Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 20, 1915, Image 1

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Today's News
Printed Today
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Introduces Measure Creating
a Circuit Court of
Other Important Measures
Before Senate This
. The present judicial system of the
Ntuto is completely re-arranged by a
hill introduced in the senate this morn
ing by President W. Lair Thompson.
Tho bill does away with the office
of county judge, places county affairs
ia tho hands of three commissioners,
increases the number of judicial dis
tricts from 13 to 24 and creates a cir
cuit court of appeals. In disposing of
Hie offices of county judge tho power
heretofore held by the county court is
Ajven to the circuit court and tho pro
vision is made Hint all county judges
who shnll be holding office when the
chungo occurs shnll become county
commissioners, receiving the salary of
county commissioner and no more,
tinder tho provisions of the bill Ma.
rion and l.inn counties would continuiyj
in o in toe same district as nt pres
ent and would retain tho system In
uto at present, ntill having department
No. 1 and department No. 2. The num
ber of the judicinl district would be
changed from the third to the thir
teenth. In nddiag the new judges to fill out
the nunibcy, which would be increased
from i:i to 24, counties having n popu
lation of over 100,000 would retain the
judges then sitting in their districts,
"his would make no change in Multno
mah county, where the six circuit
judges on the bench nt present would
continue to sit. I'pon the adoption ol
the lnw the governor would appoint
men to fill tho places until a reguliu
election should occur.
One of the provisions of the" bill
which will aid in handling probate nat
ters with more dispatch gives the coun
ty clerk the authority to issue letters
of administration und letters testa
mentary. Tho section creating the circuit court
of appeals provides that It shall be
presided over by the chief justice ot
the supremo court. It is divided lute
two districts, the court in the first dis
trict to sit at Purtlnnd und the court
in the second district to sit at Pendle
ton. Each court in to consist of three
judges who shall bo chosen from the
more experienced circuit judges of the
circuit courtB In the district and are to
serve nt such times nnd for such terms
uo the chief Justice shnll request.
All enses where the amount Involved
docs not exceed $500, where a title to
reul estate is not Involved, whero a
person s noerty is not nt stake or
where a constitutional Question is not
involved nmy be appealed direct from
any justice court, police court or m
nor tribunal direct to the circuit court
of. appeals. Their decision is final, the
only alternative being to have the sit
preme court review the decision and
iletermino whether or not they had au
thority, i
. The supreme court is directed to
(Continued on Pago Bix.)
War Expert Condemns Aerial Raids
As Useless Slaughter of Innocents
By J. W. T. Maaon,
(I'Viner European Manager of the
United Press.)
New York, Jun, 20. Onco more the
futility of an offensive attack from
the fiir has been demonstrated: ngain
women and children have been killed nn
tlie result of useless experiments witii
serial wonpons. The science of warfare
1ms not mounted to the heavens. Val
uable observations can be made from
above but death anil destruction can
not be rained down except! upon the In
nocent more than the guilty.
This Is the constant air lesson of this
war, eiuphasi.ed anew by the aerial raidltiosed ta treat civilians with all possi
li.st night on Kngland. jlile rotuddcration.
Civilians have been prohibited from Probably the aerlul raids on Kngland
making wnr upon nn enemy, anil the Were nirnut to curournga during and
strict application of the (lermnn mill-Mienism, by the force of their example,
try code In llelgium hns demonstrated among the Oernian troops. It Is a dan
t lint fearful penalties have been Itn-! gerotn undertaking to send aircraft
posed on the civil population for tnk-jneros the North sea amid winter gales,
ing up arms against soldiers; but nt- Kxpcditions such as estcrdny'i are full
tacks, It seems, may be delivered of peiil to the arlntira,
ngniint women and children by aerial! ll'jnbtless, too, (lermnn public opln
soldiers not only without incurring pen-' Ion, which has pinned great faith nn the
nlfios but also without ios of military . effectiveness of Herman aircraft, lu
bonor. j flue need the present raid. Nevertheless,
The civilian hss no rights, lie can the killing of women and children Is a
be murdered with Impunity If military j bard price to exact, even though it
reasons require that no warning of a stimulates battlefield courage and keeps
bombardment be given, If he resists, ' j nblic opinion contented.
