Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 08, 1915, Image 1

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Leased Win
Dispatches ?
Today's iVetus
Printed Today
Allies Successful at Many
Points Says Late Paris
Allies Vacated Trenches Be
cause They Had Become
Too Muddy
Paris, Jan. S. Olio of its Sliest
tiinistic statements sim o the war began
wns issuod today ly the government.
ISuitcsson by the allies wore claimed at
ninny poiuts, anil it wuh Haiti that no
where liiiil the Germans been able to
resume, n serious offensive.
Renewed fighting in JJelgiuin north of
Saint Georges ami about Lombnortzvde,
wns icported. In this district it was
assorted Hint the allies wore advancing.
To (ierinan stories of gains in the
vicinity ol Arras the cxplamititiii was
Ki vtn that certain trenches had been
ileui, lulled voluntarily by thr French
boi-a.isc the mini hud filled them and
thov wore no louver eervieeable.
The Gallic forces were said to hoibl
the highway between Lnlioiszle and
A veiny, and in the woods in its vicinity
they were reported to hnve mounted ai
tillory in n strong position.
The French also were gaining the
upper linnd in the artillery duel whicj
has been raging for days in the Aisn"
district. West of Kl.ciins it was stated
that a German blockhouse had boon do
iiiolishcd, nnd the Gorman mine thro.v
ei's, which have caused much damage,
hud been silenced by the French can-nrm-ido.
The stntoment spoke of some fight
ing In the Mouse region but said It was
ol comparatively small importance.
In the Argonnes, the Germans wore
liivon credit for blowing up sonio of the
French trenches, but it was denied that
tlie former were able to hold the ad
vintage they gained by this exploit.
There was said to have been no
'linngo in the situntirtn in Alsace.
The wnr office confirmed reports that
two Turkish transports had been sunk.
one Inst Saturday anil the other the
ensuing Tuesday, and that the Ottoman
cruiser Medijidoh had been damaged fur
the filth time in a fight with two Rus-
einn cruisers, from which it oscnped
ni ter an exchange ol snots. 'A Here these
incidents occurred was not stated, but
from the reference to Russian cruisers
it was surmised that their scene, was
the lllack sea,
si 1ffigife Sri
SsSl A I JPiTP if
" ' -...v.-i ."5s,.. .. - Jf -t.;.- y.4$t. rr.iy.V'US,' ! a
Mh,ii,..m.iii fifjv' efc-i- "ff.!i'i!'.;!;y'i, ''" "",
By J. W. T. Mason
(Former London correspondent for the
United Press.)
New York, Jan. 8. The Turkish
army's defeat by the Russians in Trans
caucasia is being laid by tho Mohamme
dans to the troops' Herman command
ers, who insisted that a winter cam
paign be undertaken against tho czar's
The Turks say thov protested nirainst
the pressing of military operations in
cold weather but that the Germans
overruled them.
This explanation of the Ottoman dis
aster is not satisfactory. Winter war
fare's disadvantages boar as heavily
upon one side as upon the other, so the
Kussians must have labored under as
serious disndvantng"s as have the
In short, it is impossible to reach nnv
conclusion but that the Russian slnvs
have proven themselves ns superior to
the Ottoman forces as did the Balkan
Slavs in tho recent conflict on the
Balkan peninsula.
The significniice of the Turkish ex
cuse is not in its explanation of mili
tary conditions but in the quick desire
it shows to plnce all responsibility upon
the Hermans.
This undoubtedly moans thnt German
domination of military affairs at Con
stantinople is without the Turks' cor
dial consent. Apparently thov do not
The gaping hole in the front of the Grand hold nt Scarborough, Englnnd,
whs made bv shells from the Gerinun cruisers that raided that city and two
others on the North sea const recently. This is one of the first pictures to
roach tho t'uited Mates from Scarborough. The people there as well as in
other towns in York along the coaBt have armed themselves and have dug
trenches, In case t"e Germans secretly lauded a small force of soldiers it is
probable that there would be a great loss of life among the armed citizens, as
they are unorganized anil not drilled. 811'ipiug by them would bring re
prisals by the Germans,
Ten Russian Aeroplanes Brought
Down Like Wild Ducks by Germans
Berlin, by wireless to London, Jan. orations had won slight gains for th
s.-Tea Russian aeroplanes were Germans at a few points.
hrnmrht duii like wild dock, l.v n..r. A'"K the Galiciuii-II uiigniiun border
., whore the Kussians have been trying
ma,, uoroKiiuuers .u ino i.uoz-i.u icz to brPnk thrmlRh 1B Carpathians for
uisrnci in roianu mis wook, ir wn an invasion of the country southward
stated today at the war office hero. ( fcrtillery fighting was said to be in
hlnv aviators were said to have been i iiiogross, but not on a largo scale.
