THE BAI.EM OAPTTU. JOURNAL. BAIJDM. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 1911 I THE MARKETS t The egg market was firm yesterday ob the continued cool weather uud the priee advanced 1 cent. Too many coops of poultry are com ing in and for the current requirements and as a result the prices are around ten cents, much lower than usual at this time of year. There is no change Ip either the feed and wheat market or in fruit and vegetables. la the retail market, Hood River ap ples are vu, selling IB I. .la to VI. uU per box. Hot bouse cucumbers from Port land are new arrivuls today, retailing Bt 30 cents each. Local Wholesale Market. ' Hay, timothy, per ton $12 (,'lover, per tan $8.')U(n 9 Oati and Tetch $810 Cheat $9 Wheat, per bushol $1.25(U1! Bran, per ton if:il.30 Bhorts, per ton $33.00 Oats, per bushel ; o0( 53c Eggs and Poultry. Hons, per pound 10i Kkrs, cash, fi.'ic; trade 27c Hoostors, old, per pouud SftrSc Stairs 8c Butter. Butterfut, per pound 27c Creamery butter, per pound 30c Fork, Veal and Mutton. I'ork, on foot Pork, dressed . Veal, dressed ... Hpriug lamb ... (Steers .- ('cms . Wethers Ewes (Ifri(ic ..'.( Sfi.ilc (i'.c OVjC fifeS Vic oi.c 4(tt'4V0c Fruits. Oranges, navel 2.252.50 1 4VjC Bananas, lb lmoua, per no $i).iufi -i.ou t,is (. Pineapples, per 11) 7'i.i Hutler Fresh extrns, 30c; prime Apples, box..... 65c(o;l.S5l fjri.ts, 2(ie; fresh firsts, 24j seconds, Cranberries, bnrrel $1 1.50 ' n,.. Florida grape fruit ft;" c'h.'ese California fancy, flats M'ie; Pates, dromedary, case $.1.25 hitciikIh, 10c; Oregon twins and triplets, jsaiAra, xvrsinn, iu o -j til ov -j c Figs, per pack Si0c(Vi."t 1 .oil Cocoanuts, per dozen $1 Vegetablos. Cabbage, pjr lb Lc Tomatoes, California Celery, per dozen OuiiMis, per 100 pounds Potatoes (Oregon), bushel.. Bweet Potatoes, cruto Cauliflower Brussels Hprouta String (iarlic Parsnips Retail Price. Creamery butter $1.50 ....40( 85c Jil.5g ...dofrc'IOc ..$2.o0 ..$1.23 35c,, Clour, nurd wlieut 1 .tl.xVi U... , Hour, valley iM.i.ji I.m), j-.,.jln0 Bt,,(.rfl, $7.75; fancy cows, Eggs, per dir.en 3ilp d.7!; best calves, $78.00; spring Sugar, per cwt OOfeO.lO.,,,,!, $"(,77.50. Seattle Market. , Butter City creamery, 20',ie. Seattle,, Jan. 21. Kggs, Bcloct KKKH8eloctoil local extras, lllc; ranch 3oc, eastern Aprils 20c. )lt;m J2(.; broilers, 12( 1.5c; geese, 10c Butter tvutivo Washington ciimiiii- , cry bricks 20c; nntivo Washington n m. i, j creamery solid pack 2Hcj eastern hrick LCIHGaiiy Iftai Mmt& c'bcc.c(),cgon triplets me, lim-j burger 18c; domestic wheel 2Hc; Young' America 17c; local creamery 17c; Wis-, cousin crenniery 2ic; ilu triplets lie;' Washington twins I0i j-o.aioes-ni e uver iwul(, Ktato,nPllt iowing by what "mH, '!"!' H .--r"- t; I""1:", .r'- firm of expert annuitants the work of (..$24; (all mmm sweet $2.2..f 2,,0. , ,,rti , ,,,., f , P0M,V of. Onions- nlilorinn l'ac; lreg.,n:fi r , ,v,,rIll fmmiin 0f Ihe 13-4c; Yakima per pound; grceiy,,, mli(,r 1111Hpi,(,B ()f , ,, .ic per l"""d. aci-iimilnucy department, and how niiii;lL wns charged each county for the San Francisco Mnr.'vits. I work. Pan Francisco, Jan. 21. Wheat (siot. ,.er -.:tl.)-('lil'o,-ni club. 2.3f S.4i liussiau red, XWM; for.y-fo.d,! i- PUBLIC 1 SALE Ton-room house nail lot S ix ISO, at 10511 Court street, between f Hevonteeiilh uud Kightcoiith streets. Also lot adjoining, same size as nbovn mentioned, Will be sold to highest bidder Mondny, .Innunry 25. Hale will begin nt 2 o'clock p. .... TERMS WILL BE GIVEN. llouso will be open Sutiiidiiy nnd M.inday for inspection. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mi'rinfl of the I'olk County l'onltry S . ; association, held Monday afternoon, it T pt, Vfl was iiiiiinimoiisly voted to become ut' I ml i'm. ty I filiated with the I'olk County I'air as I l iU fl Uocialiiin so far us exhibits nro com JL Jk LL j - ik-.I. The fair association's proposal I was to appropriate t-OO for premiums, . 40 ACRES II 100. ""' poultry people to assume the inna , . ' ... ,, ngement of this ilepnrtiucnt the only ex If sold this week, 1 will sell my 10 ,.,,,,,(, )pj11( ,1B inrlnnt riftl school ex acres of land for l,l0, only "!. Thn T,trv nssociatiiw will be down, balance time to suit. If you are ! (.timl,,, Hs heret'oforo a sepnrulo nud looking for a real baigain look this up :M,ii,M.t otllnmtn but will hold its today-tor l.miorrow may be too late. il0W( r (J , ,,nllj, with HOUSE BARGAIN I""' county fair. There was some oppo 'siliou bv poiiltrymen to the af filial ion, Another rare bargain, fairly good ),,,, ;, ot (',,v,,;, nt the i ting. house, good bam and windmill, H 'Hume wero in favnr of holding the show kinds of ticnring fruit trees, 2 lnru j . 1 ( i I r In the future, as that lols on a comer loOxl'0, price, lS(io).(.itv hlll) M111p ,),, a f t ri (( offer, only SOU down, bah on time; tins 1HJ (M, miriv W1,r0 fttvr f th" property Is well worth 2..-MW to t,0oo. ; ,. Ho1 i, t i,.'n. " fnn nr.NT I 1 " ' Houses for rent in all parts of the cily. I'rnpcrty looked after for non residents a specially; list your vncnnt houses with us. WB WRITE INSURANCE. Wo ran place your money on good real oll securities. fcjinisnuM i If you have sny property to exchange or other property, list it with Dcchtel & Baumgartncr Hnccessors to llcchtcl and Ilynon 87 BtaU itreet. Phon "2 NEWEST PICTURE OF GERMAN CROWN PRINCE c 4 1 V ' i GUtrMTS CROWN PRINCE1 $2.4ii(d2Ji0; Turcy red liluostcm. 2.r)(l(fn2.,r)5. $2.W2.4."i Barley (per ctl.) Feed, l.SOfti l.")!"); off (jrti,liH lower: hIi iiinitiir and brewing. if i .,-,!;(; . (). Kws Kresh extras. 30c: selected mil 14',.. Potatoes Salinas Hurbauks, $2f 2.10 per etl.; (begun American Wonders, ifl.05; do Hurbauks,'ifrJl.T.);" Delta llurbunhs, $1; sweets, $I.501.I10 for cellar stock; do Wutsonville, $l..i0(ri 11.0). Onions Yellow, !)0c per ctl.; river unions, 00c per ctl. for re-piiclteil . Portland Market. I0ej Portland, Ore., Jnn. 21 Wheat 1 v 1,01111), $l.U)V!i; bliiostem, $1.41. 1 'jc (bits No. 1 whito feed, if.'MI.JO; grnv, ,3fl.25. ' Barley Brewing, $32; feed, $32. Hogs best live, $0.75. Marion Books Charge High ,rili(,f Accoiiiilunt John Y. Hirliurd- (i, .i,,rt,,,t nt n,.n,,.,fu,,,.v ; office of iusiirunce coiuntissioncr, has l-Vcnii this slalenient it is seen that .he firm of Arthur Herrjdge. & .'on,- of .'orllaml, which charged ".lll fin niKiliTiiT tlirt hrtokn ir Marion county, and whoso bill, by the way, is still i.cnding before the coun ty court disallowed on account of its being "unreasonable and," charged more for tboir services in the other counties where they performed their work than any other accountant or firm of accmihtunls. In llolk coun ty they charged H'.'II.IM, in Washing Ion county l,27:i.;i:l and ill Yamhill, i.ioa.xd. With the exception of Iwo Mils l.y (leorge 1'. ( lark, of Portland, for l.anc and iiiuii counties, respectively, which were both above 1,000, the bills of (lie, other expert aceonntanls run from L'.'jO to 000, nnd in most cases, below lull. Tim total cost of oxperting the books for tho