Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 08, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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    Ainijiimh if
TIT'S 8ATEM OA'PTTT- .'ft'' ot.vt v,-e,',vv' """ttiav 1Tvr't, i rs'
"BfOREL- AND AFTER. Clirr sterrett
whvThe. fiizjtTime. JuSt- 5ee. how maStecfcl Pfe M MAretZIAGE..
Vootook m& He handles That naieel. MmAP- " J - Will
I KS TMoua YoohS life ove(2 the. g WWM ft' Sutfl FEB I . Xf Pot:IH4d-T
W I love he., T-Ti ewh PiCK WW B I f f 1 nmiiHK? J nr, hoce .' ; Sp.,meiW TfeyE - sOM- A&JJL-WK. Cm.
rnovotnUT wi? a rue uc vn tvtiiiNr) rfl FflrtlU (KfcW UlfU Mffl AID COL All Bintau s.. i
Locals Expected To Give the' Under Grads Will Do Battle
Unversity Boys Hard
Stiff Battle
Against Old Timers
Though tin- SnJfin high school bnsliot- The I :i si, i-1 1 ml 1 season at Will i mtrt t
bull I assumed u full-sized iMintrin't , university will start Saturday nigltt
when they took tlu I'nicorsity of Ore-1 ..,..,:,.. ,, , i,lsi,',1J ...;n,
gou f,ve mi tor a game, they will nf- ,h,. alllni ,,. ,1,',, firHt ,,UM, vMM.
I rn-cl I ho local putronH ol too sport a tioIl ,- . w, ((,liu,,.t. TR. .,,
chilli,',, to HO," 01.0 ol- lh, IllstOSt games wi . , lU, of t,.V()ll ,-,.
l the season b-Iioii tho wo ton mi. . Imo . .vlmlU ,, .,,.!,- Tl!,,,,,...
ii, toiii,; ,t; ni tli,. l,iKh hoIhiuI x.v.ii floor. Bl, W1 .'lllll, v HS1, ,,,
Ilio lnKli koIiooI Iihh a liKht last ton in ,,,, M,.jn, , , "KiaMt: the oM unnls.
I'"'1 ", '"r "', '''r" ' tau vul. s. l,,,,,,!,!,. Minton, Moiiliii-e, Tallinaii,
Joy srliools, II .1.1 fur tlio iir.Ht tin.o " n Ku.lrr, Mills ami ltowla.,,1, all of whom
mini er ol .voiiih a lnh soliool toani wi I ,. lim,,, ,,,,, in , (im ,,,,
Imab o to ivo n . (,'uoil a.-.-ount ot Hsoll ,isl,u,t , wl ul,i,1(.r tl.ir ,,.
with tho 1' ot O. team, , m tho varsity . hi , ,v,.sitv , .,.,,
thiH ,or al, hi,H a liXht ast tea,,,. Illliv,.r!1v wi ri.ir,,;,,, ,,v
I"' ""'! "'M'!"''. ""' lor, FIitoI, .lewett, (iatos, liioiiks, Ji-
.Mill,; Hie loiwi.,-,1 positions on thevim, .,,-tr an,l t'iawfoi-,1.
l.ez.tek sMa, aio In.tli small, ami Th lmiv v jiaH 1,sl,,nsvi.
Muillior will nioasiu,. up , si.e w,u this ' whi,.h i,,U.
tie iiKli sehool jruanls. lownell is ,, ,,,,, wi(h , ,.uivt,1..
110 ynrsity tor, but will not ovo.-. I si, v ,. 0 A mh KM
t, Keeno t any K,-eat oxlont. ho , ,. ,, . f ,, , ,,u
vaisity lias husky pan- o unanls , , ri.,,r ,, PU,., , , ,at
;.Mo lliKb,..- i.ml (.Ion .Wheeler, ml 1 ,ses ,l also the ara.lemv ami Kim-
.einhai-t an, I',-,,, !,,,, pioiniso o p ay ,,,, ,., , m, b ,.(,,,, ,,
,. nos olusivo onino ami will U,vo ,,,. , h k
t o I iK follows a run tor their , y. ,,, u, ,,, r , , -,,. . Thl,
les.er lloios the ,l,stam-e runner,! fl..,wi is , ..;,,,,,,.
who represei, ,, the . M. . A. ol Ni-, ,,,, S-Seiors v.. Juniors, Soph,
en , the Hal,.,,, t I'or Ian, relay ,a,-e ,. ,,,,,,, A , . R. , '
' " l .lanuurv I,-
HI I US I itotl. I
t'o.n-h Clamy suys that while his:
leiiu, does not oxpoi't tu iiiiikk niiy eon-'
lei-eaeo eliaiupionships n I tnniiihl'sl
i,ino, the hoys will he able to uivo 1 i,rf vs K
li.MM, iii-i-ini ni ,,, iio'iiseives, ami mi.
