THB 8AT.KM CUTlt l JOTJKNAT BAtEM. OKEOOV. TUESDAY. JANUARY tS. 1915. SEVEN. pHOUSE REPEALS THE FREE TEXT BOOK LAW BY VOTE OF 39-17 (Continued from Page One.) Monster Sale of Shoes Still Continues Bought for a few cents on the dollar and you get the benefit SPECIAL Men's Vici, Gun Metal and Patent Shoes, val. to $5.00, $1.95 SPECI AL-Line of Men's Vici, Gun Metal, Patent Shoes, val. to $3.50, $ 1 .65 SPECIAL Rice Hutchinson Shoes, Tan, values to $6.00, now, pr., $2.95 $1.65 for Boys' Lace Shoes in Vici Kid, Tan, Gun Me tal and Kangaroo Calf; values up to $3.00, now $1.65. FOR MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S LACE SHOES Values up to $3.00 jt ilr )(t ift )jt sft it t 3c t ic 3t THE MARKETS J 0 hi lf al J Oy b 1 TV ,0. Jfi Jt With steady cold weather, the market seems to huvo become stationary in all linen. There is no i hungi1 in the live-! Mtceli market, although there is n strong j demand for hogs. There is no change from Monday in ,1,m j. tit B.iil iwmlli'V ini.l Ilio name "rcav be said of fruits and veire-! tabl-e. Thi grniu inul mill feed dealers are still of the opinion that the top mar let las been reached. Local Wholesale Market, ' lief ton ' IH I K'mlutnro wore already ton severely cir'iers t replace the empty, boxes on the Ii1 " , ( icuinscribcd and urging that the jiidg- shelves so that the stock would not 7 , ..'..i.'mont of 90 men was better than the look depicted. Jle said the boxes were Hay, timothy. Clover, per ton Oats and vetch wi ! "iTayiiilS" I T u ::,o I Jul "'V'ToZXiI' Cheat Wheat, per bushel Jlran, per ton Hhorts, per ton , Cats, per bushel Egfia and Poultry. Ileal, per pound J-'KRS, cash, 'Ju'c; trad" Itooatersr- old, per pound Htags Butter. Hutterfat, per pound Crea.-nery butt'T,. por poniid. .. Fork, Veal aud Mutton, Pork, on foot '" . . .(l(ri'0IVlc. Perk, dressed Veal, drsssed Hpring lamb titeers Cows Wethers Ewes . ,..B(olBy3c fiKiC ......... u ..UlH'jC I Fruits. Oranges, navel 2.252.S0 Bananas, lb ..4ic I Kemona, per box :US(ii4.50 !K tho aliolitlon or taut uouy. tie star it0 , Mtut,, printer and that there up- Pineapples, por lb lYi'. ' 1 th,,t tl,uy nlwy waited uatil j 1H,rN ,0 m) r,,ulmn ,,, that Apples, box eSctol.e") u VT'o fr(!l,u tll,,m to make, a move lliH ,WKe,fltri Arthur l.iiwrence, or the Cranberrios, barrel ... -....ll.S0i"'l hl tlIn0 ',l !lt bo WT ,h,al state printing board will attempt to r...u 4ji senato would indicate to the people:,,,., ..... .,., , , Dates, dromedary, nZZZ!""ZjiiM -'. - . Dates, Persian, lb, tigs, per pack Cocoanuts, per dozen Vegetables, Cabbsga, pjr lb Tomatoes, California. Celory, per dozen Onions, per 100 pounds Potatoes (Oregon), bushel.... Bwret Potatoes, crate, Cauljfliiwer Itrussels Sprouts Mring Ouilic Parsnips Retail pries. Creamery butter 10c 10c IVjo WV 'vUi i0t' 3p Klour, hard wheat Plour. valley l';Kas, per div.en bugwr. per cwt $0.i:0('00 Portland Markets. Whi'ttt-Vluh, iIP liiin'sittn, OttU No. I whito U'vA, t'MlM gniy, Ilnilcy Mn'wint,,!.-"!); fonl, fiJ.-'iU. HoKtt licHt )ivi ti(.dii(ff 11.70, I'limrt nti'tMH, 7.."id(r:S; t'nniy enwf. .7ri()d.S.'; Ih'M ctilvt-n tTfffT.'d; Iiim.jn, $7f(i 7.SU. l"'i"K lint tor 'ity crennirry, lV2?t Kwqii Scli'i'tt'd Uwt oxtiin, IlJr. lli'im, IM1; Inuilrf. 