entire slate, according to the bills rendered by tho liccoiiiilnnls, was ijilli, Faic Consolidates WithJPodtry Show (Capita! Journal Special Service.) Dli I Ins. Ore., ,lan. -I. At n business Huge Timber Will Go To San Francisco Expo. (t'npllal .Toil nml Special Service.) Diillus, Ore., Jan. 111. The .Willamette Viill'tv Lumber ciittinanv. of this citv. K( IM., nwcil some lnamn.otli sipinre I timbers to be used ss a bed ior a Oon- 'ki-v p.iuini, td be exhibited at the 1'i.u- nina rin ilic exposition l.v miiiiio Wntna of Cortland. Without a doubt tho timbers lire the lamest ever turned out by a mill on this cout nml com prised two pieces IllxtO Inches ."ill fort long, nml one piece 4'J 12 inches. 1 1 feet long. The timbers are of ret fin people ouulit to start to use nt once, snd esme from the company's rnmpl.lf you wnnt good blood, good hriiltli lib me lllnck Hock. land clear skin, get a supply today, DALLAS LOCAL ITEMS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or., Jan. 21. Catherine, the six year old child of Mr. and His. A. B. Banta, who has been ill for the past three weeks with tubercular meningitis died Monday evening at the Banta home in Southeast Dallas The funeral was held Tuesday from the Chanmaa undertaking parlors interment taking place in the Uild iellow's cemetery, The music section of the Woman's Club will meet Bcxt Monday at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Maetircgorat at 2:30 o'clock. The change id date has been made to avoid conflict with the sale of home baking by the club which will he conducted on Wednesday, Jan uary 27, for the benefit of the scholar ship loan fund. r. h. Kersey has returned from a business visit in Portland. 1). O. Branson is seriously ill at his home on Court street threatened with an attack of paralysis. J. (!. Ifnvter was in Portland. Tues day visiting at the bedside of James dodfrey who is seriously ill. (.'. S. 0 raves, of Hallston wns in the city Tuesday on business. Mr. Graves Hs formerly assessor of Polk county. Mrs. R. L. Chapman visited at the hoine of Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner in Salem, Monday. E. C. Kivkpatrick was a business visitor in the Capital City the first of the week. Harvey Greenwood left Tuesday morning for Sntherlin, Oregon, where he expects to find employment. Morris Fowle. n piomiient rancher of the Airlie neighborhood wbb a busi ness visitor in Dallas, Mondny. Dr. II. M. llidhvorlli, of Falls City, was a Dallas visitor the first of the week. 1. F. Yonktiin was a business visitor in Sulem, Monday. lioss Nelson, a prominent stock raiser of Independence, was ill the city on business Monday. C. D. Bitlicork, a former member of the State Industrial Insurance, commis sion, was a Dallas visitor Monday. Miss Florence Kopan spent Snlurday night and Sunday in Monmouth the guest of Miss llertrude Follow. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. (lallagcr nud family of Portland moved to this city Monday where Mr. liiilluger has secured employment in the mill of the Willam ette Valley J, umber company. P. (I. Powell, of Monmouth, wns in the city Monday on a short business trip. Mrs. M. .1. Ihilliinlvne has returned from a short visit wilh her daughter, Mrs. D. F. lludlcv at Davton. Miss Naomi Scott entertained the ' ii in. Fire girls nt Ihe home of her sister, Mrs. A. 1.. .Martin, on Shcllon street Mondnv umlil. Mrs. Nila Gilbert and daughter of Butte, Montana, arrived in Dallas, Monday uud me visiting at the home of her