unusually active in tho eastern war y it was admitted that the Austrlans
none since, luosday, but it was assiwrr; md retronted before the Slavs in Kuko
tnnt tney proved easy targets n tueivinn, reinforcements having reached
wrecked crutt were either killed or the latter In such numbers that the
wrecgKou erart were either
The general situation in ruin ml
province's defenders were unable to re
sist their pressure.
two Uermun aviators were ronortc
urn Patient Returned
After 4 Months' Wandering
After wnndering leisurely and aim
lessly about the country since July 1,
hen, as a trusty, ho just ns quietly and
vimitontntiously shambled away frfin
the state insane asylum, J. (J. ilnmlin,
w ho was an inmate of the hospital from
J:ick.on county, wns brought back io
the institution las night from t'entnl
1'oint by an officer i'rom the asylum.
ilnmlin is not of the dangerous class
of Insane patients nnd has born work
ing mi farms through the vnlloy until
be arrived at Central Point nnd put up
at A hotel where he had no hesitancy
in informing the proprietor who he wns
mid whore he came from, Aftor think.
iug the mnttcr over for awhile it Was
finally decided to notify tho hospital
nnthoi ifies nnd nu attendant was sent
aftor him yesterday.
reported to have undergone litfK,fo have thrown bombs into the Fronc
change, though mining and sapping op-.pout of Dunkirk again Thursday.
It is easy for a knocker to get
largo audience becauso the show
Franco and Relglum. Allies,
highly nptimhtlo, claim gains at
many points, asserting German
efforts to resume offensive have
failed everywhere.
Germany. llussians clnim to
have pierced kalser't east Prus
sian defense line.
Russia. Germnn Invaders tell
of shouting down 10 Slav aero
planes; weather puts damper on
on operation! In J'olund; fiO.OUO
Turks snld to have been captur
ed iu Transcauss.
Austria. Austrian! retreating
before superior Russian forces
in llokoviua; minor fighting in
Cnrpnthlnns; efforts in progress
to raise new army for defense
of Yiennl ami lludnpost, and for
new Sorvlnn Invasion; revolu
tionary muttering!.
Knglnnd. Lord Itoseberg Issues
warning to Midlothian civilians
not tn fight ia event of German
l'otrogrnd, Jan. 8. Russian troops
engaged in a movement against Kast
Prussia had pierced the Germans' out
er lino of defenses of this district to
day, according to a dispatch received
hero from the front this afternoon. It
was said the Hluvs were gaining slow
ly, despite the unfavorable weather.
Klsewhero along tho battle front
weather conditions were reported so
bud that important military opera
tions were an absolute impossibility,
and the result wns that thorn had been
no change in the situation.
In Transcaucasia, it was stated, the
Russians hnd taken more than 60,000
Turkish prisoners, Including several
Xcnernls and hundreda of officers ol
lesser importance.
Washington, Jan. 8. A system of
"pitiless publicity" will be the Anieri
can government ' policy iu Its shipping
controversy with England. Prompt pub
ueiition of all diplomatic exchange
the matter will be insisted on by Am
erica, it was learned today from a
liable source here.
England' preliminary reply to Pros
ident Wilson's protest against interfer
ence with American shipping by th
British Hoot wus expected to reach
Washington tomorrow nnd it will
published simultaneously here and
London. No exception will be taken
it was announced, to Knglnnd defer
ring Itilcfinitn miniver. America's re
joinder likely will request prompt ac
Hon on tho demands voiced iu its pro
Hilverton, Ore,, Jan. 8. Harry Ed
ward Suuer died at the Hilverton hos
pital Inst Sunday morning as the ru
suit of an attack of peritonitis. He
wns born in St. I'tiil, Minn., July 1,
1HP1I, and was left at the South Port
land baby home when about l'j years
old. His mother is supposed tn hnve
been drowned In ltKil, and nothing -s
known as to the whereabouts of his
father. In If 04 he was taken from
the Imby home by Mr, and Mrs. W.
F. Hodges, of this city, who, in lfltl,
adopted the boy. When he wns 7 years
old he contracted asthma, but was
cure I nf this atntclt one your ago.
Although a frail little fellow physlcnlly,
ha had an exceptionally good mini, al
ways receiving high marks In his
school work. He never know anv
parents but those of his adopt ion.
