Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 13, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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What's the Use of Wishing Good
Luck to Men Who are Doomed to Die
List of Appointments Is Made
Up By County Court Few
Vacancies Left
(By William G. Shepherd.) 1TI10 streets of I'rzem si wore filled with
Hilda Pesth, J)ee. 2. (Hy mail to marching soldiers. They had been
New Vork.) What's the use of wishing ! brought in from the ritle trenches sour.'
good luek to a man who's going to; mile oitside the city nnd were to be
ilie! There's no luek abut it. rushed away from i'rzemysl to some
But I did it, just the same, in those j other part of the line; at least were not
last two days at I'rzemysl; in those last I to die in 1'rzeinysl. Then, later in the
4H hours before we .iled hclter skelter j morning, the artillery began to conic in
cut of tho eity, befoie the Russian on- to the pity. This was the beginning
rush. It was hard business, to. These of the end. It meant that the outer
men were going to stny in the eity, to . defences of the city had been with
drlend it. There were thousands (if us , drawn; from the farms and the hills and
who had been ordeied out but these j the valleys, where I had seen Inese bat
men were of the few thousands who had teries holding back the Russian tide,
been ordered to remain ami to fight to ; they had been rolled tn the roads and
tho last drop f their bloc. i. They could , dragged into the city and now they
n't go. They must hold I'rzcinysl or were being taken to the railroad yard's
die- to be loaded onto cars that would car-
1 had dined thrice daily for sonic ry iheni out of the reach of tho" Has
weeks with some of these officers who Asians.
had received the orders to remain and ' The safety of I'rzcni.ysl could not last
Haying goodbye to them was one of j many hours. If wc, ild'u 't take the lius
tho hardest things I've ever had to do.;siaii3 long to notice that the Russian
1 knew their smiles, I knew their voices, i field batteries were silent and it would
I knew their jokes, their favorite wines, ! n't take them much longer to tend nut
their favorite cigarettes, something , their Cossack patrol to discover why the
about this fellow's home lite, something Austrian guns were keeping the peace,
about this chap's tiiroe children. 1 had Then, after that, it would be ouiv a
.rrv t,.tu men- jives just, eiiougn ro ti ui u icw nours tor tile rtussiuns
now anil to tonn friendship. And tiicn,t(i advance.
the end of the Kussian line began toi That evening when 1 uined in the of
miup uiounu tne circle of -.frzeniysl s ; nccrs casins there were no officers
i i is, like a whii around a sapling, nun' .'here. Tney were out in the meat steel
I r.emysl was doomed. Ami that last i forts, ready to begin their resistance to
evening, wnen J saiil goodbye to these! the Kursinii storm.
nen wno must stay in I'rzemysl through! " i leit that evening in a lied Cross
the' soigo, my smile must have been j train. The Kussian guns weie sound
'"SSJ'' ling nearer than they ha. I ever sounded
1 saw one of tnem once more. It was i befoie. The sound of a rifle battle came
the next morning, at 7 o'clock, in th". i to our ears some miles cntsido the
Przeuiysl cathedral, barely daylight. 'town; the noise of some Austrian in
Tho evening before, the man who is to fun try regiment holding back the Has
be the next emperor of Austria, liad sian onrush until the last possible man,
(me into I'rzemysl in his automobile, ; gun and horse who wouldn't be needed
utter a hundred-mile ride. He had come : in tile town could get out of it.
to go to church with these men; to joiui Hefoe the sun set the next day ihe
I sirv u few of mv Ansti-i,,., ..I'c;,..... I weal m. inin i:..i;;., ,,.i .:n.;.. - t tolli i Jefferson, of tier
triemls, earuest-faccd, devout, kneeling, 1 l.v they were a hundred miles nearer ; ,H: "' 17' W' AV' l''"'',r, of Salem,
bowing, crossing themselves, rea. ling Vienna than thev bail ever been botVe i ' 18 Joss' C- Cunse, of .Salem; No.
the nruyers, nartakine in the .Ic.tl,.,,,,.;,, I' "iJO. Archio Claggett. of Muleim No. 20.
