Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 08, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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Congested Condition of High
School May Be Relieved By
One of Three Changes
For the balauce of the'scliool vcnr '
1915, or the second semester, which be- j
riim cm February 3, some provision will i
have to be made either by crowding the j
pupils in the exceedingly limited avail-
hble simce in the hiuh school buildinir or
i . . " " . 1
by utilizing the vacant rooms in the
Kast school building, to take cure of the
12 pupils who will graduate from the
Kighth grade of the public schools aud
enter the Ninth li of the high school on
iTebruary 3. For another year, the only
practical and most economical solution
to the high school problem in the i'ity,
iu the estimation of City .Superinten
dent Elliott, is the estttulishinrnt of n
junior high school.
Jn order to provide room and period
for the 112 pupils who will enter the
iNiutli U grade of the high school course
ironi me grade bchoois ni mo opening
ui me si-cuuu se.nesi ... u.c for the purpose uf 'establishing the svs-
aciool building, there lire three courses I , iltJ tlm.e juuior llif,h Sl,ll00, ,js.
open to .Superintendent Elliott, and the, trict9 t0 pffcft jullior hij,h studcMts
school board. One is to routine the;01llV) anJ U!i ,jle ,,,, .,ortiull of
sewing class of the domestic science de-1 thu- .osl,nt hl.Miu tol. th() 8iae,.
jmrtment, which now occupies two uf , hc ,hat ilj9 ,3.
r.oms in tho high school budding and ,,,m wiM w0lk no ), i h ip .,... the
liave no more room than they need un-, mnlMvt U(1 nl (lu, ,iHtlU),0 t,.y wil
dor present conditions, to one room; an-: ,mve to ,,over in ; (0 retliniint,
other is to vacate and utilize the " V . lrom w.100i
W." room, and the third is to convert Thc M ,, 8(.hoo svstM)) fl.
the boys' lunch rcom in the basement bl.Bt..,B te Hoventh, Eighth and Ninth
into a classroom and provide special ih At the end of tho school
nearing arrangements lor it xor Class .
More Crowded Than Supposed.
In checking over the conditions which
now exist at the high school building,
iu prepHiatiit.i l'or his submission of a
plan for taking enre of the influx , f
pupils at the opening of the second
i-emestcr to the special jneetiiig of the
school board tonight, Superintendent
Elliott tiuds that the school is in a
more crowded condition tiiun hc suppos
ed it was when the subject was broach
ed at hiht Mum, lily night's meeting ot
the board, lie finds that there ni"
only 13 vacant periods now available
in the high school classroom, whereas
21 periods will be required tt accom
mrilate the new Ninth-B Unit will leave
the grade schools the firt of February,
which makes hiln eight periods short
1 enough to supply the deliciency with
out bringing nbout the crowded condi-1
Uioiia which will prevail when the new
high silioul pupils will swell the attend
ance to a total of mm, us conipured to
ioiil at present.
' by utilizing four of the fix rooms
tiiat will be vacant in I he Kast s.noul
building when the l.iglitn-A graduates '
troui that school on the t'V "oor 01 uie r
building, ISuperintoudent cliiou loels!
sura that he will be ublo to accoinnio
MHle the new Ninth-U in that building
for the rest of the sciiool year. At j
present in the high school he figures :
that he is one-half teacher short lata- j
t)Bt it-ally B(ieuking) if the normal num
ber ot nmructois for the students en-1
rolled and in atteiuliinte. To take care;
ot the ueiv Xiuth-H pupils in the high
diool course it will require about three
additional teachers, Kuther tuau ere-'
ate the crowded condition in the high:
school building, by shitting abu.it to
"iul;o room tor toe n.w students, Wuper-j
intendent Elliott is in tavor of using,
it. l-.. . ..i i i: .1
Ninth H for the second semeMter, and!