Funeral servires were held Monday
from the chapel, conducted bv the
Christian Science society, nnd burial may tie
was made at the oilverton cemetery, julu
Structural Ironworkers
Before Parole Board Today
ictory of Slavs Credited
Winter Campaign of the
Kaiser's Generals
Thousands Hear President
Speak at Indianapolis
Removing Shackles From
Business One of His
Main Desires
Indianapolis, Tnd., Jan. 8. President
Woodrow Wilson wns accorded a re
nmrk.ible demonstration, in Tonilinson 's
hull hero this afternoon when he ap
peared as tho principal speaker at the
lucksou dny celebration, Fivo thousnnd
persons were packed insido the flag
draped hall.
"I advise vria," President Wilson
told his hearers, "to keep your moral
powder dry. If there nre republican!
present I hope they will t'ool the com
pelling influence of Jackson day.
"Andrew Jackson wus n fighting
mail, and only men who will fight nre
worth while. The trouble with the re-
4 J
: 'II V
Country Now Engaged la
Supreme Effort to Raise
More Men
Forces Are Not Properly
Equipped and New Sup
plies Very Scarce
consider themselves responsible for the piiblicnns is Hint they hnve not hint n
campaign a strategy nnd nre fighting
as reluctant mercenaries.
It has already boon roninrked In this
olunin thnt Turkey's ronl interests
point in Hie direction of Egypt rather
thiin in that of the Caucasus.
Nevertheless no serious Turkish
military movement has been directed
against Egypt. On tho contrary, all
available troops niip'enr to have boon
sent to the Russian frontier, that "the
Slav pressure ngaiust the German and
Austrian fronts might bo relieved.
The Mohammedan Turks certainly
cannot approve of fighting for Christian
interests, while Ignoring their own co
religionists in hgypt. iet Germany,
by securing the support nt Constanti
nople of a few strong men in the sul
'nn's government headed by War
Minister Knver Pasha, has succeeded In
making its own objective paramount.
The ottomnn morale seems to have
suffered seriously from this subordina
tion of Mohnnimcdun desires to Chris
tian requirement!.
Indeed, the present situation does
nnt suegest that, the Turks will be par
ticularly valuable to tun Germans in
future operations.
Still, from the standpoint of Teu
tonic Interests and disregarding those
of the Turks, existing conditions have
their advantages, The Russian forces
in the Caucasus and those which will lie
out to invade Asia Minor if the war
ontinues will mean so many loss for
the Gerninns nnd Austrian! to fight.
The Cnucnsinn cnmpnlgii, therefore,
while n serious ilofeut for the Turks
has Its oomnonsiitlnns for Turkey's
partners in the wnr,
Leavenworth, Kan., Jnu. 8. eleven
teen members itf the International As
socintion of llrldgc lc Structural Iron
Workers still confined In t'lo federal
prison here, following their conviction
at Indianapolis of illegnlly transporting
dynamite, were up fur parole today be
fore a bmrd of federal officials.
Tho cose of Frank J. Kyan, former
president of the Iron workers' union,
who wns sentenced to seven years' Im
prisoument, remains to be heard. The
17 men seeking pnrnle today are under
sentences of six years' Imprisonment.
Each has now served one-third of his
term and is mm eligible for pnrole. The
case of Herbert S. Ilui kin, former treas
urer of the iron workers' union, was
nmohg those considered today.
Every Preparation Is Being
Made for German
London, Jan. 8 As Luril Lieutenant
of Midlothian, Lord Itoseberg Issued u
proclamation today to the civilian pop
ulation of the district, urging the poo
plo to remain In their homos and leuve
fighting to the soldiers iu the event of
a Gorman Invasion.
This was taken as additional cvldcn e
that the military authoritlei looked for
an attempt by tho kaiser s forces to
make a descent on the Island. There
have been many threats Hint If the
Germans raino they would meet with
just such attacks by civilians as they
punished so dinHticallv in llidglum
Those suggestions have all along been
dcpiociitcd by persons at tho head ol
the government. "
Preparatlmi! for resisting a Gorman
raid continued to go hirwurd briskly,
especially along the east coast
ynii fuss about the weather, It
a sign thnt you are getting
The Weather
Oregont Rain to
night and Hutur
day; wlndi mostly
new idea frtr 30 years. They have had
leaders in that time who suggested
ideas, but nothing was done. I do not
speak with disrespect of the republican
party, for I respect the past. This par
ty is still the cover for those who nre
afraid. They take their advice from
old men and are afraid of young men
who have something up their sleeves.
"I got tired of staving in Washing
ton and saying secret things. I wanted
to say what I think. Politics no long
or depends upon the regulars of cither
"Tho country Is guided in its policy
by independent voters."
The president sold about one-third or
tho republicans nre progressives and
thnt two-thirds nf the democrats are
progressives. He branded himself ts
an "animated conservative."