brother, V. .1. llolimin. Isaac Phillips, a veteran of the civil war is seriously ill at. his homo in this cilv. Sheriff Gelnldy of Heiiton county was a business visitor in tho city MondllV. Frank Barrett, of the Oregon Powei company, was a Monmouth visitor Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Dennis of Oak- dale have received word from their son Chuuiicev Dennis of Anderson, California, informing them that he lost two fingers while operating n wood Vay nt his home. Claud. Dunn of Polk Station was C Dallas visitor Tur's.liiy. Auto Truck and Taxi Drivers Should Be Over 21 Says Bil ' ' y ' ",, ;, f ,' ' ' ' 1 ..... ! ' y ftl' . , , H I 'll il. I . plover, foreman or any other person in iiulh.irity who employs a person under the age of 21 years to drive "or operate any gus, oil, electric or steam vehicle in the carrying or delivering of freight, pitHsoiigcrs (ir express in any part of the slate, he or she will be subject to a fine of not less than $10 nor n.ore than it'iO, or go to jail for not loss than five nor more tliaii Mil days for the first offense. It also provides taut in towns '' I0IIII or inhabitants, bas ed upon the poptilntion of the Inst fed eral census, the mini.. age limit for drivers of vehicles of any kind is fixed at is, years, Willi tno same degree oi punishment for those responsible for tho employment of a person under the legal agi BAD BLOOD, Hatred of the Nations for One Another, This Knropcan war was born of the hatred caused by earlier warfare il will engender other wars between the same nations in the future. Tho sons yet unborn will carry this hatred in their blood to blazn Into warfare when tho spark is touched by kings or states men who are yet in Infancy. It's bad blood that makes your liver sluggish, nnd the same bad blood causes your stomach muscles to lose their elas ticity and become flabby nnd weak, and that means imligcsliiin, llr. Tierce's Hidden, Medical Discov ery, purely vegetable and fret) from al cohol or nnroolics, is not a secret rem edy for nil Its ingredients are printed on n rapper. Take it. as directed and It, will search out impure and poisoiiooH matter in the stomach, liver, bowels nnd kidneys and drive it from the system through thr1 in. t u nil channels. It will penetrate into the joints ami muscles, and dissolve the poisonous nc- c.iinuliitiotis. It will replace all the bad blood it diives out, with rich, pure blood full of vital force. It will fur nish you with the kind of blood thai incri'iiscs energy and ninhition, Unit puts the entile body in s.n-li perfect physical condition that brain or mus cles know in, fatigue. It will cli'iir the skin; eczema, pin. plos, rash, blotches will d.y up end disappear; boils carbuncles tl nil oil) evidences of tainted blood will puss uwny never to uppeiir iigain. i"t I'r. Ciefo's lloldon Medical Pis covorv nt any niodiciue dealer today, 'in either liquid or tablet form as you I prefer. It's the one glint blood maker html purifier that nil weak or run down J SIDE LIGUtS ON t THE LEGISLATURE t Contending that since the law of 1013 went into effect, -providing for a medi cal certificate as one of tho qualifica tions of the groom necessary to the taking out of a marriage certificate, Dan Cupid has removed his headquar ters from Portland to Vancouver, Wash., to Multnomah county's financial loss, aggregating several thousands ! dol lars per year, County Clerk John B. Cof fey is offering Cupid a bonus if he will move back to the Oregon side of the Columbia river. Through the