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This is the first picture to show the wild joy that reigned in Berlin recently when it was reported that the
i,n.i u-nn w;;vn viMnrv in Poland. A hand of musicians with silk huts is Tilaying in H balcony, while
below is a surging, wildly cheering crowd of jubilant Germans,
Bavcy Takes Fling at Senti
nel's Law Partner During
Dy a vote of 30 avos nm 10 noes the
Schuebel bill, providing for the regis
tration of lobbyists who desire to up
pear before tho legislature in the ca
pacity of counsel or agents of any in
terests to solicit the support of log
islntors for -or against any class ot
legislation pending before the assem
bly, was adopted by the house this
Its pnssnga was proceded by a some
what lengthy debate during which
Representative Schuebel declared that
the referendum feature of the Initia
tive and referendum privilege granted
lo the people under the constitution
was "being overworked because tho
peuple have not tho confidence in the
legislative body they should have and
which eonfidoice this bill would have
a tendency to restore, ' To this Hcp
resentative. l)nvey replied: "The rea
son that the referendum nniendment is
overworked is because in (,'lnckanias
county there are a few men who have
nothing else to do but work up initia
tive petitions'"
This bill provides that nil persons
employed 10 upponr oeiore me u'kib
lslative In the capacity of a lobbyist
must register with the secretary of tiling of labor liens for services In cut
state and receive a permit to appenr ting logs, wood, etc. -before
tho committees of tho lcgisla-1 (lUoa's bill, conferring the right of
tore snd make arguments for or against ! eminent domain upon certain corpora
any legislation in contemplation. In tions, upon his request, was contluued
registering the lobbyist must give the
(Continued on Page Two.)
he makes himself, an outlaw, to be aunt
miirilv shot,
If an iminenso military advantage
were obtuinablo by promiscuous botn
dropping on innocent towns, no protest
could be considered, but when serious
military gains are practically impossi
ble and certainly improbable, the rules
of wir should give civilians the bene
fit of the dinbt, Otherwise, war movei
of this character will develop an in
tense hatred which will eudunger the
International situation for years alter
the war ends.
There Is one reason why, as a strnt-
vgie measure, modern armies are sup
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Allen Measure to Help Law
yers Get Trade Receives
The house tiiiB afternoon after
passing the Dimick bill provid
ing tor the abolishment of the
offices of state immigration
agent currying with it the rec
ommendation fov 71,000 appro
priation for the biennial period
of $1013-10. The lioe adjourn
ed ut 2:45 until 10 o'clock )
Vive bills were passed by the house
this morning, one of which was the
Schuebel lobbyist registration bill anil
niiother was the Allen Marlon county
bill prohibiting county clerks crt the
several counties from giving free legal
advice to constituents upon cases pend
ing in the courts and outslilo of their
regulnr Hues of duty. The other three
consisted of two Olson bills, relating
to the abolishment (if justice courts and
creating district courts In lieu thereof,
Multnomah county onlv. and the
i other was the Hunt hill, relative to the
over until tomorrow morning, when its
companion bill will be taken
up for
oiisiderntion in conjunction with it.
Nihuebel's bill, providing for the levy
ing of a gloss earnings tux upon express
companies, telephone and telegraph
lOmpiiuies, upon his motion, was refer
red to the committee on assessment and
tnxatiou. It had been reported back
by tho ways and means committee with
the recommendation that it do not pass,
and the motion to indefinitely post
pone by tho chairman of the ways and
menus committee, was amended bv
Schuebel to re-refer to tho assessment
and tnxutiou committee to save its pos
Slide defeat.
Itcprexentative Allen's bill, prohibit
ing county clerks from giving free legal
advice to constituents, is designed to
do nwny with the habit that has been
funned by the clerks of some counties
In peddling out legal advice gratis, or
"curbstone opinions," as it were, to
their constituents, thus "butting in"
upon the business ot the legal profes
sion nnd sometimes robbing them of
their legitimate fees. Its operntioo will
have the effect of confining county
clerks to their respective official du
ties, anil, according to Mr. Allen, it will
lie appreciated bv the clerks.
hight new bills were introduced in
the houre this morning, among the most
important of which was one, by Lewis,
of Multnomah, which lunkes "friendly
boxing contests" legal, nnd prescribes
the iiinnncr In which they may be con
ducted along legitimate lilies by ath
letic clubs nnd other urganiratiuns
formed for the purpose.
The house committees on revision ol
lows and judiciary this afternoon re-
(Continued on page six.)
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Wei! -Known Resident ' of
Salem Succumbs Early This
"James K. Godfrey died nt one,
o'clock this morning at the Oood (Sa
mnritnn hospital in Portland."