I;. 'if (I. siniiiil will lie obliiioil to keen
in I In1 kiiui,. from stmt lo linish
Wo will hIihw tli, 'in a warm eon
test," saiil Cliiney, "ami wo will bo
iil'ler ihoni every minute, ami when the
timil whistle is soiiiule.l .the eollo,.,. 1;i,Ih
will know ton! they hnie been in u
basketball nnnui. ' ' The hi,;h sehool I
will piny the usual firsl lineup. I
Some extra bleaeheis have been oroet- I
".I in Iho hiuh hool kmi on the lowei ,
I'll ",r ami It is now possible to sent
alioui T'.il Npeelators. The nam,, will1
be .'.illisl at S o'elo l, sharp. I
Many Highcores Rolled j
In Last Evening's Contest
The lob ton in in Iho W'illaiui.tl,.
Valley llowliiiK league look throe
shniejit f,on, Iho Klool lies at the olub
nlles in one of the besl names that
has been bowle.l on Iho loin I alleys
Inline. Iho It-n lii, series. While 'Jill,
by I'liie of the I'lub team, was hiuh
si-ore the averi,.es wore all well up
noil the lelllll) bull, M'lli',1 ,'olisiillllll
Kinnes ill lnt nights ooiitosl. Tri,,.
nii.l (iiliov boll, nvoraijoil ll't for the
seiieh. 'I'lie st'itresr
111. I Ills
Seniors vs. Sophs, Aon.l-
euiy s. Juniors, I'Vosli vs. Klmbnll,
Jmiuary --Seniois vs. Aeudomy,
rresh vs. Juniors, SopliH vs. Kimball.
Inuiuii-y L'!t Seniors vs. Fresh, .Itui
in Itii 1 1 . Sophs vs. A''a,len,v.
I''ebriiary fi Seniors vs. Kimball, Jun
iors s. Sophs, l''rosli vs. Aciiilomv.
I'.. binary 111 Sennit' vs. Juniors,
Suplis vs. I' resh, Academy vs. Kimball
l-'ebruai-y III Seniors vs. Sophs, Aead
fitly vs. .Illinois, Fresh vs. Kimball.
February ''li - Seniors vs. Ai-ademy.
I'Vesh vs. Juniors, Sophs vs. Kiuiball.
Mn roll 'i Soulois vs. Fresh, .Iiiiiiiii
vs. Kiiubnll, Sophs vs. Aondemv.
Mai-eh I'-' Seniors vs. Kiiubnll, Jun
iais vs. Soih, I'iosIi vs. Ai'iideiny.
The Salem High School Basketball Quintet Which
Plays the University of Oregon Team Tonight
v ' '' ! - it - J
V; v
... I
i. :av - -if r
I.'eadiut! from left t, rinht the .mines nml positions of the players follow:
Keeno, renter; (.'aptain l.owo, riht Kiiiird; ' 'lainlo Ifaileliffe- lel't guard.
Bill" Roinimrt, light forward; "Monk" Pioitor, left forward; Hoy
Lo.s AiiKfli'Hi t'ul., fan. S. lliiiiilii'ils
The cliiiiuhtM' of coinnn'i'i't1 in in
of thi exriirHion.
of Los Aiigclos i-itizons will no to Sun f:))c)(c
Final Tryouts Take Place, Would Acquire Minor League
j I)ie. on spoi'ial trttins totnorrow lo ut
teml the Los Aii;elos oduity celohra
jtion at tho I'nnama-t'alifoinia exposi
tion. Tlie uutoiiiobib' lui o also is draw
.inn many sport fnus from this city.
Tho people's market placc
Tho Journul'a Want Ads.