he will probably so recommend tu the
board at tonight's meeting. j
Has Plan for Junior High. j
Superintendent Elliott has studied out'
what he considers a most feasible, econ
omical und altogether practical-plan of
adopting a junior high school system in i
the city without having to Construct:
any more M-lioot buildings for several
yeurs to come and by utilizing the
space that will be vacated iu the guide'
buildings at the clove of tho present (
a(.iool year. l)y re-districting the city,
V(,nr lher8 wil, 1)e availl(1)ic lor PHtab
lishing thc .iuuitc high course, which
will comprise what now constitutes the
Sixth-A in tho grades up to and includ
ing the Ninth-A iu the high school, a
total of 770 pupils. This will relieve
the high schooi building of 125 pupils
and make plenty of room for the uol)
that will remain. In the East schoul
there are at present 29U pupils, anil
of those 80 will enter the .wiith-U at
tho ilose of this semester. With the
210 pupils that will be left in the school
and fix vacant rooms available, Super
intendent Elliott says he can accommo
date 300 junior high . students in this
New Building Will Help.
In the (Irnnt school he will be able
tu make provision for over 200 junior
high pupils nnd in the Lincoln school
ho can find plenty of room fur over 200
more, when the new building is complet
Shetland Pony
Will end February 1, and all the candi
dates should hurry to get their votes in.
Em m y wi. 4.jipu''agiiun pi,., iih
" i'i
Remember, the Capital Journal Gives the Following Votes:
One Month s Subscriptson, 50 Votes
Six Months Subscription, 500 Votes
One Years Subscription, 1000 Votes
These votes go alike to old and new subscribers
Solid Cement Structure Twenty-one by
Twenty-nine Feet to Be Erected foi
Willson Park.
John Oraber, mannger of the Salem
military band, is of the opinion that
Hulom should not only have the best
military band in the state, but also
that the band should have a desirable
baud stand for its concerts. With this
iu view, he has had specifications
drawn for a concrete band stand, ob
long iu shape, 21 by 211 feet, which hc
hopes to have erected in villsnn park,
beside the fountain. The specifications
show an artistic stand, of solid con
crete, with eight posts for lights, nnd
the flooring space for the bund about
six feet above tho level of the ground.
Tho plans arc on display in the window
of Huron & Hamilton.
It will require nbout $950 to build
this stand and Mr. Oraber expects to
ask tho citizens of Salem to donate
this amount. Although us yet no sub
scriptions have been asked for, Mr.
Oraber hns received much encournge
ment nnd hopes within a short time to
raise the umount and begin the erec
tion of the stand at once. It is his
intention to bring the band up to 21
pieces nnd to add not only severul band
soloists, but to have singers for each
concert during the summer. During
the summer the concerts were ull large
ly attended. Tho central location nnd
surroundings mnde the park an ideal
place for bund concerts. At the closing
concert fully 251111 were present.
ed and ready for occupancy next fnll,
which will easily lake care of the 770
pupils which will enter the junior high
courso next year. Hy shifting about
'Superintendent Elliot is satisfied that
1 he can make nmplo arrangements for
introducing the high school system in
' Salem and continue it untu there is im
I perativo need of the construction of ad
'ilitioiuil school nuildings.
' The junior high school system, wher
ever it has been tried, has proven an
j unqualified success, particularly sr in
: Mc.Minnville, where the first junior
high school building in thc state was
'constructed and operated, nnd, educa
tional authorities slate, it is only a
! question of time until its adoption will
become universal. Hy grouping the t-li I -dreu
of the Seventh, Eighth ami Ninth
grades and the Tenth, lClevcnth and
Twcllth crndes together, respectively,
there is mrro uniformity in size and
ago in the pupils in inch grouping anil
the results obtained havo been found
far more satisfactory than is the case
where tho smaller and younger pupils of
the Ninth grades an grouped together
with the pupils of the higher and phy
sically larger grades.
mwi n, .j'.'iyji'W'O'" 1 "Ti)i':""t! r.1)-"" '
' ' Kv .. .'i ' "i..