1 (rn I.Vj imm( The Price She Pays There Is an i.i,..l, won, nn eowsdsys who run keep .ace wilh the driimu. la made ii.mi her time and pnrrt;y without J'SvitiK Hie .'canity of 111 health, It may be that .lren.lfol liachnche, driiKK'UK fn ill". Ilea. la. lies, nervousness or the tortures of a dis iilacemcnt. It Is tho price she pn.v,. To wemea III this condition I.y.lia K. I 'ink ha ill 'e Vesetal.le 'hhijuhuhI conies as a boon nn.) a lilessini;. A sinil'le i....e II. .. .,'. mllv nf III. ' penal! Ol i. .".. Temcdv brinus ulorious health to suffer - which in women ltri(M1" $1.35 for Boys' and Youths' Lace Shoes in Patent and Gun Metal; Values up te $3.00. FOR LADIES' PATENT KIDS Values up to $4.00 SENATE HAS STORMY SESSION OVER THE SINGLE ITEM VOTE (Continued from Page One.) not vetoed because if it had been with the appr.'priution for the peeitentiurv, ".vlu"! u',(i M 11,0 "M"'1' l -I-ropriut ic.i.s carried by tho omnibus iippioprintion j bill would have been vetoed. I Senator Duy, chairman of the ways and menus committee of tho senate, voiced strong disapproval of tho reso - llulion cluiminir that powers of the le- judgment of ono. I generally turned upsidn down to show Wonntor Kellnlior, tho author of the i Hint they were empty but on the five resolution, made direct charges against "I'l'cr shelves of the Silver store the what he chnroctoriied the senate's!1"""'" wre nl1 '''"P'.v nud they were steam roller. Ho stated that all Sen-1 "nt (m'"'11 P"1! down as this was not U(,.r IV,,.- kn.1 In m!n,l ten. Mir I......W. I .i,., ,.....i.,ti. ,v ""oj,, I Day referring to the people's uiiieiiJ-1 ''""r,, ments to tho constitution, were in tliej (ifii ,9c' Interest of big business and in nn ef-j fort to get tho stuto back into idd ring I j!l0 iaad convention rulo. li'jc ' Senator Butler made several eloquent , ! pleas in favor of the resolution, hinting "lut w''on it was referred to the people KyjjC'H noiuu uu uui'pnu itj a J". "s(a'Uni i'y 'mn )'0' '"'c" K'vn ""' !l!...(lljC i nieiiKiiro that hud been placed upon the ' ballot. Senntor Garland also made a strong speech in defense of tho resolution and .. ...I., .1..,. i.,n; 111 ClOSlUg IUIU UIU W'ttHU IHMl. lui'il conduct in the past had been anything "llt wh,lt 1110 I,00l"e PPveii ami unit Hie people woro now seriously consider-1 lssa.t they woro not wholly unwilling to i !.. (!.! !l arasl soil flint li nf ..H'ifu'HMic, iic.i iu ',"-J .0c(ii$ 1.50 ,,would aavo them tuo cost of initiating .'. Iljthis measure. This ho said might turn Itlio tide in their favor and juiHitlbly rclmcnn tliut tho pooplo would coutiuuo to ii.-0 lllow tl10 "Pl"lt0 ""'i' "" 40((iH.'icl Lobbyist Bill Killed. H 5U1 I'1'1' "'her importaat matter decided h' th senate ut, tno morning session was ine nun iiiNit.- p..i... .m-Miyi . ... n. lllie.iei nmujini- i.iii. nnn n- ported ill from tho coinmitteo on judi ciary with two reports, six members of the committee recommending Hint it do not pass and Senator Himick, Mr. Scliueliel's colleague, recommeii.nng Tlini ine lllll pass, 1 lie sr.. ....... ir.i.t. Chickainna then moved to substitute Hie report of the minority for Hint of the majority and the figl.t was on. j Senator Mosor nocuin'd Senator Dim-! ick of having no personal interest In Hie bill but simply supporting It nt ; Hie request of his collciigue in the, house. The senntor from Multnomah inn dn one of the longest speeches of I the morning, discussing the bill section by section nnd stating that as lie nn-: derstood tho provisions of the bill no' person who wns a taxpayer could dis teirlslntinn with tl.. I members of ' Htn legislature, as he was violating tl." provision that any person who