It. J. Rhodes, well-known resident of
Folk and Marion counties, who is re
siding in Saloai this winter, was in tho
fount y clerk's office today to send off
some additional information tu tho pen
sion bureau at Washington, 1). 0., rela
tive to n pension for waieh Mr. Rhodes
applied through County Clerk (tehlhur
last August.
Mr. Hliodes served throughout tho
Civil war ns a member of the secret
service and lis a spy inside the enemy's
lilies nnd tliero was no record kept of
his performances. Ho eolistod in tin)
Fourth Iowa cavalry at the outset of
tho war and served four months in this
organization before he was transferred
to tho secret Bervice. Uni'C in tho se
cret service ho became detached from
headquarters except nt long intervals
and reports ho curried were too danger
ous to lie committed to -vriting so thorn
is little on the records of tho war de
partment relative to his performances.
Mr. ltliodes never applied for tt pen
sion until last August, as ho said ho
was still ii till- to take care of himself.
Though SO years of age, ho is still halo,
and hearty anil says his eye is still
undinuned nnd that lust week he killed.
a .jackrnbbit nt "! yards with his old
army revolver. He was in the secret
service in Hiiwaii during tho insurrec
tion of IMlli) nnd carries a recommen
dation from 1'resident Dole. Mr.
ltliodes is tho fatlier-iu luw of H. M.
Axtel, of this city.
On Big Race Course
Club to Use As Base of
By Hal Sheridan.
New York, Jan. H. The Now
Point l.oni:, Ifnro Course, Sun lMe i, j
(lib. .Inn. M. T I, mi li I' 1 II r nor I.I..I
ooiiisc at II terrific pace, final trvouts National league club was reported to
wer., held t.,li,v fi the :iii.-,.usj.nii!e ; ''".v to be negotiating for the purchase
exposition road race tomorrow hv the i of an I utei uiitionul league franchise.
lit speed kings who ii',' to cmnpelo lor1" "in uoiii goes inroogn, me minor
gue cm,,, w ill, in c
I ' ' I'll MB ' '
course, bo used as u
Albany Hand Ball Team To
Invade Salem This Evening
honoi s.
With tho weather l.leiil. tin. I the I "farm.
course fust and firm, some new records I Malinger John .1. .McUrnw is said to
wore today predicted in the big classic. ! be seeking a safe place for the har
Fust time was miiile in today's try, tuts ; boring of his surplus talent us II result'
but the pilots lire holding their cars ill I of the new major league rule which
leu!, and will not let to, 'in out on the limits the club rosters to L'l players nf
ilauuerous course until Fred J. Wagner ' tor May. lie feels that with the ox
gives the signal for the start tomorrow. 1 pense of sending out scouts nnd the
ll'iriy (limit, in his Sunbeam, will trouble of liiuding new players, tho
be the first away, leaving the starting J (limits cannot nt' turd to handle the
lino at II a. m. sharp. The cars start ' youngsters for u few weeks in the
In pails nt :tll. second iutervuls. 'spiiug uud then let them go and have
An iiniuoiiso crowd is expected, thou-1 some other club roup tho benefit.
hi, ml, euiniug from out ,il' town. Motor j Negotlutioiis are In progress lor tho
parties were nivivlng from the north t trnnster of the Jersey City club fran-
Doing What the Ad
Man Told Us
todav bv tho score and thev report both
the coast uud iuliind route to San Diego
from I, os Angeles in good eouditiim.
T'ue winner is , xpected to finish
about 4 p, in
ulnso to Syracuse. If the deal gut's
through, it is practicully certain that
the (limits will become interested in
the proposition. If the transfer is',
uniile, McUraw wilt also see that -Oeo. j
the met that too III cars will ,(o;vilH(, !, has been unconditionally
iiruuud a couim. full of highly dimKit.--; rlfusfit bv tho (limits, gets the job of
oils curves, some of II i on sharp! nuislnir the Svracuse club.