medium of a bill introduced in tho house by Dr. Anderson, of Wasco county, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Coffey proposes to re peal the medical certificate matrimonial qualification law which he denounces as a farce aud a job put up for tho pur pose of legalizing somo additional Ices for the benefit of the medical fraternity. Senator Dimick, the sage of Clacka mas, is indulging in a considerable nrmouut of self-gldriiication oil account of the passage of his measure which abolishes tho office of state immigra tion agent under tho assumption that it carries with it un appropriation cif $71, 000. As a matter of fact, the office of state immigration agent is purely an honorary one and does not carry n cut s-worth of appropriation with. either for salary or even traveling ex penses. It has nothing whatever to do wirn tno item in trie budget, approxi mating $71,000, which the immigration commission might ask lor for the en suing biennium (but which it has no! asked for), as this sum, or any othei sum, ir it should be appropriated, would bo left entirely within the discretion of tho immigration co lissirei ior dis bursement, and the immigration agent merely iins supervisory jurisdiction over tho publications that nro authorized by the commissi"'!, and his labors are con tributed to tho state absoliilelv giat uitously. Rev. wns opening tluc proceed mgs of tho house with prayer, mid, in course of his supplications, ;Hte thanked the Almighty for (begun; its salobr ions climate; its uiilimitid resources; for pence; for plenty; for the legislature, and, in fact, for everything that one should bo thankful lor. Joe Singer, as sistant sergennt-at arins in tho house, stoou directly beneath tun I i it front of the minister in an attitude of profound respect and expectancy. After the minister had finished ,loo sidestoped and whispered into Ibo ear of one of tho members, ami, in n slae whitpcr. exclaimed: "Say, who is that preucherf It's a cinch he isn't a rabbi. Why, he thanked God for everything else in' Ore gon and tho legislature but me. What do you suppose ho has against me.'" Keprosoiitativo Miclielbook, i,f yam hill, yesterday afternoon introduced h bill in the botiso milking it compulsory upon every person of either sex to take n rest of ut least, om- day, coimisiiug ol -'4 consecutive hours, in each and every week. Somebody suggested that, while Mr. Michell.ook m, i8 ','h;ln, j ,, T he might hnvc drafted u coinpaiiion bill it compulsory on the part of somebody to give someone of the small aniiy of unemployed ut least one day's work tot ol every seven, aiid'he jnielit legislate himself intu everlasting tiiine nail blessing. or it might be provided in his compulsory day ol'-iest bill that this '.'day off" be given lo somebody who is out of work. N'lico time i eniorial the members of the legal profession iiave been fused by tho laity of almost invnr iably being found on the side of the "interests," particularly the corporate interests, or wherever the u y power whs dominant, especially in inalleis legislative. In direct contradict ion of this old impeachment was the result of the vote in the Ioidko v,.i.. inorninir on the Schnebel l,.,l.t-i.t..... trillion bill when it developed that n!,1,t'""s of """"'mis of tho local tho 10 members voting against the bill I organization. Two-thirds of the iiicin only one Thus. Hrown, nf Million "" lsh'l' llrlll"l '""'K1' "f lla' was a practicing iitlornev. The other I1""'" ot "logon were pi lit. and llieir