That was the messnge received in
Salem this morning, and, while it was
in a way expected, as Mr. Godfrey had
been frequently reported In n sinking
condition, the announcement was the
source of profound grief among his
jiosts of frienda here," where he hjid
lived practically nil his life.
His Illness cutne upon him suddenly,
hn huvlng been confined to the hospi
tal but one week. Wednesday, Janu
ary thirteenth, he submitted to a deli
cate operation, tho attending physicians
hnving tittle hope of Ins recovery,
, He louves, besides his wife, four
children, A. I Oodfrey, an only son,
pf Hnlem; Airs. Prnnkie Campbell, Miss
r.mmu Oodfrey, of Portland, nnd Mrs.
K. K. McClniinhan, of .I.os Angeles, all
being at his bedside when tho cm
Tho family resided In Hulem up to
ono year ago, when they removed to
Portland. Mr. Godfrey ran for state
printer against, Frank Mukcr on the
democratic, ticket In 1890. I,ntor ho
was appointed foreman of the state
plant, under Baker, holding thin posl
tioa over twenty years. Ho wua ono of
the best known and most efficient
printers In the atnte, and at one, time
waa appointed by the governor as a
Statu printing expert, but at tho time
of his death held the position of dep
uty income tax collector, being ap
pointed last year by M. A. Miller, who
is collector or internal revenue.
Mr. Godfrey was a cousin of United
Htntes Hnnntor Hon. Hurry I.ane. He
waa born In Polk county, fifty-oinht
years ago, and outside of his business
affiliations was also prominently iden
tified with several lodges, being Herri
bid to one of the highest degrees of the
Masonic order at the time of his death
He was a past grand pntroa of the
grant! chapter of the state of Oregon
of the Order of MHtern Mtnr, and
past natron of the local chapter.
The body will arrive In Hulem at
4:30 o'clock this afternoon, tha fun
ernl probably taking place tomorrow
under the direction of the Masonic
The Weather
V TO "".J?
Oregon: Fair to
night and Thurs
i day, easterly
7V vW.'-.'j
Possession of Bridge Across
Yser River Object of
Desperate Struggle
Violent Cannonading Is Still
la Progress In the
By William Philip Sims.
(Uniicd Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, Jan. 30. DcHiicruto fighting
for possessioa of a bndgo over tho
Yser rivor near Nieuport iu Belgium
was announced in tho official statement
issuod by the war office this afternoon
This encounter marks the renewal of
the activities in thut region after a
ling lull.
The French held the bridge against a
soriea or determined Uernian amicus.
Under cover of a violent artillery llire,
Germans attemptod to dynamite the
structive. A galling fire from Irench
guns, howlever, forced the enemy to
withdraw after heavy losses, tho state
ment asserts.
It is declared the rain and fogs in
Belgium have passed and that other
violent engagements have taken place
along the coast.
German field works near St. George
and Illagny have been bombarded und
destroyed by French artillery.
The statement admits that the Ger
mans have gained several trenches in
the La (J rurr i woods, in the Afgonnc,
but assortB that those were recaptured
by a brilliant i'renca counter attack,
Violent cannonading is in progress in
the Argonne. The Germans have taken
the offensivo in LaPretrfl forest. The
war office says tho French advance to
ward Met has oeen temporarily halted
but that an attempt by the Germans to
deliver an attack in that region hns
been repulsed.
The inactivity ut Ithcims and Sois-
sons continues.
Germans Tell of Advance.
Berlin, bv wireless to Havville. L. I.
Jan. 20; A brilliant infantry charge
nns Birccoued in advancing the Uernian
lines oUU yards in the Argonne, the of
riciul statement issued here by the war
office announce) this afternoon. A
few French trenches wero taken and
desperate counter attack by tho enemy
at night was repulsed with loss,
.Tho state declares tho Germans cap
tured French trenches, took two ma
chin guns and a few prisoners near
Notre Dame Do Loretto.
The kaiser's troops have made a good
progress in tho forest of Scnnheim, in
Alsnce, at ono point having captured
two Proneh officers and 40 men.
It is declared that cannonading con
tinues between the I.ys river and the
North sea.
The situation In Poland is unchnnged.
Germans Make Counter Move,
Petrngrad, Jan. 20. To prevent an
other threatened Invasion of East Prus
sia by tho Russinns, the Germans are
making a determined 'effort to cross
the Vistula river and nttack the Slavs
In the rear.
