Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 21, 1915, Image 1

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    Of (1
Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
f I In In n n n ni -I d n n l fn r I rii
Kaiser's Forces Capture the
Trenches Lost Earlier In
the Week
Fighting Along the Vistula
Continues With No Ira
porant Changes
France Big German ammuni
tion . ilvpnt near Hheims struck
by French Bhelland exploded.
Reported many killed, Furious
fighting St. Mihiel to Mots,
several Gorman trenches cap
tured. Germans started now
assault at Noissona.
Turkey Turks in Caucasus
retreating in disorder towards
hrzerum, Russians harassing.
Russian, torpedo boat sank 12
Turkish freighters in Black son.
SlavB captured Ardnnutsch.
Rumania Reported Itumania
ordered Rumanian students
Swiss universities to return to
colors, foreshadowing Humnnimi
participation in war.
Germany Berlin asserts
French offensive towords Mota
checked and rolled back Ger
man newspapers predict oilier
aerial attacks on England soon.
Austria Vienna announce.
Russians defented along Dana
.ice river, several hundred cap
tured. Reported l."i() eases
black smallpox at Vienna.
Piilnml FinhtiiiK Bloat; Vis
tula river. Berlin declares 100
Kussinns captured in engage
meat near Lipno.
Knghtnd British officials
ridicule reports Zeppelins pnr
ticipaled Tuesday might's aerial
Belgium and Alsnrc Xo
change reported.
Berlin, by wirelvss to Suyville, L. I.,'
.I.in. 21. The French offensive against
Met?, has been hulted ami rolled back.j
This was the announcement con-i
tnined in the o.fii;iul slntement issued j
by the war office today. It added that
tlio (rormans had opened a strong of
fensive northwest of Pout-A-Muusson
!nd lind recaptured the trenches lost!
earlier in the week. Four cannon were
taken in this engagement,
The government admits that the
u round gained yesterday at N'olre
Unme Be Lorette wua recaptured by
the French nfter a "cries of furious at
tacks. French as-aulls on the German
Hues northeast of Arras were repulsed,
rue statement declares, nnd southwest
'if Horry-AuBac the Germans captured
two trenches.
Fighting continues nlong the Vistula'
river, being especially violent in tho
vicinity of I.lpun, wliere the Russians
are attempting to drive a wedge into
tile Gorman lines anil reach the fort
tss of Thoiii. Tho statement says
I (Ml Russian prisoners were captured
e.ist of I.ipnn. j
Every man knows of a lot of good
things he might hnve invented if he
liinl only tho'tght of them before the
ol her chop did.
Cok.tplicated Operations Reported
From Eastern Theatre of War
By J. W. T. Mason
(Portner European Manager of the
United Press.) .
New York, Jan. 21. The renewal of
the offensives and counter offensives
developing in Poland is making the
operations along tho Vistula the most
complicated of the war. The center
of the muiieuvera is between Thorn and
Warsaw, measuring a stretch of 125
miles along the Vistula. The Russians
are about 35 miles from Thorn on the
north bank of the Vistula. The Ger
mans are tho same distance from War
saw on tho south bank.
The problem of each side is the
same to protect its own fortress by
pushing the enemy back on one bank
and at tho same time to advance on
the enemy's fortress along the other.
Only half a mile separates these move
ments, but that is the width of the
Vistula, which is the most, formidable
barrier in Poland. It flows too swift
ly to freeze and become rigid enough
to permit- an army to ctohb, and the
few normally available bridges have
been destroyed. Neither side has been
able to construct pontoons.
The resultant condition of two
belligerents moving away from eacn
other on opposite banks of a river.
each aiming at an objective on the
same river, is probably unique in war
fare. Mlawa, a few miles on the other aide
of the Russian boundary, fifty miles
north of the Vistula river, is Geueml
Frnncois' pivot. If he could Bwing his
Railroad to Siletz
Basin Is Completed;
Independence, Or., Jan. 21. The
Valley & Siletz Railroad, which was
started about two years ago, now has
its track completed from neur Airlie,
west into ine tinnier u oit owned in- tne For ou(,e bnBim,88ike ,wll0,a failed
Span dings and be Cobb & Mitchell t(n,m.n lhfl proa1Pritv of j. i;uma,,ith.
people. The ''alls City Lumber ( otu-, Ri mlM ,mf, .glited a pathetic
pnny, supposed to be the mam movers ; t b t t, , ' uj ' , , .