Nibbler Pays for Horses As Well As Totai Expense for Year Just Passed
thei,Tria1.SSeS8ed 03t 01 H01U"B! Was 11.655.05-Itemizcd Statement
j Given,
The jury in the case of Frank Wade '
against II. E. Kibbler brought in a When 15,310 voters in Marion ccuntv
verdicj for thejilaintiff last night in 'cast their ballots in the primaries and
the sum of $2i.i as payment for tho the general election at an expense of
horses. A special verdict finding ,$1 l,(io5.05, they were able to register
"that the defendnnt hns not duly, their opinions lit a cost of HI cents per
tendered to plaintiff prior to the com-: V(,ter. Marion's election expenses were
menceinent of this action the sun) of the lowest in the state, according to the
$275" was also returned by tho jury. '.ballots ,.st a9 the returns from the
The records of the court as produced on'(,l(1,ltv ,.(,rKS m.,,ivetl n, tll(, offi,,e of
the stand last evening by U. -County Clerk Clehlhnr show that in the
clerk of the court showed that Nibbler ,,on a,,inini r ,,,, ,, ,
hnd deposited w.th.the county treasurer WMs ,h ,.,,, ,r f(' ,
the sun. of 2,o as a show of good faith ; ,,,, M vut 1 .,,,
not construed by'i w ZS'Z L'Ju
person. According to legal 'authorities! t o ' H general electuc, would be
ende.r must be made in coin of tho,""""1.' lm?- .
realm and must be for the exact amount I " 1,1 'J " f'""" ".'"" 't 'out V
and must be made in person, even ,'1 1 t0, ,n,Rt ' '"'""t". or nbout
rtecks ea. be refused, according to at-':-H "' 3I,I20 ballots Were
torneys of this city. J'""4'"' "l ot ' '"' in 11,11
By' returning the special verdict no tho same printing company put. out 51,
tender was made however, the costs of ballots for llls. The salaries of
the suit are assessed to the defendant,"1 legistrntirfi clerks charged to the
Nibbler. If the verdict of the jnrv had exposes ot tlie conntv clerks office
been for the sum which the defendant amounted to K44.50. l''or the year lill-l
tendered in payment previous to the 9 'diown by the books of the county
coinniencenient of the suit the plaintiff , ''I'""' the following is complete li, of
would been obliged to pay the costs of ,
the action.
If religion was good for the com
plexion, men would seldom get their
share of beauty.
Bad Lung Trouble
and Expected to Die
The ninny riM'ovfrien lrouK"t
about by Kcknmn's Alicrntlvo are
attracting wide attention. Head
about thiH oa:
SKI II St., Kt'3er, W, Xm.
'iiitimrni I wtiM ttikril Mk In
Kovrmher, IIHIK. I icrctv Htemlily
worne. Had tun niiMuItntinH. The
vrrillft nan the Over hml nlTritfl
my lunicn and (hut my vnr um
honrlrKNt only rhvc mr two month
to live. My phjutclnu nnd tried ratt
all Lindn of treatment nud mute did ,
me any KMd. no he naked my hus
band If he ohjeeteil to him trlnK
a proprletnry ntrtllrlue. I hewn it
your AlterMtfve. 1 hum In lied from
November AO, HHtK, until Fehrunry
ar, llMHi, nnd waa thoiiKtt dylna; sev
erul UnteN. Today I am healthier
and HtrouKer tbiin ever. Abbre
viated.) (SlKned) MltS, II. K. li II 11.10 V.
Ki-kmun'B Allorutive it uunl eillra
cloua In broncliinl tntnrili itml -ver
throat mid hinn a fleet ion a und
np-bulldini; the nyftviii. Contains
no harinful or habit-formtnK cliwa
Accept no Hutmtilutt'H. Small size,
$1; remilnr alee, 2. Sold by load
ItiK dniKKltn, Write for booklet
of roroverloa.