The Stranger Within Our Gates
In rending articles concerning Ore- plo come into the neighborhood, ny
gon, its wonderful resources and oppor-! attitude toward them would surely be
tunities, published frequently in east- different than that of my early neigh
ern magazines and periodicals, one is bors toward me. But now, after a sev
imprcssed with the overdrawn accounts crul years' residence, I must confess
of the "splendid western hospitality," that people have located near me by
the "hospitality peculiarly western" dozens, and I'm afraid that my treat
and the rhapsodical tales of the meat of them lias been similar to that
"spirit" nnd "atmosphere of friend-. accorded me. I wonder if there isn't
liness nnd good will" which prevails something in the assertion that 'like
everywhere throughout the West, and begets like'?"
which is deelured to be the rule rather I- At a recent church festival in a cer
than the exception in our picturesque ! tain part of the eity, guests gathered
and altogether desirable country. .Not in large numbers, introductions were
that these qualities are altogether lack-; being made" on every side and names
ing, for they are possessed to a certain ; were announced that somehow seemed
extent, our, sue, to sny, ran eonsiuer-; strangely fnmilinr to numerous ones
ask where you re-
quent interrogation,
Salem Headquarters for Fruit and Vegetables
Large Oranges 4Se a dozen; others 35c, 25c, 15c
Best Bulimias, large size 25c a dozen
Lemons, best quality 25c a dozen
Pineapples, just right 10c a pound
lliiipe Fruit, Florida 3 for 25c
lied Emperor Grapes, No. Is 20c a pound
rfpit.ennurg Apples, selected $1.85 a box
Winesnp Apples, choice $1.50 a box
Rome Beauty Apples $1.00 a box
Artichokes 10c each
Kgg Plant 10c each
Brussel Sprouts 10c pound
Cauliflower 10c head
Cabbage 2c pound
Celery 10c bunch
Parsley 5c bunch
The county court yesterday complet
ed the list of road supervisors for the
year 1915 with the exception of a few
districts in which the appointments
will be made later. Some if tin. u,,iu-
visorB were chosen on account of peti- ablv 8,'0l't whvn compared to the glow-: present. "May I
tions offered to tho eonntv court, otli-!'"8 descriptions, which have carried n side?" was a fro.
ors were elected nt local elections held t,lls0 impression to easterners, many in nmi m numerous iaslances the replies
in the district, in others no petitions I whom lmv0 looked forward with par-. conveyed the intelligence that the
or elections were appointed. The conn- jticulurly happy anticipation of locating 'questioned and questioner had for some
ty court lias endeavored to select thelumur """" """' time lived within a very short distance
best men for tho places in all districts I beun persuaded largely by these very r cai.b tl(,r
and it is believed by the judge and assertions into removing Here. An eldeily lady wns looking for a!""
commissioners that they have an ex- ;l" '"-". """" j lnend in the northern part of the city
Willi ner lamny, came nerc irom im,ia short tim(, ,, jn h(,r effor)s B0.
southland several years ago, and since ; ji.-itod the assistance of a resident,
that time hus lived daily with the hopo ,.No ., fM t)u, nne n,.,.,,,,,,, ,.j.m
uppermost in mind of some day re- i . , , ,
turning to her native state. The fain- ..,. several ntlmm in tl,. im.,.,li.' (Capital Journal Special Service.)
ily also share her views nnd they rep-;lltl, vil.jity W(,r0 nsM tll(1 .,, . M'leleny, lire., Jan. 11. Waldo Mill
resent only one of a large number thut'tjim ltn,i r.plied likewise. A little fur- i Tilcidione Co. held their annual meet
hnvc failed to find Oregon's "wonder-! ta,r ;,,,. however developed thei'' 111 ,ho -'"'''''"V Grange hall Mou
ful hospitality." Not that these peo- j fiU,t ,',,; f,lmiv' 81), ,,,t ,,,,,, , dsy. .lanu.iry II. The f,.llowing new
pie ure undesirable, for, on the con-1 ... :!,; n i1i,,,.i,u ne I1i, i..... ol t n-crsj were elected: llarrv L. Mar-
trary, they are the possessors of some ! ho h1(1 ))w,n f.,k,ln t0- ,.Mv mv .,:tin, president; vice president, d
wealth, genteel, nnd intellectual, nnil I :.i n, um., ,.i,i,,,.i,. i,i ...i". 'director. Aha Hums.