Hntvctr Xt, "' fir' in
land in the city of Independence as a ' - , - - VHlin'e f Z
sairss ine:": u,re' r 4 . . had
to ellipse in both instances. About twpj,.h "''" l't together with a fine ear
weeks ago- the matter again came be-i f"r '""t '1 when he sprung the anti
fore the people here and a committee ! c'""" "'at " wn'.h'l money to get to
of -12 citizens has been selected to seel
what can be done to secure additional
land for n mill site nnd a right-of-way
through the town for tho railioad. The
committee is working on the matter
and it is believed the railroad will be
built from Airlie into Independence
this year, if the mill is built at inde
pendence it will employ at least 100
men and will be a big enterprise for
this suction of Pdk county.
Fortunate is the young man who
gets badly defeated in a political cote
test. The chances are he will then K"i
discouraged and go to work.
Death of President Thomp
son's Father Causes Body
to Adjourn
The shortest mornffig session yet held
by the senate during this meeting of
that body tivik place this morning when
that body convened long enough to cull
the roll, listent to the opening prayer,
pars one motion and adjourn.
The abbreviated session was due to
I lin fact that Rul'us Thompson, of Al
bany, father (if the president of tho
ai-mile, passed away during the night.
and the upper nouse accordingly took
up no business this morning other than
the rippoiiitmeut of a committee to draw
up resolutions of condolence and sym
pathy. Senator Moser, Garland and
I la wiry were selected fur that duly.
German army southeast, he would be
able to attack Warsaw from the flank
und rear. But the Russian offensive
against Thorn has compelled Francois
to change the direction of his move
ment to the southwest, in order to
head off the Slav advance.
Field Marshal Von Hindonburg,
however, is trying to relieve the situa
tion by resuming again his effort to
cross from the Bouth to the north
bank, to use part of General Von
Markenzcn's army, now west of War
saw, to carry out the delayed Francois
offensive. This maneouver was be
gun about a fortnight ago, but 'the
difficulties have been enormous and
no progress has been made.
The objective is to use the island at
the juncture of the Bzura and Vistula
rivers and bridge the Vistula and thus
permit the Germans to occupy the
north bank. The town guarding the
north bank at this approach ia Vyso
grad, which is held by tho Russians in
force. News comes from Petrograd
that tho Germans are bombarding
Vysograd. This indicated that Von
Ilindenburg is again trying to bring
the lydand situation to a sharp issue
by forcing a crossing.
The maneuver presents problems
that probably could not be solved by
anv other commander in the war. It
will be no disgrace, even to Von
Ilindenburg, if he fails, but should he
succeed in getting his army across in
force, there probably would bo another
Russian collapse,
Man Who Had Pathetic Story Down
Pat Serving a Twenty-Day Sentence
In tho City Jail.
' !'"'""' 0,,t " """""
Ui nuiuii ciiitlige 1 1 uill mc SJ ","1 tlieuc
housewives at whose buck doors he told
:iis story.
He usually added that he needed
but 00 cents to get him to Eugene and
nt one place he was given tho entire
CO cents,' at the other places he receive 1
smaller amounts, generally 25 cents.
1'oinanith kept them all listed, taking
their name and addiess to prevent his
making the mistake of working the
same place twice. He had a complete
list rf his donors on his person wiieu
lie was picked up by the police yester
duy afternoon.
On January 2 a resident of the city
'phoned in tu police headquarters that
a man of this description was working
the sympathetic game in the neighbor
hood. Au officer was sent to the scene
but failed to locate the mnu, and no
inure wits heard front hint until vesliu--
l.lnv U'Iwmi l,u u-n., incut,., 1 I , V.
gin gave the iniin 211 days, the limit on
a vagrancy charge. Komnnith had
$3,113 when arrested.