would; be affected in pecuniary sense by the passage of a measure would have to register. It was also pointed out that j they were only permitted to nppear be fori) committees have bills under ad-1 vlscment. Tills, it was claimed, would nrevent tho senators not on Hie corn- mittee from - henrlns tlie nrKniiicni, ...... l. J ,A ....... miwI hi. on 1,1 il "' I'"""" ", ' ' .l.n4 nn nnA ftfl II. . V I lin 111 1 1 . .. Ill vorcu tne inn ii wou.o ...u . . ., t. 1.1 .1). ...I.!..... ll, . i i... .. u. ,.,.. cr senniors .m'hii.ik - - . i,..,. .Wnntnr ..1 the measure ss nn ern.rt to sou n..-, spines of spineless senators and claim- j cd Hint the body contained no such, or that, if it did, they needed the at- ; tention of a trained nurc. When the oto wns tnken all tno sen i ninr with the sieeiition of Henntor ! Kellnher and Henntor Diinich. voted tu 'indefinitely postpone the lull, M'tintor'cr tl.o minority wns ngnt or wrong. $1.65 for Utz & Dun's Old Ladies' Comforts, Lace and Button; values up to $3.00. 5 ' ' . a "" "' MM! II III I IW Hi Ill III WIH FATE OF SILVER IS NOW WITH THE JURY (Continued From Page One.) nefs reputution ot Silver when he was ine jewelry iiusiness in rorunnu. ; Mr. Hnrurove. a real estate man also testified as to the good character of silver. Mr. Dovne. who sold the stock of goods to Silver, was recalled to the Island anil testified that Silver paid a little over eHlU for the stock Inst, 1 September. The empty boxes in the j stock, were explained by K. L. Krwin as a common practice among shoo deal- PCSSnry. Attorney ( K. Acker made the open ing plea before the jury and was fol lowed by tho oilier attorneys in the case. Their arguments were not begun until 1 o'clock this afternoon and oc cupied about two hours time before the charge given by Judge Kelly to the jury. The court room was crowded by business men and others in the city sonic of whom saw Hie interior of tho sloro after the fire and others who own property in the business districts of the city. State Printer's Case Dismissed By Court I,,,,,,,,,,!, R, a. Horns lias ceased ,,,,, ,,,., mrniK ,J i HtiHct the I .... ,Hint of W. C. Miincis et. nl., against i ,.iri) H,l,tiiiui n and It. A. Harris uad . ,.(,tuM,(i t0 ,.! the carrying out of (l P01ltrn(.t entered Into between Harris n,j A)ied Trades Council nud the tvpogruphicul union of Salem, under whicli only union printers should be em- vt,, , t )l0 H printing plant, the ,, n,,(, of ,V1(,,H n,,ll)tl,(1 llml ,( ..! 0n all state printing. The opinion in written by .hihtiio Hcnn inul tho uiMTft! or .ludjjp (.iilluwny, of tin1 rirruit court for Minimi county, in iiffirnn'tl. rrrdiTick & i'Hon, rt'Hnoiiurn!. vn. w iUltl. u, ln pt)imt two pridniMnoiy nptm; iipprnl from Mnltno mall countv; llcnrv K. Mcdinn. imlee. nlflrincd. Opinion" by .lustice Hiirnett. t I'resley (llllihnii, et. ill., respondents, ! vs. (leor(!0 V. Clelolin, nppelliinl, and1 V, II. II. Moriiim vs. t'irlnhn; two cases to quiet title to certain lauds on ' 'Hauvies island in Mult noiniili county; iippenl fiotn Multnomah county; Henry . I). Mcdinn, ju.lue, modified. ' Opinion : by .lustice M.dliide, llii.lal 'eil l.iiinberii.g coiN.iinv, ap- ( pcllnnt, vs. I'acifie Const Casualty coin-: puny; action employers mlullty In-1 miriHHT itoiicv to rnllpi't Jf. (!. or- i dit't for dct'cndiiiit mmi'iiny (Hfinin'd. App'Mil from M iiltnumnh coiitity; (ico, N. DiiviM, jmlj;i Opinion Ity .liiHti'-c Bt'nn. ( ity .Mphhimi'it nnd jN'iiv'ry