Green Onions .
Green Peppers
5c bunch
5c bunch
2c pound
2c pound
2c pound
15c pound
15c pound
i51 NORTH HIGH STREET. Meat Telephone 840
cellent list of supervisors for tho com
ing year. In districts No. 22, 24, 2li,
58 and HIS no supervisors hnve yet been
appointed. In district No. 50 no ap
pointment will bo made this year. This
is a district near the Oregon State
Training School nnd the roads in this
section were handled by the county
court personally last year.
lioad district No. 1, II. ,T. Keil, of
Aurora; No. 2, Sunniel Daniels, of Hub
bard; No. .1, J. R. Jackson, of Hubbard;
No. 4, Fred Gearin, of St. Paul; No.
5, W. F. Davidson, of St. Paul; No. (I,
F. R. Burette, of Gervnis; No. 7, John
Cutsforth, of Gervnis; No. S, S. W.
Harper, of Woodburn; No. 814, W. H.
Scollnrd, of Woodburn; No. !), Jacob
Kulert; No. 10, John Schwab. Mount
ATtrrtll 11 k'.n.ik 1VU:,I I. t. . . .
in a larewei mass: to v " u,u,, . t liussmn iirmv hn. mirmN.i,.,i i',.,,,..,.! : en, neons
" to them and to tell .them th..l and mv friends iu tii. . ,,! '..'..,1 ! ?!!' " No' 12 W' T- Hogg, Scotts
na-llungury depended on them le1 roofed houses, were working their great 1 1 T , rW' Ml,,er' "f H'Uer
the forts of I'rzemysl or die'in !gi' for their verv lives. But only ai;?"' ',' Hndley, Silverton;
'wreckage. few tens nf ilw,i, ,,'. 1- nf duu i' .. I No- ! O. I.. Jackson, of Silverton:
id, iu this the iindienco nf fi';..,, ered armmd l,-eivJi m... ..c u No- 1SV4, K. I. Clinrlestt'orth. of Silver-
No. 20 y.
No. 21,
before their removal hern were accus-
seated a more hospitable period, "what
tomed to moving in select social cir-l ni, ,, t , , ' ...
cles, but someway they Have tuiled to , Iir(, C(. , nnywayf Nobody '!"' ,
"arrive" in Salem. h ....... ....-....,.... ,, ' !m th
Another interesting woman, ufter a
residence hero of several years, recent
.Maileay Grange met Friday, .liinu-
knows their next door neighbor.
And so it is, the above instnnces and
ly in an exchange of confidences with ! "'""y ,n"a' .ill!,t liku ilemonstrat-rV)" a. .1. I'utton; instrumental music j
"h .,.. inv ..nil ....' (,y .uui'dii iro; soio, .I, is, a. y. IJOIIIO-
a friend stated that the first two years
of her stay in the city hud been mark
ed by actual suffering from "home
sickness" nnd loneliness, for, she suid,
no one culled, or showed any interest
it the wireless doesn't come, we'll know I vvMtoiilinnso, (lf sj1(,m. No 28y,, K, .eAK!
with a man for whose kingdoin to-be in the, Russian flood. It's forts have W' F' Kanlinger, of Salem;
they were going td uive their livo I not vei been butti n .l ,l ii..:i.. I Lester VnnC'lenve, Salem:
thought of the storm of Russian shell sends its wireless message over (he ilus-, C;lauIC C. Ashby, of Salem; No. 2,1, J.
nnd shrapnel that would bent .over 1'rzo- sian armies, over the Carpathians say-,1''' Kimsl'y of Sublimity; No. 25,
mysl as soon as our batteries bud been ing "We are still holding out."' But C;lllm,(' Lewis, of Turner; 'No. 27, An-
brought in from the outskirts, and this it is now an island a hundred miles U'"st Helfiker, of Salem; No. 2714. ('.
quiet mass seemed to me lilt,, l, m.i. from an Anstrinn ul.n..,, i i.-... I H. Tavlor. of Turner! No 98 w w 1
,MIi iii-Miie a i -mi. in.