The business mo ' liundbiill team of. guides, caused the committee in chanje Witli nil International lei,tue club to)
Albany will arrive in Salem this after-' todae to inuke careful iirraiiKoinonts fur flirm pVers, Mctlraw could hold'
noon ul .1 o'clock for their tout nameiit I hospiuil service. L , youngsters from season to sen-1
with the business men's class of Ihoj There will be fio field hoipilnls, ! on nl prevent them from Roiim buck
V. M, C. A, ul Iho association gym in , pluc'd at dilloreni poinls near ' to tho clubs from which thev wore'
litis oily tonight. The toui nitinent will conise, Suigeon I'. M. Cm ring! on, of ' drufti'il. " I
begin at lltlltl o'clock nml the follow-1 the i'liited States public health sen ice, '
iug iiiiitehes linee been ai'iauged: will bo in ehni'ge. A iloun local sur-' r. n niv 1
SltiKlM. j goons will be on liiin.l to assist, and a ; fmalS in ITISCO DIlliarQ
Miimiv uuuiiior ol suigoons iiooi ttio navv os-:
A, N, Minion sols now here will uls.i be on iiniiil,
I lira in To, belt , Three ambulances ami a corns ol' iiursos
' " Jlcl'onnhl have also I assigned lo the work of ; Sm, Ftaiu'iseo, Jun, S. The final
i i on i i-i nueir, earing tor any ,irior or moeliautclau i unino of the billiaid tournninent, which
...i , i ,v u, re,,
' 'rue en
liihoy , .
Kay ...
Kress ,.
Noinl ..
I Hi
. iii
I Hi
I sj
I -iii
I!. C. lli"liop
A. A. S,. Ii i ,n in
W. I. Slnley
Furl Ait'ierson
1 .1 in, Young
M l - 171 nrr
-,s -It'll "' V' ''"'"I'lou
r,- j ,n John Fm rar
Ills -lilil I " ,'""
fisi mi
Tournament On Tonight
IHIil II 1 1,
. mil ir.i
iiiii in. i
..mi isi
..'-'Hi 177
. iiui I 7n
srs i7ii iv!
i iii i
r,.ii - m;
.".lit Ki
11. F. Fliinerty
Fid! llavne
I). 1,. I'osler
Itnlph Knolt
I I villi Williamson
II. X. White
It. S. Sue. lor
Kooky Mason
Jiio t'lelen
llnv Nutting
! The nice will stmt ptomplly ill II
a. m., the ears being seal away at MO
1 second intervals, in this order:
i:it w siii iiiiii i;s
T..uiKfor,l McVey Bout Scheduled.
C'liiiiign, Jun. N.--Sam l,:,gl'niil and
S'ini MeYey, negro heave weights, wi"o
niiiteiieil here today to meet in a In
r.nin l bout ul Keucliii, Wis., Jaiiu;i,
mtclilo Would Moot Cross.
New Ymh, Jan. s, I'unnoler Ji'nui
Jiihu ion iiiiitoiiiii e,l hoie todav l,:it 'i.'
bad teceivod a teller from Willie
l.'itoaic, ox , rld's lightweight cliniit
piim, asking for a mutch wilh I. otic. t
I loss citi ly in Febrimrv.
"She had to feed Iho furnace, so her
love's grown eul.I," Is a statement
innde In n llrooklyn divoroe Hiilt. Some.
Iimlv ought t work that line fur n pi,
tln'lio Imllsd.
Win. F.an.i
Clmeme Walls
1 Or. F. I, l iter
I'nul W'albiee
.Ins. Ilmlwell
,. A. (Iitcl'fioy
. Doubles.
Snleiu Albanv
lli-hop W'lilbioo Milton 'I'orbolt;
I'.vnus Farrar Dohnort X Hiiyuol
Slulev Young McPowoll Je Finneitv
Anderson & Sohiuuiin Meliiulil
foist Lewie May Include j
Eif'Jit Clubs Says McCredie,
I'ertlnn.l, Ore., .Inn. S. That the,
i(ne, Imi ,f evpmidiitg the Const league i
to eight dubs ill lUM, If this year's ,
invasion of s,i l.nko is successful, was I
discussed nt length nt the recent meet' ,
iug f mtigtiiites In San Francisco, was!
Iho statement todnv of President Mo
('iodic, of Hie Portland club, who wns
! present.
Og.lon uud V ii 1 1 ii Walla. Suorniuento
and Scuttle ami Ogden nnd Sucrauiei,.
to wore some of the eoiubinatioiis sug.
gosted, MoCrodio snid.
