlaiko, Oklalmmu, n ml rel
atives living in Wyoming and Iowa.
High-class Vaudeville
FREDA, Concert Pianislc
and DEVON-GRAHAM, Mezzo Soprano
This is the highest classed attraction of its kind
ever 'shown in any Salem theatre. Both of these
'young ladies have been highly recommended to us
as artists and should prove to be a treat to all the
Salem lovers of music.
Alice Joyce, seen only at the Globe, will appear in
!. special Kalem feature, "Cast Up by the Sea."
Hearst-Selig Weekly, the latest, and a George Ade
10 cents
Sunday only, Catherine Countiss in "The Idler."
I-'OU ItKNT Cp to date 7-i(win flat,
close in. See. It. U. l-'lcming. I'lioie
11. Residence phone
KOlt HKNT Neatly furnished foui
rooin cottage with basement, modern.
Impure ,"iLi!) South Commercial.
KOlt HUNT Six-room house, one bloci.
business district, 5(H North Comme'
rial. Call nt house or phono i.'IS.
KOH KKNT Kuril i. died housckeepiiiL,'
rooms; reasonable. H'ui Nortli Coni
niercial street.
W.UiON WANTKD Not lurger thou
il-inch. L. S. Arnold, llouto 1, Box
62. l'hone (I5-S-.11.
WANTKD Ity young wiiinilll, pluco to
work for board nnd room while at
tending school, l'hone -1 71-.M .
jl'OR H KNT Mouse with bam; fur-
ui:ihcd if desired. Located South
j Twelfth street. U. W. Johnson.
'KOH SAI.K tlond, gentle, fresh Jersey
cow. Two miles cast uf asylum, oil
Auburn road, Koulc b .Mrs. A. Al.
KOH KKNT Large room in first. cla.-i
oi"lei', liinnd new furniture nnd stove.
A'ipiv W. C. T. K. matron, l'hone
S3. '
WE will allow you (he highest prico for
your used furniture in exchaugo for
new. Cnlef liros., home furnishorti.
l'hone 5P3.
Ft) It It KNT Very reasonable, modern
five-ruom house, bath nnd pantiy,
near school and church, Inquire
lllll South Commercial.
KoH SAI.K My owner, l.'i acres fin
laud, fenced and clear, rock road.
I'aigain if tiikcn soon, l'hone lJ'.
I U.'-'ideuce phone P..
VOl'Nd cnlves for sale. For furl lit r
inlVirmution impure at I'ruitlund Nur
sn'.v salesyard, corner High and Kerry
streets. l'hone '.'il-K-Jl. lit. (!.
the Cnpitnl Itusiuess College, next
Monday, l-ebruary I. Call to see the
, principal ufternoons, 1 to ", if iul'oi
inatiou is di'sireil.
Dr. Stone's chilblain
remedy 25 c
The Knights of Maccabcos aro well
pleased with the success of their liuistcr
carnival, held last evening in McCnr
nnck hall. There was a large attend
ance nnd all cu.joycii the special ultiuc
tinus of the street fair. While lucre
was no huge niuount of money i le by
the 'iiruival, the incmlM'rs state that the
guod time enjoyed by those present re
paid them for their efforts.
Now class In shorthand A new clar-s
in shorthand will be commenced at the
Capital Mnsiacss college next Monday,
Kciiinary I. Young people who wydl
lo talk with the principal s'aould call
atternoons between 1 and i. This is n
gmd time to begin that useful educa
tion, Luther J, Chnpin will speak to the
residents of the Mountain View school
district tomorrow eveninit. bci.'inoing
The Piclflre tliat Everybody is Talking bout
hp. milpfQ99
El H IPs. A f 11 I II II ISJ 11 . 1 NH
iat 7:MH o'clock. His subject of his
Inlk will be " Horticulture" mil a
. general discussion w ill follow. A
j representation from the slate experl
' mcnt station will also be present,
j Kveryone is cordially invited.
The Salem police were unable to lo
cate liiiby Morris, the 1 1 vein old girl
who -codes at the iienie uf Max Woods,
near Clicuiawu. The girl has been miss
lug since tl o'clock Tuesday evening.
She is reported by Mr. Woods as hav
ing attciopied to run nway once before
but was detained by the station agent
at Clicuiawu, who knew her, until her
fost r pnrents ariive, on the scene,
Mr. Woods rcpoitcj tin case to the Sa
lem liu'ice, who nie looking lor her in
this city.
t The caso of V. E. Richardson, u ad
niinistinlor of tue itute of Thoinns II.
Stover, deceased, against the Salem
I In uk of Coiinncrce, went to the jury in
depiiilinent No, I of the eiieuit court
shortly nl'tcr I o'clock tuday. This was
an aciiit'i brought tu recover if'Jn:J.;to al
leged to have been deposited to the
cred'l of Thomas II, Stover nnd M. 1).
Stovci, bis wife, in the bank. It was
claimed by the plali'till that the bank
lefiis-.'d to ni v this money to the ml
miuistiiitor. The bank claimed that the
account was a joint account uud was
drawn nut by M. I). Stover.
I The funeral services for tho late
John Donahue were held from St. Jo
seph's Cutholic church this morning at
10 a. m the Hcv. A. A. Moore offici
ating, nnd interment was ill St. Jo
seph 's cemetery.
The funeral services for the lute
James Nush will be held from St, Jo
seph's Cutholic church Friday morning
at 10 o'clock, and interment will lie in
St, Joseph 's cemetery.
Washington, Jan. UN The stockyurds
ut Buffalo, N, V'., and liichmond, Vu.,
today were ordered closed because of
the presence of the "toot and mouth
! disease. They will remain closed four
or five days until they lire disinfected.