When the mass was ended the em
peror-lo-be climbed into his auto, mid 'stringer than the steel of the I'rzemysl Wester, of Jefferson; No. .'Ill, Han Don. V
was whirled out of the rings of forts forts, or the hearts of those brave Ails- "f Jefferson; No. Ill, S. 11. Hus
a hundreil miles away to Ihe safe siiel- trian officers who ilaved in I'rzrmvsl "ell, of Marion; No. .'12. ,. S. Lambert,1 3k
ter .if the Carpathians ut .Neu San. lee to hold it or die. ' of Stayton; No. H.'l, 1'. J. Ktzel, of Stay' ' X
ton; No. XK, William Borriniror. of !
lem; No. :i.S, Sim Philips, of Snlcm; I
' !'" '!'. 1'- Johnson, of Snleni; No. i
Eat Less Meat if Kidnoys Feel Like ',n. K. ' Richards, of Mill City; No. i
Lad or-Bladdor Bothors You Jt, George S. Wcgle, of Salem; No. -12,1 .
i Meat Forms Uric Acid. I'1' ''Inrke, of Snlem; No. 4:1, Flovd'lY
Davenport, of Silverton; No. 41, ((. W.
.lory, of Salem; No. 15, J, At. Tlnmil-'JL
. e 'P ..t,... ' aT
i . " " l ii i in'i , .mi. in, i ! justice:. I
in health. His friends were glad io
see him out ngnin.
One of the mo-t mtileru dairy farun
iu Ihe Waldo Hills is owned by Mr.
Barber of Snlem. Mr. Barber, having
employed Mr. iloliustiner and son, re
cently of Oak Grove, Ore. They are
niilk;iig cows at present, and are
1 1 Kill ii i i rv to me i iu alley nros., oi
' . Salem.
-Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller had as
s. and iiad a verv successful meet- Tleir weeK-end guest .Miss .Minnie I'..
Five new members were received Trnlinger, of Woodburn.
order. A very interesting pro-. Mr. Rein Russell, of Black Rock. U
griini was rendered, as follows: Solo, home with his parents quite ill with
Its n Long, l.fcig ways to I ipper-, hloo.l-poisouing iu his foot.
The ninny friends of Mrs. Win. Pyreo
are glad to know that her little son,
llersnl, who has been quite ill will)
pne iinoiiiti. is much better.
M :s. (I. V. Stapleton and Muster liar-
old, have visited friends in Salem tie;
last few da vs.
Mr. and Mxs. .1. C. Tekenbiirg have
its itieir guests the Misses Irene mm
Stella llMtley.
Mr. H, A. Lewis and Karl Gardiner
o ipurti'.int'os improvement of oui tedt: reading. Mrs. Ida M. Tekenbiirg
renowned "western hospitulity, " but ; f'ive iiiiuute talk bv the following meiii-
as condmoiis nlnu this line have mi-, bus: Wilti.n Siincrnl, on " I'seless High
proved so perceptibly in the pust few Salaried Officers"; W. A. Jones, "(loud i
wlintevnr in mn Freonentlv T met mv years, wucii our peo ue nave oeea com-1 tne r. ol II. Hns to the rnrmers ; ..
. , i 'i..; .. ..'.i tidied til n I'nrtfiiii iiytent In evtctnl n'l' lt.,i vt..u n- i,l,i I ! n Imtu (' iiiiin-u .
neignoors on snapping expeditions aim i - - - .", h
tlinv were invnriablv idensniit nnd era-! welcome to the great intux ut new- may have access to the state library
cious but that was the extent of their ' comers, that the more optimistic nreilo-ated in the supreme court building;
cordiality. They arc all kind and good I looking forward to the time, which ' reading by Mis. Ben Kaiser; reading
i,.. .,..,,,,!.,,. i,i ..f r.,,.!;,n t ii n f,ni. ! thev expect to bo here shortly, wheicbv Mi". It. M. Trestail. A very inter-
ing of loneliness and the overwhelming ' Oregon 's reputation for hospitality will estiug lecture was given by the lecture had a very lucky catch. While out
desiro for companionship which n new i he substantiated and the latter will be 'of the Oregon Stale Grange, Mrs. Min- hiinliiig lie caught 12 inrge skunks in
resident experiences Time and time in reality es beautiful as it is de-; nie Honu. Inne'.ig. They have supplied the entin)
again I said that should ever new peo-1 scribed. I '' M. Trestrail is much improved ; neighboihood with live perfume since.