"Tho democratic party," he contin
ued, "is the only party that has car
ried out what the real progressive!
want. The present congress hns car
ried out the wishes of the people who
do not desirn wrongly,
"1 have asked business men if this
is not the first January they hnve not
felt a mitney stringency. They any it
is. The reason is that the federal re
servo board has emancipated credits.
These things were done for tho great
and for tho small.
The democrat io party Is still on trinl.
It must prove that it will nnt succumb
to the enemies of those things."
Tho president solemnly warned nnv
man who endeavored to break democrat
ic achievements thnt he would bo in
nn unenviable positimi, He praised the
eo nperatlon nt Ins colleagues, nnd said
the present congress was the greatest
on record since the civil war. He do
elared these wore extraordinary times
nnd "that half the world was on fire
and the world wns looking tn us to
serve in the time of need.
Pleading fur the passage of tho gov
ernment ship purchase bill, the presi
dent said the country's merchants and
farmers could not pi of it because of ex
tortionate ocean rates,
" Republican! self styled friends of
business nre trying to balk tho bill,''
continued the president. "Who oom
missioned them a minority to do
this) They arc trying to hail' the bill
when hiimaiiitv la suffering nnd needs
The president chnrgod that the mi
nority proposed talking the bill tn
deatli. He said the foes of the bill
"were blind nnd most of them Ignor
ing," nnd that he could not speak of
them In parliamentary language,
"I hold that the people are empow
ered to determine what kind ol a gov
eminent Mexico wants, I'ntil recently
1(1 per cent of the Mexican people have
had no soy, It 'a none of your business,
and none of mine, how long It takes
thorn to got their liberty.
"A! long Ba 1 am president nobody
shall Interfere with this!" he thunder
ed, while the crowd jelled "Hurrah for
Wilsonl "
"I am proud to belong to a nation
which holds that this (repressed nntion,
which we pnuld have crushed, shall have
liberty," the president added,
Ho !Uggcstei that business men de
sired pence and liberty in Mexico.
Ho said he did not entirely rely upon
the judgment of the editor! of the na
tion. "There may come a time when the
American people can Judge whether I
know what I am doing," he said, while
the crowd broke into fresh cheering.
Congress had prepared big, construc
tive legislation, he snid, Included In
this was a water-power bill. lie said
I'the republirana were opposing this, be
cause they wanted to lock up the na
tural resource! of the country. "But
don't misunderstnnd me," he added.
"Some men on the other side of the
tiible stand with us."
Showing grout emotion, the president
almost aliouted: "Sometimes when
look toward tho struggling mass of hu
manity I fool thnt wo should do some
thing for thom."
Then ho advocated tho creation of a
federal employment bnronu. Advertis
ing through pnstofficcs, ho snid, had
connected .')0,000 men with work. "No
thing during my term of otfice has
given mo such joy us this," he said.
The prosidont declared the courts ot
tho nation wore many decades behind
those of other countries. "If the cost
of justice is so groat," ho exclaimed,
"that wo liuvo to bo rich to got jus
tice, then there is no justice!"
Replying to the republicans who
want a tariff board, he said that the
federal trade commission law provides
ample machinery to derive tho facts
dosired by tha republicans.
Analysing tho Inst election, he do
clurcd the democrats would have had
a majority of 80 in the electoral col
lego if J"U had been a presidential
"Hut neither party has a mnjoritr,"
he declared. "Tho Independent! nre
our boss. They do not lovo nny party
which dons not nttond to tho imincdiute
pressing needs of Ainoricn, "
The crowd, at this juncture, broke
into its first heavy sweep of applause.
"I want nil tho independents to
como into tho democratic party," the
president continued, "whero there is
emotion nnd onthusiasm. I hnvo a grent
enthusiasm for human liberty. I want
to any n word in roforenco to American
business, the prosidont said:
"Thorn is nothing tho matter with
American business' except its state of
mind. All tho nntion needs is tn be
lieve in the future, nnd it enn believe
In it with tho democratic party. It, lias
seemed for a timo that we were the
enemien of business. Hut the enmity
has been only corrective. Business
needed the suggestion! nnd corrected
tho evils.
Vienna, via Rome, Jan. 8. Austria
engnged in a supreme attempt to
iso a new army for the defense of
Vienna and Budapest against expected
Russian nttacks and for a simultaneous
renowal of tho Servian invasion.
Failure to accomplish this task will
mean thnt the Austrian government
must riio for peace, independently of
Germany, or udmit to the latter that
the Anstriuiis cunnot defend themselves
and must depend on Germans to defend
Thousands of men and boys who wero
previously rejected, us unfit fnv mili
tary service, are being called to tho
colors. In fact, only thnse actually un
able to fire a gun are being exempted.