Rolph Conwny showed his ingratitude
for the hospitality of the city yesterday
when he legged it up tiie alley utter
being given a steady job of piling wood
in the fire department, lie also showed
that he considered his liberty a moro
priceless bom than the material things
I because he left his hat, coat, a dollar
wilt in and a nickel locked up in the
police station. Conwny was serving
live days for vagrancy.
St.. Cla'u sville, Ohio, .Ian. 21. Joseph
Kttor, noted 1. W. W. agitator, was ar
raigned here today on a charge of trea
son, lie pleaded not guilty ami was
bound over for action bv tho umnd
j jury. 1 .liter Kltor signed a W bond
and Toft for New York.
Too many serntnna are aimed at
pocketbooks instead of tit hearts,
Multnomah Delegation Greets Representative Towne
Governor's Idea Is to Have
Plant at Penitentiary and
Employ Idle Convicts
A plan to install mills for the pre
paration of raw flux at the state peni
tentiary, to utilize the labor of the con
victs and to provide the cheap lubor
which ia necessary to make the produc
tion of this crop profitable, was dis
cussed at the regulur monthly meeting
of the Commercial club last night. It
was stated that Governor Withycombe
wu3 heartily in accord with the scheme
and that it was probable that some le
gislation toward this end would be ef
fected befuro the present session of the
legislature closed.
The subject wua introduced by Pres
ident Hamilton, who spoko in favor of
beginning the industry in this county
now. The war has made the high
prices for the raw products and the
establishment of the industry under
these favorable aids wuuld tend to keep
it going once it was started, he said.
James Crawford, of Belfust, Ireland,
a member of tho board of directors of
one of the largest l'lnx manufacturing
concerns m the world, was present nnd
gave a short talk at the banquet. Mr.
Crawford stated tlitit most of the
world's supply of flax came from Rus
sia and frum Belgium nnd now thnt
both of these sources were cut off on
account of the war it was necessary
to open up now fields. Tho time was
particularly favorable for the introduc
tion of flux eulturc now, said Mr.
Crawford, and the fibre would grow in
this country without a doubt as some
of the samples of flax grown near this
city by a native Belgian had induced
him to muke the trip to this country
from Washington, 1). C, nnd that the
flax grown just north of the city limits
of Salem hud proven to be particularly
Mr. Hamilton stated that an infor
mal mePtina;'"wMli."'tlie governor at
which Mr. Kay, Mr. Crawford and Mr.
Hamilton had also appeared, tho gov
ernor favored the proposition of in
stalling flax machinery at the pen nnd
would incorporate his recommendations
in a messuge to the atute legislature,
which was read todny.
Tho report of Secretary Ralph 1).
Moores was rend and accepted and nft
er a few popular bullads by Miss Dnph
nie Lewis, of the Salem Amusement
company, tho meeting wns turned over
to Thomas B. Kay, who uoted as toast
master, and introduced the legislators
who were present at the banquet.
Gus C. Moscr, of J'ortlund, senator
from Multnomah county, wns the first
speaker introduced. Mr, Moser carried
the optimistic vein through his dis
course and outlined Ine unprecedented
era of prosperity which would un
doubtedly sweep through this state ns
soon ns conditions gained stability. All
changes caused by a new political ad
ministration had now been effected
and capita now knew what to expect.
The war would result in our gain ulso,
said Mr. Moser. It would open up new
fields of export nnd would build up
our merchant murine nnd with the
great resources tit hand in this state
Oregon itself looked to be particularly
favored by the future.
Senator S. B. Huston was the next
speaker and fnllmvcd along the lines
laid down by Mr. Moser.
Mr. Bell," of Sublimity, wanted all
the gophers ill the country killed and
nsked the en-operation of the Stilem
Comnierciul club In having legislation
enacted pliicing a bounty upon the
sculps of the rodents.
Thomas B. Kay stated ns his opinion
that the stute needed more mnuufue
tares instead of more fruit farmers and
other agriculturalists,
It Is easier for a girl to throw fl
young man over than it is for her to
hit what sho throws nt.