Special Tran Bears Large
Number horn lorvalhs
Music Splendid
No. -17. John Darbv. id' Shir
Kdwnrd llalin. of Jefferson;
! Charles McKoe, of Mt. AiiL'el:
No .1.8
No, III,
No. 51,; I
Most folKS forget tlint. the lri,ivy
like the bowels, get sluggish nnd clog
ged and need a flushing occasionally
else we have backache and dull mis
ery in the kidney region, severe head-
acnes, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver
arid , stomach, sleeplessness - and uli
It seemed to those who were lit (he ort of bladder disorders.
inaugural recep ion last night that ' """My n't keep your kidneys j .VI. Christ (Juall. of silverton; No.
T ii , .7 """'""" "'"K" , '"" , , " '"o moment you r.. i. Mnitli. of Silver! No. ,r,(l. o. M
wi s hardly the ense. the city, us well as feci nn ache or pain iu the ki.ney I Reeves, of Salem ; No Ml It K Martin
olher valley towns, was substantially region, get about four ounces of Jnd of Salem- No dl llenrv
('. II. Froniui; No. 52, Kdwnrd Diinigan, j
Sr.; No. fl:i, J. J. Krenz, of Silvenonj '
No. 51, John C. (Iiipleruil, of Silverton;' t
No. .15, V; T. Riclinnls. of Tur ; .'o
represented. And Corvallis, Governor t-iultH from any good drug store here
Wltliveonibe'd home town, sent n take n tnbloxiinuiiful in n
rpecial train load of pie who were ter before breakfast for a few days
Mitiirally among the most enthusiastic and your kidneys will then act, fiiio
visitors present. The crowd gathered This famous salts is made from the
early, and by right o'clock when the ncid of grapes nnd omon -juice com
receiving lino formed the. attendance bined with lithin, nnd is harnil'ess to
was practically as large as it was any flush clogged kidneys and stimulnte
time Inter during the evening. An them to normal activity. It also neu
eighleen piece orchestra from the Ore-: tralizes Ihe acids in the urine so it no
gon Agricultural College dispensed longer irritates, thus ending bladder
stirring music and Mrs. W. Cnrleton disorders.
Hiuith, Salem's sweet singer, delighted Jnd Salts is harmless; inexpensive
the grcut throng with solos. Professor ' makes a delightful effervescent lithiir1
Lyman of the voice department of O. . water drink which everybody should
A. (.'. also gave solos, responding tojtnko now nnd then to keep their kid
encores neys elrnn, thus avoiding serious com-
Major Carle Alirnins introduced the plications. K
callers to the receiving line, headed A well-known local druggist nv ho
liv Governor and Mrs. ithyconibe and sells lots of Jad Milts to folks ,
Miss Withycombe. the slut,, officials lieve in overcoming kidney tnrabto
nnd minremii ni,nr in.lirea nil. I I In.ir ; 1,1 1 1. : . f. """"J iroilOie
...... ... , ..... """ ...iim 11 in uiny iroilllle,
ii(-n cuiiiiii IIVAl- nil pu iiiinni-(i vilillii
-,... X'.. l! ,f... .... i . .. .
in, .mi. jiniiier (louiet, or snlem;
No. HI, Joseph Rubens, of Gervnis;
No. (iri, George Finney; No. III!. Leonard
Walker. A est Stayton; No. 117, I
Peterson, St. Paul.
Special notice to the contestants in our Cash Contest. Daring this entire month we will give double votes
on all specially priced merchandise. Remember that a good beginning is most always sure to bring a
good ending. Ask your menus to give tneir support.
Objects to Monopoly On
Senate's Opening Prayer!
Salem clergymen had n narrow es '
cape f ruin nnviiig n monopolv of doingl X
the braving fur tlm
tion providing that the ministers of the
Cnpitul City be Invited to open tho ses
sions with prayer was reported fav
orably by the committee on resolutions
"Does the resolution only invito t
ileni ministers to do our nravinuf "i ?
particularly at Ifl VeStlgatlOIl ScOD
pillars circled; p i 1
" Touoie, naiein ministers to do our praying I' 'i
' ' asked Senator tlarland, one of the two' J4
finn Qnno ' j ."emocrnlic Senators unxiouslv. "That I t
IU11 OLUpe j is the way it reads," replied President 1
Explained by Walsh "'wITi'"'! d.,'t . ai,o.,t that,"!?
