THREE? 1 mm i BlrTTffn14nnnnin1lllinaiBiaiaiaaiiriianiiiBaaiallaiillIPIinnilHnl w w T THE SALEM CAPITAL' JOURNAL, -SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1914. Ar- AH TJ7.S w . r 4 i Is $1,874,735 Exclusive of Multnomah, Coos and Curry Counties Kxslimive of the counties of (loos, (.'niry and Multnomah, from which no reports have been received, th; total amount of dolinquent taxes on the tux rolls of the several counties of he state on September 30, 1914, accurding to a statement issued by the accountancy department of the office of Insurance Commissioner Ferguson, was $1,874,7:15. 70. Of this total amount of delinquent taxes listed $1,278,150.52 is from the U13 assessment rolls. The realty taxes delinquent, including the 1913 rolls, amounts to $983,30'J.82 ; personal taxes, $249,178.56; not segregutcd in reports as between real and personal, $612,249.. 32. According to this report the amount of delinquent taxes on the 1913 tax roll for Marion county, on September oO of this year, was" $61,105.81. In checking up the records of the officers of the several counties, the expert ac countants in the employ of the state accountancy department, classified de linquent taxes as assets, and failure to collect them is chargeable to the de linquency of the tax collectors of the several counties. This is Insurance Commissioner Ferguson's intorpKtation of the status of delinquent taxes, al though one of the roucts for Multnomaj county disagrees with him on this point, and if these, taxes are allowed to run for a period of esven years after becom ing delinquent they become outlawed and operate as a dead loss to the tax payers. Under the present law taxes upon the 1913 roll became technically delinquent on Septembor 1, 1914, but, under a do-1 cisioa of the attorney general, a per iod of 90 days' run atter that date be fore the tax list could be advertised, which would bring the delinquency date up to January 1 before certificate of delinquency can be issued and the rate of interest and penalty attached, wiien tho first half of the tuxes have been paid. Of the Marion county delinquent list a lare ptition has been collected since September 30, unit only aobut $41,UUO remain upon the 1913 roll, ami ot tnii amount approximately $12,000 is tied up in Oregon & lulitomia inilroau giant lands, which ciinnot be collected or realized upon until the suit lor tin cancellation ot the government lailiu.u grant has been decided definitely bj the United States courts, betore whicn the suit is now pending, upon appeal by the railioad company, ll.mec tiic actual amount now ou Murion county delinquent list is ubout $29,000 of col lwti'de tuxes, und'Hic count, 'tV fie" feel certuin that liruetically the full amount will bo recovered, us all prop cities sold lor the full amount ol tuxes, interest nnd penultics utter the expira tion of tho advertising period. The tax delinquencies of the several counties on September 30, according to the otutement of the accountancy de partment, fu'low: lluher 58,1117.83 Denton 32,037.64.... Clackamas 113,212.(12 Clatsop 85,HI4.8 Columbia 89,225.93 Crook 52,(i(j!).7 Douglas 107,812.21 ' Gilliam 10,297.67 (limit 23,1.16.04 llnrnov 34,490.76 Hood River 21,363.65 '. Jackson 2(17,791.88 Josephine 107,022.99 Klamuth 133,o:.l.39 . . .. 