No. I
No. i
No. M
No. I
No. .",
N. 7
No. S
No. i
No. in
No. II
Siinlu am ; Many (Irani,
liiisonbeig; Ttun Alloy.
Talus; Jack (iaeblo.
Moiccr; Cnt.er b'ttekslell,
lioidon; lloiillev Cordon.
Peuueol ; I'.ob Itiiiiiiiiu,
Pciiucot. F.ildie lllelienbacher
Stut; l'!url Cooper.
I'eugcit : Fred Met in Ihy.
luesoiilioi g : .1
- Mm :nou ; A. A
Mclcoi ; l.euis Nlkreul.
Muxwcli; Fainov (ll.lfield.
Kiui. ; Ai thin Klein.
('ailing Speeliil; A. T. Hick-
- Maxwell; W. II. I'm Nun.
- Shields; I.. II. Shields.
- liuesonbeig ; Fiblie O'poncll,
- Aloo; William Taylor,
on , aiianmi. i ns innings
I adwell.
Will give the winner the Pueific coast
lltree cushion cl,ainpi,v.ishiti title, will
be played hero tonight between Joe
j Carney, I'oiiuer champion, uud Flunk
I Kiev. Ilotli hiuo won two nnd lost one
gain-, in tlie present tournament,
j Sumo brilliant work was witnesjsed
'last night In the play between Tom
jlluosion of St. I.ouis and Hurry Tuke
I Hold of San Pimioisco) The contest
I was for thin I place, and Mueston cap
itated this position by boating his oppo
nent, oil to ,1'-'. Iiuishiug his stung in
Will Race From New York
To Coast on $5,000 Wager
New York Jan. S. Unoul l.e Mat,
New York sporting limn, and Stanley
Initios, a former Washington newspaper
man, will lenvo New York Saturday in
an suli "nubile m,.,. to iho Pacific const
I'or n wager of .'..Oiui, They will make
the trip in Iho Lincoln highway nml
nlong the Smitn Fo railroad.
Is the one here you want? We are not
sure", but we know that there are some
mighty good ones in the lot that we
have picked out from the Manhattan
and Arrow makes; $2 andtf o
$2.50 grade to sell to you forV-'
Terhaps you will want to pay less. If
so, we have selected from the $1.50
boxes a good assortment to
sell at VOL
Sweater Coats
We have only a limited number left, so
we will sell them rather than carry
them over.
$(5.00 all-wool values $4.80
$3.00 all-wool values. $3.95
$1.00 all-wool values $3.20
Slicker Coats
We bought too many Slicker Coats
mostly the Alligator guaranteed brand.
They are $:!.00 and $:?.50, but C o o)
you can take one home for 1
More Suits
We have marked just 500 Suits at spe
cial prices some below cost, some at
cost and some at a very small profit.
Here is a sample lot. Brown mix
Bishop's Ready Tailored t lyf of
Suits; were $25.00, now. . vItt. OD
Full line fine Blue Serge Suits just
received to sell for $15.00 ,$fO
marked special 100
We want to give you just two more
suggestions for securing a good warm
Overcoat to keep the chill out during
the rest of the winter and next winter.
Four blue Chinchilla roll collar Coats,
sizes :!4 to :',8; were $15.00, C 1 ( ff
but now marked 1U UU
Five gray and tan mixed Coats in sizes
I!5 to 42 that formerly sold j i
at $10; value in one for.... O.iO
Komi, Nov,, Jan. S, II, F. Iteunett, 'I
Westell Cl lit. ii lilliiniiln it Sin, .' ii no is.
co, was ptobablv ',,llv injured ho.e! AED BACHKLOR BUICIDE. t
todav la ii fall of -IT, loot from tele-1 s" r'rancsco, Jan. S.-J. J. ( tin
graph polo. In ml.litioii to Internal in- j niughani, n clerk nt the l.iiruo hotel
juries, Heunott's left leg and right nrni 1 liere, ended his life just before noon to
were bieikou. I'luv by sending n bullet through his
. bruin. Ho was ,0 yours old nnd unmar-
and dead dogs rie.l, Cunningham ' friends wore nit
sblo lo dviiuoe nnv motive for his Hot.
Pond men tell no tale
nag none.
This is an
Opportunity for
the careful
Woolen Mills
Pony Contest will close February 1st.
Only a few
of the
good things are