I'mii puny, rt'upomtt'iit, v. INiftiil Trlrrtiph rmn puny: frcm Mnltnomnh founly j (li'fii'Kfl N, I 1 1 i h , ,111(1(41', tiffirnii''!. Opinion liv JiitH't Mctin. Suit to rv ..,... ..i,,p cr ....vieen render d. , ,i .. . f .1 . . in .me leequiom- c"... u uy, pond- lent, vs. A. I). M.slie; appeal from Miillnomall. county; (leorge N. lluvis, . . ,M, g reversed and remanded. Action to te.'over value for services p.'iTonn- cd. Opinion by .liisti.'e Huriutt, M, ,T. Kinney, respondent, vs. If. ('. l'lclienlierger: iictitui to enforce pig ment of coniinissioii nn timber sale con trii.t; npi'eal from Multnoninh eoiinty; i pimick remarking that Senator Kclla- . her was always in the minority wheth- $2.00 ARCH SUPPORT I $1.00 School Board Fix Tuition of High School A committee from Polk comity, com posed of countv superintendent II. ('. i Seymour, A. M. Houthwick and R. W. ! i .... - i I...?..-.. .1... u..i.A..i unp.i t t lia-ir- meeting last night relative to ,i, ,,),. (i,t. wnul.l he made Polk county pupils tor attending tho Salem High school. It was decided to enter into an arrangement with the High school board of 1'olk county so that, of tho regular tuition charged, Polk county will pay J 2..10 of the tuitiou and the pupil the remainder. Tho $S12(I bid of 8. A. Hughes, for tho construction of two chimneys at the High school was accepted and work will begin at once. These chimneys will have a ten loot base and will be built according to the spec.ificutions of the architect, P. A. Legg. A renort rcuardiuir the heating of .... " ' .: addition of several pipes and ro-r-lt ranging of others, it was though Hint the school would he properly heated. It wns the opinion of tho sc hool boarri that he sealer class or ine school should be pernntted to give an entevtn.iimei, in the Auditorium of the High school in order to raise lunds for their class annual. mi.- uAn.l .,lr)ir lv Ink., nn ":. ,i M .i, for 'the new school hnilding to he n.,n.,ln.l III M Piles' Cured in 6to 14 Days Dn.ggisls money if f'AZO (MNTMUXf fails to cure Itching, ltlin.l, llleeding or Protruding I'iles. First application gives relief. Jflc, Steel Trust Passes Regular Dividend; New York, .Tan. 2ll. The directors of tho United States Steel Corporation vote I loday to pass the quarterly divi dent on the common stn'k. Tho regular quarterly dividend of 1 .1-4 per cent of ; the preferred stock was declared,. I The quarterly reports showed the net earnings of the steel corporation for the quarter ended December III, 1011, were $10,IW.'1 170, compared with t"i.-', o:i(l..'l in for the tamo quarter in 10111, and .'i;l!2,27fl.0Ol! Inr Inn quarter ended September J10, 1IH4. Henry V,. Mcflinn, ,lud(;ej nfflimed. 0.lnion by .lustice Tlcnn. In tho i'nse of Viola M. Toe, appel lant, vs. Henry V. Cue, respondent; action for divorce, for custody of two minor children and for an nccmmllni! sirninst the Hanitariuin company. Ap moil from Multnomah countv. Henry K. McGinn, judges modified, Opinion by Chief Justice Moore, 'Motion to dismiss appeal denied In case of IStiite, ex. fel., vs. V, H. Hider, af pcllnnt ; from Marlon county; 1'crcy It, Kelly, JudRej opinion by .Tustlce Harris. Appeal tnken from judgment nf circuit court Hudlng dcfeadiinl guilty of contempt, . . wi,n hlt,fv , ,n,,v policy , , v -,,. 