Court Room Crowded to
Doors and Throng Waits
in Hall
Panel Exhausted and Several
Venires Required to Com
plete Jury
The selection of tho .jury in the case
of Blasius Oraaser charged with the
murdor of Elmer Bacon, was completed
nt noon today. District Attorney Itin
RO and Attorney John A. Carson for
the defendant each made their state
ment of tho case to tlio jarv nnd the
district attorney moved at this time
that the jury be taken to the scene of
tho alleged crime to look over the
Rround that they might better under
Btnnd the directions and distances.
Attornoy Carson did not opposo this
motion and Judge Kelly granted tho
request. The jurymen left tho
sheriff 'a office in automobiles for tlio
scene of tho killing at ono o'clock this
The jurors finally selected to serve
in tho case were Lee Acheson. L, W.
Leo, H. A. Johnson, Sr., C. L. Johnson,
.T. W. Apple, A. Potter, P. 0. Ferris,
Benjamin Bowden, II. N. Barrett, J.
F. Humphries, Amos Long nnd John
Gantenbein. In nil 45 jurors were ex
amined before the 12 were 'selected.
Since tho accused man ia a nntive of
Austria Hungary, Attorney Carson
was particular to inquire into the
political feelings of tho jurymen with
regard to tho atrugglo now involving
In the opening statement made to
tho jury by Attorney Fred Lamport,
who ia appearing as a special assistant
prosecuting attorney, stated to the
.jury thnt tho stato expected to prove
that Fdmor Bacon came to his death
by a gunshot wound caused by Blasius
Crasser, that tho deed was the result
of malico and wholly uncalled for.
Attorney Carson In his opening state
ment told the jurymen thnt the de
fense expected to show that the prison
er was the victim of a conspiracy on
tho part -of others living in thnt vicin
ity nnd that ho had been brow bcalen
and hia property rights had not been
respected. Ho said that they would
show that tho shooting wns only tho
last resort of hi" client nfter all other
means of protecting hia rights had
After the regular panel was ex
hausted a apecinl veniro of 12 more
were chosen. The special veniro was
as follows: 11. M. Barrett, F. A, Hell,
Ben Robertson, F. E. Peterson, 1), Me
Henry, T. G. Chest nut, George Norris,
Ben Bowden, C. L. Johnson, P. C, Fnr
his, K, C. Armstrong, A. Potter The
next special venire contained six
names ns follows: John Slegmund,
Prank Gnrland, J. F. Humphries, A. T.
Haiti, Edwnrd ICeene, David Yantis.
Tho third special venire contained the
names of Amos Long, W. V, Purvine,
F, Kurz, and If. P, Cleveland. When
this s ial venire was exhausted
eleven jurors hail been accepted and
John Gnnlenbeln was selected from the
Inst, special venire drawn by Judge
Kelly, Thotims Little nnd Harmon
Snook, also chosen on this special
veniro were not examined and were
excused by tho judge.
From Attorney Carson's line of
questioning it wns apparent that
Oiasser would teslifv in German
"Continuing Appropriations"
Question Calls Forth a
Lengthy Debate
While thoro seems to bo a unani
mity of opinion among tho members of
the lower branch of the legislature
that moBt of tho annual or continuing
appropriations be repealed, thoro is,
nevertheless, a pronounced sentiment
and determination on the part of the
majority that no appropriation is to be
cut off which will in any way cripple
or impair the efficiency of any insti
tution or department, and particularly
the udqcutionnl institutions of the
The temper of the hoiiBo membership
was preliminarily tried out upon thia
question this morning when tho ma
jority report of the ways and menus
cnnitiii tten U'llH utlhiltitt.t.l nmn n,nt,,lii,
the adoption of the Schuobol bill, wiping
out an coniinuiug appropriations in
discriminately and without qualifica
tion and the motion to substitute tho
minority report of Heprcaontiitivo
Smith, of Crook, Grant, Klamnth and
Lake, providing that the repealing bill
will not l?o into effect until January
1, 1017, for tho majority. Tho amend.
moot was finally voted down and tho
majority report wan adopted with the
mioerfltunding that tho bill como up
on its merits for final consideration.