Individuals who are only partially dis
abled ure being dratted into the homo
Thero is a great lack of equipment.
Some of the soldiers oro armed with
ancient single shot rifles. Bayonets)
and entrenching tonls are son roe. Much,
equipment picked up on already-fought-
over Giilieiiiu battlefields is being re-
The uniforms served out to the latest
onucripts show the signs of previous
use nt the front.
Superannuated or wounded non-com
missioned officers are drilling the re
cruits nt tho prr'nts where they hnva
boon concentrated to await orders send
ing thom to the front.
It seems to be generally accepted that
Vienna and lludnpost must stand sieges.
They are being strongly entrenched
and defended.
fhn people, realizing the acuteaess of
the situation, arc beginning to mutter
fiercely ngninst the government which
brought such hardships and dangers up
on them. There are threat! of revolu
tion. Tronps hnvo been necessary to
quell several demonstration! in Hilda-
post, ((rent numbers of arrest! Iiavo
been mnde.
Speech at Richmond.
Speak hip; from the platform of Ilia car
at Uii'liiinind, I ii I . , while on his way io
Indianapolis, President Wilson told
llotitl persons this afternoon that this
nation was hooding what was "none n
your business" iu I'.imipo s nllnirs,
This declaration was voiced in a semi
playful, soini-nuriiest manner, character
istic of the president. In place of this,
he counselled serious deliberation of
America's business, its future nnd tlie
part it is to play In i omplishing th
lint torment, of inuuklud.
The president said this country must
maintain Its eiiuilibrium. Ho declared
it must face the problems ol tho future,
now that his administration hud en den
vured to break the shackles from busl
The Richmond speech wns preliminary
to the address to be delivered by the
president in Indianapolis this nil or noon
"I have been confined to n couple
years at hard labor," snid the presi
dent. "I nm out on parole for a day
r two. One thing wo hnvo to think
nbout in Washington Is the best, thing
for you, but It is very hard to find
out, particularly when you are not
thinking about your own affairs, and
cnustnntly thinking about what Is none
of your business what 's going on on
the other side nf the water.
"I suv that In playfulness, but I
menu It half III earnest,
"It doesn't do to divert your atten
tion from the nffuirs of this country.
A duty wnich this country has Io per
form lor the rest (if the world largely
depend! upon the wny in which It per
forins Its duty to ili'elf. I have always
thought, with regard tn Individuals,
that if a mn n Is trim to hi in self he will
be true to others. I believe this applies
to a country like ours and that a na
tion habitually true to it! own exalted
principle! of uclicm will know how to
serve mankind when the opportunity
offers. Timt'i a deep philosophy of
life which Is thoroughly worth living
up to. Wo have numerous things tn do
here that we can do only ir we seep our
entilllbrium; raily If we think and speak
justly about one another and only if
we try tu do the Just thing in our daily
"We have been trvlng In Wnshlng
ton to remove some of the shackles from
American business. Hut after the
suae slim are removed you must deter-
Price Continues to Soar To
day and High Mark Ex
pected Soon
Chicago, Jan. 8. Hollar and a half
wheat appeared a strong possibility ia
tomorrow's trading on the Chicago
Hoard of Trade, following ulmost un
precedented excitement and sonrinn
prices today. The high murk today was
l.-H .'1-4 at 1 o'clock.
The early trading was marked by
much nervousness. Soon, however, tha
grain started a steady upward oliniti,
which continued until near tho closo,
when n slight recession occurred.
As prices advanced, with no indica
tions in sight of a break, traders bo
urne wlbllv excited and the ruD to
buy was kept up until checked almost
to the end of the session.
Kansas mills paid a price equal to
1,11! ' cash for number - hard whom
Responsibility for the null movemcni
was placed upon the lack of an outlet
for the Russian crop thiongh tha
Dardanelles, the entiice of Italy into
the market, presumably foreshadowing;
that country's participation Iu tha
European wur, and a rush of small buy
ing orders.
.Inly wheat closed at 1.2 8-H. The
high innrk for that month was 1.27 1-8.
mine what yon are going to do with
your liberty. There are many tasks ta
perforin for mankind. There ure msny
things to lie bettered iu the world,
which we must set ouisolvei to better.
" Whnt I want tn say to you Is mere
ly this: Let us sock sober and rommoa
counsel nbitit our own arfoirs, then
when the time comes nnd when we act
in a larger field, there will be no nili
tnko concerning whnt America ii to do
for the peace of tho world, bavin
found our own pence and established
justice In our own uilnd." ....