Official reports received today slated
that the Russian lines have been ad
vanced north of tho Vistula bevond
lilpno, 3'i miles northwest of Plnc.k,
This is about half way between Plock
and the German fortress of Thorn
which is the principal objective of the
latest nttcmpted Russian drive Into
East Prussia. A 'continuation of the
Russian successes In this region would
quickly bring the Russinns to the
Ilrussinn bonier.
The German attempt to cross the
Vistula at its junction with tho Bzurn
river la Intended to offset this man
auver. Cardwell Makes Specialty
of Introducing Short Bills
In Introducing a bill in ta house yes
terday afternoon, proponing to put the
prohibition amendment Into effect in
1115 words as comiarcd to other bills in
troduced for a like purpose covering
from IU to 2.1 printed pages, Represen
tative Cardweli has taken tho ".nunr
for brevity and strictly business meth
ods ot legislation, but ho went that one
better today when he introduced a uin
governing the business of insurance
companies in the stato. There are also
two or three other bills In the house
treating of the same subject, all ot
which cover several printed pages, but
Mr. Card well covers all of the ground
that is necessary In about 00 words,
when he soys, in substance, "all insur
ance companies doing business in the
state of Oregon shall be liable to the
full face value of their policies." Thi"
is the briefest bill yet, considering the
magnitude of the subject of which It
England It is believed aero
planes, not Zeppelins, raided
Kngland last night. Possibly
Zeppelins may have aided. Nino
towns visited, five dead ttt Yar
mouth, two at Kingston. Many
injured. Property duimige is
Belgium Fighting renewed
near Nieuport. Allies and Ger
mans fighting for possession of
bridge over Ysor. Weather im
proved. . . t
France Paris admits Gor
mntis. took trenchoa in LaGru-,
rio woods, in Argonno, assorts
French recaptured them. French
advance toward Motz, tempor
arily baited. Germans claim
they took trenches near Notro
Dame De Loretto. ,
Poland Pctrograd reports tho
Russians advancing against
Thorn. Germans trying to
cross Vistula and attack Rus
sian rear.
Turkey and Egypt Porto ad
mits Russians moving south In
Caucasus, but says Russian at
tempt to turn Turkish right
flank failed. Claims defeated
British at Hhadelarnb.
Austria Vienna says Rus
sians' attack on southern Buko
vina repulsed; snow blockaded
in Carpathians.
Italy An Italian freighter
struck miao and sunk off Polu,
in Adriatic; crew perished.
Holland Dutch nayal motor
sloop struck mine nnd sank in
Scheldt, while sweeping mines
from river; five dead.
Alsace Germans "making
good progress" jieur Scnnheim,
according to Berlin,
sfc sc s(c s(c sfc )c t fc jjc s(c sfc
Open Meeting Vill Be Held
Friday Night in the
To put in stringent restrictions upon
the shipment of alcoholic liquors into
the stuto after tho prohibition amend
ment goos into effect, January 1, Hllfl,
or to leave the luw without any restric
tions whatsoever in that respect was
Ono of the features of tho Anderson
(committee of 100) bill up for consider
ation and discussion at the meeting of
the house committeo on alcoholic truf
fle lust night. This as well aB several
lother sections of the bill wore discussed
at considerable length Inst night but no
(Incision will bo reached until after the
Lopen meeting to be held in the house of
representatives, Friday evening of this
week, when everybody will be given a
voico in the matter.
It was decided tit last night's meet
inc. however, that the Lewis bill bo re
,)ectcd because its provisions wore too
urnstic and stringent and It was the
sense of the committno that nothing
should he put in the original draft of
the measure which would lead to the
defeat of tho bill as a whole or, work
nn injury to the cause, Ono amend
ment was offered providing that the
limit to the amount of liquor to be
shipped into the state be restricted to
(;wo quarts of whiskey per month,
which is more stringent than tho Wash
ington lnw which permits the shipping
of two quarts of whiskey into the state
overy ai) days, nut no action was tnken
in tho matter.
Representative Porter, of Douglas
county, offered tho draft of an amend
ment under which legitimate drug
stores would be permitted to traffic, in
alcoholic liquors for medical purposes
only, upon taking nut a permit with a
judge of the circuit court, and provid
ing conditions tinder which liquor
should be dispensed. This amendment
was drafted after the Oklahoma law
and hns been changed slightly to meet
conditions that exist in Oregon. It was
taken under advisement by the com
mittee. It Is expected thnt the Friday
night meeting of the joint committees
of the senate und bouse will draw a
large, nudienco.