.mused Senator Gnrlaud. "I hnVc a1!
in tho Journal
The decorations were
tractive. Great white
the opening of the rotuu.lii, eiieh fes
tooned with twining Ivy and topped
...i. i i...... .... ....i i
Tvnn ureal, oasin'is oi cense cwun'ti, .. , . , .
Australian roses nda greenerv. Ivy New Vork, J. l;.The motive of , ,t'Bl IT t0 T ",C,
interlaced tho railing and formed, the investigation to be made hern ,: ? j, ' "f"', l'" ,f(!r "! 1
graceful garlands in numerous other of the Rockefeller, Sage and ( 'nrnegie J,,' ,", i,y, th" s'ein niluisters
places. Heavy ropes formed of ever- fouinlutioiis by the federal coiiiuiissiou I Wiiti Ii ..,. """"'ITm.,0'1 V'.'!1, Vnng; !
yreon fashioned by the pupils of tho on iiidiistrinl relations were explained ,i . ,1 ,1, . . ' V .' "" '"' "'""i X.
Jllin.l, Deal nnd Hoys training school, ' lonny ny i iiainnaii Frank P. Walsh. I ,i,7i ,i , ' i V,'"
were drape,! from the edge of the open-' "The commission will seek to learn f',. J i M,,l","r1
i I.. .1.1..1 ci i i.,- ' soiui.ilii..,, nf ii,. i ... .i. . 111,1,1 l,,ft home their pnslors probah v
f the .ecoinl beneath a erent nluk foundations 1 inflneiicino .,,.1,11,. n,,i. ! 1,1 "V. !" ''" '"'k1'1 '""t to, V
m;: i.uii,. ii.,., ion ...! ,., wl,i ..vi.,.,. I. i.... i 'u""' to saiem. ,
, .... .1 f ,,.i .i ii, .- ... ; "ith the miutc
i'.l,,,l,-l ll(ii, eii.M.urin nn- !,,.-,., ii ..ii.. i-.ii, nti i . , , e 111
Ten Highest Contestants
Woodmen of the World. . .21,147
Loyal Order of Moose. . . .19,700
Mr. D. 11 Presnall 18,058
Bungalow church, 17th St. 14,528
Salvation Army .12,278
Ronald Gould 7,1:51
Mr. Fred Domgalla 0,076
Mrs. II. Nash :'.,r80
Royal Neighbors :,GG5
American Yeomen 2,'. 10!)
ONLY $12.85
This Heater with mica doors, burns either
coke, coal or wood, has an extra heavy cast
lining with reversible grates and double cold
rolled steel body.
If you are in need of a good heater, see us.
$22.50 Coke Heater, with glass door. . .$15.35
$18.50 Coke Heater, with glass door. . .$11.10
$17.00 Coke Heater, with glass door. . .$12.85
$1!).50 Wood Heater, with glass door. . .$11.95
$10.50 Wood Heater, with glass door. . .$13.-10
$l:i.5() Wood Heater, with glass door. . .$10.30
$18.00 Wood Heater $10.35
$ G.25 Wood Heater $ 120
periiiisslon the
i fl .. ... 1 ..
. .i,!i,i. nl,.. fl,.u I...I...S lend t i,d,n il. ,.l. .).. .i. I'"" ' 'he resolution wns V
l l. .,l.,l..,l II,.. .Iiicnrii. ncief.. er ,',,,,i,,h,t;,, , I ,....i..,. "' ','"""' n lilillisiers
tions which were beautiful and urliMtic
in every detail.
Railroad Headed
ll'ockef. Iler foundation vole, I endow
$8.50 All Metal Steel Sanitary Couch and Mattress, $5.75 f
Double Votes All This
colleges here pi
'safe and conservative 'i
in, 'ills to
tench only
"Wo nlso Intend to Inveitignt.. the
'linrge unit the salaries of certain
of,'ors! "" K"ographlcal restrictions.