33,522.(1.) 116,2 15.70 . 54,77S7 48,203.07 39,419.18 Lake Lane Lincoln 1 .inn Malheur Marion 6,105.S1 Morrow 21,119.07 Polk 33,016.93 Sherman 7,fi! Tillamook 28,304.51 Umatilla - 44,870.02 t'nion ..' Wulbiwa .... Wasco Washington Wheeler '. -. .i.tiiil 1 9,30 1. 80 23,320 29 41,50.32 55,035.26 1 8,1 18.17 t!,7.v.U . -. '.70 hare m Vi vy "Ants," lie sniil, 11 ' H ffl El El n -H n 1 nre willing work- CI !! i'im! " nuil- 10 llielll- I,, mploypil , by the' i.fu gave U..1 of the . n (V'V de- :'!lOiglltOr ..itke on' ers. TtieV nave no ywr ni'imii .... The guests of the Liberty who had been watching the piofesvor with mere . . I ... t.llA IWltil'A tolerance now iirun i" "Ants go in trilies," tne proressm , continued. "The tribes usually fight each other. Hut u you put a number, g of them together they gradually '"-'jjfl come used to each other and then work for the common good. An ant never M linows whnt it is to he without woik tj or to bo hungry. None of them are ever, in want." , , , . , 'M And the fellow who talks In his sleep, -.i. 1 1 ip r nniu u-n mi r.nt." 1 M murium' i 11 s PRINCE TO COMMAND. FLORSHEIM SHOES "The Best Man's Shoe in America" 'Select the pair you want and deduct ONE DOLLAR from the price Room must be made for the carpenters. Great bargains in every department o II El 11 11 II 11 II li ii ti li s ti it ii ti H ii ti M n is a a u H ii u El 11 11 II 11 El 11 tl 11 II II v, ti ii ii 19 u H It 11 11 II ri 11 n ii ii n H ti M 11 tl U II u 11 11 II !! 11 11 II II M n ii ii ii ii ti ii 13 II II II tl II II 13 El n ti u ri ii n t I I 1 1 I I I I It Ii M M It 1 t I I I E I 9 i ! 0 V ft . n. j v v k. r ' v. fc" .ft Of .a. -O-O' . nU ..V 0 V I A A The Interior of the "Toggery" to be entirely remodeled v V0v 1 1 ' jiW -SSJI 0 vl V 6V .-V FLORSHEIM SHOES "The Best Man's Shoe in America" Select the pair you want and deduct ONE DOLLAR from the price HERE ARE A FEW OF i t i i' r i i i i M I i M 1 I I i II K il It II THE MANY BARGAINS g HAT BARGAIN'S All $1.50 Balmacaans cut to '. $1.15 All $3.00 Soft and Stiff Hats cut to $2.15 All $4.00 Soft and Stiff Hats cut to $2.65 All $5.00 Soft and Stiff Hats cut to $3.95 Our Hat Dept. is to be doubled in size. Every hat must be sold before the dust begins to fly. HAND BAGS AND SUIT CASES All $25.00 Bags and Cases cut to $14.95 All $20.00 Bags and Cases cut to ...$12.75 All $18.00 Bags and Cases cut to. '..$10.75 All $15.00 Bags and Cases cut to $ 9.75 All $12.00 Bags and Cases cut to $ 8.75 All $10.00 Bags and Cases cut to. .... . .$ 7.75 All $8.00 and $7.50 Bags and Cases cut to. . .$ 6.75 The largest stock in Marion county and all new, fresh goods. An overstock is the reason why we are making such deep cuts in, prices. LADIES' MACKINAWS We have only about twenty beautiful garments left, and offer them for quick sale as follows: $12.50 Mackinaws cut to $ 8.75 $15.00 Mackinaws cut to $ 9.75 $17.50 Mackinaws cut to $12.50 $18.50 Mackinaws cut to $13.50 Especially beautiful colorings. FURNISHING GOODS 10c White Handkerchiefs cut to $1.00 Fom'-in-IIand Ties cut to 50c President Suspenders cut to 15c Black and Tan Cotton Hose cut to. . $1.00 Dress Shirt Protectors cut to 50c "Porous-Knit" Underwear cut to. . . 