Early Morning Fire
tauscs Heavy Loss
Springfield, Ore., Jim. 20. Firo early
this muruing destroyed tho two-story
frnmo . building on tho lot recently
purchased by the Luse Lund company,
next door to tho Morrison Hardware
company, cnusing a loss of over $12,(1110.
The building was valued at nbout -".
while the stock of merchandise owned
by F. A. Perriu wns worth about ilV
000 nnd had very little Insurance. TlV
S. K. Htoveiis bicycle repair shop was
a total loss, while the electric supplies
owned by A. F. Herrick and stored lit
the rear were destroyed, t'nn loss being
between 1"0 ami $1100. Edwards and
Hrnttnin, real estate dealers, Inst the
office furniture, except one desk. Tlie
real estate records were Baved.
There's nothing bents the old-fash-
ione I tintvpe If you want a truthful
picture of yourself.
Bombs Dropped In Ir.lari
Cities Last Evening Not
From Zeppelins
Seven Are Dead and Many
More Were Injured
By the Bombs
For the first time in history
hostile air craft have dealt
death to Englishmen on British
Individual German aeroplanes
have dropped bombs on Dover
several times during tho past
few months, but, the daring raid
of lust night was the first time
a concerted uttnek has been at
tempted. Nine cities 0 nil towns were
Seven are known to be dead
and many injured. Tho death
list may be shown later to
reach nine.
The property damage was
By Ed li. Keen
(TTnitcd Press stnff correspondent.)
London, Jan. 20. The growing con
viction thnt aeroplanes and not Zeppe
lins raided the cosst and Interior of
Norfolk last night aided In calming the
people of London today.
Despito definite statements by sov .
oral persons that they distinctly saw
Zeppelins, officinls of the cities visit
ed by tho raiders expressed doubt that
dreadnaughts of tho nir participated in
the attack. Their belief that only
aeroplanes took pnrt Is supported by
statements of the Yarmouth police.
The government Is silent. Best un
official reports Indicate that seven per
sons wero killed.
Tho attack, which has long been
threatened, proved considerable of a
surprise. Although the German airmen
were known to be exceptionally activs
of Inte, yet the move was not consid
ered possible, especially such a wide
spread nttack upon cities so far In
land. When the attnek began the authori
ties gave instructions that nil lights in
the town be extinguished and other
precautionary measures were tnken.
Few signs of panic, were seen during
tho raid. Apparently the raiders, after
visiting Yarmouth, flew over Cromer,
where they dropped bombs, nlid them
went to Sheer! nghnm and Becston.
Turning Inland from there, they mado
for Sandrlnghnm, dropping inplosivo
missiles there nnd at Kings Lynn,
whero a boy was killed, and a man,
a woman and a child were injured.
Two houses wero destroyed.
The dnmngo done in Handrlnghnnt
has not been reported. It ia known,
however, that the Royal palace waa
not harmed. At Sheeringhnm a bomb
penetrated a house, but did not ex
plode. ' :
Only yesterday Scotland Yard au
thorities Issued Instructions concern
ing measures to be taken by the polico
nnd other offlciuls In the event of an
air raid.
Exchange Telegraph correspondent,
after Interviewing lending residents at
Cromer and other towns in Norfolk,
said this afternoon thnt the Impression
was general that the raiding forco wni
largely made up of aeroplanes but. wa
accompanied by perhaps two Zeppcllnsw
Dispatches from Sheeringhnm say
four bombs were dropped thero, but did
no damage.
' t
No Middle Name
For Woodrow's Grandson
Washington, Jan. 20. Francis Sayr
was the name chosen today for th
child of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bowes
Hnyre. President Wilson, the bahy'a)
grandfather, heartily approved of th
name and it wns at his suggestion thnt
the youngster was not, given a middla
The pnrents of the child thought fit
giving him the middle name of either
Woodrnw or Wilson, but the president
wns reluctant to have the baby named
after himself, because the child "woulil
have trouble, enough of his own ta
Kayre announced the name given the
baby through Presidential Secretory
Tumulty, who hns given Sayre many
valuable lessons on the art of walking:
the floor at nights
The woman who wants to vnt
should be able to sharpen a pencil with,
which to mark her ballot, ,