callings represented were' farmer " hotel ' picscm , coupled with the enthusiasm keeper, steiiuuraiiher. nmu '""'I nh'e addresses, new mspira- iml inerehnnt. There are 20 attorneys among the 00 meiuliiirs u" the house in tnal onc tlnrd of tho total member ship. To givo everybody the right lo " mi ght on his own laud, or mint gnnie iiui niuls in the waters of the Pacific ocean" With a lici , i om! ,,f , f,,. lures, and. in fact. I lie i,i I ,- turn of tho bill which wns im,,i iu the hosiio veslerdav iiftirnnrri ,v Heprescntntive Irvln, of Lincoln t.v, the genial, hospitable and popular,""'1 Nyo Creek beach holelkeeper. Nowl""', conn-1 nor. Now Nowport and Nve Creek Jien. l, body knows, ai"' the two (i(de liv-cacli) Tho llrand ol l icers present were: most, .popular seaside resorts un the'""11"1 hancellor A. ' Wriglitiiinii, of coast, and Mr. Irvin, who is the loan Silverloti; (Iiand Vice Chancellor Wll who pul the "lice" in ',' llou-tor " is1'"1''' ' M,lf'IMi "'' Albany, llrand Keep always on the ipii vivc for the best in i"1' "'' "''cords and Seals I., II, Sliiison, teres! s of the thousands of regular pa-1"1' S'lll'ln! 'ii"l Inner (luar.l I,. S. I'ia trons of the resort, nml he knows thiil!"''"1' (,t' ' Milln " : timed iluler (luiird H. if everybody uver in Lincoln nllnwed ' " ""wlcy, ol The Dalles. C. W, llar to "aimle 'on his own M, lick, of Sulem, ilcouly giand chiinccllor gnme 111 his own 1'io-i 1i- oieiiu" tlmi Ihst everybody" will uiai-iously an. I gladly extend Ihat piivilege to toe guests of tho resort. " I move t lut I we tit 1 ,11 1 nt Hie bill," declined Senator Kellaher, after he hud wearied over tin- long. druwa out wrung. ling (commonly culled delude) uver the,, J. C Ceiry has the Sulem agency for motifs of die bill proposing to lieeuvi ithe sliuple miliire of biieklhorii balk, and regulate the fine nil of etohalniiim glycerine,- etc., known us Adler-i lni, the and einlialini'is iu the senate yestcrduv. j remedy which bccninc fuiiioiis by cur After all, this might, be just as good a ling appendicitis. This simple remedy way as any to preserve lcgiluion oil has powerful action an I diiiins such this diameter, which springs up at ev-I sip prising iiinoi.nls of oil matter from ery rcciiireiit ses-ion of the legislature the body that ,11'sT OXI; HONK rc ami designed to extend Ihe powers ainl.licves sour stomach, gus on Ihe stonno h iuee-.ise tun license lei-s of th Imiiid n''iiml constipiition almost I MM Kill ATlv medical examiners, at least Hint is hci.Y. The ijl'K'K m lion of Adlci I lui ,iiu,,ii in noon- miii, niive neen neunl 10 ciproa riieineivcs upon mo subject, JEWELBY WINDOW HOUBED, I .ns Angeles, (11I., Jan, '.'I. After re moving a sectbiu of 11 plate glns win dow of the jewelry store of l-'cilgans & ( 0., iu the heart of the bnsinon district here, thieves en i l.y tu.lav looted the show window of wild Ion and otiior or ticlcs valued at (HO, TAKE. A LOOK in our show windows and you will be interested in the $3.00 and $3.50 Hats we are selling for $1.95 Your choice of any Hat in the window Soft Hats and Stiff Hats for One-Ninety-Five. Take a peep. Hammond-Bishop Company The "TOGGERY" 167 Commercial Street PROOF OF A GREAT KIDNEY MEDICINE Several years ago I was taken vio lently ill. My trouble began with a pain in my stomach, so severe that it seemed as if knives were cutting me. 1 wns treated by two of the best physi cians in the country, nnd consulted another. None of them suspected that the cause of in v trouble was kidnev disease. They all told mo that I had I cancer of the stomach, nnd would,, the form uf a law there will I e a ie I grew s weak that 1 could not walk iSn of tho Zune! 