20 Per Cent Off On All Blankets, Pillows and Comforters
Virginia Ware
1 i. ..,.('. .uu.,ru ...... .......I I-., ..... D.I..H Til,. T. . ni.u m ...
p r1""""1" ""' ,.i,.,'-,, ,-u nn,. TFiieni- W.W.OIU, ii.r.u jjvt..jr wiy una iuwn 111
fOt IndfDendCnCe ''r Hn ",,1',1ld is being made to Influ- tho Union, Hocolven It,
1UI UV,KVI IV..VV (,ni,() t ni. N of y(1(( All,ri.n
" "1 he investigation will hnve the
With only six miles yet to Complete strongest bearing on industrial ipies
its line Into Hi let timber belt, the Vnl- J tions. Charges have been made re
ley k Hileti railway is negotiating for pentedly sgainst. (lie lloclicfeller, Sage
the right-of-way between independence ami Carnegie foundations and the coin
nnil Airlie and if no serious difficulty mission will find out whether they nre
is experienced in the purchase of the true. We expect In investigate the
right-of-way, dirt will be flying at this 'whole (piestion, Including absentee
end bv the first of Mnrcli. snvs The ownership and that, of permitting con-
Knterprise. One of the represen'tntives j tr"' of 'uusl publlc institutions, like ' Hu',,m
ot tne roan nns ncen in tne citv ion" -' ," """ n
the past few davs consulting with a : lv.,.v f,MV "T", fotitn.l the gr.'Bt
rn,b,.r ,,f i.rominent citiien. will, n in.iusiries or ine couniry nn, wno
view of eliciting their Influence in the , ,m' ",Ar l"'r '"l0 fv
hope that the work might be rushed I'lmnnen.
1 ... .. . ,lA.lliii
more spcclilv. A local coininiltee wns
appointed and will be in the fie
l'cople with liblnev ills want to be
cured. When one suffers the tor-,
tines of nn aching back, relief Is
eagerly sought for There ure ninnyj
remedies today that relieve but ibr
lie;, cure. Komi's Kidney Tills tinvo1
brought lusting results to thoiiHiiiuls.l J
Mere Is PhIcui evidence of their merit., O
f. N. Ki.lgewnv, -CIS N. "'..'ml St..i JL
siivs: "I had ,aius in the small
of my buck nnd my buck a, lied at
night. I tired easily' wns languid Mild A.
II had hen. Inches, Houiet lines my sight. J
blurred. There wns sediment in the,
Kldnev A
I J'T iwtv " ,
The hei-.t Graniteware that money can buy.
See it in our windows.
5c, $1.00 and $1.2.1
i It itiifv noc'i-ctioiif. DtmiiN
iivimh-iiii K " i N;ii i ... .1.. ... t ...in i"
4 ...... t ... .... i .i i m nci "'u in c" urfiuiv huh i m n nnv
"M,.,,:'!,, tn .i, tnJ rix'rtintnt'iiili'il IImmu fit Hint tlnip.
few days purchasing the right of way, Riv o m Rr'R gn f) of ' Nothing ha, occurred to change inv
nnd unless something Interferes with ,' ,,,;, Bn, whl.tllPr iv rn; high opinion of this remedy. In fad,
llieir pro(r('SS, whir ,,. lie innnm-i.
within six weeks and by spring there
will bo general activity nil along the
If we could only settle our bills by
paying compliments.
dominated by men
diistrinl disputes. ' '
A cent a word will ttll your
itory in th Journal New Today
interested in In-1"1-' '"""""' "' ' ' K "'' '""
rwr i.ir , KO ii pern,,....'., I I'.t.c, ,
1'iice ,"iilc, nt nil dealers. Don't f
simply k for a kllney remedy getit
We allow you the
highest price on your
used Furniture in ex
change on new.
Ilonn's Kldnev I'ilN-tlie same tlint I
Is Good
u Mr 1
50i 60c, 70c and 80c I 'Sf3 A
Stores in
houses to rent every m
day. FREE.
Mr. lli,gnv had. Kosler. Milburn Co., V TUP. liniNK OK" Oil A I IT Y AMI. SKIlVirK
jTrops., Ilnffiilo, N. V. W'V'A'WVVVVVVV . .v -