1 ' T.,r'.y fin me. s are ilea. I ones nud take t as iio1cks tnoie rooni. Throw n I. mie Into Hie street and Ihere will be a great snapping and snniling ninni.g the .logs. ii"t n biinch nf gold into Hie nre mi and mall will mil do the .logs. I .ew i.Tiin. i.ciwccn I'.i.inni,. i "nil and 2 l.ilon.O".) sh. ep, of wlib-h about .I per cent are annually cxpoiicl. Th" 'J.I 1 ,7 fnited Hlllte, in tons of epln'i. Iill.1 pi.ldll.'Cl j Pii'.anin f 'ity now has two biewcii. s. A 'nrge propoitiim of men who meet n.' dentil in this counlrv are , killed bv train, while trespassing on railroad property step in the direction of -the adoption of froo text boohs in nil public schools, and be, as well sis several others, ar gued that, insofar as the spread of dis ease germs was concerned, it was the duty of the state board of health to see that all text books bo thoroughly disinfected before being used by an other pupil, under tho present law, and if this duty were observed by the noaitn rjoara, tno anngor. of contraction of discuses would bo eliminated. Upon tho report and recommendation of tho committee on revision of laws, of the house, which reported tho bill back this morning with tho recommen dation that it (In not pass, the How- man bill was indefinitely postponed and went tumbling to the scrap henp. This bill was especially designed to le gislate Supreme Court Ileporter Frank A. Turner, of this city, out of office, which he has held for Hcveral ygars, under the pretext that the state could wrk a saving of approximately 1 130(1 per year in the printing of the supreme court reports. Under tho present law tho supreme court reporter receives ifiiOO per volume for each and every volume of the su preme court reports which he compiles and this amounts to nn nvcrngc com pensation of about .(si 2,000 per year for tho reporter. It was represented by those responsible for the new measure I that the supreme court could contract direct with the printers of tho reports, ithe Bancroft-Whitney Printing com pany, of Sun Francisco, for about HOC per volume, including the cost of com pilation and the new lull was designed to give the supremo court this author- 1 A total of eleven house bills were r.D.m1 Kir tlm l,nei .lnrin.r iUn m..'nin,r session, seven of which were introduced by the house printing committee, which ubolishcs tho state printing fund nud provides that all departmental printing must be paid for out of their respective appropriations fur maintenance. An other bill which passed was that of Heprefontntivo Harrow, of Coos, to pro mote the crali canning industry in Cons county, and another was the Hlancliurd bill, providing that veterans of the civil war may hunt and fish without taking out u hunter's and angler's li cense. At two o'clock this afternoon the house took up the consideration of the Lewis hill licensing aud regulating em ploy men t agencies as a special order of business. True to his promise, Representative Schucbcl introduced a bill in the house this morning requiring the board of re gents of the Oregon Agricultural Cob lege and the stuto treasurer to provide for the maintenance of the department for the investigation of fruit pests uml station at Corvullis, $10,000 annually . ... "... ., j,,,m,i .ii... department of industrial school work, sfi.OOfl annually, and the department for the examination and testing of WW'". nnnunliy, out ot I ne io r- mill tax that was enacted by the ()St Io j HIt t ,lr. un,l adopted by the poo. . (lt ,,(,(.,iol,, Th;H tax, it is , wi ,,,,,no0 per year , Hclmebel insists I ' h intention of the login- . , , t t '"Tl .'" . t, la ,' )r ' j,,,,,, f. " . OUT, Ol l." niti.ti' . ........ The following bills were int reduced in the house this luorning bv Schucbcl Requiring O. I'- A. C. to pny for certain extension work from niillage appropriation. H. H. 240, by Allen Fixing salaries of justice officers in Salem. it. H. 211, by Michclbcck Regulat ing cold ot storage warehouses. n. B. 212, r.y Turn jirown c.xcmpi- ing properly of widows from exccu - Read the following sworn testimonial, proving the positive value of mod ernized Chiropractic as used by Dr. W. H. Reynolds, of Salem: "I, Jennie Ilenson, being first duly sworn on my oath, claim that I am a r.'M.lont of (llennood, Minnesota. That about a your and a half ago I took tuo months treatment from nn Osteopathic Pnctor, who was a Oradiinte of the Aniei. hint H.-hool of Osteopathy of Kiiksville, Mo. 'That he did not give me a particle of relief. 1 was troubled niMt what medical doctors cult nervous dyspepsia and ilii.betcs. 1 mis in such a condition that for tno years 1 uas to hold a s. lid food on my stomach. About a year ago I coaniicn.'cd Inking what is culled Chiropractic Adjustments from W. II. and within ten .lavs I begun feeling very much better and wns aide to cat almost any food. Alter Iwn months of adjustments, cms pronounced will ami have remained so since. I was lor- bloated when 1 commenced taking adjustments, but lost fifteen His. dining the time of taking treatments nnd have reinlii.ied normal since, People told me not to try Cliiropiuctie as it was only Osteopathy a. Illiterate. I but I found out differently. Dr. Reynolds did not use ono movement that the Osteopath did, neither did the Osteopath use one movement that lr. did, The Osteo pathic Doctor told me there was n bone In mv I. lick which lie could i...t move nnd Dr. Kevin. I. Is told me he c.iul.l ml jiii.t that M'llcbiao in one scon. I, which he .11.1. "It is 1)1 v opinion that Chiropractic and Osteopathy lire two entirety differ ent sciences.' '.IKNNli: iu;nmn." " H.iliseril.c.l end sworn before me this ISIli di.v of I), liii,ri. ' " K. T. TIlOHMt.V, i fee I) "Judge of I'lolmlc, 1'ope County, Minn." . 1)11. W. II. REYNOLDS Lady attendant Phone 110 Consultation and examination free 402-:!-l Hubbard Building Office hours 1:00 to 0:00. Other hours by appointment. L.;;.' V A delightful preparation for th jt f by a. well known yrsnoh specialist. Cablria Tonlo prevent tha hir from falling out, restores dan druff, and cleanses tha scalp thoroughly. Its odor Is plsas nt and unobtrusive, and frequent applications impart., soft fluff t ness to the hair. Csbiria is" the oholoa of discriminating men and woaan In tha United States and abroad. ASS TOUR DRUGGIST. U FREE SEEDS WIN. Washington, Jan. 2H. lly a vote of (iti to :!!, the house this afternoon killed the nmciuliucnt to the agricultural approprintien bill intended to end the practice of tho government distiuliiinn of free seed. I fsnnrf efT!fn flnTlfiQPjl trt I aVvl l'"CII IU Feeding of Diicks The sportsmen of this city aud vicinity will make an effort to secure tho enactment of u law which will prohibit the feeding of ducks during tho open season for theso gaino birds at the present session of tho legisla- (lire. Tomorrow a committee from the sportsmen and a number of those in terested in Hie matter will appear be fore tho gumo committeo to present their contentions. It is .claimed by tho backers of the proposed law that by feeding the birds In some parts of tho state