Ik-kin nil l.nboratory. Jhilndrlnla
i;'istrnliou mipjilics $ lill.'l.V
"iillotK 1.47H.IW
Rent of polling jilaecs ti 49.20
SiiluiioH of jmloH nml olciltfl 7f:t l5.7-V
Postage 1H(!.M4 1
Notaries ft'rs (rcyi.'tnilion).. SSI. 70 1
lrHy:ijjo MUi
CjuivashiiiK lionr.l lilll.tiO
Now liootlis nnd ballot lioxos 4(0.00
i Methodist Preachers Would
j Stop Folk Dancing In Schools
I I.ob Angeles, Cul., Jan. S. Motlio
jdist ministers of l.os Angeles will con
fer with the hoard of education Janu
ary Id to protest against folk dancing
jnnd other terpiscliorenn activities in
the public schools.
i " Kythinicnl dancing, railed folk
jilnncjng, ami other exercises that ex
! peso the persons of little girls and
j misses contrary to the modesty of do-,
'pertinent and refinement of spirit tliut
, gives womanhood its grentest chnrin,"
is the specific, objection in the mi nin
'lerinl protest, uccordiug to u report
'prepared by a committee nppointcd by
. t lu Municipul Associution of the Me
ithodist Kpiscopnl church of. l.us An-
Take a talilespoonful of Salts if Back
hurts or Bladder bothers Meat
forms uric acid.
AVo are a nation of ment enters und
our blond is filled with uric, ncid, says
a well known authority, who warns us
to be, constantly on guard against Kid
ney trouble.
The kidneys do their utmost to free
the blood of this irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
get sluggish; tlio 'diminutive tissues
clog and thus thu ousto is retained in
the blood to poison the entire system.
When your kidneys uchu and feel
like lumps of lead, und you have
stinging puius in the hack or the iiniio
is cloudy, full of sediment, or the
bladder is irritable, obliging you to
seek relief during the night; when
you have severe headaches, acid stoni
uc.h or rheumatism in bad weather, get
from your pharmacist ubout four
ounces of Jud Hulls; tuko a tablespoon
fill in a glass of water before break
fust cni'li morning nnd In a few days
your kidneys will act fine. This fit
mous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and hns been used for genera
tions to flush nnd stimulate clogged
kidneys, to ncutralir.0 tho acids in urine
so it is no longer a source of irritation,
thus ending urinary aud bladder disor
ders. Jnd Pills is inexpensive snd can rot
ln.piro; makes ft delightful effervescent
lltliia wntcr drink, nnd nobody can
mnUe s mistake, by Inking a little oc
cnnionnlly to keep tho kidneys denn
and netiva.
Another New York Woman
Poisons Her Son and Self
' Xrw Vrtrk, .Jun. H. Mm, Hciijiiiniii
LiiphliiH ft nd Imt mii. ulcoiI ID. vvn
t'finihl dying in tncir lionto Imtc itxliiy, i
1 'PL '(... H n.. I i ..: i....
I IM' IIIUIIM-I II j I 'II ('III it ll Ft ll icii ildl
mn hirlioloridi1 of incmiry itnl liti'l
tnkrti Minm licrolf. Kvimv iin jet ill
I the liotiHo wim tuninl on.
Uiilipim ruiiil ho Im'IiovoiI roiiHlnnt
rciiilitig ot the Wootk poisoning riii1
hero hint tinhniiiiK'nl Ink wifo'ti nitii'l.
MrH. I,iiiiihi Irft tho fnlhiwiiin "u( t
her huHhuii'l:
1 1 o not Htiiko n mntoh ,vo
conio in, 1 fiit,i tiroit of 4it'o,"
At thn hnpiliila whoro mother nml
hiii woro liiki'ii, it wiih Mild hoth would
1 The (111 KINK trentment for the Drink
llnliit enn lie lined Willi nliKolntn conl'i
denee. It destroys nil desirn fur whis
key, lieer or other nleoholie Ktlmuliints.