50c Hose, all colors, cut to 25c Hose, all colors, cut to $1.25 Shirts for business wear cut to. . . . $1.50 and $1.75 Shirts cut to . . . .3c ...55c . . .29c 9c ,...95c ,...29c ,...38c ....19c . . . .95c .$1.15 5.rf Krmthfi Carters cut to 10c 50c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers cut to. . . ,35c 50c Knothe Garters cut to .19c $2.50 Union Suits cut to $1.9 $:5.00 Union Suits cut to $2.35 $5.00 Union Suits cut to $3-85 $1.50 Pajamas cut to $Lla $2.50 and $:1.00 Pajamas cut to $1.95 $:1.50 Sweaters cut to $2.65 $5.00 Sweaters cut to $3.60 $1.00 Overalls, all kinds, cut to 88c 50c Work Shirts cut to 39c $1.50 Flannel Shirts cut to $1.15 $2.50 Flannel Shirts cut to $1-(J' $1.00 Heavy Flannel Shirts cut to. ; $3.3; $5.00 Heavy Flannel Shirts cut to .$3.95 25c Initial Handkerchiefs cut to 19c Three Japanette Hdkfs. in package. cut to. . . .19c $1.50 "Cooper" Knit Shirts - Drawers cut to $1.15 30c Suspenders cut to $1.50 Collar Bags for traveling cut to $1.15 MEN'S SUIT BARGAINS $18.00 to $20.00 Men's Suits cut to $14.50 $25.00 Men's Suits cut to $18.50 $:!0.00 Men's Suits cut to $22.50 All new, attractive styles. Every suit must be sold as we are arranging for a new and large de partment for men's, young men's and boys' cloth ing. When our plans are completed we will have the most attractive clothing store in Marion county. MEN'S MACKINAW COATS $7.50 to $8.00 Mackinaws cut to $5.95 $10.00 Mackinaws cut to $7.95 $12.00 Mackinaws cut to $8.95 All sizes, from :!6 to 4(5, and every coat of this year's cut and pattern. OVERCOATS Every Coat Marked Down! $20.00 Men's Overcoats cut to $13.50 $25.00 Men's Overcoats cut to $17.50 $:!0.00 Men's Overcoats cut to $19.50 $: 15.00 Men's Overcoats cut to $27.50 Included in these lots are a quantity of the new Balmacaans in fancy patterns, as well as the quiet styles for conservative men. RAINCOATS $15.00 Raincoats cut to $10.50 517.50 Raincoats cut to $12.50 $23.00 Raincoats cut to. , $19.50 1.1 M I' I' I ti I". M ii 11 11 ri It is impossible to enumerate every item. Whatever your clothing needs, come direct to us. This "Alteration Sale" will lake the place of all January clearance II EI II I It H M EI M ii IS n ii si ii M ti n Amslenliim, P. SI. The npHut ini'iit of l'rinoe Kltol Friodi'rioh. '" nr the kniwr'n sirix, fo tlic ('omiiininl of the Kirnt brifmle uf imperial w iinnovinoeil tmlnv. To Cure a Cold in One Dy. Tnke I.AXATIVK HKOMO Ol'lXINE Tsliletn. PriiHRit refiiml mnnnv if It fnils to eiirf. K. W. (iHOVK'S ins ture in ou coi-h bo. 2.'n'. n j - . . .. ... . j. I i I.. r t sales and the price reductions are much more pronounced than would be possible except tor the aiwoiuw necessity oi gciunK cmpiy bnmra anu ruunicm rca y nr the Jarlcntcri All purchases arc subject to home examination and money is always cheerfully refunded if garments arc returned unworn and uninjured. Later on j we shall have some agreeable store news concerning our improvements. Uet out your waneis, siocKinK anu mum uuun, ..u tuu.c VnVm Sw.u.,.v Here Are "The Men Behind Our Guns AMM0ND-B1SH0P COMPANY Ready to Serve You "The Toggery" LEADING CLOTHIERS . s David R. Yantis Allen Human W. Hammond B3ZBSSBCSB3S5BBBSa CB3BBBBBB3 " mmercial St. ESBBBBBBBBBZBZZ3B3IBBBBBBBBB3B3ISBBBB2II II II II 11 ll II I I j. Z. Simpson Clarence E. Bishop