tlioy nre kept from seekinr" forage in the rivers ami lakes of the Willamette Valley and Hint the hunters of this section of the stuto are deprived of their duck shoot ing. If the birds woro not fed, it is said that they would seek food In all of the strenms and lakes of the valley chance at them. It is claimed that unless the birds nre. fed it is impossible to iinluce thorn to conic down in the valley where they may bo shot at as they Insist in living . , . thn w ,,,,,,,,, w T ho sportsmen generally of this sec tion are behind the move tn get tho proposed bill through tho lcgislntiii. Nevor Too Old to Try. A woman never beeonici too old to try out a new complexion stunt. Atchison Globe. lion. H. B. 24.1, by Dillard Reclassifying teachers' certificates. H. II. 244, by Hillard--Pesigiiatiiig school districts of first class. H. D. 24fl, by Dillnrd Requiring counties to muiutiiin roads on fico de livery routes. II. B. iifi, by committee on roads Allowing cities or counties to lay out iand to build roads outside own borders. Is Chiropractic "Only OsteopothyAduIterated?" STATE FEDERATION (Continued From Page One.) liable, The Federation wont on record as favoring one day 's rest in seven. Among other laws favored in tho resolutions offered was a law regard ing power driven and none drawn vehicles in cities of over 4,000. The object of the resolution is to have a ;",,,. jru,.ks e 3 ui.ivn.r iho senato hill tn winch canneries aro removed from the 10 hour law and from the supervision of the Wclfaro commission is opposed by a resolution offered. Tho Federation is opposed, according I to a resolution offered, to Senato bill 77 which provides for restrictions in printing reports. House bill No. 101 is also opposed. This bill is to regulate employment agencies. The resolution is in fiivor of abolishing licensing agencies. Another resolution favors n change in selecting juries. It. urges tl.nt jurors bo selecled from tho registere.l voters list instead of from the tax list. Lime-loss in Tuberculosis In (he Journal nf ihr .IntrrlcAtt Mfillral AMMmin(liin i Jnnunrr J7, lltM) wnn thn fnllunliiKi It hnn bvrn mtr tlmm minted tkmi In tuhrrvalfmin or In the irr (ulirrvuhuilM Mnii nn ln'rfiNrl mnunt nt rnMvm i llnir) In titHte In the nrtnft nnil trrrm. In fn't, n drmiorriillplln knn brrn tlioiittht to l n forrrnnnrr of thr trlp ntrnt of tlibrri'iiloHifl ForrrtJ frcilinn; of nbr?uloiilH linflrnlM nntl th ruwi-mouit nmoiint ol prkn nntl milk one? Rtvrn muvh pn tlrnt nrr not now rnnnlilrrnl ailvlt- Itlr hy a Inrfx mMbrr of ihlnnN who are mirrlnlUlna; In th trrnl mrnt of pulminnry tiiltert'iiloAln." It lulHiit'iiionin In flue t a lonn of Urn p. frrnn the nyetein, the bucim of Kckiiiiin') AHcnittvc In lit a treiil -tniit of thin rilnfiHAG inity bo due. In nni't, to the tart tlml It contHi'in a 1 1 tno milt no comhlhtl wilh other viUunhle IhKredlunlH nn to tie eiiHlly unHlmllatcd. we hfivc iitrimI unern of Krkmnn'fl Alt'erutlve to attend ntrlct ly to ntuttcrn of food. In addition to rent und proper dl-i, rtoinis eflViTtlvij rnnipdliil MKent Mriim to bo nedj, nrul tn uuinrrouii chhch of nppurctit rorovory from tuhncu lortln nnd kindred thront mid ln-on-I'hlnl afTortfonn ICrkinun e AUwrutlvo hun Bupiillod thm need. It' i()h not ronlnln opliilen, nil r -rolttn or liuMt-fniniiiiK dtiiHn, no It in miff to try. Your droKKlnt linn It or will ordrr It, or you nan (et )t from im direct. ICi'kmna LnlconKorr rhlladcluhln. vmjWBtimxtnm