Thoiisnnds Imvo hiii'ithkI nil v used it
nnd have liren restored to lives of so
Ijrielv ond unefnlneKs. Clin lie (riven
secretly. I'nsts only l.00 per Ion. If
you fnil to (jet ri'snlts from OK KINK
lifter s trinl, your money nill lie r.
funded. Ash for free booklet telling ull
nbout (lit 11 INK.
. J. 0. I'KKKY, 155 H. Coinmereinl.
Take advantage of it
Formerly Oscar Johnson's Plymouth
Every Day in the Year
Not one price today and another tomorrow.
Standard or known and guaranteed merchandise
only at my store.
Wm. Gahlsdorf
The Store of Houseware
Capital Monumental Works
We manufacture mon
uments from American
and foreign granites.
We have installed a
complete monument
manufacturing plant
and make everything in
our line right here in
Salem. You are invit
ed to call and inspect
our stock and plant.
Office and Factory
2210 South Commercial
Phone 689
Will You Help Make
Then f riM of ritin menu cinrt mutii'V i'tr rvi rv iwrv in our tnuli' trni
Uny Why not mitki' n rt'rnrtl in ll'lflt
Aliriifty liiindri'dN ot' t'jnt ot i im, liugi' nml hhuiII, tin1 lh'ii OtlitTH will cmiim
(ih tli(tM now hi'fi' ironM'r. You mn ht'Ip, yw t'umily 'H'i f, your luinim'
houfi' niii li'lit imply hy iikinr; for nml iifiHtiit m f Ki'ftint; nrticli'f nimh- in
Ort oii, u Into firii'c nnd rpinlity tin- i-fpinl. The I'olluu ing ntuiu'il ruiM'rrtiM lntvo
Mihxt'iilinl to thiri I'limptuKti: 1
rrtlund A, ltd I.n iip I'd.,
Miiin I'M. MO Alder
The United Slutes Nntionul Itiink,
75 Third 8t., l'ortlund, Or.
Modern Confectionery Co.,
rortluud, Oregon.
(ioldcn Hod Milling Co.,
l'ortlund, Oregon.
And I'um I'ork Kuusiige,
Union Mint Cuni,iiiiy,
F. K lliirmliin it Son,
l'ortlund, (Ir,
l'ortlnnd Huihvuy, l.i(jlit & Power Co.
I'ur.il'lc Htutcs l-'ire Insuriiiiee Co.,
Chmn. of Com. Illdg., l'orllund,
J. O. KhKllsh 'o.,
ICS Union ve. N., l'uftlnml, Or,
V. A. Tuylnr A Co.,
130 Tenth Ntreet, 1'orllund, Oregon.
Journal Want
this week.
and save money on
Good for 100 votes
This the Record Year?
Droning Co., Toi'llnnd,
I IIi'ph Ml'g. Co.,
511! WilliuniH live,, I'urt lime, Or.
It. M. Wudc & Co.,
,'112 lliinthorno live., l'ortlund, Or,
1'nrt liiml Knitting Co.,
150 Third Mt., l'ortlund, Or, i
Onirics Coopey A Hons,
OU-I Koyul Illdg., l'orllund, Or.
inclining Ornnite Co.,
2117 Third, l'ortlund, and Hulem, Or.
Aud Miirtu to order. Ciiliiniliiii Mfg.
Co. 1'hoiio -Muiii KIM7. l'ortlund, Or.
Olfflllf? Insurance Company
' ll!''VKI V I1MIIOON"
I'nrtlnnil R iblicr Mills,
Ms ruit Ninth HI., l'ortlund, Or.
Kuy llnrltliumt,
Hiiith und Alder, Portluntl, Or.
Ads Bring Results