'if "the any more than a child a month old, and state railio'ad coinmitsion with one of I only weighed sixty pounds. One iiylC ttxmi mViyaM tit my broths saw in (he paper vour ad ; a" ti of the sta c cast of the .sc . I, verHscmcnt of S niiip-lioot. the great 1 1.,.. .... .. . v. Ut , n""""1 i kidnev M,.,lv. II,. I l,. i,t. ' i r . I " tic "'nil took it 1 hey could see a change in me so they oh tinned more, and I. took in all ' thirty bottles of Swamp-ltoot. That may seem a t deal, but I ,. m.m, ihnn tl, Z, f thirty bottles of Swamp-ltoot for doc! . . ' ii n mi-tiiriMi', linn n. (U(l li(I llll Hit a purtirle of yood. 1 whh n wi-nk nml mil doivti thnt it took i-oiisi Icrultlo to build me up iigain. I am well now, thanks to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Moot, and weigh VIS pounds, and am keeping lions,, for my husband and brother on a farm. flialcfiillv yours, Of'irriil'DK WAHXKU SCOTT. 00.') Iowa SI. , Vinton, lovva. Slate of Iowa I It'll I ( 'i ii i M f V . a lVrsouullv appeared before me jua AJIUhLtB 18 TO BS Notary l'ublie in and for aforesaid! HENEY'S HOME TOWN county and state, doi-truilo. Warner Scott, win. subscribed to the :ibovo as a true stntemcut. of her case. Due nt Vinton, Iowa, July 1:1th, A. D. IIHUI. E. II. Colcord. Notary l'ublie. In and for llenbm County, Iowa. Letter to Dr. Kilmer St Co. Biiighamton, N. Y. " Prove What Swamp-Eoot Will Do For You Sen.l ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Si Co.. DiiU'lianilon, . V for a sample she; bottle. It will convince anyone. v"" ' mill .,c..iv.. ,, lw,klet lif viilnublel iufnrmntion, telling the Ii iilnevs and bladder. When ivritniu, bo sure nud mention (he Si.le.n Daily Capital Journal. Hcgolur fifty-cent nml one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. District Convention of Pythians Success (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Ore, Jan. 21. At tho district convention ol the Knights of I'ylli.iis lodge, held in the Castlo hull of Murion lodg.j No. 00 ol this city, .Monday night, tne attendance tar exceeded the cxper tioai to the local niciiibcis of the lodge as well us (hose present from tho of her Indg.s of the district. There wcro over jO vifiling Knighls present from the different lodges of tuis district, ami nearly every one of then participated In the convention. The lodge had work iu the third rank, niter which a couple! of Iiuiiim were tpent in likening to the! pecciies n; the llr.iml lodge ollicers, i'J. T. i''oid, tho vetoruii keeper of rc lords and seals of Ihe (iiand lodge, gave the add. ess of welcome. At t Ilu close ol the convention a liauipict wns served at .1... 1 1 I......I ... ...1.:... .,1 uo "" ' I " "i "" "uo Knighls pin ticiimlcd, ol tins ilisliict, Had ctiaige 111 tno mcrt- ing. SALEM DRUGGIST HAS VALUABLE AGENCY is listotiishiug. MURDIIKElta BENTENCED. I.ns Angeles, I'lil., Jllll. 'Jl.- - I lill lies ) v 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 and llleiin Will, iiiindcreis of Williaiu Moulin. e MeMinder, wcfto sen tenc. , tnduv III ib'utli by Supe.lor Judge Willi's. A nun never tir lower his record. rs 1 if ntteinpliug to WANT MAN ON STATE mini Eastern Oregon Introduces Bill Requir ing That One Man Be Given That Section, If, peiciiniico, the bill introduced in the douse by tho eastern Oregon dele gation should bo successfully piloted ; .1 1. .1.