Strenuous nrnteuf wua ruiu.t.l l.v
.Representative Smith, - in support of
ins iiiiii-iiuiui-n!, io tne ninjoriiy report,
for the reuson that many of the educa
tional institutions. tliA nuliiiiifil r.iinr.1
nnd other departments of state which
depend upon these appropriations to
plan ahead for their your 'a work and
urged that timo bo allowed sufficient
for such institutions to adjust their
nfftiirs to meet the new conditions.
Representative Dnvey strongly opposed
tho repeal of the appropriations for
tho support of tho branch agricultural
experiment stations, established in dif
ferent nrts of the stale, and Represen
tative Barrow entered a vigorous pro
test against the repeal of tho continu-
imr U iklirillkriul i,n l,, tl... .Inl. n.l,,A.,
tiounl institutions and placing them
back before ench session of tho legis
lature be buffeted about and uboiI for
political log-rolling purposes.
The houao this morning passed tho
bill introduced hy the Clatsop county
delegation, extending the provisions of
thu present sculp bounty law to include
a bounty uf $1 upon seals and seal cubs,
(Continued on Page Throa.)
Miss Kalhryn Clarke Elected
To Senate From Douglas
Roseburg, Or., Jan. 21. Mian
Kathryn Clarke, of Glondale,
was elected state senator yes-
terday to auccoed Oeorgo lijou-
ner, roslgned, to becoms district
Miss Clarke had a plurality
In narly all the county pre-
clncta. She carried nor home
precinct by a vote of more than
throe to ono. The vote cast,
with the exception of the three
precincts not yet hoard from,
Miss Clnrko, 112D; J. W. Per-
: Kins, 10(17; ooorgo Glynn, 820. '
j Miss Clarke will be tho soc-
ond woman member of the Btato
! Ionise liir. Mlrs Marian
Towuo was elected to the house
j from Jackson county last Nov- j
emlior. j
! Ihouiih he confessed to his crime to!
the pr ruling attorney and Deputy
Sheriff W. I. Nnedliniu In Knglish and,
to Sheriff Hsch bolh in Gernuin and In'
' English, a irding lo Hint officer. The
j court room was jammed full of speclu
tors but. .Judge Kelly would permit,
noun to slninl up in I lie renr and n
j crowd was walling conslnully In Iho
I corridor outside the court room. I
German Supply Base For
Forces at Rheims Laid
Following Terrific Explosion
French Charge Capturing
Many Trenches
By William Philip Sims
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, Jan. 21. Destruction of a big
German ammunition depot supplying;
the forces of tho kaiser near Kheimn
was announced in the official state
ment by the war office this afternoon.
Unofficial advices y tho explosion,
of hugo supplies of powder resulted in
tho death of many German aoldiera.
Kronen avintors flying over the Gor
man lines locnted tho depot and sig
naled tho range to French gunners who
dropped a shell on the roof and ex-
j ploded the powder. The shock nut
felt for miles.'
French guns also demolished several
I Gorman field works in the anma
I vicinity.
The slntement snvs that after tho
explosion of the depot French infantry
charged and captured aevoral of the
I enemy 'a trenches.
Furious fighting la In progress be
I'Weeu ri, ftjiniei unit .aeiA, ine ad
vantage alternating between the con
tending nrmies. In the forest, of Apre
monte, the statement announces, thn
Gcrtnnns have been driven back 150
yards and several linos of trenches
have been taken. This result wns ac
complished by a brilliant infantry
charge, the statement asserts, after tha
German positions hud been shelled for
hours. Tho Germans attempted to re
take the positions by a counter attack
but were repulsed with heavy loss.
Tho war office admits the Gorinana
captured soveral French trenches
northwest of Pont A-Moosson, where
they cotitimio their offensive.
Along most of tho battle line in
northern Prance heavy artillery firing;
in nnununccd. Northwest of Beauso
jour tho French enplured three Ger
man positions. In lower Alsace the
i t rench lire report.ni io uo miMim-nm
in lorn1.
The statement does not comment on
I the renewal of German assaults on
I Soisnons.
I A fnshion note says the European
j war will Influence Ihe style of Indies
! dress this winter. Doen that mean
kills, tool
The Weather
Oregon: Fair
tonight and Fri
day; norlhwest-
l-l V winds,
this IS 0UcC