1 (Continued from page one.i
,lo ue expressed, It seeks to close en
tirly the gates of aylnin which nlwu.vs
jhavc. been open to tuose who could find
; nowhere else the right, and opportunity
of cnn-ditutioiinl agitution for what
thev conceived to be the natural and
inalicuuble right of men.
1 " Hestrictions like these, adopted car
lier in our history, would luatcriallv
'linve altered our course and cooled the
liiiui'in Urdu's nf inir politics. Tho right
uf political asylum has brought to tiiis
country many a man of noble character
and elevated purpose, who was mnihcil
as mi outlaw in his own html, who yet
linn become an ornament to nur citizen-
jship nuil public cuuncils,"
The inessuge declared that the cliil-
,dren and compatrii!s uf these Ameri
cans must stand amaed to see us now
" risk tin ning buck such men without
test of their rpinlity and purosoB,"
' The president said It was difficult
for hint to belie e .that the full effect
of this feature of the bil was rcnliv.ed
when it w as adopted,
" I'ltc literacy test," the message
continues, "and the test restrictions
'nccompiiiiyiiig it, provide ait even more
radical change in the pulicy of the na
tiin. It is proposed lo turn away from
tests ol character and iiinlity and lin
posa tests whiih exclude and restrict;
tlie new tests here ouiliii'licd are not
tests of iiuility, chniacter and personal
fitness, but are tests ul' opportunity.
Those entiling here seeking an upper
ttiuitv are not to be admitted unless
they have alreadv had one of the chief
nppi (unities thev cck the oppoitun
ity fur an education. ' '
The message snld If the people of
the "limit ry have niiide up their mind
to limit Imuiigintiou by arbitruiy tests
and reverse tue policy of generations
before, it was their right.
"I inn their sen ant and have not li
cense to stand in the way. Hut 1 do
not he Move thev have. ' '
The prcidciit said no one can 'put!'
Itlie people's inundate to that effect. Ile
asked if any pnrty bad'ever avowed
in policy of rcstiictiun in the imilter, had
got)'.' to the country un it and had been
commissioned to coutiol legislation,
i "Mil's this bill rest upon the iinivcr
'sal assent ami desire ut' the pcoplcf"
the inessuge continued. "I doubt it.
It. Is bfcuusc I doubt it that I make
bold to dissent. I nut willing to abide
: by the verdict, lint nut until it is rcn
j dcred. Let the phitlorms of the parties
speak upon this policy ami let the peo
ple pronounce their wish. The mutter
is too f iiiiiliutie nlul tu be settled other
wise, ' '
111 conclusion President W'ilson said
he had no ride In bis opinion on the
(picst'on, lie was not foolish enough,
, he said, to profess to knuw the wishes
uf America better than congress knows
them but he wanted instruction direct
from tiiuse who-e foituties were iu-
' voiced
Wo Want Representatives Everywhoro
to woilt for us, baying and selling liciil
Kstnte, Mortgages, Hoods, Slocks, etc.
We pay pint salary nnd pint commis
sion, llooil hustlers uiiiy cma limn
SH.000 to JIO.OOO per year or more no
prcuitia experience iieeesiiiv, Wo
equip and start yon out. INTF.UNA
Hi Otis Bldg.. 10 8. La Salle HI., CHICAGO.
At Reduced Prices 13c nnd 25c.
ligh Theatre
Friday and Saturday
Don't class so-called features seen elsewhere with the real
features shown nt the IJligh. j
The greatest Thoto Flay ever conceived or achieved.
Love, Hate, Sorrow, Joy. See it at the
.' 5 daily, 2 to 5. Evenings, 7 to 11.
The Sleeping Queen
by the
in Costume
PRICES 50c AND $1.00
Hox Office open at 9:00 a. in.
KOlt SAM'!!! muted pens iluff Leg
horn chickens, ;i(l pullets in all, .just
starliAK to lay. One lii)tli juiced trio
of blue ribbon winners ill tlio tlocl.
Kor sale at war time prices, dumb'
II. Stevenson, lit. 4, llnx il-', Salun
On1. I'bmio ti."t-K--l,
TllK Apparel Service I'ompany, first
class picsscrs, clciineis nuil repairers.
Altera! inns, reliaiiiK flits and cli)tiiinur
a specialty. All wurli Huuranli'c1
I'lione lil.H Mouth llie.li street,
Salcni, Ore. Anna I. am.'. I', l-ee, pi'"
pric tors.
T'ic only piattii store In tlic worl 1
where you cult find nnd .indue lor yoiii
self nencly nil uf the uckuowlcdnCil
highest lUile pianos,
lit other pails of Cue country yo i
tind the Soltiuer ill the liiinds ol' on
dealer, the ( 'hielieriiitf in the hands u
nnol'icr dealer, the Stoinwny in nnothi",
elc, but in our stui'e, under one root,
in (tin1 piano salesroom, whore you enn
, Indue each insl Miiiicnt side by side, un
der the same conditions, the world's
Uteat-'st mithcs.
We could enuincrute many other pi
anos Vose & Sons, llallcy Davi-i,
the crcat llelininu plaver piano, ,). .,
Kisi her, etc.
Any icasonable tonus enn be iirianp
cil, ,i)nl if a less expensive piano is de
sired we enn fiinnsii nor auieeinent C'
exc'uatiue on any of the above piano"
we have in stock when a certain ninnunt
has been paid, or if for any reason yon
tind the piano purrlm-ed is not entirely
satisfactory to you we will exehntiu"
I ree of nny cost fi you,
tins Smith, Salem,' (be., :iu."i State st.
Piano Tuning
In or out of city.
1'hone aSM-J lain E Street
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Bpaulnh Chicken, Hot Tamnles, Chill
Con Came, chop Buey Moodlei
420 Ferry Street