- . of iniuugii mo ucvious ways aim siraignis i lie. utilities committee of tho boaid of c:jis )ltinn uu.l mm,, mil of It,., milMno... . """" """"'. luuiinuinitii loiiniy aim a mini i rom western oro , ()lltsilk, of M H nu lu)l ,ml(v, n, i.;n ,,.;n , .,.,;, ,,, . . I. .J. 1 .1 ' ... ' r" ' 1 l"!ttt ' ! . " l' " 1' " ". " I "'-'" "lecict, t no terms I (if t'u Kiwi'rwtifii-u nil) Xi.t ,.....-.. , ' n , ZZ V. Z, January after election, and any' vu-' cancy occurring in cither office' is to bo filled by iiimuiiiliiH'i.l bv the ...nioi-l ily ,)f the board, composed of the gov ernor, secretary of stnlo and stale treas urer. I'uder the present orgiini.ation u!' the commission, C. It. Aitcliison is a resident of Multnomah county, nnd hula l-'rnnk J. Mil'er and Thus. K. Ciiiuphell me residents of the Willinnette allev. I.ns Angeles, Cal., Jan. 21. Francis J. Honey, former graft prosecutor and recent candidate for I'nileil Stales sen ator,' horeat'Jcr will make his home in I .oa Angeles. This wns admitted today at the law offices of Henry & Carr, Ik The people's market place Tho Journal's Want Ada. "H , gW(IX,MI!M1lirmrim Huie Wing Sang Co. $2.75 Ladies' Waists, sale. 75c per yard Wool Divas Goods, sale. . .SOe per yard $:i.25 Wool Sweaters, sale .- $1.80 $4.00 Ladies' Fancy Dresses, sale $2.30 $:;.()0 Child's Wool Coat, sale $1.95 Big line of Men's Furnishing Goods on sale. $1.75 Ladies' Night Gowns, sale Blankets and Comforters at a great reduction price. 28c to :?5c per yard Mattings, sale. . . . .22c per yard 291 North Commercial Street Oil ION IIIIISM SIUIWHV 1 A. M. t::?r The Owl. 7:15 Local. !):15 Limited. ll:20-Local. TIIKOUGII TICKETS SOLI) IJOTII ONE WAY ANIJ KOUNI) TKIl' Dy Oregon Electric Agents TO ALL I'OINTS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. ..Round-trip week-end fares to all points on the.. Oregon Electric. . J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon. Regulation cf Jitney's Up to Supervisors Sun Francisco, Jan. 20. Regulation of the Jitney bus will bo put up to tho board of supervisors here. A tentative ordinance, providinr; for such regulation, will bo considered lute tmhiv nt n,.,.;,,i ,i; ..c .1 i - " I ""K v fu,,- , ""'y . " ,'"7' W,d uul1"" ! ' ,. ... I . B,V" ' " C"a ilhm' ',1 7", Jl'm'y 1",f"'', l'mvi''"'' thnt nws Me must obtaia a license to, opornto iiloncr a otrf iiift rnnto un. thnt oni-li owner must file u bund with tho commission. I .t. ... ... .,. .,. IT fVVm V SI5IN EASILY PEELED OFF The discoloring or roughening lo which inuuv skins are subject nt this season, may readily be -olteii rid of. Mcrcolizcd wax, spread lightly over the face before retiring nn, removed in tho morning with soap and water, com pletely peels off the disfigured skin., (let un ounce of tho win at any drug gist 's. There's no more effective way of banishing chaps, blolchs, pimples, freckles or other riiliineous defects. I.illle akin particles off ench day, so Ihe process itself doesn't even temporarily mar vhe complexion, and one, soon acipiircs a brand new, spot less, girlishly beaiitl'ol face. Wrinkles caused by weather, worry or illness, are best treated bv a simple solution of powdered snxolile, 1 or,, dissolved ia Cj pint, witch hazel. Hath ing Ihe face in produces a truly marvelous triiiisforninlion. Tears are the weapons that a wifrt uses when she wants to get from )khubby something she wauls, , L. j. ,.$1.7: $1.00 Salem, Oregon FAST TRAIN SERVICE TO PORTLAND P. M. 1 :50 Local. 1:00 Limited. 5::j7 Local. 7:55 Local. sm w.wii